"DGRC_Number","Received_DGRC","OriginalNumber","Genotype","Chromosome","Info","BreakPointsInsertion","dgrc_comments","Synonym","DateAdded_at_BL","Source","Source2","Comments","Balancer","Cluster ID","Related Gene" 100949,,"401","0 / C(1)RM, y[1] w[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] y[+] w[str]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100950,,"402","0 / C(1)RM, y[1] w[str] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] y[+] ac[1] sc[1] w[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100951,,"403","0 / C(1)RM, y[1] w[+2ds] rst[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] y[+] ac[1] sc[1] w[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100952,,"503","0 / FM7a / T(1;Y)B133, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"12E;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100953,,"520","0 / FM7 / T(1;Y)V46Df, y[1] y[+] w[1] f[1] B[S]",,,"20A1-3; h1-h17","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(1;Y)V46",,,,"synonym T(1;Y)V46",,, 100954,,"525","0 / FM7 / T(1;Y)W15, y[1] y[+] w[1] f[1] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100955,,"532","0 / FM7 / T(1;Y)W32, y[1] y[+] w[1] f[1] B[S]",,,"16F3-4;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100956,,"560","FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Hlc[19Ff-6]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)A112[GF314], l(1)19Ff[6]",,,,"synonym l(1)A112[GF314], l(1)19Ff[6]",,, 100958,,"660","B[1] Bx[r] car[1] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100959,,"700","br[1] Pgd[n39] pn[1] Zw[lo11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100960,,"720","br[1] Pgd[n39] pn[1] Zw[lo19]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100961,,"730","br[1] Pgd[n39] pn[1] Zw[lo21]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100962,,"740","br[1] Pgd[n39] pn[1] Zw[lo22]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100963,,"900","Dp(1;Y)B[S] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / In(1)sc[4L]sc[8R], y[1] sc[4] sc[8] cv[1] v[1] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100964,,"950","Dp(1;Y)B[S] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / w[e] bb[l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100965,,"1070","Dp(1;Y)B[S], B[S] / C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / y[1] mei-9[b] cv[1] ct[6] mei-218[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"lost B[S]",,, 100966,,"1080","Dp(1;Y)B[S] / In(1)dl-49, y[1] v[Of]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100967,,"1090","Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+] / y[1] w[a] cx[1] v[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100968,,"1100","Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+] / y[1] w[a] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100969,,"1110","Dp(1;Y)B[S]v[+]y[+3] / Df(1)m259-4, l(1)9Fe[1] v[1] / FM6",,,"10C2-3;10E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100970,,"1120","Dp(1;Y)B[S]w[+]y[+] / C(1)DX, y[1] N[M] f[1] / y[1] w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100971,,"1130","Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / In(1)sd[2], y[1][2] sd[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100972,,"1140","Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / R(1)2, y[1] w[hd81b9]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100973,,"1390","Binscy[1], w[a] v[Of] / sc[1] ec[1] cv[1] ct[6] v[1] g[2] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100974,,"2050","Binsn, sc[8] sc[S1] sn[X2] B[1] / unc[2] / Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)unc[16-3-212]",,,,"synonym l(1)unc[16-3-212]",,, 100975,,"2200","Binsn, sc[8] sc[S1] sn[X2] B[1] / y[1] [w[1] sn[3] br[npr-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","npr[1]",,,,"synonym npr[1]",,, 100976,,"2402","C(1)A, y[1] / T(1;Y)F22, y[1] y[+] w[1] f[1] B[S]",,,"20A5-B1;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100977,,"2411","C(1)A, y[1] / T(1;Y)S31, y[1] y[+] w[1] f[1] B[+]",,,"18E1;19D1;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100978,,"2412","C(1)A, y[1] / T(1;Y)S39, y[1] y[+] w[1] f[1] B[S]",,,"11C;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100979,,"2530","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Df(1)ac, f[1]",,,"ac[-] probably y[-]","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100980,,"2800","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Df(1)sc[8], w[a] / Dp(1;Y)y[2]60d19.3, y[2] sc[+] su(s)[+] su(w[a])[+] sta[+] dor[+] hfw[+] e(dor)[+] br[+]",,,"1A1-B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100981,,"2900","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Df(1)sc[8], w[a] / Dp(1;Y)60e17.4-3, y[2] sc[+] su(s)[+] su(w[a])[+] sta[+]",,,"1A1-B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100983,,"3500","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1)w[rG], y[2] ac[1] z[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100984,,"3600","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1)3C3, y[2] su(w[a])[1] w[a4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100985,,"3800","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;YS)sc[V1], Df(1)mal3, y[2] y[+] sc[+] sc[V1] ct[6] f[1] / Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"19A1-2; 20E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(1;1)sc[V1]",,,,"synonym Dp(1;1)sc[V1]",,, 100988,,"4100","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1)w[a], w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100989,,"4200","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1)w[a], z[1] w[a] w[a4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100990,,"4400","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1;1)3C3, z[1] w[a] w[a4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100991,,"4470","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / In(1)sc[4L]sc[8R], y[1] sc[4] sc[8] w[r] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100992,,"4600","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1)B, B[i] B[i] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100993,,"5050","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / In(1)dl-49, y[1] f[1] car[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100994,,"5100","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / In(1)sc[4L]sc[8R], y[1] sc[4] sc[8] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100995,,"5300","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / In(1)sc[7] In(1)B[M1], sc[7] w[43b] B[M1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100997,,"5550","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / In(1)sc[8], y[OX] sc[8] w[1] sn[5.1]",,,"1B2-3;20F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 100998,,"5700","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / z[1] trol[15] sgg[4] N[spl-1] sn[3] / Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)zw3[d13], l(1)zw1[d13], T(1;Y;2)w[+]",,,,"synonym l(1)zw3[d13], l(1)zw1[d13], T(1;Y;2)w[+]",,, 100999,,"6770","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / R(1)2, y[1] v[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101000,,"6771","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / R(1)2, y[1] B[1]",,,"1A3-4;19F-20A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101001,,"6772","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / R(1)2, y[1] v[1]",,,"1A3-4;19F-20A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101002,,"6773","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / R(1)2, y[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101003,,"6800","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / sc[1] z[1] w[+UZ] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101004,,"6810","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / sc[J6] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101005,,"6860","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / sn[3] mei-9[D2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101006,,"6862","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / sn[3] mei-9[D4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101007,,"6950","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / w[1] mei-9[A1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101008,,"7200","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / w[a4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101009,,"7400","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / w[ch] rb[1] w[1] y[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101010,,"7410","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / w[1] mei-41[D1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101011,,"7411","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / w[1] mei-41[D2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101012,,"7412","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / w[1] mei-41[D3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101014,,"7600","y[1][2] sc[1] w[i] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101015,,"7610","C(1)DX, y[1] N[W] f[1] / In(1LR)sc[V1], y[1] y[+] sc[1] sc[V1] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,"1A8-C3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101016,,"7620","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] / C(1;YL), In(1)sc[4L]EN[R], y[1] / C(1;YS)",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101017,,"7640","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / cm[1] ct[6] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101018,,"8200","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Df(1)R36, wap[3] / Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"uncl[+]fog[-]-bb[-]","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)Q464",,,,"synonym l(1)Q464",,, 101019,,"8300","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Df(1)rst2",,,"3C3-4; 3C6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101020,,"8350","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Df(1)sc[8], w[a] f[36a] / Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g19.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101021,,"8700","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Df(1)y74k24.1 / Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"1A1; 1B9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101022,,"8850","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Dp[1;1;1)w[rG], y[1] ac[1] z[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101023,,"9000","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1)w[+]61e19, y[2] z[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101024,,"9300","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Dp(1;1)w[sp], sc[1] z[1] w[sp1] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101025,,"9500","Dp(1;1)z59d, sc[1] z[59d]",,,"2F5-3A1;3A4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(1;1)z[59d15], z[59d15]",,,,"synonym Dp(1;1)z[59d15], z[59d15]",,, 101026,,"9600","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / eo[S3M] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101027,,"9700","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / FM7a, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101030,,"10200","sc[1] z[1] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101031,,"10600","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / sc[1] z[1] w[is] wy[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101032,,"10650","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / sc[1] z[op6] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101033,,"10655","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / sc[1] z[op11] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101034,,"10657","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Sh[6]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101035,,"10660","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / sn[3] oc[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101036,,"10663","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B31, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20A1-3;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101037,,"10664","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Tp(1;Y)B33, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"3A1-3B6;12E7-12E8;h1-h25B;h1-h25","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101038,,"10665","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B34, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20A5;B1;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101039,,"10666","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B35, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"15A;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101040,,"10672","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B51, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"12F;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101042,,"10678","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B91, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20A5-B1;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101043,,"10683","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B96, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20A1-3;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101044,,"10687","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B103, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20B1-3;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101045,,"10688","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B104, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"9A1-2;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101046,,"10690","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B108, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20A1-3;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101047,,"10710","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B144, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"16F;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101048,,"10714","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B153, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"2B8-10C;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101049,,"10719","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B160A, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101050,,"10720","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B165, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"18A1-5;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101051,,"10721","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)B167, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"9B;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101052,,"10725","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)D2, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"8C;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101053,,"10727","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)D9, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"11A6-7;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101054,,"10728","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)D12, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"7C;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101055,,"10729","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)D15, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"18E1-19D;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101056,,"10730","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)D16, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101057,,"10733","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)J105, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"5E;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101058,,"10736","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)J110, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20A1-3;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101059,,"11100","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / y[2] sc[1] w[a] ec[1] cv[1] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101061,,"11800","z[a] w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101062,,"12300","C(1)RM, y[1] f[1] / C(1;Y)* y[1] cv[1] v[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101063,,"12800","C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] bb[1] / C(1;Y)*, y[1] w[1] / C(YS)*",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101064,,"12855","C(1)M3 / C(1;YS)1, In(1)sc[4L]EN[R], y[1] cv[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","FMA3",,,,"synonym FMA3",,, 101065,,"13400","car[1] su(f)[8]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","su(f)[lts67g]",,,,"synonym su(f)[lts67g]",,, 101066,,"13550","ClB, sc[1] l(1)C[1] t[2] v[1] sl[1] B[1] / FM1, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] lz[s] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101067,,"13560","ClB / fu[11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101068,,"13700","ClB, sc[1] l(1)C[1] t[2] v[1] sl[1] B[1] / R(1)2, cv[1] v[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101069,,"13865","Df(YS)bb[-] / In(1)sc[4L]sc[8R]+Tp(1;YS)bb[AM1], y[1] sc[4] sc[8] w[1] Tu[1] bb[AM1]",,,"1B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101070,,"13870","Df(YS)bb[-] / In(1)sc[4L]sc[8R]+Tp(1;YS)bb[AM7], y[1] sc[4] sc[8] w[+] Tu[1] bb[AM7]",,,"19F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101071,,"15201","Df(1)HA32 / FM7c, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}*",,,"6E4-5; 7A6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101072,,"17100","Df(1)N71 / FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1]",,,"10B2-8; 10D3-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101074,,"18320","Df(1)RR79, w[1118] / FM7",,,"16C;16F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101075,,"18553","Df(1)sc[8], w[a] f[36a] / In(1)dl-49, y[1] w[1] lz[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101076,,"18565","In(1LR)sc[V1], y[1] y[+] sc[1] sc[V1] v[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(1;1)sc[V1]",,,,"synonym Dp(1;1)sc[V1]",,, 101077,,"18580","Df(1)sqh, y[1] / FM6",,,"5D1-2;5E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"(ry[506]-floating)",,, 101078,,"19100","Df(1)w-MG, y[2] sc[1] z[1] w[-] N[spl-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101079,,"19200","Df(1)w67c23, y[*]",,,"3C1-2; 3C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101080,,"19300","Df(1)w67i23, y[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101081,,"19360","Df(1)w78",,,"3C1-2; 3C2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(1)w[78h24]",,,,"synonym Df(1)w[78h24]",,, 101082,,"20000","Df(1)y[1]-ac-22",,,"y-ac deficiency","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101083,,"20600","Dp(1;1)112, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"y[1] is more like y[2]",,, 101084,,"21400","Dp(1;1)y-w[a], y[1] w[a] / T(1;Y;2)w[+]Co",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101085,,"21600","Dp(1;f)24 / In(1)sc[J1], l(1)1Ac[4] sc[J1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)J1[1]",,,,"synonym l(1)J1[1]",,, 101086,,"21800","Dp(1;f)107 / In(1)sc[8] Df(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[a]",,,"1A1-B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101087,,"21900","Dp(1;f)118 / In(1)sc[8] Df(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[a]",,,"1A1-B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101088,,"22257","ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101089,,"22260","eo[1] / FM6, y[2] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[126]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","eo[A7]",,,,"synonym eo[A7]",,, 101090,,"22270","eo[27] / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","eo[EA13]",,,,"synonym eo[EA13]",,, 101092,,"22550","fliI[5]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","fli[O2]",,,,"synonym fli[O2]",,, 101093,,"22555","fliI[8] / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","fli[D44]",,,,"synonym fli[D44]",,, 101094,,"22660","FM3, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] l(1)*[*] / dec-1[4] sc[1] v[24]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","fs(1)A1501",,,,"synonym fs(1)A1501",,, 101095,,"22672","FM3 / y[1] cv[1] otu[12]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101097,,"23400","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / qs[1]",,,"10A1;11A7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101098,,"23402","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / l(1)19Ec[25] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)R-9-28[LB2]",,,,"synonym l(1)R-9-28[LB2]",,, 101099,,"23405","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / shakB[6]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","shak-B[E81], pas[E81]",,,,"synonym shak-B[E81], pas[E81]",,, 101100,,"23407","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / stnA[15]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","stn[C], stn[15]",,,,"synonym stn[C], stn[15]",,, 101102,,"23457","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / w[1] fliI[14] / Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","fli[w2]",,,,"synonym fli[w2]",,, 101103,,"23460","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / w[1] unc[9] / Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)unc[w5]",,,,"synonym l(1)unc[w5]",,, 101104,,"23505","FM6 / y[1] pn[1] w[1] cm[1] ct[6] sn[3] oc[1] ras[2] v[1] dy[1] g[2] f[1] os[o]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101105,,"23510","FM7 / mxc[1]",,,"8D3-8,9.","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","synonyms l(1)mbn, mxc[mbn1], mxc[mbn]",,,,"synonyms l(1)mbn, mxc[mbn1], mxc[mbn]",,, 101107,,"23545","FM7 / y[1] mxc[SO]",,,"8D3-8,9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)mbn[SO]",,,,"synonym l(1)mbn[SO]",,, 101108,,"23550","FM7 / T(1;Y)B8, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"16D;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101109,,"23552","FM7 / T(1;Y)B75, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"16C-D;YS","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101110,,"23553","FM7 / T(1;Y)B92, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"18A5-D1;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101111,,"23556","FM7 / T(1;Y)J6, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,"20;Y","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101112,,"23560","FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / T(1;Y;3)154, y[1] y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101113,,"23570","FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / unc[10]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)unc[GE230]",,,,"synonym l(1)unc[GE230]",,, 101115,,"23600","FM7a, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] B[1] / y[1] su(Cbx)[1] v[1] f[36a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101116,,"23610","g[50e]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101117,,"23611","g[53d]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101119,,"23751","Hk[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Hk[1P]",,,,"synonym Hk[1P]",,, 101120,,"23765","In(1LR)pn2b / FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101121,,"23770","In(1)m141 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Y",,,"2EF;34h;26h New Order 1A-2E/34h-26h/2F-20F-26h/34h","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101122,,"23773","In(1)r30",,,"2EF;34h;13A1-6;33h/34h New Order 1A-2E/34h/13A-20F-26h-33h(C)/13A-2F/34h","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101123,,"23775","In(1)r9 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Y",,,"2EF;34h, 26h;26h/27h;28h/29h;33h/34h New Order 1A-2E/34h/26h/29h-33h/27h-28h/26h-20F-2F/34h","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101124,,"23776","In(1)RR63, w[1118] / FM7",,,"16F;h(1)","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101125,,"23778","In(1)20 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Y",,,"2EF;34h;1B;33h New Order 1A-1B/33h-34h/2E-1B/33h-26h-20F-2F/34h","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101126,,"23860","In(1)AB, f(M1) / C(1)M4, y[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101127,,"23900","In(1)B[M1], v[1] B[M1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101128,,"23940","In(1)dl-49, In(1)B[M1], Dp(1;1)N[Co-2], y[2] N[Co-2] B[M1]",,,"4D7-E1;11F2-4, 16A2-5;20D-F Dp no info.","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101131,,"24260","In(1)g[w], g[w]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101132,,"24350","In(1)sc[4], y[1] sc[4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101133,,"24360","In(1)sc[7], sc[7] w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101134,,"24390","In(1)sc[29], w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101135,,"24410","In(1)sc[260-22]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101136,,"24650","In(1)sc[7] In(1)g[X], sc[7] oc[1] ptg[1] g[X] / C(1;YS)1, In(1)sc[J1] In(1)dl-49, l(1)1Ac[1] y[1] sc[J1] v[Of] f[1] B[1] / Dp(1;YL)sc[S1]",,,"1B3-4;6D8, 12;19-20, 1A4-5;1B4-5, 4D7-E1;11F2-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101137,,"24750","In(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[DZL]",,,,"Selected for good expressivity of dominant markers. June 2004 DGRC
Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101139,,"25120","In(1)sc[S1] In(1)S, y[c4] sc[S1] B[1] / sc[C]",,,"1B3-4;20F, 6F;10F10-11A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101140,,"25300","In(1)w[m4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101141,,"25330","In(1)w[m4h] / Df(YS)bb[-]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101142,,"25451","In(1)y[3PL]sc[4R] / In(1)dl-49, y[1] Hw[1] m[2] g[4] / Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g19.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101143,,"25455","In(1)sc[8L]sc[4R], v[1] f[1] / In(1)dl-49, y[1] Hw[1] m[2] g[4] / Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g19.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101144,,"25800","In(1)y[4], y[4] w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101147,,"25803","l(1)10Bc[5] / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)VE178",,,,"synonym l(1)VE178",,, 101148,,"25804","l(1)10Bg[1] / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)v21",,,,"synonym l(1)v21",,, 101149,,"25805","l(1)10Bm[1] / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)C248",,,,"synonym l(1)C248",,, 101150,,"25811","l(1)10Bg[4] / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(1)DC705[1]",,,,"synonym l(1)DC705[1]",,, 101152,,"26011","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / mei-9[RT4] sd[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101153,,"26013","mei-41[RT2] f[1] / FM7",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101154,,"26014","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / mei-41[RT3] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101155,,"26050","mei-9[L1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101157,,"26095","P{lacW}bi[omb-P1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101158,,"26096","P{GawB}c323a, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GAL4",,, 101159,,"26098","P{A[[17]]O[[15]]}3 ; ry[506]",,,"4E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101161,,"26210","Pgd[A]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101162,,"26220","Pgd[B]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101163,,"26250","Pgd[B] Fum[F] Hex-A[2] Gpt[2] Zw[B]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Fum[6], Hex-AB[2]",,,,"synonym Fum[6], Hex-AB[2]",,, 101164,,"26600","Pgd[n39] pn[1] Zw[lo27]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Zw[27]",,,,"synonym Zw[27]",,, 101165,,"26700","Pgd[n39] pn[1] Zw[n10]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"no G6pd activity",,, 101166,,"26900","Pgd[n71] pn[1] Zw[lo2a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Zw[su(Pgd)2]",,,,"synonym Zw[su(Pgd)2]",,, 101167,,"27300","pn[1] z[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101168,,"27400","pn[1] z[1] w[is]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101169,,"27440","R(1)2, In(1)w[vC] / y[1] w[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101170,,"27500","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / ras[3] m[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101172,,"27700","rb[1] cx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101174,,"27741","iav[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sierra Leone background,synonym hypoB[1]",,, 101175,,"27750","s[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101176,,"27800","sc[1] w[bl] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101178,,"28200","sc[1] z[1] w[+UR] sn[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101179,,"28300","sc[1] z[1] w[+UZ] sn[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101180,,"28600","sc[1] z[1] w[ch]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101181,,"28700","sc[1] z[1] w[h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101182,,"28800","sc[1] z[1] w[is]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101183,,"29100","sc[1] z[1] w[zmzrb]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101185,,"29210","sc[5]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101186,,"29215","sc[6] w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101187,,"29220","sc[L6]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101188,,"29250","sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101189,,"29300","sn[qr]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101190,,"29360","su(s)[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101191,,"29450","svr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101192,,"29600","svr[poi-dish]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101193,,"29800","Dp(1;Y)59k9-2, y[2] sc[+] su(s)[2] su(w[a])[+] sta[+] / y[59b] z[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101194,,"30150","v[1] f[3N] car[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101195,,"30170","v[24]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101196,,"30180","w[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101197,,"30200","w[1] cv[1] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101198,,"30230","w[1] ct[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101200,,"30300","w[1] m[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101201,,"30400","w[1] mus101[D1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101202,,"30600","w[1] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101203,,"30650","w[1] sn[w] P{w[+]}038",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101204,,"30700","w[56l12]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101205,,"30710","w[1118] sn[3] P{neoFRT}19A",,,"19A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101206,,"30720","w[1118] P{neoFRT}18A",,,"18A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101207,,"30730","w[1118] P{EP}EP973",,,"003C11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101208,,"30740","w[1118] P{EP}EP491",,,"13C5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"FM7a may be floating",,, 101209,,"30750","w[1118] P{EP}EP1007",,,"13C2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"FM7a may be floating",,, 101210,,"30752","w[1118] P{EP}EP1318",,,"4F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"FM7a may be floating",,, 101211,,"30754","w[1118] P{EP}EP1400",,,"4F9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"FM7a may be floating",,, 101212,,"30800","Dp(1;2;Y)w[+] / y[1] w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(1;Y;2)w[+]",,,,"synonym T(1;Y;2)w[+]",,, 101214,,"30900","w[a] su(f)[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101215,,"30950","w[a2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101216,,"30960","w[a3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101217,,"31000","w[a57i11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101218,,"31100","w[a58l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101219,,"31200","w[aRLue]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101220,,"31300","w[aM]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101221,,"31400","w[bf] f[5]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101223,,"31900","w[ch] wy[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101225,,"32000","w[co] sn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101226,,"32050","w[col]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101227,,"32100","w[e]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101229,,"32300","w[sat]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101230,,"32400","w[sp1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101231,,"32410","y[*] w[1118] P{neoFRT}19A",,,"19A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101232,,"32500","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / y[1] z[1] w[sp2] N[spl-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","spl[1]",,,,"synonym spl[1]",,, 101233,,"32550","w[sp55]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101237,,"32700","y[1] ac[1] w[a] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101240,,"32930","y[1] cv[1] otu[PDelta5] / FM7",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101241,,"32940","y[1] fliI[8]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","sdby",,,,"synonym sdby",,, 101242,,"32950","y[1] mei-9[a] mei-41[D5] / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101243,,"33050","y[1] mei-9[L1] cv[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101245,,"H372","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06402[k06402] / CyO",,,"54B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101246,,"33080","y[2] sc[1] w[a] mei-9[a] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101247,,"33110","y[1] sn[3] v[1] g[2] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101248,,"33200","y[1] tuh1[h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","tuh1[1]",,,,"synonym tuh1[1]",,, 101249,,"33300","y[1] v[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101250,,"33350","y[*] w[*] P{lacW}3-76a",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101251,,"33450","y[1] w[1] sn[w]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101252,,"33600","y[1] w[a] f[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101253,,"33650","y[1] w[crr]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101254,,"33700","y[1] w[i]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101255,,"33750","y[1] w[sp3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101256,,"33800","y[1] z[1] w[zm] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101257,,"34000","y[1] z[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101259,,"34300","y[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101260,,"34400","y[1] eq[1] / Df(YS)bb[-]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101262,,"34600","y[2] sc[1] w[a] w[ch] N[fa-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101263,,"34700","y[2] sc[1] w[a59k1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101264,,"34800","y[2] sc[1] w[bf] N[spl-1] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101265,,"34900","y[2] sc[1] w[i] w[ch]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101266,,"35000","y[2] sc[1] w[sp1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101267,,"35300","y[2] su(w[a])[*] w[a] w[ch] N[fa-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101268,,"35450","y[2] su(w[a])[2] w[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101269,,"35500","y[2] w[bf] N[spl-1] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101270,,"35550","y[59b] y[2] z[88h7(6)]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101271,,"35560","y[59b] z[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[2]*",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101272,,"35600","y[50k] w[bfR61d5]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","y[50k22]",,,,"synonym y[50k22]",,, 101273,,"35700","z[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101275,,"35900","z[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101276,,"36000","z[v77h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101277,,"36100","Zw[A]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","G-6-pd[F], G-6-pf[6]",,,,"synonym G-6-pd[F], G-6-pf[6]",,, 101278,,"36250","a[ba]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101281,,"36320","al[1] b[1] lat[1] c[1] sp[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","vr6[6], l(2)49Fd[1]",,,,"synonym vr6[6], l(2)49Fd[1]",,, 101282,,"36325","al[1] b[1] lat[6] c[1] sp[1] / SM5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","vr6[R6], l(2)49Fd[6]",,,,"synonym vr6[R6], l(2)49Fd[6]",,, 101284,,"36345","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fg[1] c[1] sp[1] / SM5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101286,,"36430","Acph-1[nGB1] / TM6, Acph-1[A]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101287,,"36450","Adh[D] l(2)35Bg[2] pr[1] cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] Adh[nB] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br26[OK5], l(2)35Bg[OK5]",,,,"synonym l(2)br26[OK5], l(2)35Bg[OK5]",,, 101288,,"36460","Adh[D] ck[13] pr[1] cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] Adh[nB] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br27[CH52], l(2)35Ca, ck[CH52]",,,,"synonym l(2)br27[CH52], l(2)35Ca, ck[CH52]",,, 101289,,"36505","Adh[F] Su(H)[2] / In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Bl[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101290,,"36510","Adh[n7] sna[1] cn[1] (vg[1]) / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br28[HG31, sna[HG31]]",,,,"synonym l(2)br28[HG31, sna[HG31]]",,, 101291,,"36520","Adh[n7] wor[1] cn[1] (vg[1]) / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br35[HG35], l(2)35Da[HG35], l(2)35Da[1]",,,,"synonym l(2)br35[HG35], l(2)35Da[HG35], l(2)35Da[1]",,, 101292,,"36650","Adh[UF] Su(H)[8] cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br7[SF8], l(2)35Bh), Su(H)[SF8], Adh[uf3] 2-43 Adh[uf3] l(2)Su(H)[SF8] cn/In(2LR)O, Cy dp[lvI] pr cn[2]",,,,"synonym l(2)br7[SF8], l(2)35Bh), Su(H)[SF8], Adh[uf3] 2-43 Adh[uf3] l(2)Su(H)[SF8] cn/In(2LR)O, Cy dp[lvI] pr cn[2]",,, 101293,,"36665","Adh[US]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101294,,"36670","ap[rK568] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"(=ap-lac-z)",,, 101295,,"36700","b[1] c[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101297,,"36990","an[1] / SM5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101299,,"38180","b[1] Adh[n1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101300,,"38300","b[1] Adh[n2] l(2)35Bc[2] pr[1] cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br13[AR6], (2)35Bc[AR6]",,,,"synonym l(2)br13[AR6], (2)35Bc[AR6]",,, 101301,,"38400","b[1] Adh[n4] l(2)35Bf[5] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br2[SF18], l(2)35Bf[SF18]",,,,"synonym l(2)br2[SF18], l(2)35Bf[SF18]",,, 101302,,"38451","b[1] bgcn[1] / SM1",,,"60A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101304,,"38600","b[1] elA[2] Adh[F] / In(2L)t In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101305,,"38602","b[1] l(2)35Bc[6] Adh[n4] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101307,,"38606","b[1] l(2)35Aa[4] Adh[n2] pr[1] cn[1] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Bl[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101308,,"38607","b[1] l(2)34Db[2] Adh[n4] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101309,,"38610","b[1] pu[6] Adh[n4] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101310,,"38670","b[1] pr[1] c[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101311,,"38700","b[1] wb[SF20] Adh[n4] shot[SF20] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br1[SF20], l(2)CA4[SF20]",,,,"synonym l(2)br1[SF20], l(2)CA4[SF20]",,, 101312,,"38800","b[1] w[1]b[SF25] Adh[n2] pr[1] cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br1[SF25]",,,,"synonym l(2)br1[SF25]",,, 101313,,"38950","b[1] Su(H)[16] pr[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br7[S5], Su(H)[S5]",,,,"synonym l(2)br7[S5], Su(H)[S5]",,, 101314,,"39000","b[1] l(2)34Fc[6] Adh[n4] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br8[SF9]",,,,"synonym l(2)br8[SF9]",,, 101315,,"39100","b[1] l(2)35Be[1] pr[1] / In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] vg[1] c[1] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br10[AR3]",,,,"synonym l(2)br10[AR3]",,, 101316,,"39200","b[1] l(2)35Aa[3] Adh[n4] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br12[SF12]",,,,"synonym l(2)br12[SF12]",,, 101317,,"39300","b[1] tamas[3] Adh[n4] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br14[SF23], l(2)34Dc[3]",,,,"synonym l(2)br14[SF23], l(2)34Dc[3]",,, 101318,,"39400","b[1] l(2)34Fd[2] Adh[n2] pr[1] cn[2] l(2)CA3[CR5] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br15[CR5]",,,,"synonym l(2)br15[CR5]",,, 101319,,"39600","b[1] l(2)34Db[3] Adh[n2] pr[1] cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br20[SF29]",,,,"synonym l(2)br20[SF29]",,, 101320,,"39650","b[1] Sos[34Ea-6] Adh[n4] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br24[SF15], l(2)34Ea[6]",,,,"synonym l(2)br24[SF15], l(2)34Ea[6]",,, 101321,,"39700","b[1] lt[1] l(2)*[*] cn[1] mi[1] sp[1] / In(2R)bw[VDe1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","(l(2)[1])",,,,"synonym (l(2)[1])",,, 101322,,"39750","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] eve[4] sca[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","eve[3.77]",,,,"synonym eve[3.77]",,, 101324,,"39753","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] Kr[17] Kr[If-1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Kr[IV]",,,,"synonym Kr[IV]",,, 101325,,"39754","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] Kr[21] Kr[If-1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Kr[V]",,,,"synonym Kr[V]",,, 101326,,"39756","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] Kr[22] Kr[If-1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Kr[VII]",,,,"synonym Kr[VII]",,, 101327,,"39757","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] Kr[23] Kr[If-1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Kr[VIII]",,,,"synonym Kr[VIII]",,, 101328,,"39758","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] Kr[24] Kr[If-1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Kr[IX]",,,,"synonym Kr[IX]",,, 101329,,"39760","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] Kr[26] Kr[If-1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Kr[XI]",,,,"synonym Kr[XI]",,, 101330,,"39785","b[1] pr[1] Pcl[7] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Pcl[E90]",,,,"synonym Pcl[E90]",,, 101331,,"39786","b[1] pr[1] thr[313] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101332,,"40240","b[1] sna[19] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","sna[4.26]",,,,"synonym sna[4.26]",,, 101333,,"40250","b[1] sna[20] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","sna[18.19]",,,,"synonym sna[18.19]",,, 101334,,"40400","b[1] Tft[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101335,,"40450","Dll[DM2] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Dllsynonym Ba",,, 101336,,"40465","bic[1] L[2] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101337,,"40500","Bl[1] L[2] / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101338,,"40600","bur[1] fs(2)E1[1] / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101339,,"40650","bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101340,,"40700","C(2)EN, b[1] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101341,,"40800","C(2)EN, bw[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101342,,"40900","C(2)EN, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101343,,"41000","C(2L)RM-P1, b[1] ; C(2R)RM-LS2, vg[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101344,,"41509","cn[1] bw[1] bgcn[Q52] / bw[V1]",,,"60A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101345,,"41510","cn[1] bw[1] Kr[1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101346,,"41511","cn[1] bw[1] bgcn[Polygon] / CyO",,,"60A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101347,,"41520","cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] Kr[2] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101349,,"41561","cn[1] ptc[8] bw[1] sp[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ptc[IF85]",,,,"synonym ptc[IF85]",,, 101350,,"41564","cn[1] Pgi[nNC1] / SM5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101351,,"41566","Dp(2;2)Mdh, pr[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101352,,"41567","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / brat[fs1] or[49h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101353,,"41575","cos[5] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] / In(2LR)O, Df(2R)cn-S6, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[-]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101354,,"41580","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Ddc[43]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Ddc[pl]",,,,"synonym Ddc[pl]",,, 101355,,"41590","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Ddc[ts1] fs(2)TW1[*] pr[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101356,,"41605","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] Adh[nB] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)A48, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"35B2-3;35D5-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101357,,"41619","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] / Df(2L)Sd57, bw[1]",,,"37D1-2;38C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101358,,"41626","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] Adh[nB] pr[1] cn[2] / Ance[34Eb-1] Adh[D] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br31[CH61], l(2)34Eb[CH61], l(2)34Eb[1]",,,,"synonym l(2)br31[CH61], l(2)34Eb[CH61], l(2)34Eb[1]",,, 101361,,"41635","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)TW3, l(2)74i[1]",,,"36F7-37A1;37B2-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)3",,,,"synonym Df(2L)3",,, 101362,,"41640","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)TW9, Tft[1] cn[1]",,,"37E2-F4;38A6-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)9",,,,"synonym Df(2L)9",,, 101363,,"H500","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07712[k07712] / CyO",,,"43F3-43F4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101364,,"41680","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)TW130, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"37B9-C1;37D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)130",,,,"synonym Df(2L)130",,, 101365,,"41760","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)TW158, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"37B2-8;37E2-F4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)158",,,,"synonym Df(2L)158",,, 101366,,"41820","CyO / Df(2L)TW201, M(2)*",,,"36E1-36E3 ; 37A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101368,,"41860","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)pr-A20, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"38A3-4;38B6-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)A20",,,,"synonym Df(2L)A20",,, 101369,,"42300","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)cl7, Adh[nC1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"25D5-6;26A7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101370,,"42453","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)osp18, pr[1] cn[1]",,,"35B1-2;35C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101371,,"42455","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)osp29, Adh[UF] pr[1] cn[1]",,,"35B1-3;35E6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Adh[uf3]",,,,"synonym Adh[uf3]",,, 101372,,"42675","Df(2L)VA6, cn[1] bw[1] / CyO",,,"37D2; 38C6-E3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101373,,"42684","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)VA17, noc[Sco] pr[1]",,,"37B9-C1;37F5-38A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101374,,"42686","Df(2L)hk-UC2 / CyO",,,"37B2-37B8 ; 37C2-37C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101375,,"42687","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2R)eve, cn[1]",,,"46C3-4;46C9-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)eve[1.27]",,,,"synonym Df(2R)eve[1.27]",,, 101376,,"42690","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2R)pk78k",,,"42E3;43C3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101379,,"42755","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Ddc[27] brat[18] pr[1] or[49h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)37Cf[18], Ddc[n27]",,,,"synonym l(2)37Cf[18], Ddc[n27]",,, 101380,,"42760","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / dp[ov1] odd[5] b[1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","odd[IIID36], odd[5-36]",,,,"synonym odd[IIID36], odd[5-36]",,, 101381,,"42820","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / elA[3] Adh[UF] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Adh[uf3]",,,,"synonym Adh[uf3]",,, 101382,,"42847","Gpdh[n3] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101383,,"42848","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / hum[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101384,,"42850","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2L)osp[22], osp[22] Adh[UF] rd[s] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Adh[uf3]",,,,"synonym Adh[uf3]",,, 101385,,"42855","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2L)Sco[rv2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(2L)Sco[R+2]",,,,"synonym In(2L)Sco[R+2]",,, 101386,,"42857","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2L)Sco[rv8]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(2L)Sco[R+8]",,,,"synonym In(2L)Sco[R+8]",,, 101387,,"42859","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2L)TW47, l(2)74i[1]",,,"37A2-B1;38A6-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101388,,"42860","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2LR)el[6], b[1] elB[6] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101389,,"42870","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2LR)noc[4], b[1] noc[4] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101390,,"42890","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2LR)Sco[rv9]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(2LR)Sco[R+9]",,,,"synonym In(2LR)Sco[R+9]",,, 101391,,"42891","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)37Bb[9] or[49h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101392,,"42892","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Catsup[cs1] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001."," l(2)37Bc[fs2], Catsup[fs2]",,,,"synonym l(2)37Bc[fs2], Catsup[fs2]",,, 101393,,"42893","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Lim3[4] or[49h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001."," l(2)385, l(2)37Bd[4]",,,,"synonym l(2)385, l(2)37Bd[4]",,, 101394,,"42900","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)DTS91[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101395,,"42901","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)37Ca[39] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)7431[1]",,,,"synonym l(2)7431[1]",,, 101396,,"42940","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / noc[35Ba-1] Adh[n11] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)br22[AR10], l(2)35Ba[AR10]",,,,"synonym l(2)br22[AR10], l(2)35Ba[AR10]",,, 101397,,"42947","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Catsup[cs2] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001."," l(2)37Bc[fs3], Catsup[fs3]",,,,"synonym l(2)37Bc[fs3], Catsup[fs3]",,, 101398,,"42948","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)37Cc[fs1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101399,,"42949","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / brat[fs3] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)37Cf[fs3]",,,,"synonym l(2)37Cf[fs3]",,, 101400,,"42960","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / amd[9] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)amd[H60]",,,,"synonym l(2)amd[H60]",,, 101401,,"42965","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / amd[6]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)amd[H89]",,,,"synonym l(2)amd[H89]",,, 101402,,"43061","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Np[m]",,,"45A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101403,,"43062","nec[1] bw[D] / CyO, Tp(2;2)pk-sple[26]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101404,,"43063","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / odd[3] b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","odd[1.36]",,,,"synonym odd[1.36]",,, 101405,,"43065","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Pcl[13]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Pcl[X21]",,,,"synonym Pcl[X21]",,, 101406,,"43066","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Pcl[15]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Pcl[XM3]",,,,"synonym Pcl[XM3]",,, 101407,,"43067","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Pcl[XM82]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101408,,"43068","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / prd[4] b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","prd[2.45])",,,,"synonym prd[2.45])",,, 101409,,"43069","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / prd[7]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","prd[32.12]",,,,"synonym prd[32.12]",,, 101410,,"43071","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Su(z)2[1.a1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(z)2[IR]",,,,"synonym Su(z)2[IR]",,, 101411,,"43072","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / b[1] scw[4] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","scw[005-18]",,,,"synonym scw[005-18]",,, 101412,,"43073","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / b[1] scw[1] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","scw[CC13-14], scw[1-14]",,,,"synonym scw[CC13-14], scw[1-14]",,, 101413,,"43074","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / b[1] scw[3] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","scw[N5-16], scw[3-16]",,,,"synonym scw[N5-16], scw[3-16]",,, 101414,,"43075","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / b[1] scw[5] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","scw[SS12-4], scw[4-4]",,,,"synonym scw[SS12-4], scw[4-4]",,, 101415,,"43077","CyO / rk[EMS] Adh[D] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101416,,"43078","CyO / w[1]b[3] Adh[n1] rd[s] pr[1] sn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101417,,"43079","CyO / smo[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101418,,"43080","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / wg[l-15] b[1] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","wg[CX2],wg[l-X2]",,,,"synonym wg[CX2],wg[l-X2]",,, 101419,,"43095","Dp(2;2)M(2)m[+]CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)TW2, Tft[1] l(2)74i[1]",,,"37D2-E1;38E6-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101420,,"43098","CyO, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2P] bw[1] / pi[[2]], l(2)*[*] ; pi[[2]]

",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101421,,"43100","da[1] abo[1] / In(2L)Cy[1] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101423,,"45105","Df(2L)al, al[*] / In(2L)Cy[1] E(S)[1] Cy[1]",,,"21B8C1;21C8;D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101424,,"45110","Df(2L)al / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}",,,"21B8-C1:21C8-D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101425,,"45165","Df(2L)b80k, l(2)CA61[80k] / CyO",,,"34D2-1; 35B10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101426,,"45166","Df(2L)b84a7, pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1] / CyO",,,"34C1; 35B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101427,,"45218","Df(2L)dp-h19 / In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or?)",,,"24F1;24F8-25A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101428,,"45245","In(2L)el18, Adh[UF] cn[1] / CyO",,,"34F2; 35F1; 36C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)el18",,,,"synonym Df(2L)el18",,, 101429,,"45460","l(2)gl[314] / Cy[*]",,,"21A1;21A4-21B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)l(2)gl[U314]",,,,"synonym Df(2L)l(2)gl[U314]",,, 101430,,"45495","Df(2L)RA5, sp[1] / CyO",,,"35E1; 35F11-36A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101431,,"45650","Df(2L)TE21A, w[+] / SM6a, al[2] Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"21A1;21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)TE75",,,,"synonym Df(2L)TE75",,, 101432,,"45655","Df(2L)TW1, Tft[1] l(2)74i / CyO",,,"38A7-B1;39C2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101433,,"45900","Df(2R)42, en[1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"42C3-8;42D2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101434,,"45910","Df(2R)44CE, al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"44C;44E1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101435,,"45911","w[*] ; Df(2R)59AB / SM1",,,"59A1-3;59B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101436,,"45920","Df(2R)106 / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"59F6-60A7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101437,,"45943","Df(2R)b23, b[1] Kr[If-1] / CyO, bw[1]",,,"59F8-60A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101439,,"45950","Df(2R)bw[1]-S46 / Cy[*]",,,"59D8-11;60A7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101440,,"45987","Df(2R)Drl[rv17] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"42C2-7;43C7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)Drl[R+17]",,,,"synonym Df(2R)Drl[R+17]",,, 101441,,"45989","Df(2R)Drl[rv21] / CyO",,,"43B3;43E7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101442,,"46060","Df(2R)E3363 / CyO-CR2, P{sevRas1.V12}*",,,"47A;47F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry(+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}*",,,,"synonym P{ry(+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}*",,, 101443,,"46070","Df(2R)exu1, cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] / SM1",,,"57A2;57B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101444,,"46108","Df(2R)nap1 / In(2LR)Gla, Dp(2;2)BG, wg[Gla-1]",,,"41D2-E1;42B1-3, 41A-B;42BC","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101445,,"46148","Df(2R)PK1, c[1] px[1] sp[1] / SM1",,,"57C5;57F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101446,,"46150","Df(2R)Pu-D17, cu[1] bw[1] sp[1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"57B4;58B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101447,,"46300","Df(2R)M41A8 / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"salivares appear normal","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)M-S2[8], Df(2R)M-S8",,,,"synonym Df(2R)M-S2[8], Df(2R)M-S8",,, 101448,,"46400","Df(2R)M41A10 / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"41A;mitotic 2R 3/4 normal size!","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)M-S2[10], Df(2R)M-S10",,,,"synonym Df(2R)M-S2[10], Df(2R)M-S10",,, 101449,,"46450","Df(2R)Pcl11B, al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"54F6-55A1;55C1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101450,,"46550","In(2LR)Px[4], dp[ov1] b[1] / In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,"60B;60D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)Px[4]",,,,"synonym Df(2R)Px[4]",,, 101451,,"46600","Df(2R)rl10a, lt[1] rl[10a] cn[1] / In(2LR)bw[V1], al[4] ds[33k] lt[1] bw[V1]",,,"41A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101452,,"45630","Df(2R)stan2, P{neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1] / CyO",,,"46F1-2;47D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101452,,"46652","Df(2R)stan2, P{neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1] / CyO",,,"46F1-2;47D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101453,,"46653","Df(2R)Kr10, b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] c[1] Kr[If-1] / SM1",,,"60F1;60F5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)SB1",,,,"synonym Df(2R)SB1",,, 101454,,"46658","Df(2R)spleD1, b[1] cn[1] / CyO Tp(2;2)pk-sple[26]",,,"43A1;43B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101455,,"46800","Df(2R)vg-B / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"49D3-4;49F15-50A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101456,,"47050","Df(2R)vg-D / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"49C1-2;49E4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101457,,"47080","Df(2R)x32, b[1] Kr[If-1] / CyO, bw[1]",,,"59F4-60A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101458,,"47082","Dip-A[6] / SM1, Dip-A[4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101459,,"47083","Dip-A[nNC1] / SM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101460,,"47084","Dip-A[nNC2] / SM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101461,,"47085","dp[lDG82] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[D] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1.","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101462,,"47086","dp[lDG83] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[D] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1.","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101463,,"47091","dp[lvDG7] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[D] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101464,,"47092","dp[lvDG12] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[D] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101465,,"47101","dp[oA2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101466,,"47102","dp[oA4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101467,,"47103","dp[obm] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Bl[1] cn[2] L[1]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101470,,"47109","dp[oDG53I] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[D] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101471,,"47110","dp[olM] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Bl[1] cn[2] L[1]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101473,,"47113","dp[olvDG10] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[DC] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101474,,"47114","dp[olvHC3] / In(2L)Cy[ In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[DC] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101477,,"47118","dp[ovDG2] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] stw[DC] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,"In(2L)22D1-2;33F5-34A1 In(2R)42A2-3;58A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101478,,"47120","dp[ovh] wg[Sp-1] cn[1] bw[1] / In(2L)Cy, Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"22D1-2;33F5-34A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101479,,"47121","dp[o]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101480,,"47150","dp[ov1] wg[l-14+RC6] cn[1] bw[1] / SM5, al[2] ds[33k] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","wg[CP1+RC6]",,,,"synonym wg[CP1+RC6]",,, 101481,,"47160","dp[ov1] wg[l-14+RC7] cn[1] bw[1] / SM5, al[2] ds[33k] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","wg[CP1+RC7]",,,,"synonym wg[CP1+RC7]",,, 101482,,"47170","dpp[d12] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101483,,"47180","dpp[d14] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101484,,"47200","Dp(2;2)S, net[1] S[1] ast[1] S[1] ast[4] dp[ov1] cl[1] / In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, E(S)[1] Cy[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101485,,"47350","ds[rv] ft[1] dp[v2] l(2)M[1] b[1] pr[1] / SM5, al[2] ds[33k] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101486,,"47400","ds[W] / In(2L)Cy[L]t[R], b[1] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101487,,"47450","en[Apa] / SM6#16",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"In(2LR)SM6, Ab(2)SM6#16, al[1] Cy[1] dp[lvI] cn[2P] sp[2]",,, 101488,,"47500","ex[1] ds[1] S[X] ast[X] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101489,,"47550","cli[eya-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","eya[1]",,,,"synonym eya[1]",,, 101490,,"47560","cli[eya-2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","eya[ph]",,,,"synonym eya[ph]",,, 101491,,"47600","fs(2)B[1] Alu[1] lt[1] / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101492,,"47650","Got2[2] Gpdh[A] Mdh1[6] Adh[S] Dip-A[2] Hex-C[2] Amy-p[2] Amy-d[3] / SM1, al[2] Got2[1] Cy[1] Gpdh[B] Mdh1[4] Adh[F] cn[2] Dip-A[4] Hex-C[4] Amy-p[1] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101493,,"47661","Gpdh[B] / SM1, Gpdh[nR1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101494,,"47664","Gpdh[nNC1] / SM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101495,,"47665","Gpdh[nGB1] / SM1, Gpdh[A]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101496,,"47666","Gpdh[nR3] / SM1, Gpdh[nMC1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101497,,"47668","Hex-C[2] / SM1, Hex-C[nR1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101498,,"47669","Hex-C[nNC1] / SM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101499,,"47700","hy[1] a[1] px[1] sp[1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101500,,"47850","Idh[SS]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101501,,"47900","In(2L)Cy, Cy[1] / In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101502,,"48050","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] lt[3] / In(2R)Cy, b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] lt[3] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101503,,"48200","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] vg[1] c[1] sp[2] / In(2L)dp-1, dp[ov1] Adh[nC1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101505,,"48800","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] / MR[h12] Bl[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101506,,"48900","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] / MR[h12] bw[v76j61]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101507,,"49000","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] L[4] sp[2] / ms(2)2[1] cn[1] mr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Stock not expressing L[4]",,, 101508,,"49150","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy Cy[1] pr[1] / Su(H)[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101509,,"49280","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] / In(2L)NS In(2R)NS, b[1] mr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101510,,"49300","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, S[2] Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] L[4] bw[1] sp[2] / In(2L)NS In(2R)NS, px[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101511,,"49400","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, S[2] E(S)[1] Cy[1] dp[lv2] cn[2] / lm[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101512,,"49450","In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Bl[1] cn[2] / DNApol-gamma35[1] Adh[UF] rd[s] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)34De[1]",,,,"synonym l(2)34De[1]",,, 101513,,"49500","In(2L)Cy In(2R)bw[V34k], Cy[1] bw[V34k] / M(2)31A[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)e[S], M(2)30A[3]",,,,"synonym M(2)e[S], M(2)30A[3]",,, 101514,,"49600","In(2L)Cy In(2R)NS, Cy[1] / nw[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101515,,"49700","In(2L)t In(2R)Cy, Roi[1] cn[2] bw[1] sp[1] or[1] / In(2R)vg[U], vg[U]",,,"49C1-2;50C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101516,,"49850","In(2L)wg[P] / In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101517,,"49900","In(2LR)102, ds[W] sp[2] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101518,,"49901","In(2LR)C3[L]CH9-25[R], b[1] / In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] vg[1] c[1] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101519,,"49902","In(2LR)DTD8[L]S[325R] / In(2LR)O, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"21E2;23D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101520,,"49903","In(2LR)DTD24[L]DTD8[R], sp[1] / In(2LR)O, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"23D1-2;26C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101521,,"49904","In(2LR)DTD107[L]DTD111[R], Dp(1;2)TE23CD, vg[1] / In(2LR)O, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"29F;32E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101522,,"49905","In(2LR)DTD111[L]DTD24[R], bw[1] sp[1] / In(2LR)O, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"26C1-2;29F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101523,,"49906","In(2LR)DTD128[L]TE35B-226[R], Dp(1;2)TE23CD, net[1] dpp[d-ho] / In(2LR)O, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"47B10-14;48C6-8 (Dp), 35B;35C (Df)","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101524,,"49920","In(2LR)lt[G16L]Pu[Ly[1]R], b[1] bw[1] / In(2LR)O, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"57C4-6;60E4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101525,,"50000","In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1] / px[1] bw[1] mr[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101526,,"50001","In(2)G71, bw[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"40-41;45A2-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(2LR)G71",,,,"synonym In(2LR)G71",,, 101527,,"50002","In(2)G97, bw[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"40-41;45A13-B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(2LR)G97",,,,"synonym In(2LR)G97",,, 101528,,"50101","In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] / wg[l-14+RC3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101529,,"50103","In(2R)bw[VDe2], bw[VDe2] / In(2LR)Rev",,,"41A-B;59D6-E1, 40F;52D10-E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101530,,"50250","crc[1] cn[1] / Dp(2;f)Bl",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","R(2)Bl[1]",,,,"synonym R(2)Bl[1]",,, 101531,,"50310","l(2)43Da[Ew6] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lvI] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101532,,"50350","M(2)21AB[1] / P{ftz/lacC},CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"21B1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)M6[1], M(2)21AB[M6], Su(z)5",,,,"synonym l(2)M6[1], M(2)21AB[M6], Su(z)5",,, 101533,,"50351","l(2)M11[1] / SM6a, al[2] Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"21B2-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101534,,"50352","l(2)24De[2] / Bc[1] Gla[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101535,,"50353","l(2)24De[3] / Bc[1] Gla[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101536,,"50354","l(2)24De[4] / Bc[1] Gla[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101537,,"50355","l(2)35Cf[1] cn[1] bw[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101538,,"50360","l(2)gl[PM13] / SM6a, al[2] Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"21A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)PM13[1]",,,,"synonym l(2)PM13[1]",,, 101539,,"50370","l(2)gl[R2] / SM6a, al[2] Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)R2, l(2)49Ff[8]",,,,"synonym l(2)R2, l(2)49Ff[8]",,, 101540,,"50380","lt[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101541,,"50700","M(2)58F[1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)l[2]",,,,"synonym M(2)l[2]",,, 101542,,"50800","M(2)41A[1] / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)S2[3]",,,,"synonym M(2)S2[3]",,, 101543,,"51000","M(2)53[1] / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)S7",,,,"synonym M(2)S7",,, 101545,,"51200","M(2)24F[1] / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)z, M(2)25A[1]",,,,"synonym M(2)z, M(2)25A[1]",,, 101547,,"51400","MR[102]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101548,,"51500","CyO, P{ftz/lacB}E3 / wg[Sp-1] J[1] L[2] Pin[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Sp[1]",,,,"synonym Sp[1]",,, 101549,,"51550","P{ovoD1-18}2La P{ovoD1-18}2Lb P{neoFRT}40A / Dp(?;2)bw[D], S[1] wg[Sp-1] Ms(2)M[1] bw[D] / CyO",,,"28A, 30D, 40A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101550,,"51560","P{FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{ovoD1-18}2R1 P{ovoD1-18}2R2 / Dp(?;2)bw[D], S[1] wg[Sp-1] Ms(2)M[1] bw[D] / CyO",,,"42B, 55D-E, 55D-E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"ovo[D1]-FRT-2R 42B",,, 101551,,"51610","pk[pk-sple-6] bw[D] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101552,,"51620","pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101553,,"51670","rl[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101554,,"51675","ry[1] en[Xho25] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"(=en-lac-z)",,, 101555,,"51690","sca[OB7] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101556,,"51700","shr[1] bw[2b] abb[1] sp[1] / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101557,,"51710","sop[P] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101558,,"51750","stw[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101559,,"51760","sxc[1] bw[1] sp[1] / SM5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101560,,"51850","SM1 / wg[Sp-1] lys[1] rc[1] J[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101561,,"51900","SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2] / wg[Sp-1] Bl[1] L[rm] Bc[1] Pu[2] Pin[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Sp[1]",,,,"synonym Sp[1]",,, 101563,,"52300","wg[l-12] ck[13] pr[1] cn[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","wg[IL]",,,,"synonym wg[IL]",,, 101564,,"52400","wg[l-16] b[1] pr[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","wg[CX3]",,,,"synonym wg[CX3]",,, 101565,,"52500","P{wg-lac-z} / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101566,,"52650","Ubx[abx-1] Ubx[bx-3] Ubx[61d] Ubx[pbx-1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","abx[1], pbx[1]",,,,"synonym abx[1], pbx[1]",,, 101567,,"52700","Ubx[abx-1] Ubx[pbx-1] e[11] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","abx[1], pbx[1]",,,,"synonym abx[1], pbx[1]",,, 101568,,"52710","Ubx[abx-CAC4] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101569,,"52900","Acph-1[B]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101570,,"53000","Acph-1[C]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101571,,"53100","Acph-1[n13]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101572,,"53150","Aldox-1[L6]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101573,,"53160","Aldox-1[nNC1] / TM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101574,,"53250","In(3R)Antp[73b] red[1] e[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101575,,"53255","Antp[73b-rv21] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1]]sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101576,,"53270","Antp[D43] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] sep[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101577,,"53350","Ubx[bx-83Ka] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101578,,"53360","Ubx[bx-83Kb] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101579,,"53370","Ubx[bxd-68] / Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101581,,"53385","bul[D] / TM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101582,,"53388","C(3L)RM-H1, se[1] h[2] rs[2] / C(3R)RM-P5, Sb[sbd-1] gl[1] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101584,,"54100","ca[1] awd[K]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","K-pn",,,,"synonym K-pn",,, 101585,,"54160","ca[3] / TM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101586,,"54172","Cat[n4] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101587,,"54610","cv-c[1] Sb[sbd-2] Ubx[bxd-113] / su(Hw)[2] Ubx[bx-34e] Abd-B[Mc] e[1]",,,"bxd[113] cyt.In(3LR)69C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","sbd[2],Mc[1]",,,,"synonym sbd[2],Mc[1]",,, 101588,,"54644","Df(3L)Ar11, red[1] / TM2, emc[2] p[p] Ubx[130] e[s]",,,"61C3-4;61E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3L)emc24",,,,"synonym Df(3L)emc24",,, 101589,,"54647","Df(3L)Ar12-1, red[1] / TM2, emc[2] p[p] Ubx[130] e[s]",,,"61C;61F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3L)emc18",,,,"synonym Df(3L)emc18",,, 101590,,"54650","Df(3L)BK9 / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s]",,,"68E2-3;69A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101591,,"54655","Df(3L)fz-D21 / TM6B, e[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"70D3;70E3-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101592,,"54672","Df(3L)HR370 / In(3LR)T33[L]f19[R]",,,"63A1;63D10 , 62A;64C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101593,,"54683","Df(3L)Ly[1], mwh[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] jv[*] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"70A2-3;70A5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101594,,"54757","Df(3L)ru-22, mwh[1] red[1] e[1] / DcxF, ru[1] h[1?] D[1]",,,"62A1;62A2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101595,,"54760","Df(3L)R / TM6C, cn[1] Tb[1] Sb[1]",,,"62B7;62B12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101596,,"54765","Df(3L)R-G5, rho[ve-1] / TM6",,,"62A10-B1;62C4-D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ve[1]",,,,"synonym ve[1]",,, 101597,,"54772","Df(3R)ry74 / TM6",,,"87D8;87D12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101598,,"54774","Df(3R)ry-K / In(3LR)Ubx[130], Ubx[130]",,,"87B;87E, 61A-C;74;89D-E;93B;96A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101599,,"55360","Df(3)ZN47, ry[506] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"64C;65C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101600,,"55365","Df(3R)4SCB / Dp(3;3)Antp[BL]Msc[R], p[p]",,,"84A6-84B1;84B2-84B3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101601,,"55370","w[*] ; Df(3R)107, e[*] / TM3Sb-hblacZ-D, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"82E1-3;82E1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101602,,"55378","Df(3R)10-65, kni[ri-1] p[p] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"81Fa","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101603,,"55402","Df(3R)C4 Dp(3;3)Mc, (p[p])",,,"89E;90A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101604,,"55407","Df(3R)5C1, ry[506] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"93E-F;94C-D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101605,,"55409","Df(3R)D605 / TM3",,,"97E3;98A5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101606,,"55440","Df(3R)E229, th[1] st[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,"86F6-7;87B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)229, stock no longer expressing Sb",,,,"synonym Df(3R)229, stock no longer expressing Sb",,, 101607,,"55470","Df(3R)abd-A-C1, Abd-B[M1] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"delets or disrupts Ubx","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)C1",,,,"synonym Df(3R)C1",,, 101608,,"55500","Df(3R)cu, Sb[1] / TM6, Hn[P] ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1]",,,"86C1-2;86D8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)cu[40]",,,,"synonym Df(3R)cu[40]",,, 101609,,"55610","Df(3R)dsx48 / TM2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)dsx[Mas+R48]",,,,"synonym Df(3R)dsx[Mas+R48]",,, 101610,,"55890","Df(3L)Pc, Df(3R)ftzRARU] kni[ri-1] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"84B1-2, 78D1-2;79A4-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101611,,"56500","Df(3R)kar-Sz8, kar[Sz8] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,"87C1-2;87D14-E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101612,,"57940","Df(3R)l26c, kar[2] / MKRS, kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1]",,,"87D14-E1;87F11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101613,,"57951","Df(3R)LIN, ru[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] e[1] / TM8, l(3)DTS4[1] Sb[1]",,,"84A4-84A5;84B1-84B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101614,,"57955","Df(3R)P9 / Dp(3;3)P5",,,"89D9-E1;E4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101615,,"57956","Df(3R)P10, abd-A[P10] / TM1",,,"89C1-2;89E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101616,,"57957","Df(3R)p13, e[1] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"84F2;85B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)p[13]",,,,"synonym Df(3R)p[13]",,, 101617,,"58140","Df(3R)P47 / Dp(3;3)C123.3",,,"88B-88C;92D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101618,,"58150","Df(3R)P47 / Tp(3;3)MRS, ry[2] Sb[1]",,,"see Tp(3;3)P47","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101619,,"58220","Df(3R)RD31 / Dp(3;3)S462, In(3LR)EBL, In(3R)C, Sb[1] ca[1]",,,"89E2;90D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101620,,"58350","Df(3R)red-P93, l(3)tr[1] Sb[1] / In(3R)Ubx[P18], Me[1] Ubx[1] e[4]",,,"88A10-B1;88C2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(3R)P18",,,,"synonym In(3R)P18",,, 101621,,"58755","Df(3R)sbd26, st[1] e[1] / TM2, Ubx[130] e[s]",,,"89B9-10;89C7-D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101622,,"58760","Df(3R)sbd45, mwh[1] e[1] / TM2, Ubx[130] e[s]",,,"89B4;89B10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101623,,"58810","Df(3R)sbd105, p[p] Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] e[s] / LVM",,,"88F9-89A1;89B9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101624,,"59955","Df(3R)Ubx109 / Dp(3;3)P5, Sb[1]",,,"89D1-89D2;89E1-E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101625,,"59960","Df(3R)X3F / P{RP49}A3-84F e[*] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s]",,,"84F, 99D1-2;99E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101626,,"59970","Df(3R)XTA1, th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] roe[1] p[p] / Dp(3;3)M95A[+]13, st[1] e[1]",,,"96B;96D,94D;96E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(3;3)Su M(3)w13",,,,"synonym Dp(3;3)Su M(3)w13",,, 101627,,"60100","Dl[14] / In(3R)P, Cyd[1]",,,"89C-D;96A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101628,,"60180","In(3LR)HR33[L]bxd[106R], ru[g] jv[1] Ly[1] red[1] cv-c[1] Sb[sbd-2] / In(3LR)HR33[L]bxd[106R]",,,"61A2;62A2 + 87B4;89E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101629,,"60310","DNase1[I]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101630,,"60400","e[11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101631,,"60500","e[s] ca[nd1] / TM6, Hn[P] ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101632,,"60600","eg[1] rn[3] p[p] Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1] / In(3LR)Ubx[130]] kni[ri-1] Ubx[130] e[s] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","bx[1]",,,,"synonym bx[1]",,, 101633,,"60900","Est-6[F] Lap-A[0]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101634,,"61300","Est-6[S] Lap-A[F]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101635,,"61320","Est-6[VS] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101636,,"61350","Est-C[VF]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Est-C[8]",,,,"synonym Est-C[8]",,, 101637,,"61353","Est-C[NC2] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101638,,"61360","flr[3] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101639,,"61361","flr[3] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"ORR(1) ; ORR(2) ; flr[3] / TM3 of Fr?ich",,, 101640,,"61362","flr[3] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"ORR(1) ; ORR(2) ; flr[3] / TM3 of Pacella",,, 101641,,"61370","flr[3] / TM6C",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101642,,"61390","gl[1] k[D] / TM2] kni[ri-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101643,,"61500","h[1] Pc[2] sr[1] e[s] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101644,,"61700","th[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Pc[2] sr[61j] / TM2] kni[ri-1] Ubx[130] e[s] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101645,,"61750","hb[14] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","hb[FF8]",,,,"synonym hb[FF8]",,, 101646,,"61760","P{hh-lac-z} / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"P2033-44",,, 101647,,"61800","H[2] / Tp(3;3)Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Vno[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Tp(3)Vno",,,,"synonym Tp(3)Vno",,, 101648,,"61910","Idh[nGB2] / TM6, Idh[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101649,,"61925","In(3L)mbn[P16] / TM3",,,"61A; 65A1-65A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(3L)mbn-1[P16]",,,,"synonym In(3L)mbn-1[P16]",,, 101650,,"61935","In(3L)PL26 / TM3",,,"61A; 65A1-65A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","synonyms In(3L)mbn-1[PL26], In(3L)mbn[PL26]",,,,"synonyms In(3L)mbn-1[PL26], In(3L)mbn[PL26]",,, 101651,,"61950","in[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101652,,"61956","In(1)w[m4h] ; e[1] by[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101653,,"61957","In(1)w[m4h] ; h[1] kni[ri-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101654,,"61958","In(1)w[m4h] ; Ki[1] roe[1] p[p]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101655,,"61960","In(1)w[m4h] ; Pr[1] Dr[1] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101656,,"61964","In(1)w[m4h] ; se[1] ss[1] e[1] ro[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101657,,"61966","In(1)w[m4h] ; sr[1] gl[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101658,,"62000","In(3L)D, D[3] / In(3L)P",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101660,,"62210","In(3L)P In(3R)C, Me[1] Dfd[1] e[1] l(3)e81] / In(3LR)sep, sep[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] Sb[1]",,,"In(3L)63B8-11;72E1-2 In(3R)92D1-E1;100F2-3 In(3LR)65D2-3;85F2-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101661,,"62500","In(3L)VV11, gl[2] e[4] / TM6, Hn[P] ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101663,,"62900","In(3LR)DcxF, ru[1] h[1] D[1] / th[1] st[1] cp[1] Pc[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101664,,"63100","In(3LR)Ubx[101], Ubx[101] / Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101665,,"63700","In(3R)Antp[B], Antp[B] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101666,,"63800","In(3R)C, cd[1] / Sb[1] H[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101667,,"63900","In(3R)C, e[1] l(3)e[1] / RpS3[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(3)w[124], M(3)95A[2]",,,,"synonym M(3)w[124], M(3)95A[2]",,, 101668,,"64100","In(3R)C, l(3)a[1] / M(3)96C[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(3)be[36e]",,,,"synonym M(3)be[36e]",,, 101671,,"64400","In(3R)Hu, Antp[Hu] Sb[Spi] / In(3L)P In(3R)P, l(3)PL[1] l(3)PR[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Hu[1], Payne",,,,"synonym Hu[1], Payne",,, 101672,,"64600","kar[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101673,,"64650","kar[2] ry[506] pnr[VX6] P{neoFRT}82B / TM3, Sb[1] Tb[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101674,,"64700","Ki[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101675,,"64710","kto[1] ca[1] / TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101676,,"64760","l(3)97Da[1.17] / TM6B, Tb[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)1.17",,,,"synonym l(3)1.17",,, 101677,,"64770","l(3)97De[2.1] / TM6B, Tb[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)2.1",,,,"synonym l(3)2.1",,, 101678,,"64900","l(3)DTS3[1] / TM2, Ubx[130] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101679,,"65200","l(3)87Cc[4] / MKRS, kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)4g[SzC]",,,,"synonym l(3)4g[SzC]",,, 101680,,"65377","l(3)mbn[E3] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[E3]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[E3]",,, 101681,,"65378","l(3)mbn[P17] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[P17]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[P17]",,, 101682,,"65379","l(3)mbn[P19] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[P19]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[P19]",,, 101683,,"65380","l(3)mbn[P20] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[P20]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[P20]",,, 101684,,"65381","l(3)mbn[P21] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[P21]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[P21]",,, 101685,,"65383","l(3)mbn[P24] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[P24]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[P24]",,, 101686,,"65384","l(3)mbn[R6] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[R6]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[R6]",,, 101687,,"65385","l(3)mbn[R8] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[R8]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[R8]",,, 101688,,"65386","l(3)mbn[R12] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)mbn-1[R12]",,,,"synonym l(3)mbn-1[R12]",,, 101689,,"65510","Men[nNC1] / TM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101690,,"65520","Men[nNC2] / TM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101691,,"65700","l(3)ac[1] e[s] RpS3[1] / LVM, pe[1] l(3)LVML[1] l(3)LVMR[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(3)w, M(3)95A[1]",,,,"synonym M(3)w, M(3)95A[1]",,, 101692,,"66100","l(3)87Ab[6] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)ck9[e260]",,,,"synonym l(3)ck9[e260]",,, 101693,,"66350","mus302[D4] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101694,,"66370","mus302[D6] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101696,,"68000","l(3)87Bi[2] / MKRS, kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)ck21[hs48]",,,,"synonym l(3)ck21[hs48]",,, 101697,,"68200","l(3)87Bj[5] / MKRS, kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)ck22[nf30]",,,,"synonym l(3)ck22[nf30]",,, 101698,,"68400","l(3)87Bk[3] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)ck23[e158]",,,,"synonym l(3)ck23[e158]",,, 101699,,"68500","l(3)87Bk[4] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)ck23[e162]",,,,"synonym l(3)ck23[e162]",,, 101700,,"68800","l(3)87Bm[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)ck25[e11]",,,,"synonym l(3)ck25[e11]",,, 101701,,"69100","Vha55[14] / MKRS, kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)m107(SzA), l(3)87Ca[14]",,,,"synonym l(3)m107(SzA), l(3)87Ca[14]",,, 101702,,"69200","l(3)87Cd[16] / MRS, ry[2] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)m114(SzD)",,,,"synonym l(3)m114(SzD)",,, 101703,,"70240","TM3, Sb[1] / TM6B, red[1] Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101704,,"70281","mwh[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"ORR[1];ORR[2];mwh[1] of Pacella",,, 101705,,"70305","mwh[1] jv[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] l(3)89El[M212] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"89E4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101706,,"70332","mwh[1] jv[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] l(3)89Bm[ME212] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"89B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101707,,"70335","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-1] Ubx[8.8] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101708,,"70337","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-1] Ubx[6.26] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"Ubx[6.26] T(2;3)59E;75C;89E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101709,,"70338","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-1] Ubx[5.12] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101710,,"70350","Pc[11] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Pc[XL5]",,,,"synonym Pc[XL5]",,, 101711,,"70360","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] Pc[12] Scr[Msc] sr[1] e[s] ca[1] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Pc[XMI], Msc[1]",,,,"synonym Pc[XMI], Msc[1]",,, 101712,,"70400","Pr[1] Dr[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101713,,"70441","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] l(3)89Ea[2] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"890","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)11b[M216]",,,,"synonym l(3)11b[M216]",,, 101714,,"70444","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] l(3)89Ea[4] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"89E1-E4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)11b[M273]",,,,"synonym l(3)11b[M273]",,, 101715,,"70446","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] l(3)89Ea[6] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"89E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)11b[M2913]",,,,"synonym l(3)11b[M2913]",,, 101716,,"70447","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] l(3)89Ea[M2919] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"89E1-E4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)11b",,,,"synonym l(3)11b",,, 101717,,"70448","Df(3R)abd-A-C1, mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] Ubx[9.22] e[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"described in Casanova et.al.1988.","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)C1",,,,"synonym Df(3R)C1",,, 101718,,"70451","P{PZ}bob[1] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"82D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101719,,"70452","P{PZ}bol[1] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"66F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101720,,"70453","P{PZ}cap[1] ry[506] / TM3, ry[1][RK] Sb[1]",,,"85A4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101721,,"70455","P{PZ}fbl[1] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"77B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101722,,"70456","P{PZ}ms(3)61CD[03970] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"61CD","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)61CD[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)61CD[1]",,, 101723,,"70457","P{PZ}ms(3)65E[04202] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"65E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)65E[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)65E[1]",,, 101724,,"70458","P{PZ}ms(3)72D[03957] ry[506] / MKRS",,,"72D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)72D[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)72D[1]",,, 101725,,"70460","P{PZ}ms(3)80[03817] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"80","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)80[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)80[1]",,, 101726,,"70461","P{PZ}ms(3)85D[03565] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"85D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)85D[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)85D[1]",,, 101727,,"70463","P{PZ}sdl[2] ry[506] / MKRS",,,"84F1-16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ms(3)05090",,,,"synonym ms(3)05090",,, 101728,,"70465","P{PZ}tho[1] ry[506] / MKRS",,,"86E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101729,,"70467","P{SRS3.9}4 ry[506]",,,"61E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101730,,"70470","red[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101731,,"70500","ri[1] ss[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101732,,"70550","red[1] e[1] mbc[C1] / TM3, Sb[1] ry[1] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101733,,"70560","red[1] e[1] mbc[C2] / TM3, Sb[1] ry[1] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101734,,"70570","red[1] e[1] mbc[C3] / TM3, Sb[1] ry[1] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101735,,"70600","rn[3] p[p] (Ubx[bx-1]) (sr[1]) (e[s]) / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101736,,"70650","rs[2] Sod[n58] p[p] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] Sod[F] p[p]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101737,,"70760","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] Scr[XF9] p[p] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101738,,"70900","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101739,,"71050","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] hb[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","hb[IIU03]",,,,"synonym hb[IIU03]",,, 101740,,"71058"," ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] Scr[7F] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101741,,"71060","ru[1] kls[1] h[41] / TM3, y[+] ru[1] kls[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","h[IL79K]",,,,"synonym h[IL79K]",,, 101742,,"71065","ru[1] kls[1] opa[8] / TM3, y[+] ru[1] kls[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","opa[IIP32]",,,,"synonym opa[IIP32]",,, 101743,,"71080","ru[1] th[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] kls[1] ftz[16] p[p] / TM3, y[+] ru[1] kls[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ftz[E193]",,,,"synonym ftz[E193]",,, 101744,,"71210","ry[406] Dr[1] / TMS, kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1] P{Delta2-3}99B",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101745,,"71250","ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101746,,"71255","ry[506] P{PZ}osa[00090] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"90C5-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101747,,"71260","ry[506] P{A92}cash[1] / TM3, ry[1]",,,"88B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101748,,"71261","ry[506] P{A92}goul[1] / TM3, ry[1]",,,"97E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101749,,"71264","ry[506] P{PZ}ms(3)90E[01651] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"90E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)90E[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)90E[1]",,, 101750,,"71400","se[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101751,,"71450","se[1] e[11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101752,,"71460","se[51j]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101754,,"71490","ss[1] Su(ss)[3] gl[1] DNase1[F]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101755,,"71500","ss[a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101756,,"71600","st[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101757,,"71860","st[1] kni[5] e[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","kni[19]",,,,"synonym kni[19]",,, 101758,,"71900","st[1] p[1] e[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101759,,"72000","st[1] ry[1] e[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101760,,"72100","st[1] ss[1] e[11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101761,,"72120","Su(var)3-9[1] red[1] e[1] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101762,,"72250","(th[1]) (st[1]) (cp[1]) (in[1]] kni[ri-1] Antp[Scx] p[p] Ubx[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101763,,"72400","th[1] st[1] pb[1] p[p] cu[1] kar[1] su(Hw)[2] jvl[1] ss[1] Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] gl[1] / TM6, (Hn[P]) ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001."," ss[P88], bx[1]",,,,"synonym ss[P88], bx[1]",,, 101764,,"72510","TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l] / Ubx[849]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101765,,"72560","Ubx[MX1] abd-A[M1] Abd-B[M8] / Dp(3;3)P5, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101766,,"72570","Ubx[MX16] abd-A[M1] Abd-B[M9] / Dp(3;3)P5, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101768,,"72585","Wedge[X1] / TM6B, Tb[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101769,,"72590","Wedge[X2] / TM6B, Tb[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101770,,"73000","C(4)RM-P2, ci[1] ey[R] : gvl[1] sv[n]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101771,,"73050","ci[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101772,,"73052","ci[36]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101773,,"73054","ci[57]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101775,,"73352","ci[Ce-2] / Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD] ; ey[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101776,,"73360","ci[D] / l(4)102ABd[4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101777,,"73365","l(4)102ABe[1] / Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD] ; ey[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"weak eyD phenotype",,, 101778,,"73505","l(4)102CDc[1] / ci[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101779,,"73550","ci[D] / l(4)102CDg[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(4)8",,,,"synonym l(4)8",,, 101780,,"73570","ci[D] / l(4)102CDh[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101781,,"73610","ci[D] / l(4)102CDi[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101782,,"73640","ci[D] / l(4)102CDm[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101783,,"73660","ci[D] / l(4)102CDn[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101784,,"73670","ci[D] / l(4)102CDo[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101785,,"73690","ci[D] sv[spa-pol] / l(4)102CDq[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","spa[pol]",,,,"synonym spa[pol]",,, 101786,,"73900","ci[W]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101787,,"74050","l(4)102CDf[*] / Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD] ; ey[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101788,,"74080","sv[spa-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","spa[1]",,,,"synonym spa[1]",,, 101789,,"74100","sv[spa-pol]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","spa[pol]",,,,"synonym spa[pol]",,, 101790,,"74200","sv[n]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101791,,"75210","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Tp(2;Y)b10-8 ; cn[1] bw[1]",,,"35EF-36BC","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101792,,"76100","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] ; Tp(1;2)rb[+]71g, ct[6] v[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101793,,"76300","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] ; In(1)w[-64d], cm[1] ct[6] sn[3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101794,,"76800"," C(1)RM, y[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] ; SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] ; T(Y;2)B224, y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101795,,"76905","C(1)RM, y[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] ; SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] ; T(Y;2)H52, y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101796,,"76920","C(1)RM, y[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] ; SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] ; T(Y;2)L110, y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101797,,"76950","C(1)RM, y[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] ; In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] pr[1] cn[2] sp[2] ; Tp(2;Y)R31, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101798,,"77200","C(1)RM, y[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] ; In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] ; T(Y;2)B224, y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101799,,"77600","C(1)RM, y[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] ; In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] ; T(Y;2)P51, y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101800,,"77900","cl[2] ; T(Y;2)E",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101801,,"78000","ClB, sc[1] l(1)C[1] t[2] v[1] sl[1] B[1] ; T(1;2)Bld, Bld[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101803,,"78110","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / odd[5] dp[ov1] prd[9] cn[1] eve[1] ; T(Y;2)eve[2.37], b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]",,,"41-50A;Y","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","eve[ID]",,,,"synonym eve[ID]",,, 101804,,"78147","T(1;2)sc[S2], y[1] sc[S2] ; cn[1] M(2)53[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)S7[1]",,,,"synonym M(2)S7[1]",,, 101805,,"78200","Df(1)w-MG, y[2] sc[1] z[1] w[-] ; SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2] / Tp(1;2)w[+78e1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101806,,"78300","Df(1)w-MG, y[2] sc[1] z[1] w[-] N[spl-1] ; SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2] / Dp(1;2)w+II78h24",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE.2(w[+78h24])",,,,"synonym TE.2(w[+78h24])",,, 101807,,"78400","Df(1)w-MG, y[2] sc[1] z[1] w[-] N[spl-1] ; SM5, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2] ; Tp(1;2)w[+80f7]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101808,,"78560","Df(2L)sc19-9 / In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or[*]) ; Tp(2;1)B19, y[1] ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"24D4-D5;25F4-26A1,24D4;25F2;9B14-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101809,,"78565","Df(2L)sc19-11 / In(2L)Cy[1]LtR In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or?) ; Tp(2;1)B19, y[1] ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"24D2-4;25B2-4, 22D1-2;33F5-34A1[L]22D3-E1;34A8-9[R]","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101810,,"78660","Ts(YLt;2Lt)L124, B[S] / SM6a, al[2] Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(2;Y)L124",,,,"synonym Dp(2;Y)L124",,, 101811,,"78693","FM6 ; T(1;Y;2)17, y[+]",,,"7B;YL;39","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101812,,"78700","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] ; T(1;2)N[264-10], N[264-10]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101813,,"78703","f[36a] ; P{f+13}44C P{f+13}52 / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101814,,"78704","f[36a] ; P{f+13}44C P{f+13}52 M(2)58F[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)l[2]",,,,"synonym M(2)l[2]",,, 101815,,"78705","f[36a] ; pr[1] pwn[1] P{f+13}44C P{f+13}47B / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{f[+]}47B, P{f[+]}44C",,,,"synonym P{f[+]}47B, P{f[+]}44C",,, 101816,,"78902","In(1)m100 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Y ; T(1;2)m100",,,"2EF;34h;5D;26h, 2/33h;42F New Order 34h/2F-5D/26h-20F-52/26h-32h/42F-60F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101817,,"78903","In(1)r4 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Y ; T(1;2)r4",,,"13B;29h/30h, 2EF;34h,2B;55F5 New Order 60F-55F/2B-2E/34h-30h/13B-20F-26h-29h/13B-2F/34h 21-55F/2B-1A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101818,,"79050","In(1)w[m4] ; E(var)5[1] / In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101819,,"79153","In(1)w[m4h] ; In(2L)t In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1] / In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] Bc[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101820,,"79154","In(1)w[m4h] ; In(2L)t In(2R)Cy[1], Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1] / noc[Sco]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Sco[1]",,,,"synonym Sco[1]",,, 101821,,"79155","In(1)w[m4h] y[h76.3] ; In(2L)t In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1] / noc[Sco]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Sco[1]",,,,"synonym Sco[1]",,, 101822,,"79162","In(1)w[m4h] ; Su(var)205[2] / SM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(var)2-5[02]",,,,"synonym Su(var)2-5[02]",,, 101823,,"79163","In(1)w[m4h] ; Su(var)205[3] / In(2L)t In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(var)2-5[03]",,,,"synonym Su(var)2-5[03]",,, 101824,,"79168","In(1)w[m4h] ; Su(var)205[4] / In(2L)t In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(var)2-5[04]",,,,"synonym Su(var)2-5[04]",,, 101825,,"79169","In(1)r16 Tp(1;1)r16 /FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Y; T(1;2)r16",,,"h33;h29;2F, 16;26h/27h;34h;2EF, 5E;55D;39h/40h New Order 1A-2E/34h-33h/29h-27h/16-20-26h/16-2F/29h-33h/40h-46h-41-55E/34h","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101826,,"79400","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] vg[1] c[1] sp[2] ; T(1;2)cl[CA1], cl[CA1] Adh[nC1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(1;2)cl[1]",,,,"synonym T(1;2)cl[1]",,, 101827,,"H835","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11203[k11203] / CyO",,,"39A3-39A5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101828,,"79550","sc[1] z[1] w[is] ;CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Su(z)2[5]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101829,,"79600","sc[1] z[1] w[is] ;CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Su(z)3[1.iy]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(z)3[1.y]",,,,"synonym Su(z)3[1.y]",,, 101830,,"80460","su(s)[28] v[1] ; bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101831,,"80500","T(Y;2)CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101832,,"80510","w[1] ; bs[10] lf[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101833,,"80520","w[1] ; bs[11] lf[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101834,,"80530","w[1] ; bs[4] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101835,,"80540","w[1] ; CyO, Cy P{GAL4-Hsp70.PB} P{UAS-GFP.Y} / noc[Sco]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"green balancer",,, 101836,,"80544","w[1] ; cn[1] pr[1] l(1)adl1[+] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101837,,"80550","w[1] ; noc[Sco] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101838,,"80600","v[1] ; bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101839,,"80700","v[1] ; cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101840,,"80704","y[1] ; Df(2R)X58-8, pr[1] cn[1] / SM5",,,"58A1-2;58F3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101841,,"80707","Dp(1;Y)y[+] / y[1] ; Df(2R)X58-7, pr[1] cn[1] / CyO, bw[1]",,,"58A1-2;58E4-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101842,,"80720","Dp(1;Ybb-)BS ; cn[1] tra[2B] bw[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101843,,"80730","w[1] ; b[1] bgcn[1] / SM1",,,"60A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101844,,"80745","w[*] ; In(2LR)noc[4L]Sco[rv9R], b[1] / CyO, P{ActGFP}JMR1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GFP",,, 101845,,"80758","w[118] ; Df(2R)H3D3 / CyO",,,"44D;44F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101846,,"80761","w[1] ; In(2)w45-28n, cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"40-41;45A13-B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101847,,"80762","w[1] ; In(2)w45-75n, cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"40-41;45D5-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101848,,"80763","w[1] ; In(2)w45-76n, cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"40-41;45D5-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101849,,"80773","w[1] ; l(2)21Ba[PM6-16] / Cy[*]",,,"21B2-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)PM6-16",,,,"synonym l(2)PM6-16",,, 101850,,"80790","w[1118] ; P{lacW}mus309[D2] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101851,,"80795","w[1118] ; P{lacW}mus309[D2] P{Delta2-3} / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101852,,"80808","w[*] ; P{GAL4-wg.M}MA1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101853,,"80810","w[*] ; P{lacW}l(3)s2253[s2253] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"77A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101854,,"80817","y[1] w[1118] ; P{lacW}l(3)L3852[L3852] / TM3, Ser[1]",,,"66C8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101855,,"80830","w[*] ; P{GAL4-arm.S}4a P{GAL4-arm.S}4b / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GAL4",,, 101856,,"80833","w[*] ; P{GawB}24B / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GAL4",,, 101857,,"80844","w[1118] ; P{white-un1}30C P{neoFRT}40A",,,"30C, 40A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}30C",,,,"synonym P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}30C",,, 101858,,"80845","w[1118] ; P{neoFRT}42D P{white-un1}47A",,,"42D, 47A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}47A",,,,"synonym P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}47A",,, 101859,,"80846","w[*] ; P{GAL4-ninaE.GMR}12",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GAL4",,, 101860,,"80847","w[*] ; P{GawB}h1J3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GAL4",,, 101861,,"80870","w[a] N[Co] rb[1] / C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] ; Dp(1;2)51b / +",,,"3C1-2;3D6-E1;52E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101862,,"81000","w[ch] wy[1] ; cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101863,,"81050","y[1] ; C(2L)RM-SH1 / F(2R)VH2, bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","C(2L)SH1",,,,"synonym C(2L)SH1",,, 101864,,"81060","y[1] f[36a] ; P{f+13}30B / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101865,,"81150","y[1] ; CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; Dp(1;2)sc[8]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101866,,"81200","y[1] ; CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Su(z)2[4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101867,,"81305","y[1] ; dp[ov1] wg[l-14] cn[1] bw[1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"28A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","wg[CP1]",,,,"synonym wg[CP1]",,, 101868,,"81306","y[1] / + ; SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] / wg[l-14+RC1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101869,,"81320","y[1] ac[1] sc[1] pn[1] ; Df(2L)sc19-3 / In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[1] sp[1] ; Dp(2;1)B19, ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"24E3;25A6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101871,,"81351","y[1] w[*] ; Df(2L)N19 / CyO",,,"23A4;23B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101872,,"81353","y[*] w[*] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Df(2R)PC29 / CyO",,,"55C1-55C2;56B1-56B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)P29",,,,"synonym Df(2R)P29",,, 101873,,"81354","y[*] w[*] ; P{GawB}71B",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GAL4",,, 101874,,"81355","y[*] w[*] ; P{lacW}RpL14[1] / TM2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+mC]=lacW}M(3)66D[1]",,,,"synonym P{w[+mC]=lacW}M(3)66D[1]",,, 101875,,"81357","y[*] w[*] ; P{GawB}1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"GAL4",,, 101876,,"81358","y[*] w[*] P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}12; CyO / noc[Sco]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"FLP",,, 101877,,"81360","y[1] w[1118] P{hsFLP} ; Adv[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}",,, 101878,,"81370","y[1] w[1118] ; P{neoFRT}42D P{Car20y}44B",,,"42D, 44B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{y[+t2873] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}44B",,,,"synonym P{y[+t2873] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}44B",,, 101879,,"81380","y[*] w[1118] ; P{Car20y}25F P{neoFRT}40A",,,"25F, 40A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{y[+t2873] y[+t7.2]=Car20y}25F",,,,"synonym P{y[+t2873] y[+t7.2]=Car20y}25F",,, 101881,,"81383","y[*] w[-] rst[-] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Tp(1;2)TE23Db",,,"23D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[+] rst[+]}197",,,,"synonym TE{w[+] rst[+]}197",,, 101882,,"81384","y[*] w[-] rst[-] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Tp(1;2)TE28C",,,"28C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[a] rst[+]}49",,,,"synonym TE{w[a] rst[+]}49",,, 101884,,"81387","y[*] w[-] rst[-] ; Tp(1;2)TE29F",,,"29F2-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[+] rst[+]}35",,,,"synonym TE{w[+] rst[+]}35",,, 101885,,"81390","y[*] w[-] rst[-] ; Tp(1;2)TE47AB",,,"47B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[+] rst[+]}65",,,,"synonym TE{w[+] rst[+]}65",,, 101886,,"81391","y[*] w[-] rst[-] ; Tp(1;2)TE50Db",,,"50D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[+] rst[+]}110",,,,"synonym TE{w[+] rst[+]}110",,, 101887,,"81392","y[*] w[-] rst[-] ; Tp(1;2)TE54Ba",,,"54B14-18","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[+] rst[+]}45",,,,"synonym TE{w[+] rst[+]}45",,, 101888,,"81400","y[2] w[a] ; cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101889,,"81402","y[1] Df(1)w67c2 ; CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Dox-A2[5] or[49h]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101890,,"81403","y[1] Df(1)w67c2 ; CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / rdo[1] hk[1] l(2)37Ce[1] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101891,,"81410","z[1] w[11E4] ; Su(z)3[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101892,,"81450","Basc ; mwh[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101893,,"81550","Antp[XMI] Scr[Msc] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1] ; T(Y;3)MA9, ru[1] st[1] e[1] ca[1]",,,"84B1-84B2;Y","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Msc[1]",,,,"synonym Msc[1]",,, 101894,,"81600","Dp(1;Y)B[S] / w[a] ; st[1] tra[1] / TM2, Ubx[130] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"w[a]-temperature sensitive",,, 101895,,"81700","Dp(1;Y)B[S] ; mu2[1] st[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101896,,"81950","y[2] Dp(1;1;1;1)w[i] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] ; st[1] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101897,,"82550","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Sh[6] ; e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Sh[101]",,,,"synonym Sh[101]",,, 101898,,"82910","C(1)RM, y[2] su(w[a])[1] w[a] bb[1] ; k[D] e[s] / TM2] kni[ri-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101899,,"82950","C(1)RM, y[2] su(w[a])[1] w[a] bb[1] ; k[D] e[s] / TM2] kni[ri-1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101900,,"83200","Df(1)w-MG, y[2] sc[1] w[-] N[spl-1] ; Tp(1;3)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101901,,"83201","Df(3R)B81, P{RP49}F2-80A e[1] / TM3, Sb[1] ; Dp(3;1)67A",,,"99C8;100F5, 99D;100F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101902,,"83350","In(3R)Ubx[7LL]ats[R], asp[1] ats[1] p[p] / TM6B ; e[1] Tb[1] ca[1] ; y[1] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,"96A1-7;96A21-25, 89C;89E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)XS,Dp(3R)XS",,,,"synonym Df(3R)XS,Dp(3R)XS",,, 101904,,"83356","f[36a] ; mwh[1] jv[1] P{f+13}77A / TM2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101905,,"83750","fs(1)K10[1] w[1] / ClB / Dp(1;Y)B[S] ; mwh[1] se[1] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101906,,"83900","In(1)sc[8] Df(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[a] ; Ts(1Lt;3Rt)sc[J4], (y[+]) sc[J4]",,,"1A1; 1B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(1;3)sc[J4]",,,,"synonym Dp(1;3)sc[J4]",,, 101907,,"83930","In(1)dl-49, ct[ns] v[Of] ; In(3L)P, Me[1] / In(3LR)DcxF, ru[1] h[1] D[1]",,,"In(1)4D7-E1;11F2-4, In(3L)63B8-11;72E1-2, In(3LR)62;67","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101908,,"83940","In(1)dl-49, y[1] ac[Hw[1]-1] m[2] g[4] ; T(1;3)sc[Mc], sc[Mc]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101909,,"84100","In(3LR)Ubx[130] kni[ri-1] Ubx[130] e[s] ; Dp(1;3)in[61j2], in[61j2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101911,,"84200","ry[506] ; P{ry11}l(4)ry16[1] / ci[D]",,,"102D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(4)16",,,,"synonym l(4)16",,, 101912,,"84385","Tp(3;Y)ry506-85C / MKRS",,,"87D1-2;88E5-6;Y","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101913,,"84390","T(1;3)bxd[657] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"cyt. In(3R)81;89E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(1;3)bxd, bxd[657]",,,,"synonym T(1;3)bxd, bxd[657]",,, 101914,,"84800","tuh1[h] ; Abd-B[iab9-tuh-3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001."," iab9[tuh-3], tuh1[1]",,,,"synonym iab9[tuh-3], tuh1[1]",,, 101915,,"84900","tuh1[h] ; Abd-B[iab9-tuh-3]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001."," tuh1[1], iab9[I127], Abd-B[I127B]",,,,"synonym tuh1[1], iab9[I127], Abd-B[I127B]",,, 101916,,"H837","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11206[k11206] / CyO",,,"25C5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101917,,"84980","w[1] ; Df(3L)66C-I65 / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[1] Sb[1]",,,"66C7;66C10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101918,,"85016","w[1118] ; Df(3R)6-7 / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"82D3-8;82F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101919,,"85025","w[1] ; In(3LR)CxD, D[1] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101920,,"85560","w[1118] ; P{neoFRT}82B P{white-un1}90E",,,"82B, 90E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}90E",,,,"synonym P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}90E",,, 101921,,"85570","w[*] ; P{neoFRT}82B P{ovoD1-18}3R / st[1] betaTub85D[D] ss[1] e[s] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"82B, 98A-B,?","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101922,,"85572","w[1118] ; P{w[+mC=EP}EP3646 / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101923,,"85580","w[1] ; ry[406] Dr[1] / TMS, kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1] P{Delta2-3}99B",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101924,,"85595","w[1] ; TM3, Sb[1] / TM6b, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101925,,"85702","y[*] w[-] rst[-] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Tp(1;3)TE61Db",,,"61D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE(w[+] rst[+])244",,,,"synonym TE(w[+] rst[+])244",,, 101926,,"85710","y[*] w[1118] ; P{neoFRT}82B P{piM}87E Sb[63b] P{Car20y}96E / TM6B, ry[*]",,,"82B, 87E,96E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+mC]=PiM}87E, P{y[+t2873] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}96E",,,,"synonym P{w[+mC]=PiM}87E, P{y[+t2873] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}96E",,, 101927,,"85720","y[*] w[1118] ; P{white-un1}70C P{neoFRT}73D P{neoFRT}80B",,,"70C, 73D, 80B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}70C",,,,"synonym P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}70C",,, 101928,,"85730","y[*] w[1118] ; P{Car20y}66E P{neoFRT}73D P{neoFRT}80B",,,"66E, 73D, 80B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{y[+t2873] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}66E",,,,"synonym P{y[+t2873] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}66E",,, 101929,,"85732","y[2] Dp(1;1;1;1)w[i] / FM6 ; st[1] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101930,,"86000","C(1)DX, f[1] / Df(1)D15, v[1] f[1] ; Dp(1;4)r[+]*/+",,,"14D1;15C5, 13F2-14A2;16A7-B1;102F2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101932,,"86560","Df(1)r-D17 / FM6, l(1)*[*] ; Dp(1;4)r[+]l / +",,,"14F6; 15A6, 14A1-2;16A7-B1;102F2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(1;4)r[+]",,,,"synonym Dp(1;4)r[+]",,, 101933,,"87250","y[1] ; P{lacW}ci[Dplac]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101934,,"87820","bw[1] ; c(3)G[OR-12-738] Ubx[bx-34e] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101935,,"87860","bw[1] ; st[1] p[p]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101936,,"87900","bw[1] ; rho[ve-1] st[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ve[1]",,,,"synonym ve[1]",,, 101937,,"88000","bw[75] ; st[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101938,,"88010","cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] ; kar[2] sim[1] / MRS",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101939,,"88100","cn[1] bw[1] ; e[11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101940,,"88101","cn[1] P{PZ}blw[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"58F5-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101941,,"88103","cn[1] P{PZ}emm[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"56E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101942,,"88105","cn[1] P{PZ}ox[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"49C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101943,,"88168","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r15, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101944,,"88172","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r18, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101945,,"88173","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r20, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101946,,"88175","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r24, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101947,,"88179","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r28, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101948,,"88180","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2L)Sco[rv11]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","In(2L)Sco[R+11]",,,,"synonym In(2L)Sco[R+11]",,, 101949,,"88182","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r30, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101950,,"88184","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r32, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101951,,"88185","CyO / wg[Sp-1] ; Ki[1] hb[1] ry[1] / TM3, kni[ri-1] p[p] ry[1] Sb[1] P{ftz/lacC}",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101952,,"88186","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; Tp(2;3)6r33, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101953,,"88188","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] P{ftz/lacC} / wg[Sp-1] ; Ki[1] hb[1] ry[1] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101954,,"88191","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r34, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"31A2-B1; 95C-95D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101955,,"88197","CyO / T(2;3)G24, dpp[d-ho2] CycE[1]",,,"41;92F-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101956,,"88200","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; T(2;3)dpp[d3], dpp[d3] Adh[nC1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(2;3)ho[5],ho[5]",,,,"synonym T(2;3)ho[5],ho[5]",,, 101957,,"88201","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r1, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"27F;h47-h58","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101958,,"88202","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r3, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"34B2-6; 42B; 57B3-5; 79A2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101959,,"88203","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r4, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"22A2-B1; 24C2-D1; 60A2-B1; 60E; h47-h58","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101960,,"88205","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r6, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"56E; 84B-84C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101961,,"88207","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r8, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"h35-h46; h47-h58","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101962,,"88208","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r9, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"47E; 97C3-D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101963,,"88209","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r11, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"27F; 62D2-6; 27F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101964,,"88211","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r13, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"58A; 76B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101965,,"88213","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r15, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"44D; 45D3-8; 47D; 70B4-7; 70B4-7; 80-81","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101966,,"88214","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r18, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"25D; 49F; 51D-51F; h47-h58","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101967,,"88215","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r20, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"22B3-7; 63E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101968,,"88217","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r22, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"32A2-B1; 75C1-2; 83E-84B; 95A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101969,,"88218","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r23, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"56A2-B1; 65E2-F1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101970,,"88219","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r24, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"43C; 63C-63D; 68A-68B; 80-81","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101971,,"88221","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r27, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"h35-h46; 75B7-D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101972,,"88223","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r30, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"55F1-56A2; 65C-65D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101973,,"88225","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r34, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"h35-h46; 66C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101974,,"88226","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r35, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"25A4-B2; 100B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101975,,"88228","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r37, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"h35-h46; h47-h58","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101976,,"88230","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)8r40, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"32A2-B2; 92A4-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101977,,"88250","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; T(2;3)G16, dpp[d-ho] CycE[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ho[2], l(2)br[37GE1], T(2;3)H16",,,,"synonym ho[2], l(2)br[37GE1], T(2;3)H16",,, 101978,,"88260","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; T(2;3)3.29, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]",,,"tip;25C;100F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(2;3)odd[3.29]",,,,"synonym T(2;3)odd[3.29]",,, 101979,,"88340","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; T(2;3)Sco[rv7]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(2;3)Sco[R+7]",,,,"synonym T(2;3)Sco[R+7]",,, 101980,,"88345","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; T(2;3)sna[2.40], b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101981,,"88370","Dp(3;1)2-2, w[1118] / ? ; Df(3R)2-2 / TM3, y[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,"81F;82F10-11,81F10-11;3D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101982,,"88400","Df(2R)bw5, bw[5] sp[2] ; T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]",,,"59D10-E1;59E4-F1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101983,,"88510","Gpdh[B] Mdh1[S] Adh[F] ; Fdh[F] Aldox-1[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Gpdh[S]",,,,"synonym Gpdh[S]",,, 101984,,"88525","Gpdh[B] Mdh1[S] Adh[S] ; Fdh[S] Aldox-1[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Gpdh[S]",,,,"synonym Gpdh[S]",,, 101985,,"88850","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] lt[3] cn[2] L[4] sp[2] ; T(2;3)N2-48, c[1] px[1] sp[1] ro[64c]",,,"57E2-F1;98C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101986,,"88895","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] ; T(2;3)rn, rn[1]",,,"84D8-9;80-81;40-41","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101987,,"89050","In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[1] ; Tp(2;3)dp[h27]",,,"24F4-7;32B1-2;91D4-5,91D-E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","T(2;3)dp[h27]",,,,"synonym T(2;3)dp[h27]",,, 101988,,"89350","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2R)Np[r], Np[r] ; T(2;3)G10",,,"41E5;F1;45F11-A2, 40;41","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101989,,"89400","M(3)86D[1] ; T(2;3)Me[2], Me[2] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(3)S31",,,,"synonym M(3)S31",,, 101990,,"89701","P{A92}hall[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"55A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101991,,"89702","P{A92}mlt[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"46F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101992,,"89703","P{A92}pea[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"50D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101993,,"89713","P{PZ}aret[9] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"33CD","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101994,,"89714","P{PZ}bln[1] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"36AB","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101995,,"89715","P{PZ}dbf[1] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"32A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101996,,"89718","P{PZ}ms(2)27CD[06491] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"27CD","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(2)27CD[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(2)27CD[1]",,, 101997,,"89719","P{PZ}ms(2)42A[06410] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"42A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(2)42A[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(2)42A[1]",,, 101998,,"89721","P{PZ}pelo[1] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"30C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 101999,,"89723","P{PZ}scat[1] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"30B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102000,,"89910","In(3L)P ; T(2;3)B In(3L)D, ru[1] h[1] D[1] ss[1] e[s]",,,"33;81F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102001,,"90560","T(2;3)bxd[266]",,,"T(2;3)40;89E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","bxd[24032.266]",,,,"synonym bxd[24032.266]",,, 102002,,"90673","TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] ; T(2;3)H26",,,"42B1-4; 66A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102003,,"90677","TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] ; T(2;3)H30",,,"21A; 83D2-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102004,,"90678","TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] ; T(2;3)H31",,,"32D3-5; 79F3-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102005,,"90691","TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]; T(2;3)H43",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102006,,"90693","TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] ; T(2;3)H45",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102007,,"90695","TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] ; T(2;3)H47",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102008,,"90709","TM3, Sb[1] Bd[S] ; T(2;3)H61",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102009,,"90742","TM3, Sb[1] Bd[S] ; T(2;3)H106",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102010,,"90754","TM3, Sb[1] Bd[S] ; T(2;3)H127",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102011,,"90765","TM3, Sb[1] Bd[S] ; T(2;3)H144",,,"23A1-2; 99A7-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102012,,"90767","TM3, Sb[1] Bd[S] ; T(2;3)H152",,,"34D; 30A2-7; 99B5-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102013,,"90768","TM3, Sb[1] Bd[S] ; T(2;3)H155",,,"60D1-2; 93A1-2; 98C1-2; 100D2-E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102014,,"90780","tra[1] ; Tp(2;3)Me, Me[1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102015,,"91800","In(3LR)Ubx[130], Ubx[130] e[s] ; T(3;4)e",,,"79E;102F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102016,,"92130","f[36a] ; P{f+13}30B ck[13] pr[1] pwn[1] / CyO ; mwh[1] jv[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{f[+]}30B",,,,"synonym P{f[+]}30B",,, 102017,,"92140","f[36a] ; P{f+13}44C P{f+13}52 M(2)58F[1] / CyO ; mwh[1] jv[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)l[2]",,,,"synonym M(2)l[2]",,, 102018,,"92150","In(1)w[m4h] ; CyO / noc[Sco] ; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Sco[1]",,,,"synonym Sco[1]",,, 102019,,"92160","In(1)w[m4h] ; In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy ; T(2;3)ap[Xa] Su(var)2-1[1] ; Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(var)2-1[01]",,,,"synonym Su(var)2-1[01]",,, 102020,,"92230","T(1;2;3)r24 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / Dp(1;Y)B[S]Y",,,"2EF;34h;34h;98F/99A;86C;29h/30h;26h/20F;45h;45A-C;58h New Order 1A-2E/34h-33h(C) /98F-86C/29h-26h/45h-46h-44-45A/30h-33h/99A-100","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102021,,"92250","w[1] ; b[1] bgcn[1] / SM6a ; TM6B",,,"60A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102022,,"92300","w[1] ; b[1] ; rho[ve-1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ve[1]",,,,"synonym ve[1]",,, 102023,,"92303","w[1118] ; S[SC2] / CyO ; gl[3] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102024,,"#100","y[1] Hw[1] f[36a] / FM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102025,,"#117","y[1] Hw[1] r[9 ] /FM7a, y[1] w[a] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102026,,"#119","X[.]Dp(1;1)sc[V1], y[1] Hw[1], y[+] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102027,,"#121","In(1)y[4], y[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102028,,"#126","In(1)sc[9], sc[9] w[a] f[1] Bx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102029,,"#128","sc[2] pn[1] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102030,,"#129","sc[3-1] w[1] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102033,,"#139","In(1)sc[V1], v[1]/In(1)dl-49 + In(1)sc[8], y[31d] sc[8] v[1] f[1] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102034,,"#140","In(1)sc[7] + In(1)AM, car[1] / FM4, B[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102035,,"#141","In(1)sc9, sc[9 ]w[a] sn[3] f[1] Bx[1] / C(1)DX, y[1] (f[1])",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102036,,"#143","y[1] sc[D2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102038,,"#147","X[.]Y, y[+], In(1)sc[J1], Dp(1)53, l(1)J1[1] car[1], ac[+] y[+] / C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Y",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102039,,"#148","In(1)sc[J1], l(1)J1[1] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;f)sc[7.2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102040,,"#149","In(1)sc[8], f[36a]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102041,,"#160","In(1)dl-49, l(1)J1[1] y[1] w[1] lz[s] f[36a] / In(1)sc[7] + In(1)AM",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102042,,"#184","sc[1] ec[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102043,,"#185","y[1] Hw[1] v[1] Ubl[1] / FM7c",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"(=RpII215[Ubl])",,, 102044,,"#189","Df(1)sc[19], f[36a] / FM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102045,,"#190","sc[A]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102046,,"#191","In(1)sc[S1], y[1] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102047,,"#193","In(1)sc[S1L]sc[8R], y[1] sc[8] sc[S1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102048,,"#194","sc[e] rut[1] f[5] Sh[14] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102049,,"#196","Df(1)sc[B57] w[1] sn[3] / FM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102050,,"#213","Df(1)sc[19], f[36a]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] ; Dp(1;2)sc[19], fs(2)B[1] b[1] pr[1] / In(2L+2R)Cy, Cy[1] dp[ovl] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102051,,"#216","In(1)sc[8L]sc[4R] + In(1)S w[a] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] ; Dp(1;2)sc[19] b[1] pr[1] / In(2L+2R)Cy, Cy[1] pr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102053,,"#227","T(1;2)sc[S2], pwn[1] / In(2LR)Gla",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102054,,"#233","Df(1)sc[19] / FM6 ; pwn[1] cn[1] / In(2L)Cy",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102055,,"#242","y[1] ; Dp(1;2)sc[19] ck[1] pr[1] pwn[1] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102056,,"#26","Df(1)sc[4] / In(1)dl-49, y[1] Hw[1] m[2] g[4]/y[2]Y67g",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102057,,"#268","y[1] ; Dp(1;2)sc[19]; mwh[1] jv[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102058,,"#277","y[1] ; Opt[G]; Dp(1;3)sc[J4] / + ; ey[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102059,,"#28","Tp(1;2)sc[19], f[36a] / FM6 / B[S]Y",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102060,,"#287","In(1)y[3PL]sc[8R], y[-] ac[-] ; mwh[1] h[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102062,,"#29","Df(1)sc[S2], f[36a] / FM6 / B[S]Y",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102063,,"#295","Df(1)sc[8] w[a] / FMA3 ; Dp(1;3)sc[J4] jv[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102064,,"#296","y[1 / FMA3 ; Dp(1;3)sc[J4] jv[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102065,,"#30","Df(1)sc[H], f[36a] / FM6 / B[S]Y",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102066,,"#300","T(1;3)sc[260-15] / FM7c",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102067,,"#305","T(1;3)OR17, y[1] / FM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102068,,"#306","T(1;3)OR34, y[1] / FM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102069,,"#307","T(1;3)OR45, y[1] / FM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102070,,"#308","T(1;3)OR49, y[1] / FM6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102071,,"#311","y[1] ; Dp(1;3)sc[J4] flr[1] / TM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102073,,"#315","y[1] f[36a] / FMA3; Dp(1;3)sc[J4] flr[1] / TM2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102074,,"#316","y[1] ; Dp(1;3)sc[J4] M(3)i[55] / TM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102075,,"#344","y[1] ; Dp(1;3)sc[J4] M(3)i[55] sbd[1] bx[34e] / TM1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102076,,"#400","T(1;4)sc[H] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102077,,"#401","T(1;4)sc[H]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102078,,"#403","Df(1)sc[8], w[a] ; Dp(1;4)sc[H] / +",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102079,,"#404","Df(1)sc[H], f[36a] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)sc[H] / +",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102082,,"#98","In(1)y[3PL]sc[8R], y[-] ac[-]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102083,,"42683A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)TW130, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"37B9-C1;37D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)130",,,,"synonym Df(2L)130",,, 102084,,"42683B","CyO / Df(2L)TW12, Tft[-] l(2)74i[1] pr[1]",,,"37E2-F4;39D1-D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102085,,"42688B","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2R)Np3, bw[1]",,,"44D2-E1;45B8-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Notopleural phenotype",,, 102086,,"42688C","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2R)Np4, bw[1]",,,"Df is isolated in In(2R)G50 41;45B8-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Notopleural phenotype",,, 102087,,"42845A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / hum[5] bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","fs(2)hum[5]",,,,"synonym fs(2)hum[5]",,, 102088,,"42859A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1] l(2)DTS18WF[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102089,,"42890A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / In(2R)G73",,,"In(2R)41;45A2-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102090,,"500","0 / C(1)RM, z[1] sn[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102091,,"42896A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] l(2)43Ba[1] bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102092,,"42896B","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] l(2)43Bb[1] bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102093,,"42896G","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)43Cc[1] bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102094,,"42896H","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)43Da[2] bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102095,,"42896I","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)43Db[1] bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102096,,"42897A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)44Fa[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102097,,"42897C","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)44Fc[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102098,,"42897D","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / babo[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)44Fd[1]",,,,"synonym l(2)44Fd[1]",,, 102099,,"42898A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)45Aa[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102100,,"42898E","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)45Ad[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102101,,"42899A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)45Ba[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102102,,"42899B","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)45Bc[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102104,,"42949B","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / l(2)45Bb[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102105,,"43069A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / rdo[1] Ddc[lo1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102106,,"43069C","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / mus210[G1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001."," rad(2)202[G1], mus201[G1]",,,,"synonym rad(2)202[G1], mus201[G1]",,, 102107,,"43097A","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[1] / S[PM1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102108,,"55403A","Df(3R)C7 / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] e[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102110,,"70447E","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] Abd-B[M1] / TM6B, Antp[Hu] e[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Hu[1]",,,,"synonym Hu[1]",,, 102111,,"70447F","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] Abd-B[M5] / TM6B",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102112,,"70447G","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] Ubx[9.22] Abd-B[M1] / TM6B, Antp[Hu] e[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Hu[1]",,,,"synonym Hu[1]",,, 102113,,"70448A","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] Ubx[M4]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102114,,"70448D","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] Ubx[MX17] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] red[1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102115,,"70458A","P{PZ}ms(3)73D[02075] ry[506] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1]",,,"73D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)73D[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(3)73D[1]",,, 102116,,"71262A","ry[506] P{PZ}heph[2] / TM3, ry[RK]",,,"100E1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102117,,"81390A","y[*] w[-] rst[-] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Tp(1;2)TE47C",,,"47C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[a] rst[+]}96",,,,"synonym TE{w[a] rst[+]}96",,, 102118,,"81391A","y[*] w[-] rst[-] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Tp(1;2)TE54Bc",,,"54B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE{w[+] rst[+]}187",,,,"synonym TE{w[+] rst[+]}187",,, 102119,,"83200A","Df(3R)2-2 / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1] ; Dp(3;1)2-2 / ?",,,"81F;83A, 81F;83A;3D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Tp(3;1)2-2",,,,"synonym Tp(3;1)2-2",,, 102120,,"85705A","y[*] w[-] rst[-] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Tp(1;3)TE67Ea",,,"67E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","TE(w[a] rst[+])31",,,,"synonym TE(w[a] rst[+])31",,, 102121,,"89716A","P{PZ}ms(2)21D[06619] cn[1] / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"21D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(2)21D[1]",,,,"synonym P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(2)21D[1]",,, 102122,,"H001","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00103[k00103] / CyO",,,"51C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102123,,"H002","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00107[k00107 ] /CyO",,,"43E1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102124,,"H003","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05428[k00108] / CyO",,,"21D4--E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102125,,"H004","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}esg[k00109] / CyO",,,"35D1-35D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102126,,"H005","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00116[k00116] / CyO",,,"45A4-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102127,,"H006","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01467[k00119] / CyO",,,"57E6-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102128,,"H008","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03405[k00203] / CyO",,,"46A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102129,,"H009","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Btk29A[k00206] / CyO",,,"29A1-29A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102130,,"H010","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00208[k00208] / CyO, P{y[+t7.7]",,,"50C17-19","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102131,,"H011","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00212[k00212] / CyO",,,"59A1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102132,,"H012","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00213[k00213] / CyO",,,"27C2--3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102133,,"H013","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00224[k00224] / CyO",,,"32E1--2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102134,,"H014","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00230[k00230] / CyO",,,"27C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102135,,"H015","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Uba1[k00231] / CyO",,,"46A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)03405[k00231]",,,,"synonym l(2)03405[k00231]",,, 102136,,"H016","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00233[k00233] / CyO",,,"42A15-42A19","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102137,,"H017","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vkg[k00236] / CyO",,,"25C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102138,,"H018","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Mad[k00237] / CyO",,,"23D3-23D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102139,,"H019","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00301[k00301] / CyO",,,"36A11-36A12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102140,,"H020","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00302[k00302] / CyO",,,"34B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102141,,"H021","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00304[k00304] / CyO",,,"43F5-43F6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102142,,"H022","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00305a[k00305a] / CyO",,,"53F3-53F5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102143,,"H023","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01265[k00308] / CyO",,,"37B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102144,,"H024","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}barr[k00310] / CyO",,,"38A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102145,,"H025","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00311[k00311] / CyO",,,"31E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102146,,"H026","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00313[k00313] / CyO",,,"45D1-45D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102147,,"H027","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00314a[k00314a] / CyO",,,"42C1-42C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102148,,"H028","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}shn[k00401] / CyO",,,"47D5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102149,,"H029","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cg25C[k00405] / CyO",,,"25C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102150,,"H030","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00407[k00407] / CyO",,,"47A15-47A16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102151,,"H031","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00116[k00413] / CyO",,,"45A4-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102152,,"H032","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00414[k00414] / CyO",,,"50C1-50C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102153,,"H033","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)10685[k00420] / CyO",,,"21F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102154,,"H034","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00423[k00423] / CyO",,,"38A5-38A6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102155,,"H035","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00424[k00424] / CyO",,,"30D1-30D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102156,,"H036","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)02448[k00501] / CyO",,,"56F10-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102157,,"H037","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00503[k00503] / CyO",,,"42B1-42B3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102158,,"H038","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00506[k00506] / CyO",,,"42A18-42A19","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102159,,"H039","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05633[k00508] / CyO",,,"60B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102160,,"H040","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)02353[k00604] / CyO",,,"46A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102161,,"H041","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00605[k00605] / CyO",,,"27A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102162,,"H043","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00607[k00607] / CyO",,,"100F1-100F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102163,,"H044","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00609[k00609] / CyO",,,"23F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102164,,"H045","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00611[k00611] / CyO",,,"58F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102165,,"H046","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00612[k00612] / CyO",,,"58F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102166,,"H047","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00616[k00616] / CyO",,,"21B7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102167,,"H048","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00619[k00619] / CyO",,,"21F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102168,,"H049","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Adf1[k00620] / CyO",,,"42C1-42C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102169,,"H050","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00701a[k00701a] / CyO",,,"24A1-24A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102170,,"H051","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04440[k00702] / CyO",,,"55C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102171,,"H052","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)02448[k00704] / CyO",,,"56F10-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102172,,"H053","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k00705] / CyO",,,"56D7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102173,,"H054","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}neb[k00802] / CyO",,,"38B3-38B6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102174,,"H056","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00803[k00803] / CyO",,,"51B1-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102175,,"H057","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Pka-C1[k00804] / CyO",,,"30C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102176,,"H058","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k00806] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102177,,"H059","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00808[k00808] / CyO",,,"60D6-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102178,,"H060","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}crp[k00809] / CyO",,,"35F1-35F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102179,,"H061","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)34Fa[k00811] / CyO",,,"35A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102180,,"H062","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}domino[k00904] / CyO",,,"57D11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102181,,"H063","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00909[k00909] / CyO",,,"47C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102182,,"H064","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01008a[k01008a] / CyO",,,"55B9-55B10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102183,,"H065","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01015[k01015] / CyO",,,"60A10-60A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102184,,"H066","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03405[k01016] / CyO",,,"46A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102185,,"H067","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Hr46[k01017] / CyO",,,"46F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102186,,"H068","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06825[k01021] / CyO",,,"29F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102187,,"H069","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01102[k01102] / CyO",,,"24D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102188,,"H070","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01103[k01103] / CyO",,,"48F3-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102189,,"H071","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01270[k01108] / CyO",,,"21C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102190,,"H072","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)07022[k01109] / CyO",,,"41F8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102191,,"H073","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}ex[k01115] / CyO",,,"21C4-21C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102192,,"H074","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01117[k01117] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102193,,"H075","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01205[k01205] / CyO",,,"60D15-60D16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102194,,"H077","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01207[k01207] / CyO",,,"43F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102195,,"H078","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}tsr[k01208] / CyO",,,"60B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k05633[k01208]",,,,"synonym l(2)k05633[k01208]",,, 102196,,"H079","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01209[k01209] / CyO",,,"54B4-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102197,,"H080","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04493[k01211] / CyO",,,"27C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102198,,"H082","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03848[k01215] / CyO",,,"30E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102199,,"H083","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06955[k01217] / CyO",,,"21F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102200,,"H084","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01301[k01301] / CyO",,,"45F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102201,,"H085","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01302[k01302] / CyO",,,"25D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102202,,"H086","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01310a[k01310a] / CyO",,,"35D1-35D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102203,,"H087","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01402[k01402] / CyO",,,"49D1-49D3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102204,,"H088","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}kuz[k01403] / CyO",,,"34C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102205,,"H089","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01501[k01501] / CyO",,,"26B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102206,,"H090","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04535[k01601] / CyO",,,"42C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102207,,"H091","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vkg[k01701] / CyO",,,"25C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102208,,"H092","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}eIF-4a[k01801] / CyO",,,"26A7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102209,,"H093","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k01802] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102210,,"H094","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04217a[k04217a] / CyO",,,"33C4-33C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102211,,"H095","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01094[k02002] / CyO",,,"42B2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102212,,"H096","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02003a[k02003a] / CyO",,,"46B1-46B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102213,,"H098","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Ddc[k02104] / CyO",,,"37C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102214,,"H100","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02201[k02201] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102215,,"H101","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02203[k02203] / CyO",,,"44C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102216,,"H102","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02205[k02205] / CyO",,,"52D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102217,,"H104","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}mam[k02214] / CyO",,,"50C22-23","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102218,,"H105","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Acon[k02301] / CyO",,,"39B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102219,,"H106","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02302[k02302] / CyO",,,"47A11-47A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102220,,"H107","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}drk[k02401] / CyO",,,"50A12-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102221,,"H108","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02402a[k02402a] / CyO",,,"46F5-46F6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102222,,"H109","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02404a[k02404a] / CyO",,,"46F5-46F7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102223,,"H110","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02506[k02506] / CyO",,,"30C7-30C8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102226,,"H113","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}bnch[k02511] / CyO",,,"52E5-52E7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102227,,"H114","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}lolal[k02512] / CyO",,,"55B5-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k02512[k02512]",,,,"synonym l(2)k02512[k02512]",,, 102228,,"H115","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}CycE[k02514] / CyO",,,"35D3-35D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102229,,"H116","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}insc[k02517] / CyO",,,"57B5-57B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102231,,"H118","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}CycE[k02602] / CyO",,,"35D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102232,,"H119","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02605[k02605] / CyO",,,"31F3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102233,,"H120","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02606a[k02606a] / CyO",,,"46A2-46A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102234,,"H121","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}insc[k02608] / CyO",,,"57B1-57B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102235,,"H122","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}18w[k02701] / CyO",,,"56F6-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102236,,"H123","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Sin3A[k02703] / CyO",,,"49B3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102237,,"H124","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}domino[k02704] / CyO",,,"57D11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102238,,"H125","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}chic[k02707] / CyO",,,"26A7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102239,,"H126","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04535[k02710] / CyO",,,"42C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102240,,"H127","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02802[k02802] / CyO",,,"50C20-23","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102241,,"H128","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}ab[k02807] / CyO",,,"32E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102242,,"H129","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Hrb27C[k02814] / CyO",,,"27C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102243,,"H130","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02818[k02818] / CyO",,,"28B1-28B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102244,,"H131","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}bun[k02903] / CyO",,,"38B4-38B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102245,,"H132","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02905[k02905] / CyO",,,"49F4-49F5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102246,,"H133","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03002[k03002] / CyO",,,"41C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102247,,"H134","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03003[k03003] / CyO",,,"49B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102248,,"H135","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}oho55DE[k03007] / CyO",,,"55E1-55E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102249,,"H136","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cg25C[k03009] / CyO",,,"25C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102250,,"H137","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03010[k03010] / CyO",,,"50C9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102251,,"H138","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05633[k03101] / CyO",,,"60B3-60B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102252,,"H139","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cg25C[k03102] / CyO",,,"25C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102253,,"H140","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03105[k03105] / CyO",,,"57A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102254,,"H141","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}drk[k03106] / CyO",,,"50A12-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102255,,"H142","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03107[k03107] / CyO",,,"32C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102256,,"H143","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03110[k03110] / CyO",,,"44C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102257,,"H144","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03111[k03111] / CyO",,,"46B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102258,,"H145","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Bub1[k03113] / CyO",,,"42A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k03113[k03113]",,,,"synonym l(2)k03113[k03113]",,, 102259,,"H146","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03114[k03114] / CyO",,,"42A1-42A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102260,,"H147","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03115[k03115] / CyO",,,"46B1-46B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102261,,"H148","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03117[k03117] / CyO",,,"54B15-54B16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102262,,"H149","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03201[k03201] / CyO",,,"26D6-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102263,,"H150","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03202b[k03202b] / CyO",,,"42C1-42C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102264,,"H151","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03203[k03203] / CyO",,,"42D1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102265,,"H153","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03205[k03205] / CyO",,,"60E5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102266,,"H154","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03301[k03301] / CyO",,,"49B7-49B8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102267,,"H155","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03303[k03303] / CyO",,,"54E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102268,,"H156","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)07214[k03307] / CyO",,,"51B7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102269,,"H157","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03308[k03308] / CyO",,,"51F11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102270,,"H158","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03311[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102271,,"H159","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}shg[k03401] / CyO",,,"57B13-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102272,,"H160","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}veg[k03402] / CyO",,,"53C1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102273,,"H161","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01094[k03404] / CyO",,,"42B1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102274,,"H162","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}shot[k03405] / CyO",,,"50C9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102275,,"H164","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03501[k03501] / CyO",,,"52D9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102276,,"H165","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03502[k03502] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102278,,"H167","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03507[k03507] / CyO",,,"47B1-47B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102279,,"H168","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Sema1a[k03509] / CyO",,,"29E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102281,,"H172","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03610[k03610] / CyO",,,"46F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102283,,"H174","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03617[k03617] / CyO",,,"51B1-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102284,,"H175","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03610[k03703] / CyO",,,"46F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102285,,"H176","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03704[k03704] / CyO",,,"60E8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102286,,"H177","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03706[k03706] / CyO",,,"29D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102287,,"H178","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vri[k03801] / CyO",,,"25D4-25D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102288,,"H179","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03902[k03902] / CyO",,,"36B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102289,,"H180","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}neb[k03903] / CyO",,,"38B3-38B4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102291,,"H182","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03905[k03905] / CyO",,,"48C5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102292,,"H183","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03906a[k03906a] / CyO",,,"31F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102293,,"H185","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04003[k04003] / CyO",,,"29E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102296,,"H188","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}shot[k04204] / CyO",,,"50C11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k04204[k04204]",,,,"synonym l(2)k04204[k04204]",,, 102297,,"54740","Df(3L)rdgC-co2, th[1] st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] / TM6C, Sb[1] cu[1] e[s]",,,"77A1;77D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3L)rdgC",,,,"synonym Df(3L)rdgC",,, 102298,,"H189","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04206[k04206] / CyO",,,"36A1-36A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102300,,"H191","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04211[k04211] / CyO",,,"47A11-47A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102301,,"H192","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04212[k04212] / CyO",,,"37E1-37E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102303,,"H194","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k01901[k01901] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102304,,"H196","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04222[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102305,,"H197","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04223[k04223] / CyO",,,"27B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102307,,"H199","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04308[k04308] / CyO",,,"46F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102308,,"H200","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}EcR[k04314] / CyO",,,"42A10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102309,,"H202","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}blw[k04409] / CyO",,,"59A1-59A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102310,,"H203","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Kr-h1[k04411] / CyO",,,"26B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)10642[k04411]",,,,"synonym l(2)10642[k04411]",,, 102311,,"H204","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}shn[k04412] / CyO",,,"47D7-47D8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102312,,"H205","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04493[k04501] / CyO",,,"27C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102313,,"H206","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}EcR[k04504] / CyO",,,"42A10-42A16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102315,,"H209","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04512[k04512] / CyO",,,"45B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102316,,"H211","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04601[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102317,,"H212","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04603[k04603] / CyO",,,"30E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102318,,"H213","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13638[k04604] / CyO",,,"28E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102319,,"H214","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06860[k04703] / CyO",,,"24A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102320,,"H215","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04704[k04704] / CyO",,,"27D5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102321,,"H216","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04801a[k04801a] / CyO",,,"60D13-60D14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102322,,"H217","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04807[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102323,,"H218","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04808[k04808] / CyO",,,"55C9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102324,,"H219","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04809[k04809] / CyO",,,"60D13-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102325,,"H220","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04810[k04810] / CyO",,,"53E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102326,,"H221","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}hoip[k04901] / CyO",,,"30C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102327,,"H222","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04907[k04907] / CyO",,,"50E4-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102328,,"H223","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04909a[k04909a] / CyO",,,"42E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102330,,"H225","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04913[k04913] / CyO",,,"44F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102331,,"H226","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04917[k04917] / CyO",,,"26D6-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102332,,"H227","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05001[k05001] / CyO",,,"39A6-39A7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102333,,"H228","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}CycE[k05002] / CyO",,,"35D1-35D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102334,,"H229","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}CycE[k05007] / CyO",,,"35D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102335,,"H230","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05103[k05103] / CyO",,,"47F8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102336,,"H231","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05104[k05104] / CyO",,,"30B5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102337,,"H232","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k05105] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102338,,"H233","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05106[k05106] / CyO",,,"39C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102339,,"H234","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05114[k05114] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102341,,"H236","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05118[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102342,,"H237","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05123[k05123] / CyO",,,"32B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102343,,"H238","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05125[k05125] / CyO",,,"29D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102344,,"H239","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05201[k05201] / CyO",,,"47A3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102345,,"H240","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}crol[k05205] / CyO",,,"33A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102346,,"H241","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05207[k05207] / CyO",,,"53D11-53D14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102347,,"H242","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05209[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102348,,"H243","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05214[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102349,,"H244","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05218[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102350,,"H246","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Sos[k05224] / CyO",,,"34D4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102351,,"H247","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05304[k05304] / CyO",,,"44F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102352,,"H248","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}lace[k05305] / CyO",,,"35D3-35D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102353,,"H249","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05307[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102356,,"H252","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01094[k05311] / CyO",,,"42B2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102358,,"H254","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05316[k05316] / CyO",,,"049B07-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102359,,"H255","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)02448[k05317] / CyO",,,"56F10-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102360,,"H256","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Nop60B[k05318] / CyO",,,"60C1-60C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102361,,"H257","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05331[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102362,,"H258","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05332a[k05332a] / CyO",,,"42A10-42A12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102364,,"H260","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05633[k05403] / CyO",,,"60B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102365,,"H261","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05404[k05404] / CyO",,,"28C7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102366,,"H262","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Aats-asp[k05408] / CyO",,,"49E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102368,,"H264","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05414[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102369,,"H265","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05419[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102371,,"H267","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05421[k05421] / CyO",,,"53E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102373,,"H269","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05424[k05424] / CyO",,,"37B8-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102374,,"H270","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05428[k05428] / CyO",,,"21D4-E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102375,,"H271","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05429a[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102376,,"H272","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)00632[k05431] / CyO",,,"23C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102377,,"H273","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05421[k05433] / CyO",,,"53E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102378,,"H274","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05434[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102379,,"H275","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04917[k05435] / CyO",,,"26D6-26D8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102380,,"H276","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05439[k05439] / CyO",,,"50C14-50C16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102381,,"H277","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)02836[k05440] / CyO",,,"53B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102382,,"H278","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05441a[k05441a] / CyO",,,"46B4-46B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102383,,"H279","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05421[k05442] / CyO",,,"53E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102384,,"H280","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05444[k05444] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102385,,"H281","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05428[k05447] / CyO",,,"21D4-E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102386,,"H282","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05448[k05448] / CyO",,,"33F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102387,,"H283","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05501[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102388,,"H284","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05502[k05502] / CyO",,,"56A1-56A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102389,,"H285","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05597[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102390,,"H286","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05510[k05510] / CyO",,,"47C1-47C4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102391,,"H287","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05847[k05512] / CyO",,,"440","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102392,,"H288","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05521[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102393,,"H289","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05531[k05531] / CyO",,,"42A1-42A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102394,,"H290","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05602a[k05602a] / CyO",,,"33F1-33F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102395,,"H291","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}mei-W68[k05603] / CyO",,,"58D8-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102396,,"H292","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)34Dg[k05605] / CyO",,,"34D6-34D7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102397,,"H293","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Dcp-1[k05606] / CyO",,,"59F2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102398,,"H294","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Btk29A[k05610] / CyO",,,"29A1-29A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102399,,"H295","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05611[k05611] / CyO",,,"45C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102400,,"H296","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05614[k05614] / CyO",,,"57F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102401,,"H297","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05624[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102402,,"H298","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05627[k05627] / CyO",,,"36A6-36A7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102403,,"H299","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}kis[k05630] / CyO",,,"21B7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102404,,"H300","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05633[k05633] / CyO",,,"60B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102405,,"H301","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05636[k05636] / CyO",,,"39A1-39A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102407,,"H303","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k05644[k05644] / CyO",,,"48E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102408,,"H304","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05652[k05652] / CyO",,,"35D1-35D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102409,,"H305","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05655[k05655]/ CyO",,,"53C1-53C4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102411,,"H307","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Sos[k05705] / CyO",,,"34D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102412,,"H308","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}hoip[k05712] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102413,,"H309","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05716[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102414,,"H310","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05722[k05722] / CyO",,,"49E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102415,,"H311","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05802[k05802] / CyO",,,"42F1-42F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102416,,"H312","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05807a[k05807a] / CyO",,,"23D3-23D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102417,,"H313","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}spi[k05808] / CyO",,,"37F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102418,,"H314","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05809[k05809] / CyO",,,"30A3-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102419,,"H315","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05812[k05812] / CyO",,,"32C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102420,,"H316","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05815[k05815] / CyO",,,"39E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102421,,"H317","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05816[k05816] / CyO",,,"23D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102422,,"H319","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05821[k05821] / CyO",,,"50D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102423,,"H320","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Kr[k05826] / CyO",,,"60F3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102424,,"H321","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vri[k05901] / CyO",,,"25D4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102425,,"H322","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05902[k05902] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102426,,"H323","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Kr-h1[k05905] / CyO",,,"26B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Pow[k05905]",,,,"synonym Pow[k05905]",,, 102427,,"H324","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05909[k05909] / CyO",,,"23B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102428,,"H325","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05911[k05911] / CyO",,,"34B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102429,,"H326","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05913a[k05913a] / CyO",,,"46A1-46A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102430,,"H327","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05916[k05916] / CyO",,,"54B10-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102431,,"H328","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06003[k06003] / CyO",,,"60A5-60A9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102432,,"H329","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06444[k06005] / CyO",,,"48E8-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102433,,"H330","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06006[k06006] / CyO",,,"44F3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102434,,"H331","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06008a[k06008a] / CyO",,,"34A6-34A8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102435,,"H332","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06010[k06010] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102436,,"H333","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06019[k06019] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102437,,"H334","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06021[k06021] / CyO",,,"45B7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102438,,"H336","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}brat[k06028] / CyO",,,"37C6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102439,,"H337","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}S[k06101] / CyO",,,"21C6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102440,,"H338","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Ef1alpha48D[k06102] / CyO",,,"48C6-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102441,,"H339","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06103[k06103] / CyO",,,"47F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102442,,"H340","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06106[k06106] / CyO",,,"55E8-55E11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102443,,"H341","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06107[k06107] / CyO",,,"26D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102444,,"H342","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k03113[k06109] / CyO",,,"42A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102445,,"H343","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06112[k06112] / CyO",,,"47A11-47A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102447,,"H346","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}mus209[k06130] / CyO",,,"56F10-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)02448[k06130]",,,,"synonym l(2)02448[k06130]",,, 102448,,"H347","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06131a[k06131a] / CyO",,,"54C5-54C8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102449,,"H348","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06132[k06132] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102450,,"H349","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06133[k06133] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102451,,"H350","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06134[k06134] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102452,,"H351","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15815[k06202] / CyO",,,"54C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102455,,"H354","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06205[k06205] / CyO",,,"46B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102456,,"H355","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}EcR[k06210] / CyO",,,"42A10-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102457,,"H356","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}esg[k06211] / CyO",,,"35C3+","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102458,,"H358","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06221[k06221] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102459,,"H359","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16715[k06303] / CyO",,,"29C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102460,,"H360","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06304[k06304] / CyO",,,"42A10-42A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102461,,"H361","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04493[k06307] / CyO",,,"27C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102462,,"H362","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Nop60B[k06308) / CyO",,,"60C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102463,,"H363","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Sos[k06321] / CyO",,,"34D5-34D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102464,,"H364","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06313[k06313] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102465,,"H365","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06324[k06324] / CyO",,,"31A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102466,,"H366","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06327[k06327] / CyO",,,"28E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102467,,"H367","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06330[k06330] / CyO",,,"47A11-47A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102468,,"H368","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06338[k06338] / CyO",,,"28E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102469,,"H369","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06339[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102470,,"H370","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06344[k06344] / CyO",,,"49E6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102471,,"H371","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06401[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102472,,"H373","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06403[k06403] / CyO",,,"51D7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102473,,"H374","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06404[k06404] / CyO",,,"33A1-33A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102474,,"H375","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06408[k06408] / CyO",,,"46C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102475,,"H376","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06409[k06409] / CyO",,,"57B1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102476,,"H377","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06410[k06410] / CyO",,,"39B1--2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102477,,"H378","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06416[k06416] / CyO",,,"30E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102478,,"H380","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06502[k06502] / CyO",,,"25F3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102479,,"H382","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06506[k06506] / CyO",,,"21C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102480,,"H383","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03848[k06507] / CyO",,,"30E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102481,,"H384","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}wb[k06511] / CyO",,,"34F4-4+","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102482,,"H385","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06514[k06514] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102483,,"H386","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}dve[k06515] / CyO",,,"58D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102484,,"H387","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06520[k06520] / CyO",,,"34F4-4+","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102485,,"H388","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}oho48A[k06524] / CyO",,,"48B1-48B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102486,,"H389","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05847[k06526] / CyO",,,"24D5-24D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102487,,"H390","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}shot[k06601] / CyO",,,"50C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102488,,"H391","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06602[k06602] / CyO",,,"55E6-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102489,,"H392","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06607[k06607] / CyO",,,"31B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102490,,"H393","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06608a[k06608a] / CyO",,,"60B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102491,,"H394","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k04907[k06618] / CyO",,,"50E4-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102492,,"H395","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)00681[k06619] / CyO",,,"51B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102493,,"H397","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}milton[k06704] / CyO",,,"27D5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102494,,"H398","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06708[k06708] / CyO",,,"21D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102495,,"H399","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06709[k06709] / CyO",,,"31D8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102496,,"H402","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)10424[k06801] / CyO",,,"26B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102497,,"H403","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k06805[k06805] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102498,,"H404","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06808[k06808] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102499,,"H405","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06810[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102500,,"H406","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k06811[k06811] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102501,,"H407","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06815[k06815] / CyO",,,"47A7-47A8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102502,,"H408","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06817b[k06817b] / CyO",,,"35D1-35D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102503,,"H409","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06821[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102505,,"H411","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06904[k06904] / CyO",,,"54B15-17","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102506,,"H412","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}chrw[k06908] / CyO",,,"59E1-59E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102507,,"H413","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06910[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102508,,"H414","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06915[k06915] / CyO",,,"47A7-47A8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102509,,"H415","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06917[k06917] / CyO",,,"34C3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102510,,"H416","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06918[k06918] / CyO",,,"58C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102511,,"H417","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}S[k06920] / CyO",,,"2100","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102512,,"H418","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}S[k06921] / CyO",,,"21E2-21E3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102513,,"H419","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k07001[k07001] / CyO",,,"57B2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102514,,"H420","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07005[k07005] / CyO",,,"21C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102515,,"H421","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07014[k07014] / CyO",,,"44E1-44E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102516,,"H422","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07015[k07015] / CyO",,,"34A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102517,,"H423","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07018[k07018] / CyO",,,"50C14-15","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102518,,"H424","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07020[k07020] / CyO",,,"36B1-36B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102519,,"H425","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07024[k07024] / CyO",,,"43D1-43D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102520,,"H426","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}hoip[k07104] / CyO",,,"30C1-30C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102521,,"H427","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07106[k07106] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102522,,"H428","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k07108] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102523,,"H429","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07109[k07109] / CyO",,,"25F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102524,,"H430","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07110[k07110] / CyO",,,"54B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102525,,"H431","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06710[k07112] / CyO",,,"36C8-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102526,,"H432","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)35Fc[k07114] / CyO",,,"35F6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102527,,"H434","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07116[k07116] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102528,,"H435","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07118[k07118] / CyO",,,"29C1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102529,,"H436","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}elF-4a[k07120] / CyO",,,"26A7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102530,,"H439","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07129[k07129] / CyO",,,"36B1-36B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102531,,"H440","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}bur[k07130] / CyO",,,"39B1-39B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102532,,"H441","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07135[k07135] / CyO",,,"38E5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102533,,"H442","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07136[k07136] / CyO",,,"59D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102534,,"H443","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vkg[k07138] / CyO",,,"25C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102535,,"H444","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07135[k07140] / CyO",,,"38E5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102536,,"H445","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}veg[k07202] / CyO",,,"53E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102537,,"H446","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k07204[k07204] / CyO",,,"57F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102538,,"H447","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07207[k07207] / CyO",,,"52A9-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102539,,"H448","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)07214[k03307] / CyO",,,"51B7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102540,,"H449","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07215[k07215] / CyO",,,"39B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102541,,"H450","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07216[k07216] / CyO",,,"49E6-49E7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102542,,"H451","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07222a[k07222a] / CyO",,,"37F1-37F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102543,,"H452","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07223[k07223] / CyO",,,"34A5-34A6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102544,,"H453","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07227[k07227] / CyO",,,"46F1-46F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102545,,"H454","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07320[k07320] / CyO",,,"24C1-24C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102546,,"H455","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07234[k07234] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102547,,"H456","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07237[k07237] / CyO",,,"46C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102548,,"H457","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07238[k07238] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102549,,"H459","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07245[k07245] / CyO",,,"34D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102550,,"H460","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03405[k07246] / CyO",,,"46A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102551,,"H461","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09905[k07302] / CyO",,,"52E5-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102552,,"H462","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07303[k07303] / CyO",,,"48C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102553,,"H463","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07305a[k07305a] / CyO",,,"50A12-50A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102554,,"H464","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07308[k07308] / CyO",,,"21C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102555,,"H465","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07308[k07310] / CyO",,,"21C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102556,,"H466","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07312b[k07312b] / CyO",,,"41C1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102557,,"H467","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07324[k07324] / CyO",,,"59F1-59F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102558,,"H468","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07332[k07332] / CyO",,,"34A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102559,,"H469","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07336[k07336] / CyO",,,"46E1-46E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102560,,"H470","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07402[k07402] / CyO",,,"47A11-47A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102561,,"H471","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07403[k07403] / CyO",,,"47A11-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102562,,"H473","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07406[k07406] / CyO",,,"54C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102563,,"H475","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}rnh1[k07409a] / CyO",,,"43F3-43F4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k07409[k07409]",,,,"synonym l(2)k07409[k07409]",,, 102564,,"H477","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07433[k07433] / CyO",,,"54C1--2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102565,,"H478","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}lace[k07501] / CyO",,,"35D3-35D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102566,,"H479","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07502b[k07502b] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102567,,"H480","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Ef1alpha48D[k07507] / CyO",,,"48D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102568,,"H481","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05643[k07513] / CyO",,,"43E4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102569,,"H482","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07514[k07514] / CyO",,,"46E1-46E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102570,,"H483","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03405[k07517] / CyO",,,"46A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102571,,"H485","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}kuz[k07601] / CyO",,,"34C4-34C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102572,,"H487","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07606a[k07606a] / CyO",,,"63C1-63C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102573,,"H489","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07609[k07609] / CyO",,,"56E4-56E6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102574,,"H490","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07612[k07612] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102575,,"H491","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07616[k07616] / CyO",,,"42C1-42C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102576,,"H492","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07619[k07619] / CyO",,,"43E15-16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102577,,"H493","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Phm[k07623] / CyO",,,"60B1-60B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102578,,"H494","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07624[k07624] / CyO",,,"43F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102580,,"H497","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Syb[k07705] / CyO",,,"46E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102581,,"H498","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k07707[k07707] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102582,,"H499","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Acon[k07708] / CyO",,,"39B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102583,,"H502","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07716[k07716] / CyO",,,"32E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102584,,"H504","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07612[k07721] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102585,,"H505","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07722[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102586,,"H507","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}babo[k07737] / CyO",,,"44F11-44F12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102587,,"H508","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07803[k07803] / CyO",,,"46C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102588,,"H510","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}thr[k07805b] / CyO",,,"55A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102589,,"H511","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07810[k07810] / CyO",,,"47A7-47A8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102590,,"H512","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07811[k07811] / CyO",,,"44C4-44C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102591,,"H515","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07817[k07817] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102592,,"H516","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07819ab[k07819ab] / CyO",,,"21E1-21E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102593,,"H518","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k07824[k07824] / CyO",,,"53C1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102594,,"H519","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k07826[k07826] / CyO",,,"34B6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102595,,"H521","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k07830[k07830] / CyO",,,"44C4-44C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102596,,"H522","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07826[k07832] / CyO",,,"34B6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102598,,"H525","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05056[k07839] / CyO",,,"57A7--9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102599,,"H526","Df(1)w67c23, y[1]; P{lacW}Su(H)[k07904] / CyO",,,"35B10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102600,,"H527","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k02512[k07907] / CyO",,,"55B5-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102601,,"H529","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}bs[k07909] / CyO",,,"60D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102602,,"H532","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05056[k07917] / CyO",,,"57A7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102603,,"H533","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07918[k07918] / CyO",,,"22B6-22B7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102605,,"H535","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}domino[k07921] / CyO",,,"57D11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102606,,"H536","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07922[k07922] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102607,,"H538","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08002[k08002] / CyO",,,"56F6-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102608,,"H540","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08004[k08004] / CyO",,,"21D3-21D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102609,,"H541","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08011[k08011] / CyO",,,"42D4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102610,,"H542","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Dot[k08012] / CyO",,,"24A1-24A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102611,,"H544","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k08015[k08015] / CyO",,,"51D3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102612,,"H546","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08018[k08018] / CyO",,,"44A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102613,,"H547","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08015[k08023] / CyO",,,"51D3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102614,,"H548","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08025[k08025] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102615,,"H549","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)s5379[k08027] / CyO",,,"22D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102617,,"H551","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05106[k08036] / CyO",,,"39C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102618,,"H553","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08102[k08102] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102619,,"H554","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}barr[k08103] / CyO",,,"38B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102620,,"H555","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)35Fg[k08106] / CyO",,,"35F11-36A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102621,,"H562","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08119[k08119] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102622,,"H566","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08125[k08125] / CyO",,,"23C1-23C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102623,,"H567","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08131[k08131] / CyO",,,"50A9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102625,,"H570","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}obx[k08142] / CyO",,,"31E-31F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102626,,"H573","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06825[k08216] / CyO",,,"29F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102627,,"H574","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}crol[k08217] / CyO",,,"33A2-33A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102628,,"H577","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08222[k08222] / CyO",,,"24A2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102629,,"H578","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}toc[k08224] / CyO",,,"23D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102630,,"H579","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08225[k08225] / CyO",,,"35D-E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102631,,"H580","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08227[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102632,,"H581","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Rab5[k08230] / CyO",,,"22E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+mC]=lacW}l(2)k08232[k08230]",,,,"synonym P{w[+mC]=lacW}l(2)k08232[k08230]",,, 102633,,"H582","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k08231[*] / CyO",,,"50B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102634,,"H584","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08243[k08243] / CyO",,,"37F1-37F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102635,,"H585","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08253[k08253] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102636,,"H586","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08303[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102637,,"H588","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05056[k08305] / CyO",,,"57A7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102638,,"H589","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08307[k08307] / CyO",,,"21E1-21E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102639,,"H590","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08308a[k08308a] / CyO",,,"53C1-53C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102640,,"H591","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08309[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102641,,"H593","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08320[k08320] / CyO",,,"58E3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102642,,"H594","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}RpS15A[k08322] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102643,,"H596","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}k05123[k08405] / CyO",,,"32B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102644,,"H597","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08407[k08407] / CyO",,,"52D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102645,,"H599","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}sbb[k08415] / CyO",,,"55C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102646,,"H600","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08416a[k08416a] / CyO",,,"21B2-21B3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102647,,"H601","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01351[k08502] / CyO",,,"30A7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102648,,"H602","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08504[k08504] / CyO",,,"44A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102649,,"H603","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08507[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102650,,"H604","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08601[k08601] / CyO",,,"46C6-46C8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102651,,"H606","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08611[k08611] / CyO",,,"31E1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102652,,"H607","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08614[k08614] / CyO",,,"34A8-34A9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102653,,"H608","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08615[k08615] / CyO",,,"29E3-29E4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102654,,"H609","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08616[k08616] / CyO",,,"54F1-54F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102655,,"H610","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08624[k08624] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102656,,"H611","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k08625[k08625] / CyO",,,"43D1-43D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102657,,"H612","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08631[k08631] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102658,,"H613","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08634[k08634] / CyO",,,"37D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102659,,"H614","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08704[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102660,,"H615","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08706[k08706] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102661,,"H616","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08708[k08708] / CyO",,,"50C6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102662,,"H617","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Rab14[k08712] / CyO",,,"35A3-35A4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+mC]=lacW}l(2)k08712",,,,"synonym P{w[+mC]=lacW}l(2)k08712",,, 102663,,"H619","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06825[k08801] / CyO",,,"29F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102664,,"H620","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08802[k08802] / CyO",,,"29E5-29E6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102665,,"H622","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08807[k08807] / CyO",,,"44F-44F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102666,,"H623","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)35Bc[k08808] / CyO",,,"35B4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102667,,"H624","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vkg[k08809] / CyO",,,"25C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102668,,"H625","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}prod[k08810] / CyO",,,"56A1-56A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102669,,"H626","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08811a[k08811a] / CyO",,,"35B8-35B9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102670,,"H627","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}dpld[k08815] / CyO",,,"43C5-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102671,,"H628","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08816[k08816] / CyO",,,"46C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102672,,"H629","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}glu[k08819] / CyO",,,"36A12-36A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102674,,"H632","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k08903[k08903] / CyO",,,"24F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102675,,"H633","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08904[k08904] / CyO",,,"44D4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102676,,"H635","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08915[k08915] / CyO",,,"21C5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102677,,"H636","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05287[k08922] / CyO",,,"38F3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102678,,"H637","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08926a[k08926a] / CyO",,,"99B9-99B10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102679,,"H638","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08931[k08931] / CyO",,,"55B5-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102680,,"H639","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k09002[k09002] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102681,,"H640","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09003[k09003] / CyO",,,"25C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102682,,"H641","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09008a[k09008a] / CyO",,,"43E4-43E5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102683,,"H642","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09010[k09010] / CyO",,,"30D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102684,,"H643","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09015[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102685,,"H644","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09017[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102686,,"H645","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09019[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102687,,"H646","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09021[k09021] / CyO",,,"55F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102688,,"H647","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09022[k09022] / CyO",,,"27C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102689,,"H648","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09025[k09025] / CyO",,,"60A8-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102690,,"H652","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09041[k09041] / CyO",,,"25C1-25C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102691,,"H653","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09104[k09104] / CyO",,,"32C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102692,,"H657","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09201[k09201] / CyO",,,"60A8-60A11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102693,,"H659","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09204[*] / CyO",,,"44C4-44C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102694,,"H660","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09210[k09210] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102696,,"H662","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09217[k09217] / CyO",,,"52D11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102697,,"H663","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09221[k09221] / CyO",,,"46B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102698,,"H665","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Hr46[k09242] / CyO",,,"46F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102699,,"H666","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09245[k09245] / CyO",,,"35E1-35E6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102700,,"H667","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09303[k09303] / CyO",,,"53F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102701,,"H668","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09003[k09306] / CyO",,,"25C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102702,,"H669","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09310[k09310] / CyO",,,"31C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102703,,"H670","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09314a[k09314a] / CyO",,,"38B3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102704,,"H673","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09319[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102705,,"H674","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k09322[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102706,,"H675","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09328[k09328] / CyO",,,"49D1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102707,,"H676","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09410[k09410] / CyO",,,"39B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102708,,"H677","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09410[k09414] / CyO",,,"39B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102709,,"H678","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09501[k09501] / CyO",,,"45F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102710,,"H681","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}wun[k09507] / CyO",,,"45D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102711,,"H682","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cam[k09510] / CyO",,,"48F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102712,,"H683","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}guf[k09512] / CyO",,,"48E6-48E12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102713,,"H684","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09514[k09513] / CyO",,,"44C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102714,,"H685","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09514[k09514] / CyO",,,"44C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102715,,"H689","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k09537a[k09537a] / CyO",,,"23C1-23C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102716,,"H690","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k09538[k09538] / CyO",,,"46F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102717,,"H691","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k09539a[k09539a] / CyO",,,"23C1-23C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102718,,"H692","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vri[k09602] / CyO",,,"25D4-25D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102719,,"H694","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09610[k09610] / CyO",,,"21C6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102720,,"H696","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09614[k09614] / CyO",,,"29B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102721,,"H708","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09803[k09803] / CyO",,,"56D3-56D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102722,,"H709","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09810[k09810] / CyO",,,"56D5-56D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102723,,"H720","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09843[k09843] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102724,,"H721","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09923[k09847] / CyO",,,"26D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102725,,"H723","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09854[k09854] / CyO",,,"53F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102726,,"H728","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09909[k09909] / CyO",,,"34F1-34F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102727,,"H730","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09917[k09917] / CyO",,,"28B1-28B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102728,,"H732","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01349[k09919] / CyO",,,"42C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102729,,"H739","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}kuz[k09934] / CyO",,,"34D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102730,,"H742","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k10003a[k10003a] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102731,,"H745","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10017[k10017] / CyO",,,"34C1-34C3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102732,,"H746","Df(1)w67c23 ; P{lacW}l(2)k10001[k10001] / CyO",,,"25B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102733,,"H747","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10103[k10103] / CyO",,,"45A4--8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102734,,"H749","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Src42A[k10108] / CyO",,,"42A1-42A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102735,,"H753","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Src42A[k10115] / CyO",,,"42A1-42A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102736,,"H754","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10122[k10122] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102737,,"H756","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10127[k10127] / CyO",,,"25C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102738,,"H757","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}wun[k10201] / CyO",,,"45D1-45D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102739,,"H759","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10209[k10209] / CyO",,,"53E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102740,,"H760","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10210[k10210] / CyO",,,"28D7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102741,,"H762","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)10608[k10215] / CyO",,,"57E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102742,,"H763","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10217[k10217] / CyO",,,"25B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102743,,"H766","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k10233] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102747,,"H771","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05847[k10306] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102748,,"H772","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10307[k10307] / CyO",,,"31F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102749,,"H774","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05847[k10313] / CyO",,,"440","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102750,,"H775","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01094[k10314] / CyO",,,"42B2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102752,,"H777","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10317[k10317] / CyO",,,"57E6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102753,,"H783","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10411[k10411] / CyO",,,"59D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102754,,"H784","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}crp[k10415] / CyO",,,"35F1-35F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102755,,"H785","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10416[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102756,,"H787","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10411[k10427] / CyO",,,"59D--4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102757,,"H788","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Ef1alpha48D[k10501] / CyO",,,"48D--2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102758,,"H791","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10607a[k10607a] / CyO",,,"21F1-21F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102759,,"H792","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10608[k10608] / CyO",,,"57E1-57E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102760,,"H793","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10609[k10609] / CyO",,,"28B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102761,,"H794","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10617[k10617] / CyO",,,"27C6-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102762,,"H797","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10706[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102763,,"H798","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Btf[k10712] / CyO",,,"49D5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k10712[k10712]",,,,"synonym l(2)k10712[k10712]",,, 102764,,"H802","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10809[k10809] / CyO",,,"56F10-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102765,,"H803","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10814[k10814] / CyO",,,"50C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102766,,"H804","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10815[k10815] / CyO",,,"53F6-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102767,,"H805","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10816[k10816] / CyO",,,"36D1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102770,,"H809","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10825[k10825] / CyO",,,"56F10-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102772,,"H811","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}insc[k10907] / CyO",,,"57B5-57B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102773,,"H812","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10908[k10908] / CyO",,,"43E11-43E14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102775,,"H814","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10914[k10914] / CyO",,,"54B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102776,,"H815","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11002[k11002] / CyO",,,"22A1-22A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102777,,"H816","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11003[k11003] / CyO",,,"47A7-47A8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102779,,"H819","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11014[k11014] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102780,,"H820","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11018[k11018] / CyO",,,"47C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102781,,"H823","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11026[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102782,,"H824","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11028[k11028] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102783,,"H828","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08110[k11104] / CyO",,,"39F1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102784,,"H829","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05643[k11110] / CyO",,,"43E4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102785,,"H830","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}lolal[k11212] / CyO",,,"55B5-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k02512[k11212]",,,,"synonym l(2)k02512[k11212]",,, 102786,,"H832","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11120[k11120] / CyO",,,"45D4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102787,,"H833","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11201[k11201] / CyO",,,"45B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102788,,"H834","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k11202] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102789,,"H836","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}sbb[k11204] / CyO",,,"55C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102790,,"H838","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)rG232[k11209] / CyO",,,"45C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102791,,"H840","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11216[k11216] / CyO",,,"43D1-43D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102792,,"H843","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Sema2a[k11240] / CyO",,,"53C9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102793,,"H844","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11241[k11241] / CyO",,,"39B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102794,,"H845","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11301[k11301] / CyO",,,"53F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102795,,"H846","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11303[k11303] / CyO",,,"54C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102796,,"H847","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}lace[k11309] / CyO",,,"35D1-35D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102797,,"H848","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11310a[k11310a] / CyO",,,"33E3-33E6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102798,,"H849","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11311[k11311] / CyO",,,"54E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102798,,"H849","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11311[k11311] / CyO",,,"54E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102799,,"H850","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11318a[k11318a] / CyO",,,"25D1-25D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102800,,"H851","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}SelD[k11320] / CyO",,,"50E4-50E7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102801,,"H852","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11324[k11324] / CyO",,,"21C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102802,,"H853","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11325[k11325] / CyO",,,"21D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102803,,"H854","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11328[k11328] / CyO",,,"34A5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102804,,"H856","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11405[k11405] / CyO",,,"53F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102805,,"H858","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11408[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102806,,"H859","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11413a[k11413a] / CyO",,,"33A3-33A4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102807,,"H861","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11505[k11505] / CyO",,,"54F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102808,,"H862","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11506[k11506] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102809,,"H863","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15815[k11507] / CyO",,,"54C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102810,,"H864","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}brat[k11508] / CyO",,,"37D1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102811,,"H866","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11514[k11514] / CyO",,,"22D5-22D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102812,,"H867","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11516[k11516] / CyO",,,"27C1-27C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102813,,"H869","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)35Bb[k11524] / CyO",,,"35B6-35B7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102814,,"H870","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11526[k11526] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102815,,"H873","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11531[k11531] / CyO",,,"59F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102816,,"H874","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17002[k11534] / CyO",,,"58F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102817,,"H875","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11537[k11537] / CyO",,,"38B1-38B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102818,,"H877","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11603[k11603] / CyO",,,"47A11-47A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102819,,"H878","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Lis1[k11702] / CyO",,,"52F3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102821,,"H881","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cam[k11802] / CyO",,,"48F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102822,,"H882","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}kuz[k11804] / CyO",,,"34C4-34C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102823,,"H884","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11901[k11901] / CyO",,,"43E1-43E5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102824,,"H885","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11903[k11903] / CyO",,,"43E7-43E10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102825,,"H886","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}ttv[k11904] / CyO",,,"51B4-51B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102826,,"H887","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12001[k12001] / CyO",,,"49D1-49D3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102827,,"H888","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12004[k12004] / CyO",,,"34C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102828,,"H889","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}spag[k12101] / CyO",,,"60B12-60B13","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102829,,"H890","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03405[k12102] / CyO",,,"46A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102830,,"H891","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05633[k12103] / CyO",,,"60B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102831,,"H892","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}SelD[k12303] / CyO",,,"50E4-50E7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102832,,"H893","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k12304] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102833,,"H894","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12305a[k12305a] / CyO",,,"46F5-46F6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102834,,"H895","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}heix[k12401] / CyO",,,"35F6-35F7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)35Fc[k12401]",,,,"synonym l(2)35Fc[k12401]",,, 102835,,"H896","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12402[k12402] / CyO",,,"45D4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102836,,"H897","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12403[k12403] / CyO",,,"30C1-30C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102837,,"H900","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}mts[k12502] / CyO",,,"28D1-28D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102838,,"H901","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12503a[k12503a] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102839,,"H902","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05836[k12603] / CyO",,,"28E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102840,,"H904","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05836[k12606] / CyO",,,"28E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102841,,"H905","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12701[k12701] / CyO",,,"53D11-13","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102842,,"H906","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12702[k12702] / CyO",,,"57F3-57F6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102843,,"H907","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12905[k12905] / CyO",,,"57F5-57F7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102844,,"H908","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12906a[k12906a] / CyO",,,"55C9-55C12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102845,,"H909","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k06602[k12907] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102846,,"H910","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}bur[k12909] / CyO",,,"39B1-39B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102847,,"H911","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12912[k12912] / CyO",,,"51E5-51E6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102848,,"H912","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12913[k12913] / CyO",,,"21C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102849,,"H913","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12914[k12914] / CyO",,,"29C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102850,,"H914","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04111[k13009] / CyO",,,"22A5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102851,,"H915","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}guf[k13101] / CyO",,,"48E6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102852,,"H916","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}oho55DE[k13104] / CyO",,,"55E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102854,,"H918","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13116[k13116] / CyO",,,"28F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102855,,"H919","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13206[k13206] / CyO",,,"32A4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102856,,"H920","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13208[k13208] / CyO",,,"45F1-45F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102857,,"H922","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13211[k13211] / CyO",,,"58D6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102858,,"H923","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13214[k13214] / CyO",,,"60A3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102859,,"H924","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13217[k13217] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102860,,"H925","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13218[k13218] / CyO",,,"35B3-35B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102861,,"H926","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13219[k13219] / CyO",,,"53B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102862,,"H927","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13223[k13223] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102863,,"H928","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01265[k13302] / CyO",,,"37B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102864,,"H929","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13305[k13305] / CyO",,,"30F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102865,,"H930","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13306a[k13306a] / CyO",,,"48E1-48E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102866,,"H932","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13312[k13312] / CyO",,,"48D5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102867,,"H933","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13314[k13314] / CyO",,,"53A3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102868,,"H934","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13315[k13315] / CyO",,,"27B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102869,,"H935","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}chic[k13321] / CyO",,,"26A7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102870,,"H936","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13403[k13403] / CyO",,,"48A3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102871,,"H937","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}tsr[k13409] / CyO",,,"60B3-60B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k05633[k13409]",,,,"synonym l(2)k05633[k13409]",,, 102872,,"H938","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}kis[k13416] / CyO",,,"21B7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102873,,"H939","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cg25C[k13420] / CyO",,,"25C1-25C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102874,,"H940","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}dock[k13421] / CyO",,,"21D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102875,,"H941","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13422b[k13422b] / CyO",,,"48D5-48D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102877,,"H943","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13502a[k13502a] / CyO",,,"21B4-21B6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102878,,"H944","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13506[k13506] / CyO",,,"23F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102879,,"H945","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}wb[k13507] / CyO",,,"35A1-35A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102880,,"H946","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}gel[k13510] / CyO",,,"28E4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k09030[k13510]",,,,"synonym l(2)k09030[k13510]",,, 102881,,"H947","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13603[k13603] / CyO",,,"45D4-45D5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102882,,"H948","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13604[k13604] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102883,,"H949","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Rab6[k13606] / CyO",,,"33D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","P{w[+mC]=lacW}l(2)08323[k13606]",,,,"synonym P{w[+mC]=lacW}l(2)08323[k13606]",,, 102884,,"H950","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13617[k13608] / CyO",,,"53D11-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102885,,"H952","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13617[k13617] / CyO",,,"53D11-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102886,,"H953","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}spen[k13624] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k07612[k13624]",,,,"synonym l(2)k07612[k13624]",,, 102888,,"H955","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13633[k13633] / CyO",,,"50C1-50C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102890,,"H957","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Sema1a[k13702] / CyO",,,"29E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102891,,"H958","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13704[k13704] / CyO",,,"53E4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102892,,"H960","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}insc[k13706] / CyO",,,"57B5-57B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102893,,"H961","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Nle[k13714] / CyO",,,"21C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102894,,"H963","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13720[k13720] / CyO",,,"26C2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102895,,"H964","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Xbp1[k13803] / CyO",,,"57C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","(2)k13803[k13803]",,,,"synonym (2)k13803[k13803]",,, 102896,,"H965","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13805[k13805] / CyO",,,"37A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102897,,"H968","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}drk[k13809] / CyO",,,"50A12-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k13809[k13809]",,,,"synonym l(2)k13809[k13809]",,, 102899,,"H970","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13811[k13811] / CyO",,,"32C3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102900,,"H971","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13822[k13822] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102901,,"H973","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13905[k13905] / CyO",,,"36A10-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102902,,"H974","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13906[k13906] / CyO",,,"46D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102903,,"H975","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04111[k13909] / CyO",,,"22A5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102904,,"H976","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}drk[k13913] / CyO",,,"50A12-14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102905,,"H977","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14001[k14001] / CyO",,,"23C4-23C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102906,,"H978","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}k14006[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102907,,"H979","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14012[k14012] / CyO",,,"36A4-36A5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102908,,"H980","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}barr[k14014] / CyO",,,"38B1-38B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102909,,"H981","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14019[k14019] / CyO",,,"42C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102910,,"H982","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)02516[k14026] / CyO",,,"48C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102911,,"H983","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)02836[k14103] / CyO",,,"53B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102912,,"H984","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14106[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102913,,"H986","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14108a[k14108a] / CyO",,,"24D5-24D6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102914,,"H987","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14112[k14112] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102915,,"H989","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}dpld[k14202] / CyO",,,"43D3-43D7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102916,,"H990","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14204[k14204] / CyO",,,"30D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102917,,"H991","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14206[k14206] / CyO",,,"26F3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102918,,"H992","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14207[k14207] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102919,,"H994","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14211[k14211] / CyO",,,"45D4-45D5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102921,,"H996","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14308[k14308] / CyO",,,"28F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102922,,"H998","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03531[k14312] / CyO",,,"49F7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102923,,"H999","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14316[k14316] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102924,,"H1000","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Pen[k14401] / CyO",,,"31A-31A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102925,,"H1002","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14407[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102926,,"H1004","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14412[k14412] / CyO",,,"42C1-42C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102927,,"H1005","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14413[k14413] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102928,,"H1008","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)35Df[k14422] / CyO",,,"35D5-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102929,,"H1009","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)35Df[k14423] / CyO",,,"35D5-35D7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102930,,"H1010","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08901[k14501] / CyO",,,"54B15-16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102931,,"H1011","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14502[k14502] / CyO",,,"30F5-30F6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102932,,"H1012","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}U2af38[k14504] / CyO",,,"21B7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102933,,"H1013","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14505[k14505] / CyO",,,"39C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102934,,"H1014","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14507[k14507] / CyO",,,"23F4-23F5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102935,,"H1015","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k12914[k14509] / CyO",,,"29C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102936,,"H1016","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}kis[k14513] / CyO",,,"34A5-34A6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)k14513[k14513]",,,,"synonym l(2)k14513[k14513]",,, 102937,,"H1017","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14514[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102938,,"H1018","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14515[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102939,,"H1019","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14517[k14517] / CyO",,,"54B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102940,,"H1020","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}eIF-4a[k14518] / CyO",,,"26A7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102941,,"H1022","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14523[k14523] / CyO",,,"56F5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102942,,"H1024","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14602[k14602] /CyO",,,"48B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102943,,"H1026","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}crol[k14612] / CyO",,,"33A2-33A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102944,,"H1027","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14614[k14614] / CyO",,,"37B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102945,,"H1028","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06496[k14618] / CyO",,,"59C1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102946,,"H1032","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00103[k14707] / CyO",,,"51C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102947,,"H1033","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14708[k14708] / CyO",,,"48A3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102948,,"H1034","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14710[k14710] / CyO",,,"42A15-19","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102949,,"H1036","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14803[k14803] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102950,,"H1037","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03531[k14804] / CyO",,,"49F7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102951,,"H1038","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14805[k14805] / CyO",,,"42B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102952,,"H1039","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)045358[k14807] / CyO",,,"42C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102953,,"H1040","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14812a[k14812a] / CyO",,,"21C4-21C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102954,,"H1041","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14813[k14813] / CyO",,,"24A4-24A5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102955,,"H1042","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14816[k14816] / CyO",,,"29A3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102957,,"H1048","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15102[k15102] / CyO",,,"36A10-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102958,,"H1050","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15206[k15206] / CyO",,,"28B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102959,,"H1052","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15216[k15216] / CyO",,,"44C1-44C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102960,,"H1053","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15306[k15306] / CyO",,,"29D4-29D5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102961,,"H1054","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15310[k15310] / CyO",,,"35D1-35D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102962,,"H1055","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}guf[k15401] / CyO",,,"48E6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102963,,"H1057","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k00705[k15406] / CyO",,,"56D9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102964,,"H1060","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)03775[k15502] / CyO",,,"46D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102965,,"H1061","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15815[k15512] / CyO",,,"54C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102966,,"H1063","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14710[k15603] / CyO",,,"42A15-19","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102967,,"H1065","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}apt[k15608] / CyO",,,"59F3-59F4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102968,,"H1066","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15609[k15609] / CyO",,,"60F1-60F3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102969,,"H1068","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14710[k15616] / CyO",,,"42A15-19","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102970,,"H1076","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15815[k15815] / CyO",,,"54C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102971,,"H1079","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09801[k15821] / CyO",,,"58D4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102972,,"H1080","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15826[k15826] / CyO",,,"47C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102973,,"H1082","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15901[k15901] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102974,,"H1083","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15903[k15903] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102975,,"H1084","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}S[k15907] / CyO",,,"2100","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102976,,"H1085","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}wun[k15909] / CyO",,,"45D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102977,,"H1092","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)06825[k16002] / CyO",,,"29F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102978,,"H1093","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16003[k16003] / CyO",,,"42E3-42E6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102979,,"H1094","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16004[k16004] / CyO",,,"51B7-51B8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102980,,"H1095","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16005[k16005] / CyO",,,"47E4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102982,,"H1096","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16006a[k16006a] / CyO",,,"26A5-26A8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102983,,"H1097","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16009[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102984,,"H1100","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16104[k16104] / CyO",,,"46F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102985,,"H1102","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16108[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102986,,"H1103","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16109[k16109] / CyO",,,"44F3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102988,,"H1105","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)05847[k16116] / CyO",,,"440","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102989,,"H1106","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16118a[k16118a] / CyO",,,"34B1-34B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102990,,"H1107","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16120[k16120] / CyO",,,"44B5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102991,,"H1108","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}cos[k16101] / CyO",,,"43B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102992,,"H1109","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16126[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102993,,"H1111","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}shn[k16131] / CyO",,,"47E1-47E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102994,,"H1112","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16204[k16204] / CyO",,,"57A5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102995,,"H1114","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16206[k16206] / CyO",,,"43C3-43C4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102996,,"H1115","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16207[k16207] / CyO",,,"56D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102997,,"H1116","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16210[k16210] / CyO",,,"56F1--2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102998,,"H1117","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16213[k16213] / CyO",,,"21C2--3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 102999,,"H1118","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16214[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103000,,"H1119","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16215[k16215] / CyO",,,"36A4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103001,,"H1120","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16216[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103002,,"H1121","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16109[k16218] / CyO",,,"44F3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103003,,"H1122","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16221a[k16221a] / CyO",,,"43F3-43F6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103004,,"H1123","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16224[k16224] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103005,,"H1126","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}cnk[k16314] / CyO",,,"54B10-13","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103006,,"H1127","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16401[k16401] / CyO",,,"30C1-30C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103007,,"H1129","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16406[k16406] / CyO",,,"40A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103008,,"H1130","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}mts[k16501] / CyO",,,"28D1-28D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103010,,"H1132","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16503[k16503 ] / CyO",,,"44A4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103011,,"H1134","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16507[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103012,,"H1135","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16509[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103013,,"H1136","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16510[k16510] / CyO",,,"21B4-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103014,,"H1137","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}P{lacW}RpI135[k16513] / CyO",,,"21C1--21C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103015,,"H1138","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16514[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103016,,"H1139","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16529[k16529] / CyO",,,"45A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103017,,"H1140","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08121[k16601] / CyO",,,"50C14-15","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103018,,"H1141","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16602[k16602] / CyO",,,"43E7-43E10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103019,,"H1142","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16603[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103020,,"H1145","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16614[k16614] / CyO",,,"45E1-45E2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103021,,"H1146","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09003[k16615] / CyO",,,"25C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103022,,"H1147","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16616[k16616] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103023,,"H1148","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16617[k16617] / CyO",,,"47A11-47A14","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103024,,"H1150","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16619[k16619] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103025,,"H1152","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16703[k16703] / CyO",,,"38D3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103026,,"H1153","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01094[k16705] / CyO",,,"42B2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103027,,"H1154","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16706[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103028,,"H1155","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16722[k16707] / CyO",,,"42E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103029,,"H1156","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16708a[k16708a] / CyO",,,"39A1-39A2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103030,,"H1157","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}tkv[k16713] / CyO",,,"25D1-25D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103031,,"H1158","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16714a[k16714a] / CyO",,,"60D1-60D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103032,,"H1159","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16715[k16715] / CyO",,,"29C3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103033,,"H1161","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}vkg[k16721] / CyO",,,"25C1-25C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103034,,"H1162","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16722[k16722] / CyO",,,"42E--4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103035,,"H1163","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08003[k16724] / CyO",,,"60D--2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103036,,"H1164","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16801[k16801] / CyO",,,"31E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103037,,"H1165","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Kr-h1[k16802] / CyO",,,"26B8-26B9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Pow[k16802]",,,,"synonym Pow[k16802]",,, 103038,,"H1166","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}oho23B[k16804a] / CyO",,,"23B5-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103039,,"H1167","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16805[k16805] / CyO",,,"51A4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103041,,"H1168","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16806[k16806] / CyO",,,"45D4-45D5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103042,,"H1169","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16808[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103043,,"H1170","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16809[k16809] / CyO",,,"21D3-21D4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103044,,"H1171","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cg25C[k16812] / CyO",,,"25C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103045,,"H1173","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}oho23B[k16814] / CyO",,,"23B5-23B6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103046,,"H1174","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16815[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103047,,"H1175","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16818[k16818] / CyO",,,"27D1-27D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103048,,"H1176","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16823[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103049,,"H1177","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k07824[k16901] / CyO",,,"53C1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103050,,"H1178","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16904[k16904] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103051,,"H1179","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16907[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103052,,"H1180","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16911[k16911] / CyO",,,"42A1-42A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103053,,"H1181","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}babo[k16912] / CyO",,,"44F11-44F12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103054,,"H1182","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16918[k16918] / CyO",,,"24C8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103055,,"H1183","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16919[k16919] / CyO",,,"28E3--4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103056,,"H1184","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17002[k17002] / CyO",,,"58F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103057,,"H1185","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17004[k17004] / CyO",,,"34A3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103058,,"H1186","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17005[k17005] / CyO",,,"47F4-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103059,,"H1187","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17006[k17006]/ CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103060,,"H1188","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}veg[k17010] / CyO",,,"53C-53E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103061,,"H1189","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17012[k17012] / CyO",,,"53C1-53C4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103062,,"H1190","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17015[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103063,,"H1191","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17018[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103064,,"H1192","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17019a[k17019a] / CyO",,,"49B3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103065,,"H1193","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17020[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103066,,"H1194","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17021[k17021] / CyO",,,"53C1-53C4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103067,,"H1195","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17023[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103069,,"H1197","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17026[k17026] / CyO",,,"58D6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103070,,"H1198","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17027[k17027] / CyO",,,"35F10-35F11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103071,,"H1199","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17029[*] / CyO",,,"51F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103072,,"H1200","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17031[k17031] / CyO",,,"45F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103073,,"H1201","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17031[k17035] / CyO",,,"45F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103074,,"H1203","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17037[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103075,,"H1204","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17039[k17039] / CyO",,,"36C1-36C2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103076,,"H1205","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k17040[k17040] / CyO",,,"49A7-11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103077,,"P006","P{lArB}WG1120, ry[506] bkgd(A189.2F3)",,,"95A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103078,,"P0012","y[1] w[1] ; P{lacW}SB1",,,"84C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103079,,"P0013","y[1] w[1] ; P{lacW}SB227",,,"76","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103080,,"P0017","y[1] w[1] ; P{lacW}SS067",,,"88F6-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Yeti",,, 103081,,"P0020","P{lArB}SW005 ; ry[506]",,,"45E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103082,,"P0021","P{lArB}SW017, ry[506]",,,"61C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103083,,"P0022","P{lArB}SW049 / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"47A-B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103084,,"P0023","P{lArB}SW052-A3.2XW ; ry[506]",,,"20","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103085,,"P0025","P{lArB}SW062 ; ry[506]",,,"2B16/C1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103086,,"P0027","P{lArB}SW067, ry[506]",,,"85E1-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103087,,"P0029","P{lArB}SW076-A7.3XW ; ry[506]",,,"1C-D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103088,,"P0030","P{lArB}SW084-A7.10 X W ; ry[506]",,,"19B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103089,,"P0031","P{ry+t7.2]=lArB}SW089-A7.14IIW ; ry[506]",,,"37B-C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103090,,"P0032","P{lArB}SW090 / FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm B ; ry[506]",,,"4C3-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103091,,"P0033","P{lArB}SW100 / FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm B ; ry[506]",,,"4A and 13E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103092,,"P0035","P{lArB}SW114 ; ry[506]",,,"59E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103093,,"P0036","P{lArB}SW124-A10.8IIIM, ry[506]",,,"89A1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103094,,"P0038","P{lArB}SW136 ; ry[506]",,,"30B-C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103095,,"P0039","P{lArB}SW140-A15.10IIIW, ry[506]",,,"85A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103096,,"P0040","P{lArB}SW151, ry[506]",,,"75D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103097,,"P0041","P{lArB}SW173-A18.16IIIB, ry[506]",,,"72","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103098,,"P0042","P{lArB}SW187 ; ry[506]",,,"3A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103099,,"P0043","P{lArB}SW191, ry[506] / TM3, Sb[1] kni[ri*] p[p] e[s]","3",,"88A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003702: 209044.
Orientation: Reverse.
Related gene(s): CG9924 intron. ",,,,,"100D",,,"CG9924" 103100,,"P0044","P{lArB}SW212, ry[506]",,,"96E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103101,,"P0046","P{lArB}MW042 ; ry[506]",,,"59F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103102,,"P0047","P{lArB}SW230, ry[506]",,,"99A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103103,,"P0048","P{lArB}SW236 ; ry[506]",,,"21B6-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103104,,"P0049","P{lArB}SW237-A25.1IIIW, ry[506]",,,"88A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103105,,"P0051","P{lArB}SW241, ry[506]",,,"70A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103106,,"P0052","P{lArB}SW252, ry[506]",,,"92E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103107,,"P0054","P{lArB}SW265, ry[506]",,,"70E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103108,,"P0055","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}EB043-69.282",,,"5B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103109,,"P0057","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}EB046-69.298.3",,,"2E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103110,,"P0068","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}EB322-80.49.c",,,"6D-E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103111,,"P0069","w[1] P{lacW}EB308-80.45.e",,,"9B-C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103112,,"P0074","P{lArB}MW003-3a ; ry[506]",,,"49D1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103113,,"P0076","P{lArB}MW010-7a ; ry[506]",,,"37C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103114,,"P0077","P{lArB}MW011-7b, ry[506]",,,"99B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103115,,"P0079","P{lArB}MW018-24a, ry[506]",,,"72F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103116,,"P0081","P{lArB}MW024-31a, ry[506]",,,"85C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103117,,"P0083","P{lArB}MW028-49a ; ry[506]",,,"1B7-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103118,,"P0084","P{lArB}MW031-63a ; ry[506]",,,"32D1-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103119,,"P0085","P{lArB}MW032-66a, ry[506]",,,"89A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103120,,"P0086","P{lArB}MW037-72a, ry[506] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] e[s]",,,"74C-D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103121,,"P0087","P{lArB}MW044-90a, ry[506]",,,"86E7-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103122,,"P0088","P{lArB}MW048-99a ; ry[506]",,,"59F1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103123,,"P0091","P{lArB}MW051-111a, ry[506]",,,"99C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103124,,"P0092","P{lArB}MW052-120a ; ry[506]",,,"8B3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103125,,"P0093","P{lArB}MW057-130a ; ry[506]",,,"18F3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103126,,"P0096","P{lArB}CB032-M23aX ; ry[506]",,,"11B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103127,,"P0097","P{lArB}CB034-M41a ; ry[506]",,,"49D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103128,,"P0099","P{lArB}CB040-92a ; ry[506]",,,"49D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103129,,"P0100","P{lArB}CB041-95a, ry[506] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] e[s]",,,"71A-B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103130,,"P0101","P{lArB}CB042-119bX ; ry[506]",,,"10A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103131,,"P0102","w[1] P{lacW}ES005-65.5.1",,,"9E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103132,,"P0106","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}ES031-65.30.1",,,"6E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103134,,"P0108","w[1] P{lacW}ES056-69.18.1",,,"10B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103135,,"P0109","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}ES066-69.28.1",,,"5E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103137,,"P0112","P{lArB}MW062-30b ; ry[506]",,,"210","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103138,,"P0114","P{lArB}AH092 ; P{lArB}AH092",,,"46B2-3+95C4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103139,,"P0116","P{lArB}UR001-2a / FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm B ; ry[506]",,,"3A4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103140,,"P0117","P{lArB}UR034-9a, ry[506]",,,"95C1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103141,,"P0120","P{lArB}UR138-m66a, ry[506]",,,"90D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103142,,"P0121","P{lArB}UR006-51a ; ry[506]",,,"1C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103143,,"P0122","P{lArB}UR007-54a ; ry[506]",,,"19C-E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103144,,"P0125","P{lArB}UR024 ; ry[506]",,,"7F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103145,,"P0126","P{lArB}UR027-350b ; ry[506]",,,"5D-E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103146,,"P0128","P{lArB}UR035-27b, ry[506] / TM3, Sb[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] e[s]",,,"66C-E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103147,,"P0129","P{lArB}UR043-54b, ry[506]",,,"68F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103148,,"P0130","P{lArB}UR045-m87a ; ry[506]",,,"45E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103149,,"P0132","P{lArB}UR060-173b ; ry[506]",,,"33B-C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103150,,"P0133","P{lArB}UR062-186a / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"50D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103151,,"P0134","P{lArB}UR063-186b, ry[506]",,,"85C-D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103152,,"P0136","P{lArB}UR084-249b, ry[506]",,,"89B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103153,,"P0137","P{lArB}UR095-277b / CyO; ry[506]",,,"47A-B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103154,,"P0139","P{lArB}UR104-294a / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"22A-B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103155,,"P0142","P{lArB}UR131-4b ; ry[506]",,,"34D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103156,,"P0143","P{lArB}KO255, wg[Sp-1] ry[506]",,,"80A-B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103157,,"P0145","P{lArB}KO372 ; ry[506]",,,"60F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103158,,"P0146","P{lArB}KO405, ry[506]",,,"82E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103159,,"P0147","P{lArB}KO459, ry[506]",,,"79D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103160,,"P0148","P{lArB}KO517, wg[Sp-1] ; ry[506]",,,"59E-F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103161,,"P0149","P{lArB}KO532 ; ry[506]",,,"48E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103162,,"P0150","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}MA004-80.17.2",,,"8A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103163,,"P0151","w[1] P{lacW}MA023-69.29.2",,,"10B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103164,,"P0153","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}MA036-69.66.7",,,"4A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103165,,"P0154","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}MA084-80.88.1",,,"8A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103166,,"P0155","y[1] w[1] P{lacW}MA090-69.111.1 / FM7c, w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,"7A-B","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103167,,"P0161","w[1] ; P{GAL4}10.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103168,,"P0163","w[1] ; P{w[+mC=GAL4}12.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103169,,"P0164","w[1] ; P{GAL4}23.1 / CyO","2",,"60B5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003462: 272119.
Orientation: Universe.
Related gene(s): tsr(CG4254) intron. ",,,,,,,,"tsr CG4254" 103170,,"P0165","w[1] ; P{GAL4}26.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103171,,"P0166","w[1] ; P{GAL4}30.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103172,,"P0167","w[1] ; P{GAL4}31.1 / TM2, Ubx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103173,,"P0168","w[1] ; P{GAL4}34.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103174,,"P0169","w[1] ; P{GAL4}35.1 / CyO","2",,"59F1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003461: 102174.
Orientation: Universe.
Related gene(s): apt(CG5393 ) intron. ",,,,,,,,"apt CG5393" 103175,,"P0170","w[1] ; P{GAL4}107.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103176,,"P0171","w[1] ; P{GAL4}38.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103178,,"P0173","w[1] ; P{GAL4}187.1 / CyO","2",,"23F3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003579: 34480.
Orientation: Reverse.
Related gene(s): msl-2 (CG3241) intron/exon. ",,,,,,,,"msl-2 CG324" 103179,,"P0175","w[1] ; P{GAL4}64.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103181,,"P0178","w[1] ; P{GAL4}78.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103182,,"P0179","w[1] ; P{GAL4}81.1 / TM2, Ubx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in ?: ?.
Orientation: ?
Related gene(s): Transposon mdg3Flanking sequence of the 5' end of the P-element:
AACCAAGCTA GANGACAAAT CAAAAATAAA AGAGACACGT G",,,,,,,, 103183,,"P0180","w[1] ; P{GAL4}82.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103184,,"P0181","w[1] ; P{GAL4}83.2 / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103186,,"P0183","w[1] ; P{GAL4}94.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103187,,"P0184","w[1] ; P{GAL4}95.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103188,,"P0185","w[1] ; P{GAL4}97.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103189,,"P0186","w[1] ; P{GAL4}100.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103190,,"P0187","w[1] ; P{GAL4}103.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103192,,"P0189","w[1] ; P{GAL4}110.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103193,,"P0190","w[1] ; P{GAL4}115.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103194,,"P0191","w[1] ; P{GAL4}118.1 / CyO","2",,"22A5-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003585: 116070.
Orientation: Reverse.
Related gene(s): CG31666 intron. ",,,,,,,,"CG31666" 103195,,"P0192","w[1] ; P{GAL4}126.1 / TM2, Ubx[1]","2",,"34C4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003640: 160991.
Orientation: Universe.
Related gene(s): kuz (CG7147) exon. ",,,,,,,,"kuz CG7147" 103196,,"P0193","w[1] ; P{GAL4}135.1 / TM2, Ubx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103197,,"P0194","w[1] ; P{GAL4}142.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103198,,"P0196","w[1] ; P{GAL4}152.1 / TM2, Ubx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103199,,"P0197","w[1] ; P{GAL4}162.1 / CyO","2",,"42A9-13","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003784: 214800.
Orientation: Reverse.
Related gene(s): EcR (CG1765) ,5bp upstream.
Flanking sequence of the 5' end of the P-element:
CCAC",,,,,,,,"EcR CG1765" 103200,,"P0198","w[1] ; P{GAL4}166.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103201,,"P0199","w[1] ; P{GAL4}176.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103202,,"P0200","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1003.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103203,,"P0201","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1003.3 / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in ?: ?.
Orientation: ?
Related gene(s): Doc retroposon Flanking sequence of the 5' end of the P-element:
CCCTCAGCGA ACGACAGACC GCGTTCTTGC TCTCCCTCTC T",,,,,,,, 103204,,"P0202","w[1] ; P{GAL4}005.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103205,,"P0203","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1007.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103206,,"P0204","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1008.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103207,,"P0206","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1018.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103208,,"P0207","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1024.1 / CyO","2",,"39A7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.
Nucleotide position of the insertion in AE003669: around 158322.
Orientation: Reverse.
Related gene(s): Acon (CG9244) exon. FBgn0010100",,,,,,,,"Acon CG9244" 103209,,"P0208","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1027.1 / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103210,,"P0209","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1047.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103211,,"P0211","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1058.3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103212,,"P0212","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1065.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103213,,"P0213","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1066.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103214,,"P0214","w[1] ; P{GAL4}219.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103215,,"P0215","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1010.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103217,,"P0218","w[1] ; P{GAL4}203.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103218,,"P0219","w[1] ; P{GAL4}212.1 / TM2, Ubx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103219,,"P0220","w[1] ; P{GAL4}217.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103220,,"P0221","w[1] ; P{GAL4}220.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103221,,"P0222","w[1] ; P{GAL4}226.1 / TM2, Ubx[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103222,,"P0223","w[1] ; P{GAL4}234.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103223,,"P0224","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1028.2 / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103224,,"P0226","w[1] ; P{GAL4}1057.1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103225,,"100","0 / C(1)RM, y[1] pn[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103226,,"33150","y[1] su(s)[40] / Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103227,,"18555","In(1LR)sc[V1] In(1)w[m4], y[1] y[+] sc[+] sc[V1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Dp(1;1)sc[V1]",,,,"synonym Dp(1;1)sc[V1]",,, 103228,,"23605","FM7c / y[1] btd[A1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103229,,"42765","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Dox-A2[mfs1] Bl[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103230,,"42350","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)E55, rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]",,,"37D2-E1;37F5-38A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103231,,"53700","C(3L)RM-P2] kni[ri-1] / C(3R)RM-P3, sr[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103233,,"70440","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] e[11] l(3)89Ea[1] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"89E1-E4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(3)11b[M184]",,,,"synonym l(3)11b[M184]",,, 103234,,"73630","ci[D] / l(4)102CDl[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103235,,"76910","C(1)RM, y[1] / C(1;Y)1, y[1] ; SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] ; T(Y;2)H116, y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103236,,"88176","CyO, S[1] cn[1] bw[1] ; T(2;3)6r25, cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103237,,"800","Dp(1;Y)B[S] / C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / Df(1)K5, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,"fog[+]l(1)20Cb[-]-bb[-]","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103238,,"1200","Basc, sc[8] sc[S1] w[a] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103239,,"2440","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / cm[1] ct[6] sn[4] oc[1] ptg[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103241,,"6930","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1] / T(1;Y)4, y[+]",,,"11A;YL","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103242,,"8600","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Df(1)w78, sc[1] z[1] sn[*]",,,"3C1-2; 3C2-3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(1)w[78h24]",,,,"synonym Df(1)w[78h24]",,, 103243,,"13880","Df(1)4b18, y[1] cv[1] v[1] f[1] car[1] / In(1)sc[S1L]sc[8R], In(1)S, w[a] B[1]",,,"14B8;14C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103245,,"16100","Df(1)JC19 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,"2F6; 3C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103246,,"16200","Df(1)JC70 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1]",,,"4C15-16; 5A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103247,,"23500","FM6, y[31d] sc[8] dm[1] B[1] / y[1] ac[1] sc[1] pn[1] w[1] rb[1] cm[1] ct[1] sn[3] ras[4] v[1] m[1] g[1] f[1] car[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103248,,"33065","y[1] ac[1] sc[1] Pgd[n39] w[1] Zw[lo5]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103249,,"33400","y[1] w[1] ct[6] m[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103250,,"40630","bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103251,,"41500","cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103252,,"41508","cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103253,,"41555","cl[1] Gpdh[B] wg[spd-fg]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Gpdh[S]",,,,"synonym Gpdh[S]",,, 103254,,"41700","CyO, Dp(2;2)M(2)m[+] / Df(2L)TW137, cn[1] bw[1]",,,"36C2-4;37B9-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103255,,"41800","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)TW161, (M(2)[1]) cn[1] bw[1]",,,"38A6-B1;40A4-B1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)161",,,,"synonym Df(2L)161",,, 103256,,"42385","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)H20, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]",,,"36A8-9;36E3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103257,,"42510","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2L)prd1.7, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]",,,"33B2-3;34A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103258,,"42688","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2R)ES1, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] Kr[If-1]",,,"60E6;60F1-60F2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","wxt[1], Df(2R)gsb[ES1]",,,,"synonym wxt[1], Df(2R)gsb[ES1]",,, 103259,,"42689","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / Df(2R)PC4",,,"55A;55F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103260,,"43000","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] / M(2)44C[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)38b[G]",,,,"synonym M(2)38b[G]",,, 103263,,"45170","Df(2L)b87e25 / In(2L)NS, (Cu[*])",,,"34B12-C1;35B10-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103264,,"45200","Df(2L)C' / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"40;40","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103265,,"45205","Df(2L)C144, dpp[d-ho] ed[1] / wg[Gla-1] Bc[1] Egfr[E1]",,,"23A1-2;23C3-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103266,,"45350","Df(2L)J-H / SM5, al[2] ds[33k] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"27C2-9;28B3-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)J136-H52",,,,"synonym Df(2L)J136-H52",,, 103267,,"45400","Df(2L)J2 / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"31B;32A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)J-der-2",,,,"synonym Df(2L)J-der-2",,, 103268,,"45454","Df(2L)JS32, dpp[d-ho] / SM6a",,,"23C3-5;23D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103269,,"45465","Df(2L)Mdh, cn[1] / Dp(2;2)Mdh3, cn[1] ! see comment",,,"30D-30F;31F, 30D1-E1;32D1-32F3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"dark eye color present",,, 103270,,"45486","Df(2L)net-PMF / SM6a, al[2] Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"21A1;21B7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103271,,"45487","Df(2L)Prl / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"32F1-3;33F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103272,,"45490","Df(2L)r10, cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"35E1-2;36A6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"ry floating",,, 103273,,"45600","Df(2L)S3 / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"21D2-3;21F2-22A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103274,,"45610","Df(2L)s1402 / CyO",,,"30C;30F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103275,,"45801","Df(2L)spd[j2] / CyO-ftzlacZ",,,"27C1-2;28A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103276,,"45860","Df(2R)017 / SM1",,,"56F5;56F15","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103277,,"45965","Df(2R)CX1, b[1] pr[1] / SM1",,,"49C1-4;50C23-D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103278,,"46010","Df(2R)Kr10, b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] c[1] Kr[13] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] lt[v] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"60E10;60F5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Kr[SBl], If[R], If[AK1]",,,,"synonym Kr[SBl], If[R], If[AK1]",,, 103279,,"46100","Df(2R)M60E / In(2LR)bw[V32g]",,,"60E2-3;60E11-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)M-c[33a]",,,,"synonym Df(2R)M-c[33a]",,, 103280,,"46110","Df(2R)nap9 / In(2LR)Gla, Dp(2;2)BG, wg[Gla-1]",,,"42A1-2;42E6-F1, 41A-B;42BC","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103281,,"46250","Df(2R)M41A4 / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"41A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2R)M-S2[4], Df(2R)M-S4",,,,"synonym Df(2R)M-S2[4], Df(2R)M-S4",,, 103282,,"46460","Df(2R)Pcl7B / CyO",,,"54E8-F1;55B9-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103283,,"46500","Df(2R)Px2, bw[1] sp[1] / SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"60C5-6;60D9-10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103284,,"46651","Df(2R)stan1, P{neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1] / CyO",,,"46D7-9;47F15-16","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103285,,"46655","Df(2R)ST1, Adh[n5] pr[1] cn[*] / CyO",,,"42B3-5;43E15-18","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103286,,"46670","Df(2R)trix / Cy[*]",,,"51A1-2;51B6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103287,,"46750","Df(2R)vg135 / CyO, S[1] dp[ov1] cn[2] bw[1]",,,"49A-B;49D-E; 47F4-48A deficient inversion","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103288,,"48600","In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] / M(2)24F[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","M(2)z[G1], M(2)25A[2]",,,,"synonym M(2)z[G1], M(2)25A[2]",,, 103289,,"50371","M(2)21AB[R23] / SM6a, al[2] Cy[1] dp[lv1] cn[2] sp[2]",,,"21B1-4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(2)R23[1]",,,,"synonym l(2)R23[1]",,, 103290,,"54654","Df(3R)ea] kni[ri-1] p[p] / TM3, Ser[1]",,,"88E7-13;89A1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103291,,"54659","Df(3L)Delta1AK, ru[1] h[1] ry[506] sr[1] e[s] ca[1] / TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"79F;80A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103292,,"54660","Df(3L)fz-GF3b / TM6B, e[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"70C1-2;70D4-4, 66E","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103293,,"54665","Df(3L)fz-M21, th[1] st[1] / TM6",,,"70D2-3;71E4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103294,,"54678","Df(3L)iro-2, Sb[sbd-2] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"69B1-5;69D1-6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103295,,"54682","Df(3L)kto2 / TM6B",,,"76B1-2;76D5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103296,,"54700","Df(3L)Pc Df(3R)bxd100, cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Pc[1] p[p] Ubx[bxd-100] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"78D1-2;79A4-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103298,,"54730","Df(3L)Ar14-8, red[1] / TM2, emc[2] p[p] Ubx[130] e[s] ! = Df(3L)emc5",,,"61C5-8;62A8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103299,,"54745","Df(3L)Rdl-2 / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"66F5;66F5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103300,,"54770","Df(3L)R-G7, rho[ve-1] / TM6B, Tb[+]",,,"62B8-9;62F2-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ve[1]",,,,"synonym ve[1]",,, 103301,,"54800","Df(3L)st4, st[4] gl[2] e[4] / TM6, Hn[P] ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1]",,,"72D7-11;73B7-C11","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103302,,"55330","Df(3L)VW3 / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,"76A3;76B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103303,,"55403","Df(3R)C4, p[*] / Dp(3;3)P5, Sb[1]",,,"89E;90A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103304,,"55406","Df(3R)Cha7 / TM6B, Tb[*]",,,"91A;91F5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)ChaM7",,,,"synonym Df(3R)ChaM7",,, 103305,,"55415","Df(3R)DG2 / TM2",,,"89E1-F4;91B1-B2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103307,,"55550","Df(3R)D605 / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"97E3;98A5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103308,,"55870","Df(3R)e-N19 / TM2, Ubx[130] e[s]",,,"93B;94","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"The balancer have lost it?s markers, so please check the deficiency.",,, 103309,,"57953","Df(3R)Antp7, e[11] / TM3, Sb[1]",,,"84B1-84B2;84D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(3R)Ns[RC7]",,,,"synonym Df(3R)Ns[RC7]",,, 103310,,"58850","Df(3R)Scr, Scr[-] p[p] e[s] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,"84A1-2;84B1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103311,,"58880","Df(3R)Tl-P, e[1] ca[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,"97A;98A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103312,,"58890","Df(3R)Tpl10, Dp(3;3)Dfd[rv1] kni[ri-1] p[p] / TM3, kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,"83C1-2;84B1-2,83D4-5;84A4-5;98F1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103313,,"61250","Est-6[S] Lap-A[0]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103315,,"61967","In(1)w[m4h] ; Su(var)3-10[2] / TM3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103316,,"62840","In(3LR)DcxF, ru[1] h[1] D[1] / Dr[Tri]",,,"In(3LR)DcxF is superimosed on 69D3-E1;70C13-D1+71F;85C+80;84A;93F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103318,,"70339","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-1] Ubx[5.2326] e[11] ro[1] ca[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103319,,"70449","Fdh[nNC1] / TM6, Hn[P] ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Odh[NC1], ss[P88]",,,,"synonym Odh[NC1], ss[P88]",,, 103320,,"73650","ci[D] / pho[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(4)102EFc[1]",,,,"synonym l(4)102EFc[1]",,, 103321,,"74000","Df(4)G / ci[D]",,,"102E2;102E10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103322,,"74006","Df(4)M101-62f / Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD] ; ey[D]",,,"101E;102B10-17","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103323,,"75800","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Df(1)v-L15, y[1] ; Tp(1;2)v[+]75d",,,"9B1-2; 10A1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103324,,"78135","CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; Tp(1;2)r[+]75c",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103325,,"78145","Df(1)BA1, w[*] / FM7 ; Dp(1;2)E1, y[+] / +",,,"1A1;2A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103326,,"78180","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; Df(2L)Trf-C6R31 / CyO",,,"28DE(within)","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103327,,"78500","Df(2L)Mdh ; T(1;2)Bld, Bld[1]",,,"30D-F;31F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)Mdh-A,",,,,"synonym Df(2L)Mdh-A,",,, 103328,,"78550","Df(2L)sc19-8 / SM6b, Cy[1] Roi[1] ; Dp(2;1)B19, y[1] ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"24C2-8;25C8-9, 24D4;25F2;9B-C","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"identity of balancer tentative",,, 103329,,"78605","Df(2R)en30 / SM5, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] ; Dp(1;Y)B[S]",,,"48A3-4;48C6-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"variegation for lt",,, 103330,,"78950","In(1)w[m4h], y[1] ; Df(2L)TE29Aa-11 / CyO",,,"28E4-7;29B2-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103331,,"79100","In(1)w[m4], y[1] ; E(var)7[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103332,,"79165","In(1)w[m4h] ; Su(var)205[5] / In(2L)Cy[1] In(2R)Cy",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(var)2-5[05]",,,,"synonym Su(var)2-5[05]",,, 103334,,"80100","sc[1] z[1] w[is] ; In(2L)Cy[1] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] / M(2)21AB[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Su(z)5[1]",,,,"synonym Su(z)5[1]",,, 103335,,"80200","sc[1] z[1] w[is] ; In(2L)Cy[1] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] / Su(z)6[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103336,,"80300","sc[1] z[1] w[is] ; In(2L)Cy In(2R)Cy[1], Cy[1] cn[2] / Su(z)7[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103337,,"80701","w[118] ; Df(2R)H3C1 / CyO",,,"43F;44D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103338,,"80702","w[118] ; Df(2R)H3E1 / CyO",,,"44D;44F12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103339,,"80703","w[1] ; Df(2R)en-B / CyO",,,"47E3;48A4","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103340,,"80706","Dp(1;Y)y[+] / y[1] ; Df(2R)X58-12 / SM5",,,"58D1-2;59A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103341,,"80740","w[1] ; b[1] bgcn[OE1B] / CyO",,,"60A3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103342,,"80753","(y[1] w[1]) ; Df(2L)TE35BC-24, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"34B4-6;35E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Df(2L)TE36(R)GW4",,,,"synonym Df(2L)TE36(R)GW4",,, 103344,,"80765","w[1] ; In(2LR)w45-32n Df(2R)Np5, cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"In;31B;49D9-E1 Df;44F9-10;45D9-E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103348,,"81352","y[*] w[*] / Dp(1;Y)y[+] ; Df(2R)P34 / CyO",,,"55E2-4;56B1-C1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103349,,"82200","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] / Df(1)ct-J4 In(1)dl-49, f[1] ; Dp(1;3)sn[13a1] ; Ki[1]",,,"7A2-3; 7C1, 6C;7C-D1;79D2-E1","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103350,,"83210","Df(3R)L127 / TM6, Hn[P] ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1] ; Dp(3;1)B152",,,"99B;99E , 98F;100F","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","ss[P88]",,,,"synonym ss[P88]",,, 103351,,"83215","Df(3R)P115, e[11] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l] ; Dp(3;1)P115",,,"89B7-8;89E7-8;20","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Tp(3;1)P115",,,,"synonym Tp(3;1)P115",,, 103352,,"84300","sc[1] z[1] w[is] ; Su(z)4[1] / TM3, y[+] kni[ri-1] p[p] sep[1] Sb[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103353,,"87200","y[1] ; ci[D] sv[spa-pol] / l(4)102CDh[2]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(4)10, spa[pol]",,,,"synonym l(4)10, spa[pol]",,, 103354,,"87400","y[1] ; l(4)102CDg[1] / sv[spa-Cat]",,,"102B6;E10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","l(4)8, spa[Cat]",,,,"synonym l(4)8, spa[Cat]",,, 103355,,"88380","Df(2L)cact-255rv64 / CyO; ry[506]",,,"35F-36A;36D","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103356,,"88390","Df(2R)CB21 / CyO ; ry[506]",,,"48E;49A","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103357,,"88430","Df(3R)by62, red[1] e[1] / TM1, Me[1] kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-l]",,,"85D11-14;85F16, 41h;85F6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103358,,"88440","Df(3R)p712, red[1] e[1] / TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"84D4-6;85B6, 25D;85B6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103359,,"89950","SM1, al[2] Cy[1] cn[2] sp[2] Pgk[4] Pgi[4] / Pgk[2] Pgi[2] ; TM6, Hn[P] ss[aP88] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[P15] e[1] Men[4] ry[el-F] Aldox-1[L4] Mdh2[*] / Men[6] ry[el-S] Aldox-1[3] Mdh2[*]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103360,,"92170","In(1)w[m4h] ; Su(var)2-1[01] noc[Sco] / In(2L)t In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1] ; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.","Sco[1]",,,,"synonym Sco[1]",,, 103361,,"80761A","w[1] ; Df(2R)w45-30n, cn[1] / CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2]",,,"45A6-7;45E2-3.","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103363,,"H621","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k08805[k08805] / CyO",,,"53F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103364,,"H655","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09116[k09116] / CyO",,,"31F4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103365,,"H679","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09503[k09503] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103366,,"H680","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09505[k09505] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103367,,"H693","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)04493[k09603] / CyO",,,"27C7-8","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103368,,"H695","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k09613[k09613] / CyO",,,"37C6-7","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103369,,"H714","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Cg25C[k09824] / CyO",,,"25C5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103370,,"H808","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k10824[k10824] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103371,,"H825","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11035[k11035] / CyO",,,"60A5-60A6","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103372,,"H826","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11038[k11038] / CyO",,,"22D1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103373,,"H831","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11118[k11118] / CyO",,,"60E10-12","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103374,,"H849","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k11311[k11311] / CyO",,,"54E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103375,,"H931","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)01265[k13307] / CyO",,,"37B8-9","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103376,,"H951","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13616[k13616] / CyO",,,"28D1-28D2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103377,,"H972","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k13902[k23902] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103378,,"H993","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14209[k14209] / CyO",,,"33E9-33E10","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103380,,"H1023","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k14601[k14601] / CyO",,,"54E1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103381,,"H1049","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15205a[15205a] / CyO",,,"57B1-57B3","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103382,,"H1064","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k15606[k15606] / CyO",,,"50C17-19","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103383,,"H1101","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)37Db[k16106] / CyO",,,"37D2-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103386,,"H1125","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k05633[k16304] / CyO",,,"60B4-5","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103387,,"H1160","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}Pka-C1[k16718] / CyO",,,"30C1-2","Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103388,,"H1172","Df(1)w67c23, y[1] ; P{lacW}l(2)k16813[*] / CyO",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103389,,"W0005","Akayu",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Japan 1976",,, 103390,,"W0010","Algeria",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Algeria",,, 103391,,"W0020","Alma-Ata",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kazakstan, 1978",,, 103392,,"W0040","Anapa-78",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1978",,, 103393,,"W0050","Anapa-79",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1979",,, 103394,,"W0060","Ashtarak",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Armenia 1977",,, 103396,,"W0080","Batumi-L",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR",,, 103397,,"W0090","Berlin",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Germany, Berlin",,, 103399,,"W0110","Birsk",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1974",,, 103400,,"W0120","Boa Esperance",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Brazil, Minas Gerais",,, 103401,,"W0125","Bygde,Sweden 1988""",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,,,, 103403,,"W0140","Champetieres",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"France, virusfree 78e",,, 103404,,"W0141a","Chateau Tahbilq-1",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia 1989",,, 103405,,"W0141c","Chateau Tahbilq-3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia 1989",,, 103406,,"W0141d","Chateau Tahbilq-4",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia 1989",,, 103407,,"W0141e","Chateau Tahbilq-5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia 1989",,, 103408,,"W0145","Chichijima",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Japan 1979",,, 103409,,"W0150","Chieti-v",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Italy",,, 103410,,"W0155","Chongju",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Korea",,, 103411,,"W0157","Coffs Harbour",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia, New South Wales 1983",,, 103412,,"W0170","Crkwenica",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Czechoslovakia",,, 103413,,"W0180","Curitiba",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Brazil, Curitiba",,, 103414,,"W0200","Fairfield-2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia, Melbourn 1980",,, 103415,,"W0240","Fairfield-11",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia, Melbourn 1980",,, 103416,,"W0260","Fairfield-15",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia, Melbourn 1980",,, 103417,,"W0270","Fairfield-16",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia, Melbourn 1980",,, 103418,,"W0300","Fairfield-19",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Australia, Melbourn 1980",,, 103419,,"W0370","Gelendzhik -79",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1979",,, 103420,,"W0420","Gruta",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Argentina",,, 103421,,"W0470","Hikone-R",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Japan, resistent to BHC, DDT, parathione, nicotine",,, 103422,,"W0482","H?eenlinna",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1972",,, 103423,,"W0501","Israel",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Israel 1954",,, 103424,,"W0520","Karsn?",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden, Karsn?",,, 103425,,"W0530","Karsn?-R",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden, Karsn?, Hg-resistent",,, 103426,,"W0540","Kericho-3, se[*] / +",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Kericho 1995",,, 103427,,"W0541","Kericho-7A",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Kericho 1995",,, 103428,,"W0542","Kericho-7B",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Kericho 1995",,, 103429,,"W0543","Kericho-8A",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Kericho 1995",,, 103430,,"W0544","Kericho-9",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Kericho 1995",,, 103431,,"W0560","Krasnodar",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1974",,, 103432,,"W0590","Kurdamir",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Azerbaijan 1977",,, 103433,,"W0609","Manago",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Hawaii 1989",,, 103434,,"W0611","Medvast-29",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103435,,"W0612","Medvast-21",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103436,,"W0613","Medvast-22",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103437,,"W0614","Medvast-23",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103438,,"W0615","Medvast-24",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103439,,"W0616","Medvast-25",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103440,,"W0617","Medvast-28",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103441,,"W0618","Medvast-29",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland 1992",,, 103442,,"W0630","Moravsky Pisek",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Czechoslovakia, South Moravia 1972",,, 103443,,"W0640","Naantali",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland, Naantali 1973",,, 103444,,"W0641","Nairobi",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Nairobi area 1995",,, 103445,,"W0642","Nguruman-4",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Nguruman 1995",,, 103446,,"W0643","Nguruman-5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Nguruman 1995",,, 103447,,"W0645","Nguruman-11",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Kenya, Nguruman 1995",,, 103448,,"W0731","Qiryat-Anavim 81",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Israel 1981",,, 103449,,"W0732","Qiryat-Anavim 83",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Israel 1983",,, 103450,,"W0760","San Miguel",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Argentina, Buenos Aires",,, 103451,,"W0800","Siniy Gay",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1979",,, 103452,,"W0820","Slankamen",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Belgrad, Yugoslavia 1982",,, 103453,,"W0830","St?et",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden",,, 103455,,"W0860","Str?svreten 8",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden, ?kersberga 1969",,, 103456,,"W0890","Suchumi",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Czechslovakia 1964",,, 103457,,"W0910","Tashkent",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR, Uzbekistan 1977",,, 103458,,"W0930","Turku",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Finland, Turku 1966",,, 103459,,"W0950","Uman-66",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1966",,, 103460,,"W0970","Uman-79",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"USSR 1979",,, 103461,,"W0975","Ume15",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden 1992",,, 103462,,"W0976","Ume16",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden 1992",,, 103463,,"W0977","Ume17",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden 1992",,, 103464,,"W0978","Ume18",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden 1992",,, 103465,,"W0979","Ume19",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden 1992",,, 103466,,"W0980","Ume94",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden 1994",,, 103467,,"W0990","Valdemarsvik-79",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Sweden, Valdemarsvik 1979, isofemale",,, 103468,,"W1030","Wien",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Austria, Wien 1966",,, 103469,,"W1050","Zabcice",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"Czechoslovakia, Brno 1977",,, 103470,,"W1200","high stpl.2",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103471,,"W1300","low[1] stpl.3",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103472,,"W1400","low[1] stpl.4",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103473,,"W1500","low[1] stpl.5",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103474,,"W1600","low[1] stpl.6",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103475,,"W1700","high stpl.7",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103476,,"W1800","high abd.8",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103477,,"W1900","high abd.9",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103478,,"W2000","low abd.10",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103479,,"W2100","low abd.11",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103480,,"W2200","low abd.12",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103481,,"W2300","low,high stpl.13",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103482,,"W2400","high,low stpl.14",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103483,,"W2500","low,high stpl.15",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103484,,"W2600","high,low[1] stpl.16",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103485,,"W2700","low stpl.17",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103486,,"W2800","low stpl.18",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103487,,"W2900","high stpl.19",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103488,,"W3000","high stpl.",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"selection line",,, 103490,,"W3200","stpl.[sex-d.]",,,,"Received from the Umea Stock Center in 2001.",,,,,"wildtype line with abnormal sex-dimorphism for sternopleural bristle number",,, 103491,,"4","NP: 4","1",,"17E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",455,"CG7058 CG7095" 103492,,"7","NP: 7","3",,"73E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1546,"CG14059 CG7842" 103493,,"9","NP: 9","2",,"59C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1277,"CG2952 l(2)k09913" 103494,,"12","NP: 12","3",,"72D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1526,"th CG5600 CG5891" 103495,,"14","NP: 14","2",,"26C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",628,"CG9481 CG9486" 103496,,"21","NP: 21","3",,"91B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1866,"fru CG7690" 103497,,"22","NP: 22","2",,"21C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",550,"ush CG4427" 103498,,"29","NP: 29","2",,"40C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",866,"CG15218 CG6448" 103499,,"32","NP: 32","1",,"6C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",184,"CG3226 CG8656" 103500,,"35","NP: 35","2",,"42D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",905,"CG12847 CG17002 CG3364" 103501,,"36","NP: 36","1",,"15A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",415,"CG13004 RSG7" 103502,,"37","NP: 37","3",,"93C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1900,"CG5802 CG5806" 103503,,"39","NP: 39","2",,"46F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1005,"Hr46 CG12208" 103504,,"42","NP: 42","1",,"1E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",25,"CG11638 CG3021" 103505,,"45","NP: 45","A",,"45B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,972,"unpg CG8026" 103506,,"49","NP: 49","2",,"60E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1308,"CG16896 CG3749 CG9047" 103507,,"52","NP: 52","3",,"61A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1319,"Pk61C CG12483" 103508,,"53","NP: 53","3",,"82F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1676,"CG1113 CG12163 CG12173" 103509,,"54","NP: 54","3",,"85C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1731,"CG11963 CG11964 CG11966" 103510,,"55","NP: 55","1",,"7D21","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",225,"CG10965 CG15343" 103511,,"56","NP: 56","3",,"88D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1815,"CG7530 CG7552" 103512,,"57","NP: 57","3",,"66A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1413,"CG7515 CG7520" 103513,,"58","NP: 58",,,"47D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1021,"CG13229 CG13232 CG18239" 103514,,"71","NP: 71","3",,"91B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1868,"CG7691 Ste20-like CG7694" 103515,,"72","NP: 72","3",,"19E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",510,"CG15445 CG1819" 103516,,"76","NP: 76","1",,"6E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",196,"CG14430 CG3039 CG14430 CG3039" 103517,,"79","NP: 79","2",,"24A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",590,"CG10033 CG15418 CG2808" 103518,,"80","NP: 80","2",,"47D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1023,"CG13230 shn" 103519,,"96","NP: 96","3",,"61D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1335,"emc CG13897" 103520,,"97","NP: 97","3",,"79D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1631,"CG14560 CG15374" 103521,,"99","NP: 99","2",,"35C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",766,"BG:DS07851.11 gft BG:DS07851.3" 103522,,"101","NP: 101","3",,"86F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1782,"Lk6 Lk6 CG6930" 103523,,"102","NP: 102","2",,"46F11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1007,"CG12905 CG12909 CG3298" 103524,,"110","NP: 110","1",,"6C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",180,"CG10695 CG17717" 103525,,"111","NP: 111","2",,"29F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",687,"CG18024 CG9468" 103526,,"112","NP: 112","2",,"29B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",676,"RpS13 CG7627" 103527,,"113","NP: 113","3",,"89E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1849,"CG17556 CG3534" 103528,,"114","NP: 114","2",,"33B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",729,"Rh5 CG6746" 103529,,"115","NP: 115","1",,"3F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",113,"CG13316 Parg" 103530,,"117","NP: 117","2",,"68C15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1472,"CG7308 CG7314" 103531,,"118","NP: 118","3",,"74C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1552,"CG3885 blot" 103532,,"121","NP: 121","1",,"11B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",317,"CG1848 CG1855" 103533,,"125","NP: 125","3",,"85C5","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1250,"Xpd Pu" 103562,,"226","NP: 226","1",,"2B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",47,"CG14799 CG14811" 103563,,"231","NP: 231","3",,"64C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1377,"CG10649 CG10668 CG10677" 103564,,"233","NP: 233","3",,"100D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2030,"CG11522 CG11525 Med" 103565,,"236","NP: 236","2",,"49A10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1058,"CG13151 CG8819" 103566,,"239","NP: 239","2",,"47F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1031,"CG13203 BcDNA:GM12291" 103567,,"243","NP: 243","1",,"12B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",344,"CG10993 CG10996" 103568,,"244","NP: 244","2",,"43E9","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",584,"CG17224 CG17264" 103589,,"331","NP: 331","3",,"99A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2004,"CG11956 stg CG14506" 103590,,"334","NP: 334","1",,"8C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",239,"CG15364 CG4040" 103591,,"345","NP: 345","3",,"65F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1406,"CG14834 CG8596" 103592,,"346","NP: 346","A",,"53A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1158,"CG15702 Khc" 103593,,"347","NP: 347","2",,"57F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1263,"HmgD CG17952" 103594,,"351","NP: 351","2",,"43A1","w-contaminating. Rebalanced June 2004 DGRC
NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",910,"CG11086 CG1851" 103595,,"355","NP: 355","3",,"65A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1390,"Lcp65Ag2 l(3)mbn Ets65A" 103596,,"358","NP: 358","2",,"44B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",942,"CG11546 CG8708" 103597,,"359","NP: 359","1",,"9D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",272,"CG1628 CG9817" 103598,,"360","NP: 360","2",,"37E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",808,"CG17544 CG17549" 103599,,"364","NP: 364","2",,"56F15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1232,"CG11055 Ate1 CG9864" 103600,,"369","NP: 369","2",,"28E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",669,"CG14276 CG7586" 103601,,"370","NP: 370","1",,"11B18","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",861,"CG11630 tsh" 103630,,"515","NP: 515","1",,"18C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",467,"BcDNA:LD28120 CG8082" 103631,,"516","NP: 516","A",,"24C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",596,"capu CG3980" 103632,,"517","NP: 517","A",,"28D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO:TM3 Sb Ser",660,"LanB1 CG7134" 103633,,"519","NP: 519","1",,"9F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",283,"CG1664 CG1691" 103634,,"520","NP: 520","3",,"75C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1565,"CG13701 rpr" 103635,,"521","NP: 521","1",,"16D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",438,"CG15814 CG6506" 103636,,"522","NP: 522","1",,"12B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",343,"rdgB Yp3" 103637,,"524","NP: 524","2",,"57E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1258,"CG10496 CG15668 Fkbp13" 103638,,"526","NP: 526","2",,"23B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",577,"Pgk CG9894 CG9960" 103639,,"527","NP: 527","3",,"98B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1994,"CG4976 CG5514" 103640,,"528","NP: 528","3",,"95D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1945,"Rox8 CG5977 CG5986 CG5991" 103641,,"535","NP: 535","2",,"23F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",589,"CG8845 Phas1" 103642,,"536","NP: 536","A",,"60A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1297,"CG2827 CG3735" 103643,,"539","NP: 539","3",,"79C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1628,"CG7130 CG7133 BcDNA:LD21293" 103644,,"541","NP: 541","1",,"18C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",469,"CG14197 CG8109" 103645,,"542","NP: 542","2",,"38F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",837,"CG14399 CG18078 CG9342" 103646,,"546","NP: 546","3",,"95C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1943,"CG12268 Gdh" 103647,,"549","NP: 549","3",,"75A10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1556,"CG13697 CG5290 Eip75B" 103648,,"553","NP: 553","2",,"44D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",954,"ptc CG8579 CG8732" 103649,,"554","NP: 554","3",,"85C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1738,"CG11033 Mst85C CG18005" 103650,,"555","NP: 555","2",,"38C8","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",677,"RpS13 CG7627" 103666,,"594","NP: 594","1",,"11E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",330,"CG15745 CG1622" 103667,,"597","NP: 597","3",,"98B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1992,"RpL1 BcDNA:GH07066" 103668,,"598","NP: 598","3",,"84F14","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1719,"CG18193 CG7415" 103669,,"599","NP: 599","1",,"17C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",451,"fu CG6632 CG6659" 103670,,"600","NP: 600","1",,"8E12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",256,"CG3003 CG3099" 103671,,"605","NP: 605","3",,"73E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1545,"CG3764 CG6664 CG3764 CG6664" 103672,,"607","NP: 607","A",,"73D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1542,"CG11661 CG13027" 103673,,"608","NP: 608","2",,"38A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",821,"CG13961 CG13964" 103674,,"609","NP: 609","2",,"29C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",679,"Akap200 CG13398 grk" 103675,,"610","NP: 610","1",,"15A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",412,"CG4768 CG9132 CG9606" 103676,,"613","NP: 613","2",,"52A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1137,"CG12961 CG8182" 103677,,"615","NP: 615","3",,"75D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1572,"CG4144 CG6895 CG6896" 103678,,"618","NP: 618","A",,"43F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",936,"CG15835 Or25A.1 CG8791" 103679,,"620","NP: 620","2",,"26A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",614,"dsf Gpdh CG9044" 103680,,"621","NP: 621","2",,"47D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1026,"CG13218 CG18338" 103681,,"624","NP: 624","A",,"52E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1147,"CG8320 ATPCL CG8370" 103682,,"625","NP: 625","M",,"82E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1674,"CG12007 CG2022 corto" 103683,,"626","NP: 626","1",,"3B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",88,"CG10260 sgg HLH3B" 103684,,"628","NP: 628","2",,"45B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",971,"Rab-RP1 CG8026" 103685,,"632","NP: 632","A",,"96B20","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1965,"CG11848 CG13651" 103686,,"635","NP: 635","1",,"4B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",128,"brn EG:EG0007.11 EG:EG0007.9" 103687,,"636","NP: 636","1",,"12B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",341,"Grip91 CG10990 Rtc1" 103688,,"640","NP: 640","2",,"53C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1162,"RpP1 Cdk4/6 CG8317" 103689,,"642","NP: 642","1",,"5B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",155,"CG3125 CG3130 CG4078" 103690,,"643","NP: 643","1",,"6F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",202,"CG18350 CG4615" 103691,,"645","NP: 645","A",,"36C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",792,"CLIP-190 CG6860" 103692,,"646","NP: 646","A",,"54F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1191,"olf186 grh" 103693,,"647","NP: 647","A",,"46D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",997,"CG12920 CG12921 cdc2rk" 103694,,"649","NP: 649","A",,"44A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",939,"CG12769 CG17977" 103695,,"650","NP: 650","2",,"35A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",757,"CG15285 spel1" 103696,,"651","NP: 651","3",,"67B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1440,"CG18632 CG3434 CG3628" 103697,,"652","NP: 652","2",,"42B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",890,"CG15234 CG9403" 103698,,"658","NP: 658","3",,"66B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1416,"CG13681 bip1 nmo" 103699,,"659","NP: 659","1",,"3A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",83,"CG12497 CG13758" 103700,,"661","NP: 661","1",,"1A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",3,"CG13376 CG13377" 103701,,"662","NP: 662","A",,"28D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",661,"CG14537 CG7109 Rack1" 103702,,"666","NP: 666","3",,"65D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1397,"CG10064 sgl CG9943" 103703,,"672","NP: 672","3",,"73C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1540,"CG9674 CG9710" 103704,,"675","NP: 675","2",,"47A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1013,"CG12052 CG18378 psq" 103705,,"677","NP: 677","3",,"92A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1885,"CG14280 CG3602 Dl" 103706,,"679","NP: 679","3",,"75C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1564,"CG7313 CG7320" 103707,,"680","NP: 680","2",,"21B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",538,"CG11606 CG3660" 103708,,"683","NP: 683","1",,"10B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",290,"CG11756 CG1597 CG1738" 103709,,"686","NP: 686","3",,"87C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1794,"CG5834 CG6489" 103710,,"687","NP: 687","3",,"62F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1356,"RpL8 CG16757 CG16973" 103711,,"688","NP: 688","3",,"89B16","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1840,"mtSSB CG6889" 103712,,"690","NP: 690","3",,"61D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1336,"emc CG13897" 103713,,"694","NP: 694","1",,"11B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",316,"CG11138 CG1848 CG1855" 103714,,"698","NP: 698","1",,"18B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",461,"CG14193 CG14194 CG7914" 103715,,"699","NP: 699",,,"47D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO:TM3 Sb Ser",1024,"CG13230 shn" 103716,,"700","NP: 700","1",,"17B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",446,"Wnt5 CG6461 CG6470" 103717,,"701","NP: 701","1",,"4F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",150,"CG3315 dhd" 103718,,"708","NP: 708","2",,"45F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",984,"CG12931 CG1888" 103719,,"709","NP: 709","3",,"99E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",2016,"CecC CG9737" 103720,,"710","NP: 710","1",,"17D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",452,"Cyp308A1 Cyp18a1" 103721,,"711","NP: 711","1",,"2F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",69,"EG:25E8.4 EG:25E8.6" 103722,,"712","NP: 712","A",,"88A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1808,"CG3143 CG3153 CG9922" 103723,,"716","NP: 716","3",,"62B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1352,"CG11815 BcDNA:GH11112" 103724,,"717","NP: 717","1",,"7D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",219,"CG1560 CG2233 fs(1)h" 103725,,"718","NP: 718","3",,"43E9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",927,"CG1399 CG1952 CG1399 CG1952" 103726,,"723","NP: 723","A",,"52B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1140,"CG8204 CG8205" 103727,,"724","NP: 724","3",,"87B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1788,"svp CG17738" 103728,,"725","NP: 725","A",,"26C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",629,"CG13983 CG9488" 103729,,"727","NP: 727","A",,"58F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1271,"CG17807 CG3875 CG4207 Cdk9" 103730,,"729","NP: 729","2",,"44B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",946,"CG14755 CG2280 CG14755 CG2280" 103731,,"731","NP: 731","2",,"48A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1034,"en" 103732,,"733","NP: 733","1",,"16C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",432,"CG12987 CG8188" 103733,,"734","NP: 734","2",,"42B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",892,"TRAP1 CG3161 CG9403" 103734,,"737","NP: 737","1",,"13A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",361,"eag CG9041" 103735,,"738","NP: 738","2",,"45D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",979,"CG13955 CG8806 Pdk CG13955 CG8806 Pdk" 103736,,"739","NP: 739","1",,"7D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",215,"CG1530 CG1531 CG2206" 103737,,"740","NP: 740","A",,"38E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",830,"phr6-4 CG2608" 103738,,"741","NP: 741","A",,"46C10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",992,"CG12130 Mef2" 103739,,"743","NP: 743","A",,"65A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1393,"LanA CG13299" 103740,,"747","NP: 747","A",,"85C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1732,"CG11984 CG11985 CG11986" 103741,,"748","NP: 748","1",,"13F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",393,"CG18102 CG8909 CycD CG18102 CG8909 CycD" 103742,,"749","NP: 749","2",,"51B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1117,"CG10130 CG12864" 103743,,"750","NP: 750","A",,"25F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",610,"CG14008 CG7235" 103744,,"751","NP: 751","1",,"10F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",310,"CG10362 CG2471" 103745,,"753","NP: 753","3",,"77A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1596,"CG13812 CG7306" 103746,,"755","NP: 755","A",,"55B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1195,"Sema-5c CG12767 stau" 103747,,"756","NP: 756","3",,"97D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1980,"CG14247 Tl" 103748,,"760","NP: 760","2",,"57F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1262,"HmgZ HmgD" 103749,,"762","NP: 762","3",,"73B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1536,"Galpha73B CG3971 CG4032" 103750,,"764","NP: 764","A",,"52B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO:TM3 Sb Ser",1139,"CG8204 CG8205" 103751,,"765","NP: 765","3",,"82D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1658,"CG12001 CG14653" 103752,,"767","NP: 767","A",,"99B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",2005,"CG11501 CG2310" 103753,,"769","NP: 769","1",,"7D12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",221,"CG10958 CG15338 CG2116" 103754,,"770","NP: 770","1",,"18B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",460,"CG17015 CG7502 CG7531" 103755,,"772","NP: 772","2",,"42C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",897,"CG3409 CG9428" 103756,,"775","NP: 775","2",,"33B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",728,"CG14937 crol CG14939" 103757,,"777","NP: 777","3",,"65E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1404,"mei-P22 CG8609 Cdc27" 103758,,"779","NP: 779","1",,"1D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",24,"CG11642 CG16994" 103759,,"781","NP: 781","1",,"11B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",314,"CG15926 CG17788" 103760,,"783","NP: 783","1",,"9E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",282,"CG1664 CG1691" 103761,,"784","NP: 784","3",,"50F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1108,"CG13944 CG8589 CG13944 CG8589" 103762,,"785","NP: 785","3",,"50F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1110,"CG10102 CG12505 CG10102 CG12505" 103763,,"786","NP: 786","2",,"27C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",645,"xl6 nop5 Hrb27C" 103764,,"792","NP: 792","2",,"49F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1079,"CG4037 CG4062" 103765,,"795","NP: 795","3",,"68A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1458,"Sod CG11799 CG7638" 103766,,"796","NP: 796","2",,"30A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",694,"CG13109 CG9586" 103767,,"800","NP: 800","1",,"5A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",152,"CG15776 CG3187" 103768,,"802","NP: 802","3",,"66B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1420,"CG7528 CG7962" 103769,,"803","NP: 803","2",,"23B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",576,"Pgk CG9894" 103770,,"806","NP: 806","3",,"87A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1787,"CG10005 CG12224 CG18547" 103771,,"807","NP: 807","1",,"4D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",147,"CG15466 CG5086" 103772,,"811","NP: 811","1",,"19E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",506,"CG10987 CG1518 CG15447 CG1754" 103773,,"812","NP: 812","3",,"92B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1889,"ninaE CG4733" 103774,,"814","NP: 814","3",,"86F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1783,"Lk6 CG6930" 103775,,"816","NP: 816","A",,"49B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1065,"CG12442 CG13486 CG18356" 103776,,"822","NP: 822","3",,"61A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1320,"CG1201 Pk61C CG12483" 103777,,"825","NP: 825","1",,"10E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",305,"CG15223 CkIIbeta CG4139" 103778,,"827","NP: 827","2",,"44E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",956,"CG14767 gcl cmp44E" 103779,,"828","NP: 828","2",,"21C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",548,"BcDNA:GH03922 CG4297" 103780,,"829","NP: 829","2",,"39E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",859,"CG2122 Ef2b" 103781,,"833","NP: 833","1",,"13D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",373,"CG6324 CG9203" 103782,,"836","NP: 836","A",,"44F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",962,"CG8235 CG8237 CG8243 CG8235 CG8237 CG8243" 103783,,"837","NP: 837","A",,"39E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",858,"Ac3 CG1512" 103784,,"840","NP: 840","2",,"56A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1217,"CG15104 CG15105 CG18605" 103785,,"843","NP: 843","A",,"78C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1614,"CG10554 Ac78C CG12977" 103786,,"845","NP: 845","A",,"42A12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",883,"CG8276 BcDNA:LD21719" 103787,,"846","NP: 846","A",,"70C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1497,"CG17366 Gl" 103788,,"850","NP: 850","3",,"64B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1374,"CG1265 CG15010" 103789,,"852","NP: 852",,,"38B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",824,"neb CG10746 CG10747 pr" 103790,,"853","NP: 853","1",,"2B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",46,"EG:171E4.2 EG:171E4.4" 103791,,"857","NP: 857","3",,"72D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1525,"th CG5891" 103792,,"859","NP: 859","1",,"1B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",15,"elav" 103793,,"861","NP: 861","3",,"82B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1649,"CG9805 CG9809 CG9818" 103794,,"862","NP: 862","1",,"34F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",755,"BG:DS01068.1 CG15288 smi35A BG:DS01068.1 CG15288 smi35A" 103795,,"864","NP: 864","2",,"46C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",991,"CG12744 CG18446" 103796,,"867","NP: 867","1",,"3A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",80,"gt" 103797,,"870","NP: 870","2",,"23D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",586,"BcDNA:GH07626 CG3524 toc" 103798,,"872","NP: 872","1",,"3F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",119,"CG12462 BcDNA:GH07910" 103799,,"873","NP: 873","2",,"29A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",675,"CG18355 CG7870 Btk29A" 103800,,"877","NP: 877","A",,"50C22","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1100,"CG13350 CG18568 CG6701" 103801,,"881","NP: 881","3",,"94B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1919,"CG5326 CG5340 CG5346" 103802,,"882","NP: 882","2",,"44E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",957,"gcl cmp44E BcDNA:GH05582" 103803,,"883","NP: 883","2",,"44D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",949,"Cyp6a15p Cyp6a14" 103804,,"887","NP: 887","A",,"39C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",848,"CG8671 CG8672 CG8674" 103805,,"891","NP: 891","3",,"98C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1997,"CG1345 CG14065" 103806,,"893","NP: 893","A",,"13E18","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",383,"CG8260 CG8288 CG8948 CG8260 CG8288 CG8948" 103807,,"894","NP: 894","A",,"84C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1703,"CG10098 CG1070" 103808,,"896","NP: 896","3",,"76D7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1594,"CG7757 CG8037" 103809,,"897","NP: 897","2",,"49D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1067,"CG17574 Btf" 103810,,"898","NP: 898","3",,"43A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",909,"CG11086 CG1851" 103811,,"902","NP: 902","2",,"42D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",904,"CG17002 vimar" 103812,,"907","NP: 907","A",,"37C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",805,"Lim3 CG10700 CG17344" 103813,,"908","NP: 908","A",,"59F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1285,"l(2)dtl CG11299 l(2)not l(2)dtl" 103814,,"909","NP: 909","3",,"71B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1513,"CG6778 CG6854" 103815,,"911","NP: 911","A",,"45B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",970,"CG8008 CG8054 CG8055" 103816,,"916","NP: 916","3",,"94E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1929,"CG13826 CG4566 fzo" 103817,,"918","NP: 918","2",,"22E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",573,"Rab5 BcDNA:GH09817" 103818,,"921","NP: 921","3",,"83A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1683,"CG10544 Itp-r83A CG2519 Nmdar" 103819,,"927","NP: 927","M",,"76D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1595,"CG7823 Ac76E CG8004 CG7823 Ac76E CG8004" 103820,,"932","NP: 932","1",,"2D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",62,"CG18414 ph-p" 103821,,"933","NP: 933","2",,"55E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1208,"CG10927 CG5503" 103822,,"936","NP: 936","3",,"77B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1600,"polo CG6597 Snap" 103823,,"937","NP: 937","1",,"9A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",258,"CG15249 CG1986" 103824,,"938","NP: 938","1",,"7D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",217,"sn Tbh" 103825,,"941","NP: 941","1",,"13F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",392,"CG16952 CG9056 CG9066" 103826,,"942","NP: 942","1",,"4C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",139,"Pp2C1 fzr ctp" 103827,,"944","NP: 944","3",,"65F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1409,"CG8582 CG8583 CG8588" 103828,,"946","NP: 946","1",,"18D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",472,"CG14199 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase" 103829,,"947","NP: 947","A",,"38F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",838,"CG18078 CG9342" 103830,,"949","NP: 949","2",,"56D7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1225,"CG7744 BETA-Tub56D" 103831,,"951","NP: 951","1",,"7B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",211,"CG12690 CG15478" 103832,,"953","NP: 953","A",,"48F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1055,"CG8487 CG8490" 103833,,"957","NP: 957","2",,"52E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1148,"ATPCL CG8370" 103834,,"958","NP: 958","1",,"10F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",309,"CG10362 CG18184 CG2471" 103835,,"961","NP: 961","A",,"85C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1730,"osk CG11962" 103836,,"965","NP: 965","1",,"4D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",148,"CG15466 CG5086" 103837,,"967","NP: 967","A",,"35C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",765,"BG:DS07851.11 gft" 103838,,"968","NP: 968","1",,"18D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",477,"CG12238 CG14212 CG14213" 103839,,"970","NP: 970","3",,"86F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1785,"CG14725 CG17360" 103840,,"971","NP: 971","3",,"70F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",2059,"CG13470 Trl CG9370" 103841,,"972","NP: 972","1",,"7F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",231,"CG11265 CG12111 CG12112" 103842,,"973","NP: 973","1",,"1A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",6,"BACR37P7.5 CG13375" 103843,,"974","NP: 974","3",,"89E12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1850,"CG3983 Dad BcDNA:LD27979" 103844,,"975","NP: 975","1",,"13F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",388,"CG8509 sd" 103845,,"977","NP: 977","1",,"7D16","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",223,"CG12657 CG12658" 103846,,"978","NP: 978","1",,"2F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",73,"CG14050 EG:25E8.4" 103847,,"985","NP: 985","A",,"43E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",925,"CG12042 CG12826 CG2064" 103848,,"987","NP: 987","1",,"1C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",23,"CG11663 CG3711" 103849,,"990","NP: 990","A",,"47A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO;TM3 Ser",1014,"CG12052 psq" 103850,,"991","NP: 991","3",,"69D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1486,"CG10753 Ptp69D CG10982" 103851,,"993","NP: 993","1",,"15D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",419,"CG5004 CG8926 CG8936" 103852,,"999","NP: 999","3",,"85C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1733,"neur CG11990" 103853,,"1003","NP: 1003","1",,"18D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",476,"CG12238 CG14212 CG14213" 103854,,"1005","NP: 1005","1",,"6C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",182,"CG14443 CG14444" 103855,,"1008","NP: 1008","1",,"18C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",470,"CG14197 CG8109" 103856,,"1012","NP: 1012","1",,"3D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",106,"dnc dm" 103857,,"1015","NP: 1015","1",,"17C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",450,"CG6531 CG6540 CG6606 CG6617" 103858,,"1023","NP: 1023","1",,"12B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",340,"Grip91 CG11134 CG11151" 103859,,"1032","NP: 1032","1",,"11C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",323,"CG15722 CG4661" 103860,,"1033","NP: 1033","1",,"15A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",411,"CG9676 CG9699 Axs" 103861,,"1034","NP: 1034","1",,"12C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",348,"CG12454 ben" 103862,,"1036","NP: 1036","1",,"7A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",205,"brk" 103863,,"1039","NP: 1039","1",,"18B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",462,"BcDNA:GH02751 CG7990" 103864,,"1043","NP: 1043","1",,"4F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",151,"CG3249 CG3252 CG4165" 103865,,"1044","NP: 1044","1",,"12B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",342,"CG10990 Rtc1" 103866,,"1045","NP: 1045","1",,"7A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",204,"CG4626 CG9650" 103867,,"1046","NP: 1046","1",,"2D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",64,"CG18412 EG:87B1.3" 103868,,"1050","NP: 1050","1",,"13E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",379,"CG9220 sog" 103869,,"1055","NP: 1055","1",,"15A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",414,"CG4805 CG4829" 103870,,"1058","NP: 1058","1",,"10A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",287,"BcDNA:LD28247 CG2076" 103871,,"1059","NP: 1059","1",,"13D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",375,"CG6324 CG6340 CG6350" 103872,,"1062","NP: 1062","1",,"3F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",124,"BcDNA:GH07910 CG2947" 103873,,"1063","NP: 1063","1",,"17A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",442,"ari CG5744" 103874,,"1065","NP: 1065","1",,"9D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",273,"CG2111 CG9806" 103875,,"1073","NP: 1073","1",,"11B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",315,"CG11146 CG2555" 103876,,"1076","NP: 1076","1",,"15F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",427,"Fim CG8661" 103877,,"1079","NP: 1079","1",,"2F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",77,"CG14049 phl" 103878,,"1083","NP: 1083","1",,"3F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",115,"CG12462 Rala EG:114E2.2" 103879,,"1086","NP: 1086","1",,"18D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",473,"CG12233 CG14200 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase" 103880,,"1093","NP: 1093","1",,"8C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",238,"CG15364 CG4040" 103881,,"1094","NP: 1094","1",,"19A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",493,"CG11940 CG11943 CG12655" 103882,,"1098","NP: 1098","1",,"3F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",116,"CG12462 Rala" 103883,,"1103","NP: 1103","2",,"45A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",965,"CG13743 CG8197" 103884,,"1104","NP: 1104","2",,"48D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1044,"CG13190 Ef1alpha48D CG8983" 103885,,"1106","NP: 1106","2",,"35D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",771,"BG:DS09217.4 Gli" 103886,,"1107","NP: 1107","2",,"32E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",725,"CG4788 ab" 103887,,"1111","NP: 1111","2",,"55E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1210,"CG5469 CG5473" 103888,,"1112","NP: 1112","2",,"34D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",749,"p38b BG:DS00797.2" 103889,,"1113","NP: 1113","2",,"42C10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",901,"CG9460 CG9464" 103890,,"1115","NP: 1115","2",,"21B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",541,"CG11555 CG11604 CG17078" 103891,,"1119","NP: 1119","2",,"21B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",539,"CG11606 CG3660" 103892,,"1123","NP: 1123","2",,"46C10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",993,"CG12130 CG1418 CG15863" 103893,,"1124","NP: 1124","2",,"50C23","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1101,"RN-tre mam" 103894,,"1126","NP: 1126","2",,"55B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1197,"CG10914 CG5124 CG5738" 103895,,"1127","NP: 1127","2",,"82C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1656,"5-HT2 CG12587" 103896,,"1128","NP: 1128","2",,"39E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",853,"CG2201 l(2)k0581 CG3549" 103897,,"1130","NP: 1130","2",,"26B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",622,"H2.0 CG9092 CG9098" 103898,,"1131","NP: 1131","2",,"16D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",436,"CG12986 unc-4 OdsH" 103899,,"1133","NP: 1133","2",,"21B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",540,"CG17075 CG3345" 103900,,"1136","NP: 1136","2",,"49B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1061,"Galpha49B amphiphysin" 103901,,"1143","NP: 1143","2",,"32D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",724,"CG14914 CG14918" 103902,,"1147","NP: 1147","2",,"47B7","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1145,"CG8256 slit" 103952,,"1240","NP: 1240","2",,"48D7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1048,"CG8290 CG8976 CG8979" 103953,,"1243","NP: 1243","2",,"45D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",976,"CG8803 wun CG8805" 103954,,"1245","NP: 1245","2",,"28C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",657,"CG13794 CG13795 CG18590" 103955,,"1247","NP: 1247","2",,"26B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",626,"CG9162 Kr-h1" 103956,,"1249","NP: 1249","2",,"46B13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",990,"Prosalpha7 Orc6" 103957,,"1251","NP: 1251","2",,"29F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",689,"CG13101 rost" 103958,,"1252","NP: 1252","2",,"47C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1020,"CG12939 Taf80" 103959,,"1253","NP: 1253","2",,"57B16","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1245,"CG10543 Pros29" 103960,,"1255","NP: 1255","2",,"46D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",994,"CG12128 CG15862" 103961,,"1257","NP: 1257","2",,"39D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",852,"CG17571 CG8663" 103962,,"1272","NP: 1272","2",,"26B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",617,"eIF-4a ifc chic" 103963,,"1273","NP: 1273","2",,"52F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1157,"CG7798 CG8448" 103964,,"1274","NP: 1274","2",,"52A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1136,"CG12964 CG8180" 103965,,"1276","NP: 1276","2",,"22F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",575,"CG3528 Slh oaf" 103966,,"1278","NP: 1278","2",,"28D11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",666,"CG7227 CG7228" 103967,,"1282","NP: 1282","2",,"38A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",816,"CG10466 CG10538 bsh" 103968,,"1288","NP: 1288","2",,"49A10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1057,"CG13152 CG8821" 103969,,"1291","NP: 1291","3",,"86E20","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1780,"CG10535 CG14713 CG14714 CG18479" 103970,,"1297","NP: 1297","3",,"84A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1696,"bcd Dfd Ama" 103971,,"1300","NP: 1300","3",,"93F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1914,"CG13414 CG6656" 103972,,"1301","NP: 1301","3",,"90F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1859,"CG18598 CG7156 14-3-3epsilon" 103973,,"1304","NP: 1304","3",,"70F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1506,"CG13470 Trl CG9370" 103974,,"1305","NP: 1305","3",,"89D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1848,"nonA-l CG14905 Fas1" 103975,,"1306","NP: 1306","3",,"92B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1890,"CG4510 CG4538 CG4733" 103976,,"1307","NP: 1307","3",,"91A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1864,"CG12333 BcDNA:LD21735 BcDNA:LD21735 CG7682" 103977,,"1308","NP: 1308","3",,"66D15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1431,"CG5797 CG6576" 103978,,"1309","NP: 1309","3",,"97F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1984,"CG14262 TfIIA-L CG5965" 103979,,"1311","NP: 1311","3",,"84F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1712,"puc CG7878 CG7900" 103980,,"1312","NP: 1312","3",,"69E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1489,"CG10967 BcDNA:LD21213 CG17667" 103981,,"1314","NP: 1314","3",,"84E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1709,"CG10903 CG11046" 103982,,"1315","NP: 1315","3",,"64C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1375,"CG15876 CG18418" 103983,,"1317","NP: 1317","3",,"88D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1813,"CG12600 CG7649" 103984,,"1319","NP: 1319","3",,"82C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1652,"CG14651 CG9798" 103985,,"1320","NP: 1320","3",,"61F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1341,"CG9153 CG9184" 103986,,"1321","NP: 1321","3",,"68A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1454,"CG6310 CG7858" 103987,,"1323","NP: 1323","3",,"84F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1717,"CG9617 CG9620" 103988,,"1325","NP: 1325","3",,"98A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1986,"CG12509 CG13978" 103989,,"1326","NP: 1326","3",,"89B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1834,"Hel89B mor" 103990,,"1327","NP: 1327","3",,"96B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1959,"CG11375 CG6980" 103991,,"1329","NP: 1329","3",,"71A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1511,"CG3020 CG5392" 103992,,"1330","NP: 1330","3",,"84D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1707,"alpha-Est9 alpha-Est10 &agr;-Est9" 103993,,"1331","NP: 1331","3",,"67F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1450,"CG6409 CG7949" 103994,,"1334","NP: 1334","3",,"67D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1447,"CG12362 CG14157 CG6559" 103995,,"1336","NP: 1336","3",,"92F13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1894,"CG15694 CG17272 BcDNA:LD32788" 103996,,"1337","NP: 1337","3",,"85D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1745,"CG16750 CG8121 CG16750 CG8121" 103997,,"1338","NP: 1338","3",,"64A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1370,"scrt CG12605" 103998,,"1339","NP: 1339","3",,"86A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1762,"CG18545 Dom Rfx" 103999,,"1341","NP: 1341","3",,"68C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1469,"CG7334" 104000,,"1351","NP: 1351","3",,"85B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1723,"CG11776 CG8351" 104001,,"1352","NP: 1352","3",,"89B18","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1844,"CG12785 CG6898 CG6963" 104002,,"1353","NP: 1353","3",,"66B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1419,"Arp66B BcDNA:GH11023 CG7935" 104003,,"1359","NP: 1359","3",,"79F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1636,"CG11238 CG7369" 104004,,"1362","NP: 1362","3",,"84F11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1718,"CG7459 CG9613" 104005,,"1366","NP: 1366","3",,"84F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1715,"CG18228 Mcm2 RpA-70" 104006,,"1369","NP: 1369","3",,"85D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1741,"D1 pum" 104008,,"1375","NP: 1375",,,"54C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1179,"CG10764 CG6530" 104009,,"1377","NP: 1377",,,"47F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2057,"CG7759 CG9026 CG9027" 104010,,"1381","NP: 1381",,,"43F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,937,"CG15835 CG8791" 104011,,"1501","NP: 1501","1",,"13E12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",381,"CG12708 CG15646" 104012,,"1503","NP: 1503","1",,"13C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",369,"Top1 dah CG6211" 104013,,"1506","NP: 1506","1",,"1B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",16,"EG:65F1.1 Appl" 104014,,"1507","NP: 1507","1",,"12D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",349,"CG13403 yl" 104015,,"1510","NP: 1510","1",,"9D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",270,"CG12639 CG15296" 104016,,"1511","NP: 1511","1",,"14B15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",403,"CG3692 CG9917 CG9919" 104017,,"1512","NP: 1512","1",,"6C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",181,"CG14443 CG14444" 104018,,"1514","NP: 1514","1",,"18B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",458,"CG17015 CG7502" 104019,,"1526","NP: 1526","1",,"6C12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",189,"CG14438 CG14439" 104020,,"1529","NP: 1529","2",,"57F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1261,"HmgZ HmgD" 104021,,"1535","NP: 1535","2",,"44F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",961,"CG13746 Ggamma1" 104022,,"1536","NP: 1536","2",,"54F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1192,"CG11430 olf186" 104023,,"1539","NP: 1539","2",,"29E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",686,"CG9310 CG9321" 104024,,"1543","NP: 1543","2",,"43C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",912,"so CG11145 CG1701" 104025,,"1544","NP: 1544","2",,"24A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",593,"CG10030 CG2818" 104026,,"1547","NP: 1547","2",,"40B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",864,"CG12630 CG6691 CG12630 CG6691" 104027,,"1548","NP: 1548","2",,"31E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",720,"CG13144 CG6094 Myo31DF CG13144 CG6094 Myo31DF" 104028,,"1550","NP: 1550","2",,"58D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1268,"CG3380 dve CG5819" 104029,,"1556","NP: 1556","2",,"34C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",748,"BG:DS08249.2 BG:DS08249.3" 104030,,"1565","NP: 1565","2",,"37A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",801,"CG10336 msl-1 CG15164 CG10336 msl-1 CG15164" 104031,,"1566","NP: 1566","2",,"30F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",709,"Dref CG5850 Dref CG5850" 104032,,"1568","NP: 1568","2",,"39D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",850,"CG18362 CG8669 CG8672" 104033,,"1573","NP: 1573","2",,"22C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",566,"CG11723 CG4263" 104034,,"1574","NP: 1574","2",,"50C11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1091,"CG12295 CG6305" 104035,,"1577","NP: 1577","2",,"29C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",683,"fu12 CG9233" 104036,,"1579","NP: 1579","2",,"102E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",2047,"bt CG1793 CG1823 bt CG1793 CG1823" 104037,,"1580","NP: 1580","3",,"88D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1816,"eff CG7530" 104038,,"1585","NP: 1585","3",,"61A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1324,"Mtch CG7042" 104039,,"1586","NP: 1586","3",,"66D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1428,"CG5971 CG6416 CG6458" 104040,,"1593","NP: 1593","3",,"65F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1410,"CG8580 CG8582 CG8583" 104041,,"1594","NP: 1594","3",,"65F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1405,"CG14833 CG8607" 104042,,"1596","NP: 1596","3",,"95E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1950,"CG17741 CG17786 anon-EST:fe1G5" 104043,,"1603","NP: 1603","3",,"69C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1484,"CG10660 CG10663" 104044,,"1604","NP: 1604","3",,"89B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1835,"Myosin-heavy-chain-like CG10224" 104045,,"1606","NP: 1606","3",,"69E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1487,"CG10967 CG17666 CG17667" 104046,,"1608","NP: 1608","3",,"76D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1590,"CG14101 HLH106" 104047,,"1609","NP: 1609","3",,"68D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1474,"CG12521 CycA" 104048,,"1611","NP: 1611","3",,"62E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1355,"CG16757 CG16973" 104049,,"1612","NP: 1612","3",,"94E11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1931,"orb CG13827 cdc16 orb CG13827 cdc16" 104050,,"1613","NP: 1613","3",,"73E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1544,"CG11661 CG14060" 104051,,"1616","NP: 1616","1",,"18D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",478,"CG12237 CG12238 CG14213" 104052,,"1617","NP: 1617","1",,"11E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",328,"CG15743 CG1618 CG1770" 104053,,"1618","NP: 1618","1",,"5B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",154,"CG12410 CG3160" 104054,,"1622","NP: 1622","1",,"1E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",26,"CG14629 su(w[a])" 104055,,"1624","NP: 1624","2",,"37E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",809,"CG10026 CG10034" 104056,,"1625","NP: 1625","2",,"52D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1146,"CG8291 slit" 104057,,"1629","NP: 1629","2",,"59E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1283,"CG5372 Pi3K59F" 104058,,"1630","NP: 1630","2",,"38E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",831,"Hr38 CG9316" 104059,,"2001","NP: 2001","2",,"34E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",751,"BG:DS00180.2 CG17988 CG18634" 104060,,"2002","NP: 2002","3",,"65B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1394,"sfl CG8352" 104061,,"2006","NP: 2006","2",,"46A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",988,"CG1773 Uba1 CG1794" 104062,,"2010","NP: 2010","2",,"26B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",616,"CG18340 eIF-4a chic" 104063,,"2011","NP: 2011","3",,"83B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1686,"CG1475 CG2911" 104064,,"2020","NP: 2020","1",,"5C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",158,"CG16721 Act5C" 104065,,"2028","NP: 2028","3",,"86C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1768,"Rbp1 Mcm5 CG6554" 104066,,"2035","NP: 2035","3",,"82E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1673,"CG2022 corto" 104067,,"2037","NP: 2037","3",,"65A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1391,"D19B CG10274" 104068,,"2043","NP: 2043","3",,"91E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1874,"CG14288 CG5456" 104069,,"2044","NP: 2044","1",,"3C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",99,"CG3603 CG4116 rst" 104070,,"2048","NP: 2048","2",,"60A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1291,"CG18426 gbb" 104071,,"2049","NP: 2049","3",,"61A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1325,"CG13878 CG16971 CG17142" 104072,,"2055","NP: 2055","3",,"67B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1433,"Hsp67Bc Hsp67Bb Hsp22" 104073,,"2057","NP: 2057","2",,"35F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",776,"BG:DS02740.4 BG:DS02740.2 crp" 104074,,"2059","NP: 2059","1",,"7D11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",220,"CG15334 CG15335" 104075,,"2061","NP: 2061","2",,"60A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1289,"CG11169 CG13561 CG15800" 104076,,"2070","NP: 2070","3",,"79F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1637,"CG12545 CG14449 CG7369" 104077,,"2071","NP: 2071","1",,"1B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",18,"EG:115C2.10 skpA" 104078,,"2073","NP: 2073","1",,"1B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",14,"CG18503 svr" 104079,,"2076","NP: 2076","1",,"3C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",93,"EG:95B7.1 CG2716" 104080,,"2077","NP: 2077","2",,"50C20","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1097,"CG13349 CG6646 AGO1" 104081,,"2078","NP: 2078","3",,"83B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1684,"Vha26 CG1427 CG2922" 104082,,"2084","NP: 2084","2",,"26F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",640,"CG11050 CG11319 CG11320" 104083,,"2088","NP: 2088","3",,"96A14","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1958,"CG13626 CG5794 CG6668" 104084,,"2090","NP: 2090","2",,"42B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",893,"CG15845 CG15908 CG3189" 104085,,"2092","NP: 2092","3",,"96A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1956,"CG13620 CG13624 CG13625" 104086,,"2096","NP: 2096","3",,"75D7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1576,"CG14073 CG6874" 104087,,"2098","NP: 2098","3",,"75D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1568,"CG13380 not" 104088,,"2099","NP: 2099","2",,"58F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1273,"robo CG9952" 104089,,"2100","NP: 2100","3",,"97E11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1983,"CG5889 CG6051" 104090,,"2101","NP: 2101","2",,"50C20","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1096,"shot CG6646" 104091,,"2104","NP: 2104","1",,"14F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",408,"mbt CG4453 CG9784" 104092,,"2112","NP: 2112","1",,"19A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",491,"CG11940 CG11943" 104093,,"2113","NP: 2113","2",,"25E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",609,"CG14020 CG6634" 104094,,"2114","NP: 2114","3",,"98D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1998,"Noa36 Hrb98DE" 104095,,"2118","NP: 2118","2",,"55F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1212,"CG15099 CG15100" 104096,,"2119","NP: 2119","1",,"1A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",7,"CG17885 EG:125H10.1" 104097,,"2122","NP: 2122","2",,"49C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1066,"CG12374 sca" 104098,,"2125","NP: 2125","2",,"41F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",871,"CG12792 ap" 104099,,"2131","NP: 2131","3",,"90B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1853,"CG5823 CG8106" 104100,,"2134","NP: 2134","2",,"55C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1202,"CG14503 CG15066" 104101,,"2136","NP: 2136","1",,"12C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",347,"CG11068 ben" 104102,,"2137","NP: 2137","3",,"84C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1699,"CG14612 alphaTub84B" 104103,,"2138","NP: 2138","3",,"85C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1735,"Rel Mst85C Nmdmc" 104104,,"2144","NP: 2144","2",,"23B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",579,"CG15401 oho23B CG2991" 104105,,"2148","NP: 2148","2",,"22B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",562,"CG17642 CG17657" 104106,,"2152","NP: 2152","3",,"89B17","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1841,"CG12785 CG6963 CG12785 CG6963" 104107,,"2153","NP: 2153","1",,"3F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",120,"CG12462 BcDNA:GH07910 CG2947" 104108,,"2155","NP: 2155","3",,"96F13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1975,"CG14551 CG14552" 104109,,"2160","NP: 2160","3",,"64A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1368,"scrt CG12605 CG14984" 104110,,"2161","NP: 2161","3",,"97F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1985,"CG3361 CG3368 CG5938" 104111,,"2162","NP: 2162","3",,"73A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1532,"CG16725 Rpn12 CG4169" 104112,,"2167","NP: 2167","2",,"60B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1302,"Nop60B CG3363" 104113,,"2169","NP: 2169","1",,"11B14","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",318,"CG12719 CkIa Tis11" 104114,,"2170","NP: 2170","1",,"3F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",109,"CG13316 Parg" 104115,,"2178","NP: 2178","2",,"51F11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1133,"Pms2 CG8174" 104116,,"2179","NP: 2179","1",,"2D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",66,"CG18412 EG:87B1.3" 104117,,"2182","NP: 2182","2",,"45D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",980,"CG11804 CG8806 Pdk" 104118,,"2184","NP: 2184","1",,"13E14","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",382,"CG15601 CG8134 CG9281" 104119,,"2185","NP: 2185","3",,"94E12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1932,"pnt" 104120,,"2187","NP: 2187","3",,"94E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1928,"CG17894 fzo cnc CG6747" 104121,,"2190","NP: 2190","3",,"93F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1910,"CG5849 CG6328" 104122,,"2192","NP: 2192","3",,"85A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1721,"CG8032 CG9770" 104123,,"2198","NP: 2198","1",,"1B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",13,"EG:171D11.5 CG18503" 104124,,"2204","NP: 2204","2",,"48D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1045,"Ef1alpha48D CG8983 Ef1alpha48D CG8983" 104125,,"2210","NP: 2210","2",,"59D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1280,"CG10315 CG18093 CG3487 CG9891 CG10315 CG18093 CG3487 CG9891" 104126,,"2212","NP: 2212","1",,"13A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",357,"BcDNA:GH02901 CG9030 BcDNA:GH02901 CG9030" 104127,,"2218","NP: 2218","3",,"73E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1548,"CG7724 CG7725 CG7724 CG7725" 104128,,"2224","NP: 2224","3",,"94A15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1918,"CG5380 PyK" 104129,,"2226","NP: 2226","1",,"7B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",208,"CG11387 CG12690 CG15478" 104130,,"2227","NP: 2227","3",,"65E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1401,"melt Dbi" 104131,,"2230","NP: 2230","1",,"10D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",299,"bif PhKgamma CG2443" 104132,,"2233","NP: 2233","2",,"53F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1167,"Ark RhoGEF2" 104133,,"2237","NP: 2237","2",,"42A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",879,"CG14589 CG8347" 104134,,"2242","NP: 2242","2",,"31E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",719,"CG13143 CG6187" 104135,,"2243","NP: 2243","2",,"30A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",695,"CG13109 CG9586" 104136,,"2245","NP: 2245","3",,"68B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1464,"CG6175 CG7573" 104137,,"2248","NP: 2248","2",,"27C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",647,"SA CG9207" 104138,,"2251","NP: 2251","1",,"20A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",529,"CG13237 fog" 104139,,"2252","NP: 2252","3",,"62A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1344,"CG12084 poly-U-binding-splicing-factor CG12086" 104140,,"2253","NP: 2253","1",,"3B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",87,"CG10260 sgg" 104141,,"2255","NP: 2255","3",,"87B15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1791,"CG5232 CG5245 CG5641" 104142,,"2264","NP: 2264","2",,"49F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1080,"CG4037 CG4062" 104143,,"2266","NP: 2266","2",,"39C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",844,"CG8677 CG8678 CG8679" 104144,,"2268","NP: 2268","2",,"29F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",690,"CG9573 CG9582" 104145,,"2269","NP: 2269","2",,"49E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1073,"CG13323 Psc Su(z)2" 104146,,"2272","NP: 2272","1",,"12A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",337,"CG11172 CG12176 CG2691" 104147,,"2273","NP: 2273","1",,"3C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",102,"EG:163A10.1 CG4116" 104148,,"2278","NP: 2278","3",,"91F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1880,"l(3)02102 CG5558" 104149,,"2279","NP: 2279","2",,"27A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",643,"GRHR CG11326" 104150,,"2285","NP: 2285","2",,"60E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1310,"CG10142 NaCP60E" 104151,,"2293","NP: 2293","3",,"74B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1550,"CG13727 CG6479" 104152,,"2300","NP: 2300","3",,"91A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1863,"CG12333 BcDNA:LD21735 BcDNA:LD21735 CG7682" 104153,,"2301","NP: 2301","2",,"30B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",698,"CG3769 numb" 104154,,"2309","NP: 2309","3",,"64C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1376,"CG15876 CG18465" 104155,,"2314","NP: 2314","2",,"24F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",600,"CG15436 CG15443" 104156,,"2315","NP: 2315","3",,"84C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1704,"CG10059 CG10061 CG10065 CG2656" 104157,,"2320","NP: 2320","2",,"55E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1211,"CG15085 CG15086" 104158,,"2325","NP: 2325","3",,"94D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1925,"CG4704 CG6660 klg" 104159,,"2330","NP: 2330","2",,"39E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",855,"Ac3 CG2201 l(2)k0581" 104160,,"2336","NP: 2336","2",,"54E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1190,"aft EG:52C10.1 UbcD10 aft EG:52C10.1 UbcD10 aft EG:52C10.1 UbcD10" 104161,,"2342","NP: 2342","1",,"15F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",425,"CG8675 CG8915" 104162,,"2343","NP: 2343","3",,"84D11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1708,"CG10919 CG3027" 104163,,"2344","NP: 2344","2",,"26E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",638,"CG11015 CG11043 CG9595" 104164,,"2347","NP: 2347","3",,"89B16","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1839,"mtSSB CG6889" 104165,,"2348","NP: 2348","3",,"75D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1571,"CG6896 CG6897" 104166,,"2352","NP: 2352","2",,"55B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1196,"Sema-5c CG12767" 104167,,"2353","NP: 2353","2",,"22B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",563,"Eno CG17711 CG18317" 104168,,"2354","NP: 2354","2",,"45A13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",969,"zimp CG8069 CG8070" 104169,,"2358","NP: 2358","3",,"41F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",868,"CG2682 CG3392" 104170,,"2360","NP: 2360","2",,"56E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1227,"CG15123 CG18367 sm" 104171,,"2361","NP: 2361","2",,"50A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1085,"CG17047 CG17048" 104172,,"2363","NP: 2363","3",,"77C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1603,"CG4825 CG4858 CG5104" 104173,,"2364","NP: 2364","2",,"40A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",862,"CG11629 tsh" 104174,,"2366","NP: 2366","2",,"60D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1305,"CG3565 CG3570" 104175,,"2367","NP: 2367","2",,"33F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",741,"CG12292 CG5776" 104176,,"2370","NP: 2370","1",,"9B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",260,"CG12094 CG2974" 104177,,"2373","NP: 2373","1",,"9E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",280,"Ant2 CG1691" 104178,,"2375","NP: 2375","3",,"93B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1896,"Cortactin Mvl" 104179,,"2376","NP: 2376","3",,"82B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1648,"CG14647 CG14648" 104180,,"2377","NP: 2377","1",,"14B15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",402,"CG13957 Cyp1 CG9917" 104181,,"2381","NP: 2381","3",,"88B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1809,"CG12207 CG14839 trx" 104182,,"2382","NP: 2382","2",,"57C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1253,"CG15661 CG4302" 104183,,"2385","NP: 2385","3",,"79C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1629,"CG14560 CG7130 RpP0" 104184,,"2388","NP: 2388","1",,"13F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",386,"CG8509 CG8995" 104185,,"2392","NP: 2392","3",,"95C12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1942,"CG5338 CG5854" 104186,,"2393","NP: 2393","3",,"85B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1722,"CG8032 CG8036 CG8039" 104187,,"2395","NP: 2395","3",,"75B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1557,"CG13697 CG5290 Eip75B" 104188,,"2396","NP: 2396","2",,"48B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1042,"CG7797 CG8998" 104189,,"2399","NP: 2399","3",,"98B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1989,"CG12426 CG5017" 104190,,"2400","NP: 2400","3",,"67E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1449,"CG14153 CG14154" 104191,,"2404","NP: 2404","2",,"31D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",714,"CG18144 CG5604 CG5640" 104192,,"2407","NP: 2407","3",,"87F14","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1801,"CG14363 Mst87F" 104193,,"2408","NP: 2408","3",,"82D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1657,"rpk CG9771" 104194,,"2416","NP: 2416","2",,"50C20","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1098,"CG13349 AGO1" 104195,,"2417","NP: 2417","2",,"54B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1171,"mm CG12699 CG14477" 104196,,"2421","NP: 2421","1",,"19F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",513,"CG14581 CG1494" 104197,,"2425","NP: 2425","3",,"82D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1665,"CG14656 Hus1-like" 104198,,"2426","NP: 2426","1",,"6F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",201,"CG18350 CG4615" 104199,,"2428","NP: 2428","3",,"70B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1495,"CG10083 CG10741" 104200,,"2430","NP: 2430","2",,"74B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1551,"CG6456 CG7692 CG6456 CG7692" 104201,,"2432","NP: 2432","2",,"27D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",650,"CG13776 CG9138" 104202,,"2437","NP: 2437","1",,"2B18","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",53,"EG:39E1.2 EG:BACH61I5.1" 104203,,"2442","NP: 2442","2",,"55C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1204,"CG17524 CG17525" 104204,,"2444","NP: 2444","3",,"61F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1340,"CG13912 BtbII" 104205,,"2446","NP: 2446","2",,"36A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",780,"Idgf3 BG:DS02780.1" 104206,,"2455","NP: 2455","3",,"100A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2021,"CG2246 CG9717" 104207,,"2457","NP: 2457","1",,"13A12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",365,"CG5599 CG5627" 104208,,"2460","NP: 2460","3",,"41F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",870,"CG11665 CG12408" 104209,,"2466","NP: 2466","2",,"26B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",624,"CG13995 CG9135 CG13995 CG9135" 104210,,"2469","NP: 2469","1",,"12B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",346,"CG11058 CG11063 CG11065" 104211,,"2472","NP: 2472","3",,"82D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1659,"CG12001 CG14653" 104212,,"2473","NP: 2473","2",,"57B20","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1246,"CG10540 CG15653 shg" 104213,,"2475","NP: 2475","3",,"64A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1369,"scrt CG12605" 104214,,"2481","NP: 2481","2",,"26B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",621,"ifc CG9088 CG9093" 104215,,"2486","NP: 2486","3",,"99C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2008,"CG1969 CG1972 BcDNA:LD21720" 104216,,"2488","NP: 2488","2",,"57B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1244,"CG17999 sktl" 104217,,"2490","NP: 2490","3",,"64D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1380,"Klp64D lama" 104218,,"2491","NP: 2491","2",,"38C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",827,"rtGEF La" 104219,,"2492","NP: 2492","1",,"8D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",247,"CG12667 lz" 104220,,"2494","NP: 2494","2",,"52B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1141,"CG8204 CG8205" 104221,,"2497","NP: 2497","1",,"19D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",501,"CG1412 CG15461 CG1812" 104222,,"2501","NP: 2501","2",,"43D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",918,"CG1600 CG2140" 104223,,"2505","NP: 2505","3",,"96B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1961,"CG11120 CG11771 CG17462" 104224,,"2509","NP: 2509","1",,"11E9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",333,"CG15749 CG1640 CG1987" 104225,,"2510","NP: 2510","3",,"85D11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1747,"CG16750 CG8121" 104226,,"2514","NP: 2514","1",,"13B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",368,"CG15028 fw" 104227,,"2521","NP: 2521","3",,"73A10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1534,"Pros26 CG4098" 104228,,"2523","NP: 2523","1",,"4C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",133,"beta3 CG3556" 104229,,"2525","NP: 2525","1",,"13C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",370,"Top1 dah CG6211" 104230,,"2527","NP: 2527","2",,"59A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1274,"CG13530 CycB blw" 104231,,"2528","NP: 2528","2",,"44A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",940,"CG12770 CG17977 CG8715" 104232,,"2532","NP: 2532","2",,"32C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",722,"CG6087 CG6089" 104233,,"2535","NP: 2535","3",,"63C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1362,"CG11505 CG17737" 104234,,"2542","NP: 2542","1",,"13F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",387,"CG8509 CG8995" 104235,,"2545","NP: 2545","2",,"21B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",544,"CG11562 CG11592" 104236,,"2552","NP: 2552","3",,"93E11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1906,"InR E2f" 104237,,"2554","NP: 2554","3",,"94E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1927,"CG13836 CG6747" 104238,,"2555","NP: 2555","1",,"6B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",179,"CG3950 CG3960" 104239,,"2557","NP: 2557","2",,"34A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",743,"CG16975 Sir2 CG9828" 104240,,"2558","NP: 2558","3",,"71D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1519,"CG12301 CG16979 CG7764" 104241,,"2559","NP: 2559","1",,"84D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",1706,"CG14604 CG17944 CG14604 CG17944" 104242,,"2564","NP: 2564","3",,"89B13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1837,"CG6046 nla CG6126" 104243,,"2575","NP: 2575","3",,"100D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2032,"CG11550 CG11558 CG1856" 104244,,"2576","NP: 2576","2",,"54C11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1182,"CG4878 CG6516" 104245,,"2577","NP: 2577","2",,"49F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1077,"CG4016 CG4023 CG4604" 104246,,"2578","NP: 2578","1",,"11B18","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",320,"CG18137 Ade5" 104247,,"2581","NP: 2581","2",,"24B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",594,"CG10020 bowl CG10020 bowl" 104248,,"2582","NP: 2582","1",,"6D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",192,"CG14434 CG4558 CG4564" 104249,,"2587","NP: 2587","3",,"90C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1855,"osa CG7660" 104250,,"2589","NP: 2589","2",,"45A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",963,"CG11824 CG8213" 104251,,"2592","NP: 2592","3",,"95E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1948,"CG5524 CG6204" 104252,,"2593","NP: 2593","2",,"51D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1120,"Cyp6a20 Cyp6a9" 104253,,"2597","NP: 2597","1",,"11E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",332,"CG1630 CG1633" 104254,,"2598","NP: 2598","2",,"26B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",619,"eIF-4a ifc CG9088" 104255,,"2602","NP: 2602","3",,"99F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2019,"CG1469 CG2216 BcDNA:GH11688" 104256,,"2604","NP: 2604","2",,"21B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",542,"smo CG17078" 104257,,"2606","NP: 2606","3",,"92C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1891,"CG4424 CG4433 CG4845" 104258,,"2608","NP: 2608","3",,"100D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2031,"CG11550 CG11558 CG1856" 104259,,"2614","NP: 2614","2",,"24A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",592,"CG10033 CG2808" 104260,,"2617","NP: 2617","1",,"13F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",384,"CG8470 Rhp" 104261,,"2620","NP: 2620","2",,"22A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",561,"CG10871 CG7361" 104262,,"2622","NP: 2622","3",,"88D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1814,"CG12600 CG7552" 104263,,"2623","NP: 2623","2",,"51D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1127,"CG12424 CG7761" 104264,,"2625","NP: 2625","1",,"3D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",108,"CG14269 CG16782" 104265,,"2629","NP: 2629","3",,"100B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2028,"CG12114 CG18672 CG3669" 104266,,"2631","NP: 2631","2",,"44A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",938,"CG14762 CG18455" 104267,,"2632","NP: 2632","2",,"53C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1160,"sema-II CG4750" 104268,,"2637","NP: 2637","3",,"82D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1661,"BcDNA:GH07643 tacc" 104269,,"2638","NP: 2638","2",,"80B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1644,"CG12414 CG17552" 104270,,"2641","NP: 2641","1",,"20A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",523,"CG14616 CG17602" 104271,,"2642","NP: 2642","M",,"48D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1047,"CG13183 CG13188" 104272,,"2643","NP: 2643","3",,"62B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1351,"CG13937 CG18315" 104273,,"2646","NP: 2646","3",,"98F13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2000,"CG11873 CG1401" 104274,,"2647","NP: 2647","3",,"73D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1541,"CG11914 CG11915 CG9951" 104275,,"2649","NP: 2649","3",,"68F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1478,"CG11560 CG17153 CG6801" 104276,,"2652","NP: 2652","3",,"87D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1797,"CG11656 CG17327 CG7518 CG11656 CG17327 CG7518" 104277,,"2657","NP: 2657","3",,"67B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1435,"Hsp67Ba Hsp23" 104278,,"2662","NP: 2662","3",,"82F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1677,"CG1114 CG14666" 104279,,"2663","NP: 2663","2",,"39C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",843,"CG8677 CG8678 CG8679" 104280,,"2664","NP: 2664","2",,"57A10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1235,"CG13432 CG13434" 104281,,"2666","NP: 2666","3",,"96B15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1963,"CG11790 CG11791" 104282,,"2671","NP: 2671","3",,"91F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1882,"CG14282 l(3)02102 CG5558" 104283,,"2673","NP: 2673","3",,"67B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1439,"aay CG3715 CG3967" 104284,,"2679","NP: 2679","2",,"31D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",716,"CG5384 CG5385 Cdk5a" 104285,,"2682","NP: 2682","3",,"92D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1892,"CG15683 CG17201" 104286,,"2683","NP: 2683","2",,"60E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1312,"CG2803 CG2811" 104287,,"2684","NP: 2684","3",,"89C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1846,"CG14882 CG14895" 104288,,"2686","NP: 2686","3",,"68D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1473,"Pi3K68D CG14131 CG5964" 104289,,"2688","NP: 2688","2",,"27D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",652,"CG13777 CG13778" 104290,,"2690","NP: 2690","1",,"7B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",209,"CG12690 CG15478" 104291,,"2691","NP: 2691","3",,"88A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1802,"CG12537 Cyp6d5" 104292,,"2694","NP: 2694","3",,"83C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1689,"BcDNA:LD28657 CG2097" 104293,,"2696","NP: 2696","2",,"49E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1071,"Psc Su(z)2" 104294,,"2700","NP: 2700","2",,"21B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",533,"CG11454 CG18501" 104295,,"2701","NP: 2701","3",,"62E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1354,"CG12790 CG16762" 104296,,"2702","NP: 2702","2",,"39C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",847,"CG8674 Hr39" 104297,,"2704","NP: 2704","3",,"77A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1598,"CG13813 CG6918" 104298,,"2709","NP: 2709","2",,"26F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",641,"CG13768 CG13769" 104299,,"2711","NP: 2711","2",,"38E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",834,"CG14405 CG9331" 104300,,"2712","NP: 2712","3",,"65E9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1403,"anon-65Eb Neos CG8615" 104301,,"2729","NP: 2729","3",,"67E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1448,"CG6527 CG8040 CG6527 CG8040" 104302,,"2732","NP: 2732","2",,"42A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",882,"CG11212 CG8335 CG11212 CG8335" 104303,,"2734","NP: 2734","1",,"10E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",307,"CG1578 CG1905" 104304,,"2736","NP: 2736","3",,"63D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1364,"CG14970 sty" 104305,,"2738","NP: 2738","3",,"100B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2026,"5-HT7 CanA1" 104306,,"2739","NP: 2739","1",,"15E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",421,"RpS5 mei-218" 104307,,"2741","NP: 2741","2",,"26B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",623,"CG9117 ade2 CG9131" 104308,,"2743","NP: 2743","1",,"2F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",70,"CG14050 EG:25E8.4 EG:25E8.6" 104309,,"2748","NP: 2748","1",,"6C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",183,"CG14443 CG14444" 104310,,"2750","NP: 2750","2",,"41F11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",872,"CG11163 CG14467 CG17250" 104311,,"2752","NP: 2752","3",,"69F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1490,"CG11253 CG17672" 104312,,"2757","NP: 2757","3",,"100E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2037,"CG11576 ferrochelatase" 104313,,"2758","NP: 2758","A",,"11E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",331,"CG12724 CG1630" 104314,,"2760","NP: 2760","3",,"64E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1381,"CG10590 CG10591 CG17795" 104315,,"2761","NP: 2761","1",,"7D22","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",226,"CG1636 CG2156 nAcR&agr;-7E" 104316,,"2762","NP: 2762","3",,"64D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1379,"CG10647 CG4669" 104317,,"2763","NP: 2763","3",,"69B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1482,"Pbprp1 CG4357" 104318,,"2773","NP: 2773","1",,"14A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",395,"CG8958 CG9216" 104319,,"2776","NP: 2776","2",,"42B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",894,"CG15909 CG17266 CG3686" 104320,,"2777","NP: 2777","3",,"79A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1622,"CG7151 CG7370 eg" 104321,,"2778","NP: 2778","3",,"85F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1756,"CG5361 CG6203" 104322,,"2780","NP: 2780","2",,"30B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",701,"CG17022 CG18419" 104323,,"2783","NP: 2783","3",,"73C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1539,"CG9674 Int6" 104324,,"2786","NP: 2786","3",,"85E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1754,"CG8534 CG9461" 104325,,"2788","NP: 2788","2",,"38C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",826,"CG10076 CG12617 CG18621" 104326,,"2790","NP: 2790","2",,"23B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",582,"NTPase CG8817" 104327,,"2795","NP: 2795","2",,"49B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1062,"CG13147 CG8772" 104328,,"2802","NP: 2802","3",,"74A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1549,"CG6497 CG6512 CG7707 CG6497 CG6512 CG7707" 104329,,"2807","NP: 2807","3",,"65A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1389,"CG10478 CG10479 CG11040" 104330,,"2808","NP: 2808","1",,"17B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",448,"CG15048 CG6335 CG6470" 104331,,"2811","NP: 2811","3",,"86C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1770,"CG14696 CG6612" 104332,,"2812","NP: 2812","3",,"96B15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1964,"CG11819 CG13649" 104333,,"2813","NP: 2813","3",,"79E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1632,"CG11489 CG11523 Csp" 104334,,"2814","NP: 2814","3",,"95B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1937,"CG13820 CG13822" 104335,,"3002","NP: 3002","1",,"13E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",377,"CG12706 CG18620" 104336,,"3004","NP: 3004","3",,"61C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1332,"CG3344 CG3371 CG3386" 104337,,"3006","NP: 3006","2",,"44F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,960,"Rya-r76CD CG13752" 104338,,"3008","NP: 3008","2",,"50B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1087,"CG6139 CG6145 CG6152" 104339,,"3013","NP: 3013","2",,"46A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,986,"CG12926 Uba1 CG1794" 104340,,"3015","NP: 3015","2",,"38E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,832,"cad dia" 104341,,"3018","NP: 3018","3",,"88E11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1823,"CG14865 Tm2 Tm1" 104342,,"3020","NP: 3020","2",,"29A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,674,"CG18355 Btk29A" 104343,,"3022","NP: 3022","3",,"83B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1685,"Atu Rga CG2919" 104344,,"3023","NP: 3023","2",,"51E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1129,"CG11798 CG7449 CG8089" 104345,,"3025","NP: 3025","3",,"84C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1705,"CG10055 CG14609 lap" 104346,,"3028","NP: 3028","2",,"56F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1231,"CG16898 18w" 104347,,"3029","NP: 3029","3",,"74D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1554,"CG6298 CG6311 CG7555" 104348,,"3031","NP: 3031","2",,"22C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",565,"CG4259 GlyP" 104349,,"3033","NP: 3033","3",,"88B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1810,"CG12207 CG14839 trx" 104350,,"3036","NP: 3036","3",,"82D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1668,"CG1129 CG14656 Hus1-like" 104351,,"3038","NP: 3038","2",,"44B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",947,"CG14755 CG2280" 104352,,"3040","NP: 3040","3",,"94E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1930,"CG13826 CG4467" 104353,,"3042","NP: 3042","2",,"36A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,787,"Cyt-c1 grp CG4711" 104354,,"3043","NP: 3043","3",,"65F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1412,"smid CG8572 CG8576" 104355,,"3045","NP: 3045","2",,"58A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1264,"CG13492 CG4363" 104356,,"3047","NP: 3047","2",,"54C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1176,"ProsMA5 cnk CG6564" 104357,,"3053","NP: 3053","2",,"38A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,815,"CG10466 CG10538 bsh" 104358,,"3055","NP: 3055","3",,"78A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1612,"CG10585 CG9936" 104359,,"3060","NP: 3060","2",,"58D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1267,"CG3380 dve CG5819" 104360,,"3061","NP: 3061","3",,"85B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1726,"CG11782 CG8379 CG9836" 104361,,"3063","NP: 3063","3",,"99C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2007,"CG15506 Pcd CG7593" 104362,,"3068","NP: 3068","3",,"95F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1952,"CG5715 crb" 104363,,"3071","NP: 3071","3",,"100B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2027,"CG12054 CG15563 CG1746" 104364,,"3072","NP: 3072","3",,"71D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1517,"CG13452 CG13453" 104365,,"3076","NP: 3076","2",,"50C16","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1094,"shot CG6646" 104366,,"3080","NP: 3080","3",,"93F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1911,"Caki CG13417" 104367,,"3081","NP: 3081","1",,"3F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",125,"CG12632 CG2901" 104368,,"3083","NP: 3083","3",,"77E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1607,"CG4042 Pitslre" 104369,,"3085","NP: 3085","2",,"55C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1206,"CG16859 CG5186 CG5189" 104370,,"3086","NP: 3086","3",,"62A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1348,"CG12004 CG13917" 104371,,"3088","NP: 3088","2",,"51B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1114,"CG10112 ttv LamC CG12869" 104372,,"3089","NP: 3089","1",,"6C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",185,"CG3192 CG3198 Mcm6" 104373,,"3093","NP: 3093","1",,"7C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",213,"CG10777 CG10778 CG1515" 104374,,"3094","NP: 3094","3",,"93F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1908,"CG15496 E2f" 104375,,"3103","NP: 3103","3",,"82D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1660,"BcDNA:GH07643 CG9769" 104376,,"3104","NP: 3104","3",,"71B2","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",161,"CG16721 CG4020 Act5C" 104384,,"3126","NP: 3126","3",,"76D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1592,"CG7757 CG8037 Mi-2" 104385,,"3128","NP: 3128","1",,"3D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",104,"CG10792 CG14268" 104386,,"3131","NP: 3131","2",,"47B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1016,"CG11834 CG11883" 104387,,"3132","NP: 3132","2",,"55B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1194,"Sema-5c stau" 104388,,"3138","NP: 3138","2",,"52F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1153,"CG8425 CG8428 CG8430" 104389,,"3139","NP: 3139","2",,"56C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1218,"CG10737 CG7097 CG7137" 104390,,"3141","NP: 3141","2",,"39E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,857,"Ac3 CG1512" 104391,,"3144","NP: 3144","1",,"17B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",444,"CG15050 CG15051" 104392,,"3150","NP: 3150","2",,"30E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,706,"CG4128 CG4535 CG4537" 104393,,"3153","NP: 3153","3",,"88E9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1822,"CG4285 Set Su(var)3-9" 104394,,"3156","NP: 3156","3",,"70A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1493,"CG10222 CG10724 CG14106" 104395,,"3157","NP: 3157","2",,"50B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1086,"CG13329 CG6016 drk" 104396,,"3162","NP: 3162","1",,"10A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",289,"CG1453 CG18292" 104397,,"3165","NP: 3165","3",,"75E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1580,"CG11637 CG3961" 104398,,"3173","NP: 3173","3",,"70F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1507,"CG13470 Trl" 104399,,"3175","NP: 3175","3",,"98F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1999,"CG11828 CG14522 Doa" 104400,,"3177","NP: 3177","1",,"20A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",524,"CG13238 CG17601" 104401,,"3180","NP: 3180","2",,"30A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,692,"CG13106 CG9584" 104402,,"3181","NP: 3181","2",,"38E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",833,"CG9326 CG9328" 104403,,"3184","NP: 3184","2",,"60B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1298,"CG3173 gammaSNAP tsr" 104404,,"3188","NP: 3188","1",,"19D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",499,"CG11734 CG1467" 104405,,"3191","NP: 3191","2",,"49F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1074,"CG13323 Su(z)2" 104406,,"3193","NP: 3193","2",,"52C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1142,"CG8207 Vha14" 104407,,"3194","NP: 3194","1",,"4C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",134,"beta3 CG3564" 104408,,"3196","NP: 3196","1",,"10F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",308,"CG10347 CG1967" 104409,,"3198","NP: 3198","2",,"28E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",671,"CG14276 CG7586" 104410,,"3200","NP: 3200","2",,"47A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1011,"Cyp49a1 CG12895 G-oalpha47A" 104411,,"3204","NP: 3204","3",,"82D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1663,"BcDNA:GH07643 tacc CG9767" 104412,,"3205","NP: 3205","3",,"88A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1807,"CG3143 CG3153 CG9922" 104413,,"3206","NP: 3206","1",,"18B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",464,"CG7893 CG8002" 104414,,"3208","NP: 3208","1",,"16C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",435,"CG15816 CG5898" 104415,,"3211","NP: 3211","1",,"13E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",380,"CG8117 sog" 104416,,"3213","NP: 3213","1",,"6C12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",191,"CG14437 CG14438" 104417,,"3216","NP: 3216","1",,"19C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",494,"CG9575 CG9576" 104418,,"3220","NP: 3220","3",,"83E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1692,"CG10286 CG15187" 104419,,"3223","NP: 3223","1",,"16B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",430,"CG12992 CG8465" 104420,,"3230","NP: 3230","2",,"42B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",888,"CG15233 CG15234" 104421,,"3236","NP: 3236","2",,"56E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1228,"CG12501 CG8517" 104422,,"3239","NP: 3239","1",,"3D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",107,"CG14269 CG16782" 104423,,"3243","NP: 3243","2",,"28D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,663,"CG17973 CG18591" 104424,,"3245","NP: 3245","3",,"61D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1337,"CG13886 CG13900" 104425,,"3248","NP: 3248","3",,"87F7","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",197,"CG14430 inx6" 104434,,"3268","NP: 3268","2",,"49B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1060,"amphiphysin Sin3A" 104435,,"3272","NP: 3272","2",,"46B13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",989,"CG1623 CG1663" 104436,,"3275","NP: 3275","2",,"35D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",770,"BG:DS09217.1 CG4152" 104437,,"3279","NP: 3279","2",,"45D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,977,"CG8803 wun CG8805" 104438,,"3280","NP: 3280","3",,"100A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2020,"spdo CG15540" 104439,,"3284","NP: 3284","2",,"42A12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,884,"CG8276 BcDNA:LD21719 CG8330" 104440,,"3286","NP: 3286","2",,"46E8","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",313,"CG15926 CG17788 CG1900" 104455,,"3327","NP: 3327","2",,"43B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",911,"CG12164 cos CG17800" 104456,,"3330","NP: 3330","1",,"18D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",475,"CG14207 CG14208 CG14220" 104457,,"3331","NP: 3331","2",,"30D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",705,"CG13122 CG4026 CG4110" 104458,,"3332","NP: 3332","2",,"49F13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1082,"CG4643 Dp CG4663" 104459,,"3333","NP: 3333","3",,"63B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1359,"CG1274 CG2075 CG2162" 104460,,"3337","NP: 3337","3",,"75F11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1586,"CG9730 fz2" 104461,,"3338","NP: 3338","1",,"5C10","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",688,"CG9520 CG9524" 104539,,"3556","NP: 3556","3",,"85D27","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1752,"CG8286 CG8301 CG9424" 104540,,"3558","NP: 3558","1",,"11E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",329,"CG15743 CG1618 CG1770" 104541,,"3559","NP: 3559","3",,"70D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1501,"fz CG7906" 104542,,"3562","NP: 3562","1",,"9B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",259,"CG12647 CG15312" 104543,,"3564","NP: 3564","2",,"55F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1213,"CG15101 CG15102 CG15106" 104544,,"3575","NP: 3575","2",,"60D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1306,"CG3691 CG4806 CG4859" 104545,,"3576","NP: 3576","2",,"42C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",896,"CG3409 CG9428" 104546,,"3577","NP: 3577","3",,"93D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1905,"mod(mdg4) CG7859 tin" 104548,,"3586","NP: 3586","2",,"43E16","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",933,"CG11217 cn CG1557" 104549,,"3587","NP: 3587","1",,"2F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",74,"CG14050 EG:25E8.4" 104550,,"3590","NP: 3590","2",,"22E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",572,"CG15389 Rab5 CG7245" 104551,,"3591","NP: 3591","2",,"57B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1237,"CG13425 CG13434 CG13435" 104552,,"3593","NP: 3593","2",,"27D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",651,"Pcp CG3476 ade3" 104553,,"3596","NP: 3596","3",,"70D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1500,"fz CG7906" 104554,,"3605","NP: 3605","1",,"16B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",429,"CG12432 CG8557" 104555,,"3608","NP: 3608","1",,"2F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",75,"CG14050 EG:25E8.4" 104556,,"3609","NP: 3609","3",,"66D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1427,"CG6964 CG6983" 104557,,"3610","NP: 3610","2",,"60E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1309,"CG3749 CG9047" 104558,,"3613","NP: 3613","2",,"56D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1224,"CG18152 hts" 104559,,"3618","NP: 3618","2",,"54E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1187,"CG10934 BcDNA:GH05095" 104560,,"3624","NP: 3624","3",,"94C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1921,"CG17623 CG6954" 104561,,"3625","NP: 3625","1",,"2B14","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",50,"CG14806 EG:63B12.12" 104562,,"3627","NP: 3627","3",,"64A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6 Sb Tb",1367,"BcDNA:GH10614 CG14982 BcDNA:GH10614 CG14982" 104563,,"4000","NP: 4000","1",,"8D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",242,"CG11042 His3.3B Ost48 CG11042 His3.3B Ost48" 104564,,"4002","NP: 4002","1",,"14A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",397,"CG8958 CG9216 CG8958 CG9216" 104565,,"4003","NP: 4003","1",,"4C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",135,"CG15912 CG17592 CG3568 CG15912 CG17592 CG3568" 104566,,"4004","NP: 4004","1",,"13F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",385,"CG15602 Rhp CG8974 CG15602 Rhp CG8974" 104567,,"4005","NP: 4005","1",,"2D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",63,"CG18414 ph-p" 104568,,"4011","NP: 4011","1",,"5E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",173,"CG15897 Top3 CG15897 Top3" 104569,,"4012","NP: 4012","1",,"12F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",354,"Netrin-B NetA CG5321" 104570,,"4015","NP: 4015","1",,"20A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",521,"CG14616 CG14617 CG14616 CG14617" 104571,,"4016","NP: 4016","1",,"15B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",417,"CG13000 CG13001 CG13000 CG13001" 104572,,"4017","NP: 4017","1",,"6D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",193,"CG14434 CG4564" 104573,,"4021","NP: 4021","1",,"13B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",366,"CG5627 CG9072 Cyp4s3 CG5627 CG9072 Cyp4s3" 104574,,"4023","NP: 4023","1",,"10D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",301,"CG1837 CG2446" 104575,,"4025","NP: 4025","1",,"8D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",246,"CG12132 lz CG16892 CG12132 lz CG16892" 104576,,"4026","NP: 4026","1",,"9E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",278,"ras CG11556 ras CG9725 ras CG11556 ras CG9725" 104577,,"4028","NP: 4028","1",,"18D12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",481,"Zw CG14216 CG14223" 104578,,"4030","NP: 4030","1",,"18F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",484,"CG12533 CG12534 CG14235 CG12533 CG12534 CG14235" 104579,,"4034","NP: 4034","1",,"8C16","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",241,"CG12664 CG7065 CG12664 CG7065" 104580,,"4036","NP: 4036","1",,"18D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",474,"CG14207 CG14220" 104581,,"4039","NP: 4039","1",,"16C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",433,"CG12987 par-6 CG8188 CG12987 par-6 CG8188" 104582,,"4043","NP: 4043","1",,"1C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",21,"fz3 fz3" 104583,,"4051","NP: 4051","1",,"7C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",212,"CG12157 CG12663 CG12157 CG12663" 104584,,"4057","NP: 4057","1",,"18E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",482,"Cdc42 CG14229 CG14231 Cdc42 CG14229 CG14231" 104585,,"4059","NP: 4059","1",,"13F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",391,"Gbeta13F Gapdh2 Gbeta13F Gapdh2" 104586,,"4062","NP: 4062","1",,"2C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",56,"EG:133E12.4 EG:133E12.3 EG:133E12.4 EG:133E12.3" 104587,,"4064","NP: 4064","1",,"9E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",274,"CG1826 CG9732 CG1826 CG9732" 104588,,"4065","NP: 4065","1",,"3A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",81,"CG13757 CG7981" 104589,,"4066","NP: 4066","1",,"13F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",390,"CG8509 sd Chc CG8509 sd Chc" 104590,,"4068","NP: 4068","1",,"2B13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",49,"EG:63B12.8 EG:63B12.11 EG:63B12.8 EG:63B12.11" 104591,,"4070","NP: 4070","1",,"2B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",45,"CG11491 CG11509 CG3729" 104592,,"4072","NP: 4072","1",,"7D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",216,"CG15330 CG15331 sws CG15330 CG15331 sws" 104593,,"4074","NP: 4074","1",,"14C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",405,"nonA Fur2" 104594,,"4079","NP: 4079","1",,"6A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",177,"CG12543 CG3918 CG12543 CG3918" 104595,,"4080","NP: 4080","1",,"15F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",426,"CG12996 f CG8664" 104596,,"4081","NP: 4081","1",,"11D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",325,"CG12096 Bap60" 104597,,"4083","NP: 4083","1",,"2C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",60,"CG14054 EG:22E5.7" 104598,,"4092","NP: 4092","1",,"6C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",187,"CG14440 CG14441 CG14440 CG14441" 104599,,"4094","NP: 4094","1",,"7D17","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",224,"CG15340 CG15341 CG15340 CG15341" 104600,,"4096","NP: 4096","1",,"1E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",28,"CG11378 CG11392 CG11378 CG11392" 104601,,"4099","NP: 4099","1",,"15F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",428,"B-H2 B-H1" 104602,,"4100","NP: 4100","1",,"10A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",286,"CG2145 CG2174 CG2532 CG2145 CG2174 CG2532" 104603,,"4101","NP: 4101","1",,"3B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",89,"CG10260 sgg HLH3B" 104604,,"4102","NP: 4102","1",,"14B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",401,"Pros28.1 eas CG3560 Pros28.1 eas CG3560" 104605,,"4104","NP: 4104","1",,"19F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",517,"bbx slgA bbx slgA" 104606,,"4105","NP: 4105","1",,"8E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",248,"CG15315 CG18429 CG15315 CG18429" 104607,,"4110","NP: 4110","1",,"19E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",507,"CG10985 CG15446" 104608,,"4115","NP: 4115","1",,"12A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",336,"CG11178 up" 104609,,"4116","NP: 4116","1",,"1A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",1,"CG2995 CG3038" 104610,,"4117","NP: 4117","1",,"13A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",360,"eag CG9030" 104611,,"4127","NP: 4127","1",,"17D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",453,"CG6891 CG6894" 104612,,"4128","NP: 4128","1",,"9E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",277,"CG11556 CG1534" 104613,,"4129","NP: 4129","1",,"18B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",459,"CG17015 CG7502 CG7531" 104614,,"4132","NP: 4132","1",,"13A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",362,"CG5530 CG9041" 104615,,"4133","NP: 4133","1",,"19F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",519,"CG14621 Cyp6t1" 104616,,"4134","NP: 4134","1",,"10B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",292,"dlg1 Tim8 CG1730" 104617,,"4136","NP: 4136","1",,"20A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",526,"CG12446 CG12447" 104618,,"4145","NP: 4145","1",,"8D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",244,"BcDNA:GH10646 CG9060" 104619,,"4147","NP: 4147","1",,"18D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",471,"CG12203 pcm" 104620,,"4149","NP: 4149","1",,"2D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",65,"CG18412 EG:87B1.3" 104621,,"4152","NP: 4152","1",,"9C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",269,"CG2887 CG2889 CG2890" 104622,,"4153","NP: 4153","1",,"6F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",200,"nullo CG4607 nullo CG4607" 104623,,"4156","NP: 4156","1",,"4C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",138,"EG:66A1.2 EG:66A1.3 pon" 104624,,"4157","NP: 4157","1",,"10A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",284,"CG2145 v" 104625,,"4160","NP: 4160","1",,"7F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",233,"CG12659 CRAG CG12659 CRAG" 104626,,"4161","NP: 4161","1",,"5C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",159,"CG16721 Act5C" 104627,,"4164","NP: 4164","1",,"8D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",245,"CG12120 CG15369 CG15370 CG12120 CG15369 CG15370" 104628,,"4165","NP: 4165","1",,"1E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",27,"CG14628 CG3655 CG14628 CG3655" 104629,,"4167","NP: 4167","1",,"12F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",356,"CG14408 rut CG14408 rut" 104630,,"4202","NP: 4202","2",,"42A13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",886,"CG12110 1.28 CG12110 1.28" 104631,,"4206","NP: 4206","2",,"49F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1075,"CG13323 Su(z)2" 104632,,"4211","NP: 4211","2",,"95B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1938,"CG10157 CG10161 CG13822 CG10157 CG10161 CG13822" 104633,,"4214","NP: 4214","2",,"41F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",869,"CG10398 CG10417" 104634,,"4221","NP: 4221","2",,"60E11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1316,"BtbIII BtbIII" 104635,,"4222","NP: 4222","2",,"26A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",611,"CG14006 BcDNA:GH11690 CG14006 BcDNA:GH11690" 104636,,"4223","NP: 4223","2",,"35F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",774,"BG:DS07473.2 PRL-1 BG:DS07473.2 PRL-1" 104637,,"4225","NP: 4225","2",,"21B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",532,"Gs1 CG3164 CG4822 Gs1 CG3164 CG4822" 104638,,"4228","NP: 4228","2",,"38A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",818,"CG10528 CG13962 CG10528 CG13962 CG10528 CG13962" 104639,,"4229","NP: 4229","2",,"30C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",702,"gcm CG3841 gcm CG3841" 104640,,"4234","NP: 4234","2",,"51D7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1124,"CG10257 CG10261 CG12424 CG10257 CG10261 CG12424" 104641,,"4236","NP: 4236","2",,"40C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",865,"CG15218 CG3651 CG6675 CG15218 CG3651 CG6675" 104642,,"4238","NP: 4238","2",,"37F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",810,"CG10165 CG10355 CG10165 CG10355" 104643,,"4239","NP: 4239","2",,"33A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",727,"CG14930 BcDNA:GH07269 Mst33A CG14930 BcDNA:GH07269 Mst33A" 104644,,"4240","NP: 4240","2",,"51E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1130,"igl CG7544 CG8090 igl CG7544 CG8090" 104645,,"4241","NP: 4241","2",,"51F11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1135,"Pms2 CG8174" 104646,,"4246","NP: 4246","2",,"52E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1149,"CG8386 CG8388" 104647,,"4250","NP: 4250","2",,"36C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",795,"CG15145 CG7094" 104648,,"4251","NP: 4251","2",,"47A13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1015,"CG12052 CG16942 psq" 104649,,"4256","NP: 4256","2",,"47A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1008,"CG11765 CG12897" 104650,,"4266","NP: 4266","2",,"43C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",914,"CG11141 CG11143 CG1642" 104651,,"4269","NP: 4269","2",,"36A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",784,"CG5953 CG5968" 104652,,"4275","NP: 4275","2",,"39B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",841,"CG9241 CG9242 CG9244" 104653,,"4277","NP: 4277","2",,"47A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1009,"CG11825 CG12405" 104654,,"4279","NP: 4279","2",,"60A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1293,"TM4SF Thiolase ken" 104655,,"4280","NP: 4280","2",,"36A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",788,"Cyt-c1 grp" 104656,,"4285","NP: 4285","2",,"58D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1269,"CG11296 CG3413 Gp150" 104657,,"4286","NP: 4286","2",,"60E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1314,"RpL19 CG2765" 104658,,"4288","NP: 4288","2",,"44C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",948,"CG12780 CG14754" 104659,,"4290","NP: 4290","2",,"56C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1219,"cora CG7137 wbl" 104660,,"4292","NP: 4292","2",,"28D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",662,"CG14534 CG7106" 104661,,"4295","NP: 4295","2",,"39E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",856,"Ac3 CG1512" 104662,,"4296","NP: 4296","2",,"53F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1168,"CG15606 CG8946" 104663,,"4297","NP: 4297","2",,"51A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1111,"CG10105 CG17386" 104664,,"4300","NP: 4300","2",,"28C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",658,"CG7154 CG7164 Uro" 104665,,"4304","NP: 4304","2",,"44B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",944,"dpn pnut" 104666,,"4400","NP: 4400","3",,"85B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1727,"CG11782 CG9731 pyd" 104667,,"4407","NP: 4407","3",,"91F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1879,"CG11779 CG5558 nos" 104668,,"4408","NP: 4408","3",,"65A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1392,"CG13298 Trn" 104669,,"4412","NP: 4412","3",,"86E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1774,"CG5270 CG6728" 104670,,"4414","NP: 4414","3",,"85B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1729,"CG11962 CG12409" 104671,,"4415","NP: 4415","3",,"92A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1886,"CG3602 Dl" 104672,,"4423","NP: 4423","3",,"85D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1744,"CG16750 CG8121" 104674,,"4431","NP: 4431","3",,"94F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1935,"pnt CG6768" 104675,,"4432","NP: 4432","3",,"85B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1728,"CG9731 pyd" 104676,,"4434","NP: 4434","3",,"90B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1854,"CG14324 CG14327" 104677,,"4435","NP: 4435","3",,"99C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2013,"CG7814 CG7816" 104678,,"4439","NP: 4439","3",,"64F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1385,"S6k CG5537" 104679,,"4447","NP: 4447","3",,"87C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1792,"CG17207 Fad" 104680,,"4449","NP: 4449","3",,"88F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1830,"CG18516 CG6045" 104681,,"4456","NP: 4456","3",,"93F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1913,"CG13411 Gliolectin CG6637" 104682,,"4460","NP: 4460","3",,"96E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1971,"CG4730 CG4743 CG5039" 104683,,"4461","NP: 4461","3",,"93B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1897,"CG3421 CG7044 CG7056" 104684,,"4462","NP: 4462","3",,"96C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1966,"CG11849 CG13661" 104685,,"4463","NP: 4463","3",,"82D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1666,"CG14656 Hus1-like" 104686,,"4466","NP: 4466","3",,"61A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1323,"CG1212 CG7051" 104687,,"4470","NP: 4470","3",,"64A10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1371,"CG14998 RfC40 Rop" 104688,,"4472","NP: 4472","3",,"89C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1847,"CG10405 CG14895" 104689,,"4474","NP: 4474","3",,"96C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1967,"CG13659 CG13660" 104690,,"4477","NP: 4477","3",,"85D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1743,"CG12952 CG8454 CG9735" 104691,,"4478","NP: 4478","3",,"97E11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1982,"CG5889 CG6051" 104692,,"4480","NP: 4480","3",,"67B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1444,"CG14176 CG8336" 104693,,"4481","NP: 4481","3",,"96F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1973,"Lnk CG5913 CG5948" 104694,,"4486","NP: 4486","3",,"76B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1588,"CG18294 CG9472 CG18294 CG9472" 104695,,"4487","NP: 4487","3",,"65C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1395,"CG10107 CG10115 CG10107 CG10115" 104696,,"4490","NP: 4490","3",,"96E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1970,"Fur1 CG5127 Fur1 CG5127" 104697,,"4493","NP: 4493","3",,"72D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1527,"th CG5600 CG5891 th CG5600 CG5891" 104698,,"4498","NP: 4498","3",,"61C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1328,"CG1228 mth CG1228 mth" 104699,,"4499","NP: 4499","3",,"68A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1461,"CG18490 BcDNA:LD21334 CG18490 BcDNA:LD21334" 104700,,"4500","NP: 4500","3",,"62B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1350,"Cdc37 CG13922 alpha-Spec" 104701,,"4502","NP: 4502","3",,"94C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1922,"CG17625 CG4919 CG6954 CG17625 CG4919 CG6954" 104702,,"4503","NP: 4503","3",,"65D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1396,"CG14820 CG14821 CG14820 CG14821" 104703,,"4505","NP: 4505","3",,"93E11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1907,"InR E2f InR E2f" 104704,,"4508","NP: 4508","3",,"94D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1923,"CG13840 CG4704 CG13840 CG4704" 104705,,"4512","NP: 4512","3",,"91F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1875,"ATPsyn-d CG6040 ATPsyn-d CG6040" 104706,,"4600","NP: 4600","3",,"64F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1387,"CG10727 CG10977" 104707,,"4601","NP: 4601","3",,"88A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Ser",1806,"Cyp6d5 CG3061" 104708,,"4602","NP: 4602","2",,"52F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1154,"CG18243 Lis1 CG8441 CG18243 Lis1 CG8441" 104709,,"4603","NP: 4603","2",,"35A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",758,"CG15283 noc CG15283 noc" 104710,,"4605","NP: 4605","3",,"69B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1483,"CG18022 Gap69C CG4392" 104711,,"4608","NP: 4608","2",,"45B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",973,"CG13740 CG8027 CG8029" 104712,,"4609","NP: 4609","2",,"42A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",873,"mle Bub1" 104713,,"4610","NP: 4610","3",,"64F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1388,"Bj1 CG10977 CG13289 CG18640 Bj1 CG10977 CG13289 CG18640" 104714,,"4614","NP: 4614","2",,"65E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1400,"CG14824 CG8634" 104715,,"4617","NP: 4617","A",,"35C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",763,"BG:DS04929.1 vig BG:DS04929.1 vig" 104716,,"4620","NP: 4620","3",,"72C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1523,"CG5830 DNApol-delta CG6017 CG5830 DNApol-delta CG6017" 104717,,"4621","NP: 4621","A",,"48F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1053,"CG13167 Cam CG13167 Cam" 104718,,"4622","NP: 4622","2",,"32C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",723,"CG4636 CG6093 CG6105 piwi" 104719,,"4624","NP: 4624","A",,"82D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1667,"CG1129 CG14656 Hus1-like" 104720,,"4627","NP: 4627","2",,"66D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1426,"CG6964 CG6983" 104721,,"4629","NP: 4629","3",,"77B8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1601,"CG13248 CG5408 CG13248 CG5408" 104722,,"4630","NP: 4630","2",,"44D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",951,"CG8639 CG8642" 104723,,"4632","NP: 4632","A",,"66A17","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1415,"Pdp1 CG8294 Pdp1 CG8294" 104724,,"4638","NP: 4638","A",,"31F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",721,"CG13145 CG18302 CG13145 CG18302" 104725,,"4640","NP: 4640","M",,"86F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO ; TM3 Ser",1784,"CG14725 CG6930 CG14725 CG6930" 104726,,"4642","NP: 4642","3",,"63B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1360,"BtbVII CG12082 BtbVII CG12082" 104727,,"4644","NP: 4644","2",,"57D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1254,"CG15666 CG15670 CG9696 CG15666 CG15670 CG9696" 104728,,"4646","NP: 4646","3",,"75B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1559,"CG13697 CG5290 Eip75B CG13697 CG5290 Eip75B" 104729,,"4648","NP: 4648","2",,"54E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1186,"CG10934 CG14486 BcDNA:GH05095" 104730,,"4649","NP: 4649","A",,"79D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1630,"CG14560 CG15374" 104731,,"4651","NP: 4651","2",,"23C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",583,"CG17265 CG3558" 104732,,"4653","NP: 4653","2",,"36B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",791,"CG15136 CG6304" 104733,,"4656","NP: 4656","3",,"91A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1862,"CG14309 CG7675 CG14309 CG7675" 104734,,"4658","NP: 4658","2",,"44D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",952,"ptc CG8635 CG8732" 104735,,"4664","NP: 4664","A",,"47E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1027,"CG13220 CG13221 CG9062 CG13220 CG13221 CG9062" 104736,,"4666","NP: 4666","A",,"86C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1772,"CG14698 CG4683" 104737,,"4671","NP: 4671","3",,"68B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1462,"CG6175 CG6185 CG7590 CG6175 CG6185 CG7590" 104738,,"4682","NP: 4682","A",,"56C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1220,"FK506-bp2 CG15119 CG18607 FK506-bp2 CG15119 CG18607" 104739,,"4683","NP: 4683","3",,"87A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1786,"CG18546 CG3281" 104740,,"4685","NP: 4685","A",,"60A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1295,"CG5339 CG5591" 104741,,"4686","NP: 4686","3",,"66D11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1429,"CG6486 h CG6486 h" 104742,,"4688","NP: 4688","3",,"43E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",923,"CG1339 CG17986 CG1339 CG17986 CG1339 CG17986" 104743,,"4693","NP: 4693","A",,"23B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",580,"CG3098 CG8813 CG8814 CG3098 CG8813 CG8814" 104744,,"4694","NP: 4694","A",,"79F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1639,"CG12353 CG17812" 104745,,"4695","NP: 4695","A",,"37C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",806,"CG10685 brat" 104746,,"4697","NP: 4697","3",,"91E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1873,"CG5451 dnk" 104747,,"4698","NP: 4698","2",,"21F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",557,"CG5397 CG5423" 104748,,"4700","NP: 4700","A",,"67B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1436,"Hsp23 Hsp27" 104749,,"4701","NP: 4701","2",,"57C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1251,"Pu tud Pu tud" 104750,,"4702","NP: 4702","A",,"61E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1339,"CG13903 CG13907 CG13903 CG13907" 104751,,"4703","NP: 4703","2",,"33E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",735,"CG15489 CG17024 bun" 104752,,"4704","NP: 4704","A",,"65D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1398,"G-o&agr;65A CG10063 CG18647" 104753,,"4705","NP: 4705","A",,"45C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",974,"CG2049 CG2055 CG2063" 104754,,"4707","NP: 4707","2",,"26B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",620,"ifc CG9088 CG9093 ifc CG9088 CG9093" 104755,,"4708","NP: 4708","3",,"91F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1876,"ATPsyn-d CG6040 ATPsyn-d CG6040" 104756,,"4713","NP: 4713","A",,"43E12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",929,"CG12040 CG1383" 104757,,"4719","NP: 4719","2",,"30F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",710,"RpL13 Dref CG5850" 104758,,"4720","NP: 4720","3",,"96F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1974,"m6 HLHm7 E(spl) m6 HLHm7 E(spl)" 104759,,"4721","NP: 4721","A",,"79F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1640,"CG11226 CG12353" 104760,,"4725","NP: 4725","3",,"79A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1624,"CG14563 CG7145 CG14563 CG7145" 104761,,"4729","NP: 4729","3",,"88A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1803,"CG12537 Cyp6d5" 104762,,"4730","NP: 4730","3",,"78C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1615,"CG10508 CG10510" 104763,,"4732","NP: 4732","2",,"22D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",570,"CG10874 CG10879" 104764,,"4735","NP: 4735","A",,"99D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",2014,"CG15528 CG7946" 104765,,"4736","NP: 4736","3",,"61C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1329,"CG13892 CG17090" 104766,,"4737","NP: 4737","3",,"85C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1739,"CG11994 CG11997 pum" 104767,,"4738","NP: 4738","A",,"91D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1871,"CG14292 CG14296" 104768,,"4740","NP: 4740","A",,"91F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1881,"l(3)02102 CG5558" 104769,,"4741","NP: 4741","3",,"62A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1345,"CG1009 CG12086" 104770,,"4745","NP: 4745","A",,"51D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1119,"NaPi-T CG10209 SMC2" 104771,,"4748","NP: 4748","A",,"26C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",630,"Cpr CG9491 CG9493" 104772,,"4749","NP: 4749","2",,"51E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1131,"CG12956 CG16827 scb" 104773,,"4760","NP: 4760","2",,"33E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",739,"CG15489 bun" 104774,,"4768","NP: 4768","3",,"62A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1346,"CG1049 CG7852" 104775,,"4773","NP: 4773","2",,"55F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1215,"CG10794 CG12758" 104776,,"4777","NP: 4777","A",,"75F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1583,"CG18224 Acp76A" 104777,,"4778","NP: 4778","2",,"26D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",634,"CG9537 CG9539 CG9542 CG9537 CG9539 CG9542" 104778,,"4780","NP: 4780","2",,"28D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",664,"CG7231 CG7233" 104779,,"4784","NP: 4784","3",,"91C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1869,"Cha CG7714" 104780,,"4786","NP: 4786","2",,"46F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1003,"CG12214 CG12430" 104781,,"4787","NP: 4787","3",,"86A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1764,"CG17100 Rfx" 104782,,"4788","NP: 4788","3",,"100E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",2038,"CG1976 ferrochelatase" 104783,,"4792","NP: 4792","A",,"78A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1613,"CG10581 CG12981" 104784,,"4793","NP: 4793","A",,"21C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",545,"RpI135 CG4213" 104785,,"4794","NP: 4794","A",,"33B13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",731,"CG12317 CG14945 CG5317" 104786,,"4797","NP: 4797","A",,"49B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1064,"CG12442 CG8768" 104787,,"4798","NP: 4798","2",,"60E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1315,"zip" 104788,,"4799","NP: 4799","3",,"79F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1638,"CG11352 CG14448" 104789,,"4800","NP: 4800","A",,"75D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1575,"CG14073 ftz-F1" 104790,,"4801","NP: 4801","A",,"85B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1724,"CG9821 CG9837" 104791,,"4805","NP: 4805","A",,"77C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO; TM3 Sb Ser",1602,"CG13249 CG5145 CG5969" 104792,,"4806","NP: 4806","2",,"57A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1233,"CG13867 CG13871 BcDNA:LD21403 CG13867 CG13871 BcDNA:LD21403" 104793,,"4807","NP: 4807","3",,"95C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM3 Sb Ser",1940,"CG10198 mbc CG11957" 104794,,"4813","NP: 4813","2",,"60E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1313,"CG15861 CG2803 CG2811" 104795,,"4814","NP: 4814","2",,"36A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",783,"CG5953 CG5968" 104796,,"4818","NP: 4818","2",,"49E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1070,"CG13320 CG13322" 104798,,"4820","NP: 4820","2",,"29F8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",691,"CG9573 CG9582" 104799,,"4821","NP: 4821","2",,"57B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1241,"CG10404 CG13441" 104800,,"5004","NP: 5004","1",,"19E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",511,"CG14579 CG1819" 104801,,"5008","NP: 5008","1",,"4D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",142,"CG4041 CG4068 CG6903" 104802,,"5009","NP: 5009","1",,"9E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",276,"CG1826 CG9732 CG1826 CG9732" 104803,,"5010","NP: 5010","1",,"8B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",235,"Moe CG1885" 104804,,"5012","NP: 5012","1",,"9E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",281,"CG1664 CG1691" 104805,,"5014","NP: 5014","1",,"1F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",30,"EG:33C11.2 EG:33C11.3" 104806,,"5016","NP: 5016","1",,"4D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",145,"CG4068 Ptp4E" 104807,,"5017","NP: 5017","1",,"10D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",300,"bif PhKgamma CG2444" 104808,,"5018","NP: 5018","1",,"5E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",175,"CG3842 CG3847" 104809,,"5024","NP: 5024","1",,"6E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",199,"cm inx2" 104810,,"5025","NP: 5025","1",,"19E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",504,"CG15449 Mgstl CG1753 CG15449 Mgstl CG1753" 104811,,"5028","NP: 5028","1",,"1C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",20,"RpL22" 104812,,"5030","NP: 5030","1",,"9C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",267,"CG15304 CG17255" 104813,,"5031","NP: 5031","1",,"13A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",359,"eag BcDNA:GH02901 CG9030" 104814,,"5033","NP: 5033","1",,"2B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",41,"EG:80H7.11 EG:80H7.4 EG:80H7.11 EG:80H7.4" 104815,,"5034","NP: 5034","1",,"18B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",463,"CG7876 CG7884 CG7876 CG7884" 104816,,"5035","NP: 5035","1",,"19A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",492,"CG11940 CG11943 CG12655" 104817,,"5036","NP: 5036","1",,"3A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",84,"CG13758 CG8310" 104818,,"5037","NP: 5037","1",,"3A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",82,"CG12497 CG7981" 104819,,"5040","NP: 5040","1",,"18C1","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",487,"CG11941 CG12700" 104827,,"5053","NP: 5053","1",,"18D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",479,"CG12237 CG14213 CG14214 CG12237 CG14213 CG14214" 104828,,"5057","NP: 5057","1",,"2C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",61,"EG:22E5.4 EG:22E5.3 EG:22E5.5 EG:22E5.4 EG:22E5.3 EG:22E5.5" 104829,,"5058","NP: 5058","1",,"8F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",257,"btd" 104830,,"5059","NP: 5059","1",,"10C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",297,"Rst(1)JH Ptp10D CG2371 CG2442 Rst(1)JH Ptp10D CG2371 CG2442" 104831,,"5060","NP: 5060","1",,"4D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",144,"CG4068 Ptp4E" 104832,,"5061","NP: 5061","1",,"12B9","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",236,"Moe CG1885" 104840,,"5075","NP: 5075","1",,"19F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",515,"CG14581 CG1494" 104841,,"5078","NP: 5078","1",,"10D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",302,"CG15222 CG1841 inaF" 104842,,"5080","NP: 5080","1",,"5D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",168,"CG4660 CG4666" 104843,,"5081","NP: 5081","1",,"5E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",172,"CG11700 Top3" 104844,,"5084","NP: 5084","1",,"19A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",489,"CG11936 amn CG15619" 104845,,"5090","NP: 5090","1",,"5C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",162,"CG4020 Act5C" 104846,,"5091","NP: 5091","1",,"14A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",394,"CG12698 CG8939 RasGAP" 104847,,"5092","NP: 5092","1",,"3A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",86,"CG17437 egh" 104848,,"5095","NP: 5095","1",,"5B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",156,"CG15771 CG15929" 104849,,"5096","NP: 5096","1",,"1F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",33,"EG:33C11.1 EG:114D9.1" 104850,,"5097","NP: 5097","1",,"9B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",263,"alpha-Man-I CG2909" 104851,,"5102","NP: 5102","1",,"20A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",528,"CG13237 fog" 104852,,"5104","NP: 5104","1",,"9E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",279,"Ant2 CG1691 sesB" 104853,,"5106","NP: 5106","1",,"4C15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",140,"CG12681 CG12682" 104854,,"5107","NP: 5107","1",,"5E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",176,"swa CG3446 CG3861" 104855,,"5108","NP: 5108","1",,"5C10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",166,"CG5966 CG5980" 104856,,"5109","NP: 5109","1",,"13D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",372,"Ahcy13 CG11655 CG9195" 104857,,"5110","NP: 5110","1",,"2B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",43,"EG:80H7.5 sta" 104858,,"5111","NP: 5111","1",,"2F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",78,"CG14047 CG2841" 104859,,"5114","NP: 5114","1",,"2F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",79,"CG12496 CG14045" 104860,,"5122","NP: 5122","1",,"5C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",160,"CG16721 Act5C" 104861,,"5126","NP: 5126","1",,"19F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",516,"bbx slgA" 104862,,"5129","NP: 5129","2",,"43E15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",932,"cn CG1557" 104863,,"5130","NP: 5130","2",,"35D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",767,"CG15258 BG:DS07851.6 esg" 104864,,"5131","NP: 5131","2",,"26A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",612,"CG11142 CG14005 CG9171" 104865,,"5133","NP: 5133","2",,"21C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",552,"ush" 104866,,"5134","NP: 5134","2",,"33E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",733,"CG5427 CG5442 Elf" 104867,,"5136","NP: 5136","2",,"42D4","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1746,"CG16750 CG8121" 104949,,"5317","NP: 5317","3",,"100E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2035,"CG1896 awd CG2245" 104950,,"5319","NP: 5319","3",,"82D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1662,"BcDNA:GH07643 tacc CG9767" 104951,,"5320","NP: 5320","3",,"75A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1555,"CG14353 CG5485" 104952,,"5323","NP: 5323","3",,"96A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1955,"CG13624 CG13625" 104953,,"5325","NP: 5325","3",,"87C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1793,"CG18549 CG5509 CG5538" 104954,,"5328","NP: 5328","3",,"69E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1488,"CG10967 BcDNA:LD21213 CG17666 CG17667" 104955,,"5329","NP: 5329","3",,"85A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1720,"CG11733 CG11735" 104956,,"5331","NP: 5331","3",,"79F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1641,"CG11137 CG13239 CG8244" 104957,,"5332","NP: 5332","3",,"86B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1766,"Cyp12e1 hth CG6465" 104958,,"5333","NP: 5333","3",,"75D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1573,"CG13378 ftz-F1 CG6877" 104959,,"5334","NP: 5334","3",,"61A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1321,"CG1201 Pk61C CG12483" 104960,,"5335","NP: 5335","3",,"68C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1467,"CG11711 CG11712 CG7394" 104961,,"5336","NP: 5336","3",,"79A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1625,"CG14563 mub" 104962,,"5338","NP: 5338","3",,"95E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1949,"CG17786 CG5534" 104963,,"5339","NP: 5339","3",,"71D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1516,"CG13453 CG17014 CrebA CG7973" 104964,,"5340","NP: 5340","3",,"90C10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1857,"CG18434 CG7301" 104965,,"5343","NP: 5343","3",,"93D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1904,"CG10823 CG16791" 104966,,"5345","NP: 5345","3",,"95D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1947,"CG10694 CG10716 syx1A" 104967,,"5347","NP: 5347","3",,"85D22","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1750,"CG8165 CG8176 Rlc1 CG9379" 104968,,"5348","NP: 5348","3",,"96A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1954,"CG5789 CG6643" 104969,,"5350","NP: 5350","3",,"68C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1471,"CG11658 CG6038 CG7319" 104970,,"5351","NP: 5351","3",,"68A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1452,"CG14148 CG6391" 104971,,"5355","NP: 5355","3",,"93B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1898,"CG3421 CG7044 CG7056" 104972,,"5357","NP: 5357","3",,"99A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2003,"CG11901 CG14508" 104973,,"5360","NP: 5360","3",,"95E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1951,"CG18671 CG5677" 104974,,"5361","NP: 5361","3",,"99F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2018,"CG1469 hdc CG2216" 104975,,"5364","NP: 5364","3",,"61B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1326,"CG17135 CG7020" 104976,,"5365","NP: 5365","3",,"76C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1589,"CG8793 asf1" 104977,,"5369","NP: 5369","3",,"85E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1753,"CG8319 CG8327 Crc" 104978,,"5370","NP: 5370","3",,"94E12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1933,"pnt CG4434 CG6768" 104979,,"5372","NP: 5372","3",,"83E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1695,"CG1021 CG10272" 104980,,"5376","NP: 5376","3",,"78C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1616,"CG10504 Eip78C CG9391" 104981,,"5378","NP: 5378","3",,"68F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1479,"CG11560 CG17153" 104982,,"5380","NP: 5380","3",,"86C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1771,"CG6612 CG6621" 104983,,"5381","NP: 5381","3",,"69C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1485,"CG10522 CG10686" 104984,,"5386","NP: 5386","3",,"71D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1518,"CG6498 CG7427" 104985,,"5387","NP: 5387","3",,"89B18","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1842,"CG12785 CG6963" 104986,,"5391","NP: 5391","3",,"100F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2043,"CG2003 CG2053" 104987,,"5393","NP: 5393","3",,"91A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1865,"CG12333 CG7683" 104988,,"5394","NP: 5394","3",,"87E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1799,"CG14377 CG17045 CG9796" 104989,,"5397","NP: 5397","3",,"93B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1895,"CG17277 CG5670" 104990,,"5399","NP: 5399","3",,"78A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1610,"fng CG10586" 104991,,"5401","NP: 5401","3",,"89A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1832,"alpha-Man-IIb CG9593" 104992,,"5405","NP: 5405","3",,"89B18","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1843,"CG12785 CG6963" 104993,,"5406","NP: 5406","3",,"91F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1883,"CG14281 CG5555" 104994,,"5408","NP: 5408","3",,"67B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1441,"CG3408 CG3424" 104995,,"5409","NP: 5409","3",,"94D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1924,"CG4704 klg" 104996,,"5410","NP: 5410","3",,"79F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1635,"CG11241 CG11367 CG14450" 104997,,"5412","NP: 5412","3",,"88D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1819,"CG14858 CG18280 CG7343" 104998,,"5413","NP: 5413","3",,"63C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1363,"CG12078 CG14959" 104999,,"5415","NP: 5415","3",,"83C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1690,"CG10989 CG2017" 105000,,"5416","NP: 5416","3",,"75D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1577,"CG3979 CG6865" 105001,,"5418","NP: 5418","3",,"96F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1972,"CG17370 CG5890 BcDNA:LD19727" 105002,,"5419","NP: 5419","3",,"75C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1567,"CG18064 CG4306" 105003,,"5423","NP: 5423","3",,"71E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1520,"CG16980 CG7396 CG7656" 105004,,"5425","NP: 5425","3",,"85F13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1757,"CG6217 CG6235 CG6241" 105005,,"5427","NP: 5427","3",,"86F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1781,"Lk6 CG6923 Lk6 CG6930" 105006,,"5428","NP: 5428","3",,"89C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1845,"CG12753 CG14882 CG14894" 105007,,"5430","NP: 5430","3",,"66B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1422,"CG7404 CG7476 CG7979" 105008,,"5431","NP: 5431","3",,"72D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1529,"Zn72D Taf110" 105009,,"5432","NP: 5432","3",,"68B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1463,"CG6175 CG7590" 105010,,"5434","NP: 5434","3",,"96A14","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1957,"CG13626 CG5794 CG6668" 105011,,"5435","NP: 5435","3",,"65E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1399,"CG14824 CG8634" 105012,,"5439","NP: 5439","3",,"64F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1384,"CG10542 CG10546" 105013,,"5440","NP: 5440","3",,"78C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1617,"CG12974 ppl AcCoAS" 105014,,"5441","NP: 5441","3",,"71A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1510,"CG10006 mnd" 105015,,"5443","NP: 5443","3",,"86E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1773,"pros KP78a" 105016,,"5446","NP: 5446","3",,"80A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1643,"CG11100 nrm" 105017,,"5447","NP: 5447","3",,"100D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2033,"CG11550 CG11558 CG1856" 105018,,"5451","NP: 5451","3",,"82D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1664,"CG14654 CG14655 CG2503" 105019,,"5453","NP: 5453","3",,"100A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2022,"CG11315 zfh1 CG11315 zfh1" 105020,,"5455","NP: 5455","3",,"91D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1872,"CG14290 CG14291 CG17836" 105021,,"5457","NP: 5457","3",,"70D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1502,"CG13482 fz CG7906" 105022,,"5458","NP: 5458","3",,"67B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1442,"RpS9 CG3408 CG3424" 105023,,"5460","NP: 5460","3",,"68C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1468,"rt CG7377" 105024,,"5461","NP: 5461","3",,"82B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1650,"CG1074 CG9804 CG9805" 105025,,"5462","NP: 5462","3",,"68A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1453,"CG6327 CG7888" 105026,,"5464","NP: 5464","3",,"86C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1767,"CG14685 CG6529 TfIIFbeta" 105027,,"5465","NP: 5465","3",,"96B15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1962,"CG11785 CG6422 CG7613 CG11785 CG6422 CG7613" 105028,,"5466","NP: 5466","3",,"75C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1566,"CG13701 CG4306" 105029,,"5467","NP: 5467","3",,"95F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1953,"CG18670 BcDNA:LD27873 CG6400" 105030,,"5469","NP: 5469","3",,"84E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1711,"CG7900 CG7910" 105031,,"5472","NP: 5472","3",,"92B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1888,"CG11447 CG4583" 105032,,"5477","NP: 5477","3",,"75C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1563,"CG7313 CG7320" 105033,,"5478","NP: 5478","3",,"78D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1619,"CG11308 CG5051" 105034,,"5480","NP: 5480","3",,"88F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1829,"CG14872 CG18522" 105035,,"5481","NP: 5481","3",,"73B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1538,"CG9701 Nrt" 105036,,"5482","NP: 5482","3",,"66D15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1430,"CG5797 CG6576" 105037,,"5603","NP: 5603",,,"85D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1742,"CG8420 CG9746" 105038,,"5605","NP: 5605",,,"102C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2046,"Pur-alpha G/T-mismatch-specific-thymine-DNA-glycosylase" 105039,,"5607","NP: 5607","3",,"94F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1936,"ATPsyn-Cf6 BcDNA:LD03471 RpS3" 105040,,"5612","NP: 5612","3",,"96B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1960,"CG3744 CycB3" 105041,,"5613","NP: 5613","2",,"55E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",1209,"CG18610 CG5473 CG5477 CG18610 CG5473 CG5477" 105042,,"5614","NP: 5614","3",,"87D9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2061,"CtBP CG8031" 105043,,"5626","NP: 5626","4",,"102F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2051,"eIF-4G CG11224 eIF-4G CG11224" 105044,,"5627","NP: 5627","2",,"21D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyO",554,"ninaA CG4124 dbe" 105045,,"5633","NP: 5633",,,"68A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1460,"CG6190 CG6199" 105046,,"5901","NP: 5901","1",,"10B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",293,"dlg1 CG1730" 105047,,"5903","NP: 5903","1",,"19E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",503,"CG10998 CG1529 CG1532" 105048,,"5907","NP: 5907","2",,"21C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",553,"CG13689 Pph13 Gsc" 105049,,"5911","NP: 5911","2",,"50E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1106,"CG13017 CG8338 CG8367" 105050,,"5913","NP: 5913","2",,"44A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",941,"CG11508 Rox2 CG2297" 105051,,"5914","NP: 5914","2",,"44D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",953,"ptc CG8579 CG8732" 105052,,"5917","NP: 5917","3",,"99E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2015,"Tpi CG9753" 105053,,"5919","NP: 5919","3",,"70E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1505,"CG13480 CG9238" 105054,,"5920","NP: 5920","3",,"75D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1570,"CG6896 CG6897" 105055,,"5925","NP: 5925","1",,"11C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",322,"CG15723 CG1627 CG18453" 105056,,"5927","NP: 5927","1",,"11D10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",326,"CG15742 CG1591 mew" 105057,,"5930","NP: 5930","1",,"14B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",400,"CG12507 disco" 105058,,"5933","NP: 5933","1",,"18C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",468,"CG14197 CG8109" 105059,,"5935","NP: 5935","2",,"26F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",642,"CG11098 CG13769" 105060,,"5936","NP: 5936","2",,"56A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1216,"prod CG18608" 105061,,"5940","NP: 5940","2",,"10A4","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",31,"EG:33C11.2 EG:33C11.3" 105082,,"6030","NP: 6030","1",,"2B17","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",51,"EG:39E1.1 EG:86E4.5" 105083,,"6031","NP: 6031","1",,"13A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",363,"CG5560 CG5579 CG9057" 105084,,"6032","NP: 6032","1",,"2A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",37,"CG14774 CG3719" 105085,,"6033","NP: 6033","1",,"3C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",92,"crm EG:95B7.1 CG2716" 105086,,"6035","NP: 6035","1",,"20A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",525,"CG13238 CG17601" 105087,,"6036","NP: 6036","1",,"19F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",520,"CG12576 CG14617" 105088,,"6038","NP: 6038","1",,"11A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",311,"fw CG1806" 105089,,"6039","NP: 6039","1",,"15D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",420,"CG5004 mei-218 CG8926" 105090,,"6044","NP: 6044","1",,"19E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",502,"CG11692 Cyp6v1" 105091,,"6045","NP: 6045","1",,"2A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",40,"EG:132E8.4 CG14772" 105092,,"6046","NP: 6046","1",,"10E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",306,"CG1578 CG1579" 105093,,"6047","NP: 6047","1",,"12E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",351,"CG1405 CG18637" 105094,,"6049","NP: 6049","1",,"4B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",130,"CG15570 CG15573" 105095,,"6050","NP: 6050","1",,"3B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",90,"per EG:155E2.5" 105096,,"6051","NP: 6051","1",,"4B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",129,"Fas2" 105097,,"6053","NP: 6053","1",,"1A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",4,"CG13375 ewg" 105098,,"6057","NP: 6057","1",,"2A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",35,"EG:8D8.1 CG18091" 105099,,"6058","NP: 6058","1",,"7F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",230,"CG11265 CG12112 CG12113" 105100,,"6060","NP: 6060","1",,"19C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",498,"CG15463 CG1631" 105101,,"6062","NP: 6062","1",,"9D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",271,"CG12638 BcDNA:LD22117" 105102,,"6063","NP: 6063","1",,"6B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",178,"CG3950 CG3960" 105103,,"6065","NP: 6065","1",,"19A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",490,"CG11936 CG15618" 105104,,"6066","NP: 6066","1",,"1B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",9,"ac sc" 105105,,"6069","NP: 6069","1",,"9E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",275,"CG1826 CG9732" 105106,,"6070","NP: 6070","1",,"6C12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",190,"CG14438 CG14439" 105107,,"6072","NP: 6072","1",,"11E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",327,"CG15742 mew" 105108,,"6073","NP: 6073","1",,"1B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",11,"EG:165H7.3 Cyp4g1" 105109,,"6074","NP: 6074","1",,"7B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",207,"CG11387 CG12690" 105110,,"6075","NP: 6075","1",,"5C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",163,"CG12236 CG3011 CG3726" 105111,,"6076","NP: 6076","1",,"10C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",295,"CG11699 RpII215" 105112,,"6078","NP: 6078","1",,"7E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",228,"CG11190 Trf2" 105113,,"6080","NP: 6080","1",,"1B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",19,"CG13362 skpA sdk" 105114,,"6082","NP: 6082","1",,"6C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",186,"CG14440 CG14441" 105115,,"6083","NP: 6083","1",,"8E8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",251,"CG2994 CG2998" 105116,,"6086","NP: 6086","1",,"5E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",174,"CG15893 CG15894 CG3842" 105117,,"6088","NP: 6088","1",,"14A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",398,"CG8958 CG9216 CG9219" 105118,,"6089","NP: 6089","1",,"8E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",249,"CG15315 CG18429" 105119,,"6090","NP: 6090","1",,"9B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",265,"alpha-Man-I CG2909" 105120,,"6093","NP: 6093","1",,"7E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",227,"CG11190 Trf2" 105121,,"6094","NP: 6094","1",,"9B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",261,"Hk CG2961" 105122,,"6095","NP: 6095","1",,"1B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",17,"CG13365 EG:118B3.2" 105123,,"6097","NP: 6097","1",,"4A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",126,"CG2938 CG2941" 105124,,"6098","NP: 6098","1",,"12F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",355,"Netrin-B CG15890" 105125,,"6099","NP: 6099","1",,"17A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",443,"CG15061 CG5963" 105126,,"6100","NP: 6100","1",,"2E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",67,"CG18082 Vinc" 105127,,"6102","NP: 6102","1",,"19E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",508,"CG11568 CG1503" 105128,,"6105","NP: 6105","1",,"5E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",170,"CG11700 CG18282" 105129,,"6106","NP: 6106","1",,"14F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",407,"CG13014 CG9819" 105130,,"6108","NP: 6108","1",,"2F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",72,"CG14050 EG:25E8.4" 105131,,"6110","NP: 6110","1",,"5E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",171,"CG11700 CG18282 Top3" 105132,,"6111","NP: 6111","1",,"20B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",530,"CG12474 CG9562" 105133,,"6113","NP: 6113","1",,"3F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",114,"CG13316 EG:114E2.2" 105134,,"6114","NP: 6114","1",,"7F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",232,"CG12065 CG12081 CG2056" 105135,,"6119","NP: 6119","1",,"5A13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",153,"CG15779 CG3171" 105136,,"6120","NP: 6120","1",,"8E10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",253,"CG18535 CG3001" 105137,,"6124","NP: 6124","1",,"17E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",456,"CG17757 CG7326" 105138,,"6125","NP: 6125","1",,"5D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",167,"CG4666 CG4690" 105139,,"6126","NP: 6126","1",,"4D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",146,"ovo" 105140,,"6127","NP: 6127","1",,"10C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",294,"CG11713 CG1760" 105141,,"6128","NP: 6128","1",,"2B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",42,"EG:80H7.11 EG:80H7.5 sta" 105142,,"6129","NP: 6129","1",,"13A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",358,"eag BcDNA:GH02901 CG9030" 105143,,"6130","NP: 6130","1",,"3F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",110,"CG13316 Parg" 105144,,"6201","NP: 6201","2",,"35F10","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",851,"CG8663 CG8665" 105152,,"6217","NP: 6217","2",,"21B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",536,"CG11490 CG18326 kis" 105153,,"6219","NP: 6219","2",,"52F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1155,"CG8441 CG8443 CG8445" 105154,,"6221","NP: 6221","2",,"30F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",712,"CG13127 BcDNA:GH02976" 105155,,"6223","NP: 6223","2",,"27E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",653,"CG13784 CG4497 CG4502" 105156,,"6227","NP: 6227","2",,"30B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",700,"CG13112 Gdi" 105157,,"6229","NP: 6229","2",,"48D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1046,"CG13183 CG8981" 105158,,"6232","NP: 6232","2",,"39C1","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1037,"CG10897 CG9006" 105166,,"6253","NP: 6253","2",,"43D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",919,"CG1598 CG2105" 105167,,"6254","NP: 6254","2",,"57C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1252,"CG15658 CG4302 CG9480" 105168,,"6255","NP: 6255","2",,"60A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1294,"TM4SF Thiolase ken" 105169,,"6258","NP: 6258","2",,"57A10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1234,"CG13431 CG13432 CG13433" 105170,,"6262","NP: 6262","2",,"21C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",551,"ush CG4427" 105171,,"6264","NP: 6264","2",,"29D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",685,"anon-29Da CG18042" 105172,,"6265","NP: 6265","2",,"49A7","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1515,"CG12355 CG13455" 105267,,"6579","NP: 6579","3",,"100E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2036,"anon-EST:fe1A3 CG2196 CG2245" 105268,,"6580","NP: 6580","3",,"98C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1996,"CG12516 CG14065 CG14066" 105269,,"6581","NP: 6581","3",,"83A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1680,"CG1172 CG14668" 105270,,"6582","NP: 6582","3",,"41F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",867,"CG17588 TpnC41C CG17588 TpnC41C CG17588 TpnC41C" 105271,,"6583","NP: 6583","3",,"88E13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1825,"CG4913 ea CG6236" 105272,,"6584","NP: 6584","3",,"79A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1623,"eg CycH" 105273,,"6587","NP: 6587","3",,"87B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1790,"GstD1 CG4181" 105274,,"6588","NP: 6588","3",,"69A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1481,"CG10426 CG4300" 105275,,"6590","NP: 6590","3",,"83E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1693,"CG1021 CG10272" 105276,,"6593","NP: 6593","3",,"70C12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1499,"btl CG6760" 105277,,"6594","NP: 6594","3",,"77A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1597,"CG13813 CG17149" 105278,,"6595","NP: 6595","3",,"83B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1687,"CG1245 CG2185" 105279,,"6596","NP: 6596","3",,"75B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1561,"CG13697 CG13698" 105280,,"6597","NP: 6597","3",,"89F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1851,"CG17477 cher CG5148" 105281,,"6600","NP: 6600","3",,"88F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1828,"CG14869 CG14870" 105282,,"6602","NP: 6602","3",,"91C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1870,"CG14302 CG7717 CG7718" 105283,,"6604","NP: 6604","3",,"75E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1578,"CG3979 CG6865" 105284,,"6605","NP: 6605","3",,"61D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1334,"CG13894 CG13895 CkIIalpha-i3" 105285,,"6606","NP: 6606","3",,"76D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1591,"Rab8 Paps" 105286,,"6609","NP: 6609","3",,"72D7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1530,"CG5161 CG5165 SsRbeta" 105287,,"6612","NP: 6612","3",,"82B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1647,"CG14649 CG9853 CG9855" 105288,,"6613","NP: 6613","3",,"88E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1821,"CG6912 CG6934 CG6960" 105289,,"6615","NP: 6615","3",,"93B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1899,"BcDNA:LD28419 Rab11 ppan" 105290,,"6616","NP: 6616","3",,"86E17","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1777,"CG14710 CG17238" 105291,,"6617","NP: 6617","3",,"102F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2050,"eIF-4G CG11224 eIF-4G CG11224" 105292,,"6618","NP: 6618","3",,"85D22","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1749,"CG8147 CG8149 RhoL" 105293,,"6620","NP: 6620","3",,"75C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1562,"W CG7320" 105294,,"6621","NP: 6621","3",,"69A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1480,"CG17144 CG5626" 105295,,"6624","NP: 6624","3",,"86C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1769,"CG4596 Sodh-2" 105296,,"6625","NP: 6625","3",,"61C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1333,"CG13894 CG13895" 105297,,"6626","NP: 6626","3",,"82E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1671,"CG1283 CG2008" 105298,,"6628","NP: 6628","3",,"84C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1702,"Mlp84B CG1070" 105299,,"6629","NP: 6629","3",,"85F15","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1386,"vn CG5568" 105307,,"6644","NP: 6644","3",,"71F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1522,"comm CG7554" 105308,,"6645","NP: 6645","3",,"96C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1969,"CG10562 CG10618 CG10675" 105309,,"6646","NP: 6646","3",,"83B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1688,"plx CG1239 CG2102" 105310,,"6647","NP: 6647","3",,"78D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1620,"SAK CG7540 CG7597" 105311,,"6650","NP: 6650","3",,"89B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1836,"CG10224 Akt1" 105312,,"6651","NP: 6651","3",,"68C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1466,"CG11711 CG11712 CG7394" 105313,,"6653","NP: 6653","3",,"97A1","NP lines. 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Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1574,"CG13378 CG14073 ftz-F1" 105321,,"6676","NP: 6676",,,"95C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1941,"CG10192 CG11945 CG13818" 105322,,"6679","NP: 6679",,,"63D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,1365,"CycJ CG10840 CG11513" 105323,,"6701","NP: 6701",,,"102F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,,2049,"eIF-4G Glu-RA CG11232" 105324,,"7003","NP: 7003","3",,"62A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1347,"CG12099 CG7864" 105325,,"7006","NP: 7006","2",,"21B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",534,"CG18497 CG3436" 105326,,"7007","NP: 7007","3",,"66C13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1425,"CG6983 CG7015" 105327,,"7008","NP: 7008","2",,"37B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",804,"CG10449 CG15173 CG17492" 105328,,"7010","NP: 7010","3",,"84C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1700,"Mlp84B CG1070 CG14612" 105329,,"7012","NP: 7012","3",,"88B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1811,"CG12207 CG14839 trx" 105330,,"7013","NP: 7013","3",,"85D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1740,"D1 pum" 105331,,"7019","NP: 7019","3",,"75B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1560,"CG13697 CG5290 Eip75B" 105332,,"7020","NP: 7020","3",,"77D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1604,"CG13251 knrl" 105333,,"7021","NP: 7021","2",,"59F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1287,"CG13560 CG18128 egl" 105334,,"7022","NP: 7022","2",,"60E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1311,"CG15860 CG18680" 105335,,"7023","NP: 7023","2",,"50B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1088,"CG13335 BcDNA:GH06193 CG6197" 105336,,"7024","NP: 7024","3",,"64E13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1383,"DnaJ-1 Ubp64E" 105337,,"7025","NP: 7025","2",,"56D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1222,"CG18152 hts" 105338,,"7026","NP: 7026","2",,"25C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",602,"CG18623 CG8895" 105339,,"7030","NP: 7030","2",,"29D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",684,"Acer CG13091 CG18042" 105340,,"7032","NP: 7032","3",,"88D8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1820,"CG7007 CG7014 CG7026" 105341,,"7034","NP: 7034","3",,"91F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1878,"CG11779 BcDNA:GH03502 CG5835" 105342,,"7036","NP: 7036","2",,"50C20","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1099,"Aats-phe CG13349 Cp1" 105343,,"7039","NP: 7039","2",,"28E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",668,"CG14472 CG18267 CG7466" 105344,,"7040","NP: 7040","3",,"64D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1378,"CG10647 CG4669" 105345,,"7045","NP: 7045","2",,"39B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",842,"CG1061 CG14396" 105346,,"7046","NP: 7046","2",,"36F10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",800,"CG10178 CG10275" 105347,,"7047","NP: 7047","3",,"95D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1944,"KrT95D CG5933" 105348,,"7048","NP: 7048","2",,"55C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1201,"CG14503 CG15066" 105349,,"7050","NP: 7050","3",,"71E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1521,"CG13448 CG7372" 105350,,"7052","NP: 7052","3",,"70A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1494,"CG10116 CG10133 CG10732" 105351,,"7053","NP: 7053","3",,"77E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1608,"CG3947 CG4289" 105352,,"7061","NP: 7061","3",,"90A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1852,"CG14333 CG4155" 105353,,"7064","NP: 7064","3",,"61C8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1331,"CG12030 Reg-2" 105354,,"7065","NP: 7065","2",,"34B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",746,"BG:BACR48E02.1 CG16851 B4" 105355,,"7067","NP: 7067","2",,"37B3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",802,"CG17322 CG17323 CG17324" 105356,,"7068","NP: 7068","2",,"26E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",639,"CG11045 CG9596" 105357,,"7077","NP: 7077","2",,"30E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",707,"CG13124 sop" 105358,,"7079","NP: 7079","2",,"38B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",823,"neb CG10746 CG10747 pr" 105359,,"7080","NP: 7080","3",,"78D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1618,"CG7338 CG7605" 105360,,"7081","NP: 7081","2",,"43C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",915,"CG1621 CG1624" 105361,,"7086","NP: 7086","2",,"42A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",878,"CG14589 EcR" 105362,,"7088","NP: 7088","2",,"49D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1069,"Nmda1 Aats-asp" 105363,,"7089","NP: 7089","3",,"79C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1627,"CG7140 CG7485" 105364,,"7091","NP: 7091","3",,"78A5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1611,"CG10585 CG12984 CG9936" 105365,,"7094","NP: 7094","2",,"25B5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",601,"CG15625 CG3036" 105366,,"7102","NP: 7102","3",,"82E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1669,"Gnf1 CG14660" 105367,,"7103","NP: 7103","2",,"24C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",595,"CG3407 CG3920 CG3921" 105368,,"7109","NP: 7109","1",,"20A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",527,"CG12446 CG12447" 105369,,"7114","NP: 7114","1",,"8E12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",255,"CG3001 CG3002" 105370,,"7115","NP: 7115","1",,"7D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",218,"CG1560 CG2233 fs(1)h" 105371,,"7118","NP: 7118","1",,"19D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",500,"CG1695 CG1702" 105372,,"7119","NP: 7119","1",,"10D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",298,"Ptp10D bif CG2371 CG2442 CG2443" 105373,,"7120","NP: 7120","1",,"18F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",488,"CG11942 CG15619" 105374,,"7126","NP: 7126","1",,"15A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",409,"CG13010 CG13012" 105375,,"7128","NP: 7128","1",,"13A12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",364,"CG5579 CG9057" 105376,,"7130","NP: 7130","1",,"5E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",169,"SPT6 CG15898" 105377,,"7135","NP: 7135","1",,"8C10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",240,"CG10970 CG15365" 105378,,"7141","NP: 7141","1",,"3C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",98,"CG17959 CG3603" 105379,,"7143","NP: 7143","1",,"10E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",304,"CG15223 CkIIbeta CG4139" 105380,,"7145","NP: 7145","1",,"3C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",103,"CG10782 CG3939" 105381,,"7146","NP: 7146","1",,"6E4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",198,"inx6 cm inx2" 105382,,"7148","NP: 7148","1",,"13F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",389,"CG8509 sd" 105383,,"7149","NP: 7149","1",,"16D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",437,"CG6398 CG8146" 105384,,"7150","NP: 7150","1",,"3F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",118,"CG12462 Rala CG12462 Rala" 105385,,"7152","NP: 7152","1",,"13B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",367,"CG5627 CG9072 Cyp4s3" 105386,,"7159","NP: 7159","1",,"4B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",131,"CG12692 CG15578" 105387,,"7162","NP: 7162","1",,"4C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",137,"EG:66A1.2 EG:66A1.3 pon" 105388,,"7168","NP: 7168","1",,"9B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",264,"alpha-Man-I CG2909" 105389,,"7171","NP: 7171","1",,"18E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",483,"CG12531 Bap" 105390,,"7182","NP: 7182","1",,"7B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",206,"CG11368 CG11369" 105392,,"7191","NP: 7191","1",,"12A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",335,"CG15758 CG1733" 105393,,"7195","NP: 7195","1",,"3C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",101,"EG:163A10.1 CG4116" 105394,,"7205","NP: 7205","1",,"3F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",117,"CG12462 Rala" 105395,,"7207","NP: 7207","1",,"6D6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",194,"CG4564 CG4571" 105396,,"7209","NP: 7209","1",,"16E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",439,"CG12985 mnb" 105397,,"7214","NP: 7214","1",,"13D2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",374,"CG6324 CG9203" 105398,,"7216","NP: 7216","1",,"2F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",76,"CG14050 EG:25E8.4" 105399,,"7223","NP: 7223","1",,"19C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",497,"inx7 CG17065" 105400,,"7225","NP: 7225","1",,"10B10","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",291,"dlg1 Tim8 CG1730" 105401,,"7226","NP: 7226","1",,"19E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",509,"CG1501 CG15445" 105402,,"7237","NP: 7237","1",,"1B4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",12,"EG:171D11.5 EG:171D11.1" 105403,,"7243","NP: 7243","1",,"3D3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",105,"dnc dm" 105404,,"7245","NP: 7245","1",,"1F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",34,"EG:33C11.1 EG:114D9.1 EG:114D9.2" 105405,,"7252","NP: 7252","1",,"17D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",454,"CG15039 CG18259" 105406,,"7257","NP: 7257","1",,"11B17","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",319,"CG4004 Smrter" 105407,,"7263","NP: 7263","1",,"3F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",121,"CG12462 BcDNA:GH07910 CG2947" 105408,,"7267","NP: 7267","1",,"6C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",188,"CG14440 CG14441" 105409,,"7268","NP: 7268","1",,"2C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",59,"EG:22E5.12 Actn usp" 105410,,"7272","NP: 7272","1",,"14A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",396,"CG8958 CG9216" 105411,,"7278","NP: 7278","1",,"4C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",136,"peb CG12684" 105412,,"7280","NP: 7280","1",,"3F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",123,"CG12462 BcDNA:GH07910 CG2947" 105413,,"7282","NP: 7282","1",,"19F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",512,"CG14580 CG1497" 105414,,"7287","NP: 7287","1",,"13D4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",376,"CG6350 CG7821" 105415,,"7289","NP: 7289","1",,"2A2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",38,"CG14774 CG3719" 105416,,"7290","NP: 7290","1",,"98B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",1990,"CG12259 CG12260 CG12261 CG5003" 105417,,"7292","NP: 7292","1",,"35F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"FM7c",773,"CG12455 Ca-alpha1D" 105418,,"7297","NP: 7297","2",,"51D7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1125,"CG10261 CG12424" 105419,,"7306","NP: 7306","2",,"33E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",738,"CG15489 CG17024 bun" 105420,,"7311","NP: 7311","2",,"42A13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",885,"CG12110 CG8330 CG12110 CG8330" 105421,,"7315","NP: 7315","2",,"22D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",571,"CG10874 CG10879" 105422,,"7317","NP: 7317","2",,"26A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",615,"CG18340 eIF-4a chic" 105423,,"7318","NP: 7318","2",,"53D13","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1164,"EG:EG0003.6 EG:EG0003.3 Psi" 105424,,"7320","NP: 7320","2",,"50F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1107,"CG8547 SelD CG8561" 105425,,"7321","NP: 7321","2",,"57B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1238,"CG13425 CG13434 CG13435" 105426,,"7323","NP: 7323","2",,"22B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",564,"CG17646 CG17652" 105427,,"7324","NP: 7324","2",,"42F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",908,"CG11074 CG11084" 105428,,"7328","NP: 7328","2",,"45A11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",966,"Dbp45A CG13742 CG8080" 105429,,"7329","NP: 7329","2",,"39C3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",846,"CG8674 Hr39 CG8677" 105430,,"7331","NP: 7331","2",,"30C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",703,"CG3949 Pka-C1" 105431,,"7334","NP: 7334","2",,"38A6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",820,"CG13958 CG13959" 105432,,"7336","NP: 7336","2",,"28C9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",659,"CG7144 CG7149 CG7154" 105433,,"7341","NP: 7341","2",,"28E9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",672,"CG8486 CG8498" 105434,,"7346","NP: 7346","2",,"46E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",999,"CG1381 14-3-3zeta" 105435,,"7348","NP: 7348","2",,"44E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",958,"cmp44E BcDNA:GH05582" 105436,,"7361","NP: 7361","2",,"24A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",591,"CG10033 CG2808" 105437,,"7362","NP: 7362","2",,"47A9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1012,"CG11761 CPTI" 105438,,"7367","NP: 7367","2",,"57D11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1255,"CG10795 CG15671" 105439,,"7369","NP: 7369","2",,"22D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",568,"CG15383 aop" 105440,,"7370","NP: 7370","2",,"46F9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1006,"CG18409 CG3298 CG3451" 105441,,"7371","NP: 7371","2",,"58C7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1266,"CG3074 CG3292 CG3074 CG3292" 105442,,"7379","NP: 7379","2",,"37F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",811,"CG10337 CG10363" 105443,,"7380","NP: 7380","2",,"47D5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1022,"CG13230 shn" 105444,,"7381","NP: 7381","2",,"25C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",607,"CG4230 CG5828 CG8680 CG4230 CG5828 CG8680" 105445,,"7391","NP: 7391","2",,"59F5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",1286,"CG11299 l(2)not" 105446,,"7406","NP: 7406","2",,"34A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",742,"kek1 CG5983" 105447,,"7407","NP: 7407","2",,"28C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"CyUW14",656,"CG7052 CG7068" 105448,,"7418","NP: 7418","3",,"85F2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1755,"CG12802 CG12804" 105449,,"7419","NP: 7419","3",,"61A4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1322,"CG1201 Pk61C CG12483" 105450,,"7420","NP: 7420","3",,"64E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1382,"CG10583 CG17334" 105451,,"7422","NP: 7422","3",,"71B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1512,"CG6778 CG6854" 105452,,"7428","NP: 7428","3",,"97B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1977,"CG5462 CG6490" 105453,,"7429","NP: 7429","3",,"63B11","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1361,"CG12032 CG14962" 105454,,"7431","NP: 7431","3",,"99B9","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2006,"CG1911 Bub3 CG7582" 105455,,"7436","NP: 7436","3",,"83E7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1694,"CG1021 CG10272" 105456,,"7437","NP: 7437","3",,"82F6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1675,"CG10229 CG1115 CG12005" 105457,,"7438","NP: 7438","3",,"90F4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1860,"CG7150 14-3-3epsilon" 105458,,"7443","NP: 7443","3",,"62F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1357,"dos CG16984 RpL8" 105459,,"7445","NP: 7445","3",,"67C2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1446,"CG10809 Gap1" 105460,,"7447","NP: 7447","3",,"100F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2042,"CG2003 CG2290 CG2003 CG2290" 105461,,"7449","NP: 7449","3",,"68A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1456,"CG6279 JIL-1 CG7839" 105462,,"7450","NP: 7450","3",,"93D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1902,"SNF4A&ggr CG5862 CG7000" 105463,,"7452","NP: 7452","3",,"88A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1805,"CG12537 Cyp6d5" 105464,,"7453","NP: 7453","3",,"68F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1477,"CG17154 CG5661" 105465,,"7454","NP: 7454","3",,"68A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1455,"CG6279 JIL-1 CG7839" 105466,,"7455","NP: 7455","3",,"68F1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1475,"CG5684 CG6928" 105467,,"7456","NP: 7456","3",,"100B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2025,"Sap-r Cyp4c3 CG15547" 105468,,"7457","NP: 7457","3",,"63A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1358,"CG12093 CG1241" 105469,,"7458","NP: 7458","3",,"100E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2034,"CG1890 CG1896 awd" 105470,,"7459","NP: 7459","3",,"94A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1916,"how pit" 105471,,"7460","NP: 7460","3",,"66B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1418,"CG13680 CG7905" 105472,,"7462","NP: 7462","3",,"86B1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1765,"Cyp12e1 hth" 105473,,"7463","NP: 7463","3",,"86A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1763,"CG18545 Dom Rfx" 105474,,"7465","NP: 7465","3",,"79B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1626,"CG14562 CG7143" 105475,,"7466","NP: 7466","3",,"66C1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1423,"CG13673 CG7213 CG8023" 105476,,"7469","NP: 7469","3",,"70E3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1504,"CG4613 Mpcp" 105477,,"7470","NP: 7470","3",,"83D1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1691,"Rm62 CG10280 Os-E" 105478,,"7471","NP: 7471","3",,"85D15","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1748,"CG16755 Fps85D" 105479,,"7472","NP: 7472","3",,"90F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1861,"Dlc90F CG12364 CG7129" 105480,,"7474","NP: 7474","3",,"83A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1682,"CG10544 Itp-r83A" 105481,,"7476","NP: 7476","3",,"93C5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1901,"SNF4A&ggr CG5862 CG7000" 105482,,"7485","NP: 7485","3",,"87B12","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1789,"GstD1 CG4181" 105483,,"7486","NP: 7486","3",,"90E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1858,"CG14313 CG7187 BcDNA:GH04120" 105484,,"7489","NP: 7489","3",,"99E5","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2017,"hdc CG18404" 105485,,"7490","NP: 7490","3",,"66E1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1432,"CG13309 dally" 105486,,"7493","NP: 7493","3",,"65E6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1402,"CG8620 CG8621" 105487,,"7496","NP: 7496","3",,"70A7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1492,"CG10222 CG10714" 105488,,"7497","NP: 7497","3",,"98A3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1988,"BcDNA:LD34343 CG5692" 105489,,"7499","NP: 7499","3",,"98B2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1995,"CG4963 CG5514 CG5520" 105490,,"7500","NP: 7500","3",,"61F7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1343,"CG2199 CG2211 CG9165" 105491,,"7501","NP: 7501","3",,"86A1","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1760,"CG11870 CG4003" 105492,,"7505","NP: 7505","3",,"70C6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1496,"CG17366 Gl" 105493,,"7508","NP: 7508","3",,"77E2","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1605,"CG13251 kni" 105494,,"7516","NP: 7516","3",,"100F3","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",2041,"CG2003 CG2290" 105495,,"7517","NP: 7517","3",,"89A8","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1831,"CG18505 CG4699" 105496,,"7519","NP: 7519","3",,"67B7","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1443,"CG12525 CG14178" 105497,,"7521","NP: 7521","3",,"90C4","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1856,"CG14318 CG7713" 105498,,"7522","NP: 7522","3",,"97B6","NP lines. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.",,,,,,"TM6UW23-1",1978,"CG5462 CG5467 CG6490" 105666,"06 November 2002","1","Canton-S","wt",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"Steven Goodwin: no P elements by in situ and Southern, 6/92; also free of hobo, per FBrf0045767, K.M. 9/01",,, 105667,"06 November 2002","2","w[*]; betaTub60D[2] Kr[If-1]/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1993,"Beth Raff",,"strong hypomorph, E.R.",,, 105668,"06 November 2002","3","Hikone-A-S","wt",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105669,"06 November 2002","5","Oregon-R-C","wt",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"B. Savakis found this stock to carry Wolbachia dnaA sequences suggesting that the stock is infected (1/94). Adh slow homozygosity verified by Terry Schwaner, K.C. 12/98.",,, 105670,"06 November 2002","6","P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, w[1118]; Adv[1]/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"from Todd Laverty via Joe Heilig: Adv phenotype is a spur from L1 extending further than normal L1, additional vein-like bits are due to CyO, not Adv, K.M. 1/95; FLP",,, 105671,"06 November 2002","7","P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, y[1] w[1118]; Dr[Mio]/TM3, ry[*] Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1994,"Bloomington Stock Center","Gerry Rubin","FLP",,, 105672,"06 November 2002","10","amx[1] lz[g] v[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105673,"06 November 2002","11","Df(3L)HR218/In(3LR)T33[L]f19[R]","3",,"063A02-07;063B09-10, 062A;064C (Dp on In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1990,"Arthur Wohlwill",,"probably small inversion at proximal end of deficiency, deficiency is Minute, inversion chromosome carries a duplication for 62A-64C, is recessive lethal, A.W.",,, 105674,"06 November 2002","12","bi[1] ct[6] g[2]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105675,"06 November 2002","14","br[1] w[e] ec[1] rb[1] t[4]/FM1, lz[+]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no lz in FM1, L.C.",,, 105676,"06 November 2002","15","Bx[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105677,"06 November 2002","16","C(1)RM, y[1] P{w[+mC]=lacW}5-45fD w[*] P{lacW}4-5fP P{lacW}3-52d P{lacW}3-76a/0/C(1;Y)13, v[1] f[1]","1;Y",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mel Green",,"good ammunition chromosome, Mel Green's version, no free Y, so breakdown is not a problem, K.M.",,, 105678,"06 November 2002","17","Bx[3]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105679,"06 November 2002","18","mid[2] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Judy Lengyel","Katherine Anderson",,,, 105680,"06 November 2002","19","car[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105681,"06 November 2002","21","cm[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105682,"06 November 2002","22","cm[1] ct[6]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105683,"06 November 2002","24","ct[n] oc[1]/FM1","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no FM1 males seen, L.C.",,, 105684,"06 November 2002","25","Df(2L)cl-h1/CyO, Roi[1]","2",,"025D04;025F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Judy Lengyel","Janos Szidonya","balancer shown as InCyRoi, CyO is my guess, K.M. 2/2/96",,, 105685,"06 November 2002","26","dm[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105686,"06 November 2002","28","dor[8]/FM6","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105687,"06 November 2002","30","dy[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105688,"06 November 2002","31","w[118]; Df(2R)H3D3/CyO","1;2",,"044D01-04;044F04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Ken Howard",,"w[118] is not a typo, K.M. 2/2/96",,, 105689,"06 November 2002","32","ec[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"weak ec modifiers probably present, L.C.",,, 105690,"06 November 2002","33","ec[1] ct[6] s[1] car[1]/FM6","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no ec ct[6] s car males, L.C.; Troy Zars reports recovery of ec[1] ct[6] s[1] car[1] males on outcross to Canton-S, K.M. 2/15/98",,, 105691,"06 November 2002","34","ec[1] dx[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105692,"06 November 2002","35","dor[4]/C(1)RM, y[1] w[1] f[1] ! really C(1)DX?","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1989,"John Lucchesi",,"Mel Green says probably DX, not RM, K.M. 5/93",,, 105693,"06 November 2002","36","f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105695,"06 November 2002","42","f[1] fu[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105696,"06 November 2002","43","f[36a]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105697,"06 November 2002","45","N[fa-1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"weak phenotype, L.C.",,, 105698,"06 November 2002","49","Df(3L)HR218, Dp(3;3)pdp7, ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]","3",,"063A02-07;063B09-10, 063B08;065B;072","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1990,"Arthur Wohlwill",,"probably small In at proximal end of deficiency, deficiency is Minute, A.W.; eye color not wild-type, but don't know what it is, K.M.",,, 105699,"06 November 2002","53","gt[1] w[a]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105700,"06 November 2002","54","gt[13z]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1;Y;2",,"002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105701,"06 November 2002","55","Hk[2]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105702,"06 November 2002","57","Df(3L)R/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] Tb[1]","3",,"062B07;062B12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1987,"Jose Bonner",,,,, 105703,"06 November 2002","58","kz[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105704,"06 November 2002","59","mys[1]/FM4","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105705,"06 November 2002","60","mys[ts2] su(f)[8]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105706,"06 November 2002","61","intro[3]/FM6/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105708,"06 November 2002","63","lz[1]/FM3","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105709,"06 November 2002","64","lz[3]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105710,"06 November 2002","65","lz[34]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105711,"06 November 2002","67","bw[1]; st[1]/TM3, st[24] Sb[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1990,"Angela Pattatucci",,,,, 105712,"06 November 2002","68","w[118]; Df(2R)wun-GL/CyO","1;2",,"045C08;045D08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Ken Howard",,"isolated from In(2LR)GR15[L]L2[R], K.H. 1/13/95; w[118] is not a typo, K.M. 2/2/96",,, 105713,"06 November 2002","69","m[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105714,"06 November 2002","71","M(1)18C[1]/FM6","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","M(1)n",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105715,"06 November 2002","73","RpS5[2]/FM6","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","M(1)o[sp]",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105716,"06 November 2002","76","w[*]; Df(3R)107, e[*]/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,"082E01-03;082E01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/12/1996,"Luc Maroteaux",,"blue balancer, K.M. 3/12/96",,, 105717,"06 November 2002","77","Oce[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105718,"06 November 2002","78","os[o]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105719,"06 November 2002","79","os[s]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105721,"06 November 2002","82","C(1;Y)7, y[1] v[1] bb[-]: bb[-]/Dp(1;f)1185/C(1)DX, y[1] w[a]","1;Y",,"001B02;h26-h32;h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/1/1993,"Donald Komma",,"distal half of C(1)DX attached to the long arm of Ybb[-], has all Y fertility factors and all X viability factors except NO, neither sex is viable without the duplication, D.K.",,, 105722,"06 November 2002","83","r[9]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105723,"06 November 2002","85","ras[1] dy[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105724,"06 November 2002","86","ras[2]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105725,"06 November 2002","88","rb[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105726,"06 November 2002","89","y[1?]; Df(3L)lxd6/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","1;3",,"067E05-07;068C02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1993,"Allen Shearn",,,,, 105727,"06 November 2002","91","Df(1)rst2/FM1, lz[+]","1",,"003C03-04;003C6-7","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no lz[s] in FM1, L.C.",,, 105728,"06 November 2002","92","rux[1]/FM6","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105729,"06 November 2002","93","ru[1] h[1] st[1] ry[506] e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1989,"John Merriam",,"recombinant between #576 & #2558, this stock is th[+], J.M.",,, 105730,"06 November 2002","94","sbr[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105731,"06 November 2002","95","rux[2]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105732,"06 November 2002","98","sc[1] cv[1] v[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105733,"06 November 2002","100","y[1]; Df(2R)X58-8, pr[1] cn[1]/SM5","1;Y;2",,"058B03;059A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Terry Orr-Weaver",,"deficiency includes M(2)58F, SM5 carries a duplication for this region, adult viability is poor without the duplication, T. O.-W. 5/5/95",,, 105734,"06 November 2002","101","sc[1] z[1] ec[1] ct[6]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105735,"06 November 2002","102","sc[1] z[1] N[fa-g62]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105736,"06 November 2002","103","Dp(1;Y)y[+]/y[1]; Df(2R)X58-3, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, bw[1]","1;Y;2",,"058C03-07;058D06-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Terry Orr-Weaver",,,,, 105737,"06 November 2002","104","Df(1)ase-1, sc[ase-1] pn[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,"001B04;001B04 (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105738,"06 November 2002","106","sc[sisB-1] w[3-1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105739,"06 November 2002","109","Df(1)sc10-1, sc[10-1]/y[1] ac[Hw-1]","1",,"001B01;001B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105740,"06 November 2002","110","scp[1] t[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105741,"06 November 2002","111","Sh[5]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105742,"06 November 2002","113","sn[3]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105743,"06 November 2002","118","N[spl-1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105744,"06 November 2002","119","su(dx)[1] dx[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"wings slightly abnormal, L.C.",,, 105745,"06 November 2002","120","TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 105746,"06 November 2002","124","svr[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105747,"06 November 2002","126","svr[poi]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105748,"06 November 2002","127","svr[poi-dish] bb[G3] ! see comment","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"svr[poi-dish] not evident, but bb[G3] phenotype intact, K.M. 1/19/96",,, 105749,"06 November 2002","128","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC] Map2[UAS.cAa]=UAS-Map2c.A}48C","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Geza Adam",,"insertion has not been localized within 2, G.A. 1/17/96; UAS",,, 105750,"06 November 2002","130","t[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105751,"06 November 2002","132","t[3]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105752,"06 November 2002","133","t[5] v[1] r[12]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105753,"06 November 2002","134","tw[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105754,"06 November 2002","137","v[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105755,"06 November 2002","141","v[2] fw[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105756,"06 November 2002","144","vs[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105757,"06 November 2002","145","w[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"B. Savakis found this Wolbachia dnaA sequences in this stock suggesting it is infected (1/94)",,, 105758,"06 November 2002","147","w[1] sn[3] m[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105759,"06 November 2002","148","w[a]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105760,"06 November 2002","156","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/7/1996,"Mid-America Stock Center",,"weak stock - requires close attention, K.M.",,, 105761,"06 November 2002","157","w[bf] f[5]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105762,"06 November 2002","159","w[e]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105763,"06 November 2002","163","w[i] f[3] bb[N]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105764,"06 November 2002","166","w[t] fw[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105765,"06 November 2002","168","wy[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105766,"06 November 2002","169","y[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105767,"06 November 2002","170","Df(1)y-ac, v[1]","1",,"001B01;001B01 (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"y[1] ac[1] = Df(1)y-ac according to Jim Mason, 4/28/95",,, 105768,"06 November 2002","171","y[1] ct[K]; bw[1]","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105769,"06 November 2002","172","dor[16]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)1E","1;Y",,"001E;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1989,"John Lucchesi",,,,, 105770,"06 November 2002","173","Df(2R)min, Pu[1]/T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]","2",,"056F08-17;056F08-17","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/1/1993,"Donald Komma","Debra Katz","unpublished, deletes 5s RNA genes, made by Debra Katz, irradiated Dp(2;2)M56F[+]2, looked for loss of M suppression, strong bb over min allele, D.K.; squash made 10/93, cytology shown is my best guess, not visible in most nuclei, K.M.",,, 105771,"06 November 2002","174","y[1] pn[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105773,"06 November 2002","180","y[1] v[1] f[1] mal[F1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105774,"06 November 2002","181","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC] htau[UAS.cAa]=UAS-htau.A}59A","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Geza Adam",,"insertion has not been localized within 2, G.A. 1/17/96; UAS",,, 105777,"06 November 2002","185","y[2] cho[2]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105778,"06 November 2002","186","y[2] cho[2] flw[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"flw poor, score by vacuoles in thorax, L.C.",,, 105779,"06 November 2002","187","y[2] cv[1] v[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105780,"06 November 2002","189","y[2] w[a]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105781,"06 November 2002","194","y[2S] fw[34e]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"fw[34e] eye phenotype not expressed, but bristle phenotype is clear, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105782,"06 November 2002","197","Df(3L)st-b11, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"072D10-11;073D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/1/1990,"Jim Kennison",,,,, 105783,"06 November 2002","199","E(spl)[R1]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/11/1999,"Marc Muskavitch",,,,, 105784,"06 November 2002","200","z[1] w[11E4]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105785,"06 November 2002","203","ab[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105786,"06 November 2002","205","ab[2] ix[2] bw[1] sp[2]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] dp[lv1] Bl[1] L[4] sp[2]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105787,"06 November 2002","206","abr[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] hk[2]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105788,"06 November 2002","207","Su(Tpl)[10] kni[ri-1] Ki[1] p[p]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Alan Christensen",,"TM3 has lost y[+], A.C. 3/14/96",,, 105789,"06 November 2002","209","w[*]; Df(3L)66C-I65/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"066C07-10;066C07-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/8/1992,"Jeanette Natzle",,"mobilization of P at 66C (#P881), complements #1420, J.N.",,, 105790,"06 November 2002","210","al[1] b[1] c[1] sp[2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105791,"06 November 2002","212","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] ap[blt2] bw[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105792,"06 November 2002","213","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105793,"06 November 2002","214","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105795,"06 November 2002","218","ecd[1] st[1] ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 105796,"06 November 2002","222","ast[4] dp[ov1] cl[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105797,"06 November 2002","223","ap[4]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"ap[4] homozygotes survive, L.C.",,, 105798,"06 November 2002","224","Df(2R)cn87e/In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] b[1] bw[V1]","2",,"042B04-C01;043F-44A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"I. Alexandrov",,,,, 105799,"06 November 2002","225","ry[506]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,"Canton-S background",,, 105800,"06 November 2002","227","b[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105801,"06 November 2002","229","b[1] CadN[M12] pr[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105802,"06 November 2002","230","b[1] Go[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]","2",,"027D;051E + 022D03-E01;034A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105803,"06 November 2002","231","b[1] pr[1] (tk[1])/Tp(2;Y)G","2;Y",,"036B05-C1;040F;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"assumes T(Y;2)G = Tp(2;Y)G, K.M. 5/10/95; dying, outcrossed to #1577, b[1] pr[1], both b[1] pr[1] and b[1] pr[1] tk[1] present initially, K.M. 9/11/95",,, 105804,"06 November 2002","233","b[1] Tft[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS100[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105805,"06 November 2002","234","b[1] Tft[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"Danny Segal reports ap allele on DTS-513 chromosome",,, 105806,"06 November 2002","235","y[1] fs(1)N[12] cho[1] f[1]/FM3","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1992,"Adelheid Degelmann",,,,, 105807,"06 November 2002","238","Bl[1] L[2]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105808,"06 November 2002","239","w[1118]; Bl[1] stw[3] ap[blt] ptc[tuf-1] sp[1]/SM6a","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"stw[48] = stw[3], L.C.",,, 105809,"06 November 2002","240","nw[B]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"Bla = nw[B], L.C.",,, 105810,"06 November 2002","241","blo[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105811,"06 November 2002","244","bur[1] fs(2)E1[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105812,"06 November 2002","245","bw[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105813,"06 November 2002","246","bw[1] bs[ba]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105814,"06 November 2002","250","c[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105815,"06 November 2002","251","c[1] wt[1] px[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105816,"06 November 2002","253","cg[1] c[1]/In(2LR)U, U[1]","2",,"040;053A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"U phenotype in females only, cg c homozygotes highly variable - a few with good cg pheno, some with weak c pheno, most look +, all classes have a Ubx-like haltere phenotype, duplicate copy has strong trident pattern, main does not, K.M. 8/94",,, 105817,"06 November 2002","258","Df(2R)Np3, bw[1]/CyO","2",,"044D02-E01;045B08-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Umea Stock Center",,,,, 105818,"06 November 2002","261","cl[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105820,"06 November 2002","263","cn[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105821,"06 November 2002","264","cn[1] bw[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105822,"06 November 2002","265","cn[1] en[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"throws rare homozygotes, L.C.",,, 105823,"06 November 2002","266","cn[1] crc[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105824,"06 November 2002","267","cn[3]/Tp(2;Y)C","2;Y",,"041A;043;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"cn[3] = RK1 cn, see DIS 55, L.C.",,, 105825,"06 November 2002","273","da[1] pr[1] cn[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"throws homozygotes, L.C.",,, 105826,"06 November 2002","276","dp[ov1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105827,"06 November 2002","277","dp[ov1] cn[1] bw[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105828,"06 November 2002","278","dp[lv1] b[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105829,"06 November 2002","279","w[1118]; MKRS, P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}86E/TM6B, Tb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1993,"Bloomington Stock Center",,"FLP",,, 105830,"06 November 2002","280","dp[olvR]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105831,"06 November 2002","283","Dp(1;Y)y[+]/y[1]; Df(2R)X58-7, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, bw[1]","1;Y;2",,"058B01-02;058E01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Terry Orr-Weaver",,,,, 105832,"06 November 2002","284","vas[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 105833,"06 November 2002","285","ds[1] ft[1] dp[v2] l(2)M[1] b[1] pr[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/6/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 105834,"06 November 2002","286","ds[1] S[1] ft[G] b[1] pr[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] lt[3] L[4] sp[2]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105835,"06 November 2002","287","ds[W]/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R], Su(S)[-] b[1] pr[1]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01[L]022D03-E01;034A08-09[R]","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105836,"06 November 2002","288","ds[38k]/In(2L)Cy, Cy[1] dp[lv2] b[1] pr[1]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105837,"06 November 2002","289","b[1] elA[1] rd[s] pr[1] cn[1] or[49h]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 105838,"06 November 2002","292","dw-24E[1] l(2)cg[1] cg[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105839,"06 November 2002","293","ed[1] Su(dx)[2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105840,"06 November 2002","294","Dp(3;3)M86D[+]2, p[p] by[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"085D01-04;087A05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Ken Kemphues",,,, 105841,"06 November 2002","295","ex[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105842,"06 November 2002","296","ex[1] ds[1] S[X] ast[X]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105843,"06 November 2002","297","fj[1] l(2)Su(H)[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105844,"06 November 2002","298","fj[1] wt[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105845,"06 November 2002","299","b[1] pr[1] eve[3]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/6/2000,"C. Nusslein-Volhard",,,,, 105846,"06 November 2002","304","ft[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"ok; body color light, L.C.",,, 105847,"06 November 2002","305","Ubx[bx-3] Abd-B[Uab-1]/T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 105850,"06 November 2002","311","hy[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105851,"06 November 2002","312","hy[1] a[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105852,"06 November 2002","315","J[34e]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105853,"06 November 2002","316","kn[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105854,"06 November 2002","318","L[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105855,"06 November 2002","331","her[mat-1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105856,"06 November 2002","338","ltd[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105857,"06 November 2002","339","w[1118]; Df(3R)6-7/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"082D03-08;082F03-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/12/1996,"Steven Wasserman",,,,, 105858,"06 November 2002","340","Df(2R)173/SM5","2",,"056F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"deficiency is Minute, K.M.",,, 105859,"06 November 2002","341","M(2)31A[3]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, In(2R)bw[V34k], Cy[1] bw[V34k]","2",,"030A, 022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01, 041;059E + 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105860,"06 November 2002","342","M(2)58F[1]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105861,"06 November 2002","343","Df(2L)M36F-S6/SM5","2",,"036E06-F01;036F07-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105862,"06 November 2002","344","M(2)41A[1]/SM2","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105863,"06 November 2002","346","M(2)53[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105864,"06 November 2002","347","M(2)24F[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105865,"06 November 2002","351","mr[1] bs[2]/In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1]","2",,"021C08-D01;060D01-02 + 040F;059D04-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105866,"06 November 2002","352","T(2;3)CyO-TM6, CyO: TM6/Adh[UF] pr[1] cn[1]; mwh[1] ry[506] e[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1988,"John Merriam",,,,, 105867,"06 November 2002","353","msf[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105868,"06 November 2002","354","net[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105869,"06 November 2002","355","net[1] al[1] ex[1] ds[1] S[1] ast[1] dpp[s1] dpp[d-ho] rub[1]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105870,"06 November 2002","356","net[1] ed[1] Su(dx)[2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105871,"06 November 2002","357","nub[1] b[1] pr[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105872,"06 November 2002","358","nub[2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105873,"06 November 2002","360","Dp(1;2;1)AT/+; hk[1] Ddc[7]","1;2",,"036D01-02;037D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 105874,"06 November 2002","361","pd[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105875,"06 November 2002","367","pk[1] cn[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105876,"06 November 2002","368","w[*]; Df(2L)N22-3/CyO","1;2",,"030A01-02;030D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Trudi Schupbach",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 3/14/96",,, 105877,"06 November 2002","370","pr[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105878,"06 November 2002","371","pr[1] cn[1]/Tp(2;Y)C","2;Y",,"041A;043;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105879,"06 November 2002","377","px[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105880,"06 November 2002","378","px[1] bs[3]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"old Goldschmidt stock = bs[3], L.C.",,, 105881,"06 November 2002","382","ade2[10]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105882,"06 November 2002","384","w[*]; Df(2L)N22-5/CyO","1;2",,"029D01-02;030C04-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Trudi Schupbach",,,,, 105883,"06 November 2002","386","rl[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105885,"06 November 2002","390","S[2]/In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1]","2",,"021C08-D01;060D01-02 + 040F;059D04-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","S[R]",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105886,"06 November 2002","391","sca[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105887,"06 November 2002","393","In(2R)SD5, In(2R)NS, Sd[5]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105888,"06 November 2002","394","In(2LR)SD72, In(2R)NS, Sd[72]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105889,"06 November 2002","396","shr[1] bw[2b] abb[1] sp[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105890,"06 November 2002","397","dpp[s1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105891,"06 November 2002","399","w[1118]; P{w[+mC] pnt[P2.UAS]=UAS-pnt.P2}2/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/25/1995,"Christian Klambt",,"UAS",,, 105892,"06 November 2002","401","so[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105894,"06 November 2002","403","sp[2] bs[2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105895,"06 November 2002","405","wg[Sp-1]/SM5","2",,,"Selected for good expressivity of dominant markers. June 2004 DGRC
Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105896,"06 November 2002","406","Dr[1]/TMS, P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B","3",,"071B02-C;092E, 087A-B;097F-098A, 087E-F;093C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/1/1991,"Jim Kennison","Dan Lindsley","TMS = MKRS + In(3R)87A-B;97F-98A",,, 105897,"06 November 2002","408","wg[Sp-1] J[1] L[2] Pin[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105898,"06 November 2002","412","stw[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105899,"06 November 2002","416","w[1118]; Df(3L)GN19/TM3, ry[*] su(Hw)[2] Sb[1]","1;3",,"063F04-07;064B09-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1991,"Steven Wasserman",,"gamma-induced, zapped from YO392, S.W.",,, 105900,"06 November 2002","417","Su(H)[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] pr[1]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105901,"06 November 2002","418","Su(H)[1] whd[1] l(2)Su(H)[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105902,"06 November 2002","421","noc[Sco] Bl[1] or[49h]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 105903,"06 November 2002","422","pk[sple-1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105904,"06 November 2002","424","Tft[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105905,"06 November 2002","425","tk[60k] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/In(2L)Cy, Cy[1] tk[60k] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"may not be In(2L)Cy, L.C.",,, 105906,"06 November 2002","427","tkv[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105907,"06 November 2002","428","tri[1] vg[No2]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105908,"06 November 2002","429","ptc[tuf-1] ltd[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105909,"06 November 2002","431","kis[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/SM6a","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1993,"Jim Kennison",,,,, 105910,"06 November 2002","432","vg[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105911,"06 November 2002","434","Df(2R)vg-D, Psc[vgD] Su(z)2[vgD]/SM5 ! see comment","2",,"049C01-02;049E02-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"from Caltech as vg[D], doesn't seem to have the expected phenotype of Df(2R)vg-D, need to do a squash to confirm, K.M. 11/15/95",,, 105912,"06 November 2002","437","vg[nw] Hia[1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105913,"06 November 2002","438","RpS5[2]/FM6; noc[Sco] l(2)37Ca[4] pr[1]/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 105914,"06 November 2002","446","abd[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"little or no expression of abd in stock, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105915,"06 November 2002","450","hh[bar3]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105916,"06 November 2002","451","Ser[Bd-3]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] l(3)a[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105917,"06 November 2002","453","bul[1] (st[1])","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105918,"06 November 2002","454","bul[bp]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105919,"06 November 2002","455","bv[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105920,"06 November 2002","457","Ubx[bx-34e]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105921,"06 November 2002","458","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}elav[C155]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/26/1996,"Corey Goodman",,"GAL4 expressed in all tissues of the embryonic nervous system beginning at stage 12",,, 105922,"06 November 2002","459","ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105923,"06 November 2002","461","ca[1] awd[K]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105924,"06 November 2002","462","w[1118]; h[1] kni[ri-1] e[s]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/1/1994,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 105925,"06 November 2002","464","w[1118]; In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]/Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD]: ey[D]","1;4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/1/1994,"Dan Lindsley",,"outcrossed and re-established stock, now has good ci[D] and ey[D] expression, K.M. 12/29/00",,, 105926,"06 November 2002","466","cp[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"overlaps + due to modifiers, L.C.; outcrossed 1/91, helped some, K.M.",,, 105927,"06 November 2002","467","cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"cp overlaps +, L.C.",,, 105928,"06 November 2002","468","cu[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105929,"06 November 2002","472","cv-c[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105930,"06 November 2002","474","cv-d[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105931,"06 November 2002","475","e[4] wo[1] ro[1] rsd[1] ca[1] ld[1] bv[1]/In(3R)C, Sb[1] sprd[1] e[1] l(3)e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105932,"06 November 2002","477","det[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105933,"06 November 2002","479","mwh[1] rho[ve-1] h[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 105934,"06 November 2002","480","Df(3R)ry27, Dfd[1] cu[1] kar[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"087D01-02;087F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105935,"06 November 2002","483","Dl[3]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no e homozygotes, L.C.",,, 105936,"06 November 2002","485","Dl[7]/TM2","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105937,"06 November 2002","488","Dl[12]/In(3R)P, Dfd[1] ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"weak Dl, L.C.",,, 105938,"06 November 2002","494","l(3)DTS2[1] Sb[1]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105939,"06 November 2002","497","e[11]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105940,"06 November 2002","498","e[s]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105941,"06 November 2002","500","eg[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105942,"06 November 2002","501","eg[2]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105943,"06 November 2002","503","eyg[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105944,"06 November 2002","504","amd[21] Bl[1]/CyO; Gl[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 105945,"06 November 2002","505","fz[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"homozygotes rare, L.C.",,, 105946,"06 November 2002","506","gl[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105947,"06 November 2002","507","gl[2] e[4]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105948,"06 November 2002","508","gl[3]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105949,"06 November 2002","509","gl[60j]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105950,"06 November 2002","510","Gl[1] Sb[1]/LVM","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105951,"06 November 2002","511","gro[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"overlaps, L.C.",,, 105952,"06 November 2002","512","Df(3R)cu, Sb[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"rebalanced #771, keep as backup",,, 105953,"06 November 2002","513","h[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105955,"06 November 2002","515","H[1]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] e[1]","3",,"089C-D;096A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105956,"06 November 2002","516","H[1] Pr[1]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"e homozygotes thrown, L.C.",,, 105957,"06 November 2002","517","H[2]/T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105958,"06 November 2002","518","H[3]/In(3R)C, Sb[1] sprd[1] e[1] l(3)e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105959,"06 November 2002","519","Hn[r3] sr[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"stock has unmapped temperature-sensitive bristle mutant, L.C.",,, 105960,"06 November 2002","520","Df(2R)E3363/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1","2",,"047A;047F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 105961,"06 November 2002","522","jv[1] Hn[r] h[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"h[1] lost or suppressed, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105962,"06 November 2002","523","jvl[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105963,"06 November 2002","524","kar[2]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105964,"06 November 2002","525","Ki[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105965,"06 November 2002","530","ld[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105966,"06 November 2002","531","Ly[1]/In(3L)D[3], mirr[SaiD3] D[3rv]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"spontaneous revertant of D[3], L.C.",,, 105967,"06 November 2002","532","Ly[1] Sb[1]/LVM","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105968,"06 November 2002","534","M(3)96C[2]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] l(3)a[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105969,"06 November 2002","535","M(3)65F[1]/In(3L)P, Me[1]","3",,"065F, 063B08-11;072E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105970,"06 November 2002","536","M(3)69E[5]/In(3L)P, Me[1]","3",,"069E, 063B08-11;072E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105971,"06 November 2002","538","M(3)76A[1]/T(2;3)Me[2], Me[2]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105972,"06 November 2002","541","elav[4] w[*]/FM6, w[*] ct[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]sc","1",,"001E03-04;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1992,"Mel Green",,,,, 105973,"06 November 2002","546","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] st[1] polo[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;Y;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Claudio Sunkel",,"B[S] has reverted, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105974,"06 November 2002","549","mwh[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105975,"06 November 2002","550","Df(3R)ama, kni[ri-1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,"084B01-02 (not visible)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Mark Seeger","zen[-] bcd[-] ama[-], K.M.",,, 105976,"06 November 2002","552","p[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105977,"06 November 2002","553","p[p]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"3rd chromosome isogenized in 1982",,, 105978,"06 November 2002","554","p[p] Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] e[s]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105979,"06 November 2002","556","w[*]; Df(2L)s1402, P{w[+mC]=lacW}s1402/CyO","1;2",,"030C01-02;030F, 030B09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Gerry Rubin",,"30C1-2, rather than 30C, based on location of hoip and Pka-C1, K.M. 4/25/97; P{} at 30B9-10 may or may not cause lethality, per T. Laverty, K.C. 7/29/98",,, 105980,"06 November 2002","560","Pr[1] Dr[1]/TM3","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"this is a Sb[+] Ser[+] TM3, have not tested for y[+], K.M. 4/01",,, 105981,"06 November 2002","562","pyd[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105982,"06 November 2002","563","R[1] Ly[1]/In(3L)P, gm[1]","3",,"063B08-11;072E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105983,"06 November 2002","567","Df(2L)pr-A16, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,"037B02-12;038D02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 105984,"06 November 2002","569","ro[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105985,"06 November 2002","570","ro[1] Ser[Bd-1] ca[1]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] l(3)a[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105986,"06 November 2002","572","rn[roe-1] p[p]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105987,"06 November 2002","573","rs[2]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105988,"06 November 2002","576","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","rucuca",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105989,"06 November 2002","578","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] p[p] H[1] e[s] ro[1]/M(3)x[1] e[x]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105990,"06 November 2002","579","Df(1)JF5, f[1] car[1]/FM7a","1",,"005E03-05;005E08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/1/1988,"Ed Stephenson",,"DEB-induced, sww[-], M[+], shf[+], rux[+], dx[+], vs[+]",,, 105991,"06 November 2002","580","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] p[p] cu[1] sr[1] e[s]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"TM3 floating, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 105992,"06 November 2002","583","cact[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 105993,"06 November 2002","584","ry[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105994,"06 November 2002","585","Sb[1]/In(3LR)Ubx[101], Ubx[101]","3",,"080;089D09-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105995,"06 November 2002","586","Sb[1] H[1]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] cd[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"throws rare cd homozygotes which are sterile, L.C.",,, 105996,"06 November 2002","590","w[*]; Df(2R)59AB/SM1","1;2",,"059A01-03;059B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Christian Lehner",,"w[*]'s originally a mix of w[1] and w[67], C.L. 3/14/96",,, 105997,"06 November 2002","594","se[1] rt[2] th[1]/In(3L)P, Me[1]","3",,"063B08-11;072E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105998,"06 November 2002","595","se[1] ss[1] k[1] e[s] ro[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 105999,"06 November 2002","596","Df(2R)stan2, b[1] pr[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D/CyO","2",,"046F01-02;047D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/26/1996,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 106000,"06 November 2002","598","sr[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"eye color floating, many flies have duplication of anterior scutellar bristles, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 106001,"06 November 2002","601","ss[1] Ubx[bx-1] Su(ss)[2]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106002,"06 November 2002","604","Dp(3;3)bxd[110], se[1] ss[1] Ubx[bx-1] tx[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"091D2;092A02;089E02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106003,"06 November 2002","605","st[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106004,"06 November 2002","606","sp[2]; st[1] c(3)G[1] ca[1]/TM1","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106005,"06 November 2002","607","st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106006,"06 November 2002","608","st[1] Ki[1] p[p]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106007,"06 November 2002","609","st[1] Sb[sbd-1] e[s] ro[1] ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106008,"06 November 2002","611","st[1] sr[1] H[2] ca[1]/In(3R)P, st[1] l(3)W[1] ca[1]","3",,"089C-D;096A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106009,"06 November 2002","615","Df(2L)sc19-1/SM6b; Dp(2;1)B19, Df(1)y-ac, sc[1] pn[1]: ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]","2",,"024D04-05;025C08-09, 024D04;025F02;009B-C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 106010,"06 November 2002","616","y[1] arm[4] w[*]/FM7c, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}YH1","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1992,"Scott Panzer",,"beta-gal from blastoderm on, S.P.; blue balancer, construct identity is a best guess, K.M. 8/25/98",,, 106011,"06 November 2002","618","th[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106012,"06 November 2002","620","th[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106013,"06 November 2002","622","th[1] st[1] pb[1] p[p] cu[1] kar[1] su(Hw)[2] jvl[1] ss[1] Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] gl[1]/TM6","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106014,"06 November 2002","623","tt[1] wo[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106015,"06 November 2002","624","Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106016,"06 November 2002","625","tx[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106017,"06 November 2002","628","rho[ve-1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106018,"06 November 2002","631","W[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106019,"06 November 2002","633","W[1] Sb[1]/In(3LR)Cx","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106020,"06 November 2002","636","bt[1]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"overlaps wild-type at 18C, L.C.",,, 106021,"06 November 2002","638","bt[D]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106022,"06 November 2002","641","ci[1] gvl[1] ey[R] sv[n]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"triplo-IV, L.C.",,, 106023,"06 November 2002","644","ci[57]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106024,"06 November 2002","646","ci[W]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106025,"06 November 2002","647","ey[1]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106026,"06 November 2002","648","ey[2]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106027,"06 November 2002","649","ey[4]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106028,"06 November 2002","652","Df(2L)sc19-6/SM6b; Dp(2;1)B19, Df(1)y-ac, sc[1] pn[1]: ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]","2",,"024F01-02;025C03-05, 024D04;025F02;009B-C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 106029,"06 November 2002","659","w[1118]; sv[spa-Cat]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"spa[Cat] suppressed, should reappear on outcross, L.C.; dying, outcrossed to rescue, lethal present, but I saw no clear spa[Cat] phenotype, K.M. 12/13/00",,, 106030,"06 November 2002","663","sv[n]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"possibly triplo-IV, L.C.",,, 106031,"06 November 2002","664","br[3] dx[st]; ed[1] Su(dx)[2] ! see comment","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"br[3] apparently suppressed, good ed phenotype, K.M.",,, 106032,"06 November 2002","671","y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; cn[1] mei-S332[1]/SM1","Y;1;2",,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106034,"06 November 2002","675","w[a]; tra[1]/TM2","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"throws tra homozygotes, L.C.",,, 106035,"06 November 2002","676","w[e]; Dp(2;3)P, P[1], Gd[1]/TM6","1;2;3",,"058E03-F02;060D14-E02;096B05-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106036,"06 November 2002","686","bw[1]; st[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106037,"06 November 2002","689","In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] sp[2]/In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] dp[ov1] b[1] bw[V1]; DcxF/In(3R)Mo, Sb[1] sr[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","Cy/Pm; D/Sb",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106038,"06 November 2002","698","In(1)dl-49, tyl[1] bb[l]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1]","1",,"004D07-E01;011F02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"J. Tomkiel reports bb[l] intact, K.C. 3/4/99",,, 106039,"06 November 2002","699","Df(3R)ry81/MKRS","3",,"087C01-03;087D14-E02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1992,"Umea Stock Center",,,,, 106040,"06 November 2002","702","Df(2L)ed-dp/SM1","2",,"024C03-05;025A02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 106041,"06 November 2002","704","Df(3R)M35, kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"098D03-07;098D03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Cynthia Cass","deletes l(3)98Dh, l(3)98Di, and l(3)98Dj, K.M. 12/5/97",,, 106042,"06 November 2002","709","Df(1)mal6, In(1)dl-49, In(1)B[M1], y[1] v[1] sn[X2] B[M1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106], mal[106]/Df(1)mal3, y[2] ct[6] f[1], y[+]","1",,"019C03;020A02-03, 004D07-E01;011F02-04, 016A02-05;020D-F, 019A01-02;020E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106043,"06 November 2002","721","Df(1)65j26, y[1]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1;Y;2",,"003A03;003A04-06, 002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106044,"06 November 2002","722","Df(1)260-1, y[1]/FM4","1",,"001A01;001B04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106045,"06 November 2002","723","Df(1)B/In(1)sc[7], In(1)AM, sc[7] ptg[4]","1",,"015F01-03;016A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"ri/+, L.C.",,, 106046,"06 November 2002","724","In(1)bb[Df], y[1] sl[2]/FM4","1",,"004D02-03;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106047,"06 November 2002","726","Df(1)ct268-42, y[1] ct[268-42]/FM4, B[+]","1",,"007A05-06;007B08-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"B reverted, L.C.",,, 106048,"06 November 2002","728","Df(1)m259-4, m[259-4]/FM4","1",,"010C02-03;010E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"deficiency chromosome also also appears to be w[-], per J. Bowman, K.M. 3/17/99",,, 106049,"06 November 2002","730","w[ch2] N[264-39]/FM4, B[+]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"B being lost, L.C.; N null, K.M.",,, 106050,"06 November 2002","731","Df(1)N-264-105/FM1, lz[+]","1",,"003C06-7;003D02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106051,"06 November 2002","733","Df(1)w258-42, y[1]/FM1, lz[+]","1",,"003A04-06;003C05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106052,"06 November 2002","734","Df(1)w258-45, y[1]/FM4","1",,"003B02-03;003C02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106053,"06 November 2002","735","Df(1)w258-48, y[1] sc[5] N[spl-1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;3)w[vco]/+ ! see comment","1",,"003A09-B01;003C02-03, 002B17-C01;003C05-06;077D03-05;081","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"U. Schaefer says Df must be larger, fails #721, l(1)3Ae, and l(1)3Af, 3/94",,, 106054,"06 November 2002","736","Df(YS)bb[-]/y[2] eq[1]","Y;1",,"Yh18-h25;Yh18-h25 (~2/3 of YS)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106055,"06 November 2002","737","w[e] bb[l]/Y; l(2)mr[1]/In(2L)NS, In(2R)NS, l(2)35De[1] px[1] l(2)NS[1] sp[1]","1;2",,"023E02-03;035F01-02, 052A02-0B01;056F09-13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"XXY, L.C.; i.e., females carry a free Y, providing bb[+] function, K.M.; J. Tomkiel reports bb[l] intact, but viability over bb[1] poor relative to that of bb[l]'s in stock #686 & #3753, K.C. 3/9/99",,, 106056,"06 November 2002","740","Df(2R)M41A8/SM1","2",,"041A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 106057,"06 November 2002","741","Df(2R)M41A10/SM1","2",,"041A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 106058,"06 November 2002","742","Df(2R)rl10a, lt[1] rl[10a] cn[1]/In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1]","2",,"041A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106059,"06 November 2002","744","Df(2L)M24F-B/SM1","2",,"024E01-02;024F06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no Cy expression, K.M.",,, 106060,"06 November 2002","746","Df(2L)S3/SM1","2",,"021D02-03;021F02-022A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no Cy expression, K.M.",,, 106061,"06 November 2002","748","Df(2R)bw5, bw[5] sp[2]/T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]","2",,"059D10-E01;059E04-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106062,"06 November 2002","751","dor[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106063,"06 November 2002","752","Df(2R)vg-B/SM5","2",,"049D03-04;049F15-50A03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106064,"06 November 2002","753","Df(2R)vg-C/In(2LR)Rev[B]","2",,"049A04-13;049E07-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"proximal breakpoint information from P. Adler, cited as personnal communication in DIS 71:154, K.M. 8/29/95",,, 106065,"06 November 2002","755","T(2;3)CyO-TM6, CyO: TM6/ry[506] Sb[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1992,"Mel Green",,"Df(1)y-ac, z[1] w[P5] ec[1] floating, 4/28/95",,, 106066,"06 November 2002","756","Df(3R)sbd105, p[p] Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] e[s]/LVM","3",,"088F09-89A01;089B09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106067,"06 November 2002","760","Dp(1;f)101/In(1)sc[8], Df(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[a]","1",,"002A02;020E-F or 002B01-02;019F05-020A, 001B02-03;020F, 001A01;001B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106068,"06 November 2002","761","Dp(1;f)R, y[+]/y[1] dor[8]","1",,"001A03-04;003A01-02 + 020A01;020Fh","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DpKit1",,, 106069,"06 November 2002","762","Dp(1;f)118/In(1)sc[8], Df(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[a]","1",,"001B11-13;020F (min) 002E02;? (max), 002A02;020E-F or 002B01-02;019F05-020A, 001B02-03;020F, 001A01;001B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106070,"06 November 2002","763","Dp(1;f)107/In(1)sc[8], Df(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[a]","1",,"001B11-13;020F (min), 002A02;020E-F or 002B01-02;019F05-020A, 001B02-03;020F, 001A01;001B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106071,"06 November 2002","764","Dp(1;f)135, y[2]/In(1)sc[8], Df(1)sc[8], sc[8] w[a]","1",,"001B11-13;020F (min), 002A02;020E-F or 002B01-02;019F05-020A, 001B02-03;020F, 001A01;001B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106072,"06 November 2002","765","Dp(1;1)sc[V1], y[1] ac[Hw-1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,"001A01;001A08-C03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106073,"06 November 2002","766","y[1] w[67c23] P{y[+mDint2]=Crey}1b; noc[Sco]/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/31/1999,"Dan Hartl",,"Cre",,, 106075,"06 November 2002","771","Df(3R)cu, Sb[1] e[*]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"086C01-02;086D08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1990,"Marc Muskavitch",,,,, 106076,"06 November 2002","772","Dp(2;2;2;2;2)S, al[1] ast[1] dpp[d-ho]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] E(S)[1] S[2]","2",,"021D02-03;021E02-03 x 5","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"no Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 106077,"06 November 2002","784","FM6/C(1)DX, y[*] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"bristles are black, so y allele is not y[1], K.M. 8/7/98",,, 106078,"06 November 2002","785","FM7a","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106079,"06 November 2002","794","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] Abd-B[M2] e[11] ro[1] ca[1]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1988,"Rob Denell",,,,, 106080,"06 November 2002","804","In(1)sc[J1], l(1)1Ac[1] sc[J1]/Dp(1;f)24","1",,"001A04-05;001B04-05, 001B05;019-020","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106081,"06 November 2002","805","In(1)sc[J1], l(1)1Ac[1] sc[J1]/Dp(1;f)sc[7.2]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,"001A04-05;001B04-05, 001A01;?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Antonio Garcia-Bellido","Dp from Garcia-Bellido, L.C.",,, 106082,"06 November 2002","806","Basc","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","Muller-5",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106083,"06 November 2002","807","In(1)w[m4]","1",,"003C01-02;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106084,"06 November 2002","810","In(1)y[3PL]sc[S1R], In(1)S/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)sc[19]","1;2",,"001A;020[L]001B03-04;020F[R], 001A08;001B04;025A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106085,"06 November 2002","813","In(2L)t, esc[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5","2",,"022D03-E01;034A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106086,"06 November 2002","815","In(2L)Tg, ush[Tg] dpp[Tg]/SM5","2",,"021C;022E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106087,"06 November 2002","822","In(3LR)sep, vvl[sep] kni[ri-1] p[p], sep[1]","3",,"065D02-03;085F02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106088,"06 November 2002","828","Dp(1;Y)1E, y[1]/y[1] sc[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; cn[1] bw[1]","Y;1;2",,"001A;001E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106090,"06 November 2002","830","T(1;2)Bld, In(2R)Cy, Bld[1]/ClB","1;2",,"001C03-04;060B12-13, 042A02-03;058A04-B01 (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106091,"06 November 2002","835","Df(1)sc19/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)sc[19], fs(2)B[1] b[1] pr[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1]","1",,"001A08;001B04-05, 001B01-02;001B04-05;025A03-07, 022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106092,"06 November 2002","840","T(1;3)OR60/TM2/In(3R)C, dsx[D] Sb[1] sprd[1] e[1] l(3)e[1]","1;3",,"004B;088A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106093,"06 November 2002","841","Tp(1;3)ras[v]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1;3",,"009E;013C;081F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106094,"06 November 2002","844","Tp(1;3)sta, sta[1]: ss[sta]/FM3","1;3",,"001D03-E01;002A;089B21-C4","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106095,"06 November 2002","847","Tp(1;3)w[vco], v[1] f[1]: in[wvco]/ClB, B[36d]","1;3",,"002B17-C01;003C05-06;077D03-05;081","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106096,"06 November 2002","848","Df(2L)tkv2, al[1] b[1]/SM5 ! see Comment","2",,"025D02-04;025D06-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,"al b homozygotes present in both copies, have been for years, duplication probably present in stock, K.M. 10/14/00",,, 106097,"06 November 2002","851","y[1] w[67c23] P{y[+mDint2]=Crey}1b; D[*]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/31/1999,"Dan Hartl",,"Cre",,, 106098,"06 November 2002","854","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}OK107","1;4",4,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/25/2000,"Lucy Cherbas","Liqun Luo","GAL4 expressed in mushroom bodies.",,, 106099,"06 November 2002","860","In(2L)tkv[Sz-1], al[1] tkv[Sz-1] b[1]/SM1","2",,"025D;040","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 106100,"06 November 2002","861","pnt[Delta88]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/24/1995,"Christian Klambt",,,,, 106101,"06 November 2002","869","w[1118]; P{w[+mC] pnt[P1.UAS]=UAS-pnt.P1}3","1;3",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/24/1995,"Christian Klambt",,,,, 106102,"06 November 2002","875","pn[1]; pr[1] pk[1] cn[1]; ry[506] Dr[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/TM6","1;2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1991,"Michael Ashburner","Bruce Reed",,,, 106103,"06 November 2002","894","Dp(4;3)f/In(3L)P, Me[1]","3;4",,"102E04-F03;102F03-08;065D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106104,"06 November 2002","895","Dp(4;3)f, h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/In(3R)P, Dfd[1]","3;4",,"102E04-F03;102F03-08;065D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106105,"06 November 2002","898","Tp(3;3)Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Vno[1]/H[2]","3",,"094A;096F;089E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106106,"06 November 2002","899","Df(1)mal3, y[2] ct[6] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106], mal[106]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] f[1] mal[2]","1",,"019A01-02;020E-F, 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"y[+]Y varigates for y, L.C.; user says y[+] never seen, K.M.",,, 106107,"06 November 2002","900","y[1] w[1] N[spl-1] sn[3]/Dp(1;Y)y[2]61l/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,"001A02;001B14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"L.C.'s list showed this Dp(1;Y) as Y61e, or possibly Y61c, Y61l is a best guess, KM",,, 106108,"06 November 2002","901","Df(1)svr, N[spl-1] ras[2] fw[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g19.1/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,"001A01;001B09-10 (Df), 001A01;002B17-18 + 020A03;020Fh (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DpKit1",,, 106109,"06 November 2002","902","Df(1)w258-45, y[2] sn[3]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;3)w[+]67k/+","1",,"003B02-03;003C02-03, 003A05;003E08;087E17","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106110,"06 November 2002","903","Df(1)v-L3/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)v[+]63i/+","1",,"009F10;010A07-08, 009E01;010A11;056A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106111,"06 November 2002","904","Df(1)v-L2/Dp(1;Y)v[+]y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,"009F13;010A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106112,"06 November 2002","905","Df(1)m259-4, ras[1] m[259-4] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]v[+]#3/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]","1",,"010C02-03;010E01-02, 009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25 + 020B;020h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106113,"06 November 2002","906","Df(1)D15, v[1] f[1]/C(1)DX, f[1]; Dp(1;4)r[+]*/+","1",,"014D01;015C05, 013F02-014A02;016A07-B01;102F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106114,"06 November 2002","907","Df(3R)M312, kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"098D03-07;098D03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Cynthia Cass","deletes l(3)98Dl and l(3)98Dm, K.M. 12/5/97",,, 106115,"06 November 2002","908","Tp(2;3)dp[h27], dp[olvh27]/SM6b","2;3",,"024F04-07;032B02;091D-E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 106116,"06 November 2002","909","Tp(1;2)rb[+]71g, ct[6] v[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]","1;2",,"003F03;005E08;023A15","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106117,"06 November 2002","910","Tp(1;2)sn[+]72d, f[1] car[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(?;2)bw[D], bw[D]","1;2",,"007A08;008A05;032C;058E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106118,"06 November 2002","911","w[1]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ubx.Ia.C}36.2/TM3, Ser[1]","1;3",,"096D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/12/1996,"Michael Akam",,,,, 106119,"06 November 2002","912","w[1]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-abd-A.G}21.8","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/12/1996,"Michael Akam",,,,, 106120,"06 November 2002","913","w[1]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Abd-B(m).C}1.1","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/12/1996,"Michael Akam",,,,, 106121,"06 November 2002","914","P{w[+mC]=GAL4-twi.G}108.4, w[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/12/1996,"Michael Akam",,"TM6B floating, K.M. 3/12/96",,, 106122,"06 November 2002","915","ry[*] mus308[D5]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Jim Boyd",,,, 106123,"06 November 2002","916","st[1] mus301[D1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Jim Boyd",,,, 106124,"06 November 2002","919","st[1] mus302[D1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Jim Boyd",,,, 106125,"06 November 2002","920","st[1] mus302[D2]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Jim Boyd",,,, 106126,"06 November 2002","922","st[1] mus304[D1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Jim Boyd","tested in 1995 by P. Fogarty, mutagen sensitivity intact, M-A.S.C.",,, 106127,"06 November 2002","923","st[1] mus304[D3]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Jim Boyd",,,, 106128,"06 November 2002","926","mwh[1] Fs(3)Hor[1] e[1]/T(1;3)OR60/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","1;3",,"004B;088A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1992,"Janos Szabad",,"use Horka along with a marked X (#180 is a good choice according to Janos) in place of an unstable ring X to make gynandromorphs, K.M. 1/20/97",,, 106129,"06 November 2002","929","Df(1)v-L15, y[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)v[+]75d/+","1",,"009B01-02;010A01-02, 009A02;010C02;040-41","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DpKit1",,, 106130,"06 November 2002","931","Tp(1;3)f[+]71b/FM6","1;3",,"015A04;016C02-03;080-081","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106131,"06 November 2002","932","Df(1)y74k24.*/Dp(1;Y)y[2]61l/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,"001A01;001B05-06 or 001B09-10, 001A02;001B14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"74k24.1 or 74k24.2, L.C. list just said 74k24, K.M.",,, 106132,"06 November 2002","933","Df(1)A94/FM6","1",,"001E03;002B12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106133,"06 November 2002","934","Df(1)S39/FM6","1",,"001E01-02;002B05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"C. Cheney says 1/3 have C(Df;FM6)",,, 106134,"06 November 2002","937","Df(1)N-71h/C(1)M3, y[2]; Dp(1;2)51b/+","1",,"003C04;003D05, 003C01-02;003D06-E01;052E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106135,"06 November 2002","938","Df(1)N-69h9, dnc[69h9] rb[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)51b/+","1",,"003C06;003D01 or 003D04, 003C01-02;003D06-E01;052E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","N[69h]",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106136,"06 November 2002","941","Df(1)HC244/FM7c","1",,"003E08;004F11-12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106137,"06 November 2002","943","Df(1)RC40/FM7c, sn[+]","1",,"004B01;004F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106139,"06 November 2002","953","Df(1)N110/FM6","1",,"009B03-04;009D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106140,"06 November 2002","955","Df(1)HC133/FM7c","1",,"009B09-10;009E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106141,"12 November 2002","956","Df(1)RA37/FM7c","1",,"010A07;010B17","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106142,"12 November 2002","958","Df(1)N71/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)v[+]65b/+","1",,"010B02-08;010D03-08, 010A01;011A07-08;040-041","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"originally shown as FM6 - C(1)DX is a guess, K.M.",,, 106143,"12 November 2002","960","Df(1)KA6/FM7c","1",,"010E01;011A07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106144,"12 November 2002","961","Df(1)RA47/FM7c","1",,"010F01;010F09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106145,"12 November 2002","963","Df(1)KA10, sn[3] m[1]/FM7c","1",,"011A01;011A07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106146,"12 November 2002","965","Df(1)HF368, cac[HF368]/FM7c","1",,"011A02;011B09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106147,"12 November 2002","968","Df(1)HA92/FM7c","1",,"012A06-07;012D03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106148,"12 November 2002","969","Df(1)KA9/FM7c","1",,"012E02-03;012F05-13A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106149,"12 November 2002","973","Df(1)mal10, In(1)sc[8], sc[8] B[1]/In(1)dl-49, v[1] sn[X2] mal[2]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106], mal[106]","1",,"019A05-06;019E01, 001B02-03;020F, 004D07-E01;011F02-04, 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B partially reverted, L.C.",,, 106150,"12 November 2002","974","Df(1)16-3-22/FM6","1",,"019D01;020A02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106151,"12 November 2002","976","Df(1)Q539/FM6","1",,"019E06;019F06-20A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106152,"12 November 2002","978","Df(1)JC4/FM7c","1",,"020A01;020E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106153,"14 November 2002","981","Dp(1;1)B[S]TMG, y[1] sc[4] m[1] f[1] B[S]/In(1)sc[7], In(1)AM, sc[7] ptg[4] v[1]","1",,"015F09-016A01;020, 001B03-04;006D08, 008C17-D01;016E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106154,"14 November 2002","982","vls[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger",,,,, 106155,"14 November 2002","983","v[71P]; red[1] su(Hw)[2] Sb[sbd-2]/TM1","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106156,"09 December 2002","985","y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; pal[1]/SM5","Y;1;2",,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106158,"14 November 2002","988","FM7a/Y/C(1)M4","1",,"003C01-02;020F, 009F;013F01-10, 001B02-03;020F + 004D07-E01;011F02-04 + 015D-E;020A-E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106159,"12 November 2002","991","Df(1)r-D17/FM6, l(1)*[*]; Dp(1;4)r[+]*/+","1",,"014F06;015A06, 014A01-02;016A07-B01;102F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106160,"14 November 2002","992","Me[65d] jv[1] se[1] by[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106161,"14 November 2002","995","C(1;Y)3, In(1)FM7, w[1] m[2]/0/C(1)M4, y[2]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106162,"14 November 2002","1004","argos[Delta7]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/24/1995,"Christian Klambt",,,,, 106163,"14 November 2002","1005","wg[spd-fg]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106164,"12 November 2002","1006","Df(2R)nap1/In(2LR)Gla, Dp(2;2)BG, wg[Gla-1]","2",,"041D02-E01;042B01-03, 041A-B;042BC","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106165,"12 November 2002","1009","Df(1)RA47, v[1]; Dp(1;2)v[+]65b/+","1",,"010F01;010F09-10, 010A01;011A07-08;040-041","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"this is the healthiest of the C(2)EN's we have, K.M. 8/25/95",,, 106166,"12 November 2002","1011","bw[1]; Df(3R)faf-BP, st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"100D;100F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106167,"14 November 2002","1012","bul[6d7]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/24/1995,"Christian Klambt",,,,, 106168,"14 November 2002","1013","olfA[x1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/7/1996,"Champakali Ayyub",,,,, 106169,"14 November 2002","1014","mys[olfC-x3]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/7/1996,"Champakali Ayyub",,,,, 106170,"14 November 2002","1022","b[1] elA[1] rd[s] Mhc[5] pr[1] Bl[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106171,"14 November 2002","1024","Dp(2;Y)bw[+]/y[1] w[a]; E(w[a])[1]/CyO","2;Y",,"058F01-059A02;060E03-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106172,"14 November 2002","1025","cl[1] fy[2] j[676]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106173,"14 November 2002","1026","mwh[1] jv[1] hyl[1]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106174,"09 December 2002","1027","sd[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106175,"12 November 2002","1028","Df(1)svr, N[spl-1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;f)101","1",,"001A01;001B09-10, 001A01;002A02;020E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106176,"14 November 2002","1029","rho[ve-1] Coa[1]/TM6","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106177,"14 November 2002","1032","emc[D] rho[ve-1] rs[2] st[1] bul[D]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106178,"14 November 2002","1034","DNase2[n1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] cu[1] DNaseII[lo] e[s]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106179,"14 November 2002","1036","Bc[1] fj[1] wt[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106180,"14 November 2002","1043","al[1] dp[ov1] wg[spd-x4]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell","no Cy expression, but dp vortex phenotype apparent in many individuals, K.M. 8/26/95",,, 106181,"14 November 2002","1047","rs[2] bul[D] Crn[1] in[1] kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106182,"12 November 2002","1049","Df(3R)su(Hw)7/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"088A09;088B02 (+-)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106183,"14 November 2002","1050","th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] E(lz)[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell","homozygous stock dying, outcrossed, but couldn't keep homozygotes going, K.M. 6/91",,, 106184,"14 November 2002","1051","lt[1] rl[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106185,"14 November 2002","1053","y[2] sc[1] v[1]; su(Hw)[8]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106187,"14 November 2002","1056","lt[1] rl[1] stw[3]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106188,"12 November 2002","1057","Df(1)259, C(1;Y)6, w[1]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)174/+","1",,"001A01-04;001A08-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106189,"14 November 2002","1058","y[1]; Dp(1;2)E1, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO","1;2",,"001A01;002A;060A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106190,"14 November 2002","1059","y[1] z[a] w[11E4]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1992,"V. Pirrotta",,,,, 106191,"09 December 2002","1062","pr[1] cn[1]; Dp(3;3)MMG","2;3",,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106192,"14 November 2002","1063","st[1] W[1] Crn[1] in[1] kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1] ! see comment","3",,,"Rebalanced. N.Juni. 13 January 2004.
Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell","seems to have a H allele which suppresses Crn, assume Crn is a ptg-like mutation, L.C.",,, 106193,"14 November 2002","1065","Dp(2;2)C619/SM1, Roi[1]","2",,"026A;028E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell","poor Cy expression, K.M. 8/25/95",,, 106194,"14 November 2002","1066","y[1]; Dp(1;3)E3, h[1]/TM6","1;3",,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","E.H. Grell",,,, 106195,"12 November 2002","1070","Df(2L)dp-h24/SM6b","2",,"024F04;025A01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106196,"12 November 2002","1082","Df(4)M101-63a/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,"101F-102A01;102A02-102A05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106197,"14 November 2002","1083","l(4)102ABd[4]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106198,"14 November 2002","1086","l(4)102CDd[2]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106199,"14 November 2002","1089","l(4)102CDg[3]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106200,"14 November 2002","1090","l(4)102CDi[3]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106201,"14 November 2002","1092","y[1] w[67c23]; noc[Sco]/CyO, P{w[+mC]=Crew}DH1","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/31/1999,"Dan Hartl",,"Cre",,, 106202,"14 November 2002","1096","l(4)102CDk[1]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106203,"12 November 2002","1098","Df(1)AD11, w[*]/FM7c","1",,"001B;002A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"removes ? through l(1)HA6, A.D.",,, 106204,"14 November 2002","1099","l(4)102ABh[1]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106205,"14 November 2002","1100","l(4)102CDm[1]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106206,"14 November 2002","1101","l(4)102CDn[1]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106207,"14 November 2002","1104","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-ninaE.GMR}12","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/2/1996,"Matthew Freeman",,"glass enhancer driving GAL4 in the eye disc, provides strong expression in all cells behind the morphogenetic furrow, M.F.",,, 106208,"14 November 2002","1111","Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+]/+; C(2)EN, bw[1] sp[1]","1;2",,"016A01-02;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Ed Novitski",,,, 106209,"14 November 2002","1114","C(3)EN, th[1] st[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Ed Novitski",,,, 106210,"14 November 2002","1119","Dp(1;2)B[S]","1;2",,"016A01-02;061A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Ed Novitski",,,, 106211,"14 November 2002","1120","Dp(3;1)P68; Ubx[1] Abd-B[D18]/In(3LR)Ubx[U], Sb[sbd-2] ss[1] Ubx[bx-34e] Ubx[U]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/8/1995,"Ian Duncan",,,,, 106212,"14 November 2002","1122","Scn[1]/Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD]: ey[D]","2;4",,"024A01;024A02;101-102","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"Scn overlaps wild-type, L.C.; at 29o, relatively strong eye/head phenotype, weak scutellar, but there, K.M. 11/91; R. Sousa-Neves says this stock is Alp[+] and carries a recessive ey allele, K.M. 10/3/00",,, 106213,"14 November 2002","1123","al[1] Gpdh[n1-5]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"Gdh = alpha Gdh-1, L.C.; poor Cy expression, K.M. 4/14/98",,, 106214,"14 November 2002","1126","wg[spd-1]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Antonio Garcia-Bellido","cell markers, L.C.; variable Cy expression, K.M. 4/24/98",,, 106215,"12 November 2002","1128","Df(2L)GpdhA/CyO","2",,"025D07-E01;026A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106216,"14 November 2002","1130","y[1]; mwh[1] bld[1] Sb[63b]/TM2","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Antonio Garcia-Bellido","cell markers, L.C.",,, 106217,"14 November 2002","1133","ort[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106218,"14 November 2002","1135","ru[1] jv[1] trc[1] ca[1]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Antonio Garcia-Bellido","cell marker, L.C.",,, 106219,"14 November 2002","1140","pho[b]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106220,"14 November 2002","1141","C(1)RM, y[2] sc[1] z[1]/T(1;3)m9, dsx[D] Sb[1] e[1] l(3)e[1]","1;3",,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106221,"12 November 2002","1142","w[*]; Df(2R)en-B, b[1] pr[1]/CyO","1;2",,"047E03;048A04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106222,"12 November 2002","1143","Df(2R)en28/SM5","2",,"048A01-02;048B-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, but wings tend to be held out, K.M. 8/25/95",,, 106223,"12 November 2002","1144","Df(1)AC7, w[*]/FM7c","1",,"001E03-04;002A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"removes ? through l(1)HA6, A.D.",,, 106224,"14 November 2002","1146","pwn[1] en[1]/SM5; mwh[1] jv[1]/TM1","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Sue Eberlein",,,, 106225,"14 November 2002","1148","P{ry[+t7.2]=ry11}ry2, mwh[1] aly[1] ry[506] e[1]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",3,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1990,"HHMI P Stock Center","Allan Spradling",,,, 106226,"12 November 2002","1149","Df(2R)en30/SM5; Dp(2;3)en[+]/TM1","2",,"048A03-04;048C06-08, 047B03;047B09-14;062C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no Cy expression, K.M. 8/25/95",,, 106227,"14 November 2002","1151","crc[1] cn[1]/crc[1] cn[1]/Dp(2;f)Bl","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,,,, 106228,"14 November 2002","1152","Adh[fn23] pr[1] cn[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106229,"14 November 2002","1153","In(2R)Dll[B], Dll[11]/SM6a","2",,"060E05-06;?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1990,"Stephen Cohen",,"no breakpoint information, K.M.",,, 106230,"14 November 2002","1154","Dp(3;3)S1, red[1] cv-c[1] Sb[sbd-2] sr[1] e[s] Tb[1]/In(3LR)HR33[L]TM6[R]","3",,"061A02;062A02 + 087B04;089E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106231,"14 November 2002","1156","y[1] w[a]; Doa[3]/TM3, Ser[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/1/1990,"Lenny Rabinow",,,,, 106232,"12 November 2002","1158","Df(1)rif, y[1] v[1] f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)r[+]*/+","1;4",,"015A01-02;015A04-05, 013F02-014A02;016A07-B01;102F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deletes r and if, N.B. 1/23/95",,, 106233,"14 November 2002","1162","t[1] v[1] m[74f] wy[74i]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106234,"14 November 2002","1163","ec[1] cv[1] ct[6] t[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106235,"12 November 2002","1164","Df(2L)tkv3, al[1] b[1]/SM1; Dp(2;3)tkv3/TM3, Sb[1]","2;3",,"025A02-03;025D05-E01;069C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106236,"14 November 2002","1170","C(1)M4, y[2]/shi[1]; In(3LR)225/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"077E01;088E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106237,"14 November 2002","1180","y[1] sc[1] lz[g] v[1] f[1]/FM3, v[Of]; In(2LR)f6/SM5","1;2",,"039D03-E01;048F06-049A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","free arms present (y[+]), L.C.",,, 106238,"14 November 2002","1182","l(4)102CDq[1]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD] sv[spa-pol]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106239,"12 November 2002","1185","Df(2L)dp-cl-h3/Dp(2;2)B3, ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]","2",,"024F07-025A01;025E02-04, 024A02-B01;026C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp/Dp female sterile according to the redbook, Df is dominant lethal without Dp, K.M. 4/26/95",,, 106240,"14 November 2002","1189","emc[D] st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] Dr[Mio]/TM6C, ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106241,"14 November 2002","1193","C(1)M4, y[2]; In(3LR)bxd[194L]79i[R], p[p]/In(3LR)79i[L]bxd[194R], p[p]","1;3",,"080;089E[L];067B11-C01;087D05-13[R], 067B11-C01;087D05-13[L];080;089E[R]","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106242,"14 November 2002","1195","In(3R)221[L]P[R]/In(3R)P[L]221[R]","3",,"082F;096[L];089C-D;096A[R], 089C-D;096A[L];082F;096[R]","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106243,"12 November 2002","1197","Df(4)38/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD] sv[spa-pol]","4",,"102E02;102E10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106244,"14 November 2002","1201","Ts(2Rt;3Lt)C287/SM5; Dp(2;3;3)C287[P]P71[D], Ubx[1]/Ts(2Rt;3Lt)P71","2;3",,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106245,"14 November 2002","1203","t[1] v[1] m[74f] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106246,"14 November 2002","1207","In(1)sx, sc[1] ec[1] cv[1] ct[6] v[1], sx[1]/sc[1] ec[1] cv[1] ct[6] v[1] g[2] f[1]","1",,"011D04-06;014B08-09 + 011E02-06;015E02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106247,"14 November 2002","1212","trk[1] cn[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger",,,,, 106248,"14 November 2002","1213","Dp(2;3;2)P71[P]C287[D]/Ts(2Lt;3Rt)C287; Ts(2Rt;3Lt)P71/Ubx[1] e[4]","2;3",,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106249,"14 November 2002","1214","In(2L)Cy[L]DTD27[R]/In(2L)DTD27[L]Cy[R], Cy[1]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01[L];021B;040[R], 021B;040[L];022D01-02;033F05-034A01[R]","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106250,"14 November 2002","1219","wg[Sp-1] Bl[1] L[rm] Bc[1] Pu[2]/SM6#16","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106251,"14 November 2002","1220","mu2[1] st[1]/TM6C, ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106252,"14 November 2002","1225","qs[1]; Dp(1;2)v[+]65b/CyO","1;2",,"010A01;011A07-08;040-041","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106253,"14 November 2002","1240","y[1] w[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; ee[1] b[1] pr[1]","1;2",,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106254,"14 November 2002","1245","ee[1] b[1] pr[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106255,"14 November 2002","1249","C(1)M4, y[2]; In(3L)C90[L]P[R], In(3R)Ubx[P18], Ubx[1] Ubx[P18] e[4]/In(3L)P[L]C90[R], Hn[r] h[1] app[1]","1;3",,"062B08-10;080C-F[L];063B08-11;072E01-02[R], 081F;091F-092A, 063B08-11;072E01-02[L];062B08-11;080C-F[R]","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","cytology according to L.C.'s notes, K.M.",,, 106256,"14 November 2002","1251","slp1[1] en[58] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM6a","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1991,"Thom Kaufman","Trudi Schupbach",,,, 106257,"14 November 2002","1261","y[2] m[74f] wy[74i] sd[1] os[s]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106258,"14 November 2002","1274","sc[1] ec[1] cv[1] wy[74i] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106259,"14 November 2002","1277","cm[1] ct[6] v[1] m[74f]/C(1)M4, y[2]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106260,"14 November 2002","1281","l(4)102CDf[1]/Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD]: ey[D]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106261,"14 November 2002","1282","cm[1] m[74f] sd[1] os[s]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106262,"14 November 2002","1283","T(3;4)86D, kar[1] ry[41] Ace[1]/MRS","3;4",,"086D(?)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","(A), L.C.",,, 106263,"14 November 2002","1284","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-CD2}5/CyO","1;2",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Nick Brown",,"CD2 is a rat transmembrane protein that, when stained with antibody, reveals the shapes of cells expressing it, K.M. 3/25/97",,, 106264,"12 November 2002","1290","Df(3R)ca[nd1], e[s] ncd[1] ca[nd1]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] e[1] Dr[Mio] ca[1]","3",,"099B08-10;099B08-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106265,"14 November 2002","1292","mwh[1] l(3)65ACf[D54] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[+]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/25/2000,"Wayne Johnson",,,,, 106266,"14 November 2002","1293","z[1] w[Bwx] t[1] v[1] m[74f]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106267,"14 November 2002","1294","t[1] v[1] m[74f] wy[74i] sd[1] os[s]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","y[2]/+, L.C.",,, 106268,"14 November 2002","1296","C(1)M3, y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; P{w[+tAR] ry[+t7.2AR]=wA[R]}tsh[4-3]; awd[K]","1;2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1991,"Michael Ashburner","Bruce Reed","P = A[R]4-3 of Cell 36:469 (= GR832)",,, 106269,"14 November 2002","1297","C(1)M4, y[2]; In(3LR)C190[L]A114[R]/In(3LR)A114[L]Ubx[101R], th[1] st[1], kni[ri-1]","1;3",,"069F05-070A02;089D04-E01[L];080;092A02-B01[R], 089D;092A02-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","Dp(3;3)S6 = Dp(3;3)Ubx[101P]A114[D], L.C.",,, 106270,"14 November 2002","1298","cl[1] fy[2] nub[2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106271,"14 November 2002","1303","FM7k/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","FM7k = In(1)FM7, y[31d] sc[8] sn[X2] B[1]",,, 106272,"14 November 2002","1308","l(4)102ABe[1]/Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD]: ey[D]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman","weak ey[D] phenotype, K.M. 12/12/97",,, 106273,"14 November 2002","1309","ovo[D1] v[24]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1991,"Kevin Cook","Madeleine Gans",,,, 106274,"14 November 2002","1313","wg[Sp-1] d[1] flp[hd]/In(2L)Cy, al[2] ast[3] b[1] pr[1]","2",,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106275,"12 November 2002","1317","Df(3L)st-e4, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"072D05-10;073A05-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106276,"14 November 2002","1319","Tp(1;2)w-ec, ec[64d] cm[1] ct[6] sn[3]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]","1;2",,"003C01-02;003E07-08;037D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/1/1989,"Abraham Schalet",,"DpKit1",,, 106277,"14 November 2002","1325","In(3L)gv[U], ru[1] h[1] gv[U] eyg[U] gl[2] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","reference gives two different sets of bps; MA lists those shown here",,, 106278,"14 November 2002","1328","shi[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","Jonny Janning tested 8/92 - shi intact, K.M.",,, 106279,"14 November 2002","1331","l(3)DTS4[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106280,"12 November 2002","1337","Df(3R)P47/Dp(3;3)C123.3","3",,"089D;092A02-14, 088B-C;092D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106281,"14 November 2002","1344","y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; cn[1] mei-S332[1] ord[1]/SM1; sv[spa-pol]","1;2;4",,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106282,"14 November 2002","1348","Dp(3;1)67N; ca[1] bv[1]","1;3",,"099D06-E01;100F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1989,"John Merriam",,,,, 106283,"14 November 2002","1349","ast[1] dpp[d-ho] ed[1] dp[ov1] cl[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106284,"14 November 2002","1350","In(2R)vg[U], wg[Sp-1] Tft[1] vg[U] mam[U] Pin[2]/SM1","2",,"049C01-02;050C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106285,"14 November 2002","1356","y[2]; In(3L)gv[U], gv[U] eyg[U]/In(3L)D[3], mirr[SaiD3] D[3] Ki[1] p[p]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","see DIS 62:153- gives two different sets of bps; MA lists those shown here, K.M.",,, 106286,"14 November 2002","1362","Bc[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106287,"14 November 2002","1364","S[1] wg[Sp-1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106288,"14 November 2002","1365","Dp(?;2)bw[D], S[1] wg[Sp-1] M(2)53[1] bw[D]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106289,"14 November 2002","1366","wg[Sp-1] Bl[1] L[rm] Bc[1] Pu[2]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","Bc[1] poorly expressed, K.M. 9/4/00",,, 106290,"14 November 2002","1369","In(2R)C72/Pu[2]","2",,"050E;057F;060D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106291,"14 November 2002","1372","Dp(3;3)S2, ru[g] jv[1] Ly[1] red[1] cv-c[1] Sb[sbd-2]/In(3LR)HR33[L]bxd[106R]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","Q4Lyl",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106292,"14 November 2002","1373","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-CD2}6","1;3",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Nick Brown",,"TM3 floating, N.B. 1/23/95; CD2 is a rat transmembrane protein that, when stained with antibody, reveals the shapes of cells expressing it, K.M. 3/25/97",,, 106293,"14 November 2002","1376","hh[bar3] tx[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106294,"14 November 2002","1377","In(1)sc[8], sc[8] cv[1] nod[a] f[1]/FM7a, In(1)w[m73]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106295,"14 November 2002","1379","LS(3)P10, R[1]//DS(3)P10, Ki[+]","3",,"065C05-09;081h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106296,"14 November 2002","1382","l(4)102CDt[K]/sv[spa-Cat]","4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","B. Hochman",,,, 106297,"14 November 2002","1385","z[v77h] w[67c23]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1992,"V. Pirrotta",,,,, 106298,"14 November 2002","1400","Dp(4;Y)E, sv[spa-Cat]/+","Y;4",,"101A;102F08;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106299,"14 November 2002","1401","wg[Sp-1] Bl[1] L[rm] Bc[1] Pu[2] Pin[B]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106300,"14 November 2002","1403","In(3LR)LD6, fz[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,"062A10-B01;085A02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106301,"14 November 2002","1404","In(3L)P, Me[1] h[1]/DcxF","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106302,"12 November 2002","1406","y[1] w[1]; Df(3R)M15, kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"098D03-07;098D03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deletes l(3)98Dk and l(3)98Dl, K.M. 12/5/97",,, 106303,"14 November 2002","1407","In(3LR)bxd[106], Sb[sbd-2] Ubx[bx-3] Ubx[bxd-106]/Tp(3;Y)J158","Y;3",,"072D11-E01;089E02-03, 073C;079D;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106304,"14 November 2002","1411","y[1] ph-d[503] w[1] f[36a]/FM7c/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]","1;Y;2",,"002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/1/1990,"Hugh Brock",,,,, 106305,"12 November 2002","1422","Df(3R)MRS/Dp(3;3)MRS, M(3)76A[1] kar[1] ry[2] Sb[1]","3",,"087E08-F01;093C, 087E08-F01;093C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"segregants of Tp(3;3)MKRS, L.C.",,, 106306,"14 November 2002","1424","cn[1] en[1] L[rm] nw[B] Bc[1] Pu[2] Pin[B]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106307,"12 November 2002","1425","y[1] w[1]; Df(3R)M37, kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"098D03-07;098D03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deletes l(3)98Dk, l(3)98Dl, and l(3)98Dm, K.M. 12/5/97",,, 106308,"14 November 2002","1429","pn[1]; ry[506] Dr[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/TM6","1;3",,"074;079 + 063C;072E01-02 + 061A;089CD + 092D01-E01;100F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1991,"Michael Ashburner","Bruce Reed",,,, 106309,"14 November 2002","1431","su(ve)[1] ru[1] rho[ve-1] jv[1] Hn[r] h[1] app[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106310,"12 November 2002","1432","Df(4)M101-1/Dp(4;Y)E, sv[spa-Cat]","Y;4",,"101E-101F;102B09-10(?), 101A;102F08;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"this is the current best-guess at the genotype of this stock (from M.A. as Df(4)M101-1/spa[Cat]; Dp(4;Y), little or no spa[Cat] expression, K.M. 12/22/00",,, 106311,"14 November 2002","1433","y[1]; pr[1] ord[1]/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106312,"14 November 2002","1434","cn[35k] mus201[D1]; mwh[1] jv[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Jack Bennett",,,, 106313,"14 November 2002","1437","In(3R)Antp[R], Antp[R]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"084B01-02;085F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106314,"14 November 2002","1442","In(1)sc[29], sc[29] w[a] eag[sc29]","1",,"001B;013A02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106315,"14 November 2002","1444","nub[1] b[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1] cn[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106316,"14 November 2002","1446","ast[1] dpp[d-ho] dp[o2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106317,"14 November 2002","1447","ru[1] h[1] W[1] Sb[sbd-2] Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106318,"14 November 2002","1450","ru[1] h[1] red[1] cv-c[1] Sb[sbd-2] sr[1] e[s] hh[bar3] tx[1] ca[1]/TM6, h[*]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106319,"12 November 2002","1452","R(3)S1, Df(3R)P47, ca[1]/In(3R)C, Sb[1] sprd[1] cd[1] Tb[1] ca[1]","3",,"089C;092D, 089D;092A02-14, 092D01-E01;100F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106320,"14 November 2002","1455","In(3R)C, Sb[1] sprd[1] cd[1] Tb[1] ca[1]/Dl[1] H[1] e[s] cd[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106321,"14 November 2002","1458","Dp(3;3)S2, ru[1] Hn[r3] h[2] app[1] cu[1] kar[1]/In(3LR)HR33[L]bxd[106R], Sb[sbd-2] Ubx[bx-3]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106322,"14 November 2002","1459","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=piM}87E P{w[+mC]=piM}97E","3",,"082B, 087E, 097E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106323,"14 November 2002","1460","Dp(3;3)S1, In(3R)P110, Sb[sbd-2] e[1]/In(3LR)HR33[L]TM6[R]","3",,"061A02;062A02 + 087B04;089E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106324,"14 November 2002","1463","T(Y;2)B[SV5], cn[1] bw[1]/Inscy","Y;1;2",,"041","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer",,,, 106325,"14 November 2002","1464","In(3L)C90[L]P[R], In(3R)Ubx[P18], Ubx[1] Ubx[P18] e[4]/In(3L)P[L]C90[R]","3",,"062B08-10;080C-F[L];063B08-11;072E01-02[R], 081F;091F-092A, 063B08-11;072E01-02[L];062B08-10;080C-F[R]","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center","Loring Craymer","cytology according to L.C.'s notes, K.M.",,, 106326,"12 November 2002","1465","Df(2R)Dll-MP/SM6a","2",,"060E03-04;060E05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106327,"14 November 2002","1468","w[1118]; Gbeta76C[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Stuart Yarfitz",,,,, 106328,"14 November 2002","1470","rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1] cn[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 106329,"14 November 2002","1471","ru[1] rho[7M43] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1992,"Marc Muskavitch",,,,, 106330,"14 November 2002","1472","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=piM}10D P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A","1",,"010D, 018A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 18-piM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 106331,"14 November 2002","1473","In(2LR)Px[4], dp[ov1] b[1]/CyO","2",,"Df: 060C05-06;060D01, Dp: 021D01;022A03, In:022A;060B;021C08;060D;042A;058A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/1/1990,"Beth Raff",,,,, 106332,"14 November 2002","1475","ras[l1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","ras[E6]",4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"TS lethal",,, 106333,"12 November 2002","1476","Df(1)tR15, ras[1] v[1]/FM7a; Dp(1;2)E1, y[+]/+","1;2",,"001A01;001E-F, 001A-F;060A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deficiency is haploinsufficient, long-term stability of terminal deficiency is unknown, removes y through lethal in 1E, A.D.; renamed from R15 by FlyBase (R15 taken), 7/22/93, K.M.",,, 106334,"14 November 2002","1477","Tp(2;3)Me, Me[1] Sb[sbd-l]/M(3)86D[1]","2;3",,"048C01-02;059D02-03;060F;069E;080-081;089B;091C;097D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106335,"12 November 2002","1478","Df(3L)Ar12-1, red[1]/TM2, p[p]","3",,"061C;061F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106336,"12 November 2002","1479","Df(3L)Ar11, red[1]/TM2, p[p]","3",,"061C03-04;061E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106337,"14 November 2002","1480","M(3)80[1] p[p] red[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","M(3)S34[tsQ-III]",4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"TS lethal",,, 106338,"14 November 2002","1481","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=piM}5A P{w[+mC]=piM}10D P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A","1",,"005A, 010D, 018A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 18-2piM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 106339,"14 November 2002","1482","T(Y;3)Antp[Ns-rv3], l(3)DTS4[1] Antp[Ns-rv3]/+","Y;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"TS lethal, wild-type chromosome from Oregon-R",,, 106340,"14 November 2002","1483","y[1] mew[M6] f[36a] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A/FM7c","1",,"018A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Danny Brower",,"EMS-induced alphaPS1 null, associated with an aberration, probably an In, break within mew ORF, other probably around 12E, D.B. 1/31/95; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 106342,"14 November 2002","1485","In(3LR)Ubx[101], Ubx[101]/TM9, l(3)DTS4[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"TS lethal, d3; 7/91 - Bob Hardy tested at 29.5 and found TS to be intact",,, 106343,"14 November 2002","1486","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-dpp.S}42B.4","1;3",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Karen Staehling-Hampton",,"high expresser, K.S-H.",,, 106344,"12 November 2002","1487","Df(1)RH4/FM7a; Dp(1;2)E1, y[+]/+","1;2",,"001A01;001F-002A, 001A-F;060A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deficiency is haploinsufficient, long-term stability of terminal deficiency is unknown, removes y through l(1)1Fa, A.D.",,, 106345,"12 November 2002","1489","Df(1)RK3/FM7a","1",,"012E02-06;013A06-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106346,"14 November 2002","1492","w[1] m[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Ellen Dempsey",,,,, 106347,"14 November 2002","1493","y[1] w[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"lots of pupal lethality at 25[o], okay at 21-22[o], per D. Hurd, K.M. 2/23/96",,, 106348,"12 November 2002","1494","Df(1)cho2, y[1] w[a]/FM7c","1",,"003E;004A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106349,"14 November 2002","1495","y[1] w[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106350,"14 November 2002","1501","y[1] w[67c23]; MKRS, P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}86E/TM6B, P{w[+mC]=Crew}DH2, Tb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/31/1999,"Dan Hartl",,"Cre, FLP",,, 106351,"14 November 2002","1504","B[1?] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A; ry[506]","1",,"018A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 18-B",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 106352,"14 November 2002","1505","y[1] pn[1] vs[148]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106353,"14 November 2002","1506","rux[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106354,"14 November 2002","1507","stau[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger",,"probably CyO-513, K.M.",,, 106355,"14 November 2002","1509","y[1] v[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106356,"12 November 2002","1510","Df(2R)exu1, cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/SM1","2",,"057A02;057B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106358,"14 November 2002","1512","y[2] ras[1] v[1] RpII215[1] shi[1]/FM7a, Df(1)FM7, l(1)*[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]v[+]#3","1;Y",,"001A01;001B02-03, 009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Bob Voelker",,"virginator, R.V.; 1 for shi assumed, K.M.",,, 106359,"14 November 2002","1515","y[1] cv[1] v[1] f[1] car[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106360,"12 November 2002","1516","Df(3R)CA3/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084F02;085A05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106361,"12 November 2002","1517","Df(1)62g18, y[1]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+] & C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]","1;Y;2",,"003A01-02;003A04-05, 002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106362,"12 November 2002","1520","w[*]; Df(3L)pbl-NR/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"066B01;066B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106363,"14 November 2002","1521","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.S65T}T2","1;2",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/26/1996,"Corey Goodman",,"y[*] floating, K.M. 3/26/96",,, 106364,"14 November 2002","1522","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.S65T}T10","1;3",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/26/1996,"Corey Goodman",,"y[*] floating, K.M. 3/26/96",,, 106366,"14 November 2002","1526","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=NM}8A P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A","1",,"008A, 018A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 18-NM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 106367,"12 November 2002","1527","Df(1)w258-45, y[1]/Y/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;3)w[vco]","1",,"003B02-03;003C02-03, 002B17-C1;003C05-06;077D03-05;081","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1. C(1)DX is a guess; may be C(1)RM, K.C. 8/01.",,, 106368,"14 November 2002","1528","gt[Q292] rst[6]/FM7a","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"Tonya Wolf: rst not = rst[1]; TK thinks it's rst[6], 3/90",,, 106369,"14 November 2002","1529","y[1] sc[1] gt[X11]/FM6","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106370,"14 November 2002","1530","y[1] gt[E6] rst[6]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"homozygous; Tonya Wolf: rst not = rst[1]; rst[6] is a guess",,, 106371,"14 November 2002","1531","y[1] f[1] B[1] fu[33]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]","1",,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"homozygous; shown as fu[ts], assume = fu[ts1] = fu[33]",,, 106372,"14 November 2002","1533","fu[1]/ClB","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Ellen Dempsey",,,,, 106373,"14 November 2002","1535","C(1;Y)*, y[1]; Dp(3;Y)Antp[+], y[+]; Sb[1]/TM6","1;Y;3",,"083D-E;084D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106374,"14 November 2002","1537","Dp(1;Y)W73, y[31d] B[1], f[+], B[S]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/y[1] baz[EH171]","1;Y",,"015B01-D;016F + 001A01;001B2 + 016A1;016A1 + 020A;020Fh + 020B;020Fh (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1992,"Daniel Eberl",,"DpKit1. Origin of Dp complicated; the 15BD;16F segment may not provide continuous coverage (see Eberl et al. Genetics 130: 569-583, 1992 and McKim et al. Genetics 144: 215--228, 1996), K.C. 2/00.",,, 106375,"12 November 2002","1538","Df(1)os[UE69]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)W39, y[+]","1;Y",,"017A02;017A12 (Df), 016F01-04;018A05-07 + 001A01;001B02 + 019E05-07;020Fh (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1",,, 106376,"14 November 2002","1542","y[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]","1;Y",,"020B;020E01-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106377,"12 November 2002","1545","Df(2R)eve, cn[1]/CyO","2",,"046C03-04;046C09-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106378,"14 November 2002","1548","bur[1] cn[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/30/1997,"David Nash",,"bur[1] isolated from #244, small possibility that cn allele is other than 1, D.N.",,, 106379,"12 November 2002","1552","Df(1)sc[V1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; In(2L)Cy, lt[*]","1",,"001A01;001A08-C03, 001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"original said In(2)Cy, In(2L)Cy is a guess, K.M. 8/26/95",,, 106380,"14 November 2002","1553","w[*]; wg[Sp-1]/CyO; P{w[+mW.hs]=GAL4-dpp.blk1}40C.6/TM6B, Tb[1]","1;2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Karen Staehling-Hampton",,"GAL4 in dpp[+] pattern, homozygotes viable, K.S-H.",,, 106381,"14 November 2002","1554","a[1] px[1] or[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106382,"14 November 2002","1555","In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] ab[2] cn[4] bw[V1]/Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106383,"14 November 2002","1556","al[1] b[1] cn[1] sp[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106384,"14 November 2002","1557","y[1] w[*]; Bl[1] L[2]/CyO, P{w[+mC]=hs-hid}4","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/28/1996,"Ruth Lehmann",,"establish crosses at 25o in plastic vials, hs for 2 hr in 37o water bath (important) on days 5 and 6, per Mark Van Doren, K.M. 9/28/96",,, 106385,"14 November 2002","1558","y[1] w[*]; Pr[1] Dr[1]/TM3, P{w[+mC]=hs-hid}14, Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/28/1996,"Ruth Lehmann",,"establish crosses at 25o in plastic vials, hs for 2 hr in 37o water bath (important) on days 5 and 6, per Mark Van Doren, K.M. 9/28/96",,, 106386,"12 November 2002","1559","Df(3R)110, ru[1] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] p[p] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"082C04;082F03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106387,"14 November 2002","1560","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GAL4-arm.S}11","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/2/1996,"Jean-Paul Vincent",,"GAL4 expressed in an arm[+] pattern, CyO floating, J.-P.V.",,, 106388,"14 November 2002","1561","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GAL4-arm.S}4a P{w[+mW.hs]=GAL4-arm.S}4b/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/2/1996,"Jean-Paul Vincent",,"GAL4 expressed in an arm[+] pattern, homozygous viable, but most animals in stock are balanced, J.-P.V.",,, 106389,"14 November 2002","1564","nw[D] Pu[2] Egfr[E1] Pin[Yt]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106390,"12 November 2002","1567","Df(2L)JS17, dpp[d-ho]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=en1}wg[en11]","1;2",,"023C01-02;023E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"aka Df(2L)179.17, deletes Mad & gammaTub23CD, W.G.; blue balancer, identity probable but not confirmed, K.M. 12/13/95; z[1] w[11E4] floating, K.M. 2/26/97",,, 106391,"14 November 2002","1570","y[1] pn[1] w[1] cm[1] ct[6] sn[3] oc[1] ras[2] v[1] dy[1] g[2] f[1] os[o]/FM6","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/29/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","E.B. Lewis",,,, 106392,"14 November 2002","1571","nw[D] Pin[Yt]/CyO; ry[506] e[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/19/1996,"Winnifred Doane",,"replaced SM5 version with this copy that has better nw[D] expression, K.M. 8/19/96",,, 106393,"14 November 2002","1572","para[ts1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106394,"14 November 2002","1573","In(2R)vg[W], vg[W] inv[W]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Roi[1] cn[2] bw[1] or[1] sp[2]","2",,"047F15-048A2;049E04-05, 022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1987,"Jose Bonner","Umea Stock Center",,,, 106395,"12 November 2002","1576","Df(3L)H99, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"075C01-02 (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"made by Mike Abbott, rpr[-] W[-] (= hid[-])",,, 106396,"14 November 2002","1577","b[1] cn[1] bw[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106397,"14 November 2002","1578","w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A","1",,"018A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 18-w",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 106398,"14 November 2002","1579","b[1] cni[1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/1/1994,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 106399,"14 November 2002","1580","In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1]/SM5","2",,"021C08-D01;060D01-02 + 040F;059D04-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106400,"12 November 2002","1581","Dp(2;1)JS13, z[1] w[11E4]; Df(2L)JS31, dpp[d-ho]/CyO","1;2",,"022A01-03;025A01-04;020, 023A03-04;023D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deletes Mad, W.G.; weak stock, K.M. 3/30/95",,, 106401,"14 November 2002","1582","In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] Bc[1]/In(2R)bw[VDe2], bw[VDe2]","2",,"027D;051E + 022D03-E01;034A08-09, 041A-B;059D06-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106402,"14 November 2002","1585","Inscy/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; dp[ov1] bw[1]; st[1] p[p]","1;Y;2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106403,"12 November 2002","1587","Df(2R)bw[VDe2L]Px[KR]/In(2LR)Gla","2",,"059D06-E01;060B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"recombinant generated by T. Kaufman; rearrangement more complicated than originally thought, but deficiency is present, K.C. 3/11/99; complementation places the distal limit of this deficiency at 60B1, K.C. 1/11/01",,, 106404,"12 November 2002","1594","Df(2R)pk78k, Tp(2;2)CA30, sp[1]/CyO","2",,"042E03;043C03, 026C01;027D01;034A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106405,"14 November 2002","1595","bib[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1990,"Marc Muskavitch",,,,, 106406,"14 November 2002","1596","mam[8]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1990,"Marc Muskavitch",,,,, 106407,"14 November 2002","1597","bic[1] L[2]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106408,"14 November 2002","1598","prd[9] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106409,"14 November 2002","1599","cn[1] eve[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106410,"14 November 2002","1601","cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] Kr[2]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106411,"12 November 2002","1602","Df(2L)TW65/CyO","2",,"037F05-38A01;039E02-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106412,"14 November 2002","1603","winscy; dp[ov1]; rho[ve-1]; sv[spa-pol]","1;2;3;4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Irwin Oster",,,, 106413,"12 November 2002","1605","Df(3R)5C1, ry[506]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"093E-F;094C-D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106414,"14 November 2002","1607","b[1] pr[1] Khc[8]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/1/1994,"Bill Saxton",,,,, 106415,"14 November 2002","1609","y[1] w[1] sn[3]; dp[ov1]","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106416,"14 November 2002","1610","w[*]; Dr[1]/TMS, P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B","1;3",,"071B02-C;092E, 087A-B;097F-098A, 087E-F;093C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1991,"Bloomington Stock Center",,"crossed w into #406, 8/91, delta2-3 tested 1/92 (w allele is either 1 or 1118), K.M.; stock seems to be unstable, both copies had Dr[+] and Sb[+], rebuilt from correct genotype, K.M. 6/6/95",,, 106417,"14 November 2002","1614","y[1] w[*]; TM3, y[+] Ser[1]/Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106418,"14 November 2002","1615","FM6, B[+]/?; SM5/Dp(?;2)bw[D], wg[Sp-1] bw[D]; TM3, y[+] Ser[1]/Sb[1]","1;2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"user reports y[+]TM3 intact, 2/88",,, 106419,"14 November 2002","1618","y[1]; l(2)*[*]/CyO; sa[1]/TM6; sv[spa-pol]","1;2;3;4",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106421,"12 November 2002","1625","Df(3R)Z1, ry[*]/MKRS","3",,"082A05-06;082E04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"cn[*] floating",,, 106422,"14 November 2002","1630","Tp(2;Y)A151, y[+]/SM1; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]","1;Y;2",,"041;042EF;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/1/1991,"Dan Lindsley",,"no Cy expression, but very slight B left, so probably the right thing, K.M. 2/26/97; might be In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] rather than SM1",,, 106423,"14 November 2002","1638","dp[D]/SM1","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106424,"14 November 2002","1639","w[*]; se[1] e[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106425,"12 November 2002","1642","Df(2R)vg135, nompA[vg135]/CyO, S[*] bw[1]","2",,"049A-B;049D-E, 047F04-048A;049A-B (In associated with Df)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"not simple deficiency, some internal material probably intact, L.R.; sick, rebalanced 7/91, K.M. Zhaohui Wang reported complementation with a vg mutation, 9/02 K.C.",,, 106426,"14 November 2002","1643","Tp(2;3)P, P[1], dp[ov1] b[1] cn[1] Gd[1]: e[1]/CyO; TM1","2;3",,"058E03-F02;060D14-E02;096B05-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106427,"14 November 2002","1644","In(3L)D, se[1] mirr[SaiD1] D[1] ss[1] k[1] e[s] ro[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"069D03-E01;070C13-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1990,"Marc Muskavitch",,,,, 106428,"14 November 2002","1645","y[1]; y[+] bld[1] Sb[63b]/TM2","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"don't know the nature of the y[+] dup on 2, K.M. 6/6/97",,, 106429,"14 November 2002","1646","w[1118]; P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}30C P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A","1;2",,"030C, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 40-w+",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106430,"14 November 2002","1647","kar[2] l(3)87Dc[2]/MKRS","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Art Chovnick",,,, 106431,"14 November 2002","1648","al[1] cn[1] en[58] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM6a","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1991,"Thom Kaufman","Trudi Schupbach",,,, 106432,"14 November 2002","1652","In(3L)D, ru[1] h[1] mirr[SaiD1] D[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"069D03-E01;070C13-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1990,"Marc Muskavitch",,,,, 106433,"14 November 2002","1654","p[p] by[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106434,"12 November 2002","1655","Df(3R)XM3, ru[1] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] cu[1] p[p] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"082A03-06;082B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106435,"14 November 2002","1656","by[1] cu[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106436,"14 November 2002","1658","e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Ellen Dempsey",,,,, 106437,"14 November 2002","1662","red[1] e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Beth Raff",,,, 106438,"14 November 2002","1663","CtBP[87De-10]/MKRS","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Art Chovnick",,,, 106439,"12 November 2002","1665","Df(1)5D, y[1]/FM6","1",,"005D01;005E01-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"reversion of P{ry[+]} in #P304, ry[506] floating, R.K., vial said FM6b, K.M.",,, 106440,"14 November 2002","1668","se[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Ellen Dempsey",,,,, 106441,"14 November 2002","1669","se[1] e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106442,"14 November 2002","1670","kar[2] l(3)87Df[1]/MKRS","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Art Chovnick",,,, 106443,"14 November 2002","1674","Ser[1]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] e[1] l(3)e[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106444,"14 November 2002","1675","Rdl[MD-RR]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/14/1995,"Richard Roush",,"Dieldrin-resistant allele from Maryland strain, R.R.",,, 106445,"14 November 2002","1676","fz[1]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106446,"14 November 2002","1678","Ki[1] p[p] by[1] cu[1] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106447,"14 November 2002","1679","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; dsx[1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106448,"14 November 2002","1681","y[1] w[67c23] P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP}ID-1","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/30/1997,"Ilan Davis",,"GFP expressed from polyubiquitin promoter (plasmid #33), I.D.",,, 106449,"14 November 2002","1683","st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] eg[2] Ki[1] p[p] e[s]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106450,"14 November 2002","1684","w[1118]; hh[ts2] e[s]/TM6B, gl[BS1] Tb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/1/1994,"Kevin Moses",,,,, 106451,"14 November 2002","1685","slp1[1] ptc[7] px[1] sp[1]/SM6a","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","slp[1]",8/1/1991,"Thom Kaufman","Trudi Schupbach",,,, 106452,"14 November 2002","1686","D[1] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106453,"14 November 2002","1687","Rdl[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/14/1995,"Richard Roush",,,,, 106454,"14 November 2002","1689","R[1] D[1] red[1] Sb[1]/TM6","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106455,"14 November 2002","1691","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP.nls}ID-2; P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP.nls}ID-3","1;2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/30/1997,"Ilan Davis",,"GFP with nuclear localization signal, expressed from polyubiquitin promoter (plasmid #34), I.D.",,, 106456,"14 November 2002","1692","mwh[1] h[1] th[1] bld[1] e[s]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106457,"12 November 2002","1694","Df(3R)M86D, Ki[1] red[1] e[1]/TM6","3",,"086D01-02;086D04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106458,"14 November 2002","1697","Bsb[1]/TM6","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106459,"14 November 2002","1698","H[1] Pr[1] Bsb[1]/TM6","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"H allele is likely H[1], K.C. 10/9/00",,, 106460,"14 November 2002","1700","TM2, ry[SC] red[1]/TM6B, ry[CB] Tb[1] ca[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1989,"Celeste Berg",,,,, 106461,"12 November 2002","1705","y[1]; Df(3R)sbd26, e[1]/TM2","1;3",,"089B09-10;089C07-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"according to Laurel Appel, this is the real Df(3)sbd26, K.M. 6/14/95",,, 106462,"14 November 2002","1706","rn[3] p[p] Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] e[s]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106463,"14 November 2002","1708","T(2;3)rn, rn[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","2;3",,"040-041;080-081, 081F;084D04-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"homozygotes sterile, T(2;3) + In(3R)",,, 106464,"14 November 2002","1709","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A; ry[506]","1",,"019A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 19-1",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106465,"14 November 2002","1711","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] Pr[1] ca[1]/TM6B, Bri[1], Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1990,"Marc Muskavitch",,"Bri might be Bsb, M.M.",,, 106466,"12 November 2002","1712","In(1)w[m4]; Df(2L)2802/CyO","2",,"025F02-03;025F04-026A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106467,"12 November 2002","1714","Df(3R)M86D, Dfd[1] p[p]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,"086D01-02;086D04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106468,"12 November 2002","1719","Df(2R)X3/CyO, Adh[nB]","2",,"046C;046E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"cytology of M. Burg via M. O'Brien, K.M.",,, 106469,"12 November 2002","1720","Df(3R)ca[nd1], Sb[1] ss[1] Ubx[bx-34e] e[s] ncd[1] ca[nd1]/TM3","3",,"099B08-10;099B08-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"lost Sb or may be Sb[sbd-2], K.C. 7/2/99",,, 106470,"12 November 2002","1721","Df(2R)or-BR11, cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/SM6a","2",,"059F06-08;060A08-16","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106471,"14 November 2002","1724","kar[2] l(3)87Ei[12]/MKRS","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/16/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","Art Chovnick",,,, 106472,"12 November 2002","1726","Df(3R)Cbx[TwtL]Ubx[KM5R]/TM1","3",,"087E-F;088B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106473,"14 November 2002","1728","Pc[1]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106474,"14 November 2002","1729","Pc[1] Abd-B[Mc]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106475,"14 November 2002","1730","In(3R)P(Pc[3]), Pc[3]/TM1","3",,"085D03-06;088C-D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","E.B. Lewis","original list showed as In(3R)Pc[3], P(Pc[3]) seems like a safe guess",,, 106476,"14 November 2002","1734","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}h[1J3]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Andrea Brand",,"GAL4 in h[+] pattern, A.B.",,, 106477,"14 November 2002","1735","vas[1] cn[1] tud[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Trudi Schupbach",,,, 106478,"14 November 2002","1738","hb[b1] rsd[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106479,"14 November 2002","1739","T(1;Y)V7, y[1] w[1] f[1] Frq[1]: y[+] B[S]/FM7a/0","1;Y",,"016F04-08;YS","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/13/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","John Merriam",,,, 106480,"14 November 2002","1740","w[1118] sn[3] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A","1",,"019A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 19-w sn",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106481,"12 November 2002","1741","Df(2R)G10-7-5, cn[1] bw[1]/SM6a","2",,"059F03;060A08-16","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"generated as lt[G10L]SDS-7-5[R]",,, 106482,"14 November 2002","1744","y[1] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A","1",,"019A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 19-y w",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106483,"14 November 2002","1747","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}71B","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Andrea Brand",,"GAL4 in imaginal discs; note that Fig. 9, Devel. 118:401, is mislabeled - Fig. 9A & B are 30A (not 71B), 9C & D are 71B (not 30A), A.B.",,, 106484,"14 November 2002","1749","ry[506] hh[AC]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/1/1994,"Kevin Moses",,,,, 106485,"14 November 2002","1750","alphaTub67C[1] kni[ri-1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Kathy Matthews",,,,, 106486,"14 November 2002","1751","w[*]; alphaTub67C[2] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Kathy Matthews",,,,, 106487,"14 November 2002","1752","h[1] alphaTub67C[3] kni[ri-1] e[1] ca[1], l(3)*[*]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Kathy Matthews",,,,, 106488,"14 November 2002","1755","hb[12] st[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1989,"C. Nusslein-Volhard",,"null",,, 106489,"14 November 2002","1756","Dp(1;Y)y[2]60d19.3, P{w[+mC]=lacW}MG/y[1] w[1]","1;Y",,"002B05;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Mel Green",,"y[+] - br[+], M.G.",,, 106490,"14 November 2002","1757","Dp(1;Y)y[+]sc, P{w[+mC]=lacW}MG/y[1] w[1]","1;Y",,"001E01-002B04;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Mel Green",,"y[+] - sta[+], M.G.",,, 106491,"14 November 2002","1758","Dp(1;Y)y[59b], P{w[+mC]=lacW}MG/y[1] w[1]","1;Y",,"001A01;002B02;h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Mel Green",,"y[+] - br[+], M.G.; originally shown as y[59b][.]Y#2, so may not be Dp(1;Y)y[59b], K.M. 8/26/95",,, 106492,"14 November 2002","1759","Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g24.2, P{w[+mC]=lacW}EG/y[1] w[1]","1;Y",,"001A01;002B06-08;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Mel Green","E.H. Grell","y[+] - sta[+], M.G.; origianlly shown as y[2][.]Y67g, Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g24.2 is a guess, K.M. 8/26/95",,, 106494,"14 November 2002","1762","sa[1] red[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106495,"14 November 2002","1765","TM3, Sb[1]/TM6B, p[Xp] Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106496,"14 November 2002","1767","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}how[24B]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"GAL4 in embryonic mesoderm, N.P.; mistakenly identified as a chromosome 2 insert in Dev. 122:1985, per Susan Zusman, K.M. 6/18/96",,, 106497,"14 November 2002","1770","red[1] H[25] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"probable allele of Hairless - not confirmed",,, 106498,"14 November 2002","1772","D[1] red[1] Sb[1]/TM2","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"D partially reverted - alulae missing in all animals, but wing position clearly affected in only some (one copy had completely reverted), K.M. 3/11/97",,, 106499,"14 November 2002","1774","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}69B","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Andrea Brand",,"GAL4 in embryonic epiderm, and imaginal discs, A.B.; TM3, Sb[1] floating (rebalanced & tested for insertion), K.M. 11/30/00",,, 106500,"14 November 2002","1776","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.B}Bg4-1-2","1;2",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"cytoplasmic beta-galactosidase, N.P.",,, 106501,"14 November 2002","1777","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.B}Bg4-2-4b","1;3",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"cytoplasmic beta-galactosidase, N.P.",,, 106502,"14 November 2002","1778","odd[5] b[1] pr[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM6a","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1991,"Thom Kaufman","Trudi Schupbach",,,, 106503,"14 November 2002","1781","ru[1] h[25] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106504,"14 November 2002","1782","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}32B","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Andrea Brand",,"GAL4 in imaginal discs, A.B., TM3 floating, K.M.",,, 106505,"14 November 2002","1786","tud[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger",,,,, 106506,"14 November 2002","1792","TM3, Sb[1]/TM6B, red[1] Tb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106507,"14 November 2002","1795","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}30A/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Andrea Brand",,"GAL4 in imaginal discs; note that Fig. 9, Devel. 118:401, is mislabeled - Fig. 9A & B are 30A (not 71B), 9C & D are 71B (not 30A), A.B.",,, 106508,"14 November 2002","1798","w[*]; ry[506] Sb[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/TM6B, Tb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1990,"David Cribbs",,,,, 106509,"14 November 2002","1799","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Hsp70.PB}89-2-1","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Andrea Brand",,"heat shock inducible GAL4, A.B.",,, 106510,"12 November 2002","1800","Df(3R)Antp2, Antp[2] p[p]/TM2","3",,"084B03;084D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106511,"12 November 2002","1801","Df(3R)Antp1, cu[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084C03-04;084D01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106512,"14 November 2002","1802","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D; ry[605]","2",,"042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 42-1",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106513,"14 November 2002","1803","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}55B","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Andrea Brand",,"GAL4 in follicle cells, A.B.",,, 106514,"14 November 2002","1805","In(3R)Antp[rv1], osa[Arv1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"081F;090B-C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106515,"12 November 2002","1808","TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/Df(3R)C7, ry[506]","3",,"089E;090A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df originally called Df(3R)C4 in error; corrected 4/00, G.R.",,, 106516,"14 November 2002","1810","Dp(3;3)Antp[73b-rv8], Antp[73b-rv8] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084D05-08;085F05-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106517,"14 November 2002","1813","w[*] ovo[D1] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}101/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Y; P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}38","1;Y;2",,"014A-B, ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/4/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"FRT, FLP",,, 106518,"14 November 2002","1814","al[1] wg[l-12] eve[15H6a]/SM6a ! see comment","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1991,"Thom Kaufman","Trudi Schupbach","wg allele could be wg[IG22] according to T.S., K.M.",,, 106519,"14 November 2002","1816","y[1] w[1118]; P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}25F P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A","1;2",,"025F, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 40-y+",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106520,"14 November 2002","1817","cn[1] en[4]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106521,"14 November 2002","1818","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=piM}36F P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A","1;2",,"036F, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 40-piM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106522,"14 November 2002","1819","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=piM}21C P{w[+mC]=piM}36F P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A","1;2",,"021C, 036F, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 40-2piM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106523,"14 November 2002","1820","cn[1] en[7]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106524,"14 November 2002","1821","Tft[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO","2",,"040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/19/1996,"Norbert Perrimon",,"conflicting reports of ability to make clones with this line - likely a mixed population of intact and damaged FRT sites, K.M. 4/12/99",,, 106525,"14 November 2002","1822","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Hsp70.PB}31-1/T(2;3)B3, CyO: TM6B, Tb[1]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Thom Kaufman","Norbert Perrimon","GAL4 in embryonic CNS & PNS, insert on chromosome 3, T.K.; no Cy expression, some homozygotes in stock, K.M. 2/14/96",,, 106526,"14 November 2002","1824","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}AB1","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Thom Kaufman","Andrea Brand","GAL4 in salivary gland, basal expression of P{GawB}, T.K.",,, 106527,"12 November 2002","1833","Df(3R)Antp7, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084B01-02;084D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106528,"14 November 2002","1835","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=NM}31E P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A","1;2",,"031E, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 40-NM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106529,"14 November 2002","1841","y[1]; ftz[11] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"null",,, 106530,"14 November 2002","1843","ovo[D2] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}9-2/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Y; P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}38","1;Y;2",,"018E, ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/4/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"FRT 18E, FLP",,, 106531,"14 November 2002","1844","y[1] w[*] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}101","1",,"014A-B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 14A-B",5/4/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106532,"12 November 2002","1846","Df(3R)p25, kni[ri-1] bcd[25] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"085A03;085B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"bcd[-] hb[-], K.M.",,, 106533,"12 November 2002","1847","Df(3R)dsx2D, Sb[1] e[s]/TM2","3",,"084D11;084F16","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106534,"12 November 2002","1853","Df(2R)Egfr18, b[1] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, bw[1]","2",,"057E04-11;057F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO may carry l(2)DTS100[1], J.P.",,, 106535,"14 November 2002","1854","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}I-76-D, Ubx[9.22] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[+]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Thom Kaufman","Javier Lopez","GAL4 in epidermal stripes in embryo, T.K.",,, 106536,"14 November 2002","1859","spi[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger",,,,, 106537,"12 November 2002","1860","Df(3R)dsx10D, Sb[1] e[s]/TM2, p[p]","3",,"084D11-12;085A01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106538,"12 November 2002","1862","Df(3R)dsx2M/TM2","3",,"084C01-03;084E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106539,"12 November 2002","1863","Df(3R)dsx3/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084D11-14;084E12-13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106540,"12 November 2002","1865","Df(3R)dsx11/TM2","3",,"084D08-09;085A01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106541,"12 November 2002","1866","Df(3R)dsx15/TM2","3",,"084D11;084E08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106542,"12 November 2002","1868","Df(3R)dsx27/TM2","3",,"084D09;085A01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106543,"14 November 2002","1869","Df(3R)dsx29/CxD","3",,"084C08-D01;084F06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Bruce Baker",,,, 106544,"14 November 2002","1871","Df(3R)dsx43/CxD ! = not D, may not be intact","3",,"084D13-14;084E06-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Bruce Baker",,,, 106545,"14 November 2002","1872","Df(3R)dsx48, dsx[48]/TM2","3",,"084D;085A3, 083D05-E01;085A03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Bruce Baker",,,, 106546,"14 November 2002","1873","Df(3R)dsx37/TM2","3",,"084D08;085B03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Bruce Baker",,,, 106547,"14 November 2002","1874","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}389","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Thom Kaufman","Cahir O'Kane","GAL4 in embryonic CNS, T.K.",,, 106548,"14 November 2002","1875","Df(3R)dsx21/TM2","3",,"084D11-12;084E08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Bruce Baker",,,, 106549,"14 November 2002","1876","Df(3R)dsx10M/TM2","3",,"084D03;084F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Bruce Baker",,,, 106550,"14 November 2002","1877","Df(1)GA102/FM7c","1",,"003D04-05;003F07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Kevin Cook","Dawson Mohler",,,, 106551,"14 November 2002","1878","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}T80/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon","G. Technau","ubiquitous in third instar imaginal discs, according to reference, K.M.; GAL4",,, 106552,"14 November 2002","1879","Df(1)GE202/Y; Dp(1;2)sn[+]72d/Dp(?;2)bw[D], bw[D] & C(1)A, y[1]/Y; Dp(1;2)sn[+]72d/Dp(?;2)bw[D], bw[D]","1;2",,"007D12-13;007E03-04, 007A08;008A05;032C;058E, ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Kevin Cook","Dawson Mohler","DpKit1",,, 106553,"14 November 2002","1882","w[1]; al[1] b[1] c[1] sp[1]","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1991,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 106554,"14 November 2002","1883","Df(3R)dsx5, Ubx[bx-1] sr[1] e[s]/TM1","3",,"084E01-02;084F11-12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106555,"14 November 2002","1885","Df(3R)Scr, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,"084A01-02;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Don Sinclair",,,, 106556,"14 November 2002","1886","Df(3R)Antp-A41, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084B01-02;084D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106557,"14 November 2002","1887","Df(2R)WMG, wg[Sp-1] Bl[1] lt[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]","2",,"052A09-10;052D09-15","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1987,"Jose Bonner","Trudi Schupbach","balancer information from Jim Kennison, 3/93, marker info from J.K., 10/93, K.M",,, 106558,"14 November 2002","1890","Df(3R)MAP117 p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A01-02;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"induced on pb map17, fails zen thru Antp",,, 106559,"14 November 2002","1891","Df(3R)Dhod15/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"085A04-05+?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","John Rawls","no cytological info, location based on Dhod; not sure what this is, doubt it is the point described in L&Z as Dhod[15] since this number goes back to the Rg-pbx project",,, 106560,"14 November 2002","1892","Df(3R)G1, cd[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"085A04-05;085A06-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","John Rawls",,,, 106561,"14 November 2002","1894","ft[G-rv]/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106562,"14 November 2002","1896","Df(2R)trix/CyO?","2",,"051A01-02;051B06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1987,"Jose Bonner","Trudi Schupbach",,,, 106563,"14 November 2002","1897","Df(3R)D6, Ubx[1] e[4]/TM1","3",,"084D02-03;084F13-16","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Ian Duncan",,,, 106564,"14 November 2002","1898","Df(3R)D7, Ubx[1] e[4]/TM1","3",,"084D03-05;084F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Ian Duncan",,,, 106565,"14 November 2002","1900","Df(3R)red-P52, Ubx[abx-1]/TM1","3",,"088A12-B01;088B04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106566,"14 November 2002","1901","Df(3R)MAP11, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A01-02;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106567,"14 November 2002","1902","Df(1)Pgd-kz/FM6, dm[+]","1",,"002D03-04;002F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Kevin Cook","Dawson Mohler",,,, 106568,"14 November 2002","1903","y[1] w[*] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}9-2","1",,"018E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 18E",5/4/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106569,"14 November 2002","1906","Df(3R)LIN, st[1] p[p] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A04-05;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","bcd[LIN2]",4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"bcd[-] pb[-] zen[-] Dfd[-] Scr[-] ftz[+]",,, 106570,"14 November 2002","1907","Df(3R)9A99, ru[1] h[1] st[1] th[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM1","3",,"083F02-84A01;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"bcd[-] pb[-] zen[-] Scr[-] ftz[-] Antp[+]",,, 106571,"14 November 2002","1908","Df(3R)SCB-XL2, pb[SCB]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A04-05;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"bcd[-] pb[+] zen[-] Scr[-] ftz[-] Antp[+] 84A3-5;84B1",,, 106572,"14 November 2002","1909","Df(3R)Tl-X, mwh[1] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] p[p] sr[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,"097B;097D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Kathryn Anderson",,,, 106573,"14 November 2002","1911","Df(3R)Tl-I, e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,"097B;097E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Kathryn Anderson",,,, 106574,"14 November 2002","1916","Df(2R)PI13/CyO?","2",,"057B13-14;057D08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1987,"Jose Bonner","Trudi Schupbach",,,, 106575,"14 November 2002","1917","Df(3R)red3l/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"087F12-14;088C01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 106576,"14 November 2002","1918","Df(3R)red-P93, l(3)tr[1] Sb[1]/In(3L)P, In(3R)Ubx[P18], Me[1] Ubx[P18] e[4]","3",,"088A10-B1;088C02-03, 063B08-11;072E01-02, 081F;091F-092A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106577,"14 November 2002","1919","Df(3R)bxd100/Dp(3;3)P5, Sb[1]","3",,"089B05-06;089E02-03, 089E01-02;090A;089E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106578,"14 November 2002","1920","C(1;Y)1, y[+]; Df(3R)sbd104/TM2, ry[*]","3",,"001A;020F;020F, 089B05;089C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106579,"14 November 2002","1924","Df(3L)st-e10/TM6B, Tb[1]; Dp(1;Y)B[S]","1;Y;3",,"073A03;073A03 (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106580,"14 November 2002","1925","Df(1)G4e[L]H24i[R], f[1]/FM7a","1",,"005E03-08;006B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/1/1988,"Ed Stephenson",,"Df is Minute",,, 106581,"14 November 2002","1927","w[*]; Dl[1] H[1] r-l[K1]/TM2","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/7/1996,"John Rawls",,"null, J.R.",,, 106582,"14 November 2002","1928","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}47A","1;2",,"042D, 047A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 42-w+",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106583,"14 November 2002","1929","P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}12, y[1] w[*]; noc[Sco]/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/4/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"FLP",,, 106584,"14 November 2002","1930","Df(2R)pk78s/CyO","2",,"042F;043F08;059F05-08 (Df + In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1987,"Jose Bonner","Trudi Schupbach","42F breakpoint per J. Roote (removes from about 42F to beyond cn, based on genetic tests), this result consistant with work with this stock by K. Cook's df project, K.M. 12/5/00",,, 106585,"14 November 2002","1932","Df(3R)by416, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"085D10-12;085E01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106586,"14 November 2002","1933","Df(3R)D8, Ubx[1] e[4]/TM1","3",,"084D03-05;085A02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Ian Duncan",,,, 106587,"14 November 2002","1937","Df(3R)GB104, red[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,"085D12;085E10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Allen Shearn","G = gamma",,, 106588,"14 November 2002","1938","Df(3R)Antp6, Antp[6] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] ! = see comment","3",,"084B02;084C06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"probably not simple df, material distal to Antp inserted elsewhere? - ATub84B present but partially suppressed (fully complements weak alleles, partially complements strong alleles)",,, 106589,"14 November 2002","1940","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}70C P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}73D P{neoFRT}80B","3",,"070C, 073D, 080B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"T. Laverty says this stock has an additional FRT at 73D, to be replaced when a single FRT stock is ready, K.M. 2/26/96; FRT 80-w+",,, 106590,"14 November 2002","1941","Df(3R)Antp2, Antp[2] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084B02;084D03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"likely red[1] e[1]; markers intact, but user reports complementation with 1842 and 1801, K.M. 6/10/98",,, 106591,"14 November 2002","1942","y[1] w[1118]; P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}66E P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}73D P{neoFRT}80B ! SEE COMMENT","3",,"066E, 073D, 080B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"Richard Emmons reports no P element at 80B by in situ, although he does find the 66E insert, K.M. 6/1/95; T. Laverty says this stock has two FRT's, one at 80B & one at 73D, K.M. 2/26/96; FRT 80-y+",,, 106592,"14 November 2002","1943","Df(3R)p13, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084F02;085B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106593,"14 November 2002","1944","Df(3R)p25, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"085A03;085B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106594,"14 November 2002","1945","Df(3R)p40, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084E08-09;085B06, 064;090, 055;075","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"In(3LR) and T(2;3) as well as Df, K.M.",,, 106595,"14 November 2002","1946","w[*]; ort[1] ninaE[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1989,"Bill Pak",,,,, 106596,"14 November 2002","1947","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GAL4-prd.F}RG1/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"GAL4 in prd[+] pattern, N.P.",,, 106597,"14 November 2002","1948","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=piM}75C P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B","3",,"075C, 080B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 80-piM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106598,"14 November 2002","1949","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=NM}67B P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B/TM3, Sb[1] ! SEE COMMENT","1;3",,"067B, 080B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1994,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106599,"14 November 2002","1951","U[2]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/28/1996,"Georgianna Zimm",,,,, 106600,"14 November 2002","1952","Df(1)v-L11/FM0","1",,"009C04;010A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Kevin Cook","Dawson Mohler",,,, 106601,"14 November 2002","1954","C(1)A, y[1]/Y & FM0","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Kevin Cook","Dawson Mohler",,,, 106602,"14 November 2002","1956","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13","1;2",,"042B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 42B",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106603,"14 November 2002","1958","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 L[*]/CyO","1;2",,"042B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 42B",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,"homozygotes viable, K.M. 2/26/01",,, 106604,"14 November 2002","1961","Df(2L)TW130, rdo[1] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO; Dp(2;Y)257","2",,"037B09-C01;037D01-02, ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,,,, 106605,"14 November 2002","1964","Df(3R)p819, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"085A03;085B06, 041h;087C (T), 067;092 (Tp), 064F;067F;097 (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106606,"14 November 2002","1965","Df(3R)p25, Df(3R)P2/CxD","3",,"085A03;085B01, 089D09-E01;089E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106607,"14 November 2002","1967","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}34B","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"GAL4 in embryonic salivary glands, posterior midgut, eye-antennal, haltere, leg and wing imaginal discs, per FlyBase, 4/3/99",,, 106608,"14 November 2002","1972","Df(3R)XS, Dp(3;3)XS, asp[1] ats[1] p[p]/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]; y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]","1;Y;3",,"096A01-07;096A21-25 (Df), 089C;089E (Dp), 001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106609,"14 November 2002","1973","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=en2.4-GAL4}e22c/SM5","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"ubiquitous in embryo, N.P.",,, 106610,"14 November 2002","1975","Df(3R)M86D, Dp(3;3)Dfd[rv1], Dfd[rv1] p[p] Doa[10]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"086D01-02;086D04, 083D04-05;084A04-05;098E06-F02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106611,"14 November 2002","1976","w[1] mus105[A1] ct[6]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/13/1997,"Mid-America Stock Center","P. Dennis Smith","MMS sensitive at 5 mM (C7), tested 3-7-91, M.-A.S.C.",,, 106612,"14 November 2002","1979","Df(3R)M86D, Tp(3;3)Dfd[rv3], Dfd[rv3] p[p] pic[Drv3]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"086D01-02;086D04, 084A05;086F11;087D14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"Df(3R)M86D was crossed onto Dfd[D] before Tp was induced to enhance the Dfd[D] phenotype, per T.K., K.M. 7/23/96",,, 106613,"14 November 2002","1980","Df(3R)Dfd13, p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"083E03;084A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106614,"14 November 2002","1982","Df(3R)Tpl3, Tp(3;3)Dfd[rv1], kni[ri-1] Dfd[rv1] p[p] Doa[10]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"083D04-05;084A04-05, 083D04-05;084A04-05;098F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Rob Denell",,,, 106615,"14 November 2002","1983","Adh[fn6] cn[1]; ry[506]","2;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/1/1989,"Jose Bonner",,"null",,, 106616,"14 November 2002","1984","Df(3R)Tpl6, Dp(3;3)Dfd[rv1], kni[ri-1] Dfd[rv1] p[p] Doa[10]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"083D01-02;084A04-05, 083D04-05;084A04-05;098F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Rob Denell",,,, 106617,"14 November 2002","1986","Df(3R)Tpl9, Dp(3;3)Dfd[rv1], kni[ri-1] Dfd[rv1] p[p] Doa[10]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"083D04-05;084A04-05, 083D04-05;084A04-05;098F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Rob Denell",,,, 106618,"14 November 2002","1988","w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B ry[506]","3",,"080B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/28/1996,"Gerry Rubin",,"replaced 80-1, which was found to have to an additional FRT at 73D, K.M. 2/28/96; Karen Schulze reports possible problem - neo resistance not as expected, K.M. 5/28/97; FRT 80-3",,, 106619,"14 November 2002","1989","cn[1] exu[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger",,,,, 106620,"14 November 2002","1992","Df(3R)A/Dp(3;3)Tpl; C(1)M3, y[2] bb[*]/C(1;Y)2, y[1]","3",,"083D, 083D;084B03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Rob Denell",,,, 106621,"14 November 2002","1993","C(1)M3, y[2] bb[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(3R)A/TM6 & C(1;Y)*, y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(3R)A/TM6","1;Y;3",,"083D, 001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman","Rob Denell","TL[+] appended to Dp(1;Y)y[+]Y - don't know what this is",,, 106622,"14 November 2002","1996","w[*]; ninaC[5]","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1989,"Bill Pak",,,,, 106623,"14 November 2002","1997","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A","1;3",,"079D-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 79D-F",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106624,"14 November 2002","2004","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=piM}87E","1;3",,"082B, 087E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 82-piM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106625,"14 November 2002","2006","Df(3R)Scx2, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]; Dp(3;Y)Antp[+], y[+]","3",,"084A05;084C01-02, 083D-E;084D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106626,"14 November 2002","2009","Df(3R)Scx4, Scr[Wrv4] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084B03;084D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106627,"14 November 2002","2012","Df(3R)Antp-73brv1, red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]","3",,"084B;084B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106628,"14 November 2002","2013","Df(3R)Antp-X1, Ki[1] red[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A04-05;084C02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106629,"14 November 2002","2017","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}559.1","1;?",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"GAL4 in ptc[+] pattern, N.P.",,, 106630,"14 November 2002","2019","w[1118]; Df(3R)Hu, Antp[Hu-rv1]/TM3, P{w[+mC]=HZR+6.8Xb}JG1, Sb[1]","1;3",,"084A06-B01;084B03-06 + 084D04-05;084F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","TM3, lacZ-hg",3/1/1994,"Maurene Gorman",,"lacZ pattern: posterior hindgut expression from blastoderm to end of embryogenesis, J. Gindhart's construct, M.G.",,, 106631,"14 November 2002","2023","P{ry[+t7.2]=GAL4-Hsp70.sev}2/CyO; ry[*]","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"GAL4 in sev[+] pattern, N.P.",,, 106632,"14 November 2002","2024","w[*]; D[*] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"079D-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 79D-F",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106633,"14 November 2002","2025","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ras64B.V14}1/CyO","1;2",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","Dras2.V14",7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"constitutively activated Drosophila Ras 2 gene, N.P.",,, 106634,"14 November 2002","2030","In(1)w[m4h]; TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/Ly[1]","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/1/1994,"Gunter Reuter",,,,, 106635,"14 November 2002","2033","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-phl.gof}F179","1;3",,"unknown","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","Draf.gof",7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"constitutively activated Drosophila raf gene, N.P.",,, 106636,"14 November 2002","2034","(y[1]) w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=NM}88C","3",,"082B, 088C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 82-NM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106637,"14 November 2002","2035","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B ry[506]","3",,"082B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 82-1",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"ry[-] revertants in both sets, first seen 11/94, K.M.",,, 106638,"14 November 2002","2045","y[1] w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=piM}87E Sb[63b] P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}96E/TM6B, ry[*] Tb[+]","3",,"082B, 087E, 096E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,"occasional fly is phenotypically Sb[+], appears to be homozygous for the FRT chromosome in other respects, K.M. 2/8/95; L. Rabinow reports that he did not recover clones using this stock, 11/19/97, K.M.; FRT 82-piM Sb y+",,, 106639,"14 November 2002","2050","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}90E","1;3",,"082B, 090E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 82-w+",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106640,"14 November 2002","2051","y[1] w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B Sb[1]/TM6","1;3",,"082B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,"FRT ch. carries a pnr or other allele that interacts dominantly with pnr to give ectopic dorsocentral macrochaetes over pnr[D1] or pnr[VX1], per Y. Tomoyasu, K.M. 12/8/98",,, 106641,"14 November 2002","2057","y[1]; cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1994,"Jim Kennison",,"isogenized, Genetics 137:803, J.K. 5/5/97; thought to be M cytotype (S. Misra), has Hobo elements (W. Gelbart), K.M. 9/10/99; used for Tamkun cosmid, BDGP P1, BAC & cDNA, EDGP BAC & Celera plasmid libraries (Science 287:2204), per R. Hoskins, K.M. 1/6/00",,, 106642,"14 November 2002","2059","hkb[A321R1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1994,"Thom Kaufman","?","other markers present",,, 106643,"14 November 2002","2060","Dp(2;1)G146, dpp[+]/+; dpp[H46] wg[Sp-1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","1;2",,"021A;023B;h26-34","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106644,"14 November 2002","2062","dpp[d6]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106645,"14 November 2002","2064","ast[1] dpp[s4] dpp[d-ho] ed[1] dp[ov1] cl[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106646,"14 November 2002","2065","dpp[s11]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart","homozygous viable, but does better balanced",,, 106647,"14 November 2002","2066","y[1]; Taf1[R14] red[1] e[1]/TM2","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106648,"14 November 2002","2068","T(2;3)dpp[s2], ast[1] dpp[s2] dpp[d-ho] ed[1] dp[ov1] cl[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106649,"14 November 2002","2069","dpp[hr92] cn[1] bw[1]/SM6a","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106650,"14 November 2002","2070","dpp[d12]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106651,"14 November 2002","2071","dpp[d5]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106652,"14 November 2002","2072","Dp(2;2)DTD48","2",,"022E02-04;022F04;053D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart","homozygous viable derivative of Tp(2;2)DTD48, has 4 copies of dpp[+]",,, 106653,"14 November 2002","2073","dpp[e87] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1994,"Robert Ray","Bill Gelbart",,,, 106654,"09 December 2002","2074","P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hraf.gof}ra2, y[1] w[*]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"constitutively activated form of human Raf 1 gene, N.P.",,, 106655,"14 November 2002","2075","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-wg.ts}M7-2.1","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106656,"14 November 2002","2076","w[*]; TM6, P{w[+mC]=UAS-en.Y}4-1/?","1;3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106657,"14 November 2002","2077","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Hsp70.PB}2/CyO","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/5/1995,"Norbert Perrimon",,"heat shock inducible GAL4, N.P.",,, 106658,"14 November 2002","2078","y[1] w[*]; CyO, H{w[+mC]=PDelta2-3}HoP2.1/Bc[1] Egfr[E1]","1;2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/17/1997,"Bill Gelbart",,,,, 106659,"14 November 2002","2079","Egfr[t1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/25/2000,"Jim Price",,,,, 106660,"14 November 2002","2080","H{w[+mC]=PDelta2-3}HoP8, y[1] w[*]","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/17/1997,"Bill Gelbart",,,,, 106661,"14 November 2002","2084","lab[4] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"#NAME?",,, 106662,"14 November 2002","2092","lab[14] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"#NAME?",,, 106664,"14 November 2002","2099","Df(1)XR38, y[1] w[1] f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)r[+]*/+","1;4",,"014A;015D, 013F02-014A02;016A07-B01;102F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/1/1994,"Ralf Stanewsky",,"not viable over y w f, R.S.; deficiency heterozygotes not adult viable - duplication is required, K.M.",,, 106665,"14 November 2002","2100","y[1] fog[S4]/FM7c","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger",,,,, 106666,"14 November 2002","2111","In(3R)Antp[73b], Ki[1] pb[4] Antp[73b] sas[Antp73b] ss[a]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106667,"14 November 2002","2114","st[1] trx[1]/TM1","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Thom Kaufman","Peter Harte",,,, 106668,"14 November 2002","2118","y[1] w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}44B","2",,"042D, 044B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 42-y+",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106669,"14 November 2002","2120","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{w[+mC]=piM}45F","1;2",,"042D, 045F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 42-piM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106670,"14 November 2002","2121","P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}2La P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}2Lb P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/Dp(?;2)bw[D], S[1] wg[Sp-1] Ms(2)M[1] bw[D]/CyO","2",,"028A, 030D, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","13X13, ovo[D1] FRT 2L",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106671,"14 November 2002","2124","gro[C105]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/25/2000,"Jim Price",,,,, 106672,"14 November 2002","2125","P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}2R/Dp(?;2)bw[D], S[1] wg[Sp-1] Ms(2)M[1] bw[D]/CyO","2",,"042B, 055D-E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","32X9, ovo[D1] FRT 2R 42B",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,"stock can lose the male sterile, be sure all three genotypes are present, K.M. 9/5/95; stock reestablished from a single vial, tested all classes of steriles, okay for now, K.M. 2/21/97; more problems, new copy from N.P. 1/21/98",,, 106673,"14 November 2002","2129","y[1] w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{w[+mC]=NM}46F","2",,"042D, 046F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","FRT 42-NM",4/1/1993,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 106674,"14 November 2002","2139","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}3L P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A/st[1] betaTub85D[D] ss[1] e[s]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","1;3",,"070B-C, 079D-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","2X48, ovo[D1] FRT 3L 79D-F",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,"rebuilt copy added 10/27/00, K.M.; unstable stock, select to maintain (w[-] Sb e females x w[+m] Sb males)",,, 106675,"14 November 2002","2149","w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}3R/st[1] betaTub85D[D] ss[1] e[s]/TM3, Sb[1]","1;3",,"082B, 098A-B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","C13X3, ovo[D1] FRT 3R",7/1/1994,"Norbert Perrimon",,,,, 106676,"14 November 2002","2151","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}75A","1;3",,"084D-E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,5/1/1992,"Thom Kaufman","Kent Golic","FRT",,, 106677,"14 November 2002","2155","Df(3R)A113/In(3R)C, Sb[1] sprd[1] cd[1] Tb[1] ca[1]; Dp(3;1)34","3",,"100A;100F, 099E05-F01;100F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/1/1989,"John Merriam",,,,, 106678,"14 November 2002","2158","Df(3R)WIN1, Ki[1] pb[33] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A04-05;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106679,"14 November 2002","2159","Df(3R)WIN3, Ki[1] pb[34] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A04-05;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106680,"14 November 2002","2168","Df(3R)pb-X2, kni[ri-1] pb[38] p[p]/TM6B, Tb[+]","3",,"084A04-05;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,,,, 106681,"14 November 2002","2170","C(1)RA60g, y[1] B[1] w[a]/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)su(f)[+]","1;Y",,"020EF + ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Kevin Cook","Dawson Mohler",,,, 106682,"14 November 2002","2172","Df(3R)MAP2, pb[20]/TM3, Antp[DC] Sb[1]","3",,"084A01-02;084A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,7/1/1992,"David Cribbs",,,,, 106683,"14 November 2002","2173","Df(3R)pb[36L]Antp[5R], Ki[1] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]","3",,"084A01-02;084B02 + 087B01-02;087C01-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Thom Kaufman",,"breakpoints in Redbook are wrong for pb[36]",,, 106684,"14 November 2002","2174","y[1] cv[1] swa[3] v[1] f[1]/FM3","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,9/1/1988,"Mark Seeger","Ed Stephenson","strong allele",,, 106685,"14 November 2002","2176","g[2] if[B2] f[36a]/FM7c","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Danny Brower",,"EMS-induced, strong allele, small amount of detectable protein, D.B.",,, 106686,"14 November 2002","2177","g[2] if[k27e] f[36a]/FM7c","1",,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/1/1992,"Danny Brower","Darrell Falk","EMS-induced, null, D.B",,, 106687,"14 November 2002","2179","Df(1)NP5, hdp-b[P363]/FM7c, P{w[+mC]=act-lacZ.B}GD1 P{act-lacZ.B}GD2","1",,"012E09-11;012F02-05 (Df)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/25/1997,"Kevin Mitchell",,"blue balancer",,, 106688,"27 November 2002","957","Df(1)KA7/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)v[+]65b/+",,,"010A09;010F06-07, 010A01;011A07-8;040-041","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106689,"27 November 2002","959","Df(1)HA85/FM7c",,,"010C01-02;011A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106690,"27 November 2002","962","Df(1)N105/FM6",,,"010F07;011D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106692,"27 November 2002","966","Df(1)N12, ras[1] v[1]/FM6",,,"011D01-02;011F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106693,"27 November 2002","967","Df(1)C246/FM6",,,"011D-E;012A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106694,"27 November 2002","970","Df(1)N19/FM6",,,"017A01;018A02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106695,"27 November 2002","971","Df(1)JA27/FM7c",,,"018A05;018D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1; no sn bristle phenotype but homozygous females are essentially sterile, K.M. 6/1/01",,, 106696,"27 November 2002","972","Df(1)HF396/FM7c",,,"018E01-02;020","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106697,"27 November 2002","977","Df(1)DCB1-35b/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106], mal[106]",,,"019F01-02;020E-F, 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106698,"27 November 2002","993","Df(1)r-D1, v[1] f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)r[+]*/+",,,"014C02-04;015B02-C01, 014A01-02;016A07-B01;102F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1; breakpoints in L&Z are wrong, see reference FBrf0064715, K.M.",,, 106700,"27 November 2002","998","Df(1)RK2/FM7a",,,"012D02-E01;013A02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106701,"27 November 2002","1007","Df(2R)nap9/In(2LR)Gla, Dp(2;2)BG, wg[Gla-1]",,,"042A01-02;042E06-F01, 041A-B;042BC","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106702,"27 November 2002","1039","Df(1)RK4/FM7k/Dp(1;Y)y[+], y[1]",,,"012F05-06;013A09-B01, 001A01;001B02;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1; balancer is a guess, originally shown as FM7c but markers are not consistent with FM7c, K.M. 5/15/00",,, 106703,"27 November 2002","1045","Df(2L)Mdh, cn[1]/Dp(2;2)Mdh3, cn[1] ! see comment",,,"030D-30F;031F, 030D01-E01;032D01-032F03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; dark eye color present, L.C.; assumes MdhA = Mdh, K.M.; deficiency heterozygotes should have a moderate Minute phenotype, K.M.7/28/98",,, 106704,"27 November 2002","1145","Df(2R)en30/SM5; Dp(1;Y)B[S]",,,"048A03-04;048C06-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106705,"27 November 2002","1329","Df(1)BA1, w[*]/FM7a; Dp(1;2)E1, y[+]/+",,,"001A01;002A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1; deficiency is haploinsufficient, long-term stability of terminal deficiency unknown, removes y through ?, covered by Dp(1;f)101, A.D.",,, 106706,"27 November 2002","1357","Df(2L)J-H/SM5",,,"027C02-09;028B03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; ade3[-], S.T. says stock breaks down, giving M",,, 106707,"27 November 2002","1420","Df(3L)pbl-X1/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"065F03;066B10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; w[*] floating, K.M.; may contain Dp(1;Y)y[+] or similar, K.C. 10/27/99",,, 106708,"27 November 2002","1467","Df(3R)P115, e[11]/TM1; Dp(3;1)P115/+",,,"089B07-08;089E07;020","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106709,"27 November 2002","1469","Df(2L)J39/In(2L)Cy; Dp(2;Y)cb50, Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+]/C(1)RM",,,"031C-D;032D-E, 030C;033E;h1-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; deficiency exposes a dominant female sterile Minute, P.B.; the duplication is losing B[S], K.M.2/2/00",,, 106710,"27 November 2002","1491","Df(2L)r10, cn[1]/CyO",,,"035D01;036A06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; X-ray excision of ry[+] insert at 36A, J.R.; ry[*] floating?, K.M.",,, 106711,"27 November 2002","1518","Df(YS)bb[-]; Df(3R)ME15, mwh[1] red[1] e[4]/MKRS",,,"081F03-06;082F05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; presence of Ybb[-] per M. Green, K.C. 1/5/00; on outcross, 20-30% of males have rotated genitalia, per M. Green, K.M. 2/1/00",,, 106712,"27 November 2002","1534","Tp(3;Y)ry506-85C/MKRS",,,"087D01-02;088E05-06;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106713,"27 November 2002","1541","y[1] w[1] N[spl-1]; Df(3L)66C-G28/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"066B08-09;066C09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; mobilization of P at 66C (#P881), fails to complement #1420, J.N.",,, 106714,"27 November 2002","1546","T(1;3)sc[J4], sc[J4]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;f)z9",,,"001B02-14;003A03 (Df in T(1;3)), 003E07-F01;019-020","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106715,"27 November 2002","1547","Df(2R)PC4/CyO",,,"055A;055F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106716,"27 November 2002","1682","Df(2R)or-BR6, cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/In(2LR)lt[G16L]bw[V32gR], bw[V32g]",,,"059D05-10;060B03-08, 040;060E04[L]40F;059E[R]","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; Inversion chromosome carries duplication for 059E;060E04",,, 106717,"27 November 2002","1688","Df(3L)Rdl-2, e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"066F05;066F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106718,"27 November 2002","1702","Df(2R)X1, Mef2[X1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"046C;047A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; cytology of M. Burg via M. O'Brien, K.M.",,, 106719,"27 November 2002","1743","w[1118]; Df(2R)B5, px[1] sp[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"046A;046C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; small possibility balancer is SM6, generated as excision of P{A}N21, M.O.",,, 106720,"27 November 2002","1785","C(4)RM, ci[1] ey[R]/0",,,"101F01;102F08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK4; not a deficiency, but allows mapping to the 4th chromosome, K.M.",,, 106721,"27 November 2002","1842","Df(3R)Antp17/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"084B01-02;084D11-12 or A06,D14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106722,"27 November 2002","1884","Df(3R)Scr, p[p] e[s]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"084A01-02;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106723,"27 November 2002","1888","Df(2R)ST1, Adh[n5] pr[1] cn[*]/CyO",,,"042B03-05;043E15-18","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; M. Ashburner says this is the correct cytology according to both his notes and Genetics 135:105, K.M. 1/25/96",,, 106724,"27 November 2002","1893","Df(3R)by62, red[1]/TM1, p[p]",,,"085D11-14;085F06 041h;085F06 (T)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; deficiency plus 2;3 translocation, K.M.; J. Belote says translocation no longer present, appears to be a simple df, K.M. 1/25/00",,, 106725,"27 November 2002","1910","Df(3R)Tl-P, e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"097A;098A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106726,"27 November 2002","1931","Df(3R)by10, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"085D08-12;085E07-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106727,"27 November 2002","1962","Df(3R)p-XT103, ru[1] st[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"085A02;085C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106728,"27 November 2002","1968","Df(3R)p712, red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"084D04-06;085B06, 025D;085B06 (T)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; deficiency associated with a 2;3 translocation, K.M.",,, 106729,"27 November 2002","1990","Df(3R)Tpl10, Dp(3;3)Dfd[rv1], kni[ri-1] Dfd[rv1] p[p] Doa[10]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"083C01-02;084B01-02, 083D04-05;084A04-05;098F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106730,"27 November 2002","2052","Df(3L)rdgC-co2, th[1] st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"077A01;077D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106731,"27 November 2002","2181","y[1] sdt[N5]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106732,"27 November 2002","2182","Df(3R)CP1/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"084A05;084B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Struhl?",,, 106733,"27 November 2002","2186","In(3R)Scr[Msc], ru[1] Scr[Msc] pum[Msc] ss[1] e[s]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"084B01-02;084F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"spontaneous, null; ru apparently crossed onto TM3 in dup only",,, 106734,"27 November 2002","2187","w[*] tsg[2]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106736,"27 November 2002","2197","T(2;3)CyO-TM9, CyO: TM9, l(3)DTS4[1]/Tp(3;3)h[M3], h[49]",,,"059F;094A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106737,"27 November 2002","2198","Df(3R)ro80b, st[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"097D01;097D02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106738,"27 November 2002","2205","Scr[8] rn[roe-1] rn[1] p[p]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"originally roe[1] rn[1], K.M. 10/16/01",,, 106739,"27 November 2002","2207","tup[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106740,"27 November 2002","2208","y[1] phm[E7]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106742,"27 November 2002","2210","N[nd-3] rb[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106743,"27 November 2002","2211","w[a] N[Co] rb[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)51b/+",,,"003C01-02;003D06-E01;052E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106744,"27 November 2002","2212","w[a] N[264-40] rb[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)72c21/+",,,"003C07 + ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106745,"27 November 2002","2220","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}43D P{w[+mC]=piM}46F P{w[+mC]=piM}47F",,,"043D, 045F, 047F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"43D is not a typo - other P{neoFRT}'s from this set are at 42D, but this one is at 43D, K.M. 3/21/97; FRT 43-2piM",,, 106746,"27 November 2002","2222","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] pnt[2] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] ! see comment",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"L. Moore says little or no phenotype in cuticle preps - pnt modified or lost?, K.M.",,, 106747,"27 November 2002","2225","Df(3R)p25, Ki[1] ftz[11] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"085A03;085B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ftz[-] hb[-]",,, 106748,"27 November 2002","2234","Df(3R)R133, B[S]/TM3, Sb[1]; Dp(3;1)124P",,,"099E;100F, 099E04-05;100F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106749,"27 November 2002","2235","Antp[Ns]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106750,"27 November 2002","2237","alphaTub84B[7] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106751,"27 November 2002","2240","b[1] Sos[34Ea-6] Adh[n4]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106752,"27 November 2002","2243","st[1] ncd[D]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"was over TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1], now largely or completely homozygous, K.M. 5/15/02",,, 106753,"27 November 2002","2245","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; h[1] alphaTub67C[3] st[1] ncd[D]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"use with stock #2243 to produce androgenetic females at ~1.5%, see Komma & Endow, PNAS 92:11884 (1995)",,, 106754,"27 November 2002","2248","shi[2]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"good copy",,, 106755,"27 November 2002","2250","ru[1] h[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] Antp[Scx] p[p] e[s]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106756,"27 November 2002","2252","Df(3R)hh, st[1] e[1]/In(3R)C, Sb[1] sprd[1] e[1] l(3)e[1]",,,"093F11-14;094D10-13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"revised breakpoints per Jym Mohler",,, 106757,"27 November 2002","2254","E(Egfr)B56[B56]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106758,"27 November 2002","2259","In(3R)Antp[73b], Antp[73b] sas[Antp73b] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106759,"27 November 2002","2260","zen[7] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"#NAME?",,, 106760,"27 November 2002","2264","zen[4] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"#NAME?",,, 106761,"27 November 2002","2265","srw[1] st[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106762,"27 November 2002","2285","eya[2]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106763,"27 November 2002","2291","z[1] w[1]; b[1] noc[TE35B]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106764,"27 November 2002","2310","w[1] mus101[D1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106765,"27 November 2002","2311","sna[18] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106766,"27 November 2002","2317","w[1] mus102[D1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"tested in 1995 by P. Fogarty, mutagen sensitivity intact, M-A.S.C.",,, 106767,"27 November 2002","2318","mus106[D1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106768,"27 November 2002","2323","y[1] cv[1] mus111[D1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106769,"27 November 2002","2325","Dfd[16] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"#NAME?",,, 106771,"27 November 2002","2331","FM7a, nod[2]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"insertion of 3S18, no transcript, = nod[b9], S.H.",,, 106772,"27 November 2002","2333","T(2;3)CyO-TM8, CyO, Adh[nB]: TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]/Df(3L)vin6, ru[1] h[1] gl[2] e[4] ca[1]",,,"040-041;066A, 068C08-11;069A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106773,"27 November 2002","2336","al[1] dp[ov1] bw[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106774,"27 November 2002","2339","al[1] mus201[D1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106775,"27 November 2002","2340","In(2LR)DTD116[L]DTD24[R], (net[1]) bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"026A04-06;026C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"= Df(2L)26A4-6;26C1-2",,, 106777,"27 November 2002","2348","Df(2L)J69[L]H56[R], y[+]/CyO",,,"022A6-B9","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106778,"27 November 2002","2349","Df(2L)TW130, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"037B09-C01;037D01-D02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106779,"27 November 2002","2352","Df(3R)X3F, P{ry[+t7.2]=RP49}A3-84F e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"099D01-02;099E01, 084F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106780,"16 December 2002","3011","Df(3R)Cha7/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"090F01-F04;091F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Marc Muskavitch",,"DK3; no balancer information, but stock is Tb so TM6B, Tb[1] is the most likely, K.M.",,, 106781,"16 December 2002","3012","Df(3R)Dl-BX12, ss[1] e[4] ro[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"091F01-02;092D03-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Marc Muskavitch",,"DK3",,, 106782,"16 December 2002","3013","Df(3R)e-BS2, rsd[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"093C03-06;093F14-094A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106783,"16 December 2002","3014","l(3)DTS3[1]/TM2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"tested DTS 11/94, at 29o lots of pseudopupal lethality, but some adults survive, K.M.",,, 106784,"16 December 2002","3015","N[55e11] rb[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)51b/+",,,"003C01-02;003D06-E01;052E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"weak N allele",,, 106785,"16 December 2002","3019","In(1)l-v59, y[1] dlg1[6]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1]",,,"003-004;019-020","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 106786,"16 December 2002","3022","ct[n] otu[1] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Robert King",,,,, 106787,"16 December 2002","3024","Df(3L)h-i22, h[i22] Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"066D10-11;066E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 106788,"16 December 2002","3025","y[1] w[*] P{y[+m8]=Mae-UAS.6.11}4",,,"010-011 (about 1-37)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Mae = mobile activating element, = y[+] EP, K.M.",,, 106789,"16 December 2002","3026","Df(1)R11/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[+]",,,"019F;020h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106790,"16 December 2002","3030","Df(1)R12/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"020h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106791,"16 December 2002","3033","Df(1)R20, y[1?]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[+]",,,"020A02-03;020Fh (Df), 018F01;020Fh + 001A01;001B02 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1",,, 106792,"16 December 2002","3034","Df(1)R35, y[1?]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"020h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106793,"16 December 2002","3035","y[1] cv[1] otu[2] v[1] f[1]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Robert King",,,,, 106794,"16 December 2002","3037","Df(1)R36, y[1?] wapl[4]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[+]",,,"020h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106795,"16 December 2002","3038","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}Dll[md23]/CyO",,,"060E01-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"expresses GAL4 in a Dll[+] pattern, G.M.",,, 106796,"16 December 2002","3039","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}pnr[MD237]/TM3, P{w[+mC]=UAS-y.C}MC2, Ser[1]",,,"089B09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"expresses GAL4 in a pnr[+] pattern, UAS drives y[+], y and w alleles are a guess, G.M.",,, 106797,"16 December 2002","3040","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}md621/CyO; P{w[+mC]=UAS-y.C}MC1/TM2",,,"040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"expresses GAL4 in a tsh[+] pattern, UAS drives y[+], P{GawB}md621 is viable, y and w alleles are a guess, G.M.",,, 106798,"16 December 2002","3041","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}ap[md544]/CyO",,,"041F08-042A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"expresses GAL4 in an ap[+] pattern, y and w alleles are a guess, G.M.",,, 106800,"16 December 2002","3043","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-y.C}MC1/TM3, P{UAS-y.C}MC2, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"UAS drives y[+], y and w alleles are a guess, G.M.",,, 106801,"16 December 2002","3044","Df(1)R46, y[2] v[1] f[1] wapl[4]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[126]",,,"020h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106802,"16 December 2002","3045","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}bi[md653], y[1] w[1118]/FM7a",,,"004C05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"expresses GAL4 in a bi[+] (= omb[+]) pattern, y and w alleles are a guess, G.M.",,, 106803,"16 December 2002","3046","y[1] cv[1] otu[11] v[1] f[1]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Robert King",,,,, 106804,"16 December 2002","3050","Df(3R)Sq219, e[*]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"097F01-02;098A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Robert Fleming",,,,, 106805,"16 December 2002","3053","Df(3R)CA1/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"084E12-13;085A06-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"John Rawls",,"John Rawls",,, 106806,"16 December 2002","3054","Dp(2;1)G146, dpp[+]/+; dpp[H48] wg[Sp-1] dl[1] cn[1] sca[1]/SM6b",,,"021A;023E01-02;XS","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"use to make dpp[-] dl[-] embryos, S.P.",,, 106807,"16 December 2002","3055","Df(1)X-1, Df(1)y-ac, sc[1] su(f)[5]/FM7a",,,"020C;h26-32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"y[1] ac[1] = Df(1)y-ac according to Jim Mason, 4/28/95",,, 106808,"16 December 2002","3056","cn[1] E(Pc)[1] bw[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106809,"16 December 2002","3057","T(2;3)abd-A[MX1], mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] abd-A[MX1] e[11] ro[1] ca[1]/TM1",,,"089E;2L","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106810,"16 December 2002","3058","sxc[1] bw[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Phil Ingham",,,,, 106811,"16 December 2002","3059","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] l(3)89Ee[1] e[11] ro[1] ca[1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106812,"16 December 2002","3061","Ubx[abx-1] Ubx[bx-3] Ubx[pbx-1]/Ubx[61d]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"use the 3-hit Ubx over a null (e.g., Ubx[1]) to make four-winged flies (must be coddled)",,, 106813,"16 December 2002","3062","Dp(3;3)sbd[104], Sb[sbd-2] ss[1] Ubx[bx-1]/In(3R)P, Sb[sbd-1] Ubx[D1] ro[1] ca[1]",,,"089C;091B, 089C-D;096A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106814,"16 December 2002","3063","mwh[1] Pc[7] red[1] e[1]/TM1, red[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106815,"16 December 2002","3064","Df(2R)Pcl7B/CyO",,,"054E08-F01;055B09-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106816,"16 December 2002","3066","Dp(3;3)D1/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"084A;085A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Ian Duncan",,,,, 106817,"16 December 2002","3068","Df(3L)Pc-MK/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"078A02;078C09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106818,"16 December 2002","3069","Dll[9]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106819,"16 December 2002","3070","Df(1)E128/FM7c, w[+]

",,,"017C;018A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"at least some females seem to carry a free Y, per results of Kim Chang, K.M. 6/16/97",,, 106820,"16 December 2002","3071","Df(3R)C4, p[*]/Dp(3;3)P5, Sb[1]",,,"089E03-04;090A01-07, 089E01-02;090A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; other markers?",,, 106821,"16 December 2002","3075","w[a] N[l1N-ts2] rb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106822,"16 December 2002","3076","Df(2L)E55, rdo[1] hk[1] Lar[E55] pr[1]/CyO",,,"037D02-E01;037F05-38A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Trudi Schupbach",,,,, 106823,"16 December 2002","3077","Df(2L)spd, al[1] dp[ov1]/CyO",,,"027D-E;028C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106824,"16 December 2002","3078","Df(2L)osp29, Adh[UF] osp[29] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"035B01-03;035E06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Trudi Schupback or Umea",,,,, 106825,"16 December 2002","3079","Df(2L)Prl, Prl[1] nub[Prl]/CyO",,,"032F01-03;033F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Trudi Schupback",,"DK2",,, 106826,"16 December 2002","3080","Df(2L)M24F11/Dp(2;2)B3, ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"024D03-04;024F07-25A03, 024A02-B01;026C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"In(1)w[m4h] could be floating, K.M. 7/29/01; without duplication df will have a good Minute phenotype",,, 106827,"16 December 2002","3081","Df(2L)dp-h25/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R], In(2R)Cy, Roi[1]",,,"024E02-04;025B02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106828,"16 December 2002","3084","Df(2L)ast2/SM1",,,"021D01-02;022B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Trudi Schupbach",,"DK2",,, 106829,"16 December 2002","3085","cn[1] shg[2] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106830,"16 December 2002","3086","mid[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106831,"16 December 2002","3087","cn[1] arr[2] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106832,"16 December 2002","3088","bsk[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106833,"16 December 2002","3090","st[1] kkv[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106834,"16 December 2002","3091","st[1] e[1] sro[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106835,"16 December 2002","3092","N[Ax-tsl]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"isogenized but not retested - M.M.",,, 106836,"16 December 2002","3095","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] nkd[2] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106837,"16 December 2002","3096","Df(3L)ZN47, ry[506]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"064C;065C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; gamma-ray excision of #P466, P{ry[+]} at 64F, vein- & Vein-like wing defect, lethal over Me jv se by, R.R.",,, 106838,"16 December 2002","3097","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] knk[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106839,"16 December 2002","3098","cn[1] scb[2] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106840,"16 December 2002","3099","cn[1] lin[2] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106841,"16 December 2002","3100","st[1] put[135] e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106842,"16 December 2002","3101","aop[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106843,"16 December 2002","3102","lea[2] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106844,"16 December 2002","3103","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] grn[7L] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106845,"16 December 2002","3104","trh[1] ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, ru[*] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106846,"16 December 2002","3105","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] kay[1] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106847,"16 December 2002","3106","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] pnr[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106848,"16 December 2002","3107","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cno[2] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106849,"16 December 2002","3108","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] ea[1]/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106850,"16 December 2002","3109","v[1] gd[7]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106851,"16 December 2002","3110","st[1] pip[1] e[1]/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106852,"16 December 2002","3111","e[1] pll[2] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106853,"16 December 2002","3112","e[1] pll[7] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106854,"16 December 2002","3114","st[1] snk[1] e[1]/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106855,"16 December 2002","3115","spz[2] ca[1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106856,"16 December 2002","3116","st[1] tub[2] e[1]/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106857,"16 December 2002","3117","pim[IL] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106858,"16 December 2002","3118","fs(1)N[1]/FM4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106859,"16 December 2002","3119","w[1118]; Df(3R)BX5/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"091B01-02;091D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jeff Hall",,,,, 106860,"16 December 2002","3120","Df(2R)Pcl11B, al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1]/CyO, P{ry[+t*]=elav-lacZ.H}YH2",,,"054F06-55A01;055C01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106861,"16 December 2002","3122","Dp(3;2)P10/SM5",,,"089C01-02;089E01-02;029A-C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106862,"16 December 2002","3123","Df(3L)fz-D21, th[1] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"070D01-02;070E07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Charles Vinson",,,,, 106863,"16 December 2002","3124","Df(3L)fz-GF3b, P{w[+tAR] ry[+t7.2AR]=wA[R]}66E/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"070C01-02;070D04-05, 066E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Charles Vinson",,"DK3; new breakpoint information from John Belote, 3/93; Adelaide Carpenter says 70C02;70D05, 11/94",,, 106864,"16 December 2002","3125","Df(3L)fz-GS1a, P{w[+tAR] ry[+t7.2AR]=wA[R]}66E/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"070D01;070E07, 066E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Charles Vinson",,"John Belote says C16;E5 (5/93); cytology shown is from Adelaide Carpenter, K.M. 9/18/96",,, 106865,"16 December 2002","3126","Df(3L)fz-M21, st[1]/TM6",,,"070D02-03;071E04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Charles Vinson",,"DK3; Holly Irick says 70D3;71E5, Mark Seeger says 71E3-5 is removed based on deletion of comm, K.M. 7/7/95",,, 106866,"16 December 2002","3127","Df(3L)ri-79c/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"077B-C;077F-78A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"G. Jurgens",,"DK3",,, 106867,"16 December 2002","3128","Df(3R)M-Kx1/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"086C01;087B01-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"J. Gausz",,"DK3",,, 106868,"16 December 2002","3129","Df(2L)esc10, b[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,"033A08-B01;033B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106869,"16 December 2002","3130","Df(2L)esc-P2-0/Cy[1] Roi[1]

",,,"033A01-02;033B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cy[1] Roi[1] chromosome must be a balancer, but don't know which one -- it's al[+] sp[+] so isn't SM6b, K.M. 6/18/98",,, 106870,"16 December 2002","3131","Df(2L)esc-P3-0/Cy[1] Roi[1]

",,,"033A01-02;033E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cy[1] Roi[1] chromosome must be a balancer, but don't know which one -- it's al[+] sp[+] so isn't SM6b, K.M. 6/18/98",,, 106871,"16 December 2002","3133","Df(2L)dp-79b, dp[DA] cn[1]/In(2LR)bw[V1], b[1] bw[V1]",,,"022A02-03;022D05-E01, 021C08-D01;060D01-02 + 040F;059D04-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; neutron-induced, dp[DA] penetrant in 50-60% of the population, I.A.; does not delete dp, K.M.; no sign of ds[33k], which in theory is associated with this inversion, K.M. 3/4/01",,, 106872,"16 December 2002","3134","Df(2R)cn88b, cn[*]/SM5",,,"042C;042E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"does not delete cn, K.M.; new breakpoints from Jim Mahaffey, K.M. 11/92",,, 106873,"16 December 2002","3136","Df(2R)cn83c/SM5",,,"043C05-D01;044B06-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106874,"16 December 2002","3138","Df(2L)b87e25/CyO",,,"034B12-C01;035B10-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106875,"16 December 2002","3142","esc[5] E(Pc)[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106876,"16 December 2002","3143","Df(1)bb158, y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]/C(1)*; ca[1] awd[K]",,,"020h26-32;020h26-32 - 82% of proximal heterochromatin, 001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"females XXY",,, 106877,"16 December 2002","3145","y[1] cv[1] otu[4] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106878,"16 December 2002","3146","otu[7]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106879,"16 December 2002","3149","cin[1] y[1] pn[1] v[1] f[1] mal[1] l(1)20Cb[2]; Tp(3;Y)A76, B[S], y[+]/TM6",,,"065A;066A;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"free Y in T(Y;A) is ms - L.C.",,, 106880,"16 December 2002","3153","Tp(2;Y)J54, B[S]/SM1; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"035A;040;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"might be In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] rather than SM1",,, 106881,"16 December 2002","3157","Df(2R)ES1, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt]/SM1",,,"060E06-08;060F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; gsb[-], S.G.",,, 106882,"16 December 2002","3159","Adh[n7] lace[2] cn[1] vg[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 106883,"16 December 2002","3160","Adh[n10] gft[2] cn[1] vg[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 106884,"16 December 2002","3161","swa[6]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Ed Stephenson",,,,, 106885,"16 December 2002","3162","v[1] swa[1]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Ed Stephenson",,,,, 106886,"16 December 2002","3164","T(Y;2)CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,"?, 027D;051E + 022D03-E01;034A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mel Green",,,,, 106887,"16 December 2002","3166","noc[Sco] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1] Bl[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106888,"16 December 2002","3167","T(2;3)CyO-TM2, CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]: TM2/Dr[Mio]",,,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106889,"16 December 2002","3168","Ddc[DE1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106890,"16 December 2002","3169","cm[1] ct[6] mys[ts1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106891,"16 December 2002","3170","In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] l(2)DTS18WF[1] bw[V1]/CyO",,,"021C08-D01;060D01-02 + 040F;059D04-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106892,"16 December 2002","3171","Df(2L)VA12, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"037C02-05;038B02-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106893,"16 December 2002","3172","Df(2L)VA16, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"037B09-C01;037F05-038A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106894,"16 December 2002","3175","Dp(2;1)C239/+; hk[1] Ddc[7] pr[1]",,,"036C;039E;007A-B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp covers all three markers, K.M. 8/25/95",,, 106895,"16 December 2002","3176","w[a] N[fa-g]; Rho1[E3.10]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106896,"16 December 2002","3177","amd[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106897,"16 December 2002","3178","Df(2L)Sd77/CyO",,,"037D01-02;038C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df in SD-MAD[R77], T.W.; deficiency is pr[-], thus the pr eye color over CyO, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 106898,"16 December 2002","3180","Df(2L)H20, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO",,,"036A08-09;036E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106899,"16 December 2002","3183","Df(2L)TW1/CyO",,,"038A07-B01;039C02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,,,, 106900,"16 December 2002","3186","Df(2L)M36F-S5/CyO, Dp(2;2)M(2)m[+]",,,"036D01-E01;036F01-37A01, 036F + ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106902,"16 December 2002","3188","E(gammaTub37C[1])[1] gammaTub37C[1] pr[1] Ddc[ts1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106903,"16 December 2002","3189","Df(2L)TW50, cn[1]/CyO, Dp(2;2)M(2)m[+]",,,"036E04-F01;038A06-07, 036F + ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; very weak M, T.W.",,, 106904,"16 December 2002","3190","Ddc[27] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106905,"16 December 2002","3192","w[*]; T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]/CyO; TM6 ! no Cy expression",,,"042A02-03;058A04-B01, 089C02-03;098A18-19, 041F;089E08-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no Cy expression, K.M. 5/17/00; might be In(2L)Cy + In(2R)Cy rather than CyO, K.C. 8/30/00",,, 106906,"16 December 2002","3193","bw[1] Dat[lo]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106907,"16 December 2002","3194","dp[ov1] b[1] amd[7] pr[1]/CyO; Dp(2;Y)H2",,,"036B04-05;040F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106908,"16 December 2002","3195","l(2)37Ca[6] pr[1]/rdo[1] hk[1] l(2)37Ca[1] pr[1]; Dp(2;1)C239/+; Dp(2;Y)H1",,,"036C;039E;007A-B, 036B04-05;040F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp(2;Y)C, T.W.",,, 106909,"16 December 2002","3196","Df(1)Sxl-bt, y[1]/Binsinscy",,,"006E02;007A06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106910,"16 December 2002","3197","Ubx[bxd-1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106911,"16 December 2002","3198","w[*]; noc[Sco]/CyO, S[*] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106912,"16 December 2002","3199","Tp(3;2)N2-27, pr[1]/Dp(3;2)N2-27, pr[1]; TM6",,,"075A-B;080;021F-022A;035D-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"guess on full genotype, shown only as Tp(3;2)N2-27, K.M.",,, 106913,"16 December 2002","3200","Df(1)bi-DL1, y[59b] z[1] w[i] ct[6] f[1]/FM7c, sn[+]",,,"004A03-05;004C05-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106914,"16 December 2002","3201","Df(3L)st-g24, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"072D01-02;073A09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106915,"16 December 2002","3203","Df(1)bi-D2, w[*]/FM7c",,,"004B06-C01;004D07-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106916,"16 December 2002","3204","Df(1)bi-D3, w[*]/FM7c",,,"004C05-06;004C07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106917,"16 December 2002","3206","T(1;2)bi[D2], w[*] bi[D2]/FM7c",,,"004C05-06;046B05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106918,"16 December 2002","3209","Df(1)ct4b1, oc[1] ptg[1]; Dp(1;3)ct[J8]/Ubx[*]; C(1)DX, y[1]",,,"007B02-04;007C03-04, 004D01;007B03-04;092A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"George Lefevre",,"FBrf0039483 says this stock gives different complementation results with dec-1 alleles than does stock #3221, D.M.; originally shown as C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1] but is only y, so could be a different compound, K.M. 4/19/96",,, 106919,"16 December 2002","3211","Df(2L)el80f1/CyO",,,"034E03;035D07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106920,"16 December 2002","3212","Df(2L)do1, pr[1] cn[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] DNApol-gamma35[2]",,,"035B01-02;035D01-02, 027D;051E + 022D03-E01;034A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106921,"16 December 2002","3213","Df(2L)A48, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"035B02-03;035D05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106922,"16 December 2002","3215","Tp(1;3)JC153, v[1]/FM7a",,,"016E02-04;017A-B;?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"male lethal, Df(1) is dominant female lethal, A.S.",,, 106923,"16 December 2002","3216","Df(1)mal17, In(1)sc[S1L]sc[8R]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] f[1] mal[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106], mal[106]",,,"019A02-03;019E01, 001B03-04;020F[L]001B02-03;020F[R], 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"lJ1[-] y[-] ac[-], C(1) has some additional complexity, A.S.",,, 106924,"16 December 2002","3217","Tp(1;2)r[+]75c, sl[3]/CyO; C(1)M4, y[2]",,,"014B13;015A09;035D-E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1; 'pebbly' eye phenotype of Tp(1;2)r[+]75c is allelic to sl, A.S.; deficiency heterozygotes have a Minute phenotype, K.C. 2/4/00",,, 106925,"16 December 2002","3219","C(1;Y)1, Df(1)g, y[1] f[1] B[1]/C(1)A, y[1]/Dp(1;f)LJ9, y[+] g[+] na[+] Ste[+]",,,"012A03-10;012E04 (Df), 012A06-10;013A02-05 + 001A01;001B03-04 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1",,, 106926,"16 December 2002","3220","C(1)RA, In(1)sc[J1], In(1)sc[8], l(1)1Ac[1], sc[J1] sc[8]/C(1;Y)6, Df(1)259, w[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[53i], y[53i] sc[8]",,,"001A04;001A08-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"l(1)1Aa - l(1)1Ac; Bob Hardy reports that free Y in this stock appears to be male sterile, K.M. 11/29/95",,, 106927,"16 December 2002","3221","Df(1)ct4b1, y[1]/Binsn",,,"007B02-04;007C03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Mid-America Stock Center",,"DK1; FBrf0039483 says this stock gives different complementation results with dec-1 alleles than does stock #3209, D.M.",,, 106928,"16 December 2002","3222","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] opa[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106929,"16 December 2002","3226","Df(1)cin-arth, In(1)sc[S1L]sc[8R], In(1)dl-49, w[a] v[Of] f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,"001A06;001B03, 001B03-04;020F[L]001B02-03;020F[R], 004D07-E01;011F02-04, 001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106930,"16 December 2002","3227","wg[Sp-1] J[1] L[2] Pin[1]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacB}E3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"blue balancer",,, 106931,"16 December 2002","3234","w[*]; T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1]; TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"042A02-03;058A04-B01, 089C02-03;098A18-19, 041F;089E08-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106932,"16 December 2002","3235","cub[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 106933,"16 December 2002","3236","dl[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS100[1]",,,"036C02-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106934,"16 December 2002","3238","Tl[r3] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106935,"16 December 2002","3240","cn[1] rib[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106936,"16 December 2002","3241","y[1] peb[hnt-E8]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106937,"16 December 2002","3242","tkv[7] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106938,"16 December 2002","3243","BicD[2] cn[1] tud[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106939,"16 December 2002","3244","b[1] BicD[1] tor[11D] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106940,"16 December 2002","3252","st[1] bcd[7] p[p] osk[6]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106942,"16 December 2002","3254","st[1] pum[13] nos[L7] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"stock was originally balanced with TM3, now homozygous viable at 22[o] at least, K.M. 8/26/95",,, 106943,"16 December 2002","3255","th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] bcd[6] rn[roe-1] p[p] e[1] tsl[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106944,"16 December 2002","3256","ru[1] klar[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106945,"16 December 2002","3257","st[1] kni[ri-1] bcd[6] rn[roe-1] p[p] nos[L7] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106946,"16 December 2002","3260","st[1] pum[13]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106947,"16 December 2002","3262","cn[1] thr[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106948,"16 December 2002","3266","cn[1] sli[2] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106949,"16 December 2002","3270","cn[1] grh[IM] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106950,"16 December 2002","3271","cn[1] flz[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106951,"16 December 2002","3273","cn[1] Jra[IA109] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106952,"16 December 2002","3274","salm[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106953,"16 December 2002","3276","spo[1] st[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106954,"16 December 2002","3277","smo[3] b[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106955,"16 December 2002","3279","ple[4] st[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106956,"16 December 2002","3280","eya[cli-IID] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106957,"16 December 2002","3285","st[1] nos[L7] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no homozygotes, accessory lethal(s) presumably present, K.M. 4/24/95",,, 106958,"16 December 2002","3287","ru[1] st[1] ea[14] spz[3] ca[1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106959,"16 December 2002","3288","ru[1] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] pip[2] rn[roe-1] p[p] ea[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106960,"16 December 2002","3289","e[1] tsl[4]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106961,"16 December 2002","3293","y[1] ec[1] cv[1] ct[1] v[1] exd[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106962,"16 December 2002","3294","y[1] btd[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106963,"16 December 2002","3295","y[1] baz[4]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106964,"16 December 2002","3296","w[*] oc[otd-YH13]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106965,"16 December 2002","3299","cn[1] sna[18] twi[3] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106966,"16 December 2002","3301","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] cn[1] vg[1] c[1] a[1] px[1] bw[1] mi[1] sp[1]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"mapping",,, 106967,"16 December 2002","3302","rdo[1] hk[1] l(2)37Ce[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 106968,"16 December 2002","3303","Pr[1] Dr[1]/TM3, Sb[1] tld[17]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106969,"16 December 2002","3305","odd[5] dp[ov1] prd[9] cn[1] eve[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106970,"16 December 2002","3306","Dll[5]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106971,"16 December 2002","3307","kni[10] hb[4] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106972,"16 December 2002","3312","h[41] th[1] st[1] opa[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106973,"16 December 2002","3313","th[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] sim[8]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106974,"16 December 2002","3317","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] st[1] lds[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106975,"16 December 2002","3319","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] st[1] aur[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106976,"16 December 2002","3320","ru[1] st[1] sic[2] e[1] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106977,"16 December 2002","3321","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] gnu[305] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] p[p] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106978,"16 December 2002","3324","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] st[1] spn-B[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106979,"16 December 2002","3326","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] p[p] e[s] spn-D[2] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106980,"16 December 2002","3327","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] st[1] spn-E[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106981,"16 December 2002","3328","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; ru[1] spn-C[3] st[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106982,"16 December 2002","3330","ru[1] klar[1] th[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] ftz[16] p[p]/TM3, klar[*] ru[*] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106983,"16 December 2002","3331","th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] fkh[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106984,"16 December 2002","3332","kni[9] pum[13]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106985,"16 December 2002","3334","kni[9] tsl[4] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106986,"16 December 2002","3335","th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] p[p] pum[3] e[1] tll[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106987,"16 December 2002","3338","mwh[1] kni[ri-1] snk[4] red[1] e[1] Tl[3] ca[1]/Ms(3)R24[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106988,"16 December 2002","3340","Df(3R)e-R1, Ki[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"093B06-07;093D02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; no markers indicated, but carries Ki, maybe others, K.M. 3/28/95",,, 106989,"16 December 2002","3341","Df(3R)red1/TM1",,,"088B01;088D03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106990,"16 December 2002","3342","Df(3L)th117, h[1] kni[ri-1] e[s]/TM1",,,"072D01-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"original breakpoints given as 72A1;72D5 (DIS 55:193), but J. Kennison says df not visible to him, distal breakpoint is proximal to st-f13, genetically deficient for part of 72D1-5, 10/93",,, 106991,"16 December 2002","3343","Df(3L)Ly, mwh[1] Ly[1]/TM1, jv[*]",,,"070A02-03;070A05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106992,"16 December 2002","3344","Df(2L)prd1.7, b[1] Adh[n2] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO, P{ry[+t*]=elav-lacZ.H}YH2",,,"033B02-03;034A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 106993,"16 December 2002","3345","Df(3R)Espl22, tx[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"096F10-11;96F11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"as E(spl)[DrvBX22]",,, 106994,"16 December 2002","3346","Df(2L)TW84, l(2)74i[1], Tft[1] Lar[TW84]/CyO",,,"038A01;039D03-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106995,"16 December 2002","3347","Df(1)sd72b/FM7a",,,"013F01;014B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 106996,"16 December 2002","3349","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] ems[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106997,"16 December 2002","3350","qua[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106998,"16 December 2002","3354","Df(3R)roe/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"084A06-B01;084D04-D09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 106999,"16 December 2002","3355","Df(3R)kar-Sz8/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"087C01-02;087D14-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107000,"16 December 2002","3356","Df(3R)ftzRARU, Df(3L)Pc, kni[ri-1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"084B01-02;084B01-02 (within), 078D01-02;079A04-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107001,"16 December 2002","3357","Df(3R)e-F1, In(3R)C, sprd[1] cd[1]/cu[1] H[1] e[4]",,,"093B06-07;093E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107002,"16 December 2002","3358","Df(3R)ry85/MKRS; Dp(3;2)ry[+]",,,"087B15-C01;087F15-88A01, 087C02-03;088C02-3;021-040","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107003,"16 December 2002","3359","Df(3R)E229/TM3 (Sb[+], Ser[+]) ! see comment",,,"086F06-07;087B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Krista Golden says df is not present 8/94",,, 107004,"16 December 2002","3360","Df(3R)4SCB/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"084A06-B01;084B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107005,"16 December 2002","3361","l(2)37Da[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107006,"16 December 2002","3362","Df(3R)R10/TM1",,,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107007,"16 December 2002","3363","Df(3R)9A99, th[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] kni[6] cu[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"083F02-84A01;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107008,"16 December 2002","3364","w[*]; Df(2R)CA53/CyO",,,"043E06;044B06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107009,"16 December 2002","3365","Df(2L)cl7, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"025E01-02;026A07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no markers shown, but clearly pr cn, maybe others",,, 107010,"16 December 2002","3366","y[*]; Df(2L)J2/SM1",,,"031B;032A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"variable Cy expression, K.M. 1/23/97",,, 107011,"16 December 2002","3367","Df(2R)42, cn[1]/SM5",,,"042C03-08;042D02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107012,"16 December 2002","3368","Df(2R)cn9/CyO, Roi[1] sp[*]

",,,"042E;044C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; poor Cy expression in stock, but seen in some outcrosses, K.C. 5/27/99",,, 107013,"16 December 2002","3369","y[*]; Df(3R)awd-KRB, e[*] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"100C;100D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107014,"16 December 2002","3370","Df(1)su(s)83, y[1] cho[1] ras[1] v[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[2]sc/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"001B10;001D06-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107015,"16 December 2002","3371","Df(1)w-N71a/FM7a ! Df may be lost",,,"003A04-06;003C10-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107017,"16 December 2002","3373","Df(2R)en-SFX31/CyO",,,"048A-B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107018,"16 December 2002","3374","Dp(3;1)mwh[+]/C(1)DX?, y[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; pal[1]/SM1; mwh[1]; sv[spa-*]",,,"061;062;001A, 001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107019,"16 December 2002","3375","wg[l-8] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107020,"16 December 2002","3376","st[1] e[1] hh[2]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107021,"16 December 2002","3377","ptc[9] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107022,"16 December 2002","3378","y[1] arm[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"originally shown as arm[K2], assume = arm[1]",,, 107023,"16 December 2002","3379","cn[1] en[54] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107024,"16 December 2002","3385","l(2)37Cd[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107025,"16 December 2002","3391","Dp(2;2)Cam13, Dp(1;2)TE23CD, net[1] dpp[d-ho]/CyO",,,"047B10-14;048C06-08 (Dp), 035B;035C (Df)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deletes el to noc",,, 107026,"16 December 2002","3392","Dp(2;2)Cam1/CyO, bw[1]",,,"021E02;023D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107027,"16 December 2002","3393","Lim3[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107028,"16 December 2002","3394","Dp(2;2)Cam2, sp[1]/CyO, bw[1]",,,"023D01-02;026C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107029,"16 December 2002","3395","l(2)37Cc[4] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107030,"16 December 2002","3401","Dp(2;2)Cam3, bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"026C01-02;029F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107031,"16 December 2002","3403","Dp(2;2)Cam4, Dp(1;2)TE23CD, vg[1]/CyO, bw[1]",,,"029F;032E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107032,"16 December 2002","3407","ru[1] h[1] st[1] cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Antp[Scx] p[p] cu[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107033,"16 December 2002","3409","wb[SF11] Adh[UF] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107034,"16 December 2002","3410","tam[3] b[1] Adh[n4]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107035,"16 December 2002","3413","Ubx[abx-1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107036,"16 December 2002","3416","Df(1)nod, FM7a/Dp(1;Y)v[+]y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"010B10-12;010C03-04, 009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25 + 001A01;001B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107037,"16 December 2002","3426","FM7a, nod[3]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107038,"16 December 2002","3430","FM7a, nod[4]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107039,"16 December 2002","3432","nod[DTW] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107040,"16 December 2002","3437","Ubx[bx-34e]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107041,"16 December 2002","3443","Abd-B[iab6-C7]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107042,"16 December 2002","3444","bcd[12] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107043,"16 December 2002","3445","l(2)37Dh[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107044,"16 December 2002","3446","In(2L)al[130], al[130] ds[1]/Df(2L)S3",,,"021C03;021D04, 021D02-03;021F02-022A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"X-ray of ds S[X] ast[X], S and ast crossed off",,, 107045,"16 December 2002","3448","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] crb[2] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107046,"16 December 2002","3452","Df(2R)egl2, bw[1]/CyO",,,"059E;060A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Laura Kalfayan",,,,, 107047,"16 December 2002","3453","Df(2R)egl3/CyO",,,"059F01;059F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Laura Kalfayan",,,,, 107048,"16 December 2002","3454","kni[ri-1] cu[1] kar[1] su(Hw)[2] jvl[1] Ubx[bx-34e]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107050,"16 December 2002","3459","c[*] egl[1286] sp[*] bs[*]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Laura Kalfayan",,"sent as egl[1286] bw[1]/CyO, but isn't - markers other than sp and balancers are a guess, egl is intact, K.M. 11/8/97",,, 107051,"16 December 2002","3466","l(2)37CDf[E27] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107052,"16 December 2002","3467","Df(2R)AA21, c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM1",,,"056F09-17;057D11-12, 056D-E;058E-F (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Janis O'Donnell",,"DK2",,, 107053,"16 December 2002","3468","Df(3R)slo8/Dp(3;3)Su[8]",,,"096A02-07;096D02-04 (Df), 096A;096F11-14 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Barry Ganetsky",,"DK3; df heterozygotes without the duplication will be Pc[-], K.M. 2/18/00",,, 107054,"16 December 2002","3469","Df(2R)PK1, c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM1",,,"057C05;057F05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107055,"16 December 2002","3472","Rst(1)JH[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107056,"16 December 2002","3474","Ubx[9.22] Sb[sbd-1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107057,"16 December 2002","3480","y[1] v[1] Rst(1)JH[3]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107058,"16 December 2002","3482","Df(3R)P2/TM1",,,"089D09-E01;089E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107059,"16 December 2002","3483","Df(3R)P10, abd-A[P10]/TM1",,,"089C01-02;089E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107060,"16 December 2002","3484","Df(3R)red-P52/TM1",,,"088A12-B01;088B04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Canton-S iso3 background, E.B.L.",,, 107061,"16 December 2002","3485","Df(3R)red-P52, Sb[sbd-2] Ubx[bx-3] Ubx[pbx-1]/TM1",,,"088A12-B01;088B04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107062,"16 December 2002","3486","Df(3R)Ubx109/Dp(3;3)P5, Sb[1]",,,"089D01-02;089E01-02, 089E01-02;090A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107063,"16 December 2002","3488","Dp(2;2)S, dpp[d-ho]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, E(S)[1]",,,"021D02-03;021E02-03, 022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 042A02-03;058A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"see Red Book for mutation in duplication",,, 107064,"16 December 2002","3489","v[1] Rst(1)JH[N6]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107065,"16 December 2002","3490","y[1] v[1] Rst(1)JH[K17]/C(1)DX/Dp(1;Y)y[+]

",,,"001A01;001B03-04 + ?;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"intact-P induced, C(1)DX carries P suppressor elements, unstable in absence of suppressor, unpublished, T.W.",,, 107066,"16 December 2002","3492","Dp(3;3)bxd[100], red[1] Sb[sbd-2] Ubx[bx-3] abd-A[Hab-1]/TM1",,,"089B06;089E02;066C01-C13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107067,"16 December 2002","3494","cn[1] bw[1] Kr[1]/SM6a, bw[k1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107068,"16 December 2002","3497","In(3LR)iab3[4], abd-A[iab3-Uab4]/Dp(3;3)81-83, Abd-B[Sab-1] Abd-B[Mcp-1]",,,"080C;085A;089E01-04, 081;083","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107069,"16 December 2002","3498","ap[ts78j] wg[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107070,"16 December 2002","3499","w[1]; wee[DS1] cn[1]/CyO, P{w[+mC]=ActGFP}JMR1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107071,"16 December 2002","3500","ap[54]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"somewhat temperature-sensitive, unpublished, T.W.; no Cy expression, K.M.",,, 107072,"16 December 2002","3512","Dp(3;1)P68; Abd-B[.1065]/TM1",,,"089D;089E;020h","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107073,"16 December 2002","3513","Tp(3;3)sbd[104], Sb[sbd-104]/In(3R)ss[1335], In(3R)P, ss[1335]",,,"089B05;089C;091B, ?, 089C-D;096A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107074,"16 December 2002","3514","Df(3R)BD5, e[1] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"084A01-02;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107075,"16 December 2002","3515","Fs(2)M[1]/T(1;2)Bld, In(2R)Cy, Bld[1] & T(1;2)OR64/T(1;2)Bld, In(2R)Cy, Bld[1]",,,"001C03-04;060B12-13, 042A02-03;058A04-B01, 011A;053F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Fs in distal 2L",,, 107076,"16 December 2002","3517","w[a] N[fa-g]; Df(2R)Jp4/CyO",,,"051F13;052F08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107077,"16 December 2002","3518","w[a] N[fa-g]; Df(2R)Jp1/CyO",,,"051D03-08;052F05-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107079,"16 December 2002","3520","w[a] N[fa-g]; Df(2R)Jp8, w[+]/CyO",,,"052F05-09;052F10-53A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107080,"16 December 2002","3521","w[a] N[fa-g]; Df(2R)Jp6/CyO",,,"052E03-05;052F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107081,"16 December 2002","3522","w[a] N[fa-g]; Df(2R)Jp7, w[+]/CyO",,,"052F05-09;052F10-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[+] from parental duplication still associated with the deficiency, K.M. 7/2/96",,, 107082,"16 December 2002","3524","y[1]; Df(3R)Po2, cv-c[1]/TM2; sv[spa-pol]",,,"089A01-02;089A11-13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107083,"16 December 2002","3525","y[1]; Df(3R)Po3, cv-c[1]/TM2; sv[spa-pol]",,,"089A01-02;089A11-13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107084,"16 December 2002","3526","y[1]; Df(3R)Po4, cv-c[1]/TM2; sv[spa-pol]",,,"088F07-089A02;089A11-13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107085,"16 December 2002","3527","y[1]; Df(3R)c(3)G-2, cv-c[1]/TM2; sv[spa-pol]",,,"089A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107086,"16 December 2002","3531","w[*]; ninaE[5]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107087,"16 December 2002","3534","LS(2)DTD4, fy[2]//DS(2)DTD4, bw[1]",,,"032E01-02;041","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107088,"16 December 2002","3546","Df(3R)B81, P{ry[+t7.2]=RP49}F2-80A e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]; Dp(3;1)67A",,,"099C08;100F05, 099D;100F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107089,"16 December 2002","3547","Df(3R)L127/TM6; Dp(3;1)B152",,,"099B05-06;099E04-F01, 098F;100F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107090,"16 December 2002","3548","Df(2L)al, ds[al]/In(2L)Cy, Cy[1]",,,"021B08-C01;021C08-D01, 022D01-02;033F05-034A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"stock does best at 22[o]C, K.M. 6/18/96",,, 107091,"16 December 2002","3553","Abl[4] kar[1] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107092,"16 December 2002","3554","Abl[1] kar[1] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107093,"16 December 2002","3555","dpp[d14]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"M. Hoffmann Lab",,,,, 107094,"16 December 2002","3556","tup[isl-1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107095,"16 December 2002","3558","Df(1)HM456, ptg[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]v[+]#3/FM7c",,,"010B;010D, 009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25 + 001A01;001B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107096,"16 December 2002","3559","Df(1)GA112/Dp(1;Y)y[+]v[+]#3/FM7a",,,"010B01-02;010C01-02, 009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25 + 001A01;001B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107097,"16 December 2002","3560","Df(1)v-N48, f[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]v[+]#3/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"009F;010C03-05, 009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25 + 001A01;001B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1, DpKit1. From Tp(1;1)v[n48], R.V.",,, 107098,"16 December 2002","3561","eag[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107099,"16 December 2002","3562","Hk[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107100,"16 December 2002","3563","Sh[14]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107101,"16 December 2002","3569","l(2)36Fb[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107102,"16 December 2002","3570","l(2)37Di[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107103,"16 December 2002","3571","Df(2L)Dwee-delta5/Dp(?;2)bw[D], S[1] wg[Sp-1] Ms(2)M[1] bw[D]/CyO",,,"027A;028A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; very weak stock, deficiency is dominant female sterile, S.C.",,, 107104,"16 December 2002","3572","Df(1)bi-DL2, y[59b] z[1] w[i] ct[6] f[1]/FM7c",,,"004B03-04;004C15-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no sn[X2] expression - FM7a rather than FM7c?, K.M. 5/14/01",,, 107105,"16 December 2002","3575","l(2)37Dc[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107106,"16 December 2002","3576","l(2)37Ab[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107107,"16 December 2002","3578","l(2)36Fe[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107108,"16 December 2002","3580","l(2)37CDa[E142M] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107109,"16 December 2002","3582","l(2)37Fb[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.F.R. Wright",,,,, 107110,"16 December 2002","3583","Df(2L)fn2/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035A03;035B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107111,"16 December 2002","3585","Sop2[1] Adh[D] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107112,"16 December 2002","3588","Df(2L)TE35BC-24, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"035B04-06;035F01-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; y[1] w[1] floating, U.D.S.C.",,, 107113,"16 December 2002","3589","rk[1] cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107114,"16 December 2002","3590","rk[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107115,"16 December 2002","3591","w[1]; Df(2R)Np5, In(2LR)w45-32n, cn[1]/CyO",,,"044F10;045D09-E01, 031B;045D09-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107116,"16 December 2002","3592","Df(2L)rd9, noc[Sco]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"035C02;035C05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107117,"16 December 2002","3593","b[1] Orc5[2] elA[1] rd[s] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107118,"16 December 2002","3595","b[1] Gli[1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107119,"16 December 2002","3599","b[1] Cyp303a1[AS96] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107120,"16 December 2002","3601","rdgC[306] kar[1] ry[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107121,"16 December 2002","3602","T(2;3)rdgC[co6], th[1] st[1] rdgC[co6] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]",,,"035A(?);077B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107122,"16 December 2002","3605","w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107123,"16 December 2002","3606","b[1] crp[RAR46] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107124,"16 December 2002","3607","w[1118]; TM3, Sb[1]/CxD",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107125,"16 December 2002","3609","lz[77a7]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107126,"16 December 2002","3610","y[1] lz[89d18-15] f[1]/FM*/Dp(1;Y)lz[+]",,,"008D07-09;009A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Abraham Schalet",,,,, 107127,"16 December 2002","3611","y[59b] z[1] lz[50e] dor[84k] v[36f]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107128,"16 December 2002","3612","w[*]; wg[Sp-1]/CyO; ry[506] Dr[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/TM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107129,"16 December 2002","3615","mor[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison",,,,, 107130,"16 December 2002","3616","osa[2]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison",,,,, 107132,"16 December 2002","3618","kto[1] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison",,,,, 107133,"16 December 2002","3619","brm[2] e[s] ca[1]/TM6B, Sb[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison",,,,, 107134,"16 December 2002","3621","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] trx[E2] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison",,,,, 107135,"16 December 2002","3622","brm[2] trx[E2] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison or John Tamkun",,,,, 107136,"16 December 2002","3623","esc[21] b[1] cn[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]; ca[1] awd[K]",,,"027D;051E + 022D03-E01;034A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison ?",,,,, 107137,"16 December 2002","3627","Df(3L)31A/Dp(3;3)C126, cp[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]",,,"078A;078E, 078D;079B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Kennison",,"df heterozygotes without the duplication will be M[-], K.M. 2/18/00",,, 107138,"16 December 2002","3628","y[1] w[*]; nub[2] b[1] noc[Sco] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Y.N. Jan",,,,, 107139,"16 December 2002","3629","w[*]; wg[Sp-1]/CyO; ry[506] Sb[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"W. Mattox reports ~15% of the TM6B chromosomes in this stock apparently carry P{Delta2-3}99B, as do nearly 100% of the Sb[1] chromosome - so some recombination going on, K.M. 1/4/00",,, 107140,"16 December 2002","3631","In(2L)eya, eya[1]",,,"022D;034B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107141,"16 December 2002","3632","Df(2L)pr-A14, cn[1] bw[1]/SM5",,,"037D02-07;039A04-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Janis O'Donnell",,,,, 107142,"16 December 2002","3633","Df(2L)net18/SM6a",,,"021A04;021B03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107143,"16 December 2002","3634","Df(2L)net62/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107144,"16 December 2002","3635","w[*]; Df(2L)TE21A, w[+]/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107145,"16 December 2002","3636","Df(2L)net-PM47C/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107146,"16 December 2002","3637","Df(2L)net-PMC/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cy expression variable, K.M. 11/29/98",,, 107147,"16 December 2002","3638","Df(2L)net-PMF/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107148,"16 December 2002","3639","Df(3R)urd, ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1] ca[*]",,,"087F09-10;088B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"updated cytology per Stanley Tiong, K.M. 8/10/99",,, 107149,"16 December 2002","3640","Df(3L)brm11/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,"071F01-04;072D01-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; breakpoints originally given as 71F;72D1-10, but Kennison finds distal breakpoint is proximal to th102, K.M. 10/93",,, 107150,"16 December 2002","3641","Df(3L)th102, h[1] kni[ri-1] e[s]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,"071F03-05;072D12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"redbook says 72B1;72D12, but Kennison's best guess is 71F3-5;72D12, K.M. 10/93",,, 107151,"16 December 2002","3642","Df(3L)st4, gl[2] e[4]/TM6",,,"072D10;073C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107152,"16 December 2002","3643","Df(2R)44CE, al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,"044C04-05;044E02-04, 046C;049B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ptc[-], recombinant from Tp(2;2) from G. Yannopoulos, J.H.; N. Zhang says inversion also present, 46C;49B, K.M. 9/94",,, 107153,"16 December 2002","3644","TM3, Sb[1]/TM6B, Tb[1] Dr[Mio]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107154,"16 December 2002","3645","b[1] Syx5[AR113] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107155,"16 December 2002","3646","Df(2R)P14TE, (net[1] pr[1])/CyO",,,"044D01-02;044DE, 035D01-02;044D1-2 (In(2LR)), 035B;035D01-02 (possible Df(3L))","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"recombinant between LS(2)P14 and DS(2)TE1[L]146[R], 2L Df not confirmed genetically, J.H.",,, 107156,"16 December 2002","3647","Df(3L)HR370/In(3LR)T33[L]f19[R]",,,"063A01;063D01, 062A;064C (Dp on In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"deficiency is Minute, inversion chromosome carries a duplication for 62A-64C, is recessive lethal, A.W.; breakpoint correction (63D10 to 63D01) from A.W., K.M. 8/22/95; adult viability in the absence of the duplication is very poor, K.M. 3/21/96",,, 107157,"16 December 2002","3648","Df(3L)HR232/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"063C01;063D02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"proximal breakpoint per Anne Rascle, Hogness lab, K.M. 5/19/98",,, 107158,"16 December 2002","3649","Df(3L)HR119/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"063C02;063F07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; distal breakpoint 63E6-9 based on location of l(3)63Eb (thus overlaps with #3687), K.M. 4/25/97",,, 107159,"16 December 2002","3650","Df(3L)M21, kni[ri-1] p[p]/In(3LR)T33[L]f19[R], h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] ! see comment",,,"062F;063D, 062A;064C (Dp on In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; Inv carries Dp for 62A-64C, recessive lethal, Df is Minute, A.W.; adult viability in the absence of Dp is very poor, K.M. 3/21/96. Visible markers exchanged between chromosomes by crossovers, all phenotypes seen homozygous in stock, K.C. 10/1.",,, 107160,"16 December 2002","3651","Df(1)lz-90b24, y[2] w[a]/FM7c",,,"008B05-06;008D08-09 or 008D01-02;008E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1; 8B;8D breakpoints from Rachel Drysdale, others from M.G. as tentative, K.M. 4/22/96",,, 107161,"16 December 2002","3653","z[1] w[11E4]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Tp(1;2)TE34Cc, kuz[3]/CyO",,,"003C;003C;034D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107162,"16 December 2002","3658","Df(1)sd72a/FM7a, Df(1)FM7, l(1)*[*] & Df(1)sd72a/Dp(1;Y)shi[+]1, y[+]",,,"013F;014A (within), 001A01;001B02-03, 013F01-04;014A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df(1)FM7 also has unmapped embryonic lethal, R.V.; can't find any info on sd72a - really sd72b?, K.M. Dp originally B[S], but now B[+], K.C 3/00",,, 107163,"16 December 2002","3660","v[1] RpII215[8]/FM7a/Dp(1;Y)y[+]v[+]#3",,,"009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25 + 001A01;001B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107164,"16 December 2002","3663","v[1] RpII215[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107165,"16 December 2002","3664","y[1] w[*]; ry[506] Sb[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/TM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107166,"16 December 2002","3670","Dp(3;1)P115; Df(3R)P9, st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Pc[3] Antp[21] Ki[1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"089B07-08;089E07;020, 089E01;089E04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107167,"16 December 2002","3672","Dp(3;1)P115; Df(3R)P9, st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Pc[3] Scr[4] Antp[25]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"089B07-08;089E07;020, 089E01;089E04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107168,"16 December 2002","3673","Dp(3;1)P115; Df(3R)P9, st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Pc[3] Scr[2] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"089B07-08;089E07;020, 089E01;089E04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107169,"16 December 2002","3677","Df(3R)P10, st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Pc[3] p[p] abd-A[P10]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,"089C01-02;089E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107170,"16 December 2002","3678","Df(3R)sbd45, mwh[1] e[1?]/TM6",,,"089B04;089B10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107171,"16 December 2002","3679","Dp(3;1)P115; Df(3R)P9, st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Pc[3] Scr[4] red[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"089B07-08;089E07;020, 089E01;089E04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"incorrectly listed as Df(3R)P9/Dp(3;3)P5, Sb for some unknown period of time, K.M.",,, 107172,"16 December 2002","3686","Df(3L)GN24/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,"063F06-07;064C13-15","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; no temperature-sensitive effect at 25[o], S.W.",,, 107173,"16 December 2002","3687","w[1118]; Df(3L)GN50, e[*]/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,"063E01-02;064B17","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no temperature-sensitive effect at 25[o], S.W.",,, 107174,"16 December 2002","3688","Dp(3;1)2-2, w[1118]; Df(3R)2-2/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"081F;082F10-11, 081F;082F10-11;003D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"may or may not be homozygous for duplication; deficiency heterozygote is much healthier with Dp, so Dp not likely to be lost, but may be heterozygous, S.W.",,, 107175,"16 December 2002","3689","Df(1)18.1.15, y[1]/FM7c",,,"008C10;008E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107176,"16 December 2002","3690","wg[l-12] ptc[7] px[1] sp[1]/SM6a ! see comment",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Trudi Schupbach",,"wg allele could be wg[IG22] according to T.S., K.M.",,, 107177,"16 December 2002","3693","odd[5] wg[l-12] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM6a ! see comment",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Trudi Schupbach",,"wg allele could be wg[IG22] according to T.S., K.M.",,, 107178,"16 December 2002","3694","Df(1)9a4-5, y[1] cv[1] v[1] f[1] car[1]/FM7c",,,"008C07-08;008E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107179,"16 December 2002","3697","C(1)RM, y[1] P{w[+mC]=lacW}5-45fD w[*] P{lacW}4-5fP P{lacW}3-52d P{lacW}3-76a/+",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"good ammunition chromosome, X tends to detach, D.L.; see stock #16 for a stable version of this ammo stock, K.M. 8/31/00",,, 107180,"16 December 2002","3701","wg[l-12] en[58] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/SM6a ! see comment",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Trudi Schupbach",,"wg allele could be wg[IG22] according to T.S., K.M.",,, 107181,"16 December 2002","3702","w[1118]; Df(2L)30A-C/CyO",,,"029F07-030A01;030C02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Gerry Rubin",,,,, 107182,"16 December 2002","3703","w[1118]; CyO/nub[1] b[1] noc[Sco] lt[1] stw[3]; MKRS/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107183,"16 December 2002","3704","w[1118]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; CyO/Bl[1]; TM2/TM6B, Tb[1] ! see comment",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Richard Cripps noted the presence of y[+] on the Y in this stock - Dp(1;Y)y[+] is a guess, K.M. 2/19/97",,, 107184,"16 December 2002","3705","T(2;3)CyO-TM9, CyO: TM9, l(3)DTS4[1]/In(2LR)bw[V1], ds[33k] bw[V1]; H[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107185,"16 December 2002","3706","kni[ri-1] l(3)85Ee[2] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107186,"16 December 2002","3707","y[1] w[a] Ste[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+]",,,"001A01;001B03-04 + 016A01-02;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107187,"16 December 2002","3708","y[1] cm[1] Sxl[f1] v[1] f[1]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+] ! w[+] seems to be lost",,,"002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107188,"16 December 2002","3709","y[1] P{w[+mC]=lacW}5-45fD w[*] P{w[+mC]=lacW}4-5fP P{w[+mC]=lacW}3-52d P{w[+mC]=lacW}3-76a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"good ammunition chromosome for P mutagenesis",,, 107189,"16 December 2002","3710","0/C(1;Y)*, y[1] P{w[+mC]=lacW}5-45fD w[*] P{w[+mC]=lacW}4-5fP P{w[+mC]=lacW}3-52d P{w[+mC]=lacW}3-76a y[+]/C(1)RM, y[1] pn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"good ammunition chromosome for P mutagenesis; YSX[.]YL",,, 107190,"16 December 2002","3711","C(1)RM, y[1] P{w[+mC]=lacW}5-45fD w[*] P{lacW}4-5fP P{lacW}3-52d P{lacW}3-76a/w[1118]/Y",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"good ammunition chromosome for P mutagenesis",,, 107191,"16 December 2002","3712","T(Y;3)TMS, P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/+",,,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107192,"16 December 2002","3713","Df(1)bb452, y[1] pn[1] cv[1] m[1] f[1]/FM7a, B[+]; TM2/Tp(3;3)Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Vno[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"020h26-32;020h26-32 - 32% of proximal heterochromatin, 094A;096F;089E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107193,"16 December 2002","3714","Df(1)A209/FM7a",,,"020A;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 107194,"16 December 2002","3715","Df(1)GA90/FM6, l(1)FMa[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+]",,,"020C;020F, 001A01;001B03-04 + 016A01-02;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107195,"16 December 2002","3716","Df(1)bb456, y[1] pn[1] cv[1] m[1] f[1]/FM7a, B[+]; TM2/Tp(3;3)Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Vno[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"020h26-32;020h26-32 - 72% of proximal heterochromatin, 094A;096F;089E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107196,"16 December 2002","3717","Df(1)bb74, y[1] pn[1] cv[1] m[1] f[1]/FM7a, B[+]; TM2/Tp(3;3)Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Abd-B[iab6-Vno], Vno[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"020h26-32;020h26-32 - 48% of proximal heterochromatin, 094A;096F;089E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107197,"16 December 2002","3718","kni[ri-1] hyd[15] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107198,"16 December 2002","3719","y[1] cm[1] Sxl[M1] v[1] f[1]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+] ! w[+] seems to be lost",,,"002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107199,"16 December 2002","3720","y[1] w[*]; TM3, Sb[1]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Y.N. Jan",,,,, 107200,"16 December 2002","3721","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/FM6; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107201,"16 December 2002","3724","st[1] mus310[D1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Jim Boyd",,,,, 107202,"16 December 2002","3729","w[*] nej[3]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107203,"16 December 2002","3731","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}185Y, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in embryo: scattered cells of unknown origin, salivary gland stage 14; in oocyte: stalk cells early, also sometimes tip of germarium, follicle cells over nurse cells stages 9 or 10 and later, L.M.",,, 107204,"16 December 2002","3732","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c323a, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in embryo: salivary gland, also some cells around the gut, segmentally repeated pattern in stage 15; in third instar larva: crescent in leg disc, wing disc; in oocyte: strong in most follicle cells, L.M.",,, 107205,"16 December 2002","3733","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}179Y, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in embryo: stripes, amnioserosa; in third instar larva: brain - CNS, outer proliferative center near central brain boundary, absent in eye disc, L.M.",,, 107206,"16 December 2002","3734","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c381",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in embryo: amnioserosa, stage 14 PNS, L.M.",,, 107207,"16 December 2002","3735","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c701b, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: anterior region of wing, haltere, and leg discs, brain - throughout eye disc, medial segment of brain lobe, L.M.",,, 107208,"16 December 2002","3736","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c338/T(2;3)ap[Xa], P{GawB}c338",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: most tissues but not discs, L.M.",,, 107209,"16 December 2002","3737","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}91Y",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: brain - throughout CNS, strong in central brain, not in discs, L.M.",,, 107210,"16 December 2002","3738","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c81",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: brain - throughout CNS, diffuse throughout brain lobes,not in discs, L.M.",,, 107211,"16 December 2002","3739","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c698a, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: brain - strong throughout CNS, not in discs, L.M.",,, 107212,"16 December 2002","3740","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c315a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: brain - optic proliferative center, laminar precursor cells, not in discs, L.M.",,, 107213,"16 December 2002","3741","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}167Y, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: brain - neuroblasts in central brain and ventral ganglion, Bolwig's nerve, discs - spot in leg disc only, L.M.",,, 107214,"16 December 2002","3742","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c768/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in third instar larva: brain - outer proliferative center, inner proliferative center, ventral ganglia, discs - pouch region of wing and haltere discs strong. Balancer present, but insert is homozygous viable, L.M.",,, 107215,"16 December 2002","3743","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c306, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: stalk cells, border cells, L.M.",,, 107216,"16 December 2002","3744","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c368",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: very specific for stalk cells, starts after stage 1, not visible immediately adjacent to germarium, L.M.",,, 107217,"16 December 2002","3745","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}198Y",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: border cells and follicle cells over oocyte, L.M.",,, 107218,"16 December 2002","3746","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c329b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: follicle cells over nurse cells stage 10 and later, L.M.",,, 107219,"16 December 2002","3747","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c522",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: border cell specific, L.M.",,, 107220,"16 December 2002","3748","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}645b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: posterior pole, L.M.",,, 107221,"16 December 2002","3749","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c49, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: follicle cells strong at posterior pole, graded anteriorly, L.M.",,, 107222,"16 December 2002","3750","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c355, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: all follicle cells over oocyte, even, L.M.",,, 107223,"16 December 2002","3751","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c204/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 pattern in oocyte: follicle cells over oocytes stage 8-14, strong, L.M.",,, 107224,"16 December 2002","3753","In(1)dl-49, y[1] sn[X2] bb[l]/In(1)sc[8], Df(1)mal, sc[8]",,,"018F01-05;h26-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"J. Tomkiel reports bb[l] intact, K.C. 3/4/99",,, 107225,"16 December 2002","3757","bi[Qd]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107226,"16 December 2002","3763","y[1] w[1] N[spl-1] l(1)EN13[1] sn[1]/Binsc, oc[1] ptg[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Edward Novitski",,,,, 107227,"16 December 2002","3779","Df(2L)Sd37/SM5",,,"037D02-05;038A06-B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,"balancer could be CyO, w[*] floating (outcrossed to #3234 to rescue), K.M. 3/15/98",,, 107228,"16 December 2002","3780","Df(2L)TW2, Tft[1] l(2)74i[1]/CyO",,,"037D05-E01;038E06-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107229,"16 December 2002","3781","Df(2L)TW3, l(2)74i[1]/CyO",,,"036F07-09;037B02-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107230,"16 December 2002","3782","Df(2L)TW9, Tft[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"037E02-F01;038B01-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,"eyes are orange like pr cn, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107231,"16 December 2002","3783","Df(2L)TW12, Tft[1] l(2)74i[1]/CyO",,,"037E02-F04;039D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107232,"16 December 2002","3784","Df(2L)TW158, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"037B02-08;037E02-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107233,"16 December 2002","3785","Df(2L)VA17, Ddc[VA17] pr[1]/CyO",,,"037C01;037F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107234,"16 December 2002","3786","Df(2L)VA23, noc[Sco] pr[1]/CyO",,,"037B09-10;037D05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"T.R.F. Wright",,,,, 107235,"16 December 2002","3787","Df(1)16-185, su(f)[16-185]/Binsn/Dp(1;Y)v[+]y[+]",,,"020E;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Umea Stock Center",,,,, 107236,"16 December 2002","3788","Df(2L)cl-h2/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or[*])",,,"025D06;025F04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 107237,"16 December 2002","3804","v[1]; Df(3L)vin66, TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]/Ubx[51]",,,"068A02-03;068D03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"David Roberts",,"weak stock, M.-A.S.C.; v not included in original genotype, v[1] is a guess, K.M. 4/12/01",,, 107238,"16 December 2002","3805","Df(YS)bb-Su(var)/In(1)w[m4], w[1]",,,"h18-h25;h18-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107239,"16 December 2002","3806","Dp(1;f)52; C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/C(1;Y)6, Df(1)259, w[1]",,,"001A01-04;001A08-B01, 001A01;001B10-C04;019","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 107240,"16 December 2002","3808","Df(3R)ry75, kar[2]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"087D02;087D14-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107241,"16 December 2002","3809","l(1)9Fe[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)v[+]y[+]; Dp(?;2)bw[D], bw[D]",,,"009F03;010C02;h1-h25B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Abraham Schalet",,,,, 107242,"16 December 2002","3812","Df(2L)sc19-3/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or[*]); Dp(2;1)B19, y[1] ac[1] sc[1] pn[1] ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"024E03;025A07, 024D04;025F02;009B14-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Janos Szidonya",,"Cy expression improves at room temperature, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107243,"16 December 2002","3813","Df(2L)sc19-4/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or[*]); Dp(2;1)B19, y[1] ac[1] sc[1] pn[1] ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"025A05;025E05, 024D04;025F02;009B14-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Janos Szidonya",,"DK2; no Cy expression, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107244,"16 December 2002","3814","Df(2L)sc19-7/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or[*]); Dp(2;1)B19, y[1] ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"024D02-04;025C02-03, 024D04;025F02;009B14-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 107245,"16 December 2002","3815","Df(2L)sc19-9/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R] In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[2] sp[2] (or[*]); Dp(2;1)B19, y[1] ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]",,,"024D04-05;025F04-026A01, 024D04;025F02;009B14-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Janos Szidonya",,,,, 107246,"16 December 2002","3822","y[1] ac[1]; In(2L)Cy, S[2] Cy[1]; Tp(1;2)sc[19], sc[19]",,,"001A08;001B04-05;025A03-A07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107247,"16 December 2002","3824","Dp(1;f)1346/Dp(1;3)K2",,,"001B12-13;020A01-h32, 020A-B;020D-F;080-081","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Kenneth Tartoff",,,,, 107248,"16 December 2002","3825","Dp(1;f)1488/Dp(1;3)K2",,,"002A01-04;020A01-h32, 020A-B;020D-F;080-081","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Kenneth Tartoff",,,,, 107249,"16 December 2002","3838","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/R(1)2, In(1)sc[8], Df(1)ac, ac[1] sc[8] w[a] B[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"has a bang-sensitive phenotype, K.M. 11/15/00",,, 107250,"16 December 2002","3839","BER 1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Bruce Wallace",,"Bermuda, 1954, established from 4 females, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107251,"16 December 2002","3841","BOG 1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Bruce Wallace",,"Bogota, Columbia, 1962, established from 4 females, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107252,"16 December 2002","3844","BS 1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Bruce Wallace",,"Barcelona, Spain, 1954, established from 4 females, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107253,"16 December 2002","3846","CA 1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Bruce Wallace",,"Capetown, South Africa, 1954, established from 4 females, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107254,"16 December 2002","3852","KSA 2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Bruce Wallace",,"Koriba Dam, South Africa, 1963, established from 4 females, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107255,"16 December 2002","3878","Wild 1A",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Bruce Wallace",,"Ceres, New York, USA, 1966, established from 1 female, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107256,"16 December 2002","3896","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Sxl[f1] oc[1] ptg[1] v[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107257,"16 December 2002","3897","Df(2L)b88f32/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] dp[lv1] b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] L[4] sp[2]",,,"034D02-03;034E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107258,"16 December 2002","3898","Df(2L)osp18, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"035B02;035C04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 5/21/01",,, 107259,"16 December 2002","3899","TfIIS[2] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107260,"16 December 2002","3900","b[1] esg[35Ce-1] l(2)CA61[VS] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107261,"16 December 2002","3902","egh[7]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Burke Judd",,,,, 107262,"16 December 2002","3909","w[*]; Df(2R)59AD/SM1",,,"059A01-03;059D01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; deficiency apparently uncovers a Minute, C.L.",,, 107263,"16 December 2002","3910","y[1] w[*]; Df(2L)N6, P{w[+mC]=lacW}B8-2-30, syt[N6]/CyO",,,"023A06;023B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Hugo Bellen",,"balancer originally shown as In(2LR)Gla, but it isn't, CyO is a guess, K.C. 9/28/98",,, 107264,"16 December 2002","3911","Df(2L)D20, l(2)22Fd[D20] nrd[D20] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,"022F04;023A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Hugo Bellen",,,,, 107265,"16 December 2002","3913","l(2)23AB3[T63] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Hugo Bellen",,,,, 107266,"16 December 2002","3919","cos[5] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO, Df(2R)cn-S6",,,"043C07;043F02-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107267,"16 December 2002","3920","Df(2R)Drl[rv3], bw[1]/SM6a",,,"042E01-04;043C03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107268,"16 December 2002","3921","Dp(?;2)bw[D], hum[2] bw[D]/CyO, Df(2R)cn-S6",,,"043C07;043F02-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Michael Ashburner",,,,, 107269,"16 December 2002","3922","C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Df(1)y74k24.1, RpL36[y74k24.1]/Dp(1;Y)y[2]*",,,"001A01;001B13-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Umea Stock Center",,,,, 107270,"16 December 2002","3923","C(1)RA, In(1)AB, y[1], In(1)sc[8], sc[8]/Dp(1;YL)sc[S1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 107271,"16 December 2002","3925","Dp(1;f)1173; C(1)RA, Df(1)259, y[1]/C(1;Y)6, Df(1)259, y[1] w[1]",,,"001B02;020F01-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Kenneth Tartoff",,,,, 107272,"16 December 2002","3926","Dp(1;f)3; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)6, Df(1)259, w[1]",,,"001D04-E01;?-020A02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 107273,"16 December 2002","3928","Dp(1;f)18; C(1)RM, y[1] pn[1] v[1]/C(1;Y)6, Df(1)259, w[1]",,,"001E04-F01;019","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 107274,"16 December 2002","3929","Dp(1;f)122; C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] f[1]/C(1;Y)6, Df(1)259, w[1]",,,"001E04-F01;020E01-h26","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 107275,"16 December 2002","3930","Dp(1;f)164; C(1)RM, y[1] v[1]/C(1;Y)6, Df(1)259, w[1]",,,"001B02-14;h26-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,"originally C(1)DX, y[1] v[1] f[1], but females in stock are f[+], M.-A.S.C.",,, 107276,"16 December 2002","3936","ClB/dor[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107277,"16 December 2002","3940","Dp(1;f)1187, P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}0801 P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}8-23 y[+]; In(1)sc[8], Df(1)sc[8], y[1] sc[8] w[a]; ry[506]",,,"001B02;020F, 001B02;020F, 001A08;001B01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107278,"16 December 2002","3941","Dp(1;f)1193",,,"001B02-?;h26-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Kenneth Tartoff",,,,, 107279,"16 December 2002","3942","Dp(1;f)1492/T(1;3)sc[K], sc[K]",,,"001B10-12;020A01-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,"Dan Lindsley",,,,, 107280,"11 December 2002","2355","Df(2R)bw-S46/CyO?",,,"059D08-11;060A07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107281,"11 December 2002","2356","dp[o3] ta[1] sp[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] L[4] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"good l[4], M-A.S.C.",,, 107282,"11 December 2002","2361","M(2)39F[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107283,"11 December 2002","2362","Df(3R)crb87-4, st[1] e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"095E08-F01;095F15","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107284,"11 December 2002","2363","Df(3R)crb87-5, st[1] e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"095F07;096A17-18","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107285,"11 December 2002","2364","M(2)36F[2?]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107286,"11 December 2002","2365","mus206[A1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"tested in 1995 by P. Fogarty, mutagen sensitivity intact, M-A.S.C.",,, 107287,"11 December 2002","2366","Df(3R)XTA1, th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] p[1]/Dp(3;3)M95A[+]13, st[1] e[1]",,,"096B;096D, 094D;096E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107288,"11 December 2002","2368","S[1] wg[Sp-1] ms(2)2[1] ta[1] cn[1] crs[1]/SM1, dp[lvI] pr[1] Bl[1] L[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107289,"11 December 2002","2369","SM1, Got2[1] Gpdh[A] Mdh1[4] Adh[F] Dip-A[4] Hex-C[4] Amy-d[1]; Got2[2] Gpdh[B] Mdh1[6] Adh[S] Dip-A[2] Hex-C[6] Amy-p[2] Amy-d[3]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107290,"11 December 2002","2371","flr[3]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107291,"11 December 2002","2373","E(Egfr)C22[C22]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107292,"11 December 2002","2374","Florida-9",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107293,"11 December 2002","2375","Df(2L)pr-A20, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"038A03-04;038B06-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107294,"11 December 2002","2376","Oregon-R-P2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"selected for rapid egg-laying ability (Indiana fly farm strain), K.M.",,, 107295,"11 December 2002","2377","M(3)99B[1]/In(3R)C, sprd[1] l(3)e[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107296,"11 December 2002","2378","Dp(3;1)R16/C(1)DX, y[1]; ca[1] bv[1]",,,"099E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107297,"11 December 2002","2379","l(3)63Aa[2]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107298,"11 December 2002","2381","cn[1] twi[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107299,"11 December 2002","2382","TM2, ry[*]/MKRS",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107300,"11 December 2002","2383","TM2, ry[*] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/MKRS, P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B",,,"071B02-C;092E, 087A-B;097F-098A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"delta2-3 tested 1/92, K.M.; sent as TMS, but R. Kreber did cytology and found no In(3R)87;97 present, only MKRS, delta2-3 present on both chromosome, K.M. 8/94",,, 107301,"11 December 2002","2384","pi[[2]]

",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107302,"11 December 2002","2386","Df(2L)DS6, b[1] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO =or= SM6a",,,"038F05;039E07-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107303,"11 December 2002","2390","w[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"aquisition date may be off by a year or two, selected by M.K. for good embryonic viability, K.M.",,, 107304,"11 December 2002","2391","b[1] tyr1[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107305,"11 December 2002","2392","l(2)DTS91[1] noc[Sco]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107306,"11 December 2002","2393","Df(3R)WIN11, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"083E01-02;084A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107308,"11 December 2002","2397","Antp[PW]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"071F;084B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107309,"11 December 2002","2398","W[1] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107310,"11 December 2002","2399","Df(3L)R-G5, rho[ve-1]/TM6",,,"062A10-B01;062C04-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107311,"11 December 2002","2400","Df(3L)R-G7, rho[ve-1]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,"062B08-09;062F02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107312,"11 December 2002","2401","In(2R)Pcl[11], Pcl[11]/SM5",,,"055A;057A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Pc group",,, 107313,"11 December 2002","2406","st[1] in[1] kni[ri-1] Scm[D1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107314,"11 December 2002","2407","Ly[1]/CxD",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107315,"11 December 2002","2408","Df(3R)06624/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"095C01;095C07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer is a guess, K.C. 5/28/99",,, 107316,"11 December 2002","2409","Df(3R)07280/MKRS",,,"091B02;091C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107317,"11 December 2002","2410","l(3)63Ab[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107318,"11 December 2002","2411","Df(3R)Dl-KX23, e[*]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"091C07-D03;092A05-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107319,"11 December 2002","2412","kni[ri-1] alphaTub84B[5] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107320,"11 December 2002","2413","Dp(1;Y)B[S]; bw[1] tra2[ts1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"tra2 chromosome appears to carry a lethal, C. Schonbaum reports no homozygotes among 400 progeny grown at low density, K.M. 3/8/00",,, 107321,"11 December 2002","2414","w[*]; Df(2L)spd[j2], wg[spd-j2]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacB}E3",,,"027C01-02;028A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"blue balancer, but specific identity of construct unknown, this is a guess, K.M. 3/2/99",,, 107322,"11 December 2002","2415","l(3)63Ba[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107323,"11 December 2002","2423","l(3)63Bb[6]/TM6B, Tb[+] e[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107324,"11 December 2002","2424","Df(3L)st-g18, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/Dp(3;3)st[+]g18, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]",,,"072E01-02;074F04-075A01, 065A01-2;099A01-02, 072E01-02;074F04-075A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"John Belote",,, 107325,"11 December 2002","2425","Df(3R)e-N19/TM2",,,"093B;094","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; B. Savakis found Wolbachia dnaA sequences in this stock suggesting it is infected (1/94)",,, 107326,"11 December 2002","2429","l(3)63Bc[5]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107327,"11 December 2002","2431","Dp(3;3)Antp1, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"084B02-06;084C08;087","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"crossed off of Tp(3;3)Antp1, includes roe[+], T.K.",,, 107328,"11 December 2002","2434","l(3)63Bd[2]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107329,"11 December 2002","2436","l(3)63Be[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107330,"11 December 2002","2437","M(3)63B[1]/In(3LR)T33[L]f19[R]",,,"062A;064C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107331,"11 December 2002","2438","l(3)63Bg[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107332,"11 December 2002","2443","l(3)63Bh[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"eye color floating, M-A.S.C.",,, 107333,"11 December 2002","2445","dsx[18] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107334,"11 December 2002","2447","e[4] E(spl)[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107335,"11 December 2002","2448","st[1] betaTub85D[Drv2] by[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107336,"11 December 2002","2449","betaTub85D[3] cu[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107337,"11 December 2002","2450","l(3)63Bi[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107338,"11 December 2002","2451","st[1] betaTub85D[D] ss[1] e[s]/TM2 & dsx[D] Sb[1] e[1]/TM2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107339,"11 December 2002","2452","ru[1] pbl[5] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107340,"11 December 2002","2453","kni[ri-1] betaTub85D[n] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107341,"11 December 2002","2455","st[1] Ki[1] cu[1] dco[3]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107342,"11 December 2002","2458","st[1] Sb[sbd-1] e[1] ro[1] dco[2]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107343,"11 December 2002","2459","Sc2[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107344,"11 December 2002","2460","vn[C221]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107345,"11 December 2002","2461","l(3)67Aa[2] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107346,"11 December 2002","2462","l(3)67Ab[2] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107347,"11 December 2002","2463","l(3)67Ac[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107348,"11 December 2002","2464","Df(3R)R38.3, st[1] ry[506]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"097E03-11;098A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107349,"11 December 2002","2465","l(3)67Ad[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107350,"11 December 2002","2467","Df(2R)P32a, cn[*]/CyO?",,,"043A03;043F06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no marker or balancer information with stock, other markers may be present, K.M.; renamed from Df(2R)P32 per FlyBase, K.M. 2/12/99",,, 107351,"11 December 2002","2468","y[1] w[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(2R)XTE-18/CyO",,,"051E03;052C09-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"balancer and X, Y info from Jim Kennison, 3/93, K.M.",,, 107352,"11 December 2002","2469","l(3)67Ae[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107353,"11 December 2002","2470","l(3)67Af[1] kni[ri-1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107354,"11 December 2002","2471","Df(2R)M60E/In(2LR)bw[V32g], bw[V32g]",,,"060E02-03;060E11-12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107355,"11 December 2002","2472","Dp(3;1)92/C(1)DX, y[1]; ca[1] bv[1]",,,"099E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107356,"11 December 2002","2475","w[*]; T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]/CyO; TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107357,"11 December 2002","2478","l(3)67BDa[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107358,"11 December 2002","2479","Df(3L)29A6, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"066F05;067B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107359,"11 December 2002","2480","l(3)67BDb[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107360,"11 December 2002","2485","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] srp[3] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107361,"11 December 2002","2486","C(1;Y)2, y[+]/0 & C(1)RM, y[1] v[1]/0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no free Y seen in neuroblast squashes, K.C. 1/8/99",,, 107362,"11 December 2002","2488","l(3)67BDc[2] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107363,"11 December 2002","2489","l(3)67BDd[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107364,"11 December 2002","2492","fzy[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107365,"11 December 2002","2493","l(3)67BDe[2] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107366,"11 December 2002","2497","y[1] sog[S6]/FM7c, sn[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107367,"11 December 2002","2500","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] stg[4] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107368,"11 December 2002","2502","l(3)67BDf[2] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107369,"11 December 2002","2504","l(3)67BDg[2] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107370,"11 December 2002","2506","y[1] w[*]; T(2;3)B3, CyO: TM6B, Tb[1]/Pin[88K]",,,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no Cy expression, K.M. 5/27/97",,, 107371,"11 December 2002","2507","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] p[p] e[1] Tl[r4]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107372,"11 December 2002","2508","ush[2] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107373,"11 December 2002","2509","l(3)67BDh[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107374,"11 December 2002","2514","l(3)67BDi[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107375,"11 December 2002","2516","l(3)67BDj[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107376,"11 December 2002","2517","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-twi.2xPE}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"twi proximal element, expresses GAL4 in a ventral stripe 12-14 cells wide at cellular blastoderm, homozygous viable, CyO may be floating, K.M. 12/2/96",,, 107377,"11 December 2002","2518","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-ve.NEE}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ve enhancer, expresses GAL4 in the neural ectoderm, K.M. 12/2/96",,, 107378,"11 December 2002","2519","l(3)67BDk[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107379,"11 December 2002","2520","l(3)67BDl[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107380,"11 December 2002","2521","l(3)67BDm[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107381,"11 December 2002","2523","y[1] v[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]Yy[+]; bw[1]",,,"001A01;001B03-04 + 016A01-02;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107382,"11 December 2002","2525","abo[1]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107383,"11 December 2002","2526","wdl[1]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95",,, 107384,"11 December 2002","2528","Df(2R)gsb, cn[1] bw[1] zip[IIX62] gsb[IIX62]/CyO",,,"060E09-10;060F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107385,"11 December 2002","2530","dal[1]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107386,"11 December 2002","2531","RpS27A[mfs31]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107387,"11 December 2002","2532","In(2L)Cy; T(2;3)E(da), E(da)[1]",,,"022D01-02;033F05-034A01, 041;066C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107388,"11 December 2002","2533","y[1] N[l1N-ts1] g[2] f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107389,"11 December 2002","2534","ry[506] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107390,"11 December 2002","2535","wg[Sp-1]/CyO; ry[506] Sb[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B/TM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B. Savakis found Wolbachia dnaA sequences in this stock suggesting it is infected (1/94)",,, 107391,"11 December 2002","2536","w[*]; ry[506] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B. Savakis found Wolbachia dnaA sequences in this stock suggesting it is infected (1/94)",,, 107392,"11 December 2002","2537","w[*]; TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Ser[1] largely suppressed, K.M. 3/5/01",,, 107393,"11 December 2002","2538","Birmingham; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"second chromosomes from Birmingham wild-type strain, K.M. 8/2695",,, 107394,"11 December 2002","2540","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; ry[506] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107395,"11 December 2002","2542","l(3)67BDn[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107396,"11 December 2002","2547","Df(3L)vin2, ru[1] h[1] gl[2] e[4] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"067F02-03;068D06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"st on TM3?, K.M.",,, 107397,"11 December 2002","2551","CyO/noc[Sco]; TM6/MRS",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107398,"11 December 2002","2553","Df(3L)vin6, ru[1] h[1] gl[2] e[4] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"068C08-11;069A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"also has st-like eye color, K.M. 8/25/95",,, 107399,"11 December 2002","2554","l(3)67BDp[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107400,"11 December 2002","2555","CyO/noc[Sco]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107401,"11 December 2002","2557","l(3)67BDr[1] kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107402,"11 December 2002","2558","mwh[1] ry[506] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107403,"11 December 2002","2561","tor[4] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107404,"11 December 2002","2573","l(3)84Cb[2] p[p] cu[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107405,"11 December 2002","2574","l(3)84Cc[2] p[p] cu[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107406,"11 December 2002","2577","Df(3L)emc-E12/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"061A;061D03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107407,"11 December 2002","2582","l(3)84Da[2] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107408,"11 December 2002","2583","Df(2L)cact-255rv64, cact[chif64]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"035F-036A;036D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107409,"11 December 2002","2584","l(3)84Db[9] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107410,"11 December 2002","2585","cn[1]; Df(3R)mbc-R1, ry[506]/TM3, ry[*] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"095A05-07;095D06-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107411,"11 December 2002","2586","Df(3R)23D1, ry[506]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"094A03-04;094D01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107412,"11 December 2002","2587","Df(3L)2-30, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Fj","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107413,"11 December 2002","2588","Df(3L)9-56, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Fij","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107414,"11 December 2002","2589","Df(3L)2-66, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Fh-j","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107415,"11 December 2002","2590","Df(3L)1-166, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"080Fg-j","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no Sb expression, K.M. 7/17/95; presence of deficiency confirmed by D. Sinclair, 3/21/00, K.M.",,, 107416,"11 December 2002","2591","Df(3L)8A-80, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Ffg","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107417,"11 December 2002","2592","Df(3L)6-61, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Fde","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107418,"11 December 2002","2593","Df(3L)3-52, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Fb-g","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107419,"11 December 2002","2595","Df(3L)10-26+Df(3R)10-26, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Ffg + 081Fa","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107420,"11 December 2002","2596","Df(3L)6B-29+Df(3R)6B-29, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"080Fd-j + 081Fa","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107421,"11 December 2002","2597","Df(3R)10-65, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"081Fa","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no Sb expression, K.M. 7/17/95",,, 107422,"11 December 2002","2598","Df(3R)4-75, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"081Fab","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107423,"11 December 2002","2599","Df(3R)tll-g, ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"099F01-02;100B04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"breakpoint information from J.M.",,, 107424,"11 December 2002","2604","Df(2R)Px2/SM5",,,"060C05-06;060D09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107425,"11 December 2002","2605","Df(2R)Pu-D17, nw[D] Pin[Yt]/SM1",,,"057B04;058B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107426,"11 December 2002","2606","Df(2R)Pu-D17, cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/SM1",,,"057B04;058B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107427,"11 December 2002","2607","Df(3L)W4, ru[1] h[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"075B10;075C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"M. Abbott says cytologically complex, 2 deficiencies plus an inversion, K.M.; w[-] floating, K.M. 5/25/01",,, 107428,"11 December 2002","2608","Df(3L)W10, ru[1] h[1] Sb[sbd-2]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"075A06-07;075C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; Adelaide Carpenter says many deficiency chromosomes in stock carry Tb; revised cytology from FlyBase, 4/12/95 K.M.",,, 107429,"11 December 2002","2609","Df(3L)vin3, ru[1] h[1] gl[2] e[4] ca[1]/TM3, ry[*] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"068C05-06;068E03-04, 064C-F;071C (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107430,"11 December 2002","2610","Df(3L)vin4, ru[1] h[1] gl[2] e[4] ca[1]/TM3, ry[*] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"068B01-03;068F03-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107431,"11 December 2002","2611","Df(3L)vin5, ru[1] h[1] gl[2] e[4] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"068A02-03;069A01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107432,"11 December 2002","2612","Df(3L)vin7, h[1] gl[2] e[4] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"068C08-11;069B04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107433,"11 December 2002","2622","Dp(2;2)Cam16, b[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"057C04-06;060E04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107434,"11 December 2002","2626","Dp(2;2)Cam11, b[1] pr[1] pwn[1]/CyO, b[81f2] rk[81f2]",,,"043B03-C01;047B10-14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"y[*] w[*] chromosome may be floating, J.R.",,, 107435,"11 December 2002","2630","Dp(2;2)Cam8, b[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, al[2] Cy[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[2] vg[1] c[1] sp[2]",,,"036C;040","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107436,"11 December 2002","2632","TM6B, Tb[1]/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107437,"11 December 2002","2643","T(Y;2)B137, y[+], tkv[B137]/SM1; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"025D06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ex-like wings; variable Cy expression, K.M. 7/13/95; might be In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] rather than SM1",,, 107438,"11 December 2002","2669","l(3)84Ef[2] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107439,"11 December 2002","2677","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}V49",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: epidermis, J.L.; replaced with homozygous line 12/22/99, K.M.",,, 107440,"11 December 2002","2680","l(3)84Eg[5] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107441,"11 December 2002","2683","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}V55",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: PNS, J.L.; insertion mapped to chromosome 2 by the stock center, e floating in stock, K.M. 10/28/99",,, 107442,"11 December 2002","2689","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}V85, w[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: all neurons, J.L.; cn[1] and bw[1] (apparently) floating, K.M. 8/8/98",,, 107443,"11 December 2002","2702","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}5053A/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: longitudinal muscles, some cells in gut, J.L.",,, 107444,"11 December 2002","2703","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}C23, w[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: transverse muscles, J.L.",,, 107445,"11 December 2002","2716","Tp(2;Y)J64, y[+]/SM1; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"056F;057A;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"might be In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] rather than SM1",,, 107446,"11 December 2002","2720","grn[H10] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107447,"11 December 2002","2721","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}5015",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: lymph gland, J.L.; homozygous line established, both copies replaced, K.M. 2/10/00",,, 107448,"11 December 2002","2727","T(Y;2)J165, esg[dgl], B[S], y[+]/SM1; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"035C04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"might be In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] rather than SM1",,, 107449,"11 December 2002","2729","st[1] e[1] tll[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107450,"11 December 2002","2730","C(1;Y)1, y[1]/y[1] f[1]; In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2]/?; Dp(1;Y;4)y[+], sv[spa-pol]",,,"101 - 4Lh?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dan thinks 4th chromosome breakpoint is in the short arm, originally shown as Dp(1;4)y[+][.]spa[pol], K.M. 10/3/95",,, 107451,"11 December 2002","2731","Tp(2;Y)L12, y[+]/SM1; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"041A;043A;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"might be In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] rather than SM1",,, 107452,"11 December 2002","2735","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}C1003",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: CNS, epidermis, PNS, J.L.",,, 107453,"11 December 2002","2736","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}5108/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Embryonic tissue(s) showing GAL4 expression: lymph gland, anterior dorsal vessel, J.L.; rebalanced over CyO, good Cy phenotype for now, K.M. 3/8/00",,, 107454,"11 December 2002","2740","l(3)84Fb[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107455,"11 December 2002","2741","l(3)84Fc[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107456,"11 December 2002","2744","l(3)84Fd[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107457,"11 December 2002","2747","neur[11]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107458,"11 December 2002","2749","raw[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107459,"11 December 2002","2752","l(3)84Fe[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107460,"11 December 2002","2754","l(3)84Ff[2] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107461,"11 December 2002","2762","Tp(2;Y)R31, y[+]/SM1; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"056F;057F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"might be In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] cn[2] rather than SM1",,, 107462,"11 December 2002","2768","cn[1] Egfr[f2] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107463,"11 December 2002","2769","l(3)84Fg[1] red[1] e[4]/CxD",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107464,"11 December 2002","2772","S[IIN] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107465,"11 December 2002","2776","dib[2] st[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107466,"11 December 2002","2781","l(3)84Fi[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107467,"11 December 2002","2787","Tp(3;Y)A81, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"075D;080","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107468,"11 December 2002","2797","l(3)84Fj[2] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107469,"11 December 2002","2800","l(3)84Fk[2] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107470,"11 December 2002","2814","kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] l(3)85Aa[prl41] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107471,"11 December 2002","2819","l(3)85Ab[1] rsd[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107472,"11 December 2002","2823","Tp(3;Y)B150, y[+]/TM6; bw[1]; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"088F;094A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+], bw",,, 107473,"11 December 2002","2832","T(Y;3)B197, B[S], y[+], mar[1]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"096B01-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107474,"11 December 2002","2833","Tp(3;Y)B204, B[S], y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"093B;098B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107475,"11 December 2002","2835","Tp(3;Y)B216, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"085F;091C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107476,"11 December 2002","2836","Tp(3;Y)B219, B[S], y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1] w[1]",,,"094C;100A (093F;099C-100A ?)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107477,"11 December 2002","2841","Tp(3;Y)B233, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"067E;070A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107478,"11 December 2002","2851","kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] l(3)85Ad[1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107479,"11 December 2002","2861","Tp(3;Y)G63, B[S], y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"083C;085A & 070A;077BC","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107480,"11 December 2002","2862","Ki[1] l(3)85Ae[3] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107481,"11 December 2002","2866","Ubx[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"little or no Ser expression, K.M. 6/4/01",,, 107482,"11 December 2002","2868","l(3)85Af[7] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107483,"11 December 2002","2870","C(1;Y)1, y[1] g[2] na[1]/FM3/Dp(1;f)LJ8, y[+] g[+] na[+] Ste[+]",,,"001B01;012E01-013A05 + ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107484,"11 December 2002","2874","Tp(3;Y)G145, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"068D;070D;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107485,"11 December 2002","2875","l(3)85Ag[1] rsd[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107486,"11 December 2002","2879","Tp(3;Y)H141, B[S], y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"061B;062D;Y (complex)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107487,"11 December 2002","2883","mus306[D1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107488,"11 December 2002","2890","mus307[D1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107489,"11 December 2002","2892","Df(2L)N22-14/CyO",,,"029C01-02;030C08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107490,"11 December 2002","2893","Tp(3;Y)J55, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"098A;100B;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107491,"11 December 2002","2902","Ts(1Lt;3Rt)sc[J4], y[+] flr[1]/TM1; y[1?]",,,"001A01;001B02-03;061A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107492,"11 December 2002","2909","Tp(3;Y)J158, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"073C;079D;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107493,"11 December 2002","2914","Tp(3;Y)L58, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"088D;093D;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107494,"11 December 2002","2934","Df(3R)Tpl9/Dp(3;3)Tpl; C(1)M3, y[2] bb[*]/C(1;Y)*",,,"083D04-05;084A04-05, 083D;084B03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107495,"11 December 2002","2942","Tp(3;Y)R97, y[+]/TM6; C(1)RM, y[1]/C(1;Y)1, y[1]",,,"098A;100B;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+]",,, 107496,"11 December 2002","2960","C(1)M3, y[2]/FM7a; Sb[1]/TM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107497,"11 December 2002","2968","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1], l(2)*[*]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107498,"11 December 2002","2969","B[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107499,"11 December 2002","2973","ss[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107500,"11 December 2002","2975","ru[1] h[1] Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"homozygotes viable but weak, K.M.; Ser largely suppressed, K.M. 8/25/95",,, 107501,"11 December 2002","2976","y[1]; T(2;3)ss[aD], Ki[1] p[p] ss[aD]/CyO; TM6B, Tb[1]; sv[spa-pol]",,,"?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107502,"11 December 2002","2977","Df(2L)wg-CX3, wg[l-16] b[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,"027F01-03;028A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107503,"11 December 2002","2978","wg[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO, pr[1] cn[2] bw[1] ! see comment",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"originally a viable allele, now pupal lethal?, N.B.",,, 107504,"11 December 2002","2979","In(2L)wg[P], wg[P]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,"028A01-03;032E-F, 027D;051E + 022D03-E01;034A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"pupal lethal in trans with embryonic lethal alleles, N.B.",,, 107505,"11 December 2002","2980","wg[l-17] b[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"probably null, embryonic lethal, 2 kb deletion at 5' end, N.B.",,, 107506,"11 December 2002","2984","Df(1)C128/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)sn[+]72d/Dp(?;2)bw[D], bw[D]",,,"007D01;007D05-06, 007A08;008A05;032C;058E, ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107507,"11 December 2002","2985","vls[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107508,"11 December 2002","2986","Df(1)Pgd35, pn[1?]/FM7d ! see comment",,,"002C02-04;002E02-F01 or F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"might be Pgd-kz, which goes to F5; see DIS 65; 12/92 - N. Perrimon says Df may not be intact, but he's not sure; balancer a guess, K.M. 5/31/01",,, 107509,"11 December 2002","2987","th[1] st[1] kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] osk[6] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107510,"11 December 2002","2988","dp[ov1] b[1] BicD[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107511,"11 December 2002","2990","Df(3L)Cat, kni[ri-1] Sb[sbd-1] e[*]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"075B08;075F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; no Ser expression, K.M. 3/92",,, 107512,"11 December 2002","2991","Df(3L)BK9, ru[1] red[1] cv-c[1] Sb[sbd-1] sr[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"068E;069A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107513,"11 December 2002","2992","Df(3L)BK10, ru[1] Ly[1] red[1] cv-c[1] Sb[sbd-1] sr[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"071C;071F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107514,"11 December 2002","2993","Df(3L)st-f13, Ki[1] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"072C01-D01;073A03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107515,"11 December 2002","2995","Df(3L)st8P, In(3L)P, ry[*]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"072E04;073B04, 063B08-11;072E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107516,"11 December 2002","2996","Df(3L)st7, e[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"073A03-04;074A03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107517,"11 December 2002","2997","Df(3L)st7P, In(3L)P/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"073A01;073A07, 063B08-11;072E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107518,"11 December 2002","2998","Df(3L)81k19/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"073A03;074F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107519,"11 December 2002","3002","Df(3L)Pc, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"078C01-05;078C09-D03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"no marker information, others may be present, K.M.; Ser[1] largely suppressed, K.M. 6/12/01",,, 107520,"11 December 2002","3003","Df(3R)T-32, (kni[ri-1]) cu[1] sr[1] e[s]/MRS",,,"086E02-04;087C06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107521,"11 December 2002","3004","Ddc[ts2] cn[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107522,"11 December 2002","3006","Df(1)N-81k1, dnc[81k1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; SM1, Dp(1;2)51b/+",,,"003C05-06;003C09-10, 003C01-02;003D06-E01;052E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"null - small df affecting only N",,, 107523,"11 December 2002","3007","Df(3R)ry615/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"087B11-13;087E08-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107524,"11 December 2002","3008","cn[1] shn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107526,"11 December 2002","3010","Df(3R)P14, sr[1]/T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]",,,"090C02-D01;091A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107527,"18 December 2002","3943","Dp(1;f)1514/T(1;3)sc[K], sc[K]",,,"001B12-13;020A01-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107528,"18 December 2002","3944","Dp(1;f)RA/In(1)sc[J1], l(1)1Ac[1] sc[J1]",,,"001A03-04;001F;020A01-h32","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107529,"18 December 2002","3953","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=AyGAL4}25/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4; see Ito et al., Development 124:761 (1997)",,, 107530,"18 December 2002","3954","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=Act5C-GAL4}17bFO1/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"unpublished, P{AyGAL4} with the >y[+]> cassett flipped out, essentially an Act5C-GAL4 fusion gene, Y.H.",,, 107531,"18 December 2002","3955","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.NZ}20b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Y. Hiromi & S. West, unpublished, SV40 T NLS-lacZ fusion in pUAST, expresses nuclear beta-galactosidase, Y.H.",,, 107532,"18 December 2002","3956","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.NZ}J312",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Y. Hiromi & S. West, unpublished, SV40 T NLS-lacZ fusion in pUAST, expresses nuclear beta-galactosidase, Y.H.",,, 107533,"18 December 2002","3958","g[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107534,"18 December 2002","3960","if[3]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107535,"18 December 2002","3962","In(1)B[M1], y[2] oc[1] ptg[1] B[M1]/Insc, fu[1]/R(YL)/C(1;YS)1, y[2] oc[1] ptg[1] fu[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107536,"18 December 2002","3964","In(1)dl-49, y[1] ac[Hw-1] m[2] g[4] f[5]/R(1)2, In(1)w[vC]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ring stabilized, M.-A.S.C.; user will need to select an unstable line before using to produce gynandromorphs, K.M. 11/20/97",,, 107537,"18 December 2002","3966","In(1)dl-49, In(1)B[M1], oc[1] ptg[1] B[M1]/In(1)sc[S1L]sc[8R], y[c4] sc[8] sc[S1] w[1] sn[X2] sl[1]/R(YL)/C(1;YS)1, y[1] sn[1] oc[1] ptg[1] v[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107538,"18 December 2002","3973","y[1] v[1] mel[1] mal[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107539,"18 December 2002","3976","Adh[n1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107540,"18 December 2002","3980","b[1] vg[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107541,"18 December 2002","3983","cn[1] mam[2] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107542,"18 December 2002","3984","cn[1] vg[21-3] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107543,"18 December 2002","3987","Catsup[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107544,"18 December 2002","3988","brat[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107545,"18 December 2002","3989","l(2)37De[1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107546,"18 December 2002","3990","l(2)37De[2] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"No Cy expression, K.M. 1/31/01",,, 107547,"18 December 2002","3991","brat[ts1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107548,"18 December 2002","3992","l(2)37Dl[E34] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107549,"18 December 2002","3994","br[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107550,"18 December 2002","4003","Got2[nJ]/SM1, Got2[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107551,"18 December 2002","4006","Mdh1[nNC1]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107552,"18 December 2002","4007","Pgi[nNC1]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107553,"18 December 2002","4009","sca[2]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107555,"18 December 2002","4015","Sod[n1] red[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107556,"18 December 2002","4016","Est-6[S] Est-C[F] Fdh[S] Lap-D[F] Acph-1[A] Tpi[6]/TM6, Est-6[F] Est-C[S] Fdh[F] Lap-D[S] Acph-1[B] Tpi[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107557,"18 December 2002","4018","Idh[F] Sod[F] Pgm[6tr] Ald[2]/TM3, Idh[S] Sod[S] Pgm[4tr] Sb[1] Ald[4] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107558,"18 December 2002","4022","Awh[63Ea-1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107559,"18 December 2002","4023","puc[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107560,"18 December 2002","4024","kni[ri-1] rn[roe-1] bel[6] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107561,"18 December 2002","4026","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] l(3)89Em[M96] e[11] ro[1] ca[1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107562,"18 December 2002","4034","mwh[1] jv[1] st[1] red[1] Sb[sbd-2] l(3)89Bu[M1511] e[11] ro[1] ca[1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107563,"18 December 2002","4040","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/In(1)dl-49, w[1] lz[s]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107564,"18 December 2002","4041","l(4)102CDh[1]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107565,"18 December 2002","4043","pan[13a]/Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD]: ey[D]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107566,"18 December 2002","4051","Top1[77]/FM7a; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107567,"18 December 2002","4053","y[1] w[67c23]; Tm2[3]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df(1)w67c23 is a guess, was shown as w[67], K.M. 12/5/97",,, 107568,"18 December 2002","4062","Adh[S]; W[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Adh[S] verified by Terry Schwaner, K.C. 12/98.",,, 107569,"18 December 2002","4064","ant[1]/CyO; ro[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[-] floating, K.M. 11/26/02",,, 107570,"18 December 2002","4066","T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]; l(3)DTS2[1] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107571,"18 December 2002","4068","Pgk[2] Pgi[2]/SM1, Pgk[4] Pgi[4]; Men[6] ry[el-S] Aldox-1[3] Mdh2[6]/TM6, Men[4] ry[el-F] Aldox-1[L4] Mdh2[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107572,"18 December 2002","4069","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/lz[BS+46] ras[4] v[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107573,"18 December 2002","4072","Dp(1;2;Y)bw[+]y[+]; dsx[M]/TM1; Tp(2;3)P, P[1] Dl[1] H[1] e[4]",,,"059E01;60D01, 058E03-04;060D14-E02;096B05-C01 (Tp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107574,"18 December 2002","4077","R(1)2, In(1)w[vC], f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107575,"18 December 2002","4079","chif[1] cn[1] sca[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107576,"18 December 2002","4083","l(2)46Cd[433]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107577,"18 December 2002","4084","eve[5]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107578,"18 December 2002","4086","l(2)46Da[21]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107579,"18 December 2002","4087","l(2)46Db[26]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107580,"18 December 2002","4088","l(2)46Dc[34]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107581,"18 December 2002","4091","l(2)46Df[699]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107582,"18 December 2002","4092","l(2)46Dg[987]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107583,"18 December 2002","4094","dwg[8]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107584,"18 December 2002","4095","sgg[1]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107585,"18 December 2002","4096","numb[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107586,"18 December 2002","4101","Pka-C1[H2]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107587,"18 December 2002","4103","l(2)N7-3[1] pr[1] cn[1] Bc[1]/CyO, Roi[1] cn[*] pr[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"balancer originally shown as CyO, so CyO, Roi[1] is a guess, markers per B. Jones (cn allele like cn[1]), K.M. 8/22/00",,, 107588,"18 December 2002","4104","gcm[N7-4] pr[1] cn[1] Bc[1]/CyO, Roi[1] cn[*] pr[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"balancer originally shown as CyO, so CyO, Roi[1] is a guess, markers per B. Jones (cn allele like cn[1]), K.M. 8/22/00",,, 107589,"18 December 2002","4106","l(2)N7-8[1] pr[1] cn[1] Bc[1]/CyO, Roi[1] cn[*] pr[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"balancer originally shown as CyO, so CyO, Roi[1] is a guess, markers per B. Jones (cn allele like cn[1]), K.M. 8/22/00",,, 107590,"18 December 2002","4121","l(2)43Cc[4] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107591,"18 December 2002","4122","Dp(?;2)bw[D], l(2)43Bd[1] bw[D]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107592,"18 December 2002","4124","l(2)43Da[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107593,"18 December 2002","4125","Dp(?;2)bw[D], l(2)43Db[1] bw[D]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107594,"18 December 2002","4126","Dp(?;2)bw[D], dpa[1] bw[D]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107595,"18 December 2002","4128","Dp(?;2)bw[D], blow[1] bw[D]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107596,"18 December 2002","4129","Dp(?;2)bw[D], boca[1] bw[D]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107597,"18 December 2002","4130","In(2R)DX8, Dscam[17] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO, Tp(2;2)pk-sple[26], pk[pk-sple-26]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107598,"18 December 2002","4153","y[1] cho[*] (w[*] B[1]) Zw[n1]/C(1)M3, y[2] bb[-]; Cy[1]/?",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107599,"18 December 2002","4155","w[*]; l(3)93Bc[1] e[LE1] cd[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107600,"18 December 2002","4156","l(3)93Bd[1] e[LE1] cd[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107601,"18 December 2002","4157","l(3)93Bg[1] e[LE1] cd[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107602,"18 December 2002","4158","Rab11[93Bi] e[LE1] cd[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107603,"18 December 2002","4160","msi[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107604,"18 December 2002","4161","msi[2]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107605,"18 December 2002","4162","repo[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107606,"18 December 2002","4163","ttk[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107607,"18 December 2002","4164","w[*]; ttk[1e11]/TM3, ry[*] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107608,"18 December 2002","4166","w[*] Chc[1]/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)shi[+]1, y[+] B[S]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107609,"18 December 2002","4167","w[*] Chc[4]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107610,"18 December 2002","4168","mus109[lS]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107611,"18 December 2002","4169","mei-41[RT1] f[1]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107612,"18 December 2002","4176","Bascy",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107613,"18 December 2002","4177","w[1] mei-41[D14]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107614,"18 December 2002","4179","Binsc",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107615,"18 December 2002","4180","Binsc, lz[s]/w[1] sn[1] oc[1] ptg[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107616,"18 December 2002","4182","y[1] cv[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107617,"18 December 2002","4183","y[1] mei-41[2]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107618,"18 December 2002","4184","y[1] w[1] sn[3] f[36a]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107619,"18 December 2002","4185","y[2] sc[1] w[a] mei-9[a]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107620,"18 December 2002","4187","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] cn[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107621,"18 December 2002","4189","ap[56f]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107622,"18 December 2002","4190","ap[blt]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"phenotype suppressible, select to improve, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107623,"18 December 2002","4196","b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sha[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107624,"18 December 2002","4197","Binscy",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107625,"18 December 2002","4198","cn[1] Asx[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107626,"18 December 2002","4199","cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] zip[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107627,"18 December 2002","4200","cn[1] Psc[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107628,"18 December 2002","4201","gammaTub37C[3]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107629,"18 December 2002","4202","Dox-A2[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107630,"18 December 2002","4207","rad201[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"; R. Glaser reports this genotype is 2-3 fold more sensitive to gamma-radiation than Oregon-R, 9/6/01",,, 107631,"18 December 2002","4208","Dl[1] H[1] e[s] cd[1]/In(3R)P, spr[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107632,"18 December 2002","4209","Dl[X]/In(3L)P, In(3R)P",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"shown as Payne, presumably In(3L)P+In(3R)P but might be only In(3L)P, K.M.",,, 107633,"18 December 2002","4210","ecd[1] st[1] red[1] e[4] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107634,"18 December 2002","4212","Gl[1] Sb[1] H[1]/In(3L)P, In(3R)P",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"shown as Payne, presumably In(3L)P+In(3R)P but might be only In(3L)P, K.M.",,, 107635,"18 December 2002","4214","Df(3L)ru-22, mwh[1] red[1] e[4]/DcxF",,,"062A01;062A02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107636,"18 December 2002","4215","se[1] Ly[1] dn[1]/LVM",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107637,"18 December 2002","4216","ma[1] fl[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107638,"18 December 2002","4218","fs(1)K254[1] sc[1] ec[1] v[1] f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107639,"18 December 2002","4219","ru[1] h[1] shd[2] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"weak stock, produces few females, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107640,"18 December 2002","4220","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] Dl[9P] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107641,"18 December 2002","4221","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] hth[5E04] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107642,"18 December 2002","4222","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] neur[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107643,"18 December 2002","4223","ru[1] th[1] st[1] dic[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107644,"18 December 2002","4225","ss[a]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107646,"18 December 2002","4229","ci[1] ey[R]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107647,"18 December 2002","4235","y[1] w[1] N[spl-1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]; mle[1]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107648,"18 December 2002","4236","w[-]; mei-41[D5]/Basc; cn[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"appears to have gone homozygous, K.M. 7/29/00; also w[-], per Matt Singer, 8/9/00",,, 107649,"18 December 2002","4243","dsx[M]/In(3L)P, In(3R)P, Me[1]/Dp(1;3)B[S3i], B[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"shown only as Payne, In(3L)P+In(3R)P is best guess, K.M.; B[S]3i reverted in stock, K.C. 3/21/02",,, 107650,"18 December 2002","4245","Tp(1;3)v[+]74c/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107651,"18 December 2002","4247","y[1] ac[Hw-1] dm[1] lz[1]; su(Hw)[2] Sb[sbd-2]/TM6, su(Hw)[5]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107652,"18 December 2002","4251","Tp(2;3)Me/In(2LR)O, In(2LR)Gla, Cy[1] wg[Gla-1]",,,"048C01-02;059D02-03;060F01-05;069E01-08;080A01-081F06;089B09-10;091C01-07;097D01-D15","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107653,"18 December 2002","4254","T(1;2;3)Din, Din[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"003C01-12;039D01-05;063A01-A07;073A01-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107654,"18 December 2002","4260","C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; bw[1]; e[4]; ci[1] ey[R]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"stock produces very few females, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107655,"18 December 2002","4264","Harwich",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107656,"18 December 2002","4265","Amherst 3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"homozygous, Singh, l939, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107657,"18 December 2002","4267","Hikone-R",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"high DMN demethylase activity, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107658,"18 December 2002","4269","Oregon-R-S",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107659,"18 December 2002","4270","Samarkand",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107660,"18 December 2002","4271","Swedish-C",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107661,"18 December 2002","4272","Urbana-S",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107662,"18 December 2002","4273","b[1] dac[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107663,"18 December 2002","4274","twe[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107664,"18 December 2002","4275","b[1] Ca-alpha1D[X7] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107665,"18 December 2002","4280","w[1] mei-9[A2]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"MMS sensitive at 7mM (D4), M.-A.S.C.",,, 107666,"18 December 2002","4281","crm[7], N[spl-1] sn[3]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107667,"18 December 2002","4282","mit(1)15[5], y[1]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107668,"18 December 2002","4283","tko[3]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107669,"18 December 2002","4284","trol[13]/FM7a/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107670,"18 December 2002","4286","scra[8] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107671,"18 December 2002","4287","so[D]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107672,"18 December 2002","4288","nec[10] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107673,"18 December 2002","4292","y[1] crn[yok-EH352]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[2]sc",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107674,"18 December 2002","4297","Df(2R)nap19, cn[1] bw[1]/In(2LR)Gla, Dp(2;2)BG, wg[Gla-1] DNApol-gamma35[2]",,,"041E02-F01;043A02-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107675,"18 December 2002","4298","Dp(1;Y)B[SCV], y[+]/Inscy",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107676,"18 December 2002","4301","ac[Hw-49c]/FM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107677,"18 December 2002","4303","brn[fs.107] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107678,"18 December 2002","4304","fs(1)A147[1] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"B[+], M.-A.S.C.",,, 107679,"18 December 2002","4305","fs(1)A273[1] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107681,"18 December 2002","4308","Df(2R)nap14/CyO",,,"041BC;042A16-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107682,"18 December 2002","4309","lf[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] f[1] mal[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107683,"18 December 2002","4310","fs(1)A120[3] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107684,"18 December 2002","4313","Df(2R)Drl[rv17]/CyO",,,"042C02-07;043D01-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107685,"18 December 2002","4316","snf[1] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107686,"18 December 2002","4320","yl[13] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107687,"18 December 2002","4321","fs(1)M3[K1] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107688,"18 December 2002","4322","Mcm6[K1214] v[24]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107689,"18 December 2002","4324","sta[1]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107690,"18 December 2002","4327","FM6, y[1] dm[+] w[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"stock has a high rate of spontaneous mutation, M.-A.S.C.",,, 107691,"18 December 2002","4328","fs(1)M3[1901]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107692,"18 December 2002","4339","mwh[1] Ubx[pbx-1] e[11]/TM1, mwh[1] rho[ve-1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107693,"18 December 2002","4343","ci[Ce-2]/sv[spa-Cat]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107694,"18 December 2002","4344","S[1] wg[Sp-1] Tft[1] nw[B] Pin[Yt]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Tft expression, K.M. 2/9/01",,, 107695,"18 December 2002","4345","Ki[1] rsd[1] Ubx[1] H[2] Dr[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107696,"18 December 2002","4346","Coa[1] Ki[1] H[2]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107697,"18 December 2002","4347","al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] cn[1] c[1] px[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107698,"18 December 2002","4348","qs[2]/FM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107699,"18 December 2002","4349","Dp(1;1)Co, y[1] w[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"003C04-05;003D06-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107700,"18 December 2002","4351","scw[l1] rdo[1] hk[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107701,"18 December 2002","4353","sc[1] ec[1] cv[1] ct[6] v[1] g[2] f[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107702,"18 December 2002","4354","Binscy, w[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107703,"18 December 2002","4356","Pr[L] Ser[Bd-3]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107704,"18 December 2002","4359","Tp(2;Y)G/b[1] pr[1] tk[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107705,"18 December 2002","4360","Ly[1]/In(3L)D[3], mirr[SaiD3] D[3]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107706,"18 December 2002","4361","y[1]; bw[1]; e[4]; ci[1] ey[R]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107707,"18 December 2002","4365","P{ry[+t7.2]=Acp70A[g.Yp1.hs]}G10",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"induces ovulation in virgin females - useful for recovering large numbers of unfertilized eggs, K.M. 11/18/97",,, 107708,"18 December 2002","4366","In(3LR)C190[L]Ubx[42TR], Ubx[-]/sti[1]",,,"Df: 070A01-02;070C03-04 + 089;089 (small df somewhere in 89)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; sti is just distal to the 3L deficiency so the stock is balanced, sti[1] chromosome may carry a tandem duplication for 69A-70C (based on cytology), mwh[1], red[1] and e[1] are segregating in the stock, A.T.C.C.",,, 107709,"18 December 2002","4367","Df(2L)J27, bsk[J27]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"031D01-11;031E01-E07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"rebalanced, w[-] may be floating, K.M. 12/29/00",,, 107710,"18 December 2002","4368","y[1] w[1]; Ki[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=Delta2-3}99B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Delta2-3 chromosome may be marked with p[p], H.B.",,, 107711,"18 December 2002","4370","Df(3L)Delta1AK, ru[1] h[1] ry[506] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"079E05-F01;079F02-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107712,"18 December 2002","4372","y[1] w[*]; 18w[Delta7-35]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107713,"18 December 2002","4379","Syx1A[Delta229] ry[506]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107714,"18 December 2002","4380","ru[1] h[1] Nrx[4304] st[1] ry[506] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107715,"18 December 2002","4381","bw[1]; Rop[G27] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107716,"18 December 2002","4384","y[1] w[1]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}64A pav[B200] th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM6B, P{w[+mC]=iab-2(1.7)lacZ}6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"P{lacW}64A is an enhancer trap insertion near scrt; expressed in sensory organ precursor cells and PNS, H.B.",,, 107717,"18 December 2002","4393","w[*]; Df(3L)XDI98, e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"065A02;065E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107718,"18 December 2002","4402","y[1] w[67c23]; barr[L305]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107719,"18 December 2002","4404","y[1]; ry[506] Pr[1] Bsb[1]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107720,"18 December 2002","4405","y[1]; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107721,"18 December 2002","4407","y[1]; wg[Sp-1]/SM1; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107722,"18 December 2002","4409","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=AyGAL4}25 P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.B}Bg4-1-2/CyO, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4; P{AyGAL4} = Act5C>y[+]>GAL4, see Ito et al., Development 124:761 (1997)",,, 107723,"18 December 2002","4410","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=AyGAL4}25 P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.NZ}20b/CyO, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4; Y. Hiromi & S. West, unpublished, SV40 T NLS-lacZ fusion in pUAST, expresses nuclear beta-galactosidase, Y.H.; P{AyGAL4} = Act5C>y[+]>GAL4, see Ito et al., Development 124:761 (1997)",,, 107724,"18 December 2002","4411","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=AyGAL4}25 P{w[+m*]=UAS-GFP.S65T}T2/CyO, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4; P{AyGAL4} = Act5C>y[+]>GAL4, see Ito et al., Development 124:761 (1997)",,, 107725,"18 December 2002","4412","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=AyGAL4}25 P{w[+m*]=UAS-CD2}5/CyO, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4; P{AyGAL4} = Act5C>y[+]>GAL4, see Ito et al., Development 124:761 (1997)",,, 107726,"18 December 2002","4413","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=AyGAL4}17b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"P{AyGAL4} = Act5C>y[+]>GAL4, see Ito et al., Development 124:761 (1997)",,, 107727,"18 December 2002","4414","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=Act5C-GAL4}25FO1/CyO, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"unpublished, P{AyGAL4} with the >y[+]> cassette flipped out, essentially an Act5C-GAL4 fusion gene, Y.H.",,, 107728,"18 December 2002","4415","ca[1] Mlc2[E38]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107729,"18 December 2002","4417","e[s?] ro[1] ca[1] l(3)99Da[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107730,"18 December 2002","4418","l(3)99Dh[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107731,"18 December 2002","4419","l(3)99De[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107732,"18 December 2002","4421","l(3)99Di[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107733,"18 December 2002","4422","l(3)99Dg[3]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107734,"18 December 2002","4423","l(3)99Dc[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107735,"18 December 2002","4425","l(3)99Ea[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107736,"18 December 2002","4426","l(3)99Db[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107737,"18 December 2002","4427","l(3)99Dd[2]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107738,"18 December 2002","4428","FM7b/Y & C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Y",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107739,"18 December 2002","4429","Df(3L)ME107, mwh[1] red[1] e[1]/TM1, red[*]",,,"077F03;078C08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107740,"18 December 2002","4430","Df(3L)Pc-2q, ry[506]/TM2",,,"078C05-06;078E03-079A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107741,"18 December 2002","4431","Df(3R)DG2/TM2",,,"089E01-F04;091B01-B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107742,"18 December 2002","4432","Df(3R)crb-F89-4, st[1] e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"095D07-D11;095F15","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; bw floating?, K.M. 4/7/01",,, 107743,"18 December 2002","4433","P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}2La P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}2Lb P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/T(1;2)OR64/CyO",,,"028A, 030D, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"T(1;2)OR64 is a dominant male lethal; alternative to #2121, may be more stable, K.C. 3/2/98",,, 107744,"18 December 2002","4434","P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=ovoD1-18}2R/T(1;2)OR64/CyO",,,"042B, 055D-E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"T(1;2)OR64 is a dominant male lethal; alternative to #2125, may be more stable, K.C. 3/2/98",,, 107745,"18 December 2002","4435","Eip74EF[DL-1] st[1] p[p] e[11]/TM6C, Sb[1] Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107746,"18 December 2002","4436","w[*]; Hr78[2]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107747,"18 December 2002","4440","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}CG7417[201Y]",,,"056D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed primarily in mushroom body",,, 107748,"18 December 2002","4442","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-nos.NGT}40",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO floating to allow selection of heterozygotes or homozygotes, as desired; chromosome may carry multiple insertions of P{NGT}, P.G.",,, 107749,"18 December 2002","4443","In(1)dl-49, y[1] w[1] lz[s]/In(1)sc[L8], sc[L8] w[a] m[2] car[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107750,"18 December 2002","4445","In(1)sc[V2], sc[V2]; SuUR[ES]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107752,"18 December 2002","4448","w[1] oc[9]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107753,"18 December 2002","4455","cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"D. Casso says stock is CO[2] sensitive, K.M. 4/2/02",,, 107754,"18 December 2002","4463","In(3L)D, rho[ve-1] R[1] D[3] st[1] Ubx[1] e[4] Pr[1] ca[1]/In(3R)P, Dfd[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107755,"18 December 2002","4465","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] Pc[6] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107756,"18 December 2002","4468","Tp(2;Y)b10-12, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"034D01-E03;037D03-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107757,"18 December 2002","4484","Dp(1;1)B[S]TAG, sc[1] w[1] B[BB]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107758,"18 December 2002","4491","Df(YS)bb/w[1] sn[1] bb[*]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] f[1]",,,"Yh18-h25;Yh18-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107759,"18 December 2002","4492","cv[1] ct[1] v[1] os[upd-1] mal[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107760,"18 December 2002","4496","y[1] w[1] f[1] run[3]/FM7a/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[102]",,,"019E02;h32-20h;h1-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107761,"18 December 2002","4497","cv[1] v[1] run[29]/FM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107762,"18 December 2002","4499","Df(3L)Scf-R11, ru[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"066E03-04;066F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107763,"18 December 2002","4500","Df(3L)Scf-R6, th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"066E01-06;066F01-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107764,"18 December 2002","4501","Df(3L)RM5-1/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"065E;065E (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107765,"18 December 2002","4502","Df(3L)RM5-2/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"065E01-12;066B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107766,"18 December 2002","4503","Df(3L)v65c/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"064E01-13;065C01-D06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107767,"18 December 2002","4504","Df(3L)Ten-m-AL1/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"079E01-04;079E03-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107768,"18 December 2002","4506","Df(3L)Ten-m-AL29/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"079C01-03;079E03-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107769,"18 December 2002","4507","Df(3L)iro-2, Sb[sbd-2]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"069B01-05;069D01-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107770,"18 December 2002","4514","w[*]; Df(3L)663/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"063D01;063E05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107771,"18 December 2002","4515","w[1118]; Df(3L)E1/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"063C06;063E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107772,"18 December 2002","4518","Dp(2;2)Cam6, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"035B;036C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107773,"18 December 2002","4519","Dp(2;3)Cam14T, cn[1]/CyO",,,"049A;051EF","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107774,"18 December 2002","4520","Dp(2;2)Cam10, (al[1]) dp[ov1] b[1] noc[TE35B] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Df(2L)noc20",,,"041;043B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107775,"18 December 2002","4521","Dp(2;2)Cam5, bw[1] sp[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] Bc[1] Egfr[E1] ap[*] cn[1] bw[1]",,,"032E;035B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107776,"18 December 2002","4522","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-gapGFP}AC1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"gapGFP is a fusion of the myristylation sequence from GAP43 to GFP that targets GFP to the cell membrane, A.C.",,, 107777,"18 December 2002","4526","w[1118]; kni[ri-1] e[1] l(3)96Bb[2]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107778,"18 December 2002","4527","w[1118]; kni[ri-1] e[1] l(3)96Bc[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"semi-lethal, balancer is a guess, K.M. 11/16/99; no ri expression, K.M. 11/30/00",,, 107779,"18 December 2002","4528","w[1118]; kni[ri-1] e[1] l(3)96Bd[1]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"semi-lethal over Df(3R)96B according to K. Nairz, K.M. 11/30/00",,, 107780,"18 December 2002","4529","kni[ri-1] e[1] l(3)96Bf[1]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"viable over Df(3R)96B according to K. Nairz, K.M. 11/30/00",,, 107781,"18 December 2002","4530","w[1118]; kni[ri-1] e[1] l(3)96Bg[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107782,"18 December 2002","4531","w[1118]; Df(3R)96B/TM3, P{w[+m*]=*}*, Sb[1]",,,"096A21;096B08-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"blue balancer, construct identify unknown, K.C. 6/19/98",,, 107783,"18 December 2002","4533","w[*]; In(2LR)noc[4L]Sco[rv9R], b[1]/CyO, P{w[+mC]=ActGFP}JMR1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP; green balancer; see http://ibmc.u-strasbg.fr/upr9022/GreenBalancers.html for ref and pics of expression pattern, K.M. 7/31/98",,, 107784,"18 December 2002","4534","w[*]; Sb[1]/TM3, P{w[+mC]=ActGFP}JMR2, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP; green balancer; see http://ibmc.u-strasbg.fr/upr9022/GreenBalancers.html for ref and pics of expression pattern, K.M. 7/31/98",,, 107785,"18 December 2002","4535","e(mr)[1]; mr[2]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107786,"18 December 2002","4538","dp[ov1] b[1] cn[1] l(2)60Aa[Aa]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107787,"18 December 2002","4539","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP",,, 107788,"18 December 2002","4540","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP",,, 107789,"18 December 2002","4541","y[1] w[*]; Chi[e5.5]/CyO, Ts(Y;2Lt)B80, Kr[-] y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107790,"18 December 2002","4542","y[1] w[*]; Df(2R)Chi[g230], Chi[g230], P{w[+mF] ry[+t7.2]=wF}4-1/CyO, Ts(Y;2Lt)B80, Kr[-] y[+]",,,"060A03-07;060B04-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 9/23/99",,, 107791,"18 December 2002","4551","Df(3L)W5.4, e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"065A;065E1","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107792,"18 December 2002","4552","w[1118]; kni[ri-1] e[1] l(3)96Ba[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107793,"18 December 2002","4553","BicD[r5] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107794,"18 December 2002","4555","C(1;Y)6, y[1] fs(1)Yb[M104-2] cv[1] v[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107795,"18 December 2002","4556","Df(1)HA11; Dp(1;2)sn[+]72d/+",,,"007D14;007D22 (Df), 007A08;008A05;032C01-5;058E01-10 (Tp + Inv)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107796,"18 December 2002","4557","Df(1)JB254, P{w[+mC]=snf[+],dhd[+]}SL2, w[*]/FM7c",,,"004F01-02;004F01-02 (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cdk7[-]",,, 107797,"18 December 2002","4558","FM7a, l(1)TW24[1]/oc[1] ptg[3] l(1)TW1[cs]; CyO/l(2)DTS91[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107798,"18 December 2002","4559","FM7i, P{w[+mC]=ActGFP}JMR3/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP; green balancer; see http://ibmc.u-strasbg.fr/upr9022/GreenBalancers.html for ref and pics of expression pattern, K.M. 7/31/98",,, 107799,"18 December 2002","4567","T(Y;2)J-D/px[1] bw[1] sp[1]",,,"057F01-02;040F01-041A01;h1-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107800,"18 December 2002","4569","cn[1]; tok[3]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107801,"18 December 2002","4571","qua[6-396]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107802,"18 December 2002","4572","qua[8-1062]/SM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107803,"18 December 2002","4576","l(1)6Dd[4]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107804,"18 December 2002","4577","l(1)6Df[2]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107805,"18 December 2002","4581","nompC[3]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107806,"18 December 2002","4582","nompC[4]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107807,"18 December 2002","4584","red[1] e[1] ash2[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107808,"18 December 2002","4586","st[1] e[1] tok[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107809,"18 December 2002","4587","st[1] slo[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107810,"18 December 2002","4588","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=Cdk7[P140S]}SL1 Sb[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cdk7[P140S] in a Df(1)JB254, P{snf+,dhd+} background is viable at 18o, lethal at 27o, K.C. 7/27/98",,, 107811,"18 December 2002","4589","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-PKCi.B}4A",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107812,"18 December 2002","4590","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-tra.F}20J7",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107813,"18 December 2002","4591","w[1118] sov[ML150]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107814,"18 December 2002","4593","y[1] Sxl[f2]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107815,"18 December 2002","4594","y[1] Sxl[fs3]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107816,"18 December 2002","4596","y[1] ac[1] sc[1] pn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107817,"18 December 2002","4597","y[1] cv[1] Sxl[f4] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107818,"18 December 2002","4599","y[1] cv[1] fs(1)C3[1] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107819,"18 December 2002","4608","y[1] cv[1] fs(1)M73[1] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107820,"18 December 2002","4611","y[1] cv[1] sov[2] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107821,"18 December 2002","4612","y[1] cv[1] v[1] yl[15] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107822,"18 December 2002","4615","y[1] fs(1)K10[4] cv[1] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107823,"18 December 2002","4616","y[1] fs(1)Ya[14-77] cv[1] v[1] f[1]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107824,"18 December 2002","4617","y[1] fs(1)Yb[M104-3] cv[1] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107825,"18 December 2002","4621","y[1] w[1] ec[1] s[1] f[1]/C(1)A, y[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107826,"18 December 2002","4622","sc[*] l(1)7Fd[2] f[1]; Dp(1;2)sn[+]72d/bw[D]",,,"007A08;008A05;032C01-5;058E01-10 (Tp + Inv)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107827,"18 December 2002","4628","l(1)1Bh[4] mul[EF406]/FM7a ! see Comment",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"presence of mul[EF406] reported in Lefevre's notes but subsequent work of Voelker doesn't mention it -- mul[EF406] may not exist, K.C. 7/31/98",,, 107828,"18 December 2002","4654","In(1)HC207, Actn[8]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107829,"not yet","4655","Actn[14]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107830,"18 December 2002","4660","usp[4]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107831,"18 December 2002","4669","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}drl[PGAL8]",,,"037C05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 in brain, primarily mushroom body and central body complexes. May be segregating CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1, K.C. 11/02.",,, 107832,"18 December 2002","4671","T(1;4)JC43, l(1)3Ed[3] per[JC43]/FM7a",,,"003E04;003B01-02;102D01-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107833,"18 December 2002","4672","l(1)6Ea[2]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)ct[+]y[+]",,,"006E02;007C04-06;h1-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107834,"18 December 2002","4680","l(1)7Dg[1]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107835,"18 December 2002","4682","lawc[EF520]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107836,"18 December 2002","4686","T(1;2)GF319, l(1)8Aa[3] Hsp60[GF319]/FM7a",,,"008A01;009A03;010A04-05;032B01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107837,"18 December 2002","4687","sesB[9Ed-1]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107838,"18 December 2002","4689","Hsp60[RA75]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107839,"18 December 2002","4703","l(1)11Fa[1]/FM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107840,"18 December 2002","4708","y[1] l(1)PB18[1] f[1]/FM7a

",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107841,"18 December 2002","4713","grk[3] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107842,"18 December 2002","4714","y[1] dnc[M14] cv[1] v[1] f[1]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107843,"18 December 2002","4717","fs(1)K741[1] v[24]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Homozygous stock; temperature-sensitive female sterile, K.C. 7/31/98",,, 107844,"18 December 2002","4719","f[5] l(1)17Aa[9130] os[1]/FM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107845,"18 December 2002","4720","y[1] CrebB-17A[S162]/FM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107846,"18 December 2002","4722","y[1] f[1] abg[13D]/FM7a

",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Stock may also be cv[1] v[1], K.C. 7/31/98",,, 107847,"18 December 2002","4727","y[1] cv[1] v[1] f[1] juv[G17]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107848,"18 December 2002","4728","y[1] w[1] sn[3] f[36a] ado[4P1]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107849,"18 December 2002","4730","fliI[3]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107850,"18 December 2002","4736","D. simulans C167.4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Fertile hybrid females are produced from crosses of this strain to D. melanogaster In(1)AB, f[1] (#4738) males, K.C. 8/27/98",,, 107851,"18 December 2002","4739","mwh[1] jv[1] gig[109] red[1] ro[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107852,"18 December 2002","4740","por[15175] os[s]/FM6, w[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107853,"18 December 2002","4741","Df(1)B25, Sh[14]/FM6",,,"015D03;016A04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 107854,"18 December 2002","4742","In(2L)C163.41, beat-Ia[C163] l(2)CA7[C163]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107855,"18 December 2002","4743","In(2L)el[9], elB[9] Adh[UF] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107856,"18 December 2002","4744","Dp(2;2)Cam17, dpp[d-ho] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"052D10-E01;053F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107857,"18 December 2002","4745","Dp(2;2)Cam18/CyO",,,"053F;057C04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107858,"18 December 2002","4750","ewg[2] y[1] cho[*] sn[*]/FM6, l(1)FMa[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[2]61l",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107859,"18 December 2002","4752","ff[1] Sh[14] os[s]/FM6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107860,"18 December 2002","4759","pan[2]/Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD]: ey[D]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107861,"18 December 2002","4760","pan[3]/Dp(2;4)ey[D], Alp[eyD]: ey[D]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107862,"18 December 2002","4762","w[1118]; Df(2R)lio[2], lio[2] drl[2]",,,"037C05-07;037C05-07 (based on drl map position -- no cytology available)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107863,"18 December 2002","4764","rn[5] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107864,"18 December 2002","4767","w[1] os[upd-4]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,," os[upd-4] is unstable in this stock -- watch for reversion/suppression, K.M. 7/4/01",,, 107865,"18 December 2002","4769","y[1] w[a] shakB[25]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]/FM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107866,"18 December 2002","4770","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-E2f.N}3B P{w[+mC]=UAS-Dp.D}1-4b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107867,"18 December 2002","4771","y[1] pn[1] cv[1] v[1] f[1] B[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"homozygous stock generated from FM7c version, K.C. 6/29/99",,, 107868,"18 December 2002","4773","kni[ri-1] ms(3)85E[1] e[1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107869,"18 December 2002","4774","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-E2f.N}5A P{w[+mC]=UAS-Dp.D}8C/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107870,"18 December 2002","4775","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.nls}14",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107871,"18 December 2002","4776","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.nls}8",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107872,"18 December 2002","4777","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-stg.N}16",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107873,"not yet","4778","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-stg.N}4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107874,"18 December 2002","4779","y[1] w[*] P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Act5C(FRT.CD2).P}D",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107875,"18 December 2002","4780","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Act5C(FRT.CD2).P}S",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107876,"18 December 2002","4781","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-CycE.L}ML1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107877,"18 December 2002","4782","P{w[+mC]=UAS-arm.S10}C, y[1] w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107878,"18 December 2002","4783","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-arm.S2}A1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Wild-type arm coding sequence, M.P.",,, 107879,"18 December 2002","4784","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-pan.dTCFDeltaN}4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Constitutive repressor version of pan, M.P.",,, 107880,"18 December 2002","4785","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-pan.dTCFDeltaN}5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Constitutive repressor version of pan, M.P.",,, 107881,"18 December 2002","4786","Df(3L)VB-33/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"073A;073A (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107882,"18 December 2002","4787","Df(3R)3-4, ru[1] th[1] st[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"082F03-04;082F10-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107883,"18 December 2002","4788","corto[l1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107884,"18 December 2002","4789","corto[tsT18]/TM6B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[*] floating, K.C. 10/14/98",,, 107885,"18 December 2002","4790","Gnf1[e1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107886,"18 December 2002","4795","l(3)72Fc[53]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107887,"18 December 2002","4798","l(3)73Al[218]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107888,"18 December 2002","4799","l(3)73Am[73]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107889,"18 December 2002","4801","l(3)73An[8]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107890,"18 December 2002","4802","l(3)73Ao[100]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107891,"18 December 2002","4811","l(3)82Eb[T10] e[T10]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[*] floating, K.C. 10/14/98",,, 107892,"18 December 2002","4812","l(3)82Eb[T47]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107893,"18 December 2002","4818","mwh[1] l(3)82Fb[1] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107894,"18 December 2002","4821","ph-d[VA174] l(1)7Di[7]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107895,"18 December 2002","4823","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] fs(3)82CDa[71] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107896,"18 December 2002","4827","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] fs(3)82EFc[762] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107897,"18 December 2002","4828","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] fs(3)82EFd[1411] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107898,"18 December 2002","4829","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] fs(3)82EFe[1430] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107899,"18 December 2002","4837","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-pan.dTCF}24/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107900,"18 December 2002","4838","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-pan.dTCF}4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107901,"18 December 2002","4840","w[1118]; l(3)82EFc[tsT9]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107902,"18 December 2002","4842","y[1] cv[1] Cp36[dec2-1] v[1] f[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107903,"18 December 2002","4844","P{w[+mC]=UAS-ralA.72L}TL1, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"mammalian ralA, D.M.",,, 107904,"18 December 2002","4845","P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ras85D.N17}TL1, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107905,"18 December 2002","4846","P{w[+mC]=UAS-ras.N17}TL1, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"this dominant negative allele of mammalian ras works better than the Drosophila allele (Ras85D[N17.UAS]), D.M.",,, 107906,"18 December 2002","4847","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ras85D.V12}TL1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107907,"18 December 2002","4849","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-RhoL.N25}AM1/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107908,"18 December 2002","4851","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-RhoL.V20}AM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107909,"18 December 2002","4852","olfF[x27]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107910,"18 December 2002","4854","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Cdc42.V12}LL1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO present, but insertion is viable, D.M.",,, 107911,"18 December 2002","4856","In(3L)ppl[1], mwh[1] ppl[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"077B05-09;078C05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"TM3 may be marked with ry[RK], A.C.",,, 107912,"18 December 2002","4857","In(3R)82Fc[1], mwh[1] l(3)82Fc[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"het;082F03-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107913,"18 December 2002","4859","In(3)82Fe[1], mwh[1] l(3)82Fe[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"h47-h58;082F03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107914,"18 December 2002","4861","mwh[1] Ilk[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"TM3 may be marked with ry[RK], A.C.",,, 107915,"18 December 2002","4865","mwh[1] l(3)82Fe[2] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107916,"18 December 2002","4866","mwh[1] l(3)82Ff[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107917,"18 December 2002","4867","mwh[1] l(3)82Fg[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107918,"18 December 2002","4868","mwh[1] kkv[82Fh-1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107919,"18 December 2002","4869","mwh[1] l(3)82Fi[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107920,"18 December 2002","4870","mwh[1] l(3)82Fk[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107921,"18 December 2002","4871","sti[3] rn[roe-1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating a pal allele, A.C.",,, 107922,"18 December 2002","4872","T(2;3)82Fd[4], mwh[1] l(3)82Fd[4] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"042E03-07;082F05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107923,"18 December 2002","4873","T(2;3)82Fh[2], mwh[1] l(3)82Fh[2] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"057F03-11;082F07-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107924,"18 December 2002","4876","Df(3L)Pc-101, mwh[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, ry[RK] red[2] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107925,"18 December 2002","4877","Tp(3;Y)82Fd[1], mwh[1] l(3)82Fd[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"082F03-11;098F08-14;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107926,"18 December 2002","4879","y[1] mei-218[6-7]/C(1)RM, y[1] bb[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; TM6/Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May segregate spa[pol], A.C.",,, 107927,"18 December 2002","4883","y[1] w[*]; In(3L)D[r8], mwh[1] D[r8] red[1] e[4]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"079E02+;080;070D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df for 079E03;080, A.C.",,, 107928,"18 December 2002","4887","w[1118]; Ly[1]/TM6B, P{w[+mW.hs]=Ubi-GFP.S65T}PAD2, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107929,"18 December 2002","4888","y[1] w[*]; In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] Bc[1]/CyO, P{w[+mW.hs]=Ubi-GFP.S65T}PAD1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"green balancer",,, 107930,"18 December 2002","4889","Df(3R)293gamma7/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"088A01;088A04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107931,"18 December 2002","4891","chic[01320] cn[1]/CyO; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"chickadee",,, 107932,"18 December 2002","4892","chic[221] cn[1]/CyO; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"chickadee",,, 107933,"18 December 2002","4893","w[*]; kel[DE1] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107934,"18 December 2002","4894","EcR[M554fs]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107935,"18 December 2002","4895","EcR[Q50st]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107936,"18 December 2002","4896","l(2)42Bd[4LL1]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107937,"18 December 2002","4897","b[1] l(2)42Bc[1B2] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107938,"18 December 2002","4898","l(2)42Bb[6G1]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107939,"18 December 2002","4899","w[1118]; EcR[225]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107940,"18 December 2002","4900","y[1] w[1]; EcR[31]/CyO, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107941,"18 December 2002","4901","y[1] w[1]; EcR[V559fs]/CyO, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107942,"18 December 2002","4902","Gpo[n322]/CyO, cl[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107943,"not yet","4905","Ab(3R;h)82Fj[1], mwh[1] l(3)82Fj[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"[];083A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107944,"18 December 2002","4907","cn[1]; In(3L)8h, pur[2] Eip78C[8h] ry[506]",,,"069F06-07;078C04+","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"X ray-induced ry[-] derivative of P{lArB}Eip78CA464.2M3; P element remnants still present, A.C.",,, 107945,"18 December 2002","4908","mwh[1] l(3)82Fa[1] red[1] e[4]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May segregate cn[1], A.C.",,, 107946,"18 December 2002","4912","btl[dev1]/TM1, T(2;3)D[7], red[1] D[7]",,,"032DE;070D01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107947,"18 December 2002","4913","Df(2R)17l, cn[1]/CyO",,,"041F03-04;042A03-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Wings show dominant jagged edge phenotype; Df(2R)17l may disrupt Jag. May segregate P{lArB}Eip78C[A464.2M3] and/or ry[506], A.C.",,, 107948,"18 December 2002","4916","mwh[1] l(3)82Fd[3] red[1] e[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Hypomorphic allele maintained as homozygous stock; brown eye color caused by l(3)82Fd[3], A.C.",,, 107949,"18 December 2002","4918","w[*]; P{GAL4-wg.M}MA1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in a wg[+] pattern in embryos, no expression in discs (per FlyBase)",,, 107950,"18 December 2002","4925","y[1] l(1)15Fa[815-33]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)W73, y[31d] B[1] B[S]",,,"015C01-D06;016F;h1-25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107951,"18 December 2002","4926","y[1] cv[1] v[1] M(1)14C[815-29] f[1]/C(1)DX/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(1;4)r[+]*, f[K36]/sv[spa-pol]",,,"014A01-02;016A07-B01;102F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107952,"18 December 2002","4932","y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; mei-W68[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107953,"18 December 2002","4935","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}48Y",,,"026C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expression in endoderm, N.B.",,, 107954,"18 December 2002","4936","cl[1] l(2)25Eg[4] Gpdh[nS6]/CyO, cl[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107955,"18 December 2002","4937","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4::VP16-nos.UTR}MVD1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"An excellent primordial germ cell marker; see Van Doren et al. Curr. Biol. 8: 243-246, 1998.",,, 107956,"18 December 2002","4940","cn[1]; Df(3R)mbc-30/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"095A05-07;095C10-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107957,"18 December 2002","4942","cn[1]; l(3)95Ax[A1]/TM6B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107958,"18 December 2002","4943","cn[1]; l(3)95Ay[F1.19]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107959,"18 December 2002","4944","cn[1]; l(3)95Az[E2.33]/TM6B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107960,"18 December 2002","4945","cn[1]; l(3)95BCa[F6.11]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107961,"18 December 2002","4946","cn[1]; l(3)95BCb[F11.5]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107962,"18 December 2002","4947","cn[1]; l(3)95BCc[F10.1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107963,"18 December 2002","4948","cn[1]; l(3)95Ba[l6.3]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107964,"18 December 2002","4949","cn[1]; l(3)95Ca[S5]/MKRS",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107965,"18 December 2002","4951","l(3)95BCd[339]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107966,"18 December 2002","4953","Df(1)BK10, r[*] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)W73, y[31d] B[1] B[S], f[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"016A02;16C07-10, 015C01-D06;016F;Yh1-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 107967,"18 December 2002","4954","Df(2L)S2590/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"023D02;023E3","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107968,"18 December 2002","4955","Df(2L)XE-2750/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"028B02;028D03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107969,"18 December 2002","4956","Df(2L)XE-3801/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"027E02;028D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107970,"18 December 2002","4957","Df(2R)50C-101, al[1] b[1] cn[1]/CyO, Roi[1] bw[1]",,,"050C21-23;050D01-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107971,"18 December 2002","4959","Df(2L)C'/CyO",,,"040h35;040h38L","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; Balancer is a guess, K.C. 12/10/98",,, 107972,"18 December 2002","4960","Df(2R)CB21/CyO; ry[506]",,,"048E;049A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107973,"18 December 2002","4961","Df(2R)Kr10, b[1] pr[1] Bl[1] c[1]/CyO",,,"060F01;060F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107974,"18 December 2002","4962","Df(3R)H-B79, e[*]/TM2",,,"092B03;092F13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 107975,"18 December 2002","4965","w[1118]; kni[ri-1] e[1] l(3)96Be[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107976,"18 December 2002","4966","w[1]; Df(2R)w45-30n, cn[1]/CyO",,,"045A06-07;045E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 107978,"18 December 2002","4974","cort[QW55] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107979,"18 December 2002","4975","crib[HD] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107980,"18 December 2002","4978","cup[1] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107981,"18 December 2002","4981","cn[1] eay[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107982,"18 December 2002","4983","cn[1] dup[PA77] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107983,"18 December 2002","4988","fs(2)eo3[RV64] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107984,"18 December 2002","4993","fs(2)lto1[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107985,"18 December 2002","4995","fs(2)lto3[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107986,"18 December 2002","4997","cn[1] mama[lto5] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107987,"18 December 2002","4999","squ[*] cn[1] bw[1] fs(2)ltoAHK35[AHK35]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107988,"18 December 2002","5000","cn[1] bie[*] bw[1] fs(2)ltoAPV63[APV63]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107989,"18 December 2002","5001","cn[1] bw[1] fs(2)ltoDC37[DC37]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107990,"18 December 2002","5002","fs(2)ltoDG25[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107991,"18 December 2002","5003","fs(2)ltoHC44[HC44] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107992,"18 December 2002","5006","cn[1] bw[1] fs(2)ltoHM11[HM11]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107993,"18 December 2002","5007","fs(2)ltoPI23[PI23] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107994,"18 December 2002","5011","vas[RJ36] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107995,"18 December 2002","5012","cn[1] bw[1] fs(2)ltoRM7[RM7]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107996,"18 December 2002","5013","cact[RN48] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107997,"18 December 2002","5014","fs(2)ltoRN73[RN73] cn[1] bw[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107998,"18 December 2002","5015","fs(2)ltoRU26[RU26] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 107999,"18 December 2002","5016","fs(2)ltoRV64[RV64] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108000,"18 December 2002","5027","mat(2)cell-J[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108001,"18 December 2002","5030","cn[1] mat(2)ea-A[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108002,"18 December 2002","5037","cn[1] mat(2)N[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108003,"18 December 2002","5039","cn[1] cnn[HK21] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108004,"18 December 2002","5041","mat(2)syn-E[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108005,"18 December 2002","5045","ash1[B1]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108006,"18 December 2002","5046","Taf6[1] red[1] e[*]/TM6B, Sb[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108007,"18 December 2002","5047","skd[2]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108008,"18 December 2002","5048","sls[1]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108009,"18 December 2002","5049","urd[2]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108010,"18 December 2002","5050","Eip74EF[v4] vtd[4]/TM3, st[24] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Eip74EF[v4] mutation probably induced at the same time as vtd[4], J.K. 2/99.",,, 108011,"18 December 2002","5053","th[4]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108012,"18 December 2002","5054","Mbs[3]/TM2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108013,"18 December 2002","5060","Taf4[1]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108014,"18 December 2002","5066","l(3)72Dp[1]/TM2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108015,"18 December 2002","5067","l(3)76BDd[4] red[1] e[*]/TM6B, Sb[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108016,"18 December 2002","5068","Su(z)12[3] red[1] e[*]/TM6B, Sb[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108017,"18 December 2002","5069","l(3)76BDt[1] red[1] e[*]/TM6B, Sb[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108018,"18 December 2002","5072","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-p35.H}BH1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108019,"18 December 2002","5073","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-p35.H}BH2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108020,"18 December 2002","5074","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}T155 P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT 40-1, FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998. Second and third chromosomes homozygous viable, J.D.",,, 108021,"18 December 2002","5075","P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}T155 P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT 42B, FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998. Second chromosome semilethal, J.D.",,, 108022,"18 December 2002","5076","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}T155",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in follicle cells, J.D.",,, 108023,"18 December 2002","5077","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=en2.4-GAL4}e22c P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1/CyO; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT, FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998.",,, 108024,"18 December 2002","5078","y[1] w[*] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}101/FM7a; P{w[+mW.hs]=en2.4-GAL4}e22c P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT 14A-B, FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998. Second chromosome semilethal, J.D.",,, 108025,"18 December 2002","5079","y[1] w[*] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}101; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}T155 P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT 14A-B, FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998.",,, 108026,"18 December 2002","5080","y[1] w[*] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}9-2/FM6; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}T155 P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT 18E, FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998. X and third chromosomes homozygous viable, J.D.",,, 108027,"18 December 2002","5081","y[1] w[*] v[24] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}9-2/FM7a; P{w[+mW.hs]=en2.4-GAL4}e22c P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT 18E, FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998. Second chromosome semilethal, J.D.",,, 108028,"18 December 2002","5082","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}T155 P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998. Third chromosome homozygous viable, J.D.",,, 108029,"18 December 2002","5083","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=en2.4-GAL4}e22c P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP; GAL4 expressed in follicle cells; see Duffy et al. Development 125: 2263-2271, 1998. Third chromosome semilethal, J.D.",,, 108030,"18 December 2002","5084","Df(2L)pr-M1, dp[ov1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"038B03-06;040A03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df chromosome causes dominant slightly rough eye phenotype, A.C.; this is updated cytology relative to FB, 2/13/99",,, 108031,"18 December 2002","5086","w[1118]; Df(3L)BSC1/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"076D02-03:076D05-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108032,"18 December 2002","5087","w[1118]; Df(3L)BSC2/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"076C;076F02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108033,"18 December 2002","5089","w[*]; Ptp99A[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108034,"18 December 2002","5090","w[*]; Df(3L)8ex25/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"069D;069D (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df for Ptp69D and Klc.",,, 108035,"18 December 2002","5091","w[*]; Df(3R)Ptp99A[R3]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"099A07;099A07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108036,"18 December 2002","5092","cn[1] hal[DB48] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108037,"18 December 2002","5093","mat(2)cell-F[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108038,"18 December 2002","5094","capu[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108039,"18 December 2002","5095","mdy[QX25] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108040,"18 December 2002","5098","okr[RU] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108041,"18 December 2002","5099","cn[1] prat[PD] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108042,"18 December 2002","5100","pre[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108043,"18 December 2002","5101","cn[1] qui[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108044,"18 December 2002","5104","rem[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108045,"18 December 2002","5106","cn[1] bw[1] retn[RO44]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108046,"18 December 2002","5109","cn[1] bw[1] shu[2] sp[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108047,"18 December 2002","5111","cn[1] sie[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108048,"18 December 2002","5113","spir[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108049,"18 December 2002","5115","cn[1] stl[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108050,"18 December 2002","5117","cn[1] sub[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108051,"18 December 2002","5118","Vm26Ab[QJ42] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108052,"18 December 2002","5120","zuc[RS49] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, l(2)DTS513[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108053,"18 December 2002","5121","enc[R1] st[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108054,"18 December 2002","5122","Df(2R)50C-21, bw[1]/CyO, Roi[1] cn[2P] bw[1]",,,"050C;050C (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor or no Cy expression, but Roi present, K.C. 9/7/00. Retains P element sequences from P{w[+mC]=CaSpeR}Cp1[50C] at end of Df, K.C. 8/01.",,, 108055,"18 December 2002","5123","Df(2R)50C-43, al[1] b[1] cn[1]/CyO, Roi[1] cn[2P] bw[1]",,,"050C;050C (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Retains P element sequences from P{w[+mC]=CaSpeR}Cp1[50C] at end of Df, K.C. 8/01.",,, 108056,"18 December 2002","5124","cn[1] Cp1[llcnbw38] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108057,"18 December 2002","5126","Df(3L)XS533/TM6B, Sb[1] Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"076B04;077B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108058,"18 December 2002","5127","Df(3R)RD31/Dp(3;3)S462, In(3LR)EBL, In(3R)C, Sb[1] ca[1]",,,"089E02;090D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108059,"18 December 2002","5128","C(1;Y)1, y[1] sn[3] l(1)dd4[1]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1]; Dp(1;f)LJ9, y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108060,"18 December 2002","5129","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}LL54, P{w[+mC]=UAS-Rac1.L89}6/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"MARCM set, GAL4 expression in visual pigment cells, L.L.",,, 108061,"18 December 2002","5130","y[1] w[*]; Pin[Yt]/CyO; P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}LL6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"MARCM set, GFP labels the cell surface (mouse CD8 is a transmembrane protein), highly concentrated in neuronal processes, L.L.",,, 108062,"18 December 2002","5131","P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}LL5",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP; MARCM set, GFP labels the cell surface (mouse CD8 is a transmembrane protein), highly concentrated in neuronal processes, L.L.",,, 108063,"18 December 2002","5132","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A, P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL1, P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, w[*]",,,"019A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT; may be segregating FM7c, K.C. 3/99; MARCM set, ubiquitous expression of GAL80, L.L.",,, 108064,"18 December 2002","5133","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A, P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL1, P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, w[*]; Pin[Yt]/CyO",,,"019A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expression of GAL80, L.L.",,, 108065,"18 December 2002","5134","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A, P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL1, P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}LL5",,,"019A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT; MARCM set, GFP labels the cell surface (mouse CD8 is a transmembrane protein), highly concentrated in neuronal processes, L.L.",,, 108066,"18 December 2002","5135","y[1] w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL3",,,"082B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expresion of GAL80, L.L.",,, 108067,"18 December 2002","5136","P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}LL4, y[1] w[*]; Pin[Yt]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"MARCM set, GFP labels the cell surface (mouse CD8 is a transmembrane protein), highly concentrated in neuronal processes, L.L.",,, 108068,"18 December 2002","5137","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}LL5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"MARCM set, GFP labels the cell surface (mouse CD8 is a transmembrane protein), highly concentrated in neuronal processes, L.L. Viable P insertion, but stock is segregating CyO, K.C. 1/00",,, 108069,"18 December 2002","5138","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL4}LL7/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"MARCM set, ubiquitous expression of GAL4, L.L.",,, 108070,"18 December 2002","5139","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}LL5",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, GFP labels the cell surface (mouse CD8 is a transmembrane protein), highly concentrated in neuronal processes, L.L.; new copy from L.L. 11/8/01",,, 108071,"18 December 2002","5140","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL2/CyO",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expresion of GAL80, L.L. May be segregating CyO, K.C. 9/02.",,, 108072,"18 December 2002","5141","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 shot[3]/CyO, P{w[+mW.hs]=ase-lacZF:2.0}PK2",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set",,, 108073,"18 December 2002","5142","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13, P{w[+mC]=piM}45F, P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL2/CyO",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expresion of GAL80, L.L.",,, 108074,"18 December 2002","5143","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13, P{w[+mC]=piM}45F, P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL2/SM6a; P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL4}LL7/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expresion of GAL80, L.L.; no Cy expression, 2nd chromosome may be homozygous, K.M. 8/6/99",,, 108075,"18 December 2002","5144","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}elav[C155] w[*] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A; Bc[1] Egfr[E1]/CyO",,,"019A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, GAL4 expressed in all tissues of the embryonic nervous system beginning at stage 12",,, 108076,"18 December 2002","5145","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}elav[C155], P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL2/CyO",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT, FLP; MARCM set, GAL4 expressed in all tissues of the embryonic nervous system beginning at stage 12",,, 108077,"18 December 2002","5146","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}elav[C155], P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}LL4, P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, w[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, GAL4; MARCM set, GFP labels the cell surface (mouse CD8 is a transmembrane protein), highly concentrated in neuronal processes, may be segregating CyO, L.L.; may be segregating FM7c, K.C. 3/99",,, 108078,"18 December 2002","5147","P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}elav[C155] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL2",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, GAL4 expressed in all tissues of the embryonic nervous system beginning at stage 12",,, 108079,"18 December 2002","5148","y[1] w[*]; P{y[+mDint2]=UAS-lacZ.btau.YES}LL8/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"allows expression of microtubule-targeted lacZ, L.L.",,, 108080,"18 December 2002","5155","bw[1]; Awh[63Ea-E12] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108081,"18 December 2002","5157","bw[1]; RfC40[A18] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108082,"18 December 2002","5159","bw[1]; dib[B17] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108083,"18 December 2002","5167","bw[1]; ida[B4] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108084,"18 December 2002","5168","bw[1]; ida[D14] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108085,"18 December 2002","5173","bw[1]; wit[A12] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108086,"18 December 2002","5174","bw[1]; wit[B11] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108087,"18 December 2002","5180","bw[1]; l(3)64Ag[B3] st[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108088,"18 December 2002","5182","bw[1]; l(3)64Aj[A23] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108089,"18 December 2002","5184","bw[1]; Faa[A9] st[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108090,"18 December 2002","5188","w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP}83",,,"082B (FRT), 083 (GFP)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; TM3, Ser[1] may be floating, K.C. 7/20/99",,, 108091,"18 December 2002","5189","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP}33 P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP}38 P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO",,,"040A (FRT), 033 (GFP), 038 (GFP)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108092,"18 December 2002","5190","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL9 P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"079D-F (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expresion of GAL80, L.L.",,, 108093,"18 December 2002","5191","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL9 P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B",,,"080B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expresion of GAL80, L.L.",,, 108094,"18 December 2002","5192","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL10 P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO",,,"040A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; MARCM set, ubiquitous expresion of GAL80, L.L.",,, 108095,"18 December 2002","5193","Df(1)JA27/FM7c, P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Kr.C}DC1, P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.S65T}DC5, sn[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"green balancer; no sn bristle phenotype and homozygous females are fertile, K.M. 6/1/01",,, 108096,"18 December 2002","5194","w[*]; L[2] Pin[1]/CyO, P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Kr.C}DC3, P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.S65T}DC7",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"L and Pin alleles are our best guess, K.M. 6/17/99; green balancer",,, 108097,"18 December 2002","5195","y[1] w[*]; D[*] gl[3]/TM3, P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Kr.C}DC2, P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.S65T}DC10, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"green balancer",,, 108098,"18 December 2002","5207","dp[ov1] cn[1] bw[1] l(2)60A-C[Ad-4]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108099,"18 December 2002","5218","dp[ov1] cn[1] bw[1] l(2)60A-B[P14-200]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108100,"18 December 2002","5220","dp[ov1] b[1] cn[1] l(2)60A-H[Ac-2]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108101,"18 December 2002","5224","Df(2R)106/SM5",,,"060A03;060A07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Additional markers may be present on Df chromosome, K.W.; carries an unidentified meiotic mutant on chromosome 3, per M. Green, K.M. 1/14/00",,, 108102,"18 December 2002","5225","Df(2R)bw-HB132, Frd[1]/SM6a",,,"059D11;059F06-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108103,"18 December 2002","5227","l(3)71CDa[E3] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108104,"18 December 2002","5233","l(3)71DEa[E12] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108105,"18 December 2002","5234","l(3)71DEa[E39] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108106,"18 December 2002","5235","l(3)71DEb[E15] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108107,"18 December 2002","5236","l(3)71DEb[E55] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108108,"18 December 2002","5237","l(3)71DEc[E86] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108109,"18 December 2002","5238","l(3)71DEd[E59] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108110,"18 December 2002","5239","l(3)71EFa[E42] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108111,"18 December 2002","5240","l(3)71EFa[E51] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108112,"18 December 2002","5241","mrn[3] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108113,"18 December 2002","5242","dop[1] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108114,"18 December 2002","5243","y[1] w[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(2R)PC29/CyO",,,"055C01-02;056B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108115,"18 December 2002","5244","y[1] w[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(2R)Pu66/CyO",,,"055D02-04;055E04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108116,"18 December 2002","5245","y[1] w[67c23] P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP}ID-1 P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A/FM6",,,"018A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 108117,"18 December 2002","5246","Df(2R)Egfr5, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"057D02-08;058D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; rebalanced and returned to collection, w[-] floating, K.M. 2/9/01",,, 108118,"18 December 2002","5247","Df(2R)2-65, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO",,,"057C02;058B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108119,"18 December 2002","5248","P{w[+mC]=GMR-hid}SS1, y[1] w[*] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}SS5, P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2",,,"019A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT, FLP; GAL4 in ey[+] pattern, S.S.",,, 108120,"18 December 2002","5249","P{w[+mC]=GMR-hid}SS1, y[1] w[*] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A, l(1)CL[1]/FM7a; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}SS5, P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2",,,"019A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT, FLP; Putative cell lethal mutation(s) on P{GMR-hid} chromosome improve eye morphology in clonal studies, GAL4 in ey[+] pattern, S.S.",,, 108121,"18 December 2002","5250","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GMR-hid}G1 P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A, l(2)CL-L[1]/CyO; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}SS5, P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2",,,"040A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT, FLP; Putative cell lethal mutation(s) on P{GMR-hid} chromosome improve eye morphology in clonal studies, GAL4 in ey[+] pattern, S.S.",,, 108122,"18 December 2002","5251","y[1] w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}44B, P{w[+mC]=GMR-hid}SS2, l(2)CL-R[1]/CyO; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}SS5, P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD2",,,"042D (FRT), 44B (Car20y)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT, FLP; Putative cell lethal mutation(s) on P{GMR-hid} chromosome improve eye morphology in clonal studies, GAL4 in ey[+] pattern, S.S.",,, 108123,"18 December 2002","5253","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}3-8, P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=GMR-hid}SS4, l(3)CL-R[1]/TM2",,,"082B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT, FLP; Putative cell lethal mutation(s) on P{GMR-hid} chromosome improve eye morphology in clonal studies, GAL4 in ey[+] pattern, S.S.",,, 108124,"18 December 2002","5254","P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.MB}MB132, w[1118]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108125,"18 December 2002","5255","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-sgg.S9A}MB14",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108126,"18 December 2002","5256","P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}1, y[1]; Bc[1]; kar[2] ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108127,"18 December 2002","5258","pr[1] pwn[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}38/CyO; Ki[1] kar[1] ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108128,"18 December 2002","5259","y[1]; P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}25F ck[13] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO; kar[2] ry[506]",,,"025F (Car20y), 040 (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108129,"18 December 2002","5260","y[1]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D pwn[1] P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}44B/CyO; kar[2] ry[506]",,,"042D FRT), 44B (Car20y)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108130,"18 December 2002","5261","y[1]; trc[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B kar[2] ry[506]/TM6C, ry[CB] Sb[1] Tb[1]",,,"080B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108131,"18 December 2002","5262","pr[1] pwn[1]; Dp(2;3)P32, P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B kar[2] ry[506] Ubx[bx-34e]/P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B kar[2] ry[506]",,,"041A;042F;044D04-08;089D07-E01, 082B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108132,"18 December 2002","5263","FM7i/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108133,"18 December 2002","5264","FM7j",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108134,"18 December 2002","5265","FM7d/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Segregating emc[9] mwh[1] kar[2] ry[506], P.H.",,, 108135,"18 December 2002","5266","FM7d, oc[1] ptg[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108136,"18 December 2002","5267","FM7d, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}YH1, oc[1] ptg[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Segregating mwh[1] kar[2] ry[506], P.H.",,, 108137,"18 December 2002","5269","FM7d, w[1] oc[1] ptg[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108138,"18 December 2002","5270","Df(1)19, f[1]/C(1)RM, y[1] shi[1] f[1]; Dp(1;Y)shi[+]3, y[+]",,,"013F02-18;014E (Df),013F01-04;014F04-06 + 001A01;001B02 + 016A1;016A1 + 020B;020Fh (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1. Stock came marked Df(1)l9, K.C. 7/99",,, 108139,"18 December 2002","5271","Df(1)D15, v[1] f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)r[+]s",,,"014D01;015C05, 014A02;016A07;101-102","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Stock came marked Df(1)15, Df(1)D15 is best guess, K.C. 7/99",,, 108140,"18 December 2002","5272","Df(1)r-D1/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)r[+]m",,,"014C05-06;015B01, 014A02;016A07;101-102","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108141,"18 December 2002","5273","Df(1)19, f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;4)r[+]l",,,"013F02-18;014E (Df), 013F01-04;016A01 + probably 001A01;1A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1. Stock came marked Df(1)l9, K.C. 7/99",,, 108142,"18 December 2002","5274","mwh[1] Dhc64C[4-19] jv[1] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108143,"18 December 2002","5277","C(1;YL)1, y[1] cv[1] v[1] g[2] exd[S136]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"An attached YL may not be present, W.M.",,, 108144,"18 December 2002","5278","C(1;YL)1, y[1] fs(1)h[TA54]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108145,"18 December 2002","5279","Df(1)JC70/Dp(1;Y)dx[+]5, y[+]/C(1)M5",,,"004C11-12;005A03-04 (Df), 004C11;006D08 + 001A01;001B04 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1. Left breakpoint may be more distal; inferred from rescue of Df(1)JC70 and nonrescue of cho, K.C. 2/00.",,, 108146,"18 December 2002","5280","Df(1)Sxl-ra, y[1] w[1] sn[3]/Dp(1;Y)ct[+]y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"006F05;007B03, 006E02;007C04-06;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108147,"18 December 2002","5281","Df(1)dx81, w[*]/Dp(1;Y)dx[+]1/C(1)M5",,,"005C03-10;006C03-12, 005A08-09;006D08;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1, deficiency is Minute, K.C. 8/10/99",,, 108148,"18 December 2002","5282","w[*]; Pka-C1[DN]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108149,"18 December 2002","5283","bsk[2] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108150,"18 December 2002","5284","cv[1] fs(1)h[1] v[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108151,"18 December 2002","5285","fs(1)h[18]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108152,"18 December 2002","5286","sn[3] fs(1)h[4] v[1]/FM0",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108153,"18 December 2002","5292","y[1] nej[Q7] v[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)FF1, y[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,"008C-D;009B + 001A01;001B02 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1",,, 108154,"18 December 2002","5294","y[1] sn[3] v[1] g[2] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"isogenic X, W.M.",,, 108155,"18 December 2002","5295","y[1] w[1118] sn[3] v[1] g[2] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"isogenic X, W.M.",,, 108156,"18 December 2002","5297","dsh[6]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108157,"18 December 2002","5298","w[1] dsh[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108158,"18 December 2002","5299","y[1] w[1] dsh[3] f[36a]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108159,"18 December 2002","5300","Taf1[1] red[1] e[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108160,"18 December 2002","5301","l(2)KC-A[EMS38]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108161,"18 December 2002","5302","l(2)KC-A[EMS93]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108162,"18 December 2002","5303","l(2)KC-B[EMS44]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108163,"18 December 2002","5305","l(2)KC-C[EMS27]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108164,"18 December 2002","5306","l(2)KC-C[EMS69]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108165,"18 December 2002","5307","l(2)KC-D[EMS104]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108166,"18 December 2002","5308","l(2)KC-D[EMS67]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108167,"18 December 2002","5309","l(2)KC-E[EMS81a]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108168,"18 December 2002","5310","l(2)KC-E[EMS95]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108169,"18 December 2002","5311","Ly[sens-E2] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108170,"18 December 2002","5312","Ly[sens-E58] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108171,"18 December 2002","5314","Fs(2)Ket[RX3] lt[1] bw[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108172,"18 December 2002","5316","b[1] pr[1] cad[3]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108173,"18 December 2002","5317","l(2)37Ea[1] l(2)38Aa[1] pr[*]/Dp(2;Y)G-M15/CyO",,,"036C01;037E;040F;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer unknown, CyO is a guess, K.C. 8/99",,, 108174,"18 December 2002","5319","l(2)38EFa[2] dp[ov1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108175,"18 December 2002","5320","l(2)38EFb[8] dp[ov1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108176,"18 December 2002","5321","l(2)38EFd[15] dp[ov1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108177,"18 December 2002","5327","y[1] w[1]; Df(2L)TW1/SM6a",,,"038A07-B01;039C02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108178,"18 December 2002","5330","Df(2L)ed1/CyO; P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}1",,,"024A02;024D04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; Deficiency removes slp1 and slp2, Y.H.",,, 108179,"18 December 2002","5354","Df(3L)Brd15, p[p]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"071A01-02;071C01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108180,"18 December 2002","5355","Df(3L)Brd20, p[p]/TM2, p[p]",,,"070D02-03;071E03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108181,"18 December 2002","5356","Df(3L)Brd6, p[p]/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,"070E;071F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108182,"18 December 2002","5357","w[a]; Df(3L)Brd12/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"070E;071A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[a] allele is a guess, K.C. 9/99",,, 108183,"18 December 2002","5358","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=EP}peb[EP55]",,,"004C05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"A good P{EP} insertion to mobilize in P mutagenesis screens, P.R.",,, 108184,"18 December 2002","5359","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-sgg.A81T}MB2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108185,"18 December 2002","5360","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-sgg.A81T}MB30",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108186,"18 December 2002","5361","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-sgg.B}MB5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108187,"18 December 2002","5362","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-sgg.S9A}MB7/TM6C",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108188,"18 December 2002","5363","y[1] w[*] P{w[+mC]=UAS-argos.M}30-102-1; P{w[+mC]=UAS-argos.M}30-85-1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108189,"18 December 2002","5364","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Egfr.DN.B}29-77-1; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Egfr.DN.B}29-8-1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108190,"18 December 2002","5366","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-htl.DN.M}33-B40; P{w[+mC]=UAS-htl.DN.M}33-B61",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108191,"18 December 2002","5367","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-htl::lambda\cI.M}40-22-2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108192,"18 December 2002","5368","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mc]=UAS-Egfr.B}32-26-1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108193,"18 December 2002","5369","y[1]; wg[Sp-1]/CyO, P{y[+mDint2] w[BR.E.BR]=SUPor-P}RR1; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108194,"18 December 2002","5371","Df(1)RC29, w[*]/FM7c, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}YH1",,,"011A01-02;011A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108195,"18 December 2002","5372","Df(2L)hk-UC2/CyO",,,"037B02-08;037C05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108196,"18 December 2002","5375","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B cant[WO21] P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}90E/TM6C",,,"082B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108197,"18 December 2002","5381","l(1)10Ba[1] Zw[*]/FM3/Dp(1;Y)y[+]v[+]#3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Identity of Dp(1;Y) is a guess; may be Dp(1;Y)v[+]y[+], K.C. 9/99.",,, 108198,"18 December 2002","5386","Lim3[2]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108199,"18 December 2002","5389","l(2)37Cc[20] pr[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108200,"18 December 2002","5390","l(2)37Cc[23] or[49h]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108201,"18 December 2002","5391","l(2)37Cc[ts1]/CyO, dp[ov1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108202,"18 December 2002","5392","ph-d[401] w[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108203,"18 December 2002","5394","sog[U2]/FM6-12",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108204,"18 December 2002","5399","w[*]; babo[32]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating y[1], L.M.",,, 108205,"18 December 2002","5400","mwh[1] sgl[A31] red[1] e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108206,"18 December 2002","5405","y[1] w[*]; ft[4] or[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Roi[1] cn[2] bw[1] or[1] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Identity of 'Cy Roi or' balancer is a guess, K.C. 9/99.",,, 108207,"18 December 2002","5406","y[1] w[*]; ft[8] dp[ovN] or[1]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Roi[1] cn[2] bw[1] or[1] sp[2]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Identity of 'Cy Roi or' balancer is a guess, K.C. 9/99.",,, 108208,"18 December 2002","5407","y[1] w[*]; nmo[j147-1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108209,"18 December 2002","5409","z[1] w[1118]; Dp(1;2)w[+]70h",,,"003A07-08;003C02-03;031A03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108210,"18 December 2002","5410","Df(3L)1227, e[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"063C01-02;063F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108211,"18 December 2002","5411","Df(3L)Aprt-32/TM6",,,"062B01;062E03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108212,"18 December 2002","5412","Df(3L)bab-PG, ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"061D03-E01;061F05-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108213,"18 December 2002","5413","Df(3L)fz-CAL5/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"070C02-06;070E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108214,"18 December 2002","5414","Df(3R)04661/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"100D02;100F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108215,"18 December 2002","5415","Df(3R)tll-e, ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1] ca[1]",,,"100A02;100C02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108216,"18 December 2002","5416","f[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]; Df(3L)st-j7, Ki[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"073A02;073B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108217,"not yet","5417","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=dj-GFP.S}AS1/CyO, P{sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"homozygous viable, but this balanced version of stock is much healthier, K.M. 9/11/02",,, 108218,"18 December 2002","5418","w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}47A sha[VAI51]/CyO",,,"042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108219,"18 December 2002","5419","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-htl.M}YYDFR-F16",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108220,"18 December 2002","5420","Df(2L)Dwee1-W05/CyO; P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}1",,,"027C02-03;027C04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108221,"18 December 2002","5421","Df(2R)02311/CyO",,,"058D02;058E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 10/99",,, 108222,"18 December 2002","5422","Df(2R)03072/CyO",,,"051A05;051C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 10/99",,, 108223,"18 December 2002","5423","Df(2R)Np4, bw[1]/CyO",,,"044F11;045C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 10/99",,, 108224,"18 December 2002","5424","Df(3R)01215/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"099A06;099C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108225,"18 December 2002","5425","w[*]; Df(2R)12/CyO",,,"046E01-F11;047A13-B14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108226,"18 December 2002","5426","w[*]; Df(2R)RM2-1/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"054F02;056A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108227,"18 December 2002","5427","ry[506] e[1] bam[Delta86]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108228,"18 December 2002","5428","P{w[+mC]=UAS-EGFP}8, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108229,"18 December 2002","5429","P{w[+mC]=UAS-srcEGFP}M7A, w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108230,"18 December 2002","5430","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-EGFP}34/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"086E13-18","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108231,"18 December 2002","5431","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-EGFP}5a.2",,,"029C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108232,"18 December 2002","5432","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-srcEGFP}M7E",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108233,"18 December 2002","5435","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-sgg.B}MB14/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108234,"18 December 2002","5438","FM7i, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}YH1, w[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Segregating mwh[1] kar[2] ry[506], P.H. 5/99",,, 108235,"18 December 2002","5439","w[1118]; In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] Bc[1]/CyO",,,,"Selected for good expressivity of dominant markers. June 2004 DGRC
Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108236,"18 December 2002","5440","Df(3R)ME61, H[1]/TM6",,,"096F12-14;097C04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating cn[1], A.C.; H allele is likely to be H[1], K.C. 10/9/00",,, 108237,"18 December 2002","5442","Df(2R)XE3030/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"057C02;058C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108238,"18 December 2002","5444","ph-d[401] ph-p[602] w[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ph-p[601] is a complex chromosomal rearrangement induced on a ph-d[401] chromosome, J.-M.D.",,, 108239,"18 December 2002","5446","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-gcm.J}2; P{UAS-gcm.J}3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108240,"18 December 2002","5447","w[*]; e[1] ren[1] ca[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108241,"18 December 2002","5448","w[*]; slug[3] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108242,"18 December 2002","5449","Df(2L)frtz11, P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"022A01;022B06-09, 042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108243,"18 December 2002","5450","Df(2L)frtz14, P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"022A03;022B03, 042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108244,"18 December 2002","5451","Df(2L)frtz17, P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"021E03-04;022B05-07, 042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108245,"18 December 2002","5452","Df(2L)frtz19, P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"022A02-03;022B07, 042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108246,"18 December 2002","5453","Df(2L)frtz24, P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"022A03-04;022A-B01, 042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108247,"18 December 2002","5454","Df(2L)frtz25, P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"022A03-04;022C01-02, 042D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108248,"18 December 2002","5455","frtz[1] bw[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108249,"18 December 2002","5457","hkb[2] p[p]/TM3, p[+] Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"TM3 is p[+], C.D.",,, 108250,"18 December 2002","5458","w[*]; pros[17]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108251,"18 December 2002","5459","C(1;Y)6, y[1] w[*] P{w[+*]=white-un4}BE1305 mew[023]/C(1)RM, y[1] pn[1] v[1]; Dp(1;f)y[+]",,,"011DE (P), 011D-011F;012B07 + 001A01;001B02-12 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1. P{mini-w[+]} insertion within 200 kb of mew, D.B.",,, 108252,"18 December 2002","5460","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GAL4-da.G32}UH1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108253,"18 December 2002","5461","Df(3L)fz-M21, th[1] st[1]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]; Ts(YSt;3Lt)ST1",,,"070D02;071E04-05, 062B;070A01-02;074A;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Y-linked Dp of 3Lt to 62B and 70A1,2 to 74A, K.C. 12/99",,, 108254,"18 December 2002","5462","Df(3L)th102, h[1] kni[ri-1] e[s]/TM6C, cu[1] Sb[1] ca[1]; Dp(3;Y)L131-D3, B[S]",,,"072A02;072D10, 072A;075D04-05;Y","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108255,"18 December 2002","5463","Psn[I2]/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108256,"18 December 2002","5489","cn[1] bw[1] Hsf[4]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108257,"18 December 2002","5491","net[1] cn[1] Hsf[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108258,"18 December 2002","5492","w[*]; Df(3L)eyg[C1]/TM3, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}SC1, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"069A04-05;069D04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3; Identity of ftz-lacZ TM3 is a guess, K.C. 12/99.",,, 108259,"18 December 2002","5494","cmp44E[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108260,"18 December 2002","5497","l(2)44Db[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108261,"18 December 2002","5498","l(2)44Dc[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108262,"18 December 2002","5500","l(2)44Ea[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108263,"18 December 2002","5501","l(2)44Fa[3]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108264,"18 December 2002","5502","l(2)44Fc[3]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108265,"18 December 2002","5507","l(2)44Fj[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108266,"18 December 2002","5508","l(2)45ABb[2]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108267,"18 December 2002","5509","l(2)45Aa[3]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108268,"18 December 2002","5510","l(2)45Ad[2]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108269,"18 December 2002","5511","l(2)45Ae[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108270,"18 December 2002","5512","l(2)45Af[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108271,"18 December 2002","5513","l(2)45Ag[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108272,"18 December 2002","5514","l(2)45Ah[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108273,"18 December 2002","5516","l(2)45Aj[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108274,"18 December 2002","5519","l(2)45Bb[2]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108275,"18 December 2002","5520","l(2)45Bc[4]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108276,"18 December 2002","5523","Pkn[3]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108277,"18 December 2002","5524","y[1] w[1]; l(2)45Ak[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108278,"18 December 2002","5525","y[1] w[1]; l(2)45Ba[3]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108279,"18 December 2002","5526","Su(var)2-10[2]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108280,"18 December 2002","5529","h[22]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108281,"18 December 2002","5531","w[1118]; Df(2L)da[10], da[10] P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}30C P{neoFRT}40A/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] Bc[1]",,,"031D01;031D01 (within), 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"allele induced on b[1] pr[1] cn[1] wx[wxt] bw[1] background, but don't know which markers are still there, K.M. 8/22/02",,, 108282,"18 December 2002","5532","w[*]; emc[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"080B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108283,"18 December 2002","5534","w[*]; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}3-8",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Moderately expressed GAL4, W.G.",,, 108284,"18 December 2002","5535","w[*]; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}4-8/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Strongly expressed GAL4; homozygous males are probably sterile, W.G.; CyO is a guess, K.C. 12/99",,, 108285,"18 December 2002","5537","T(1;2)ocgamma1, y[*] oc[gammaa1]/FM7a",,,"008A01-02;?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108286,"18 December 2002","5539","oc[otd-XC86]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108287,"18 December 2002","5541","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-oc.F}RF1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating CyO, B.F.; insertion maps to the X according to G. Decene - need to look into this further, K.M. 7/22/02",,, 108288,"18 December 2002","5542","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-oc.F}RF2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108289,"18 December 2002","5544","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-crb.wt}30.12e",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108290,"18 December 2002","5546","Psc[e22]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108291,"18 December 2002","5547","Psc[h27]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108293,"18 December 2002","5549","Su(z)2[1.a1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108294,"18 December 2002","5551","T(2;3)Psc[1.d20], cn[1] Psc[1.d20] bw[1]/CyO",,,"049E02-06;090A01-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be marked with sp[1], T.W.",,, 108295,"18 December 2002","5553","b[1] Dp[49Fk-1] c[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108296,"18 December 2002","5555","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fa[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108297,"18 December 2002","5557","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fb[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108298,"18 December 2002","5559","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fc[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108299,"18 December 2002","5563","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fg[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108300,"18 December 2002","5564","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fh[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108301,"18 December 2002","5566","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fj[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108302,"18 December 2002","5567","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fl[1] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108303,"18 December 2002","5568","al[1] b[1] l(2)49Fm[3] c[1] sp[1]/CyO, sp[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108304,"18 December 2002","5570","al[1] b[1] lat[1] c[1] sp[1]/CyO, sp[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108305,"18 December 2002","5571","al[1] b[1] lat[6] c[1] sp[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108306,"18 December 2002","5572","sc[1] z[1] w[is]; Su(z)2[1.b7]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108307,"18 December 2002","5573","sc[1] z[1] w[is]; Su(z)2[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108308,"18 December 2002","5574","y[1] w[67c23]; Df(2R)k10408, P{w[+mC]=lacW}BEST:GM02553[k10408]/CyO",,,"054C01-04;054C01-04 (?)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108309,"18 December 2002","5576","P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}5; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108310,"18 December 2002","5577","P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}6, ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108311,"18 December 2002","5578","y[1] w[1]; Klp64D[k1]/TM3, y[+] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108312,"18 December 2002","5579","y[1] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}19A; P{ry[+7.2]=ey-FLP.N}5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108313,"18 December 2002","5580","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108314,"18 December 2002","5581","Df(3L)XS2182/TM3, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK2, Sb[1]",,,"076B;076F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108315,"18 December 2002","5582","Df(3L)XS543/TM3, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK2, Sb[1]",,,"076B;077A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108316,"18 December 2002","5583","Df(3L)XS572/TM3, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK2, Sb[1]",,,"076B06;077C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108317,"18 December 2002","5584","Df(3L)XS705/TM3, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK2, Sb[1]",,,"076B04;076D03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108318,"18 December 2002","5586","cpb[M143] cn[1] b[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108319,"18 December 2002","5594","Df(1)dhd81, w[1118]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)4FRDup/+",,,"004F01-02;004F01-02 (Df), 003C02;003F + 003F;004E03 + 020Fh;020Fh + 004E03;005A01-02;026D7 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1. Duplication is 3C2 to 4E3, a block of X heterochromatin and 4E3 to 5A1-2 inserted in 26D7. A deletion within 3F removes the male diplo-lethal locus present in the Dp(1;2)w[+]64b progenitor. K.C. 2/24/00",,, 108320,"18 December 2002","5595","Nrg[l7]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108321,"18 December 2002","5597","Df(3R)Dl-M2/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,"091C07-D01;092A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108322,"18 December 2002","5598","Df(3R)93F[x2]/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,"093F05;094A08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108323,"18 December 2002","5599","Df(3R)Cha1a, kar[2] ry[5] red[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"091A02-B03;091F13-092A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108324,"18 December 2002","5600","Df(3R)Cha9, kar[2] ry[5] red[1]/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,"091C07-D01;092A02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108325,"18 December 2002","5601","Df(3R)Espl3/TM6C, Sb[1] Tb[1]",,,"096F01;097B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108326,"18 December 2002","5602","Dl[B2] e[1]/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108327,"18 December 2002","5603","Dl[RF]/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108328,"18 December 2002","5604","EcR[W53st]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108329,"18 December 2002","5605","ss[1] Dl[6B] e[1]/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108330,"18 December 2002","5612","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=UAS-Dl.J}TJ1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108331,"18 December 2002","5613","w[1118]; Dr[1] e[1]/TM3, P{w[+mC]=UAS-Dl.DN}TJ1, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108332,"18 December 2002","5614","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Dl.H}MH1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108333,"18 December 2002","5615","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A",,,"040A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108334,"18 December 2002","5616","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D",,,"042D (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108335,"18 December 2002","5617","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}47A l(2)cl-R11[1]/CyO, y[+]",,,"042D (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108336,"18 December 2002","5618","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B",,,"080B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108337,"18 December 2002","5619","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B",,,"082B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108338,"18 December 2002","5620","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}90E l(3)cl-R3[1]/TM6B, P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}TPN1, Tb[1]",,,"082B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108339,"18 December 2002","5621","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; RpS17[4] P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}70C P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B/TM6B, P{y[+t7.7] ry[+t7.2]=Car20y}TPN1, Tb[1]",,,"070C, 080B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108340,"18 December 2002","5622","y[d2] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.N}2 P{GMR-lacZ.C(38.1)}TPN1; l(2)cl-L3[1] P{w[+t*] ry[+t*]=white-un1}30C P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO, y[+]",,,"030C, 040A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FLP, FRT",,, 108341,"18 December 2002","5623","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}X P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A",,,"018A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 108342,"18 December 2002","5624","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}X RpS5[2] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A/FM7a",,,"018A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 108343,"18 December 2002","5625","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=piM}5A P{w[+mC]=piM}10D P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}X P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}18A",,,"005A (piM), 010D (piM), 018A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT; see http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/FRT18A-info.htm for important new information on this insertion, K.M. 8/1/02",,, 108344,"18 December 2002","5626","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}2R/CyO",,,"042D (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT; a few w[-] present, w[+m] P may not be well balanced by CyO, K.M. 2/26/01",,, 108345,"18 December 2002","5627","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}3R P{ry[+t7.2]=A92}RpS3[Plac92]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"082B (FRT), 095A (RpS3)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT",,, 108346,"18 December 2002","5628","w[1118]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}3R/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"082B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT",,, 108347,"18 December 2002","5629","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}2L P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO",,,"040A (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT",,, 108348,"18 December 2002","5630","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP(S65T)nls}3L P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"080B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT",,, 108349,"18 December 2002","5638","l(1)ESHS30[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108350,"18 December 2002","5649","sbr[12]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108351,"18 December 2002","5660","y[1] mei-9[a] l(1)ESHS26[1] mei-41[D5]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108352,"18 December 2002","5661","y[1] mei-9[a] l(1)ESHS27[1] mei-41[D5]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108353,"18 December 2002","5662","y[1] mei-9[a] l(1)ESHS29[1] mei-41[D5]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108354,"18 December 2002","5674","y[1] w[1]; Klp64D[n123]/TM3, y[+] Ser[1]",,,"064D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108355,"18 December 2002","5675","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-eya.B.II}14",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"TM3, Sb[1] and TM6B, Tb[1] may be floating in the stock, N.B.",,, 108356,"18 December 2002","5676","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-eya.B.I}55.2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"TM3, Sb[1] and TM6B, Tb[1] may be floating in the stock, N.B.",,, 108357,"18 December 2002","5677","Dp(1;Y)578, y[+] B[S]/y[1] Lim1[E9] f[36a]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"007D;008B03-D07 + 016A1;016A1 + 020B;020Fh","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp(1;Y)619 or Dp(1;Y)850 may provide more Dp coverage; this stock replaces a B[+] version of Dp(1;Y)578, K.C. 5/00",,, 108358,"18 December 2002","5678","Dp(1;Y)619, y[+] B[S]/w[1] oc[9]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,"007D;008B03-D07 + 016A1;016A1 + 020B;020Fh","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DpKit1; Dp(1;Y)619 or Dp(1;Y)850 may provide more Dp coverage, K.C. 2/00",,, 108359,"18 December 2002","5679","Dp(1;Y)850, y[+]/w[1] oc[9]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,"007D;008B03-D07 + 016A1;016A1 + 020B;020Fh","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp(1;Y)619 or Dp(1;Y)850 may provide more Dp coverage, K.C. 2/00",,, 108360,"18 December 2002","5680","Df(2R)robl-c/CyO, y[+]",,,"054B17-C04;054C01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; Cytology estimated from molecular and complementation data; left breakpoint to the right of l(2)k08901; right breakpoint overlaps Df(2R)k10408, K.C. 3/00 Retains P{w[+mC]=lacW} sequences at end of Df, K.C. 8/01.",,, 108361,"18 December 2002","5682","disco[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108362,"18 December 2002","5685","norpA[7]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108363,"18 December 2002","5686","phyl[2245]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108364,"18 December 2002","5687","pnut[XP]/T(2;3)SM6a-TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108365,"18 December 2002","5688","rl[Sem]/CyO/Dp(?;2)bw[D], S[1] wg[Sp-1] Ms(2)M[1] bw[D]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108366,"18 December 2002","5689","sev[14]; Ras85D[e1B]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108367,"18 December 2002","5690","sev[14]; Ras85D[e2F]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108368,"18 December 2002","5691","sev[14]; drk[e0A]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108369,"18 December 2002","5692","trp[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108370,"18 December 2002","5693","w[*]; Cdc37[e4D]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108371,"18 December 2002","5694","w[*]; Df(3R)e1025-14/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"082F08-10;083A01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108372,"18 December 2002","5695","w[*]; Hsp83[e6A]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108373,"18 December 2002","5696","w[*]; Hsp83[e6D]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108374,"18 December 2002","5697","w[*]; M(2)24F[1] P{w[+mC]=piM}36F P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO",,,"036F, 040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108375,"18 December 2002","5698","w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}42D P{w[+mC]=piM}45F M(2)53[1]/CyO",,,"042D, 045F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108376,"18 December 2002","5699","w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=piM}87E RpS3[*]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"082B, 087E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108377,"18 December 2002","5701","w[*]; sr[1] ninaE[17] e[s]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108378,"18 December 2002","5702","w[1]; noc[Sco]/CyO, P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Hsp70.PB}TR1, P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.Y}TR1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4, UAS, GFP; green balancer",,, 108379,"18 December 2002","5703","w[1]; Sb[1]/T(2;3)CyO-TM3, P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Hsp70.PB}TR1, P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.Y}TR1: P{GAL4-Hsp70.PB}TR2, P{UAS-GFP.Y}TR2, y[+] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4, UAS, GFP; green balancer",,, 108380,"18 December 2002","5704","w[1]; Sb[1]/TM3, P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Hsp70.PB}TR2, P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.Y}TR2, y[+] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4, UAS, GFP",,, 108381,"18 December 2002","5705","Basc, Df(1)BA2-8, w[a] B[1]/FM7c",,,"004F05;005A13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 108382,"18 December 2002","5706","Df(1)M38-C5, y[M38-C5]/M6",,,"008B;008E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"balancer is homozygous viable, may need to select (we'll rebalance), K.M. 8/29/02",,, 108383,"18 December 2002","5707","Df(1)v[N124B]/FM7c",,,"009E03-F03;010A01-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108384,"18 December 2002","5708","Nrg[l4]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108385,"18 December 2002","5709","ccw[1] sma[1] up[1] mal[F1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108386,"18 December 2002","5718","l(2)23CDa[A1-6] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108387,"18 December 2002","5723","l(2)23CDf[A13-1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108388,"18 December 2002","5724","l(2)23Ca[A16-1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Semilethal, J.E.; CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108389,"18 December 2002","5726","l(2)23Cc[A17-2] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108390,"18 December 2002","5727","l(2)23Cd[A7-4] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108391,"18 December 2002","5728","l(2)23Ce[A6-2] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108392,"18 December 2002","5731","mei-9[a] sw[20-14]/FM7c, ct[S]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108393,"18 December 2002","5733","phl[11]/FM6, l(1)FMa[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]w[+]y[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108394,"18 December 2002","5735","rud[1] v[54k] tc[1] sl[2] smd[1]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"sent as FM7, FM7a is a guess; no rud[1] etc. homozygotes present, K.M. 4/27/01",,, 108395,"18 December 2002","5736","tlc[4]/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g19.1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108396,"18 December 2002","5737","toc[A1-1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108397,"18 December 2002","5741","wapl[2]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108398,"18 December 2002","5742","Dp(3;3)Cam30T, pr[1] pwn[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"090C;093C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp(3;3)Cam30T = Ts(2Lt;3Lt)el24 + Ts(2Rt;3Rt)TE35B-28",,, 108399,"18 December 2002","5743","Dp(3;3)Cam31, p[p]/TM1",,,"061F07-08;064B10-12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108400,"18 December 2002","5744","Dp(3;3)Cam32/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"064B10-12;064E05-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108401,"18 December 2002","5745","Dp(3;3)Cam35, Ubx[bx-34e]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"067C05-11;069A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108402,"18 December 2002","5746","Dp(3;3)Cam36, kni[ri-1] in[1] cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM1",,,"069A;070F01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108403,"18 December 2002","5747","Dp(3;3)Cam37, mwh[1]/TM1",,,"070F01-02;073C03-D07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp(3;3)Cam37 may be marked with st[1], John Roote 3/00",,, 108404,"18 December 2002","5748","P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B cu[1] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]",,,"082B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108405,"18 December 2002","5749","w[*] f[1] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}9-2",,,"018E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108406,"18 December 2002","5750","w[*]; Gl[1] th[1] st[1] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"079D-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT chromosome may be marked with ru[1], S.L.",,, 108407,"18 December 2002","5751","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 L[2] sp[1]/SM6b",,,"042B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108408,"18 December 2002","5752","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 bw[1] sp[1]",,,"042B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108409,"18 December 2002","5753","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 c[1] px[1] sp[1]",,,"042B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108410,"18 December 2002","5755","w[*]; al[1] dp[ov1] Tft[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108411,"18 December 2002","5756","w[*]; al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A",,,"040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108412,"18 December 2002","5757","w[*]; al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13",,,"040A, 042B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108413,"18 December 2002","5758","w[*]; al[1] dp[ov1] b[1] pr[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A",,,"040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108414,"18 December 2002","5759","w[*]; noc[Sco] P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}40A/CyO",,,"040A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108415,"18 December 2002","5760","w[*]; ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A",,,"079D-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108416,"18 December 2002","5761","w[*]; ru[1] th[1] st[1] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A sr[1] e[s] ca[1]",,,"079D-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating TM3, S.L.; FRT",,, 108417,"18 December 2002","5763","y[1] w[*] f[1] B[36b] P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}9-2",,,"018E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"FRT",,, 108418,"18 December 2002","5764","Df(2R)XE-2900/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"057F02;058A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108419,"18 December 2002","5771","P{w[+mC]=GMR-hid}G1/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Stock may carry a w[-] X chromosome, K.C. 4/00.",,, 108420,"18 December 2002","5773","P{w[+mC]=GMR-rpr.H}S/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Stock may carry a w[-] X chromosome, K.C. 4/00.",,, 108421,"18 December 2002","5779","y[1] w[a] phl[12]/FM6, w[i] dm[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108422,"18 December 2002","5780","st[1] sina[3]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108423,"18 December 2002","5781","w[*]; Gap1[B2]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108424,"18 December 2002","5788","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ras85D.K}5-1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"UAS",,, 108425,"18 December 2002","5789","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-aop.ACT}l(2)IIa[IIa]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108426,"18 December 2002","5790","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-aop.WT}l(2)Ia[Ia]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 3/00",,, 108427,"18 December 2002","5793","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=sevEP-GAL4.B}7",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108428,"18 December 2002","5797","Df(3R)GC14/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"093D06-07;093E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108429,"18 December 2002","5798","Df(3R)e-GC3/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"093C06;094A01-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[-] segregating in stock, K.C. 4/00.",,, 108430,"18 December 2002","5799","EcR[A483T] cn[1] bw[1]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108431,"18 December 2002","5803","T(1;3)Mir, hh[Mir]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"020F;064B-C;081F;094A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108432,"18 December 2002","5804","kuz[e29-4]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108433,"18 December 2002","5805","Df(3R)e-H4, p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"093D01;093F06-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108434,"18 December 2002","5806","prd[8]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108435,"18 December 2002","5808","spen[14O1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108436,"18 December 2002","5810","w[*] Ptp10D[1]/FM7c",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108437,"18 December 2002","5811","w[*] P{w[+mC]=UAS-shi.K44A}4-1; P{w[+mC]=UAS-shi.K44A}3-7",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"The two P{UAS-shi.K44A} insertions together express the dominant negative version of shi at moderate levels, but separately at low levels, A.B. 5/00.",,, 108438,"18 December 2002","5813","In(1)ph410, ph-p[410] w[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108439,"18 December 2002","5815","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ser.mg5603}SS1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108440,"18 December 2002","5816","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-kuz.F}DF1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108441,"18 December 2002","5817","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-ptc.J}B1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108442,"18 December 2002","5818","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}459.2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in salm pattern: broad stripe across wing disc perpendicular to prospective wing margin.",,, 108443,"18 December 2002","5820","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}l(3)31-1[31-1]/TM6C, Sb[1] Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in neuroblasts and neurons.",,, 108444,"18 December 2002","5821","w[*]; Rab6[D23D]/CyO; ry[506]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"CyO is a guess, K.C. 4/00",,, 108445,"18 December 2002","5822","w[*]; TM3, P{w[+mC]=UAS-shi.K44A}3-10/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Expresses dominant negative version of shi at high levels; cell lethal effect, A.B. 5/00; this TM3 is Sb[+] and no evidence of Ser, but could be suppressed, K.C. 5/18/00",,, 108446,"18 December 2002","5823","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=UAS-rpr.C}27",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108447,"18 December 2002","5824","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-rpr.C}14",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108448,"18 December 2002","5825","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP.nls}3L1 P{Ubi-GFP.nls}3L2 P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A",,,"079D-F (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT",,, 108449,"18 December 2002","5826","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}G13 P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP.nls}2R1 P{Ubi-GFP.nls}2R2",,,"042B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT",,, 108450,"18 December 2002","5828","w[1118]; qm[L14.4]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108451,"18 December 2002","5829","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-tau-lacZ.B}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108452,"18 December 2002","5830","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Dl::N.act}B2a2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating CyO, M.M.",,, 108453,"18 December 2002","5831","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-fng.K}JK1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108454,"18 December 2002","5832","y[1] w[1118], P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP.nls}X1 P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}9-2; Kr[If-1]/CyO",,,"018E (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GFP, FRT",,, 108455,"18 December 2002","5833","w[1]; wee[ES1] cn[1]/CyO, P{w[+mC]=ActGFP}JMR1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108456,"18 December 2002","5836","Df(3L)2D/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,"061B;>061C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108457,"18 December 2002","5837","Df(3L)7C/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,"061B;061C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108458,"18 December 2002","5838","Df(3L)B71, y[+]/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,"061A01;061B","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108459,"18 December 2002","5841","w[126]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsc70-3.D231S}D",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108460,"18 December 2002","5842","w[126]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsc70-3.K97S}D",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108461,"18 December 2002","5843","w[126]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsc70-3.WT}B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108462,"18 December 2002","5844","w[126]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsc70-4.D206S}E",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108463,"18 December 2002","5845","w[126]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsc70-4.K71S}G",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108464,"18 December 2002","5846","w[126]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsc70-4.WT}B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108465,"18 December 2002","5847","Df(2R)D4/CyO, P{w[+mC]=act-lacZ.B}CB1",,,"057A01-03;057B13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer may be CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacB}E3, K.C. 8/00.",,, 108466,"18 December 2002","5848","Df(2R)E2/CyO",,,"057B01;057B13-14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108467,"18 December 2002","5849","insc[P49]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108468,"18 December 2002","5866","P{w[+mC]=UAS-proPO}X, y[1] w[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108469,"18 December 2002","5867","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-proPO}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108470,"18 December 2002","5868","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-proPO}3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108471,"18 December 2002","5869","Df(2L)FCK-20, dp[ov1] bw[1]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"032D01;032F01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; w[-] floating, K.M. 2/9/01",,, 108472,"18 December 2002","5870","msl-1[gamma216] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108473,"18 December 2002","5873","mle[9] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108474,"18 December 2002","5874","ru[1] h[1] th[1] st[1] cu[1] RpII140[wimp] sr[1] e[s] ca[1]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108475,"18 December 2002","5877","w[1]; Df(3L)ZP1/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"066A17-20;066C01-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108476,"18 December 2002","5878","Df(3L)ri-XT1, ru[1] st[1] e[1] ca[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"077E02-04;078A02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108477,"25 December 2002","5879","Df(2R)BSC3, w[+mC] unch[k15501] cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/SM6a, bw[k1]",,,"048E12-F04;049A11-B06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108478,"25 December 2002","5888","b[1] Eb1[2] cn[1]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108479,"25 December 2002","5905","w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[1118] line isogenic for chromosomes 1,2 & 3, tested for normal learning, memory and circadian rhythms, J. Roote",,, 108480,"25 December 2002","5906","w[1118]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; TM2/TM6C, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"X and 2nd chromosomes isogenic with stock 5905, J. Roote",,, 108481,"25 December 2002","5907","w[1118]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; noc[Sco]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"X and 3rd chromosomes isogenic with stock 5905, J. Roote",,, 108482,"25 December 2002","5910","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=EcR.GET-BD-GAL4}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Expresses GAL4 in larval EcR-A-expressing neurons destined for apoptosis at metamorphosis; also expressed in imaginal discs, K.C. 11/00",,, 108483,"25 December 2002","5913","w[*]; Df(3L)F10/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"069A02;069D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108484,"25 December 2002","5915","Df(3L)E44/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"069D02;069E03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating w[*], A.C.",,, 108485,"25 December 2002","5916","Df(3R)T-61, e[*]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,"086E03;087A09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108486,"25 December 2002","5917","th[1] st[1] cu[1] sr[1] Apc2[DeltaS]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108487,"25 December 2002","5918","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-wg.H.T:HA1}6C",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108488,"25 December 2002","5919","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-wg.H.T:HA1}3C",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108489,"25 December 2002","5936","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=Ubi-GFP.nls}3L1 P{Ubi-GFP.nls}3L2 P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B",,,"079D-F (FRT), 082B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108490,"25 December 2002","5937","y[1]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c311",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Expressed in eye disc peripodial epithelia, wing disc peripodial and columnar epithelia, and throughout nervous system, Matt Gibson 4/01; sent as P{hsFLP}22, y[1] w[-], but not w[-] so probably isn't P{hsFLP}; will test for ry[+], K.M. 3/2/02",,, 108491,"25 December 2002","5938","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Gal4.H}3A",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108492,"25 December 2002","5939","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Gal4.H}12B",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108493,"25 December 2002","5940","P{w[+mC]=UAS-Gal4.H}24, y[1] w[1118]; P{UAS-Gal4.H}12B; P{UAS-Gal4.H}3A",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108494,"25 December 2002","5941","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=His2Av[T:Avic\GFP-S65T]}62A",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108495,"25 December 2002","5943","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-capt.B}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108496,"25 December 2002","5946","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-msn.S}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108497,"25 December 2002","5948","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-osa}s2/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108498,"25 December 2002","5951","y[1] w[1]; Df(3L)HD1/TM6C, Sb[1] Tb[1]",,,"079D03-E01;079F03-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108499,"25 December 2002","5954","amn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108500,"25 December 2002","5955","Df(1)K5, y[1] w[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"020C;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108501,"25 December 2002","5956","Df(1)16-2-13/Binsn/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"020A;020A (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108502,"25 December 2002","5957","Df(1)16-185/Binsn/Dp(1;Y)v[+]y[+]",,,"020E;020F (Df), 009F03;010E03-04;h1-h25 + 001A01;001B02-03 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108503,"25 December 2002","5958","Df(1)17-87/Binsn",,,"020D-E;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108504,"25 December 2002","5959","Df(1)17-137/Binsn/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"020A;020E (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108505,"25 December 2002","5960","Df(1)17-148/Binsn/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"020C;020E (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108506,"25 December 2002","5961","Df(1)17-257/Binsn/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019F02-03;020A01-02 (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108507,"25 December 2002","5962","Df(1)17-351/Binsn",,,"019E04-05;020A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108508,"25 December 2002","5963","Df(1)17-489/Binsn",,,"019E04-05;020E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108509,"25 December 2002","5964","y[1] w[1] br[npr-3]/Binsn",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108510,"25 December 2002","5966","Df(1)64j4, y[1] w[a] N[spl-1]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"003A05-09;003B01-02 (Df), 002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108511,"25 December 2002","5968","Df(1)w-rJ2, ec[1]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"003A08-09;003C02-03 (Df), 002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108512,"25 December 2002","5969","Df(1)y75a22.1, w[1] mei-41[D14]/Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g19.1/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"001A01;001B05-06 (Df), 001A01;002B17-18 + 020A03;020Fh (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108513,"25 December 2002","5971","Df(1)R7/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,"020A;020E (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108514,"25 December 2002","5972","Df(1)R21/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]",,,"020A;020F (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108515,"25 December 2002","5973","Df(1)R44, y[1] v[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"020A;020F (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108516,"25 December 2002","5974","Df(1)X12, y[1] sc[1]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,"002F06-003A01;003B05-C01 (Df), 002D01-02;003D03-04 + 020B;020F + 022D (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108517,"25 December 2002","5975","Df(1)mal5, y[2] ct[1] f[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]/C(1)RM, y[1] v[1] f[1] mal[2]",,,"019A;019E (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108518,"25 December 2002","5977","In(1)sc[S1L]sc[8R], Df(1)54, y[1]/FM3/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"019F01;020B03 (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108519,"25 December 2002","5978","Df(1)A118/FM6/Dp(1;Y)mal[+]",,,"019E03-04;019E07-08 (Df), 019A01;020F + probably X tip segment 001A01;001A (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108520,"25 December 2002","5979","Df(1)B12/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019E01;020A01-02 (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108521,"25 December 2002","5980","Df(1)cho5, y[1] w[1]/FM7c",,,"003D;004A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108522,"25 December 2002","5981","Df(1)cho10, y[1] w[1]/FM7c",,,"003E;003F-004C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Breakpoints estimated from complementation data, K.C. 5/01",,, 108523,"25 December 2002","5982","Df(1)cho24, y[1] w[1]/FM7c",,,"003E;004A-C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Breakpoints estimated from complementation data, K.C. 5/01",,, 108524,"25 December 2002","5983","Df(1)cho25, y[1] w[1]/FM7c",,,"003E;004A-C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Breakpoints estimated from complementation data, K.C. 5/01",,, 108525,"25 December 2002","5984","Df(1)D43L1, y[1] v[1] f[1]/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019E08;020E-F (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108526,"25 December 2002","5985","Df(1)DCB1-35c/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[126]",,,"020A02-03;020A03-04 (cytologically invisible Df), 001A01;001B02 + 019F06--020A01;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108527,"25 December 2002","5986","Df(1)EA113/FM7c",,,"020A;020E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108528,"25 December 2002","5987","Df(1)GA22/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[126]",,,"020A03;h26-h32 (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 019F06--020A01;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108529,"25 December 2002","5988","Df(1)GA37/FM7c",,,"019E02;019F06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108530,"25 December 2002","5989","Df(1)GA104/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019F02-03;019F06 (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108531,"25 December 2002","5990","Df(1)HC194/FM7c",,,"003A01;003C03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108532,"25 December 2002","5991","Df(1)HC279/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019E04-05;019E07-F01 (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108533,"25 December 2002","5992","Df(1)HF359/FM7c",,,"020A-B;020E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108534,"25 December 2002","5993","Df(1)HM430, y[1] w[a]/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[+]",,,"020A-B;020C-D (Df), 018F01;020Fh + 001A01;001B02 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108535,"25 December 2002","5994","Df(1)JA21/FM7c",,,"019E05-06;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108536,"25 December 2002","5995","Df(1)v-JA22/FM7c",,,"009F13;010A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108537,"25 December 2002","5996","Df(1)JC12/FM7c",,,"020A01-02;020E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108538,"25 December 2002","5998","Df(1)JC77/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019F;020A (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108539,"25 December 2002","5999","Df(1)LB6/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019E04;020A02-03 (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108540,"25 December 2002","6000","Df(1)LB23, y[1]/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019E06-07;020F (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108541,"25 December 2002","6001","Df(1)m13/FM7a, w[+]",,,"010B10;011A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer is a guess, K.C. 5/01",,, 108542,"25 December 2002","6002","Df(1)N77/FM6",,,"019E02-03;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108544,"25 December 2002","6004","Df(1)ovo41/FM6",,,"004C;004F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108546,"25 December 2002","6006","Df(1)R8A/FM7c",,,"020B-C;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108547,"25 December 2002","6007","Df(1)R22, y[1]/FM7a",,,"020A;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108548,"25 December 2002","6008","Df(1)R25, y[1] v[1]/FM7a",,,"020A;020F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108549,"25 December 2002","6009","Df(1)RR62, w[1118]/FM7c",,,"003C;003D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108550,"25 December 2002","6011","Df(1)rb14, y[1] w[1]/FM7c",,,"004A-C;004E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Breakpoints estimated from complementation data, K.C. 5/01",,, 108551,"25 December 2002","6013","Df(1)rb42, y[1] w[1]/FM7c",,,"004B;004C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108552,"25 December 2002","6014","Df(1)RF19, In(1)RF19/FM7c",,,"007A04-05;007B02-03 (Df), 006A01;019E08 (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108553,"25 December 2002","6015","Df(1)S54/FM6",,,"019E08;020A02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108554,"25 December 2002","6016","Df(1)sc10-1, f[36a]/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[2]67g19.1",,,"001B1-2;001B2-3 (Df), 001A01;002B17-18 + 020A03;020Fh (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108555,"25 December 2002","6017","Df(1)T2-14A/FM6/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[106]",,,"019E05-06;019E07-08 (Df), 001A01;001B02 + 018F;020h;Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108556,"25 December 2002","6018","Df(1)w67k30, lz[1] ras[1] v[1]/FM7c",,,"003C01-02;003C06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108557,"25 December 2002","6019","Df(1)w258-11, y[1]/In(1)dl-49, y[1] ac[Hw-1] m[2] g[4]",,,"003A02-03;003C03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108558,"25 December 2002","6020","dnc[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108559,"25 December 2002","6021","y[1] l(1)1EFd[5]/Dp(1;Y)Sz280, y[2]/FM6, l(1)11[11]",,,"001A01;002B03-05 + 002B07-08;002C01-02 + Y (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108560,"25 December 2002","6026","Df(1)vt, sc[1] z[1] w[+UR]/FM6",,,"003C02-03;003C06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108561,"25 December 2002","6030","In(1LR)pn2a, Vinc[1]/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)B[S]",,,"002E03;h34","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108562,"25 December 2002","6031","Df(1)su(f)4B, In(1)sc[S1L]sc[8R], In(1)dl-49, y[c4] sc[8] sc[S1] w[a] v[1] f[1]/l(1)14[14]/Dp(1;Y)*",,,"020A;020F (Df), 001B03-04;020F[L]001B02-03;020F[R]; Dp for 001B03 (In), 004D07-E01;011F02-04 (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Originally labeled l(1)14-1; presumed to be l(1)14[14]. Must carry y[+] Dp for X base such as Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[+], K.C. 5/01",,, 108563,"25 December 2002","6032","hop[2]/FM7a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108564,"25 December 2002","6034","Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[171]/w[a] f[1] su(f)[1]",,,"019E02;020F;h1-h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108565,"25 December 2002","6035","Df(1)hSte, y[1] ac[1] sc[1] w[1]/Dp(1;Y)B[S]",,,"Df for h26","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108566,"25 December 2002","6041","Asx[XF23]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108567,"25 December 2002","6043","Df(2L)el81i1, b[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"034F05;035B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108568,"25 December 2002","6054","bgcn[1]/SM5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108569,"25 December 2002","6055","Df(2R)Drl[rv15], b[1]/CyO",,,"043A03;043E07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108570,"25 December 2002","6056","Df(2L)64j, L[2]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"034D01-02;035B09-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108571,"25 December 2002","6057","Df(2L)A63, b[1] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035B02;035B02-04 (cytologically invisible)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108572,"25 December 2002","6058","Df(2L)A72, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035B02-03;035B07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108573,"25 December 2002","6059","Df(2L)A220, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035B01-02;035B09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108574,"25 December 2002","6060","Df(2L)A245, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035A04;035B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108575,"25 December 2002","6061","Df(2L)A260, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035B01-02;035B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108576,"25 December 2002","6062","Df(2L)A263, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"034E05-F01;035C03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108577,"25 December 2002","6063","Df(2L)A267, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035B02-03;035B10-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108578,"25 December 2002","6064","Df(2L)A446, Dp(2;2)A446, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035B01;036C01-02 (Df), 035F01;036C01-02;049B01-03 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"=Tp(2;2)A446; deficient transposition; Df + Dp yields synthetic Df for 35B1;35F1, K.C. 5/01",,, 108579,"25 December 2002","6065","Df(2L)fn1, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"034F04-035A01;035D05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108580,"25 December 2002","6066","Df(2L)fn5, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"034F05;035C03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108581,"25 December 2002","6067","Df(2L)fn7, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"034E01-02;035B03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108582,"25 December 2002","6068","Df(2L)fn30, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"034C06-07;035B09-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108583,"25 December 2002","6069","Df(2L)Sco7/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"034D05;035D05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108584,"25 December 2002","6070","Df(2L)TE35BC-8, pr[1] cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"035B01-02;035E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108585,"25 December 2002","6071","In(2L)b82a1, Adh[UF] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Dp(2;2)b[81f1], b[81f1]",,,"034B07-12;034E01-02;033C06-D01 (Df + In), 034D03;035B02 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108586,"25 December 2002","6072","Df(2L)b82a2, Adh[UF] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO, Dp(2;2)b[81f1], b[81f1]",,,"034D01-02;034E04-05, 034D03;035B02 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108587,"25 December 2002","6073","Df(2L)TW119, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"036C;036E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108588,"25 December 2002","6074","Df(2L)TW150, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"037F05-038A01;038B02-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108589,"25 December 2002","6075","Df(2L)b75/CyO",,,"034D04-06;034E05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108590,"25 December 2002","6076","Df(2L)b80c1, b[80c1] noc[Sco]/CyO",,,"034D03;034D08-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108591,"25 December 2002","6077","In(2L)75c[L]C158.1[R]/CyO",,,"035A01-02;035B03 (Df), 026D01-02;027D01-02 (Dp(2;2))","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108592,"25 December 2002","6078","Df(2L)fn3, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"035B01;035B03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108593,"25 December 2002","6079","Df(2L)noc10, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"034F01-02;035B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108594,"25 December 2002","6080","Df(2L)noc11, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"034E03;035A02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108595,"25 December 2002","6081","Df(2L)OD15/CyO",,,"036F07-09;037B09-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108596,"25 December 2002","6082","Df(2L)osp38, pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"035A01-02;035C04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108597,"25 December 2002","6083","Df(2L)osp144, Adh[UF] pr[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"035B01-02;035B01-02 (cytologically invisible)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108598,"25 December 2002","6084","Df(2L)Sco[rv10]/CyO",,,"035B01-02;035B01-02 + 035D01-02;035D05-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df removed region surrounding breakpoint in Tp(2;2)Sco resulting in bipartite Df, K.C. 5/01",,, 108599,"25 December 2002","6085","Df(2L)Sco[rv14], b[1]/CyO",,,"035B01-02;035B02-04 + 035D01-02;035E02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df removed region surrounding In breakpoint in Tp(2;2)Sco resulting in bipartite Df, K.C. 5/01",,, 108600,"25 December 2002","6086","Df(2L)Sco[rv25]/CyO",,,"035D01;35D02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df chromosome has additional In breakpoints, K.C. 5/01",,, 108601,"25 December 2002","6087","Df(2L)T317, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO",,,"036C;036E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108602,"25 December 2002","6088","Df(2L)TE35BC-4, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1]/CyO",,,"035B04;035C03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108603,"25 December 2002","6089","Df(2L)TE37C-7/CyO",,,"037C02-05;037C06-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108604,"25 December 2002","6090","Df(2R)G75, bw[1]/CyO",,,"044F04-05;044F09-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108605,"25 December 2002","6091","Df(2R)Np1, bw[1]/CyO",,,"044F02-04;045C05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Np phenotype. U.S.C.",,, 108606,"25 December 2002","6092","Df(2L)b80e3, Dp(2;2)GYS, pr[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"034C04;035A04 (Df), 034D01-02;035C01-03;050A04 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Synthetic Df for 34C4;34D1-2, K.C. 5/01",,, 108607,"25 December 2002","6093","Df(2L)Sco[rv4]/CyO",,,"035B01-02;035B08-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"These Df breakpoints estimated from complementation results and breakpoints of Tp(2;2)Sco progenitor; multiply inverted chromosome, K.C. 5/01",,, 108608,"25 December 2002","6105","Df(2L)VA18, m[1] pr[1]/CyO, Dp(2;2)M(2)m[+]",,,"036C04-D01;037C02-05 (Df), 036F + ? (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108609,"25 December 2002","6109","dac[9] pk[sple-3]/CyO, Df(2R)cn-S3",,,"043B01-02;044B07-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108610,"25 December 2002","6110","Df(2L)A178, b[1] rd[s] pr[1] cn[1]/In(2L)t, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] b[77.1X] bw[45a] sp[2] or[45a]",,,"035B01-02;035B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108612,"25 December 2002","6112","Df(2L)nNxF1, b[1]/In(2L)t, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,"035B03;035B10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108613,"25 December 2002","6113","Df(2L)nNxF2, b[1]/In(2L)t, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,"035B03;035B10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108614,"25 December 2002","6114","Df(2L)AP1, b[1] pr[1] l(1)1[1] c[1]/SM1",,,"026A;026B05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Umea said Df marked with Kr[If-1], but no longer present, K.C. 6/01",,, 108615,"25 December 2002","6115","Df(2L)ast4/SM1",,,"021D01-02;021E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108616,"25 December 2002","6116","Df(2L)ast6/SM1",,,"021E01-02;021E02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108617,"25 December 2002","6117","Df(2L)J1, b[1] Tft[1]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"031B;031D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108618,"25 December 2002","6118","Df(2L)J3, b[1] Tft[1]/CyO",,,"031D;031F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108619,"25 December 2002","6119","Df(2L)J16, b[1] Tft[1]/CyO",,,"031E;031E;030C-D (Df + In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108620,"25 December 2002","6120","Df(2L)J17, b[1]/CyO",,,"031D;031E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Df originally marked with Tft[1], but no longer evident, K.C. 6/01",,, 108621,"25 December 2002","6121","Df(2L)J77/SM6b",,,"031C;031E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108622,"25 December 2002","6122","Df(2L)net3 / CyO",,,"021A01;021B03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer is a guess; Cy phenotype not evident, K.C. 6/01",,, 108623,"25 December 2002","6123","Df(2L)net14 / CyO",,,"021A01;021B05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer is a guess, K.C. 6/01",,, 108624,"25 December 2002","6124","Df(2L)net-PM29A/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108625,"25 December 2002","6125","Df(2L)net-PM86A/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108626,"25 December 2002","6126","Df(2L)PMA/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108627,"25 December 2002","6127","Df(2L)PMD/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108628,"25 December 2002","6128","Df(2L)PMG/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108629,"25 December 2002","6129","Df(2L)PM1/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108630,"25 December 2002","6130","Df(2L)PM4/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108631,"25 December 2002","6131","Df(2L)PM11/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108632,"25 December 2002","6132","Df(2L)PM44/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108633,"25 December 2002","6133","Df(2L)PM45/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B04-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108634,"25 December 2002","6134","Df(2L)PM51/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108635,"25 December 2002","6135","Df(2L)PM73/SM6a",,,"021A01;021B02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108636,"25 December 2002","6136","Df(2L)PM82/SM6a",,,"021A01-02;021B02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108637,"25 December 2002","6137","Df(2R)3-659 / CyO",,,"059F06;060A05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer is a guess, K.C. 6/01",,, 108638,"25 December 2002","6138","Df(2R)42490/CyO",,,"042E05-07;043C05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108639,"25 December 2002","6139","Df(2R)L48, Bl[1]/CyO",,,"050F06-09;051B03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cy not evident, K.C. 6/01",,, 108640,"25 December 2002","6140","Df(2R)Drl[rv7]/CyO",,,"042D01;043E06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108641,"25 December 2002","6141","Df(2R)Drl[rv18]/CyO",,,"042E03-07;044A03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108642,"25 December 2002","6142","Df(2R)Drl[rv22]/CyO",,,"043C01;043D03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108643,"25 December 2002","6143","Df(2R)Drl[rv25]/CyO",,,"042A14;043C07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108644,"25 December 2002","6144","Df(2R)NCX8, Dp(?;2)bw[D], bw[D]/CyO",,,"043E05;044A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108645,"25 December 2002","6145","Df(2R)NCX10, Dp(?;2)bw[D], bw[D]/CyO",,,"043F01-02;044C04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108646,"25 December 2002","6146","Df(2R)PC66/CyO",,,"055D02-E01;056B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108647,"25 December 2002","6147","Df(2R)twi, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"059C03-04;059D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108648,"25 December 2002","6148","Df(2R)tid, b[1] Kr[If-1]/CyO, bw[1]",,,"059F04;059F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108649,"25 December 2002","6149","Df(2R)tor-rx6/SM6a",,,"043C01-07;043E15-18","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"SM6a is a guess, K.C. 6/01",,, 108650,"25 December 2002","6151","Df(2R)Kr14/SM1",,,"060F02;060F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"variable Cy expression, both copies the same, K.M. 5/29/02",,, 108651,"25 December 2002","6153","Df(2L)PM59/SM6a",,,"021B02-05;021B02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108652,"25 December 2002","6156","Df(3R)kar-D1, In(3R)AFA, e[AFA] gustM[AFA]/cu[1] kar[1] Sb[1]",,,"087A07-08;087D01-02 (Df), 086C04-05;093D03 (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108653,"25 December 2002","6157","Df(3L)D-5rv12, e[1]/TM2",,,"070C02;072A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108654,"25 December 2002","6158","Df(3R)89E1-2/TM1",,,"089E01-02;089E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108655,"25 December 2002","6159","Df(3R)E79/MRS",,,"086F01-02;087B08-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108656,"25 December 2002","6160","Df(3R)kar3l/MKRS",,,"087C02-03;087C09-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108657,"25 December 2002","6161","Df(3R)kar-D2, In(3R)AFA, e[AFA] gustM[AFA]/cu[1] kar[1] Sb[1]",,,"087A06-07;087D04-05 (Df), 086C04-05;093D03 (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108658,"25 December 2002","6162","Df(3R)kar-H10/TM2",,,"087B04;087D07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108659,"25 December 2002","6163","Df(3R)kar-Sz11/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"087C07-08;087E05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108660,"25 December 2002","6164","Df(3R)kar-Sz29/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"087C03-04;087C09-D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108661,"25 December 2002","6165","Df(3R)kar-H5/TM6",,,"087A01-02;087D05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108662,"25 December 2002","6166","Df(3R)lC4a/MRS",,,"087E05-07;087E11-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108663,"25 December 2002","6167","Df(3R)P-21/MKRS",,,"086E19-F01;087B11-15","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108664,"25 December 2002","6168","Df(3R)P-58/MRS",,,"087A04-06;087A09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108665,"25 December 2002","6169","Df(3R)red2l/TM1, red[1]",,,"088A12-B01;088B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108666,"25 December 2002","6170","Df(3R)ry1/TM2",,,"087D;087E-F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108667,"25 December 2002","6171","Df(3R)ry619/MKRS",,,"087D07-09;087E12-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108668,"25 December 2002","6172","Df(3R)T-45, e[*]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"086F01-02;087B05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108669,"25 December 2002","6173","Df(3R)T-55, cu[1] sr[1] e[s]/MRS",,,"086F01-02;087A06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating kni[ri-1], U.S.C.",,, 108670,"25 December 2002","6175","In(1)w[m4h]; Su(var)3-10[2]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108671,"25 December 2002","6182","Pros26[1] pb[1] p[p]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108672,"25 December 2002","6187","Med[5] red[1] e[1]/TM1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108673,"25 December 2002","6188","aur[87Ac-3]/MKRS",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108674,"25 December 2002","6190","svp[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108675,"25 December 2002","6209","Su(var)3-9[1]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108676,"25 December 2002","6210","Su(var)3-9[2]/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108677,"25 December 2002","6213","Tp(2;Y)odd[2.31], b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]; odd[5] dp[ov1] prd[9] cn[1] eve[1]/CyO",,,"021A;025C;Y (Tp) + 025C;038B (In)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108678,"25 December 2002","6214","Tp(2;Y)odd[4.13], b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]; odd[5] dp[ov1] prd[9] cn[1] eve[1]/CyO",,,"022A;025F;h1--h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108679,"25 December 2002","6215","Tp(2;Y)odd-4.25, b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]; odd[5] dp[ov1] prd[9] cn[1] eve[1]/CyO",,,"021A;024D;h1--h25","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108680,"25 December 2002","6216","Tp(2;1)odd[1.10], b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO",,,"021A;024B;004A03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108681,"25 December 2002","6217","Df(1)RR79, w[1118]/FM7a",,,"016C;016F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK1",,, 108682,"25 December 2002","6219","Df(1)v-L1, y[2] ec[1] cv[1] ct[1] m[1] f[1]/FM6",,,"009F13;010A05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108683,"25 December 2002","6220","Df(1)y-X15/In(1)dl-49, v[1] sn[X2] mal[2]",,,"020DE;h26-32 + 001A01;001B02 (Dfs) + 008C;0020DE (In) + 101-102;101-102;008C (Dp(4;1))","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cytological order 102-101|8C-20DE|8C-1B|20F; Df originally marked with B[1], but no longer present, U.S.C.",,, 108684,"25 December 2002","6223","Df(2L)A266, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"035B02-03;035B02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108685,"25 December 2002","6224","Df(2L)cl2, cl[2] Adh[nC1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"025D02-04;025F02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108686,"25 December 2002","6225","Df(2L)hk-UC1/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,"037B02-08;037B09-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108687,"25 December 2002","6226","Df(2L)pr76, noc[Sco]/CyO",,,"037D;038E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108688,"25 December 2002","6227","Df(2R)G53/CyO",,,"045A;045A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Originally marked with bw[1], but no longer present, U.S.C.",,, 108689,"25 December 2002","6228","Df(2R)NCX13/CyO",,,"043C03-07;044B02-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108690,"25 December 2002","6230","Dp(2;1)Sco[rv23]; Df(2L)Sco[rv23], b[1] pr[1]/CyO",,,"034F01-02;035D01-02;020","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Transposed chromosomal segment is rearranged, K.C. 6/01",,, 108691,"25 December 2002","6232","In(1)w[m4h]; Su(var)2-1[1]/In(2L)t, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108692,"25 December 2002","6234","In(1)w[m4h]; Su(var)205[5]/In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108693,"25 December 2002","6235","In(1)w[m4h]; Su(var)2-10[2]/In(2L)t, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108694,"25 December 2002","6236","In(1)w[m4h]; Su(var)2-10[1]/In(2L)t, In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] pr[1] cn[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108695,"25 December 2002","6240","w[1]; Df(2L)TE35BC-35, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"035B02;035D04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108696,"25 December 2002","6241","w[1]; Df(2L)TE35BC-7, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"035B03;035B09-10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108697,"25 December 2002","6242","w[1]; Df(2L)TE35BC-28, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"035B02;035B07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating y[1], U.S.C.",,, 108698,"25 December 2002","6243","w[1]; Df(2L)TE35BC-31, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1]/CyO, b[*]",,,"034F05;035B10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108699,"25 December 2002","6244","Df(2L)TE35BC-34, b[1] pr[1] pk[1] cn[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"035B04;035D04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108700,"25 December 2002","6245","w[1]; Df(2R)w45-19g, cn[1]/CyO",,,"045C08-D10;045D09-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108701,"25 December 2002","6246","w[1]; Df(2R)w73-1, cn[1]/CyO",,,"045A09-10;045D05-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108702,"25 December 2002","6247","w[1]; Df(2R)w73-2, cn[1]/CyO",,,"045A09-11;045D05-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108703,"25 December 2002","6251","Df(1)w258-45, Df(1)64j4, y[2] sn[3]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;3)w[+]67k",,,"003C01-02;003C03-04 (Df), 003A08-09;003B01-02 (Df), 003A05;003E08;086E17 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108704,"25 December 2002","6260","Tp(2;3)eve[1.18], b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO",,,"044B;046DE;096A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108705,"25 December 2002","6261","Tp(2;3)prd[2.27], b[1] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO",,,"031B;033D;097CD","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108706,"25 December 2002","6263","Tp(2;3)eve[1.18], b[1] Adh[n2] pr[1] cn[1] sca[1]/CyO",,,"044B;046DE;061-100","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108707,"25 December 2002","6264","Df(2L)b81a1, Adh[UF] cn[1]/CyO; sv[spa-pol]",,,"034D03;035B01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating sv[+], U.S.C.",,, 108708,"25 December 2002","6266","T(2;3;4)CA4, Df(2L)A400, b[1] cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Adh[nB]",,,"050EF;080-081;089A;094F;101 (T), 035A01-04;035B10 (Df)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108709,"25 December 2002","6272","w[*]; Df(2R)exu2/CyO",,,"057A02-03;057B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108710,"25 December 2002","6276","Df(2R)Egfr3, cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/CyO",,,"057E01;057F05-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108711,"25 December 2002","6277","Df(1)C74/FM6",,,"019F01;020A04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108712,"25 December 2002","6278","Df(1)ct4b1, Dp(1;1)sn[S93]/FM7c",,,"007B02-04;007C03-04 (Df), 007B05-06;007D01;008D (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108713,"25 December 2002","6279","Df(1)HM44, y[1] w[a]/FM7c/Dp(1;Y)y[+]mal[+]",,,"019B;019F05-06 (Df), 018F01;020Fh + 001A01;001B02 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108714,"25 December 2002","6280","P{w[+mC]=UAS-AUG-DsRed}Ea, w[*]; P{UAS-AUG-DsRed}Eb; P{UAS-AUG-DsRed}Ec",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"line may not be homozygous for all insertions, K.M.; see http://www.clontech.com/archive/OCT99UPD/RFP.html for technical information on DsRed",,, 108715,"25 December 2002","6281","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-AUG-DsRed}B/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"might have a 4th chromosome insertion as well, K.M.; see http://www.clontech.com/archive/OCT99UPD/RFP.html for technical information on DsRed",,, 108716,"25 December 2002","6282","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-AUG-DsRed}A",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"see http://www.clontech.com/archive/OCT99UPD/RFP.html for technical information on DsRed",,, 108717,"25 December 2002","6283","Df(2L)BSC4, w[+mC], net[1] cn[1]/SM5",,,"021B07-C01;021C02-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108718,"25 December 2002","6284","y[1] w[*]; cn[1] bw[1] enok[1]/SM6b",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108719,"25 December 2002","6286","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Cdc42.F89}3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108720,"25 December 2002","6287","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Cdc42.V12}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108721,"25 December 2002","6288","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Cdc42.N17}3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108722,"25 December 2002","6289","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Cdc42.L89}4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Cy[1]-marked balancer segregating in stock, K.C. 6/01",,, 108723,"25 December 2002","6290","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Rac1.L89}6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108724,"25 December 2002","6291","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Rac1.V12}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108725,"25 December 2002","6292","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Rac1.N17}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108726,"25 December 2002","6293","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Rac1.L}3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating CyO, L.L.",,, 108727,"25 December 2002","6294","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-ey.H}UE11",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108728,"25 December 2002","6296","Df(3L)C175/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"064A03;064A06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108729,"25 December 2002","6298","P{w[+mC]=UAS-p35.H}BH3, w[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108730,"25 December 2002","6299","Df(2L)BSC5, w[+mC]/SM6a",,,"026B01-02;026D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108731,"25 December 2002","6301","P{w[+mC]=GAL4-Eh.2.4}C21",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108732,"25 December 2002","6304","Df(2L)cl-h4/In(2L)Cy[L]t[R], In(2R)Cy, Cy[1] Roi[1] cn[1] sp[1]",,,"025D06;025F03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108733,"25 December 2002","6306","Df(3R)kar-Sz37/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"087C05-06;087D14-E01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108734,"25 December 2002","6307","Df(1)R29, y[1]/FM7c",,,"019F-020A;020E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108735,"25 December 2002","6308","Df(1)R38, y[1]/FM7c",,,"020A;020E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108736,"25 December 2002","6326","w[1118]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"SNP mapping stock, isogenic 2nd and 3rd chromosomes, see Hoskins et al., 2001, (FBrf0136956)",,, 108737,"25 December 2002","6329","y[1]; Dp(1;2)sc[19], ck[13] pr[1] pwn[1]/CyO",,,"001A08;001B04;025A03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108738,"25 December 2002","6330","y[1]; Dp(1;3)sc[J4], RpS17[4]/TM1",,,"001B02-14;003A03;061A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108739,"25 December 2002","6338","Df(2L)BSC6, dp[ov1] cn[1]/SM6a",,,"026D03-E01;026F04-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108740,"25 December 2002","6341","P{ry[+t7.2]=hsFLP}22, y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=arm-lacZ.V}70C P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}80B",,,"070C, 080B (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108741,"25 December 2002","6343","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+m*]=GAL4-ey.H}3-8, P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1/CyO, y[+]; P{w[+mW.hs]=FRT(w[hs])}2A P{w[+mC]=GMR-hid}SS3, l(3)CL-L[1]/TM6, y[+]",,,"79DF (FRT)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108742,"25 December 2002","6344","Df(2L)ast5/SM1",,,"021E01-02;021F03-022A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108743,"25 December 2002","6345","Df(2L)el77, Cu[57]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]",,,"035A01-03;035B03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108744,"25 December 2002","6346","Df(3R)kar-Sz12/TM3, Sb[1]",,,"087B01-03;087C08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108745,"25 December 2002","6348","Df(1)sc[8], w[a]/C(1)M3, y[2]; Dp(1;3)sc[J4], jv[1]",,,"001A;001B01-03, 001B02-14;003A03;061A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108746,"25 December 2002","6349","Df(1)sc[8], w[a]/C(1)M3, y[2]; Dp(1;3)sc[J4], mwh[1] jv[1]/TM1",,,"001A;001B01-03, 001B02-14;003A03;061A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108747,"25 December 2002","6350","sc[e] rut[1] f[5] Sh[14]/C(1)DX, y[1] f[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108748,"25 December 2002","6351","y[1]; Dp(1;2)sc[19]; mwh[1] jv[1]",,,"001A08;001B04;025A03-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108749,"25 December 2002","6352","y[1]; Opt[G]; Dp(1;3)sc[J4]/+; ey[2]",,,"001B02-14;003A03;061A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Stock came heterozygous for Dp(1;3)sc[J4], but we are not selecting for Dp, K.C. 8/01",,, 108750,"25 December 2002","6354","w[*]; P{GAL4}bs[1348]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in most intervein cells of wing; construct likely P{GawB}; w[-] assumed, K.C. 9/01",,, 108751,"25 December 2002","6356","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=en2.4-GAL4}e16E P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108752,"25 December 2002","6357","y[1] w[1118]; P{Lsp2-GAL4.H}3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in third instar fat body, L.C.",,, 108753,"25 December 2002","6360","w[1] mxc[1]; Dp(1;4)mxc[+R]",,,"008D03-08;008D09;101A-102F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108754,"25 December 2002","6367","Df(3R)slo3/MKRS; Dp(3;2)slo3/+",,,"094D04-10;096A18 (Df), 094D04-10;095E07-F01;057B03-05 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108755,"25 December 2002","6368","w[*]; Df(2L)gamma7/CyO",,,"030A09-B01;030D02-F04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108756,"25 December 2002","6374","w[1118]; Df(2L)BSC7/CyO",,,"026D10-E01;027C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108757,"25 December 2002","6375","Df(3R)LK19-1 e[1]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"090E03-06;091A02-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108758,"25 December 2002","6376","w[*]; Df(3R)sr16/TM3, P{ry[+t7.2]=ftz/lacC}SC1, Sb[1] ry[RK]",,,"090D01-02;090E01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ftz-lacZ balancer, specific one is a guess, K.C.",,, 108759,"25 December 2002","6377","Df(3R)DG4/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"090D02-04;090F03-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108760,"25 December 2002","6378","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-tai.B}JB1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108761,"25 December 2002","6380","y[1]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(2R)knSA4/CyO",,,"051C03;051D06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108762,"25 December 2002","6381","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-aeq}49A",,,"049A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108763,"25 December 2002","6386","Df(2R)nap2, dp[v]/CyO",,,"041F04-09;043A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108764,"25 December 2002","6393","w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}neur[GAL4-A101] Kg[V]/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108765,"25 December 2002","6394","T(2;3)ap[Xa], ap[Xa]/CyO, H{w[+mC]=PDelta2-3}HoP2.1; Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[1118] floating, K.C.",,, 108766,"25 December 2002","6395","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=Hml-GAL4.G}5-6",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in larval hemocytes; Hml normally expressed at low levels, A.G.",,, 108767,"25 December 2002","6396","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=Hml-GAL4.G}6-4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in larval hemocytes; Hml normally expressed at low levels, A.G.",,, 108768,"25 December 2002","6397","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=Hml-GAL4.G}6-4 P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP::lacZ.nls}15.1 P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.S65T}T2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Marker for larval hemocytes; weakly expressed in heterozygotes, A.G.",,, 108769,"25 December 2002","6404","y[1]; Df(2R)P803-Delta15, cn[1]/SM1; sv[spa-pol]",,,"053E;053F11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108770,"25 December 2002","6405","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}SG18.1",,,"057A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in antennal olfactory receptors, neurons and processing centers in CNS, also imaginal precursors, C.A. 12/01. Presence of w[-] allele assumed, K.C. 12/01",,, 108771,"25 December 2002","6406","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-hep.CA}4",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108772,"25 December 2002","6407","y[1] w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-bsk.A-Y}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108773,"25 December 2002","6409","w[1118] P{w[+mC]=UAS-bsk.DN}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108774,"25 December 2002","6410","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Src42A.CA}5",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating TM6B, T. A.-Y.",,, 108775,"25 December 2002","6411","Df(3L)BSC8/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"074D03-075A01;075B02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108776,"25 December 2002","6416","y[1] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=70FLP}3F/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; noc[Sco]/SM6a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"3rd chromosome isogenic with stock 5905; 2nd chromosomes isogenic with 5907, J. Roote 10/01",,, 108777,"25 December 2002","6417","FM7j, B[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"2nd and 3rd chromosomes isogenic with stock 5905, J. Roote 10/01",,, 108778,"25 December 2002","6419","y[1] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=70FLP}3F/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; TM2/TM6C, Sb",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"2nd chromosomes isogenic with stock 5905; 3rd chromosomes isogenic with 5906, J. Roote 10/01",,, 108779,"25 December 2002","6420","y[1] w[1118] P{ry[+t7.2]=70FLP}3F",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"2nd and 3rd chromosomes isogenic with stock 5905, J. Roote 10/01",,, 108780,"25 December 2002","6450","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}c179",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in embryonic mesoderm, larval muscles and wing imaginal discs, M.M.; presence of w[*] presumed, K.C.",,, 108781,"25 December 2002","6451","P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP::lacZ.nls}15.2, y[1] w[*]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108782,"25 December 2002","6452","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP::lacZ.nls}30.1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108783,"25 December 2002","6454","Df(2L)BSC9, w[+mC]/SM6a",,,"026F05-07;027A02-B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108784,"25 December 2002","6455","Df(2R)BSC11/SM6a",,,"050E06-F01;051E02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108785,"25 December 2002","6456","Df(3L)BSC10, rho[ve-1] e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"069D04-05;069F05-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108786,"25 December 2002","6457","Df(3L)BSC12, rho[ve-1] e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"069F06-070A01;070A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108787,"25 December 2002","6458","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GAL4-slbo.2.6}1206 P{w[+mC]=UAS-GFP.S65T}T2/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"w[*] assumed, K.C.",,, 108788,"25 December 2002","6459","Df(3L)BSC15, w[+mC], rho[ve-1] e[1]/TM2, p[p]",,,"070A06-07;070B06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108789,"25 December 2002","6460","Df(3L)BSC13, rho[ve-1] e[1]/TM2, p[p]",,,"066B12-C01;066D02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108790,"25 December 2002","6461","w[*]; Df(3L)CH12/TM3",,,"065A07-11;065C01-03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108791,"25 December 2002","6462","w[*]; Df(3L)CH13/TM3",,,"064F-065A;065C04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108792,"25 December 2002","6463","w[*]; Df(3L)CH18/TM3",,,"064B-C;065B05-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108793,"25 December 2002","6464","Df(3L)CH20/TM8, l(3)DTS4[1]",,,"064D01-02;065C03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Balancer may be TM9, l(3)DTS4[1], K.C.",,, 108794,"25 December 2002","6466","w[*]; Df(3L)CH39/TM3",,,"064;065B05-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108795,"25 December 2002","6467","Dp(1;1)MMG, y[2] cv[1] v[1] f[1], B[S]",,,"h33-34;h26-33;016A07-B01;102F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Dp(1;1)MMG is a reconstruction of Dp(1;1)B[S]RMG, K.C.",,, 108796,"25 December 2002","6471","Df(3L)BSC14, rho[ve-1] p[*] e[1]/TM3, Ser[1]",,,"067E03-07;068A02-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108797,"25 December 2002","6478","Df(2L)BSC17/SM6a",,,"030C03-05;030F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108798,"25 December 2002","6479","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}sca[109-68]/CyO",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"construct is GawB (FlyBase currently has P{GAL4}) according to S. Younger",,, 108799,"25 December 2002","6480","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=ato-GAL4.3.6}14a",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108800,"25 December 2002","6482","Df(2R)l4, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO",,,"051C03-07;051E07-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108801,"25 December 2002","6486","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}OK72",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in oenocytes, C.O'K. Presence of w[-] allele assumed, K.C.",,, 108802,"25 December 2002","6487","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}OK376",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in oenocytes, C.O'K. Presence of w[-] allele assumed, K.C.",,, 108803,"25 December 2002","6488","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}OK307",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in giant descending neuron circuit, C.O'K. Presence of w[-] allele assumed, K.C.",,, 108804,"25 December 2002","6489","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-G-salpha60A.C}9",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108805,"25 December 2002","6490","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-G-salpha60A.Q215L}16/TM3",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108806,"25 December 2002","6492","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-dbe.C}L2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Segregating TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1], C.O'K.",,, 108807,"25 December 2002","6493","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Rev-GFP}B2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Segregating CyO and y[+], C.O'K.",,, 108808,"not yet","6494","w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}C747",,,"041F","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"GAL4 expressed in mushroom body, thoracic ganglion and wing and leg discs, K.K.; Presence of w[-] allele assumed, K.C.",,, 108809,"25 December 2002","6496","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-dbe.ATG-FLAG}A12",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Segregating TM3, Sb[1], C.O'K.",,, 108810,"25 December 2002","6499","w[*]; Kr[If-1]/CyO; P{w[+mC]=UAS-amph.R}LD19810/TM6B, Tb[+]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108811,"25 December 2002","6502","Df(2L)tim-02/CyO",,,"023F02-03;023F06-024A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2. Balancer may carry deletion of cn region, K.C.",,, 108812,"25 December 2002","6504","y[1] w[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(2R)XTE-58/CyO",,,"051D01-02;051E05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Identity of y[+]-marked Y a guess, K.C.",,, 108813,"25 December 2002","6505","Df(2R)XTED1/In(2LR)O, In(2LR)Gla, Cy[1] wg[Gla-1]",,,"051D03;051D12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108814,"25 December 2002","6506","y[1] w[*]; Df(2L)drm-P1, P{w[+mC]=lacW}Pdsw[k10101]/SM6b",,,"023F03-04;024A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108815,"25 December 2002","6507","y[1] w[*]; Df(2L)drm-P2, P{w[+mC]=lacW}Pdsw[k10101]/SM6b",,,"023F03-04;024A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108816,"25 December 2002","6516","Df(2R)BSC18/SM6a",,,"050D01;050D02-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108817,"25 December 2002","6529","Df(2R)PC18/SM1",,,"057B16-17;057C06-07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108818,"25 December 2002","6530","Df(2R)F36, cn[1] bw[1]/SM1",,,"057B17-20;057C06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108819,"25 December 2002","6531","Df(2R)PL3/SM1",,,"057B20;057D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108820,"25 December 2002","6532","Df(2R)MP1, cn[1] bw[1]/SM1",,,"057C01-02;057D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108821,"25 December 2002","6533","Df(2R)CC2/SM1",,,"057C02;057C05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108822,"25 December 2002","6534","Df(2R)K11, bw[1] sp[1]/SM1",,,"057C03-04;057D07-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"SM1 is a guess, K.C. 4/02",,, 108823,"25 December 2002","6535","Df(2R)PI12/SM1",,,"057C04;057D08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108824,"25 December 2002","6536","Df(2R)PF1, cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]/SM1",,,"057C05;057D01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108825,"25 December 2002","6548","Df(3L)XG1/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071C03-D01;071F02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108826,"25 December 2002","6549","Df(3L)XG3/TM6B, P{w[+mC]=35UZ}DB1, Tb[1]",,,"070E03-04;071C02-D04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108827,"25 December 2002","6550","Df(3L)XG4/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071C01-02;071D02-E01;070D05-E01 (Df + Inv)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108828,"25 December 2002","6551","Df(3L)XG5/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071C02-03;072B01-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK3",,, 108829,"25 December 2002","6552","Df(3L)XG6/TM6B, P{w[+mC]=35UZ}DB1, Tb[1]",,,"070D03-04;071E02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108830,"25 December 2002","6553","Df(3L)XG7/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071C01;071C02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108831,"25 December 2002","6554","Df(3L)XG8/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071C03-D01;071F02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108832,"25 December 2002","6555","Df(3L)XG10/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071C03-E05;071C03-E05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108833,"25 December 2002","6556","Df(3L)XG12/TM6B, P{w[+mC]=35UZ}DB1, Tb[1]",,,"070D03-04;071E02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108835,"25 December 2002","6558","Df(3L)XG15/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071A03;071F04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108836,"25 December 2002","6559","Df(3L)XG16/TM3, P{w[+mW.hs]=Thb8-lacZ}WD1, Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"071A03-B01;071C02-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108837,"25 December 2002","6560","w[*]; TM3, P{ry[+t7.2]=ey-FLP.B}3.1, Sb[1]/TM6B, Tb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"TM3 probably also marked with Ser[1] and ry[RK], K.C. 5/02",,, 108838,"25 December 2002","6578","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-kuz.DN}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108839,"25 December 2002","6586","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ork1.Delta-C}2",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Expresses truncated Ork1 at low levels, M.N.",,, 108840,"25 December 2002","6587","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ork1.Delta-NC}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108841,"25 December 2002","6588","y[1] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ork1.Delta-C}1/TM3, Sb[1]",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"Expresses truncated Ork1 at high levels; homozygous female sterile, M.N.",,, 108842,"25 December 2002","6592","y[1] w[*]; Pin[1]/CyO, P{w[-]=UAS-lacZ.UW14}UW14",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"The balancer carries a P transposase-induced w[-] derivative of P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.B}; the UAS-lacZ genetic element is still fully functional, M.Y.",,, 108843,"25 December 2002","6593","y[1] w[*]; Pin[1]/CyO, P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}238-048",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"P{GawB} insertion tested for high levels of excision and transposition, M.Y.",,, 108844,"25 December 2002","6594","y[1] w[*]; TM6, P{w[-]=UAS-lacZ.UW23-1}UW23-1/MRS",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"The balancer carries a P transposase-induced w[-] derivative of P{w[+mC]=UAS-lacZ.B}; the UAS-lacZ genetic element is still fully functional, M.Y.",,, 108845,"25 December 2002","6595","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsap\KCNJ2.EGFP}7",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating TM3, Sb[1], S.S.",,, 108846,"25 December 2002","6596","w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Hsap\KCNJ2.EGFP}1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"May be segregating CyO, Roi[1], S.S.",,, 108847,"25 December 2002","6602","y[1] w[67c23]; In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=hsH\T-2}CyO-1",,,,"Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"stable source of hs-inducible hobo transposase; there is basal transposase activity in the absence of hs; no other hobo elements present in stock, W.G.",,, 108848,"25 December 2002","6608","Df(2L)BSC16, net[1] cn[1]/SM6a",,,"021C03-04;021C06-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2; Segregating w[1118], K.C.",,, 108849,"25 December 2002","6609","Df(2R)BSC19, cn[1] bw[1]/SM6a",,,"056F12-14;057A04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"DK2",,, 108850,"25 December 2002","10020","y[1] w[*] P{w[+mC]=lacW}3-76a",,,"017A01-018F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"good single element ammo",,, 108851,"25 December 2002","10359","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}esg[k00606]/CyO",,,"035D01-035D02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108852,"25 December 2002","10361","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}mus209[k00704]/CyO",,,"056F10-056F11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108853,"25 December 2002","10384","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}CycE[k05007]/CyO",,,"035D03-035D04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108854,"25 December 2002","10390","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}Dcp-1[k05606]/CyO",,,"059E03-059E04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108855,"25 December 2002","10406","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}dap[k07309]/CyO",,,"046B01-046B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108856,"25 December 2002","10457","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}oho23B[k16804a]/CyO",,,"023B05-023B06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108857,"25 December 2002","10530","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}dup[k03308]/CyO",,,"051F11-051F12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108858,"25 December 2002","10574","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}mei-W68[k05603]/CyO",,,"058D08-058D10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108859,"25 December 2002","10659","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}dia[k07135]/CyO",,,"038E05-038E06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"poor Cy expression, K.M. 8/22/00",,, 108860,"25 December 2002","10831","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}glu[k08819]/CyO",,,"036A12-036A14","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108861,"25 December 2002","11043","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}Lam[k11511]/CyO",,,"025E05-025E06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108862,"25 December 2002","11067","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}ex[k12913]/CyO",,,"021C03-021C04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108863,"25 December 2002","11118","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}geminin[k14019]/CyO",,,"042C01-042C02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108864,"25 December 2002","11166","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}ebi[k16213]/CyO",,,"021C02-021C03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108865,"25 December 2002","11179","cn[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}Dcp-1[02132]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"059E03-059E04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108866,"25 December 2002","11192","cn[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}mus209[02448]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"056F10-056F11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108867,"25 December 2002","11194","cn[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}pnut[02502]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"044C01-044C02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108868,"25 December 2002","11294","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}Rca1[03300] cn[1]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"027B04-027C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"S. Campbell says this insert is included in Df 27C;28A (1/94)",,, 108869,"25 December 2002","11409","cn[1] P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}insc[05475] P{PZ}sktl[05475]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"057B02-057B03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108870,"25 December 2002","11493","ry[506] P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}slmb[00295]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"093B10-093B11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108871,"25 December 2002","11543","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}polo[01673] ry[506]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"077B01-077B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108872,"25 December 2002","11568","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}tws[02414] ry[506]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"085F12-085F13","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108873,"25 December 2002","11592","cn[1]; ry[506] P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}mei-P19[03477]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"088A04-088A05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108874,"25 December 2002","11616","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}CycA[03946] ry[506]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"068E01-068E02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"semilethal, B.D.G.P.",,, 108875,"25 December 2002","11717","ry[506] P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}E2f[07172]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"093E08-093E09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108876,"25 December 2002","11737","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}pbl[09645] ry[506]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]",,,"066A17-066A18","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108877,"25 December 2002","11757","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}pelo[1] cn[1]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"030C01-030C09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108878,"25 December 2002","11762","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}dia[1] cn[1]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"038E01-038E10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108879,"25 December 2002","11774","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}ms(2)30C[07822] cn[1]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"030C01-030C09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"localization in question (BDGP data conflicts w/Wasserman data), K.M. 8/94",,, 108880,"25 December 2002","12056","w[1118]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}Cdk4[s4639]/CyO",,,"053C09-053C10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108881,"25 December 2002","12212","y[1] w[67c23]; P{w[+mC]=lacW}twe[k08310]/CyO",,,"035F01-035F02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108882,"25 December 2002","12225","P{ry[+t7.2]=PZ}piwi[06843] cn[1]/CyO; ry[506]",,,"032B01-032C05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108883,"25 December 2002","12444","w[1118]; P{w[+mGT]=GT1}UbcD10[BG00902]/CyO",,,"054F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"unverified (P{} may or may not cause lethality), H.B.",,, 108884,"25 December 2002","12615","w[1118]; P{w[+mGT]=GT1}RecQ5[BG01967]",,,"070E07","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108885,"25 December 2002","12752","w[1118]; P{w[+mGT]=GT1}Pka-C1[BG02142]/CyO",,,"030C06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108886,"25 December 2002","12764","w[1118]; P{w[+mGT]=GT1}lin19[BG02329]",,,"043F05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,,,, 108887,"25 December 2002","13134","w[1118]; P{w[+mGT]=GT1}chif[BG02820]/CyO",,,"035F10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"insertion chromosome is semi-lethal, B.D.G.P.",,, 108888,"25 December 2002","14104","y[1] P{y[+mDint2] w[BR.E.BR]=SUPor-P}trol[KG04824]",,,"003A03","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,,,,"ry[506] may be segregating, B.D.G.P.",,, 108889,"29 February 2003","90"," Df(2L)C144, dpp[d-ho] ed[1]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] Bc[1] Egfr[E1]","2",,"022F03-04;023C03-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Bill Gelbart",,"DK2",,, 108890,"29 February 2003","97"," Df(2L)JS32, dpp[d-ho]/CyO, P{ry+t7.2=sevRas1.V12}FK1","2",,"023C03-05;023D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/30/1995,"Bill Gelbart",," DK2; w[-] floating, K.M. 2/9/01",,, 108891,"29 February 2003","125"," Df(1)4b18, y[1] cv[1] v[1] nonA[4b18] f[1] car[1]/Basc","1",,"014B08;014C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/1/1994,"Katie Rendahl","J. Hall Lab","DK1",,, 108892,"29 February 2003","140","y[1] w[67c23]; Df(2L)Trf-C6R31/CyO","2",,"028DE (within)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/24/1995,"Tom Crowley",,"DK2",,, 108893,"29 February 2003","167"," Df(2L)TW161, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO","2",,"038A06-B01;040A04-B01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,"DK2; M[-] pr[-]",,, 108894,"29 February 2003","179"," In(1)w[m4h], y[1]; Df(2L)TE29Aa-11, dp[*]/CyO","1;2",,"028E04-07;029B02-C01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,10/27/1995,"Steve Beckendorf","Gunter Reuter","DK2",,, 108895,"29 February 2003","190","Df(2R)en-A/CyO","2",,"047D03;048B02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,11/10/1995,"MaryAnn Martin","Umea Stock Center"," DK2; intact copy of this deficiency, fails to complement Df(2R)en28, Df(2R)en-SFX31, Df(2R)en-B, and Df(2R)en30, MA.M.; poor Cy expression, K.M. 2/26/97",,, 108896,"29 February 2003","198","w[118]; Df(2R)H3C1/CyO","1;2",,"043F;044D03-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Ken Howard",," DK2; distal breakpoint should coincide with or overlap proximal breakpoint of Df(2R)H3E1, K.H. 12/15/95; w[118] is not a typo, K.M. 2/2/96",,, 108897,"29 February 2003","201","w[118]; Df(2R)H3E1/CyO","1;2",,"044D01-04;044F12","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Ken Howard",," DK2; proximal breakpoint should coincide with or overlap distal breakpoint of Df(2R)H3C1, K.H. 12/15/95; w[118] is not a typo, K.M. 2/2/96",,, 108898,"29 February 2003","282","Dp(1;Y)y[+]/y[1]; Df(2R)X58-12/SM5","1;Y;2",,"058D01-02;059A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/2/1996,"Terry Orr-Weaver",," DK2; deficiency includes M(2)58F, SM5 carries a duplication for this region, adult viability is poor without the duplication, T. O.-W. 5/5/95",,, 108899,"29 February 2003","383"," Df(3R)ea, kni[ri-1] p[p]/TM3, Ser[1]","3",,"088E07-13;089A01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/21/1997,"Kathryn Anderson",," DK3; cause of variable bristle defect unknown, but may be a function of the deficiency, K.A.; E. Rushton says df appears to carry a Me allele, K.M. 12/21/99",,, 108900,"29 February 2003","420"," Df(2L)TW137, cn[1] bw[1]/CyO, Dp(2;2)M(2)m[+]","2",," 036C02-04;037B09-C01, 036F + ?","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Ted Wright",,"DK2",,, 108901,"29 February 2003","430"," w[1118]; Df(3R)3450/TM6B, Tb[1]","1;3",,"098E03;099A06-08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/1/1992,"Shigeo Hayashi",," DK3; gamma excision of P at 98F, S.H.",,, 108902,"29 February 2003","439"," Df(3L)Ar14-8, red[1]/TM2, p[p]","3",,"061C05-08;062A08","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,2/11/1993,"Hilary Ellis",," DK3; new distal breakpoint information from Janice Vize, based on exclusion of marb from the deficiency, K.M. 6/6/95",,, 108903,"29 February 2003","442"," Df(2R)CX1, b[1] pr[1]/SM1","2",,"049C01-04;050C23-D02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1993,"Nick Baker",," DK2. Carlos Flores reported that PCR showed full length and shorter P elements in stock, K.C. 4/01.",,, 108904,"29 February 2003","447"," Df(2R)stan1, P{ry+t7.2=neoFRT}42D cn[1] sp[1]/CyO","2",,"046D07-09;047F15-16","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/26/1996,"Michael Ashburner",,"DK2",,, 108905,"29 February 2003","463"," w[1118]; Df(3L)GN34/TM3, ry[*] su(Hw)[2] Sb[1]","1;3",,"063E06-09;064A08-09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1991,"Steven Wasserman",,"DK3",,, 108906,"29 February 2003","490","In(1)w[m4]; Df(2L)E110/CyO","1;2",," 003C01-02;020F, 025F03-026A01;026D03-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Kenneth Tartof",," DK2; balancer shown as Cy, CyO is a guess, K.M. 3/14/96",,, 108907,"29 February 2003","543","Df(2R)017/SM1","2",,"056F05;056F015","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,3/14/1996,"Daryl Henderson",,"DK2",,, 108908,"29 February 2003","669"," w[*]; Df(3R)Dr-rv1, ry[506]/TM3, ry[RK] Sb[1] Ser[1]","1;3",,"099A01-02;099B06-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,6/7/1996,"Adelaide Carpenter",," DK3; Progenitor carried P{w[+mC] sox[hs]}, w[+mC] still there, but don't know about the rest, A.T.C.C.",,, 108909,"29 February 2003","693"," Df(2L)sc19-8/SM6b; Dp(2;1)B19, y[1], ed[1] dp[o2] cl[1]","2",," 024C02-08;025C08-09, 024D04;025F02;009B-C","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,"DK2",,, 108910,"29 February 2003","727"," Df(1)g, f[1] B[1]/In(1)AM","1",,"012A03-10;012E09","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108911,"29 February 2003","729","Df(1)N-8/FM7c","1",,"003C02-03;003E03-04","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108912,"29 February 2003","739","Df(2R)M41A4/SM1","2",,"041A","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.","M-S4",4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK2",,, 108913,"29 February 2003","749"," In(2R)bw[VDe2L]Cy[R]/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1]","2",,"Df: 041A-B;042A02-03 + Dp: 058B01;059D06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK2",,, 108914,"29 February 2003","750"," Df(2R)Px1, al[1] dp[ov1] pwn[1]/SM5","2",,"060B08-10;060D01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1991,"Mid-America Stock Center",,"DK2",,, 108915,"29 February 2003","754"," Df(2R)vg-C/CyO, P{ry[+t7.2]=sevRas1.V12}FK1","2",,"049A04-13;049E07-F01","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",," DK2; proximal breakpoint information from P. Adler, cited as personnal communication in DIS 71: 154, K.M. 8/29/95; rebalanced to rescue, w[-] floating, K.M. 2/23/01",,, 108916,"29 February 2003","757","y[1] w[*]/Dp(1;Y)y[+]; Df(2R)P34/CyO","1;Y;2",,"055E02-04;056C01-11","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,8/19/1996,"Winifred Doane","Dan Moore","DK2",,, 108917,"29 February 2003","759","Df(4)G/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]","4",,"102E02;102E10","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",," DK4; df chromosome is not y[+] according to D. Lindsley, but is sv[-] and pho[-] so deficiency itself is intact, K.C. 6/99",,, 108918,"29 February 2003","781","Df(2L)cl-h3/SM6b","2",,"025D02-04;026B02-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,12/1/1988,"Janos Szidonya",,"DK2",,, 108919,"29 February 2003","823"," Df(3R)D605/TM3, Sb[1] Ser[1]","3",,"097E03;098A05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,1/21/1997,"Kathryn Anderson",,"DK3",,, 108921,"29 February 2003","936"," Df(1)64c18, g[1] sd[1]/Dp(1;2;Y)w[+]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]","1;Y;2",," 002E01-02;003C02 (Df), 002D01-02;003D03-04 + 001B01;001B02 + 020B;020F + 021A01;022E04 (Dp)","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",," DK1, DpKit1",,, 108923,"29 February 2003","940"," Df(1)A113/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;2)w[+]64b/+","1",," 003D06-E01;004F05, 003C02;005A1-2;0020F;0026D7","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1.",,, 108924,"29 February 2003","944"," Df(1)JC70/FM7c, sn[+]","1",,"004C15-16;005A01-02","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108925,"29 February 2003","945","Df(1)C149/FM6","1",,"005A08-09;005C05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108926,"29 February 2003","946","Df(1)N73/FM6","1",,"005C02;005D05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108927,"29 February 2003","948"," Df(1)ct-J4, In(1)dl-49, f[1]/C(1)DX, y[1] w[1] f[1]; Dp(1;3)sn[13a1]/+","1",," 007A02-03;007C01, 006C;007C09-D01;079E","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",," DK1, DpKit1; Dp 3rd chromosome homologue originally shown as Ki[1], but no sign of Ki now, K.M. 6/15/00",,, 108928,"29 February 2003","949","Df(1)C128/FM6","1",,"007D01;007D05-06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108929,"29 February 2003","950","Df(1)RA2/FM7c","1",,"007D10;008A04-05","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108930,"29 February 2003","951","Df(1)KA14/FM7c","1",,"007F01-02;008C06","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 108931,"29 February 2003","952"," Df(1)C52, flw[C52]/FM6","1",,"008E;009C-D","Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.",,4/1/1987,"Caltech Stock Center",,"DK1",,, 109001,"28 May 2003","DA001","w[*]; P{UAS-alpha-Cat.T:GFP}3 / CyO","2",,,"Cell-cell adherens junctions are visualized by a-Catenin-GFP.
Reference: Oda, H., and Tsukita, S. (1999a). Dynaimic features of adherens junctions during Drosophila embryonic epithelial morphogenesis","w; UAS-DaC-GFP#3/CyO",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109002,"28 May 2003","DA002","w[*]; P{UAS-alpha-Cat.T:GFP}8 / CyO","2",,,"Cell-cell adherens junctions are visualized by a-Catenin-GFP.
Reference: Oda, H., and Tsukita, S. (1999a). Dynaimic features of adherens junctions during Drosophila embryonic epithelial morphogenesis","w; UAS-DaC-GFP#8/CyO",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109003,"28 May 2003","DA003","w[*] P{UAS-alpha-Cat.T:GFP}15","1",,,"Cell-cell adherens junctions are visualized by a-Catenin-GFP.
Reference: Oda, H., and Tsukita, S. (1999a). Dynaimic features of adherens junctions during Drosophila embryonic epithelial morphogenesis","w, UAS-DaC-GFP#15",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109004,"28 May 2003","DE001","w[*]; P{UAS-shg.DEFL}6-3","2",,,"Cell-cell adherens junctions are visualized by Shg/E-Cadherin-GFP.
Reference: Oda, H., and Tsukita, S. (1999b). Nonchordate classic cadherins have a structural","w; UAS-DEFL#6-3",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109005,"28 May 2003","DE002","w[*]; P{UAS-shg.DEFL}6-1","3",,,"Cell-cell adherens junctions are visualized by Shg/E-Cadherin-GFP.
Reference: Oda, H., and Tsukita, S. (1999b) Nonchordate classic cadherins have a structurall","w; UAS-DEFL#6-1",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109006,"28 May 2003","DE010","w[*]; P{UAS-shg.DECH}12-1","2",,,"Inducible expression of Shg/E-Cadherin.
Reference: Oda, H., and Tsukita, S. (1999b). Nonchordate classic cadherins have a structurally and functionally unique doma","w; UAS-DECH#12-1",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109007,"28 May 2003","DE101","w[*]; P{Ubi-p63E-shg.GFP}5","2",,,"Cell-cell adherens junctions are visualized by Shg/E-Cadherin-GFP, which is expressed under the control of the ubiquitin promoter.
Reference: Oda, H., and Tsukita, S. (2001). Real-time imaging of cell-cell adherens junction re","w; ubi-DE-cad-GFP#5",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109008,"28 May 2003","AC001","w[*] P{UAS-Act5C.T:GFP}9-2","1",,,"Actin filaments are visualized by GFP-Actin5C.
Reference: Verkhusha, V. V., Tsukita, S., and Oda, H. (1999). Actin dynamics in lamellipodia of migrating border","w, UAS-GFP-actin#9-2",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109009,"28 May 2003","AC002","w[*]; P{UAS-Act5C.T:GFP}10-2","2",,,"Actin filaments are visualized by GFP-Actin5C.
Reference: Verkhusha, V. V., Tsukita, S., and Oda, H. (1999). Actin dynamics in lamellipodia of migrating border","w; UAS-GFP-actin#10-2",,"Hiroki Oda, Biohistory Research Hall",,,,, 109010,,"EP857","EP857",,,"89A5","FBti0016505",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"alpha-Man-IIb" 109011,,"EP3058","EP3058",,,"62A3","FBti0007978",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"pUf68" 109012,,"EP3345","EP3345",,,"?","FBti0011498",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"?" 109013,,"EP3379","EP3379",,,"62A5","FBti0011525",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"Cct1" 109014,,"EP3387","EP3387",,,"89A6","FBti0011533",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"CG4225" 109015,,"EP3447","EP3447",,,"89A5","FBti0011582",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"CG4699" 109016,,"EP3486","EP3486",,,"62A3-4","FBti0011604",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"Psa" 109017,,"EP3673","EP3673",,,"62A2-3","FBti0011757",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"BEST:LD02105" 109018,,"EP3704","EP3704",,,"62A1-2","FBti0011785",,,"The Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre",,,,,"rho" 109019,"14 July 2003","Canton-S-brn","Canton-S-brn",,,,"Completely devoid of P elements. Derived from wild type strain, Canton-S. Canton-S-brn has tan eyes due to mutations in both eye-pigment pathways. The stock was isolated in the laboratory of M. G. Kidwell about 1980.
Reference: Boussy, I. A., Itoh, M",,,"M. Itoh, Kyoto Institute of Technology",,,,, 109020,"14 July 2003","Harwich-w","Harwich-w",,,,"Very strong P strain, carrying at least several full-size P elements and deletion-derivatives of various sizes. This strain lacks KP elements (deletion-derivatives). Harwich-w is a substrain of the Harwich strain. Harwich-w was isolated as a spontaneous w",,,"M. Itoh, Kyoto Institute of Technology",,,,, 109021,"04 June 2004",,"w[*]; P{col5-lacZ.C}",,,,,"w[*] ; Col-lacZ",,"Shunsuke Ishii, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute",,"Col-lacZ correspond to P(col5-lacZ)is described in Crozatier & Vincent, 1999 Development 126, 1495-1504. The insertion is heterozygous viable on the III chromosome.",,, 109022,"04 June 2004",,"w[*]; kn[col-1]/CyO",,,,,"w[*] ; col[1]/CyO",,"Shunsuke Ishii, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute",,"Michel Crozatier and Alain Vincent, 1999 Development 126, 1495-1504",,, 109023,"04 June 2004",,"w[*]; kn[col-1] / CyO; P{col5-cDNA.C} / TM6B",,,,,"w[*] ; col[1]/CyO ; P[col5-ColcDNA]/TM6B",,"Shunsuke Ishii, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute",,"Michel Crozatier and Alain Vincent, 1999 Development 126, 1495-1504",,, 109024,"04 June 2004",,"w[*]; P{UAS-kn.V} / TM6B",,,,,"w[*] ; UAS-Col/TM6B",,"Shunsuke Ishii, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute",,"Michel Vervoort et al., 1999 Current Biology 9:632-639",,, 109025,"04 June 2004",,"y[*] w[*] Trf2[PL28#1] / FM7",,,,,"y w Trf2[PL28#1]/FM7, y w B",,"Shunsuke Ishii, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute",,"P{lacW}Trf2PL28#1 Bourbon et al., 2002 Mech. Dev. 110(1-2): 71--83",,, 110554,,"U0001 III","FlyTrap: U0001 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110555,,"G ??? III","FlyTrap: G000",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.","G ??? III",,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110556,,"G00005 III","FlyTrap: G00005 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"tropomyosinII (Morin)" 110557,,"G00006 X","FlyTrap: G00006 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database aReceived from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110558,,"G00007 II","FlyTrap: G00007 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Vha16, ductin, vacuolar H+ ATPase" 110559,,"G00017 II","FlyTrap: G00017 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110560,,"G00019 II","FlyTrap: G00019 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG5461 bunched" 110561,,"G00020 X","FlyTrap: G00020 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"rasberry IMP dehydrogenase" 110562,,"G00022 II","FlyTrap: G00022 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110563,,"G00024 X","FlyTrap: G00024 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG2994" 110564,,"G00029 II","FlyTrap: G00029 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Eif-4a" 110565,,"G00030 III","FlyTrap: G00030 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG8895" 110566,,"G00032 X","FlyTrap: G00032 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Trxr-1" 110567,,"G00035 X","FlyTrap: G00035 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003489" 110568,,"G00038 III","FlyTrap: G00038 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG6963, casein kinase" 110569,,"G00042 II","FlyTrap: G00042 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110570,,"G00043 II","FlyTrap: G00043 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG8895" 110571,,"G00044","FlyTrap: G00044",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"lachesin (Morin)" 110572,,"G00050 II","FlyTrap: G00050 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003822" 110573,,"G00053 III","FlyTrap: G00053 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"kettin (Morin)" 110574,,"G00055 III","FlyTrap: G00055 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110575,,"G00060 III","FlyTrap: G00060 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003547" 110576,,"G00061 III","FlyTrap: G00061 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110577,,"G00064 III","FlyTrap: G00064 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Karybeta3" 110578,,"G00065 III","FlyTrap: G00065 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110579,,"G00071 II","FlyTrap: G00071 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG8895" 110580,,"G00076 III","FlyTrap: G00076 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110581,,"G00078 III","FlyTrap: G00078 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110582,,"G00082 III","FlyTrap: G00082 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110583,,"G00083 X","FlyTrap: G00083 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110584,,"G00089 III","FlyTrap: G00089 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG10686, hom to yeast SCD6" 110585,,"G00093 X","FlyTrap: G00093 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG10990, homology to MA3" 110586,,"G00099 III","FlyTrap: G00099 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110587,,"G00102 X","FlyTrap: G00102 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110588,,"G00105 III","FlyTrap: G00105 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110589,,"G00108 III","FlyTrap: G00108 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted gene" 110590,,"G00109 III","FlyTrap: G00109 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"ATPalpha (Morin)" 110591,,"G00112 III","FlyTrap: G00112 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG6084, aldoses reductase" 110592,,"G00115 III","FlyTrap: G00115 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110593,,"G00116 III","FlyTrap: G00116 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003703" 110594,,"G00120 II","FlyTrap: G00120 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110595,,"G00121 III","FlyTrap: G00121 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110596,,"G00123 III","FlyTrap: G00123 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003536" 110597,,"G00126 III","FlyTrap: G00126 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"sugarless" 110598,,"G00129 II","FlyTrap: G00129 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"possibly Msp300" 110599,,"G00130 II","FlyTrap: G00130 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110600,,"G00131 II","FlyTrap: G00131 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG5935" 110601,,"G00139 III","FlyTrap: G00139 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110602,,"G00140 III","FlyTrap: G00140 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Pdi" 110603,,"G00141 III","FlyTrap: G00141 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110604,,"G00142 III","FlyTrap: G00142 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110605,,"G00145 II","FlyTrap: G00145 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003803" 110606,,"G00147 III","FlyTrap: G00147 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG17238" 110607,,"G00148 III","FlyTrap: G00148 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG9239 wrong orientation" 110608,,"G00151 X","FlyTrap: G00151 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003489" 110609,,"G00152 X","FlyTrap: G00152 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110610,,"G00154 X","FlyTrap: G00154 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003501" 110611,,"G00155","FlyTrap: G00155",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"scabrous" 110612,,"G00158 II","FlyTrap: G00158 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"laminC" 110613,,"G00166 II","FlyTrap: G00166 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003663" 110614,,"G00169 III","FlyTrap: G00169 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"karybeta3" 110615,,"G00171 X","FlyTrap: G00171 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003484" 110616,,"G00172 II","FlyTrap: G00172 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110617,,"G00173 X","FlyTrap: G00173 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003439" 110618,,"G00176 II","FlyTrap: G00176 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110619,,"G00180 II","FlyTrap: G00180 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG9894" 110620,,"G00188 III","FlyTrap: G00188 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Ferritin" 110621,,"G00189 II","FlyTrap: G00189 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG12969, LIM and PDZ domains" 110622,,"G00194 III","FlyTrap: G00194 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110623,,"G00196 II","FlyTrap: G00196 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG 2207, L(2)k05815" 110624,,"G00198 III","FlyTrap: G00198 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG6988, Pdi, prot desultfide isom" 110625,,"G00199 II","FlyTrap: G00199 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG8895" 110626,,"G00205 II","FlyTrap: G00205 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110627,,"G00208 III","FlyTrap: G00208 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110628,,"G00212 II","FlyTrap: G00212 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110629,,"G00215 III","FlyTrap: G00215 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted gene" 110630,,"G00219 X","FlyTrap: G00219 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003427" 110631,,"G00227 II","FlyTrap: G00227 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003822" 110632,,"G00231 II","FlyTrap: G00231 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003822" 110633,,"G00237 III","FlyTrap: G00237 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Ferritin" 110634,,"G00243","FlyTrap: G00243",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110635,,"G00245 III","FlyTrap: G00245 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG17273, BcDNA:LD32788" 110636,,"G00250 II","FlyTrap: G00250 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Vha 16" 110637,,"G00255 II","FlyTrap: G00255 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110638,,"G00256 II","FlyTrap: G00256 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110639,,"G00259 II","FlyTrap: G00259 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"VhaSFD vacuolar H+ ATPase" 110640,,"G00260 III","FlyTrap: G00260 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003712" 110641,,"G00264 X","FlyTrap: G00264 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG10997, Cl- channel homology" 110642,,"G00270 II","FlyTrap: G00270 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003620" 110643,,"G00271 II","FlyTrap: G00271 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG8443" 110644,,"G00272 X","FlyTrap: G00272 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110645,,"G00276 III","FlyTrap: G00276 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003467" 110646,,"G00279 X","FlyTrap: G00279 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG1640" 110647,,"G00280 III","FlyTrap: G00280 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"His2Av" 110648,,"G00281 III","FlyTrap: G00281 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted gene" 110649,,"G00282 X","FlyTrap: G00282 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG1640, alanine aminotransferase" 110650,,"G00284 II","FlyTrap: G00284 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003611" 110651,,"G00287 X","FlyTrap: G00287 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003502" 110652,,"G00288 III","FlyTrap: G00288 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"DIED" 110653,,"G00289 II","FlyTrap: G00289 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG31605" 110654,,"G00292 III","FlyTrap: G00292 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110655,,"G00293 X","FlyTrap: G00293 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110656,,"G00301 II","FlyTrap: G00301 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110657,,"G00304 X","FlyTrap: G00304 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003484" 110658,,"G00305 X","FlyTrap: G00305 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Neuroglian" 110659,,"G00308 II","FlyTrap: G00308 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110660,,"G00309 III","FlyTrap: G00309 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110661,,"G00311 III","FlyTrap: G00311 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110662,,"G00312 II","FlyTrap: G00312 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG8895" 110663,,"G00319 II","FlyTrap: G00319 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110664,,"G00320 II","FlyTrap: G00320 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110665,,"G00329 II","FlyTrap: G00329 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110666,,"G00341 III","FlyTrap: G00341 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003553" 110667,,"G00343 II","FlyTrap: G00343 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110668,,"G00344DE II","FlyTrap: G00344DE II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110669,,"G00344LE II","FlyTrap: G00344LE II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110670,,"G00345 II","FlyTrap: G00345 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110671,,"G00347 III","FlyTrap: G00347 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110672,,"G00356 III","FlyTrap: G00356 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Na pump a subunit" 110673,,"G00357 II","FlyTrap: G00357 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted gene" 110674,,"G00357 X","FlyTrap: G00357 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted gene" 110675,,"G00360 II","FlyTrap: G00360 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110676,,"G00360 III","FlyTrap: G00360 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003606" 110677,,"G00371 II","FlyTrap: G00371 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110678,,"G00375 III","FlyTrap: G00375 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG31605" 110679,,"G00376 III","FlyTrap: G00376 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110680,,"G00389 II","FlyTrap: G00389 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CaM" 110681,,"G00402 III","FlyTrap: G00402 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110682,,"G00403 II","FlyTrap: G00403 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110683,,"G00409 II","FlyTrap: G00409 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"bunched (Morin)" 110684,,"G00410 II","FlyTrap: G00410 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110685,,"G00419 III","FlyTrap: G00419 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003519" 110686,,"G00425 III","FlyTrap: G00425 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110687,,"G00427 II","FlyTrap: G00427 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110688,,"G00428 II","FlyTrap: G00428 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003822" 110689,,"G00430 II","FlyTrap: G00430 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Go-alpha 47A (5' isoform) (Morin)" 110690,,"G00434 II","FlyTrap: G00434 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Cam" 110691,,"G00440 III","FlyTrap: G00440 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110692,,"G00454 II","FlyTrap: G00454 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Viking collagen type IV" 110693,,"G00458 II","FlyTrap: G00458 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG5935" 110694,,"G00462 III","FlyTrap: G00462 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110695,,"ZCL0003 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0003 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110696,,"ZCL0082 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0082 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110697,,"ZCL0106 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0106 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110698,,"ZCL0116 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0116 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110699,,"ZCL0191 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0191 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110700,,"ZCL0203 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0203 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110701,,"ZCL0214 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0214 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110702,,"ZCL0219 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0219 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110703,,"ZCL0230 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0230 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110704,,"ZCL0233 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0233 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110705,,"ZCL0251 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0251 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110706,,"ZCL0272 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0272 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110707,,"ZCL0299 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0299 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110708,,"ZCL0301 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0301 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110709,,"ZCL0303 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0303 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"BcDNA:LD32788" 110710,,"ZCL0306 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0306 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110711,,"ZCL0310 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0310 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110712,,"ZCL0317 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0317 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110713,,"ZCL0326 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0326 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110714,,"ZCL0361 X","FlyTrap: ZCL0361 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110715,,"ZCL0364 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0364 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110716,,"ZCL0366 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0366 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110717,,"ZCL0368 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0368 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG8029" 110718,,"ZCL0371 X","FlyTrap: ZCL0371 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110719,,"ZCL0379 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0379 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110720,,"ZCL0385 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0385 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110721,,"ZCL0392 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0392 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110722,,"ZCL0414 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0414 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110723,,"ZCL0427 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0427 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110724,,"ZCL0429 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0429 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110725,,"ZCL0469 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0469 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110726,,"ZCL0488 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0488 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"BEST:LD29847" 110727,,"ZCL0505 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0505 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110728,,"ZCL0517 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0517 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110729,,"ZCL0531 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0531 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG9894" 110730,,"ZCL0536 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0536 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110731,,"ZCL0550 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0550 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110732,,"ZCL0551 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0551 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110733,,"ZCL0557 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0557 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110734,,"ZCL0563 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0563 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110735,,"ZCL0588 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0588 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Hrb98DE" 110736,,"ZCL0611 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0611 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110737,,"ZCL0638 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0638 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110738,,"ZCL0639 X","FlyTrap: ZCL0639 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110739,,"ZCL0658 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0658 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110740,,"ZCL0663 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0663 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG6416" 110741,,"ZCL0672 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0672 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110742,,"ZCL0689 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0689 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003424" 110743,,"ZCL0704 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0704 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110744,,"ZCL0707 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0707 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110745,,"ZCL0712 X","FlyTrap: ZCL0712 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110746,,"ZCL0722/TM3 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0722/TM3 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Tropomyosin1" 110747,,"ZCL0731 X","FlyTrap: ZCL0731 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110748,,"ZCL0732 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0732 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110749,,"ZCL0734 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0734 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"squid" 110750,,"ZCL0755 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0755 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110751,,"ZCL0757 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0757 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110752,,"ZCL0779 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0779 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110753,,"ZCL0780 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0780 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110754,,"ZCL0782 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0782 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110755,,"ZCL0785 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0785 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003553" 110756,,"ZCL0845 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0845 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110757,,"ZCL0846 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0846 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110758,,"ZCL0846 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0846 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110759,,"ZCL0873 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0873 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110760,,"ZCL0874 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0874 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110761,,"ZCL0922 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0922 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110762,,"ZCL0929 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0929 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110763,,"ZCL0931 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0931 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG18763" 110764,,"ZCL0964 II","FlyTrap: ZCL0964 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110765,,"ZCL0990 III","FlyTrap: ZCL0990 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110766,,"ZCL1012 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1012 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110767,,"ZCL1026 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1026 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110768,,"ZCL1027 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1027 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110769,,"ZCL1028 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1028 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110770,,"ZCL1029 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1029 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110771,,"ZCL1061 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1061 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110772,,"ZCL1071 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1071 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110773,,"ZCL1079 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1079 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110774,,"ZCL1124 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1124 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110775,,"ZCL1146 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1146 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110776,,"ZCL1289 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1289 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110777,,"ZCL1385 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1385 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110778,,"ZCL1388 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1388 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110779,,"ZCL1408 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1408 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110780,,"ZCL1408 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1408 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110781,,"ZCL1430 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1430 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110782,,"ZCL1473 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1473 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110783,,"ZCL1473 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1473 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110784,,"ZCL1479 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1479 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110785,,"ZCL1480 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1480 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110786,,"ZCL1486 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1486 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110787,,"ZCL1489 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1489 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Hsc70Cb" 110788,,"ZCL1502 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1502 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110789,,"ZCL1516 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1516 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110790,,"ZCL1569 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1569 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110791,,"ZCL1585 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1585 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110792,,"ZCL1586 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1586 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110793,,"ZCL1589 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1589 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110794,,"ZCL1597 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1597 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110795,,"ZCL1605 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1605 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Asph" 110796,,"ZCL1607 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1607 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110797,,"ZCL1609 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1609 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110798,,"ZCL1611 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1611 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110799,,"ZCL1614 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1614 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG3735" 110800,,"ZCL1620 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1620 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110801,,"ZCL1640 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1640 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110802,,"ZCL1649 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1649 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Nrv2 Na/K transporter" 110803,,"ZCL1650 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1650 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110804,,"ZCL1650 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1650 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110805,,"ZCL1675 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1675 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110806,,"ZCL1696 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1696 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110807,,"ZCL1700 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1700 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110808,,"ZCL1701 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1701 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110809,,"ZCL1704 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1704 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110810,,"ZCL1709 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1709 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110811,,"ZCL1712 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1712 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110812,,"ZCL1714 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1714 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110813,,"ZCL1727 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1727 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110814,,"ZCL1734 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1734 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110815,,"ZCL1748 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1748 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110816,,"ZCL1781 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1781 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110817,,"ZCL1792 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1792 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110818,,"ZCL1796 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1796 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110819,,"ZCL1800 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1800 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110820,,"ZCL1838 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1838 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110821,,"ZCL1871 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1871 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110822,,"ZCL1884 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1884 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110823,,"ZCL1889 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1889 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110824,,"ZCL1896 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1896 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110825,,"ZCL1907 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1907 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110826,,"ZCL1909 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1909 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110827,,"ZCL1911 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1911 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG9748" 110828,,"ZCL1916 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1916 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110829,,"ZCL1923 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1923 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110830,,"ZCL1932 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1932 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110831,,"ZCL1941 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1941 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110832,,"ZCL1943 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1943 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110833,,"ZCL1957 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1957 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110834,,"ZCL1959 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1959 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003702" 110835,,"ZCL1968 III","FlyTrap: ZCL1968 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110836,,"ZCL1973 X","FlyTrap: ZCL1973 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110837,,"ZCL1990 II","FlyTrap: ZCL1990 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110838,,"ZCL2007 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2007 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110839,,"ZCL2020 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2020 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110840,,"ZCL2023 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2023 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110841,,"ZCL2024 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2024 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110842,,"ZCL2029 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2029 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110843,,"ZCL2039 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2039 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110844,,"ZCL2042 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2042 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110845,,"ZCL2049 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2049 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110846,,"ZCL2050 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2050 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110847,,"ZCL2060 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2060 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110848,,"ZCL2064 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2064 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110849,,"ZCL2071 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2071 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110850,,"ZCL2080 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2080 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110851,,"ZCL2081 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2081 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110852,,"ZCL2084 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2084 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110853,,"ZCL2129 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2129 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110854,,"ZCL2133 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2133 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110855,,"ZCL2144 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2144 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"kettin/MLCK" 110856,,"ZCL2155 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2155 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110857,,"ZCL2157 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2157 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110858,,"ZCL2183 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2183 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG18763" 110859,,"ZCL2191 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2191 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003652" 110860,,"ZCL2207 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2207 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110861,,"ZCL2208 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2208 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110862,,"ZCL2216 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2216 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110863,,"ZCL2253 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2253 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110864,,"ZCL2320 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2320 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110865,,"ZCL2334 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2334 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110866,,"ZCL2336 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2336 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110867,,"ZCL2339 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2339 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110868,,"ZCL2339 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2339 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110869,,"ZCL2343 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2343 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110870,,"ZCL2344 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2344 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Pabp2" 110871,,"ZCL2345 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2345 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110872,,"ZCL2353 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2353 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110873,,"ZCL2354 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2354 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110874,,"ZCL2375 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2375 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110875,,"ZCL2393 II+III","FlyTrap: ZCL2393 II+III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110876,,"ZCL2399 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2399 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110877,,"ZCL2428 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2428 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110878,,"ZCL2432 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2432 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110879,,"ZCL2434 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2434 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110880,,"ZCL2439 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2439 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110881,,"ZCL2456 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2456 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110882,,"ZCL2464 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2464 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110883,,"ZCL2479 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2479 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110884,,"ZCL2496 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2496 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"larp" 110885,,"ZCL2510 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2510 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110886,,"ZCL2549 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2549 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110887,,"ZCL2571 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2571 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110888,,"ZCL2577 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2577 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110889,,"ZCL2586 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2586 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110890,,"ZCL2595 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2595 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110891,,"ZCL2617 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2617 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110892,,"ZCL2670 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2670 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110893,,"ZCL2688 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2688 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110894,,"ZCL2696 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2696 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG9748" 110895,,"ZCL2713 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2713 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110896,,"ZCL2719 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2719 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110897,,"ZCL2725 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2725 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110898,,"ZCL2726 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2726 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110899,,"ZCL2740 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2740 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110900,,"ZCL2760 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2760 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110901,,"ZCL2762 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2762 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110902,,"ZCL2778 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2778 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110903,,"ZCL2780 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2780 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110904,,"ZCL2802 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2802 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110905,,"ZCL2806 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2806 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110906,,"ZCL2810 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2810 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110907,,"ZCL2812 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2812 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110908,,"ZCL2820 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2820 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110909,,"ZCL2825 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2825 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003702" 110910,,"ZCL2826 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2826 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110911,,"ZCL2830 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2830 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110912,,"ZCL2830 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2830 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110913,,"ZCL2838/TM3 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2838/TM3 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110914,,"ZCL2840 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2840 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110915,,"ZCL2854 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2854 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110916,,"ZCL2856 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2856 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110917,,"ZCL2857 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2857 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110918,,"ZCL2860 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2860 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110919,,"ZCL2867 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2867 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110920,,"ZCL2879 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2879 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003831" 110921,,"ZCL2884 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2884 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110922,,"ZCL2897 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2897 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110923,,"ZCL2898 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2898 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110924,,"ZCL2903 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2903 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Nrv2" 110925,,"ZCL2904 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2904 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110926,,"ZCL2905 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2905 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110927,,"ZCL2908 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2908 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110928,,"ZCL2910 X","FlyTrap: ZCL2910 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110929,,"ZCL2918 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2918 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110930,,"ZCL2921 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2921 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110931,,"ZCL2926 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2926 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003581" 110932,,"ZCL2943 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2943 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110933,,"ZCL2947 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2947 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110934,,"ZCL2954 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2954 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110935,,"ZCL2956 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2956 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG5935 (cytoplasmic!)" 110936,,"ZCL2960 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2960 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110937,,"ZCL2960 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2960 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110938,,"ZCL2961 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2961 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110939,,"ZCL2963 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2963 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG17273" 110940,,"ZCL2963 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2963 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110941,,"ZCL2980 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2980 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110942,,"ZCL2983 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2983 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110943,,"ZCL2984 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2984 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110944,,"ZCL2988 II","FlyTrap: ZCL2988 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110945,,"ZCL2997 III","FlyTrap: ZCL2997 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110946,,"ZCL3012 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3012 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110947,,"ZCL3017 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3017 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110948,,"ZCL3021 X","FlyTrap: ZCL3021 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110949,,"ZCL3022 FM7","FlyTrap: ZCL3022 FM7",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110950,,"ZCL3063 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3063 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003831" 110951,,"ZCL3111 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3111 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Ilk" 110952,,"ZCL3128 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3128 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110953,,"ZCL3141 X","FlyTrap: ZCL3141 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"AE003484" 110954,,"ZCL3145 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3145 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"unpredicted" 110955,,"ZCL3161 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3161 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110956,,"ZCL3169 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3169 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG14648" 110957,,"ZCL3170 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3170 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110958,,"ZCL3178 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3178 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Pabp2" 110959,,"ZCL3179 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3179 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110960,,"ZCL3186 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3186 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110961,,"ZCL3191 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3191 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110962,,"ZCL3192 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3192 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"Ilk" 110963,,"ZCL3193 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3193 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110964,,"ZCL3213 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3213 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110965,,"ZCL3237 X","FlyTrap: ZCL3237 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110966,,"ZCL3245 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3245 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG9884 Oaf" 110967,,"ZCL3266 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3266 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110968,,"ZCL3277 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3277 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110969,,"ZCL3311 X","FlyTrap: ZCL3311 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110970,,"ZCL3338 X","FlyTrap: ZCL3338 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110971,,"ZCL3344 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3344 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,,"CG9894" 110972,,"ZCL3367 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3367 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110973,,"ZCL3380 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3380 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110974,,"ZCL3383 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3383 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110975,,"ZCL3387 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3387 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110976,,"ZCL3388 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3388 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110977,,"ZCL3388 X","FlyTrap: ZCL3388 X",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110978,,"ZCL3390 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3390 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110979,,"ZCL3421 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3421 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110980,,"ZCL3436 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3436 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110981,,"ZCL3437 III","FlyTrap: ZCL3437 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110982,,"ZCL3466 II","FlyTrap: ZCL3466 II",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 110983,,"ZCL33197 III","FlyTrap: ZCL33197 III",,,,"More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.",,,"Lynn Cooley",,,,, 200001,"1/27/1999","1","GS: 1",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2672229
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 200002,"1/27/1999","4","GS: 4",,,"11F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13226461
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200003,"1/27/1999","9","GS: 9",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16352746
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 200004,"1/27/1999","11","GS: 11",,,"55B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13104091
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12767(CT30557)" 200005,"1/27/1999","14","GS: 14",,,"55B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13104091
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12767(CT30557)" 200006,"1/27/1999","15","GS: 15",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16517896
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 200007,"1/27/1999","17","GS: 17",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9844848
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG5879(CT18383)" 200008,"1/27/1999","19","GS: 19",,,"66B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7985066
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200009,"1/27/1999","20","GS: 20",,,"85B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4560255
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8223(CT24433)" 200010,"1/27/1999","24","GS: 24",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4841553
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"neur(CT32118)" 200011,"1/27/1999","25","GS: 25",,,"50E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9161140
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8331(CT24597)" 200012,"1/27/1999","26","GS: 26",,,"68C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11406125
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7543(CT23091)" 200014,"1/27/1999","28","GS: 28",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870156
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200015,"1/27/1999","31","GS: 31",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870153
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200016,"1/27/1999","33","GS: 33",,,"29A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8207080
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7840(CT23784)" 200017,"1/27/1999","36","GS: 36",,,"57C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16108015
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG4279(CT14011)" 200018,"1/27/1999","37","GS: 37",,,"60A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18878627
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG2827(CT9666)" 200019,"1/27/1999","39","GS: 39",,,"99C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 25469936
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG1973(CT4060)" 200020,"1/27/1999","40","GS: 40",,,"60C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19272296
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"slbo(CT14224)" 200021,"1/27/1999","42","GS: 42",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870155
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200022,"1/27/1999","45","GS: 45",,,"53F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12002905
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"RhoGEF2(CT21257)" 200023,"1/27/1999","46","GS: 46",,,"30B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9296412
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3752(CT12541)" 200024,"1/27/1999","47","GS: 47",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19835493
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"NaCP60E(CT24831)" 200025,"1/27/1999","49","GS: 49",,,"32E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11119658
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200026,"1/27/1999","50","GS: 50",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5890900
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200027,"1/27/1999","51","GS: 51",,,"77B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20225958
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Ide(CT17460)" 200028,"1/27/1999","53","GS: 53",,,"84E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3901802
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200029,"1/27/1999","58","GS: 58",,,"66B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7985543
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200030,"1/27/1999","59","GS: 59",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14306081
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 200031,"1/27/1999","62","GS: 62",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870155
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200032,"1/27/1999","66","GS: 66",,,"58D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17255514
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Gp150(CT18251)" 200033,"1/27/1999","69","GS: 69",,,"96A20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20460443
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"tok(CT21251)" 200034,"1/27/1999","72","GS: 72",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15520292
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200035,"1/27/1999","76","GS: 76",,,"26D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6380842
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG9539(CT26986)" 200036,"1/27/1999","78","GS: 78",,,"43D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2609591
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
",,,"CG1364(CT3104)" 200037,"1/27/1999","81","GS: 81",,,"32E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11119665
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200038,"1/27/1999","83","GS: 83",,,"57B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15772002
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200039,"1/27/1999","84","GS: 84",,,"102C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 520191
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Pur-alpha(CT3797)" 200040,"1/27/1999","94","GS: 94",,,"36F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18286104
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG10174(CT28605)" 200041,"1/27/1999","97","GS: 97",,,"88D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10497055
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
",,,"eff(CT22777)" 200042,"1/27/1999","99","GS: 99",,,"44B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3268137
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"dpn(CT3681)" 200043,"1/27/1999","1001","GS: 1001",,,"13A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14834058
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200044,"1/27/1999","1002","GS: 1002",,,"6E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6773808
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3042(CT9515)" 200045,"4/29/1999","1003","GS: 1003",,,"15F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17033236
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fim(CT25044)" 200046,"1/27/1999","1005","GS: 1005",,,"1A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 33079
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"ewg(CT10322)" 200047,"1/27/1999","1006","GS: 1006",,,"17E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18551616
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200048,"1/27/1999","1007","GS: 1007",,,"4D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4892568
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200049,"1/27/1999","1008","GS: 1008",,,"5E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6091597
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG11700(CT11667)" 200050,"1/27/1999","1009","GS: 1009",,,"12E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13973977
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200051,"1/27/1999","1010","GS: 1010",,,"13A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14830548
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15027(CT34889)" 200052,"1/27/1999","1011","GS: 1011",,,"3A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2338048
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200053,"1/27/1999","1013","GS: 1013",,,"2B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1695339
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200054,"1/27/1999","1014","GS: 1014",,,"8B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8686140
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Moe(CT5981)" 200055,"1/27/1999","1016","GS: 1016",,,"8F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9480301
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200056,"1/27/1999","1017","GS: 1017",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7749211
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200057,"1/27/1999","1018","GS: 1018",,,"4C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4426708
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"peb(CT11247)" 200058,"1/27/1999","1019","GS: 1019",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200059,"1/27/1999","1020","GS: 1020",,,"9D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10335463
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200060,"1/27/1999","1021","GS: 1021",,,"8D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9037156
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12058(CT4185)" 200061,"1/27/1999","1022","GS: 1022",,,"7A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7089554
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1677(CT4632)" 200062,"1/27/1999","1023","GS: 1023",,,"7B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7495797
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CHES-1-like(CT35562)" 200063,"1/27/1999","1026","GS: 1026",,,"1D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 709707
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3026(CT10194)" 200064,"1/27/1999","1028","GS: 1028",,,"5A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5488534
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"CG3171(CT10621)" 200065,"1/27/1999","1029","GS: 1029",,,"12F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14494152
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Netrin-B(CT29512)" 200066,"1/27/1999","1030","GS: 1030",,,"9E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10536899
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1534(CT3947)" 200067,"1/27/1999","1031","GS: 1031",,,"11E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13018275
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"mew(CT5254)" 200068,"1/27/1999","1032","GS: 1032",,,"2D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1884061
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"EG:87B1.3(CT42118)" 200069,"1/27/1999","1034","GS: 1034",,,"11B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12348489
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1855(CT5712)" 200070,"1/27/1999","1035","GS: 1035",,,"9E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10561084
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ras(CT36321)" 200071,"1/27/1999","1038","GS: 1038",,,"9E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10560587
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ras(CT36321)" 200072,"1/27/1999","1041","GS: 1041",,,"13D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15194110
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Ahcy13(CT35819)" 200073,"1/27/1999","1044","GS: 1044",,,"7D14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7954848
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Traf2(CT30707)" 200074,"1/27/1999","1046","GS: 1046",,,"7E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8206441
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200075,"1/27/1999","1047","GS: 1047",,,"13A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14698245
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9030(CT25928)" 200076,"1/27/1999","1048","GS: 1048",,,"4C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4317520
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200077,"1/27/1999","1050","GS: 1050",,,"11E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13046032
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1770(CT5218)" 200078,"1/27/1999","1052","GS: 1052",,,"3B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2463387
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:100G10.1(CT9103)" 200079,"1/27/1999","1053","GS: 1053",,,"19A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19587754
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"amn(CT37104)" 200080,"1/27/1999","1054","GS: 1054",,,"12F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14570829
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200081,"1/27/1999","1056","GS: 1056",,,"5C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5797959
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG5966(CT18715)" 200082,"1/27/1999","1057","GS: 1057",,,"9E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10577669
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Ant2(CT4708)" 200083,"1/27/1999","1058","GS: 1058",,,"3D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3047208
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200084,"1/27/1999","1060","GS: 1060",,,"1E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 824456
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200085,"1/27/1999","1061","GS: 1061",,,"5E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6090097
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200086,"1/27/1999","1062","GS: 1062",,,"5C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5797937
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG5966(CT18715)" 200087,"1/27/1999","1064","GS: 1064",,,"14B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16022934
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"eas(CT11537)" 200088,"1/27/1999","1065","GS: 1065",,,"13A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14695487
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA-ligase
",,,"BcDNA:GH02901(CT25792)" 200089,"1/27/1999","1066","GS: 1066",,,"2C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1758324
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200090,"1/27/1999","1067","GS: 1067",,,"6C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6412889
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200091,"1/27/1999","1068","GS: 1068",,,"13F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15544118
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200092,"1/27/1999","1069","GS: 1069",,,"4B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4015267
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Fas2(CT12301)" 200093,"1/27/1999","1072","GS: 1072",,,"2A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1137844
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200094,"1/27/1999","1074","GS: 1074",,,"8C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8836772
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200095,"1/27/1999","1076","GS: 1076",,,"13E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15476362
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8191(CT24405)" 200096,"1/27/1999","1078","GS: 1078",,,"8F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9480026
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200097,"1/27/1999","1079","GS: 1079",,,"14A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15848936
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9216(CT26328)" 200098,"1/27/1999","1080","GS: 1080",,,"9D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10336364
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200099,"1/27/1999","1082","GS: 1082",,,"13A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14834008
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200100,"1/27/1999","1083","GS: 1083",,,"11E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13046604
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1770(CT5218)" 200101,"1/27/1999","1084","GS: 1084",,,"5A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5488527
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"CG3171(CT10621)" 200102,"1/27/1999","1085","GS: 1085",,,"3A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2294293
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200103,"1/27/1999","1086","GS: 1086",,,"12B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13524179
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200104,"1/27/1999","1087","GS: 1087",,,"2F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2052915
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200105,"1/27/1999","1088","GS: 1088",,,"18C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19060834
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BcDNA:LD28120(CT24172)" 200106,"1/27/1999","1089","GS: 1089",,,"2B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1234048
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:80H7.11(CT34591)" 200107,"1/27/1999","1090","GS: 1090",,,"14A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15835535
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200108,"1/27/1999","1091","GS: 1091",,,"1B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 287779
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"elav(CT13920)" 200109,"1/27/1999","1092","GS: 1092",,,"8C16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8928018
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200110,"1/27/1999","1093","GS: 1093",,,"4B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4133943
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200111,"1/27/1999","1096","GS: 1096",,,"19F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20959718
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calpain
",,,"sol(CT30735)" 200112,"1/27/1999","1097","GS: 1097",,,"5E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6087250
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18282(CT41472)" 200113,"1/27/1999","1098","GS: 1098",,,"8D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8949898
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"His3.3B(CT25818)" 200114,"1/27/1999","1101","GS: 1101",,,"11D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12879552
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12714(CT35945)" 200115,"1/27/1999","1103","GS: 1103",,,"15F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17033229
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fim(CT25044)" 200116,"1/27/1999","1105","GS: 1105",,,"12B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13584230
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10997(CT30807)" 200117,"1/27/1999","1106","GS: 1106",,,"2C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1759544
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200118,"1/27/1999","1108","GS: 1108",,,"7E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8215945
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200119,"1/27/1999","1110","GS: 1110",,,"3F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3496807
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200120,"1/27/1999","1112","GS: 1112",,,"3F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3563120
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200121,"1/27/1999","1113","GS: 1113",,,"6C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6504088
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200122,"1/27/1999","1114","GS: 1114",,,"3A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2338832
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200123,"1/27/1999","1115","GS: 1115",,,"14B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16078284
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"bss(CT12419)" 200124,"1/27/1999","1116","GS: 1116",,,"2B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1392373
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"br(CT36317)" 200125,"1/27/1999","1120","GS: 1120",,,"19A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19608745
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200126,"1/27/1999","1122","GS: 1122",,,"1E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 896914
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200127,"1/27/1999","1124","GS: 1124",,,"19E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20281633
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200128,"1/27/1999","1127","GS: 1127",,,"14A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15848551
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9216(CT26328)" 200129,"1/27/1999","1128","GS: 1128",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870155
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200130,"1/27/1999","1129","GS: 1129",,,"8E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9393740
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200131,"1/27/1999","1130","GS: 1130",,,"18D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19237967
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"6-phosphofructo-2-kinase(CT11373)" 200132,"1/27/1999","1132","GS: 1132",,,"13A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14766996
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200133,"1/27/1999","1133","GS: 1133",,,"3C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2699794
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3603(CT12121)" 200134,"1/27/1999","1134","GS: 1134",,,"7D16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7989110
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200135,"1/27/1999","1135","GS: 1135",,,"14C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16164892
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG4411(CT14362)" 200136,"1/27/1999","1136","GS: 1136",,,"2C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1723808
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200137,"1/27/1999","1137","GS: 1137",,,"2D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1884142
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"EG:87B1.3(CT42118)" 200138,"1/27/1999","1138","GS: 1138",,,"7B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7500676
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200139,"1/27/1999","1139","GS: 1139",,,"7E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8205699
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200140,"1/27/1999","1140","GS: 1140",,,"18D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19385519
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200141,"1/27/1999","1141","GS: 1141",,,"2B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1646826
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"arm(CT12773)" 200142,"1/27/1999","1142","GS: 1142",,,"3F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3621996
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200143,"1/27/1999","1143","GS: 1143",,,"11B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12348546
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1855(CT5712)" 200144,"1/27/1999","1144","GS: 1144",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870156
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200145,"1/27/1999","1145","GS: 1145",,,"9F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10691999
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG1582(CT4155)" 200146,"1/27/1999","1146","GS: 1146",,,"15A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16545366
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13005(CT32212)" 200147,"12/19/1998","1147","GS: 1147",,,"7D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7858368
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200148,"12/19/1998","1148","GS: 1148",,,"2E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1905730
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"wapl(CT12355)" 200149,"12/19/1998","1149","GS: 1149",,,"12B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13570276
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200150,"12/19/1998","1150","GS: 1150",,,"10E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11574827
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200151,"12/19/1998","1151","GS: 1151",,,"4D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4728188
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6903(CT21374)" 200152,"12/19/1998","1152","GS: 1152",,,"3F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3564201
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200153,"12/19/1998","1153","GS: 1153",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870154
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200154,"12/19/1998","1154","GS: 1154",,,"13F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15552461
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200155,"12/19/1998","1155","GS: 1155",,,"8B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8686169
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Moe(CT5981)" 200156,"12/19/1998","1156","GS: 1156",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870153
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200157,"12/19/1998","1157","GS: 1157",,,"5C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5710285
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Act5C(CT13368)" 200159,"12/19/1998","1160","GS: 1160",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870155
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200160,"12/19/1998","1163","GS: 1163",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870155
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200161,"12/19/1998","1164","GS: 1164",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870154
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200162,"12/19/1998","1166","GS: 1166",,,"19A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19587752
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"amn(CT37104)" 200163,"12/19/1998","1168","GS: 1168",,,"13F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15552399
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200164,"12/19/1998","1171","GS: 1171",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4870148
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 200165,"12/19/1998","1172","GS: 1172",,,"8F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9480262
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200166,"12/19/1998","1173","GS: 1173",,,"10D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11510858
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"inaF(CT8105)" 200167,"12/19/1998","1174","GS: 1174",,,"4B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4015307
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Fas2(CT12301)" 200168,"12/19/1998","1176","GS: 1176",,,"3F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3561336
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200169,"12/19/1998","1182","GS: 1182",,,"1E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 924559
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200170,"12/19/1998","1183","GS: 1183",,,"3B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2391758
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200171,"12/19/1998","1184","GS: 1184",,,"5E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6075930
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200172,"12/19/1998","1185","GS: 1185",,,"4D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4888985
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200173,"12/19/1998","1186","GS: 1186",,,"17C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18385340
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6606(CT20536)" 200174,"12/19/1998","1188","GS: 1188",,,"8F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9481486
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200175,"12/19/1998","1189","GS: 1189",,,"19F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20928483
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG1704(CT4818)" 200176,"12/19/1998","1190","GS: 1190",,,"5D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6002206
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200177,"12/19/1998","1192","GS: 1192",,,"17B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18243517
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Wnt5(CT19926)" 200178,"12/19/1998","1193","GS: 1193",,,"3A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2294329
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200179,"12/19/1998","1194","GS: 1194",,,"4D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4744528
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200180,"12/19/1998","1196","GS: 1196",,,"13F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15585103
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG8578(CT24979)" 200181,"12/19/1998","1197","GS: 1197",,,"9F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10607450
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200182,"12/19/1998","1198","GS: 1198",,,"13E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15454334
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"CG9281(CT26402)" 200183,"12/19/1998","1199","GS: 1199",,,"5A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5488534
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"CG3171(CT10621)" 200184,"12/19/1998","1200","GS: 1200",,,"16D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17571946
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6398(CT19938)" 200186,"12/19/1998","1203","GS: 1203",,,"13F14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15674947
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG9126(CT26146)" 200187,"12/19/1998","1204","GS: 1204",,,"2B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1606490
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:131F2.3(CT34625)" 200188,"12/19/1998","1205","GS: 1205",,,"18D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19233160
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12204(CT10931)" 200189,"12/19/1998","1206","GS: 1206",,,"10D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11495691
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2446(CT8088)" 200190,"12/19/1998","1207","GS: 1207",,,"3F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3559897
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200191,"12/19/1998","1209","GS: 1209",,,"3A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2293655
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200192,"12/19/1998","1211","GS: 1211",,,"2C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1759001
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200193,"12/19/1998","1212","GS: 1212",,,"13A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14818733
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9057(CT26008)" 200194,"12/19/1998","1213","GS: 1213",,,"12F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14398664
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Netrin-B(CT29512)" 200195,"12/19/1998","2001","GS: 2001",,,"46A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4719823
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Uba1(CT5340)" 200197,"12/19/1998","2005","GS: 2005",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8165476
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme
",,,"CG4023(CT13354)" 200198,"12/19/1998","2006","GS: 2006",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12073184
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 200199,,"2008","GS: 2008",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18518814
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200200,"12/19/1998","2009","GS: 2009",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3550521
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 200201,"12/19/1998","2010","GS: 2010",,,"43B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2430195
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG11107(CT31081)" 200202,"12/19/1998","2011","GS: 2011",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16650432
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200203,"12/19/1998","2012","GS: 2012",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7474926
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200204,"12/19/1998","2013","GS: 2013",,,"26D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6394871
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13764(CT33247)" 200205,"12/19/1998","2015","GS: 2015",,,"55B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13111220
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Pcl(CT16391)" 200206,"12/19/1998","2016","GS: 2016",,,"57C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16120292
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"tud(CT26776)" 200207,"12/19/1998","2017","GS: 2017",,,"21B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 138279
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG11454(CT36245)" 200208,"12/19/1998","2018","GS: 2018",,,"28D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7726108
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"mts(CT21977)" 200209,"12/19/1998","2019","GS: 2019",,,"25C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4990621
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG14039(CT33598)" 200210,"12/19/1998","2022","GS: 2022",,,"25D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5198384
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Bsg25D(CT33584)" 200211,"12/19/1998","2023","GS: 2023",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6638139
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200212,"12/19/1998","2024","GS: 2024",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16517905
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 200213,"12/19/1998","2025","GS: 2025",,,"38A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19632728
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG10528(CT29547)" 200214,"12/19/1998","2026","GS: 2026",,,"23D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3062389
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200215,"12/19/1998","2028","GS: 2028",,,"42F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2215568
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200216,"12/19/1998","2029","GS: 2029",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6199525
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200217,"12/19/1998","2030","GS: 2030",,,"51B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9585485
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12868(CT32008)" 200218,"12/19/1998","2031","GS: 2031",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16434453
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 200219,"12/19/1998","2032","GS: 2032",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12395979
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): uridine kinase
",,,"CG4798(CT15417)" 200220,"12/19/1998","2033","GS: 2033",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12073205
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 200221,"12/19/1998","2034","GS: 2034",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9855154
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200222,"12/19/1998","2035","GS: 2035",,,"19D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20001947
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200223,"12/19/1998","2038","GS: 2038",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7781315
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 200224,"12/19/1998","2039","GS: 2039",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15257111
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 200225,"12/19/1998","2040","GS: 2040",,,"51B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9598853
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Sec61beta(CT28511)" 200226,"12/19/1998","2042","GS: 2042",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16651260
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200227,"12/19/1998","2043","GS: 2043",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7260216
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium binding
",,,"Cam(CT41655)" 200228,"12/19/1998","2044","GS: 2044",,,"42D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2013697
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200229,"12/19/1998","2045","GS: 2045",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4580585
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200230,"12/19/1998","2047","GS: 2047",,,"27A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6622953
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"homer(CT31607)" 200231,"12/19/1998","2049","GS: 2049",,,"47A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5588199
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"psq(CT7902)" 200232,"12/19/1998","2050","GS: 2050",,,"22D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2126778
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG10879(CT30479)" 200233,"12/19/1998","2052","GS: 2052",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5570118
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 200234,"12/19/1998","2057","GS: 2057",,,"32D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10966698
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14914(CT34740)" 200235,"12/19/1998","2058","GS: 2058",,,"52F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11086669
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Ric(CT17993)" 200236,"12/19/1998","2059","GS: 2059",,,"45D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4450377
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200237,"12/19/1998","2060","GS: 2060",,,"25C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4976794
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14036(CT33595)" 200238,"12/19/1998","2061","GS: 2061",,,"35F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16102366
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"crp(CT23425)" 200239,"12/19/1998","2062","GS: 2062",,,"48E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7019957
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"otk(CT25769)" 200240,"12/19/1998","2063","GS: 2063",,,"21E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1136820
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD24380(CT16203)" 200241,"12/19/1998","2064","GS: 2064",,,"59D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18322118
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200242,"12/19/1998","2065","GS: 2065",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12073094
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 200243,"12/19/1998","2066","GS: 2066",,,"57C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16079492
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG9415(CT26690)" 200244,"12/19/1998","2068","GS: 2068",,,"36A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16717992
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4826(CT15405)" 200245,"12/19/1998","2070","GS: 2070",,,"42D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1966307
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3358(CT11289)" 200246,"12/19/1998","2071","GS: 2071",,,"52F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11081289
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rho1(CT18739)" 200247,"12/19/1998","2074","GS: 2074",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5570124
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 200248,"12/19/1998","2075","GS: 2075",,,"33E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12427323
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bun(CT17162)" 200249,"12/19/1998","2077","GS: 2077",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15219910
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 200250,"12/19/1998","2078","GS: 2078",,,"23C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2941422
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17223(CT38179)" 200251,"12/19/1998","2080","GS: 2080",,,"55C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13333065
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200252,"12/19/1998","2081","GS: 2081",,,"34F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14122298
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200253,"12/19/1998","2083","GS: 2083",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5890900
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200254,"12/19/1998","2084","GS: 2084",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5890900
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200255,"12/19/1998","2085","GS: 2085",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19378140
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme inhibitor
",,,"CG10363(CT29102)" 200256,"12/19/1998","2086","GS: 2086",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15521879
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200257,"12/19/1998","2087","GS: 2087",,,"49D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7863980
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Btf(CT12178)" 200258,"12/19/1998","2088","GS: 2088",,,"60E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19898472
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200259,"12/19/1998","2089","GS: 2089",,,"27F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7322127
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200260,"12/19/1998","2090","GS: 2090",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1915792
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9446(CT11617)" 200261,"12/19/1998","2092","GS: 2092",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14420662
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA topoisomerase
",,,"mei-W68(CT23580)" 200262,"12/19/1998","2093","GS: 2093",,,"95C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19560679
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200263,"12/19/1998","2094","GS: 2094",,,"52B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10593171
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200264,"12/19/1998","2099","GS: 2099",,,"49E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7916516
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG3845(CT12829)" 200266,"4/29/1999","2101","GS: 2101",,,"26B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6018823
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200267,"12/19/1998","2103","GS: 2103",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12432867
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14478(CT34189)" 200268,"12/19/1998","2104","GS: 2104",,,"25C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5030126
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200269,"12/19/1998","2105","GS: 2105",,,"30A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9085035
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200270,"12/19/1998","2106","GS: 2106",,,"60B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18971924
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3167(CT10639)" 200271,"12/19/1998","2108","GS: 2108",,,"25D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5245300
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200272,"12/19/1998","2110","GS: 2110",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8330337
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 200273,"12/19/1998","2112","GS: 2112",,,"51E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10109706
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG11798(CT23317)" 200274,"12/19/1998","2113","GS: 2113",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11804731
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200275,"12/19/1998","2114","GS: 2114",,,"30C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9522252
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG3864(CT12877)" 200276,"12/19/1998","2117","GS: 2117",,,"21E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1121813
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4726(CT15243)" 200277,"12/19/1998","2118","GS: 2118",,,"50A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8435774
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200278,"12/19/1998","2119","GS: 2119",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5563640
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 200279,"12/19/1998","2120","GS: 2120",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8314041
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"emb(CT32733)" 200280,"12/19/1998","2121","GS: 2121",,,"48D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6971528
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG8290(CT24533)" 200281,"12/19/1998","2122","GS: 2122",,,"48D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6892912
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Ef1alpha48D(CT24517)" 200282,"4/29/1999","2125","GS: 2125",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5721035
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14005(CT33561)" 200283,"12/19/1998","2127","GS: 2127",,,"22F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2412542
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"oaf(CT9521)" 200284,"12/19/1998","2129","GS: 2129",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16517908
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 200285,"12/19/1998","2130","GS: 2130",,,"42E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2068528
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200286,"12/19/1998","2131","GS: 2131",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19835429
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"NaCP60E(CT24831)" 200287,"12/19/1998","2132","GS: 2132",,,"51C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9736033
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10151(CT28561)" 200288,"12/19/1998","2134","GS: 2134",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8162641
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4016(CT13338)" 200289,"12/19/1998","2142","GS: 2142",,,"60A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18848566
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG5594(CT31541)" 200290,"12/19/1998","2143","GS: 2143",,,"60D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19464725
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13583(CT32965)" 200291,"12/19/1998","2144","GS: 2144",,,"25C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5015185
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200292,"12/19/1998","2145","GS: 2145",,,"52E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10977635
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ATPCL(CT18257)" 200293,"12/19/1998","2147","GS: 2147",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19376409
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200294,"1/27/1999","2148","GS: 2148",,,"27F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7318898
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"HAT(CT16611)" 200295,"1/27/1999","2149","GS: 2149",,,"30B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9346267
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200296,"1/27/1999","2150","GS: 2150",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15604564
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Gli(CT12983)" 200297,"1/27/1999","2151","GS: 2151",,,"51F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10301751
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8155(CT21971)" 200298,"1/27/1999","2152","GS: 2152",,,"45C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4320963
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase C
",,,"CG2055(CT6660)" 200299,"1/27/1999","2153","GS: 2153",,,"44F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3896217
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200300,"1/27/1999","2154","GS: 2154",,,"24F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4359120
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200301,"1/27/1999","2158","GS: 2158",,,"26D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6381747
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9537(CT26982)" 200302,"1/27/1999","2163","GS: 2163",,,"26E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6462049
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG11045(CT28033)" 200303,"1/27/1999","2164","GS: 2164",,,"30B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9477773
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200304,"1/27/1999","2165","GS: 2165",,,"31D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10286888
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5091(CT16337)" 200305,"1/27/1999","2167","GS: 2167",,,"22B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1938349
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200306,"1/27/1999","2168","GS: 2168",,,"60A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18808310
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ken(CT17620)" 200307,"1/27/1999","2169","GS: 2169",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5563302
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 200309,"1/27/1999","2172","GS: 2172",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8962445
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Cp1(CT20780)" 200310,"1/27/1999","2173","GS: 2173",,,"39E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21380834
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200311,"1/27/1999","2175","GS: 2175",,,"50E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9165435
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG8367(CT24629)" 200312,"1/27/1999","2176","GS: 2176",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7698395
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7138(CT22061)" 200313,"1/27/1999","2182","GS: 2182",,,"23D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2974735
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH07626(CT11871)" 200314,"1/27/1999","2184","GS: 2184",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9691064
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4026(CT13370)" 200315,"1/27/1999","2185","GS: 2185",,,"45B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4168363
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8058(CT8099)" 200316,"1/27/1999","2186","GS: 2186",,,"53B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11320935
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG6251(CT19043)" 200317,"1/27/1999","2187","GS: 2187",,,"33C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12006437
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rab6(CT20524)" 200318,"1/27/1999","2188","GS: 2188",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1707144
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Adf1(CT37731)" 200319,"1/27/1999","2189","GS: 2189",,,"44D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3701862
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8732(CT25221)" 200320,"1/27/1999","2190","GS: 2190",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19922061
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"neb(CT30035)" 200321,"1/27/1999","2193","GS: 2193",,,"46F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5187207
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200322,"1/27/1999","2194","GS: 2194",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1498516
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bin3(CT24495)" 200323,"1/27/1999","2195","GS: 2195",,,"58F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17624846
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200324,"1/27/1999","2197","GS: 2197",,,"28F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8106876
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8451(CT24727)" 200325,"1/27/1999","2198","GS: 2198",,,"57B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15934600
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200326,"1/27/1999","2199","GS: 2199",,,"19D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20002243
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200327,"1/27/1999","2201","GS: 2201",,,"47F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6372122
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GM12291(CT25954)" 200328,"1/27/1999","2205","GS: 2205",,,"13D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15180330
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200329,"1/27/1999","2206","GS: 2206",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4580694
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200330,"1/27/1999","2207","GS: 2207",,,"54D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12543601
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG4909(CT15776)" 200331,"1/27/1999","2208","GS: 2208",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8326166
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 200332,"4/29/1999","2209","GS: 2209",,,"26B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6018749
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200333,"1/27/1999","2210","GS: 2210",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11706220
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crol(CT34766)" 200334,"1/27/1999","2211","GS: 2211",,,"39E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21285209
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12548(CT34155)" 200335,"1/27/1999","2212","GS: 2212",,,"42E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2104982
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH09147(CT3717)" 200336,"1/27/1999","2213","GS: 2213",,,"23D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3042324
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"toc(CT27308)" 200337,"1/27/1999","2215","GS: 2215",,,"22B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1909107
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7289(CT22473)" 200338,"1/27/1999","2216","GS: 2216",,,"34A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13113470
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200339,"1/27/1999","2217","GS: 2217",,,"39E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21285337
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12548(CT34155)" 200340,"1/27/1999","2218","GS: 2218",,,"26B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5972492
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200341,"1/27/1999","2219","GS: 2219",,,"23C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2965052
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG3524(CT11835)" 200342,"1/27/1999","2221","GS: 2221",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1498592
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bin3(CT24495)" 200343,"1/27/1999","2222","GS: 2222",,,"44B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3210002
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200344,"1/27/1999","2228","GS: 2228",,,"21C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 424015
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"ex(CT13612)" 200345,"1/27/1999","2229","GS: 2229",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 244285
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200346,"1/27/1999","2230","GS: 2230",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5563472
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 200347,"1/27/1999","2231","GS: 2231",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16363591
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200349,"1/27/1999","2234","GS: 2234",,,"35F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16120494
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"crp(CT23425)" 200350,"1/27/1999","2235","GS: 2235",,,"42E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2055874
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"CG10106(CT7946)" 200351,"5/19/1999","2236","GS: 2236",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: ?????
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200352,"4/29/1999","2238","GS: 2238",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16650415
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200353,"1/27/1999","2239","GS: 2239",,,"30E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9806344
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"sop(CT18571)" 200354,"1/27/1999","2240","GS: 2240",,,"43E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2703420
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG2064(CT6708)" 200355,"1/27/1999","2241","GS: 2241",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11804865
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200356,"1/27/1999","2242","GS: 2242",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18489353
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG3941(CT13117)" 200357,"1/27/1999","2243","GS: 2243",,,"29A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8176244
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200358,"1/27/1999","2244","GS: 2244",,,"43C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2532682
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1624(CT4340)" 200359,"2/11/1999","2245","GS: 2245",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8327005
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 200360,"1/27/1999","2247","GS: 2247",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16434196
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 200361,"1/27/1999","2248","GS: 2248",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5563300
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 200363,"1/27/1999","2250","GS: 2250",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16434197
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 200364,"1/27/1999","2251","GS: 2251",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11806179
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200365,"1/27/1999","2252","GS: 2252",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15947413
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200366,"1/27/1999","2253","GS: 2253",,,"28E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7989683
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200367,"1/27/1999","2254","GS: 2254",,,"29F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8922741
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9573(CT27048)" 200368,"1/27/1999","2256","GS: 2256",,,"57F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16571797
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10321(CT28986)" 200369,"1/27/1999","2258","GS: 2258",,,"17B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18167324
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200370,"1/27/1999","2260","GS: 2260",,,"102E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 774962
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"pho(CT39329)" 200371,"1/27/1999","2261","GS: 2261",,,"56F15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15200730
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA replication factor
",,,"mus209(CT26256)" 200372,"1/27/1999","2263","GS: 2263",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1692420
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG12397(CT26692)" 200373,"1/27/1999","2264","GS: 2264",,,"57F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16571799
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10321(CT28986)" 200374,"1/27/1999","2266","GS: 2266",,,"42D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2028169
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17002(CT35183)" 200375,"1/27/1999","2267","GS: 2267",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11706191
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crol(CT34766)" 200376,"1/27/1999","2268","GS: 2268",,,"29D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8453816
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200377,"1/27/1999","2269","GS: 2269",,,"52A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10520796
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8186(CT20335)" 200378,"1/27/1999","2270","GS: 2270",,,"51B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9598861
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Sec61beta(CT28511)" 200379,"1/27/1999","2273","GS: 2273",,,"30B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9346279
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200380,"1/27/1999","2274","GS: 2274",,,"26B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5966245
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG12393(CT26168)" 200381,"1/27/1999","2275","GS: 2275",,,"50C22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8977562
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200383,"1/27/1999","2277","GS: 2277",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200384,"1/27/1999","2278","GS: 2278",,,"28F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8106570
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8451(CT24727)" 200385,"1/27/1999","2279","GS: 2279",,,"21B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 153832
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200386,"1/27/1999","2280","GS: 2280",,,"59B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17813440
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3682(CT12323)" 200387,"1/27/1999","2281","GS: 2281",,,"28D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7753620
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200388,"1/27/1999","2282","GS: 2282",,,"26B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5966245
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG12393(CT26168)" 200389,"1/27/1999","2284","GS: 2284",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16316441
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200390,"1/27/1999","2287","GS: 2287",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1498264
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bin3(CT24495)" 200391,"1/27/1999","2288","GS: 2288",,,"53C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11561591
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"RpP1(CT15790)" 200392,"1/27/1999","2290","GS: 2290",,,"23B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2806133
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200393,"1/27/1999","2292","GS: 2292",,,"42D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2013267
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200394,"1/27/1999","2294","GS: 2294",,,"37B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18841002
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG10652(CT29824)" 200395,"1/27/1999","2296","GS: 2296",,,"34B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13412633
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200396,"1/27/1999","2297","GS: 2297",,,"60B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18972212
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3167(CT10639)" 200397,"1/27/1999","2299","GS: 2299",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200398,"1/27/1999","2300","GS: 2300",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16650399
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200399,"1/27/1999","2301","GS: 2301",,,"53C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11555275
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cyclin-dependent protein kinase
",,,"Cdk4/6(CT16072)" 200400,"1/27/1999","3001","GS: 3001",,,"100F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27780606
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"Map205(CT3677)" 200401,"1/27/1999","3002","GS: 3002",,,"97F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 23018605
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG3361(CT11263)" 200402,"1/27/1999","3003","GS: 3003",,,"77E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20620893
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Pitslre(CT13850)" 200403,"1/27/1999","3004","GS: 3004",,,"89E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12836434
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200404,"1/27/1999","3006","GS: 3006",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7295404
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8588(CT14434)" 200405,"1/27/1999","3008","GS: 3008",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 23661731
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH07066(CT17454)" 200406,"1/27/1999","3009","GS: 3009",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13440236
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18212(CT41200)" 200407,"1/27/1999","3010","GS: 3010",,,"79F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22709788
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10712(CT30015)" 200408,"1/27/1999","3011","GS: 3011",,,"68F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11997036
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200409,"1/27/1999","3012","GS: 3012",,,"73A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16510715
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Pros26(CT13566)" 200410,"1/27/1999","3013","GS: 3013",,,"85C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4860372
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 200411,"1/27/1999","3014","GS: 3014",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4965473
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 200412,"1/27/1999","3015","GS: 3015",,,"72D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16064728
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200413,"1/27/1999","3016","GS: 3016",,,"89B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11809717
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"msps(CT16014)" 200414,"1/27/1999","3017","GS: 3017",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19683600
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 200415,"1/27/1999","3018","GS: 3018",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 26102431
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fer2LCH(CT3604)" 200416,"1/27/1999","3019","GS: 3019",,,"83C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1562749
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG1236(CT2304)" 200417,"1/27/1999","3020","GS: 3020",,,"19E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20564417
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200418,"1/27/1999","3021","GS: 3021",,,"65A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6018503
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG6610(CT20564)" 200419,"1/27/1999","3022","GS: 3022",,,"68A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11125340
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6190(CT19426)" 200420,"1/27/1999","3023","GS: 3023",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15947412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200421,"1/27/1999","3024","GS: 3024",,,"66C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8225700
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7066(CT21855)" 200422,"1/27/1999","3025","GS: 3025",,,"71B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14992695
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6778(CT21033)" 200423,"1/27/1999","3026","GS: 3026",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27438425
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 200424,"1/27/1999","3028","GS: 3028",,,"95B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19420239
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG10161(CT28571)" 200425,"1/27/1999","3029","GS: 3029",,,"85A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4465602
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11753(CT32622)" 200426,"1/27/1999","3030","GS: 3030",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200427,"1/27/1999","3031","GS: 3031",,,"86E20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7456780
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200428,"1/27/1999","3032","GS: 3032",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22890300
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5889(CT18483)" 200429,"1/27/1999","3033","GS: 3033",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6899929
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 200430,"1/27/1999","3035","GS: 3035",,,"99F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 25990737
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200431,"1/27/1999","3036","GS: 3036",,,"95C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19560677
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200432,"1/27/1999","3037","GS: 3037",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7551418
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Lk6(CT21464)" 200433,"1/27/1999","3038","GS: 3038",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19683590
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 200434,"1/27/1999","3039","GS: 3039",,,"80A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22829555
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nrm(CT16082)" 200435,"1/27/1999","3042","GS: 3042",,,"67B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9298549
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200436,"1/27/1999","3043","GS: 3043",,,"78E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21355938
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200437,"1/27/1999","3044","GS: 3044",,,"84F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3933252
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7878(CT23818)" 200438,"1/27/1999","3045","GS: 3045",,,"97B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22175038
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200439,"1/27/1999","3047","GS: 3047",,,"95F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20060994
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG6400(CT19962)" 200440,"1/27/1999","3048","GS: 3048",,,"69D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12656980
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10982(CT30767)" 200441,"1/27/1999","3051","GS: 3051",,,"82A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 108077
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200442,"1/27/1999","3052","GS: 3052",,,"97D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22603489
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"His2Av(CT17432)" 200443,"1/27/1999","3053","GS: 3053",,,"66B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7900683
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nmo(CT23293)" 200444,"1/27/1999","3054","GS: 3054",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5437529
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 200445,"1/27/1999","3055","GS: 3055",,,"62B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1717713
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7995(CT2394)" 200446,"12/19/1998","3056","GS: 3056",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4290122
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200447,"12/19/1998","3057","GS: 3057",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15947405
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200448,"12/19/1998","3059","GS: 3059",,,"76D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19750308
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG8037(CT24122)" 200449,"12/19/1998","3061","GS: 3061",,,"92F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16583900
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG15694(CT35895)" 200450,"12/19/1998","3062","GS: 3062",,,"77B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20161982
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"polo(CT20542)" 200451,"12/19/1998","3063","GS: 3063",,,"75D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18514515
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200452,"12/19/1998","3064","GS: 3064",,,"100F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27764197
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1487(CT3719)" 200453,"12/19/1998","3066","GS: 3066",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21662219
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CycH(CT22750)" 200454,"12/19/1998","3068","GS: 3068",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 730435
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"emc(CT1010)" 200455,"12/19/1998","3069","GS: 3069",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27438720
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 200456,"12/19/1998","3070","GS: 3070",,,"75E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18728520
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200457,"12/19/1998","3071","GS: 3071",,,"98A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 23318428
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200458,"12/19/1998","3072","GS: 3072",,,"88C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10380629
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transforming growth factor beta receptor
",,,"put(CT23870)" 200459,"12/19/1998","3073","GS: 3073",,,"85F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5905119
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Fragile-X-related(CT17036)" 200460,"12/19/1998","3074","GS: 3074",,,"94B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18327653
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200461,"12/19/1998","3075","GS: 3075",,,"69E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12708582
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10967(CT30713)" 200462,"12/19/1998","3076","GS: 3076",,,"72D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15988010
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5241(CT16735)" 200463,"12/19/1998","3077","GS: 3077",,,"85E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5554405
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein serine/threonine phosphatase
",,,"CG8402(CT24679)" 200464,"12/19/1998","3078","GS: 3078",,,"78D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21186144
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12972(CT32164)" 200465,"12/19/1998","3079","GS: 3079",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11947887
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 200466,"12/19/1998","3081","GS: 3081",,,"93E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17346646
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200467,"12/19/1998","3083","GS: 3083",,,"76C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19518548
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG8789(CT25342)" 200468,"12/19/1998","3084","GS: 3084",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6679599
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200469,"12/19/1998","3085","GS: 3085",,,"83B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1439166
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Atu(CT3425)" 200470,"12/19/1998","3086","GS: 3086",,,"63F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3867029
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1079(CT1463)" 200471,"1/21/1999","3088","GS: 3088",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22566696
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 200472,"12/19/1998","3089","GS: 3089",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4841083
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"neur(CT32118)" 200473,"12/19/1998","3093","GS: 3093",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22888189
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200474,"12/19/1998","3094","GS: 3094",,,"82E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 781201
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
",,,"UbcD6(CT6469)" 200475,"12/19/1998","3096","GS: 3096",,,"62A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1547465
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7879(CT23834)" 200476,"12/19/1998","3097","GS: 3097",,,"93D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17117815
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"mod(mdg4)(CT20301)" 200477,"12/19/1998","3099","GS: 3099",,,"90F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14058704
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Dlc90F(CT24202)" 200478,"12/19/1998","3100","GS: 3100",,,"85C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4865229
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 200479,"12/19/1998","3101","GS: 3101",,,"88E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11000533
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsc70-4(CT13958)" 200480,"12/19/1998","3102","GS: 3102",,,"75B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17875484
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip75B(CT24290)" 200481,"12/19/1998","3103","GS: 3103",,,"70F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14653800
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Trl(CT26539)" 200482,"12/19/1998","3104","GS: 3104",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7296121
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG8583(CT15359)" 200483,"12/19/1998","3105","GS: 3105",,,"65F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7264115
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8601(CT15241)" 200484,"12/19/1998","3107","GS: 3107",,,"93D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17024500
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3308(CT11109)" 200485,"12/19/1998","3108","GS: 3108",,,"70A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13328432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10222(CT28733)" 200486,"12/19/1998","3109","GS: 3109",,,"65A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6037623
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10733(CT30086)" 200487,"12/19/1998","3111","GS: 3111",,,"65B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6430876
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10144(CT28519)" 200488,"12/19/1998","3112","GS: 3112",,,"88E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10999871
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsc70-4(CT13958)" 200489,"12/19/1998","3114","GS: 3114",,,"72D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16013756
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Taf110(CT37423)" 200490,"12/19/1998","3116","GS: 3116",,,"96B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20790683
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11791(CT33050)" 200491,"12/19/1998","3117","GS: 3117",,,"88B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10039865
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 200492,"12/19/1998","3118","GS: 3118",,,"62B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1864105
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Aprt(CT41563)" 200493,"12/19/1998","3120","GS: 3120",,,"99A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 24976593
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein tyrosine phosphatase
",,,"stg(CT3224)" 200494,"12/19/1998","3124","GS: 3124",,,"76B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19471558
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9231(CT26362)" 200495,"12/19/1998","3127","GS: 3127",,,"97D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22602854
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"His2Av(CT17432)" 200496,"12/19/1998","3128","GS: 3128",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5309238
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200497,"12/19/1998","3129","GS: 3129",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14306345
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 200498,"12/19/1998","3131","GS: 3131",,,"61F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1227243
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG9128(CT8117)" 200499,"12/19/1998","3133","GS: 3133",,,"99E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 25813185
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"sima(CT5462)" 200500,"12/19/1998","3134","GS: 3134",,,"64D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5232251
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200501,"12/19/1998","3135","GS: 3135",,,"88E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10852251
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200502,"12/19/1998","3138","GS: 3138",,,"85B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4482130
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transketolase
",,,"CG8036(CT24118)" 200503,"12/19/1998","3140","GS: 3140",,,"68A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11166446
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200504,"12/19/1998","3141","GS: 3141",,,"90A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13160328
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG5407(CT17146)" 200505,"12/19/1998","3142","GS: 3142",,,"72C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15883650
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18438(CT41996)" 200506,"12/19/1998","3143","GS: 3143",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21661193
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CycH(CT22750)" 200507,"12/19/1998","3144","GS: 3144",,,"86A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6127860
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG12819(CT31949)" 200508,"12/19/1998","3146","GS: 3146",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11947887
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 200509,"12/19/1998","3147","GS: 3147",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20395579
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG6695(CT20801)" 200510,"12/19/1998","3148","GS: 3148",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 256075
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9809(CT27730)" 200511,"12/19/1998","3149","GS: 3149",,,"63B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3153419
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG12734(CT2162)" 200512,"12/19/1998","3151","GS: 3151",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9304707
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200513,"12/19/1998","3152","GS: 3152",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17359783
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200514,"12/19/1998","3153","GS: 3153",,,"91B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14333093
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Ste20-like(CT23267)" 200515,"12/19/1998","3158","GS: 3158",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17047153
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200516,"12/19/1998","3159","GS: 3159",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16707718
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200517,"12/19/1998","3160","GS: 3160",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7557292
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 200518,"12/19/1998","3161","GS: 3161",,,"78D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21324749
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200519,"12/19/1998","3163","GS: 3163",,,"93B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16852837
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7044(CT21789)" 200520,"12/19/1998","3164","GS: 3164",,,"61C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 680156
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200521,"12/19/1998","3165","GS: 3165",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27437365
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 200522,"12/19/1998","3166","GS: 3166",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11423547
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200523,"12/19/1998","3167","GS: 3167",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5309181
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200524,"12/19/1998","3168","GS: 3168",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 8260864
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5834(CT18301)" 200525,"12/19/1998","3169","GS: 3169",,,"70E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14433731
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Mpcp(CT15958)" 200526,"12/19/1998","3170","GS: 3170",,,"62A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1475454
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12084(CT5498)" 200527,"12/19/1998","3172","GS: 3172",,,"75D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18634956
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4076(CT13528)" 200528,"12/19/1998","3173","GS: 3173",,,"97D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22651652
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200529,"12/19/1998","3174","GS: 3174",,,"64A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4077142
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG14995(CT34848)" 200530,"12/19/1998","3175","GS: 3175",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13143402
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200531,"12/19/1998","3176","GS: 3176",,,"85D24","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5351155
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9382(CT26649)" 200532,"12/19/1998","3179","GS: 3179",,,"96F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21632995
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5913(CT18557)" 200534,"12/19/1998","3182","GS: 3182",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27452245
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Ef1alpha100E(CT5744)" 200535,"12/19/1998","3183","GS: 3183",,,"70E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14447012
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG9238(CT26380)" 200536,"12/19/1998","3184","GS: 3184",,,"91F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14987467
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"vib(CT16783)" 200537,"12/19/1998","3187","GS: 3187",,,"63B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3045097
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14954(CT34799)" 200538,"12/19/1998","3188","GS: 3188",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5323573
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8165(CT24376)" 200539,"12/19/1998","3189","GS: 3189",,,"95D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19727099
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13603(CT32988)" 200540,"12/19/1998","3190","GS: 3190",,,"65E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7030069
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200541,"12/19/1998","3191","GS: 3191",,,"85D17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5226408
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16765(CT37285)" 200542,"12/19/1998","3194","GS: 3194",,,"89C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12208372
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200543,"12/19/1998","3195","GS: 3195",,,"84F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4127437
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200544,"12/19/1998","3199","GS: 3199",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 19792110
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5991(CT18825)" 200545,"12/19/1998","3200","GS: 3200",,,"84F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4127441
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200546,"12/19/1998","3202","GS: 3202",,,"96C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20924397
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200547,"12/19/1998","3203","GS: 3203",,,"75B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18026281
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200548,"12/19/1998","3204","GS: 3204",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4965471
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 200549,"12/19/1998","3206","GS: 3206",,,"78E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21379022
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7181(CT22179)" 200550,"12/19/1998","3207","GS: 3207",,,"69D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12668220
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG10984(CT30777)" 200551,"12/19/1998","3208","GS: 3208",,,"85F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5940045
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200552,"12/19/1998","3209","GS: 3209",,,"63B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3046260
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200553,"12/19/1998","3210","GS: 3210",,,"64A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4096347
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200554,"12/19/1998","3211","GS: 3211",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1485538
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2182(CT7148)" 200555,"12/19/1998","3212","GS: 3212",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 112454
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 200556,"12/19/1998","3213","GS: 3213",,,"96B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20611235
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycB3(CT18226)" 200557,"12/19/1998","3214","GS: 3214",,,"96E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21420582
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4743(CT15283)" 200558,"12/19/1998","3215","GS: 3215",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1426499
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 200559,"12/19/1998","3217","GS: 3217",,,"72D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16064716
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200560,"12/19/1998","3219","GS: 3219",,,"72A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15726353
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6169(CT19348)" 200561,"12/19/1998","3220","GS: 3220",,,"89E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12798884
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18213(CT41204)" 200562,"12/19/1998","3221","GS: 3221",,,"63B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3173432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17569(CT38795)" 200563,"12/19/1998","3222","GS: 3222",,,"73B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16665671
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Nrt(CT27432)" 200564,"12/19/1998","3223","GS: 3223",,,"61C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 328707
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200565,"12/19/1998","3224","GS: 3224",,,"85E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5499419
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18542(CT42336)" 200566,"12/19/1998","3225","GS: 3225",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22888196
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200567,"12/19/1998","3226","GS: 3226",,,"100E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27522770
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11576(CT35382)" 200568,"12/19/1998","3227","GS: 3227",,,"83D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1833672
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Rm62(CT28879)" 200569,"12/19/1998","3228","GS: 3228",,,"99B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 25214768
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11501(CT35615)" 200570,"12/19/1998","3229","GS: 3229",,,"85C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4739267
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200571,"12/19/1998","3230","GS: 3230",,,"96F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21781551
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"gro(CT24657)" 200572,"12/19/1998","3231","GS: 3231",,,"85E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5484321
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16817(CT37375)" 200573,"12/19/1998","3233","GS: 3233",,,"84F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4127358
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9613(CT27202)" 200574,"12/19/1998","3234","GS: 3234",,,"64A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4080783
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200575,"12/19/1998","3235","GS: 3235",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200576,"4/29/1999","3236","GS: 3236",,,"84C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2972278
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG2656(CT8198)" 200577,"12/19/1998","3237","GS: 3237",,,"74E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17552579
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Keren(CT19073)" 200578,"12/19/1998","3238","GS: 3238",,,"100C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27137100
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200579,"12/19/1998","3239","GS: 3239",,,"62F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2564305
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"dos(CT1147)" 200580,"12/19/1998","3241","GS: 3241",,,"63F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3783934
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10854(CT30389)" 200581,"12/19/1998","3243","GS: 3243",,,"89C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 12212123
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200582,"12/19/1998","3245","GS: 3245",,,"78E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21408773
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG7783(CT23343)" 200583,"12/19/1998","3246","GS: 3246",,,"75F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18974139
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200584,"12/19/1998","3247","GS: 3247",,,"88B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10054494
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200585,"12/19/1998","3248","GS: 3248",,,"65A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 6287679
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200586,"12/19/1998","3250","GS: 3250",,,"83C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1650980
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): apoptosis inhibitor
",,,"CG10981(CT30773)" 200587,"12/19/1998","3251","GS: 3251",,,"88A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 9808701
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200588,"12/19/1998","3255","GS: 3255",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13478235
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7660(CT23413)" 200589,"12/19/1998","3257","GS: 3257",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27438358
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 200590,"12/19/1998","3260","GS: 3260",,,"94E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 18866468
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG4639(CT14997)" 200591,"12/19/1998","3261","GS: 3261",,,"22D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2097570
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200592,"12/19/1998","3262","GS: 3262",,,"84E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 3719079
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"anon-84Ec(CT9049)" 200593,"12/19/1998","3266","GS: 3266",,,"11F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 13226463
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200594,"12/19/1998","3268","GS: 3268",,,"99D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 25765869
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7946(CT5663)" 200595,"12/19/1998","3269","GS: 3269",,,"93F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 17461015
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6328(CT19790)" 200596,"12/19/1998","3270","GS: 3270",,,"82F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1125456
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"l(3)82Fd(CT9007)" 200597,"12/19/1998","3271","GS: 3271",,,"91B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 14344069
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Ste20-like(CT23267)" 200598,"12/19/1998","3273","GS: 3273",,,"57C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16090294
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200599,"12/19/1998","3276","GS: 3276",,,"88D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10497062
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
",,,"eff(CT22777)" 200600,"12/19/1998","3277","GS: 3277",,,"85F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5939806
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200601,"12/19/1998","3279","GS: 3279",,,"95F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20060360
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG6400(CT19962)" 200602,"12/19/1998","3280","GS: 3280",,,"85F14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5965473
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6264(CT19608)" 200603,"4/29/1999","3281","GS: 3281",,,"92E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16266021
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200604,"12/19/1998","3282","GS: 3282",,,"64C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 5139204
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200605,"12/19/1998","3284","GS: 3284",,,"68A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11134537
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200606,"12/19/1998","3285","GS: 3285",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 4846841
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11990(CT32133)" 200607,"1/27/1999","3286","GS: 3286",,,"96B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 20790572
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11791(CT33050)" 200608,"1/27/1999","3288","GS: 3288",,,"82D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 468273
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1057(CT1171)" 200609,"1/27/1999","3289","GS: 3289",,,"66B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7979597
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bip1(CT23173)" 200610,"1/27/1999","3290","GS: 3290",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 21774665
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200611,"1/27/1999","3292","GS: 3292",,,"82D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 487602
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200612,"1/27/1999","3293","GS: 3293",,,"31B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 10105829
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Sur(CT18104)" 200613,"1/27/1999","3294","GS: 3294",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 22556036
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG6838(CT20580)" 200614,"1/27/1999","3297","GS: 3297",,,"83C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1562307
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG1236(CT2304)" 200615,"1/27/1999","3299","GS: 3299",,,"92A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 15086963
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"Dl(CT12133)" 200616,"1/27/1999","3301","GS: 3301",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16708810
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Atpalpha(CT17822)" 200617,"1/27/1999","3302","GS: 3302",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27458571
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"awd(CT7286)" 200618,"1/27/1999","3304","GS: 3304",,,"100F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27698094
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200620,"1/27/1999","4004","GS: 4004",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 11832013
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 200621,"1/27/1999","4005","GS: 4005",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 27458573
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"awd(CT7286)" 200622,"1/27/1999","4006","GS: 4006",,,"28D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 7726144
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"mts(CT21977)" 200623,"1/27/1999","4007","GS: 4007",,,"57E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16447176
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15668(CT35852)" 200624,"1/27/1999","4008","GS: 4008",,,"62B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1841233
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"R(CT6117)" 200625,"1/27/1999","4009","GS: 4009",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 1673543
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase
",,,"Vha16(CT10607)" 200626,"1/27/1999","4011","GS: 4011",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 2672229
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 200627,"1/27/1999","4012","GS: 4012",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 16562201
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 200628,"1/27/1999","4013","GS: 4013",,,"82E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV1
Nucleotide map: 739233
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200629,"1/27/1999","5001","GS: 5001",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9304700
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200630,"1/27/1999","5002","GS: 5002",,,"40C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21873811
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG1832(CT5544)" 200631,"1/27/1999","5003","GS: 5003",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8152423
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13328(CT32645)" 200632,"1/27/1999","5004","GS: 5004",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12073315
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 200633,"1/27/1999","5005","GS: 5005",,,"32D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10998833
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG6181(CT19382)" 200634,"1/27/1999","5009","GS: 5009",,,"90F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14014888
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG7150(CT22097)" 200635,"1/27/1999","5010","GS: 5010",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16548626
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"Cyt-c1(CT32547)" 200636,"1/27/1999","5011","GS: 5011",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9845593
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4619(CT14920)" 200637,"1/27/1999","5012","GS: 5012",,,"21E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1055789
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200639,"1/27/1999","5015","GS: 5015",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13702533
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200640,"1/27/1999","5016","GS: 5016",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 256075
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9809(CT27730)" 200641,"1/27/1999","5017","GS: 5017",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200642,"1/27/1999","5018","GS: 5018",,,"100D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 27382777
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1815(CT5476)" 200643,"1/27/1999","5020","GS: 5020",,,"52A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10545077
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8195(CT21915)" 200644,"1/27/1999","5021","GS: 5021",,,"22F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2411404
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Slh(CT11906)" 200645,"1/27/1999","5022","GS: 5022",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15219903
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 200646,"1/27/1999","5023","GS: 5023",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19789010
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5986(CT18763)" 200647,"1/27/1999","5025","GS: 5025",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 27438385
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 200648,"1/27/1999","5026","GS: 5026",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11804853
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200649,"1/27/1999","5027","GS: 5027",,,"75B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17962064
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200650,"1/27/1999","5028","GS: 5028",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1783917
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200651,"1/27/1999","5029","GS: 5029",,,"70C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13890582
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"26/29-kDa-proteinase(CT25694)" 200652,"1/27/1999","5030","GS: 5030",,,"68C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11452956
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 200653,"1/27/1999","5031","GS: 5031",,,"88D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10497016
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
",,,"eff(CT22777)" 200654,"1/27/1999","5032","GS: 5032",,,"49D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7856353
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200655,"1/27/1999","5033","GS: 5033",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 22651888
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200656,"1/27/1999","5035","GS: 5035",,,"93C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16938384
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"SNF4A&ggr(CT38280)" 200657,"1/27/1999","5036","GS: 5036",,,"34E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13902375
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BG:DS01514.2(CT14645)" 200659,"1/27/1999","5038","GS: 5038",,,"83B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1438518
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Rga(CT7034)" 200660,"1/27/1999","5040","GS: 5040",,,"36C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17330643
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200661,"1/27/1999","5041","GS: 5041",,,"92A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15082738
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"Dl(CT12133)" 200662,"1/27/1999","5042","GS: 5042",,,"84E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3698137
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17816(CT39486)" 200663,"1/27/1999","5043","GS: 5043",,,"36E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17845027
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200664,"1/27/1999","5044","GS: 5044",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16523174
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 200665,"1/27/1999","5045","GS: 5045",,,"13A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14834008
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200666,"1/27/1999","5048","GS: 5048",,,"82F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1078099
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG12163(CT8855)" 200667,"1/27/1999","5050","GS: 5050",,,"85C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4861948
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 200668,"1/27/1999","5051","GS: 5051",,,"68A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11042092
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6233(CT19540)" 200669,"1/27/1999","5052","GS: 5052",,,"52D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10900692
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200670,"1/27/1999","5053","GS: 5053",,,"85D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5074452
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8454(CT24747)" 200671,"1/27/1999","5055","GS: 5055",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14925355
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"l(3)02102(CT17352)" 200672,"1/27/1999","5056","GS: 5056",,,"46A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4686155
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): metalloendopeptidase
",,,"CG1794(CT5360)" 200673,"1/27/1999","5057","GS: 5057",,,"21B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 262437
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200674,"1/27/1999","5059","GS: 5059",,,"61C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 618731
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200675,"1/27/1999","5060","GS: 5060",,,"91F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14855989
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200676,"1/27/1999","5061","GS: 5061",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5570121
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 200677,"1/27/1999","5063","GS: 5063",,,"96F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21781785
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"gro(CT24657)" 200678,"1/27/1999","5064","GS: 5064",,,"45C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4321408
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase C
",,,"CG2055(CT6660)" 200679,"1/27/1999","5065","GS: 5065",,,"96B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20798867
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG11819(CT36931)" 200680,"4/17/1999","5066","GS: 5066",,,"67E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10435412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200681,"1/27/1999","5067","GS: 5067",,,"70E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14447068
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG9238(CT26380)" 200682,"1/27/1999","5068","GS: 5068",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10413478
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 200683,"1/27/1999","5069","GS: 5069",,,"34E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13902374
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BG:DS01514.2(CT14645)" 200684,"1/27/1999","5070","GS: 5070",,,"99A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 24860008
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14512(CT34232)" 200685,"2/11/1999","5072","GS: 5072",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5149661
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200686,"1/27/1999","5073","GS: 5073",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200687,"1/27/1999","5074","GS: 5074",,,"50C17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8908412
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"shot(CT39520)" 200688,"1/27/1999","5075","GS: 5075",,,"36C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17282564
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"dl(CT20676)" 200689,"1/27/1999","5076","GS: 5076",,,"30C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9608118
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3949(CT13103)" 200690,"1/27/1999","5077","GS: 5077",,,"44F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3942850
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG8258(CT8297)" 200691,"1/27/1999","5078","GS: 5078",,,"67D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10282604
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200692,"1/27/1999","5080","GS: 5080",,,"36C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17423409
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG5545(CT17544)" 200693,"1/27/1999","5081","GS: 5081",,,"86F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7564521
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200694,"1/27/1999","5084","GS: 5084",,,"62A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1547769
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7879(CT23834)" 200695,"1/27/1999","5085","GS: 5085",,,"62A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1547769
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7879(CT23834)" 200696,"1/27/1999","5088","GS: 5088",,,"98A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 23318422
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200697,"1/27/1999","5089","GS: 5089",,,"50B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8549673
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6152(CT19346)" 200698,"1/27/1999","5090","GS: 5090",,,"23E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3273156
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200699,"1/27/1999","5091","GS: 5091",,,"65E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7030069
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200700,"1/27/1999","5093","GS: 5093",,,"85C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4864770
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 200701,"1/27/1999","5094","GS: 5094",,,"39B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20963954
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"E2f2(CT1335)" 200702,"1/27/1999","5095","GS: 5095",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5570600
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 200703,"1/27/1999","5096","GS: 5096",,,"11B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12239644
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200704,"1/27/1999","5097","GS: 5097",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15521879
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200705,"1/27/1999","5098","GS: 5098",,,"88E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11048318
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Tm1(CT15051)" 200706,"1/27/1999","5099","GS: 5099",,,"7D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7855438
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"fs(1)h(CT7506)" 200707,"1/27/1999","5100","GS: 5100",,,"90E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13958198
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG7187(CT22195)" 200708,"1/27/1999","5101","GS: 5101",,,"1E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 795325
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3021(CT10176)" 200709,"1/27/1999","5104","GS: 5104",,,"12E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13999444
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12047(CT3445)" 200710,"1/27/1999","5105","GS: 5105",,,"18B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19015622
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8020(CT24086)" 200711,"1/27/1999","5106","GS: 5106",,,"1E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 795325
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3021(CT10176)" 200712,"1/27/1999","5107","GS: 5107",,,"10E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11575410
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200713,"1/27/1999","5108","GS: 5108",,,"12C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13752765
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200714,"1/27/1999","5110","GS: 5110",,,"14A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15835464
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200715,"1/27/1999","5111","GS: 5111",,,"12F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14570834
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200716,"1/27/1999","5113","GS: 5113",,,"3B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2391757
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200717,"1/27/1999","5114","GS: 5114",,,"5B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5555455
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): tumor suppressor
",,,"CG3125(CT10446)" 200718,"1/27/1999","5115","GS: 5115",,,"12E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13973977
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200719,"1/27/1999","5116","GS: 5116",,,"9B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10163218
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200720,"1/27/1999","5117","GS: 5117",,,"6C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6409825
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200721,"2/11/1999","5120","GS: 5120",,,"18C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19056307
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BcDNA:LD28120(CT24172)" 200722,"2/11/1999","5123","GS: 5123",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21661209
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CycH(CT22750)" 200723,"2/11/1999","5125","GS: 5125",,,"98D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 24334116
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Hrb98DE(CT28145)" 200724,"2/11/1999","5127","GS: 5127",,,"87E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9120467
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BcDNA:GH02431(CT25340)" 200725,"2/11/1999","5128","GS: 5128",,,"30C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9522252
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG3864(CT12877)" 200726,"2/11/1999","5130","GS: 5130",,,"84F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4127365
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9613(CT27202)" 200727,"2/11/1999","5131","GS: 5131",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7557291
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 200728,"2/11/1999","5133","GS: 5133",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5900942
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"eIF-4a(CT26044)" 200729,"2/11/1999","5135","GS: 5135",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12367822
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200730,"2/11/1999","5137","GS: 5137",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12367803
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200731,"2/11/1999","5139","GS: 5139",,,"79F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 22709788
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10712(CT30015)" 200732,"2/11/1999","5141","GS: 5141",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14939897
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 200733,"2/11/1999","5143","GS: 5143",,,"87D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8767251
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CtBP(CT23129)" 200734,"2/11/1999","5144","GS: 5144",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4814825
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 200735,"2/11/1999","5146","GS: 5146",,,"85E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5669611
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12418(CT31926)" 200736,"2/11/1999","5148","GS: 5148",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15593173
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS09217.1(CT32490)" 200737,"2/11/1999","5149","GS: 5149",,,"13E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15419266
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200738,"2/11/1999","5151","GS: 5151",,,"8C16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8927195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200739,"2/11/1999","5152","GS: 5152",,,"73A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16474826
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"mbf1(CT13720)" 200740,"2/11/1999","5153","GS: 5153",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2672243
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 200741,"2/11/1999","5154","GS: 5154",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9666004
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200742,"2/11/1999","5155","GS: 5155",,,"99A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 24879570
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200743,"2/11/1999","5156","GS: 5156",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4580466
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200744,"2/11/1999","5157","GS: 5157",,,"5C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5710735
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Act5C(CT13368)" 200745,"2/11/1999","5160","GS: 5160",,,"66A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7777601
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200746,"2/11/1999","5161","GS: 5161",,,"2F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2134154
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200747,"2/11/1999","5162","GS: 5162",,,"49B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7671259
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200749,"2/11/1999","5164","GS: 5164",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16561847
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 200750,"2/11/1999","5165","GS: 5165",,,"82F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1078374
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG12163(CT8855)" 200751,"2/11/1999","5166","GS: 5166",,,"64C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4666478
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200752,"2/11/1999","5167","GS: 5167",,,"37C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18966285
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200753,"2/11/1999","5168","GS: 5168",,,"30C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9608118
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3949(CT13103)" 200754,"2/11/1999","5169","GS: 5169",,,"1F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 996506
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200755,"2/11/1999","5170","GS: 5170",,,"1F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 997851
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200756,"2/11/1999","5172","GS: 5172",,,"9E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10577711
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Ant2(CT4708)" 200757,"2/11/1999","5173","GS: 5173",,,"1C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 568679
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rbf(CT22763)" 200758,"2/11/1999","5174","GS: 5174",,,"18C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19092264
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200759,"2/11/1999","5175","GS: 5175",,,"3F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3596504
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH07910(CT9593)" 200760,"1/21/1999","5176","GS: 5176",,,"2B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1221937
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:BACN32G11.6(CT34599)" 200761,"1/21/1999","5177","GS: 5177",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19930429
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG10722(CT30053)" 200762,"1/21/1999","5178","GS: 5178",,,"42A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1158668
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200763,"1/21/1999","5179","GS: 5179",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20395623
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG6695(CT20801)" 200764,"1/21/1999","5181","GS: 5181",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13702540
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200765,"1/21/1999","5182","GS: 5182",,,"39B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20910471
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12050(CT3661)" 200766,"1/21/1999","5185","GS: 5185",,,"76D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19782949
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG7823(CT23753)" 200767,"1/21/1999","5186","GS: 5186",,,"76B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19497412
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG8798(CT25352)" 200768,"1/21/1999","5187","GS: 5187",,,"30E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9806331
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"sop(CT18571)" 200769,"1/21/1999","5188","GS: 5188",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2672301
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 200770,"1/21/1999","5189","GS: 5189",,,"66B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8049841
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG7528(CT23053)" 200771,"1/21/1999","5191","GS: 5191",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19797917
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsp68(CT17248)" 200772,"1/21/1999","5193","GS: 5193",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5358186
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200773,"1/21/1999","5194","GS: 5194",,,"93F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17460897
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6328(CT19790)" 200774,"1/21/1999","5195","GS: 5195",,,"66D15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8686858
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200775,"1/21/1999","5197","GS: 5197",,,"84D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3662133
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG2667(CT9029)" 200776,"1/21/1999","5198","GS: 5198",,,"37B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18880805
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10470(CT29372)" 200777,"1/21/1999","5200","GS: 5200",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3318977
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200778,"1/21/1999","5201","GS: 5201",,,"71A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14867316
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Tom(CT16583)" 200779,"4/29/1999","5202","GS: 5202",,,"11F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13226574
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200780,"1/21/1999","5203","GS: 5203",,,"12B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13524515
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium-transporting ATPase
",,,"rdgB(CT31182)" 200781,"1/21/1999","5204","GS: 5204",,,"13C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15063858
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA replication factor
",,,"Top1(CT19284)" 200782,"1/21/1999","5205","GS: 5205",,,"3A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2266664
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200783,"1/21/1999","5206","GS: 5206",,,"9E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10560602
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ras(CT36321)" 200784,"1/21/1999","5207","GS: 5207",,,"11A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11773380
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200785,"1/21/1999","5208","GS: 5208",,,"16C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17440455
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200786,"1/21/1999","5210","GS: 5210",,,"17B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18272706
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200787,"1/21/1999","5211","GS: 5211",,,"1B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 287397
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"elav(CT13920)" 200788,"1/21/1999","5212","GS: 5212",,,"12B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13524516
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium-transporting ATPase
",,,"rdgB(CT31182)" 200789,"1/21/1999","5213","GS: 5213",,,"10F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11657053
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1840(CT5636)" 200790,"1/21/1999","5214","GS: 5214",,,"12B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13524613
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium-transporting ATPase
",,,"rdgB(CT31182)" 200791,"1/21/1999","5215","GS: 5215",,,"10D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11510858
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"inaF(CT8105)" 200792,"1/21/1999","5216","GS: 5216",,,"5C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5710445
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Act5C(CT13368)" 200793,"1/21/1999","5217","GS: 5217",,,"1F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1048062
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200794,"1/21/1999","5218","GS: 5218",,,"19E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20731759
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11569(CT36500)" 200795,"1/21/1999","5219","GS: 5219",,,"11B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12238860
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200796,"1/21/1999","5221","GS: 5221",,,"12F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14570927
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200797,"1/21/1999","5222","GS: 5222",,,"8F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9433663
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200798,"1/21/1999","5223","GS: 5223",,,"100F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 27650480
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200799,"1/21/1999","5225","GS: 5225",,,"22B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1706869
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Eno(CT32526)" 200800,"1/21/1999","5226","GS: 5226",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20197302
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 200801,"1/21/1999","5229","GS: 5229",,,"37B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18880794
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10470(CT29372)" 200802,"1/21/1999","5230","GS: 5230",,,"57E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16412415
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Sdc(CT27296)" 200803,"1/21/1999","5232","GS: 5232",,,"49A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7474883
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200804,"1/21/1999","5233","GS: 5233",,,"85B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4612581
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200805,"1/21/1999","5235","GS: 5235",,,"70F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14652790
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Trl(CT26539)" 200806,"1/21/1999","5239","GS: 5239",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14917340
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG11779(CT17728)" 200807,"1/21/1999","5240","GS: 5240",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14917340
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG11779(CT17728)" 200808,"1/21/1999","5241","GS: 5241",,,"30E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9806363
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"sop(CT18571)" 200809,"1/21/1999","5242","GS: 5242",,,"87E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9138310
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG8863(CT25440)" 200810,"1/21/1999","5243","GS: 5243",,,"94A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18094303
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): storage protein
",,,"CG7077(CT21877)" 200811,"1/21/1999","5246","GS: 5246",,,"58F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17599794
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200812,"1/21/1999","5248","GS: 5248",,,"68C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11545247
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7351(CT22665)" 200813,"1/21/1999","5251","GS: 5251",,,"36C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17282448
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"dl(CT20676)" 200814,"1/21/1999","5252","GS: 5252",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16583787
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200815,"1/21/1999","5253","GS: 5253",,,"50A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8447521
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"cnn(CT15503)" 200816,"1/21/1999","5254","GS: 5254",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9854974
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200817,"1/21/1999","5255","GS: 5255",,,"30B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9431799
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200818,"1/21/1999","5256","GS: 5256",,,"78C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21134734
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG7752(CT23578)" 200819,"1/21/1999","5257","GS: 5257",,,"93B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16816246
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"AnnIX(CT17989)" 200820,"1/21/1999","5258","GS: 5258",,,"37C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18996896
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"brat(CT30047)" 200821,"1/21/1999","5261","GS: 5261",,,"48B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6691645
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"wal(CT25860)" 200822,"1/21/1999","5262","GS: 5262",,,"21E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1136760
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD24380(CT16203)" 200823,"1/21/1999","5263","GS: 5263",,,"21E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1136760
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD24380(CT16203)" 200824,"1/21/1999","5264","GS: 5264",,,"70C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13835535
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200825,"1/21/1999","5265","GS: 5265",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15521879
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200826,"1/21/1999","6001","GS: 6001",,,"61B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 245035
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7008(CT21688)" 200827,"1/21/1999","6002","GS: 6002",,,"94E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18858556
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG6742(CT20939)" 200828,"1/21/1999","6003","GS: 6003",,,"56D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14320189
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200829,"1/21/1999","6004","GS: 6004",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9305449
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200830,"1/21/1999","6005","GS: 6005",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9305449
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200831,"1/21/1999","6006","GS: 6006",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11009247
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"JIL-1(CT19712)" 200832,"1/21/1999","6007","GS: 6007",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200833,"1/21/1999","6009","GS: 6009",,,"94C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18426406
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG17625(CT33351)" 200834,"1/21/1999","6010","GS: 6010",,,"94E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18858591
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG6742(CT20939)" 200835,"1/21/1999","6011","GS: 6011",,,"71D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15466504
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200836,"1/21/1999","6012","GS: 6012",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9305449
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200837,"1/21/1999","6013","GS: 6013",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14306233
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 200838,"1/21/1999","6014","GS: 6014",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18482148
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5365(CT17048)" 200839,"1/21/1999","6015","GS: 6015",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8940095
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200840,"1/21/1999","6016","GS: 6016",,,"94E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18858557
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG6742(CT20939)" 200841,"1/21/1999","6017","GS: 6017",,,"94E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18858591
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG6742(CT20939)" 200842,"1/21/1999","6018","GS: 6018",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 13476413
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"osa(CT22943)" 200843,"1/21/1999","6019","GS: 6019",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9305439
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200844,"1/21/1999","6020","GS: 6020",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9304627
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200845,"1/21/1999","6021","GS: 6021",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 112445
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 200846,"1/21/1999","6022","GS: 6022",,,"71C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15401539
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7272(CT22435)" 200847,"1/21/1999","6023","GS: 6023",,,"65C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6682505
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10107(CT28447)" 200848,"1/21/1999","6024","GS: 6024",,,"8B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8688567
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Moe(CT5981)" 200849,"1/21/1999","6026","GS: 6026",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 112214
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 200850,"1/21/1999","6027","GS: 6027",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 112452
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 200851,"1/21/1999","6028","GS: 6028",,,"45A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4149796
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8069(CT8103)" 200852,"1/21/1999","6029","GS: 6029",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5316810
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG9373(CT26621)" 200853,"1/21/1999","6030","GS: 6030",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19683567
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 200854,"1/21/1999","6031","GS: 6031",,,"61A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 205514
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16971(CT37659)" 200855,"1/21/1999","6034","GS: 6034",,,"4B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4013214
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Fas2(CT12301)" 200856,"1/21/1999","6035","GS: 6035",,,"7D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7857689
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"fs(1)h(CT7506)" 200857,"1/21/1999","6036","GS: 6036",,,"44F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3936173
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13751(CT33228)" 200858,"1/21/1999","6037","GS: 6037",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5437502
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 200859,"1/21/1999","6038","GS: 6038",,,"10F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11624029
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10347(CT29068)" 200860,"1/21/1999","6039","GS: 6039",,,"18B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18892433
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7502(CT23013)" 200861,"1/21/1999","6040","GS: 6040",,,"19A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19587754
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"amn(CT37104)" 200862,"1/21/1999","6041","GS: 6041",,,"8C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8862265
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200863,"1/21/1999","6043","GS: 6043",,,"60B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19111298
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200864,"1/21/1999","6044","GS: 6044",,,"14D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16183726
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG4420(CT14402)" 200865,"1/21/1999","6045","GS: 6045",,,"12D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 13963283
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11595(CT5404)" 200866,"1/21/1999","6046","GS: 6046",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 27489630
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"faf(CT6055)" 200867,"1/21/1999","6047","GS: 6047",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5437718
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 200868,"1/21/1999","6048","GS: 6048",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 23642526
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200869,"1/21/1999","6049","GS: 6049",,,"54B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 12157744
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200870,"1/21/1999","6050","GS: 6050",,,"92D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16043690
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG5067(CT16255)" 200871,"1/21/1999","6053","GS: 6053",,,"69E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 12719753
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10967(CT30713)" 200872,"1/21/1999","6054","GS: 6054",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4814770
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 200873,"1/21/1999","6055","GS: 6055",,,"34A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 12871871
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3762(CT12570)" 200874,"1/21/1999","6056","GS: 6056",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16522871
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 200875,"1/21/1999","6057","GS: 6057",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1676222
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase
",,,"Vha16(CT10607)" 200876,"1/21/1999","6058","GS: 6058",,,"34F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14189137
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"wb(CT35236)" 200877,"1/21/1999","6060","GS: 6060",,,"3A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 2294330
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200878,"1/21/1999","6061","GS: 6061",,,"11A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11776494
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1806(CT5442)" 200879,"1/21/1999","6063","GS: 6063",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3396581
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 200880,"1/21/1999","6064","GS: 6064",,,"21D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 809587
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"dock(CT12313)" 200881,"1/21/1999","6065","GS: 6065",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9304618
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 200882,"1/21/1999","6066","GS: 6066",,,"67B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9634096
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16707(CT37179)" 200883,"1/21/1999","6067","GS: 6067",,,"63B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3117850
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1291(CT2298)" 200884,"1/21/1999","6068","GS: 6068",,,"87F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9439392
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9591(CT27084)" 200885,"1/21/1999","6069","GS: 6069",,,"46C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4903868
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12744(CT7810)" 200887,"1/21/1999","6074","GS: 6074",,,"16B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 17321670
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200888,"1/21/1999","6075","GS: 6075",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6160698
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 200889,"1/21/1999","6076","GS: 6076",,,"86A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6181404
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200890,"1/21/1999","6077","GS: 6077",,,"17B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18243446
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Wnt5(CT19926)" 200891,"1/21/1999","6078","GS: 6078",,,"7F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8369631
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12065(CT4556)" 200892,"1/21/1999","6079","GS: 6079",,,"12D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 13960319
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200893,"1/21/1999","6080","GS: 6080",,,"3E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3428871
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200894,"1/21/1999","6081","GS: 6081",,,"6C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6410285
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200895,"1/21/1999","6082","GS: 6082",,,"3B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 2391725
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200896,"1/21/1999","6083","GS: 6083",,,"11A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11773335
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200897,"1/21/1999","6084","GS: 6084",,,"16C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 17451225
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200898,"1/21/1999","6085","GS: 6085",,,"18D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19377805
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14213(CT33826)" 200899,"1/21/1999","6086","GS: 6086",,,"29A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8179119
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200900,"1/21/1999","6087","GS: 6087",,,"78A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20875077
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200901,"1/21/1999","6088","GS: 6088",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14420656
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA topoisomerase
",,,"mei-W68(CT23580)" 200902,"1/21/1999","6090","GS: 6090",,,"61A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 193369
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16940(CT21258)" 200903,"1/21/1999","6091","GS: 6091",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11804858
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200904,"1/21/1999","6092","GS: 6092",,,"5C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5774416
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200905,"1/21/1999","6093","GS: 6093",,,"57C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16078056
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG9406(CT26694)" 200906,"1/21/1999","6094","GS: 6094",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7296615
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG8583(CT15359)" 200907,"1/21/1999","6095","GS: 6095",,,"7A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7105214
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200908,"1/21/1999","6096","GS: 6096",,,"67C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9683077
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200909,"1/21/1999","6097","GS: 6097",,,"77C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20347558
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15869(CT32503)" 200910,"1/21/1999","6098","GS: 6098",,,"64B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4167940
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG1308(CT2871)" 200911,"1/21/1999","6099","GS: 6099",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 24060685
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG14066(CT33635)" 200912,"1/21/1999","6100","GS: 6100",,,"12F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14398591
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Netrin-B(CT29512)" 200913,"1/21/1999","6102","GS: 6102",,,"82B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 217480
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14646(CT34418)" 200914,"1/21/1999","6103","GS: 6103",,,"42C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1854092
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG3287(CT11057)" 200915,"1/21/1999","6104","GS: 6104",,,"88E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11070808
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200916,"1/21/1999","6105","GS: 6105",,,"15D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16848166
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200917,"1/21/1999","6106","GS: 6106",,,"11B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 12528563
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Ade5(CT4680)" 200918,"1/21/1999","6107","GS: 6107",,,"1F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1001463
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"EG:33C11.2(CT31837)" 200919,"1/21/1999","6108","GS: 6108",,,"18D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19236977
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"6-phosphofructo-2-kinase(CT11373)" 200920,"1/21/1999","6110","GS: 6110",,,"9E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10578409
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Ant2(CT4708)" 200921,"1/21/1999","6111","GS: 6111",,,"9D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10336389
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200922,"1/21/1999","6112","GS: 6112",,,"19F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20928686
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG1704(CT4818)" 200923,"1/21/1999","6113","GS: 6113",,,"18C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19219001
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG12202(CT10709)" 200924,"2/11/1999","6115","GS: 6115",,,"10D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11522672
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200925,"2/11/1999","6118","GS: 6118",,,"10E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11585417
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1578(CT4096)" 200926,"4/17/1999","6120","GS: 6120",,,"100C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 27118769
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200927,"2/11/1999","6121","GS: 6121",,,"46C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4903775
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12744(CT7810)" 200928,"2/11/1999","6122","GS: 6122",,,"46A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4711711
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): metalloendopeptidase
",,,"CG1794(CT5360)" 200929,"2/11/1999","6123","GS: 6123",,,"30B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9485549
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH12558(CT14314)" 200930,"2/11/1999","6124","GS: 6124",,,"75F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19058925
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200931,"2/11/1999","6125","GS: 6125",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5437519
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 200932,"2/11/1999","6126","GS: 6126",,,"62F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 2561048
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG16973(CT37669)" 200933,"2/11/1999","6128","GS: 6128",,,"47C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5815062
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200934,"2/11/1999","6129","GS: 6129",,,"9E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10580035
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Ant2(CT4708)" 200936,"2/11/1999","6131","GS: 6131",,,"39A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20859856
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200937,"2/11/1999","6132","GS: 6132",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20391568
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ash2(CT20746)" 200938,"2/11/1999","6133","GS: 6133",,,"9E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10577647
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Ant2(CT4708)" 200939,"2/11/1999","6134","GS: 6134",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8261634
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200940,"2/11/1999","6135","GS: 6135",,,"44D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3663672
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14749(CT34550)" 200941,"2/11/1999","6136","GS: 6136",,,"73A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16510608
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Pros26(CT13566)" 200942,"2/11/1999","7004","GS: 7004",,,"70C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13890582
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"26/29-kDa-proteinase(CT25694)" 200943,"2/11/1999","7005","GS: 7005",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16353227
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 200944,"2/11/1999","7006","GS: 7006",,,"64E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5696618
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200945,"2/11/1999","7007","GS: 7007",,,"82B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 217486
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14646(CT34418)" 200946,"2/11/1999","7008","GS: 7008",,,"11A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11773392
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200947,"2/11/1999","7009","GS: 7009",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7972984
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"poe(CT34171)" 200948,"2/11/1999","7010","GS: 7010",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20197302
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 200949,"2/11/1999","7011","GS: 7011",,,"82F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1077825
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG12163(CT8855)" 200950,"2/11/1999","7013","GS: 7013",,,"89A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11568787
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"alpha-Man-IIb(CT14868)" 200951,"2/11/1999","7014","GS: 7014",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21776388
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHm7(CT24635)" 200952,"2/11/1999","7015","GS: 7015",,,"30B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9477743
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200953,"2/11/1999","7016","GS: 7016",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5917729
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9088(CT26078)" 200954,"2/11/1999","7019","GS: 7019",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1480787
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG1245(CT2432)" 200955,"2/11/1999","7020","GS: 7020",,,"96B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20790782
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11791(CT33050)" 200956,"2/11/1999","7023","GS: 7023",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20197267
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 200957,"2/11/1999","7024","GS: 7024",,,"89B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11692248
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5268(CT16543)" 200958,"2/11/1999","7025","GS: 7025",,,"33F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12604324
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15484(CT35585)" 200959,"2/11/1999","7026","GS: 7026",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20197297
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 200960,"2/11/1999","7028","GS: 7028",,,"84C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2937015
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200961,"2/11/1999","7029","GS: 7029",,,"98A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 23437541
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12876(CT32020)" 200962,"2/11/1999","7031","GS: 7031",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9824870
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG5885(CT18469)" 200963,"2/11/1999","7032","GS: 7032",,,"36A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16516440
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14722)" 200964,"2/11/1999","7035","GS: 7035",,,"75E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18777595
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3961(CT13001)" 200965,"2/11/1999","7036","GS: 7036",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 23642534
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200966,"2/11/1999","7037","GS: 7037",,,"26D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6366103
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200967,"2/11/1999","7038","GS: 7038",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3224980
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200968,"2/11/1999","7040","GS: 7040",,,"33D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12325147
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG5446(CT17280)" 200969,"2/11/1999","7042","GS: 7042",,,"2C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1759546
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200970,"2/11/1999","7043","GS: 7043",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16352747
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 200971,"2/11/1999","7044","GS: 7044",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11806073
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200972,"2/11/1999","7046","GS: 7046",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5898552
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"chic(CT36595)" 200973,"2/11/1999","7047","GS: 7047",,,"45A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4152506
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): nucleic acid binding
",,,"zimp(CT8101)" 200974,"2/24/1999","7048","GS: 7048",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10989318
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7858(CT23802)" 200975,"2/11/1999","7049","GS: 7049",,,"22B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1689236
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17642(CT32518)" 200976,"2/11/1999","7050","GS: 7050",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11363000
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200977,"2/11/1999","7051","GS: 7051",,,"95F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20088982
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5746(CT18054)" 200978,"2/11/1999","7052","GS: 7052",,,"51D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9877398
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200979,"2/11/1999","7053","GS: 7053",,,"92D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16060195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200980,"2/11/1999","7054","GS: 7054",,,"84C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3002903
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"sas(CT8243)" 200981,"2/11/1999","7055","GS: 7055",,,"54D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12548868
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rab4(CT15786)" 200982,"2/11/1999","7057","GS: 7057",,,"66B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8037556
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Arp66B(CT23123)" 200983,"2/11/1999","7058","GS: 7058",,,"61C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 680912
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200984,"2/11/1999","7059","GS: 7059",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19835476
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"NaCP60E(CT24831)" 200985,"2/11/1999","7060","GS: 7060",,,"92E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16330488
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Elongin-B(CT13840)" 200986,"2/11/1999","7061","GS: 7061",,,"92E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16330488
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Elongin-B(CT13840)" 200987,"2/11/1999","7062","GS: 7062",,,"57B20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16012009
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200988,"2/11/1999","7063","GS: 7063",,,"88D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10479991
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7552(CT23083)" 200989,"2/11/1999","7064","GS: 7064",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 23684303
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4963(CT15898)" 200990,"2/11/1999","7065","GS: 7065",,,"39F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21499113
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200991,"2/11/1999","7066","GS: 7066",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1783764
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 200992,"2/11/1999","7067","GS: 7067",,,"57B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15605620
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200993,"2/11/1999","7068","GS: 7068",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10413485
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 200994,"2/11/1999","7069","GS: 7069",,,"64C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4666433
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200995,"2/11/1999","7072","GS: 7072",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2679163
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG2848(CT9764)" 200996,"2/11/1999","7073","GS: 7073",,,"52F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11079859
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rho1(CT18739)" 200997,"2/11/1999","7074","GS: 7074",,,"37C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18991217
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 200998,"2/11/1999","7075","GS: 7075",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7557291
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 201000,"4/17/1999","7077","GS: 7077",,,"19F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20984857
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"slgA(CT3344)" 201001,"2/11/1999","7079","GS: 7079",,,"94C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18426467
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG17625(CT33351)" 201002,"2/11/1999","7080","GS: 7080",,,"57B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15948259
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG3282(CT11021)" 201003,"2/11/1999","7082","GS: 7082",,,"99C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 25580019
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7824(CT7142)" 201004,"2/11/1999","7083","GS: 7083",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15219885
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 201005,"2/11/1999","7084","GS: 7084",,,"27D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6956049
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): tumor suppressor
",,,"menin(CT33266)" 201006,"2/11/1999","7086","GS: 7086",,,"95B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19410584
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201007,"2/11/1999","7087","GS: 7087",,,"84E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3698143
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): arginine--tRNA ligase
",,,"CG10092(CT28391)" 201008,"2/11/1999","7088","GS: 7088",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201009,"2/11/1999","7089","GS: 7089",,,"74D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17431436
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG7555(CT23113)" 201010,"2/11/1999","7092","GS: 7092",,,"31A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9963798
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Pen(CT15419)" 201011,"2/11/1999","7095","GS: 7095",,,"43E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2674545
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201012,"2/11/1999","7096","GS: 7096",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5563577
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201013,"2/11/1999","7097","GS: 7097",,,"61B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 227686
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201014,"2/11/1999","7100","GS: 7100",,,"79E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 22106721
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Csp(CT19114)" 201015,"2/11/1999","7102","GS: 7102",,,"21B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 156731
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201017,"2/11/1999","7104","GS: 7104",,,"87E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9157345
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9796(CT27692)" 201018,"2/11/1999","7105","GS: 7105",,,"57E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16439114
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10496(CT29466)" 201019,"2/11/1999","7108","GS: 7108",,,"83B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1542847
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"cas(CT6850)" 201020,"2/11/1999","7110","GS: 7110",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5563665
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201021,"2/11/1999","7111","GS: 7111",,,"77C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20343550
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201022,"2/11/1999","7113","GS: 7113",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20390449
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ash2(CT20746)" 201023,"2/11/1999","7114","GS: 7114",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13702540
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201024,"2/11/1999","7115","GS: 7115",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15521879
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201025,"2/11/1999","7116","GS: 7116",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5901595
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"eIF-4a(CT26044)" 201026,"2/11/1999","7117","GS: 7117",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21776388
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHm7(CT24635)" 201027,"2/11/1999","7123","GS: 7123",,,"28D12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7909186
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201028,"2/11/1999","7126","GS: 7126",,,"52D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10911228
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): neurotransmitter transporter
",,,"CG8291(CT21678)" 201029,"2/11/1999","7130","GS: 7130",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17047141
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201030,"2/11/1999","7131","GS: 7131",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 23642583
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201031,"2/11/1999","7132","GS: 7132",,,"60D15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19711320
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12196(CT10182)" 201032,"2/11/1999","7134","GS: 7134",,,"37A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18540565
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG10346(CT29062)" 201033,"2/11/1999","7135","GS: 7135",,,"45A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4134729
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8078(CT8076)" 201034,"2/11/1999","7136","GS: 7136",,,"46E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5116068
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2269(CT7565)" 201035,"2/11/1999","7137","GS: 7137",,,"97D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 22611657
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14251(CT33871)" 201036,"2/11/1999","7141","GS: 7141",,,"100B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 26933374
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201037,"2/11/1999","7142","GS: 7142",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20634595
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11399(CT31823)" 201038,"2/11/1999","7143","GS: 7143",,,"94A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18103618
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7071(CT21871)" 201039,"2/11/1999","7144","GS: 7144",,,"30C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9607417
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Pka-C1(CT14278)" 201040,"2/11/1999","7145","GS: 7145",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1783819
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 201041,"2/11/1999","7147","GS: 7147",,,"98A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 23345295
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201042,"2/11/1999","7148","GS: 7148",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21776378
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHm7(CT24635)" 201043,"2/11/1999","7149","GS: 7149",,,"92E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16264129
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201044,"2/11/1999","7150","GS: 7150",,,"96B20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20878424
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13651(CT33066)" 201045,"2/11/1999","7151","GS: 7151",,,"26D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6329513
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201046,"2/11/1999","7152","GS: 7152",,,"94B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18216822
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG7050(CT21808)" 201047,"2/11/1999","7153","GS: 7153",,,"52C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10658225
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8207(CT21857)" 201048,"2/11/1999","7154","GS: 7154",,,"28F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8106565
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8451(CT24727)" 201049,"2/11/1999","7155","GS: 7155",,,"45D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4450370
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201050,"2/11/1999","7156","GS: 7156",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7554096
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 201051,"2/11/1999","7157","GS: 7157",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5570125
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 201052,"2/11/1999","7160","GS: 7160",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11423555
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201053,"2/11/1999","7161","GS: 7161",,,"102C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 529861
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201054,"2/11/1999","7163","GS: 7163",,,"70F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14652949
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Trl(CT26539)" 201055,"2/11/1999","7164","GS: 7164",,,"30C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9608267
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3949(CT13103)" 201056,"2/11/1999","7165","GS: 7165",,,"78C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20984740
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG10565(CT29638)" 201057,"2/11/1999","7166","GS: 7166",,,"51D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9962138
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201058,"2/11/1999","7167","GS: 7167",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 22671185
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201059,"2/11/1999","7168","GS: 7168",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20251802
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 201060,"2/11/1999","7169","GS: 7169",,,"77C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20375948
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4825(CT15453)" 201061,"2/11/1999","7170","GS: 7170",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15947469
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201062,"2/11/1999","7171","GS: 7171",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12073282
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 201063,"2/11/1999","7172","GS: 7172",,,"85E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5533022
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201064,"2/11/1999","7173","GS: 7173",,,"87A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7755426
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein serine/threonine kinase
",,,"aur(CT10220)" 201065,"2/11/1999","7174","GS: 7174",,,"25B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4898629
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3792(CT12669)" 201066,"2/11/1999","7175","GS: 7175",,,"43D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2576301
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG2140(CT6982)" 201067,"2/11/1999","7176","GS: 7176",,,"84C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3014802
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"lap(CT8341)" 201069,"2/11/1999","7179","GS: 7179",,,"56D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14321476
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG11961(CT28247)" 201070,"2/11/1999","7180","GS: 7180",,,"71C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15326767
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201071,"2/11/1999","7181","GS: 7181",,,"57B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15772018
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201072,"2/11/1999","7182","GS: 7182",,,"67B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9346185
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Shc(CT12443)" 201073,"2/11/1999","7183","GS: 7183",,,"84D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3182413
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201074,"2/11/1999","7184","GS: 7184",,,"28D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7883335
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7231(CT22297)" 201075,"2/11/1999","7186","GS: 7186",,,"1B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 287837
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201076,"2/11/1999","7187","GS: 7187",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201077,"2/11/1999","7188","GS: 7188",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19683579
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 201078,"2/11/1999","7190","GS: 7190",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11008780
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"JIL-1(CT19712)" 201079,"2/11/1999","7192","GS: 7192",,,"37C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19012191
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): apoptosis inhibitor
",,,"CG17568(CT35085)" 201080,"2/11/1999","7193","GS: 7193",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6641372
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201081,"2/11/1999","7194","GS: 7194",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20461733
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2614(CT8881)" 201082,"2/11/1999","7195","GS: 7195",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201083,"2/11/1999","7197","GS: 7197",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21776388
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHm7(CT24635)" 201084,"2/11/1999","7198","GS: 7198",,,"39E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21355452
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201085,"2/11/1999","7199","GS: 7199",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3396603
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 201086,"2/11/1999","7200","GS: 7200",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11947724
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 201087,"2/11/1999","7201","GS: 7201",,,"89A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11552136
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4699(CT14929)" 201088,"2/11/1999","7202","GS: 7202",,,"61C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 341888
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG1233(CT2072)" 201089,"2/11/1999","7203","GS: 7203",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5563540
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201090,"2/11/1999","7204","GS: 7204",,,"92E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16348927
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG5206(CT16645)" 201091,"2/11/1999","7205","GS: 7205",,,"68C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11505121
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"rt(CT19163)" 201092,"2/11/1999","7207","GS: 7207",,,"52E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11075290
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18250(CT41273)" 201093,"2/11/1999","7208","GS: 7208",,,"10A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10889835
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201094,"2/11/1999","7209","GS: 7209",,,"93B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16815450
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Cortactin(CT12161)" 201095,"2/11/1999","7210","GS: 7210",,,"68C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11411945
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"charybde(CT23077)" 201096,"1/21/1999","7212","GS: 7212",,,"96B19","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20838306
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11935(CT33058)" 201097,"1/21/1999","7213","GS: 7213",,,"66B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7985580
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201098,"1/21/1999","7214","GS: 7214",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20197292
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 201099,"1/21/1999","7215","GS: 7215",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14170594
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 201100,"1/21/1999","7216","GS: 7216",,,"87B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8160287
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10091(CT28271)" 201101,"1/21/1999","7218","GS: 7218",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5317036
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG9373(CT26621)" 201102,"1/21/1999","7221","GS: 7221",,,"82E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 914017
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"corto(CT8475)" 201103,"1/21/1999","7223","GS: 7223",,,"25C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4981390
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"Rpn11(CT41032)" 201104,"1/21/1999","7224","GS: 7224",,,"50F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9321178
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201105,"1/21/1999","7226","GS: 7226",,,"85F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5843756
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12811(CT31939)" 201106,"1/21/1999","7227","GS: 7227",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12369739
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 201107,"1/21/1999","7228","GS: 7228",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19796502
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsp68(CT17248)" 201108,"1/21/1999","7229","GS: 7229",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6904924
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9953(CT28017)" 201109,"1/21/1999","7230","GS: 7230",,,"73D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16791163
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11914(CT37086)" 201110,"1/21/1999","7233","GS: 7233",,,"62A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1547769
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7879(CT23834)" 201111,"1/21/1999","7234","GS: 7234",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14673202
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201112,"1/21/1999","7235","GS: 7235",,,"65A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6195584
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201113,"1/21/1999","7237","GS: 7237",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16708817
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Atpalpha(CT17822)" 201114,"1/21/1999","7238","GS: 7238",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4581290
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201115,"1/21/1999","7239","GS: 7239",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16316512
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201116,"1/21/1999","7240","GS: 7240",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1915817
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9446(CT11617)" 201117,"1/21/1999","7242","GS: 7242",,,"60E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19871872
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG2811(CT9569)" 201118,"1/21/1999","7244","GS: 7244",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5358108
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201119,"1/21/1999","7246","GS: 7246",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12394755
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"cnk(CT20428)" 201120,"1/21/1999","7247","GS: 7247",,,"76D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19645345
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201121,"1/21/1999","7249","GS: 7249",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201122,"1/21/1999","7250","GS: 7250",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20197298
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 201123,"1/21/1999","7251","GS: 7251",,,"50B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8550617
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6152(CT19346)" 201124,"1/21/1999","7252","GS: 7252",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12369912
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 201125,"1/21/1999","7253","GS: 7253",,,"37E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19281717
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA replication factor
",,,"Top2(CT28703)" 201126,"1/21/1999","7254","GS: 7254",,,"79E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 22106472
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Csp(CT19114)" 201127,"1/21/1999","7255","GS: 7255",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7749233
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201128,"1/21/1999","7256","GS: 7256",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19358549
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10137(CT28521)" 201129,"1/21/1999","7257","GS: 7257",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7474917
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201130,"1/21/1999","7259","GS: 7259",,,"95E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19973244
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18671(CT42611)" 201131,"1/21/1999","7260","GS: 7260",,,"37E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19345305
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG10186(CT28647)" 201132,"1/21/1999","7262","GS: 7262",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20444070
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201133,"1/21/1999","7263","GS: 7263",,,"30A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9112312
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201134,"1/21/1999","7266","GS: 7266",,,"40C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21827101
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3651(CT12251)" 201135,"1/21/1999","7268","GS: 7268",,,"73C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16680101
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9705(CT27440)" 201136,"1/21/1999","7269","GS: 7269",,,"64C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4799561
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7479(CT1866)" 201137,"1/21/1999","7271","GS: 7271",,,"71B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15039328
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"Pdi(CT21638)" 201138,"1/21/1999","7272","GS: 7272",,,"71B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15045045
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201139,"1/21/1999","7274","GS: 7274",,,"22E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2275754
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG7245(CT22349)" 201140,"1/21/1999","7275","GS: 7275",,,"85A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4472942
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG9748(CT27543)" 201141,"1/21/1999","7277","GS: 7277",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5309312
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"RhoL(CT26615)" 201142,"1/21/1999","7278","GS: 7278",,,"47C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5903070
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18353(CT41708)" 201143,"1/21/1999","7281","GS: 7281",,,"70C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13973284
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201144,"1/21/1999","7282","GS: 7282",,,"67B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9302370
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Hsp23(CT14526)" 201145,"1/21/1999","7284","GS: 7284",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12721807
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201146,"1/21/1999","7285","GS: 7285",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7590221
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 201147,"1/21/1999","7286","GS: 7286",,,"74E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17531609
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"CG7497(CT23019)" 201148,"1/21/1999","7288","GS: 7288",,,"39E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21274562
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201149,"1/21/1999","7289","GS: 7289",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20197303
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 201150,"1/21/1999","7291","GS: 7291",,,"74D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17431435
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG7555(CT23113)" 201151,"1/21/1999","7292","GS: 7292",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14939890
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 201152,"1/21/1999","7293","GS: 7293",,,"85B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4560111
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8223(CT24433)" 201153,"1/21/1999","7296","GS: 7296",,,"23D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3042513
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"toc(CT27308)" 201154,"1/21/1999","7298","GS: 7298",,,"88B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10039036
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 201155,"1/21/1999","7299","GS: 7299",,,"93F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17579437
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201156,"1/21/1999","7300","GS: 7300",,,"21B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 300888
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201157,"1/21/1999","7301","GS: 7301",,,"61B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 300570
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201158,"1/21/1999","7303","GS: 7303",,,"54B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12241442
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"mm(CT30649)" 201159,"1/21/1999","7304","GS: 7304",,,"92E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16300613
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201160,"1/21/1999","7305","GS: 7305",,,"98F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 24808810
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201161,"1/21/1999","7306","GS: 7306",,,"29A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8209632
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7818(CT23744)" 201162,"1/21/1999","7307","GS: 7307",,,"30F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9939406
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH02976(CT15349)" 201163,"1/21/1999","7308","GS: 7308",,,"33E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12333250
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Elf(CT19890)" 201164,"1/21/1999","7309","GS: 7309",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201165,"1/21/1999","7310","GS: 7310",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11706273
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crol(CT34766)" 201166,"1/21/1999","7311","GS: 7311",,,"39E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21333193
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"l(2)k0581(CT7302)" 201167,"1/21/1999","7312","GS: 7312",,,"34F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14122285
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201168,"1/21/1999","7313","GS: 7313",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3550521
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 201169,"1/21/1999","7314","GS: 7314",,,"85D27","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5384787
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG8273(CT24493)" 201170,"1/21/1999","7315","GS: 7315",,,"22F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2412588
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"oaf(CT9521)" 201171,"1/21/1999","7316","GS: 7316",,,"22E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2283807
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"BcDNA:GH09817(CT9361)" 201172,"1/21/1999","7317","GS: 7317",,,"31C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10146076
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"me31B(CT15802)" 201173,"1/21/1999","7318","GS: 7318",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18489360
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG3941(CT13117)" 201174,"1/21/1999","7319","GS: 7319",,,"85C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4821765
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11984(CT32121)" 201175,"1/21/1999","7320","GS: 7320",,,"35C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14943250
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"ck(CT14605)" 201176,"1/21/1999","7321","GS: 7321",,,"69C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12400245
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201177,"1/21/1999","7323","GS: 7323",,,"95F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20011582
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201178,"1/21/1999","7324","GS: 7324",,,"68C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11504828
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"rt(CT19163)" 201179,"1/21/1999","7325","GS: 7325",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7262498
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium binding
",,,"Cam(CT41655)" 201180,"1/21/1999","7326","GS: 7326",,,"85C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4864680
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 201181,"1/21/1999","7327","GS: 7327",,,"90F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14058191
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Dlc90F(CT24202)" 201182,"1/21/1999","7328","GS: 7328",,,"57C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16120215
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"tud(CT26776)" 201183,"1/21/1999","7329","GS: 7329",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1480877
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG1245(CT2432)" 201184,"1/21/1999","7330","GS: 7330",,,"63B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3047021
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201185,"1/21/1999","7331","GS: 7331",,,"24C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3806372
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"capu(CT11427)" 201186,"1/21/1999","7332","GS: 7332",,,"83E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2208940
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10277(CT28877)" 201187,"1/21/1999","7333","GS: 7333",,,"60B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19125513
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201188,"1/21/1999","7334","GS: 7334",,,"82D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 567585
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"tacc(CT27593)" 201189,"1/21/1999","7335","GS: 7335",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8475915
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating)
",,,"CG10120(CT28469)" 201190,"1/21/1999","7336","GS: 7336",,,"79A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21717963
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201191,"1/21/1999","7337","GS: 7337",,,"47F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6372112
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GM12291(CT25954)" 201192,"1/21/1999","7338","GS: 7338",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5890900
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201193,"1/21/1999","7339","GS: 7339",,,"21F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1148537
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG5105(CT16327)" 201194,"1/21/1999","7340","GS: 7340",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1565846
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201195,"1/21/1999","7341","GS: 7341",,,"33B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11727471
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"esc(CT34769)" 201196,"1/21/1999","7342","GS: 7342",,,"30F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9891341
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13130(CT32368)" 201197,"1/21/1999","7343","GS: 7343",,,"49D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7874054
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Aats-asp(CT12785)" 201198,"1/21/1999","7345","GS: 7345",,,"23F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3433432
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17593(CT38835)" 201199,"1/21/1999","7346","GS: 7346",,,"71D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15433140
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13453(CT32816)" 201200,"1/21/1999","7347","GS: 7347",,,"60D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19464732
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13583(CT32965)" 201201,"1/21/1999","7348","GS: 7348",,,"60D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19464732
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13583(CT32965)" 201202,"1/21/1999","7351","GS: 7351",,,"72F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16309867
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"fax(CT14836)" 201203,"1/21/1999","7352","GS: 7352",,,"3F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3563986
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201204,"1/21/1999","7353","GS: 7353",,,"64F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5712893
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG5505(CT17448)" 201205,"1/21/1999","7355","GS: 7355",,,"52E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10994323
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8399(CT18617)" 201206,"1/21/1999","7357","GS: 7357",,,"96F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21781245
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"gro(CT24657)" 201207,"1/21/1999","7359","GS: 7359",,,"93B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16848937
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG3421(CT11517)" 201208,"1/21/1999","7360","GS: 7360",,,"67E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10593104
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201209,"1/21/1999","7361","GS: 7361",,,"14F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16341493
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4453(CT14464)" 201210,"1/21/1999","7362","GS: 7362",,,"10F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11637875
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidylprolyl isomerase
",,,"CG1847(CT5488)" 201211,"1/21/1999","7363","GS: 7363",,,"1B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 383457
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"EG:118B3.2(CT40290)" 201212,"1/21/1999","7364","GS: 7364",,,"9B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9866186
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201213,"1/21/1999","7365","GS: 7365",,,"19F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20984810
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"slgA(CT3344)" 201214,"1/21/1999","7366","GS: 7366",,,"6D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6674722
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201215,"1/21/1999","7367","GS: 7367",,,"1F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1036495
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201216,"1/21/1999","7368","GS: 7368",,,"3D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3204950
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201217,"1/21/1999","7372","GS: 7372",,,"12B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13524680
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium-transporting ATPase
",,,"rdgB(CT31182)" 201218,"1/21/1999","7375","GS: 7375",,,"6C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6564536
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201219,"1/21/1999","7377","GS: 7377",,,"17E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18551486
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201220,"1/21/1999","7378","GS: 7378",,,"3C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2699865
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3603(CT12121)" 201221,"1/21/1999","7381","GS: 7381",,,"11A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11773385
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201222,"1/21/1999","7383","GS: 7383",,,"13F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15552460
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201223,"1/21/1999","7386","GS: 7386",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1546368
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"1.28(CT9093)" 201224,"1/21/1999","7387","GS: 7387",,,"12B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13524659
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium-transporting ATPase
",,,"rdgB(CT31182)" 201225,"1/21/1999","7392","GS: 7392",,,"19F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21171492
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14618(CT34375)" 201226,"1/21/1999","7393","GS: 7393",,,"18D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19236977
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"6-phosphofructo-2-kinase(CT11373)" 201227,"1/21/1999","7394","GS: 7394",,,"16C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17451996
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5898(CT18491)" 201228,"1/21/1999","7399","GS: 7399",,,"4C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4363458
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11444(CT9463)" 201229,"1/21/1999","7402","GS: 7402",,,"9B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9866180
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201230,"4/29/1999","7403","GS: 7403",,,"7E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8217105
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201231,"1/21/1999","7405","GS: 7405",,,"18D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19244652
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"6-phosphofructo-2-kinase(CT11373)" 201232,"1/21/1999","7406","GS: 7406",,,"5E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6095951
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG15897(CT34114)" 201233,"1/21/1999","7407","GS: 7407",,,"3A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2294301
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201234,"1/21/1999","7408","GS: 7408",,,"19A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19587747
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"amn(CT37104)" 201235,"1/21/1999","7409","GS: 7409",,,"4D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4728504
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6903(CT21374)" 201236,"1/21/1999","7412","GS: 7412",,,"6F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6914106
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG4626(CT9057)" 201237,"1/21/1999","7413","GS: 7413",,,"20A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 21258463
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201238,"1/21/1999","7414","GS: 7414",,,"8D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9099595
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201239,"1/21/1999","7415","GS: 7415",,,"7E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8205146
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201240,"1/21/1999","7417","GS: 7417",,,"12F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14398488
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Netrin-B(CT29512)" 201241,"1/21/1999","7418","GS: 7418",,,"12B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13501697
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"Grip91(CT30789)" 201242,"1/21/1999","7419","GS: 7419",,,"14A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15745781
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"RasGAP(CT26308)" 201243,"1/21/1999","7420","GS: 7420",,,"5C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5710444
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Act5C(CT13368)" 201244,"1/21/1999","7421","GS: 7421",,,"2A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1137113
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"EG:132E8.3(CT12473)" 201245,"1/21/1999","7422","GS: 7422",,,"1B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 380541
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"EG:118B3.2(CT40290)" 201246,"1/21/1999","7423","GS: 7423",,,"8E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9294084
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201247,"1/21/1999","7424","GS: 7424",,,"16E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17620011
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"mnb(CT23674)" 201248,"1/21/1999","7426","GS: 7426",,,"13A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14807068
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): chromatin binding
",,,"CG9049(CT25974)" 201249,"1/21/1999","7427","GS: 7427",,,"19F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 20891312
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201250,"1/21/1999","7428","GS: 7428",,,"5A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5488527
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"CG3171(CT10621)" 201251,"1/21/1999","7430","GS: 7430",,,"9E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10521138
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201252,"1/21/1999","7432","GS: 7432",,,"16C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17479535
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201253,"1/21/1999","7433","GS: 7433",,,"13E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15370612
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201254,"1/21/1999","7437","GS: 7437",,,"18D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19384816
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12235(CT13328)" 201255,"1/21/1999","7438","GS: 7438",,,"6D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6676475
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4564(CT14788)" 201256,"1/21/1999","7439","GS: 7439",,,"13D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 15221537
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201257,"1/21/1999","7441","GS: 7441",,,"7C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7709620
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201258,"1/21/1999","7442","GS: 7442",,,"7E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8286744
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1521(CT3891)" 201259,"1/21/1999","7443","GS: 7443",,,"16B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17331236
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG12992(CT32196)" 201260,"2/11/1999","7446","GS: 7446",,,"6F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6895734
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201261,"2/11/1999","7449","GS: 7449",,,"10C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11403198
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201262,"2/11/1999","7450","GS: 7450",,,"15F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16993551
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201263,"2/11/1999","7451","GS: 7451",,,"5B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5555699
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): tumor suppressor
",,,"CG3125(CT10446)" 201264,"2/11/1999","7452","GS: 7452",,,"10F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11621587
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1967(CT6115)" 201265,"2/11/1999","7454","GS: 7454",,,"18C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19091883
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201266,"2/11/1999","7455","GS: 7455",,,"8B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8689806
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Moe(CT5981)" 201267,"2/11/1999","7456","GS: 7456",,,"5A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 5474633
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3187(CT10695)" 201268,"2/11/1999","7457","GS: 7457",,,"14B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16022922
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"eas(CT11537)" 201269,"2/11/1999","7458","GS: 7458",,,"9F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10693138
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15208(CT35139)" 201270,"2/11/1999","7459","GS: 7459",,,"3F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3563902
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201271,"2/11/1999","7460","GS: 7460",,,"9B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10086390
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"alpha-Man-I(CT39456)" 201272,"2/11/1999","7461","GS: 7461",,,"11D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12844053
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201273,"2/11/1999","7462","GS: 7462",,,"2F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2047132
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201274,"2/11/1999","7463","GS: 7463",,,"1E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 896604
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201275,"2/11/1999","7464","GS: 7464",,,"3B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2434880
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201276,"2/11/1999","7465","GS: 7465",,,"4A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3747247
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2941(CT41890)" 201277,"2/11/1999","7466","GS: 7466",,,"90F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14092645
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201278,"2/11/1999","7467","GS: 7467",,,"3A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2221307
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG7981(CT23996)" 201279,"2/11/1999","7468","GS: 7468",,,"8A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8509523
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG1785(CT5346)" 201280,"2/11/1999","7469","GS: 7469",,,"3D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3041741
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201281,"2/11/1999","7470","GS: 7470",,,"7D16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7973887
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG2272(CT7573)" 201282,"2/11/1999","7471","GS: 7471",,,"17C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18386245
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6540(CT20367)" 201283,"2/11/1999","7472","GS: 7472",,,"4D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 4870207
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"ovo(CT21113)" 201284,"2/11/1999","7474","GS: 7474",,,"3B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2391778
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201285,"2/11/1999","7475","GS: 7475",,,"17B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 18272645
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201286,"2/11/1999","7477","GS: 7477",,,"9E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 10577667
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Ant2(CT4708)" 201287,"2/11/1999","7480","GS: 7480",,,"8D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9082807
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lz(CT4670)" 201288,"2/11/1999","7482","GS: 7482",,,"12B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 13524625
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium-transporting ATPase
",,,"rdgB(CT31182)" 201289,"2/11/1999","7484","GS: 7484",,,"6E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 6716185
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201290,"2/11/1999","7485","GS: 7485",,,"19A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 19587942
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"amn(CT37104)" 201291,"2/11/1999","7486","GS: 7486",,,"7C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7733076
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"RpS14a(CT3937)" 201292,"2/11/1999","7487","GS: 7487",,,"8F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9478830
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201293,"2/11/1999","7488","GS: 7488",,,"15A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 16558830
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4829(CT15483)" 201294,"2/11/1999","7489","GS: 7489",,,"2E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 1905189
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"wapl(CT12355)" 201295,"2/11/1999","7490","GS: 7490",,,"3F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 3497244
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201296,"2/11/1999","7492","GS: 7492",,,"7F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8369676
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12065(CT4556)" 201297,"2/11/1999","7494","GS: 7494",,,"1C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 532829
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"RpL22(CT22861)" 201298,"2/11/1999","7495","GS: 7495",,,"3C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 2702551
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201299,"2/11/1999","7496","GS: 7496",,,"7D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 7854133
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"fs(1)h(CT7506)" 201300,"2/11/1999","7499","GS: 7499",,,"91F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 14855941
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201301,"2/11/1999","7500","GS: 7500",,,"58D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 17339957
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201302,"2/11/1999","7501","GS: 7501",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 12721819
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201303,"2/11/1999","7502","GS: 7502",,,"10E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 11585332
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1578(CT4096)" 201304,"2/11/1999","7504","GS: 7504",,,"9B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 9881930
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201305,"2/11/1999","7506","GS: 7506",,,"8D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV2
Nucleotide map: 8945902
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201306,"2/11/1999","8002","GS: 8002",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4581310
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201307,"2/11/1999","8003","GS: 8003",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8152417
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13328(CT32645)" 201308,"2/11/1999","8005","GS: 8005",,,"66B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8050059
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7962(CT23976)" 201309,"2/11/1999","8006","GS: 8006",,,"58D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 17339958
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201310,"2/11/1999","8008","GS: 8008",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5309181
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201311,"2/11/1999","8010","GS: 8010",,,"37C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18988937
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201312,"2/11/1999","8011","GS: 8011",,,"28D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7726564
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"mts(CT21977)" 201313,"2/11/1999","8012","GS: 8012",,,"89B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 12001060
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201314,"2/11/1999","8013","GS: 8013",,,"79F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 22703423
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11109(CT31087)" 201315,"2/11/1999","8015","GS: 8015",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14305960
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 201316,"2/11/1999","8016","GS: 8016",,,"83C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1562709
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG1236(CT2304)" 201317,"2/11/1999","8018","GS: 8018",,,"87B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8200856
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG5196(CT16559)" 201318,"2/11/1999","8019","GS: 8019",,,"71D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15480991
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG12301(CT20275)" 201319,"2/11/1999","8020","GS: 8020",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6900002
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 201320,"2/11/1999","8021","GS: 8021",,,"41F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 775154
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201321,"2/11/1999","8022","GS: 8022",,,"47A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5445600
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201322,"2/11/1999","8023","GS: 8023",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7557291
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 201323,"2/11/1999","8024","GS: 8024",,,"102B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 430160
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13303(CT32596)" 201324,"2/11/1999","8025","GS: 8025",,,"61B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 300157
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201325,"4/29/1999","8027","GS: 8027",,,"8B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8688567
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Moe(CT5981)" 201326,"2/11/1999","8028","GS: 8028",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11362896
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201327,"2/11/1999","8030","GS: 8030",,,"22E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 2283196
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201328,"2/11/1999","8032","GS: 8032",,,"89B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11994067
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201329,"2/11/1999","8033","GS: 8033",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16523008
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 201330,"2/11/1999","8034","GS: 8034",,,"52F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11106930
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8428(CT18931)" 201331,"2/11/1999","8035","GS: 8035",,,"94E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18931527
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"cnc(CT14822)" 201332,"2/11/1999","8036","GS: 8036",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 24060530
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG14066(CT33635)" 201333,"2/11/1999","8037","GS: 8037",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 24060530
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG14066(CT33635)" 201334,"2/11/1999","8039","GS: 8039",,,"79F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 22703416
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11109(CT31087)" 201335,"2/11/1999","8041","GS: 8041",,,"78C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 21088860
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip78C(CT40336)" 201336,"2/11/1999","8042","GS: 8042",,,"39B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20949629
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Dap160(CT1515)" 201337,"2/11/1999","8043","GS: 8043",,,"79F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 22710410
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10712(CT30015)" 201338,"2/11/1999","8044","GS: 8044",,,"26B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5989432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9154(CT26202)" 201339,"2/11/1999","8045","GS: 8045",,,"64A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3957685
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201340,"2/11/1999","8046","GS: 8046",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19370423
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ref(2)P(CT29100)" 201341,"2/11/1999","8047","GS: 8047",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3223670
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201342,"2/11/1999","8048","GS: 8048",,,"28D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7893004
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201343,"2/11/1999","8049","GS: 8049",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16562174
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 201344,"2/11/1999","8050","GS: 8050",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11806085
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201345,"2/11/1999","8051","GS: 8051",,,"93B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16816258
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"AnnIX(CT17989)" 201346,"2/11/1999","8052","GS: 8052",,,"33B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11897694
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12264(CT16723)" 201347,"2/11/1999","8053","GS: 8053",,,"58D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 17208682
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"dve(CT18152)" 201348,"2/11/1999","8054","GS: 8054",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15219745
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 201349,"2/11/1999","8055","GS: 8055",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15219733
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201350,"2/11/1999","8056","GS: 8056",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15219917
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 201351,"2/11/1999","8057","GS: 8057",,,"10A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10889878
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201353,"4/17/1999","8059","GS: 8059",,,"87F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9439368
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9591(CT27084)" 201354,"4/17/1999","8060","GS: 8060",,,"84D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3182274
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201355,"4/17/1999","8061","GS: 8061",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1565710
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201356,"4/17/1999","8062","GS: 8062",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15219917
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 201357,"4/17/1999","8063","GS: 8063",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5563381
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201358,"4/17/1999","8064","GS: 8064",,,"64D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 5232598
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201359,"4/17/1999","8065","GS: 8065",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 22566973
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 201360,"4/17/1999","8066","GS: 8066",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 22888847
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5889(CT18483)" 201361,"4/17/1999","8067","GS: 8067",,,"57C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16037721
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201362,"4/17/1999","8068","GS: 8068",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16650422
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201363,"4/17/1999","8069","GS: 8069",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14665839
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG14296(CT33925)" 201364,"4/17/1999","8070","GS: 8070",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20554399
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH12663(CT18210)" 201365,"4/17/1999","8071","GS: 8071",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16369195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201366,"4/17/1999","8072","GS: 8072",,,"53C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11587858
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5065(CT16179)" 201367,"4/17/1999","8073","GS: 8073",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7253870
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13168(CT32409)" 201368,"4/17/1999","8074","GS: 8074",,,"59D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18142987
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201369,"4/17/1999","8077","GS: 8077",,,"96A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20306381
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201370,"4/17/1999","8078","GS: 8078",,,"96A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20306381
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201371,"4/17/1999","8080","GS: 8080",,,"58D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 17208507
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"dve(CT18152)" 201372,"4/17/1999","8081","GS: 8081",,,"29B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8272930
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201373,"4/17/1999","8082","GS: 8082",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 23661677
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH07066(CT17454)" 201374,"4/17/1999","8083","GS: 8083",,,"68A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11133963
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201375,"4/17/1999","8085","GS: 8085",,,"86D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7015644
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"RpL3(CT15523)" 201376,"4/17/1999","8086","GS: 8086",,,"64B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4333849
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201377,"4/17/1999","8087","GS: 8087",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8954856
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"AGO1(CT20708)" 201378,"4/17/1999","8088","GS: 8088",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8954856
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"AGO1(CT20708)" 201379,"4/17/1999","8089","GS: 8089",,,"90D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 13799412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201380,"4/17/1999","8090","GS: 8090",,,"99D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 25729011
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7920(CT6599)" 201381,"4/17/1999","8091","GS: 8091",,,"34A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 13063369
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Sir2(CT16687)" 201382,"4/17/1999","8092","GS: 8092",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15257195
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 201383,"4/17/1999","8093","GS: 8093",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15257195
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 201384,"4/17/1999","8094","GS: 8094",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15218829
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201385,"4/17/1999","8097","GS: 8097",,,"87E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9157345
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9796(CT27692)" 201386,"4/17/1999","8099","GS: 8099",,,"50D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9022713
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"mam(CT24232)" 201387,"2/11/1999","8100","GS: 8100",,,"50A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8448845
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"cnn(CT15503)" 201388,"2/11/1999","8101","GS: 8101",,,"66B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7978064
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bip1(CT23173)" 201389,"2/11/1999","8102","GS: 8102",,,"95E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19971139
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201390,"2/11/1999","8103","GS: 8103",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 112467
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 201391,"2/11/1999","8104","GS: 8104",,,"30B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9404294
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201392,"2/11/1999","8105","GS: 8105",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 12073035
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 201393,"2/11/1999","8106","GS: 8106",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 21667725
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201394,"2/11/1999","8107","GS: 8107",,,"31C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10158576
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Ror(CT15824)" 201395,"2/11/1999","8108","GS: 8108",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11704864
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crol(CT34766)" 201396,"2/11/1999","8109","GS: 8109",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 16707728
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201397,"2/11/1999","8111","GS: 8111",,,"71B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14983119
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201398,"2/11/1999","8112","GS: 8112",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 27456094
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG1890(CT5860)" 201399,"2/11/1999","8113","GS: 8113",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11471973
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 201400,"2/11/1999","8114","GS: 8114",,,"52F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11136104
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201401,"2/11/1999","8115","GS: 8115",,,"95E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19947020
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201402,"2/11/1999","8116","GS: 8116",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1426198
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 201403,"2/11/1999","8118","GS: 8118",,,"59D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18177561
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201404,"2/11/1999","8121","GS: 8121",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6900073
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 201405,"2/11/1999","8123","GS: 8123",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 27437548
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 201406,"2/11/1999","8124","GS: 8124",,,"69E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 12730212
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11008(CT30829)" 201407,"2/11/1999","8126","GS: 8126",,,"25A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4537304
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201408,"2/11/1999","8127","GS: 8127",,,"76D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19647891
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"HLH106(CT24889)" 201409,"2/11/1999","8128","GS: 8128",,,"76D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19647891
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"HLH106(CT24889)" 201410,"2/11/1999","8132","GS: 8132",,,"13F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15544909
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201411,"2/11/1999","8133","GS: 8133",,,"27D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6964708
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG8902(CT25510)" 201412,"2/11/1999","8134","GS: 8134",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201413,"2/11/1999","8135","GS: 8135",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: ??????no mapping??????
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201414,"4/17/1999","8136","GS: 8136",,,"9E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10537346
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1534(CT3947)" 201415,"2/11/1999","8137","GS: 8137",,,"96C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 21069350
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10618(CT29440)" 201416,"2/11/1999","8138","GS: 8138",,,"9B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9881789
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201417,"2/11/1999","8139","GS: 8139",,,"17D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 18536117
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Bin4(CT21577)" 201418,"2/11/1999","8142","GS: 8142",,,"2C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1759663
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201419,"2/11/1999","8143","GS: 8143",,,"8E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9347618
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG2994(CT7884)" 201420,"2/11/1999","8144","GS: 8144",,,"18D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19376354
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12238(CT13424)" 201421,"2/11/1999","8146","GS: 8146",,,"4D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 4891692
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201422,"2/11/1999","8148","GS: 8148",,,"18D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19236737
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201423,"2/11/1999","8149","GS: 8149",,,"1F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 996506
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201424,"2/11/1999","8150","GS: 8150",,,"2C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 1797596
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201425,"2/11/1999","8151","GS: 8151",,,"9B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9866179
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201426,"2/11/1999","8152","GS: 8152",,,"11E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 13045836
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1770(CT5218)" 201427,"2/11/1999","8153","GS: 8153",,,"9B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 10164408
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH12326(CT39644)" 201428,"2/11/1999","8154","GS: 8154",,,"8E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 9344745
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG2994(CT7884)" 201429,"2/11/1999","8155","GS: 8155",,,"10D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 11498339
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG1837(CT5608)" 201430,"2/11/1999","8156","GS: 8156",,,"6C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6600581
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201431,"2/11/1999","8159","GS: 8159",,,"7D18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 8038464
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10964(CT30711)" 201432,"2/11/1999","8160","GS: 8160",,,"2F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 2048298
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201433,"2/11/1999","8161","GS: 8161",,,"13E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 15419304
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201434,"2/11/1999","8162","GS: 8162",,,"19A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 19622825
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11943(CT35760)" 201435,"2/11/1999","8163","GS: 8163",,,"7D16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 7988984
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201436,"2/11/1999","8164","GS: 8164",,,"4B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3929686
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0007.12(CT15601)" 201437,"2/11/1999","8165","GS: 8165",,,"5E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 6087292
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18282(CT41472)" 201438,"2/11/1999","8167","GS: 8167",,,"19E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 20668535
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1753(CT5134)" 201439,"2/11/1999","8168","GS: 8168",,,"13B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14907462
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201440,"2/11/1999","8169","GS: 8169",,,"12F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 14570841
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201441,"2/11/1999","8172","GS: 8172",,,"3E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 3432445
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201442,"2/11/1999","8173","GS: 8173",,,"2F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV3
Nucleotide map: 2040195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201443,"1/21/1999","9001","GS: 9001",,,"43E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2737122
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1952(CT6120)" 201444,"1/21/1999","9002","GS: 9002",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583158
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201445,"1/21/1999","9003","GS: 9003",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201446,"1/21/1999","9004","GS: 9004",,,"96B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20790683
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11791(CT33050)" 201447,"1/21/1999","9005","GS: 9005",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3560489
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201448,"1/21/1999","9006","GS: 9006",,,"88A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9864835
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201449,"1/21/1999","9007","GS: 9007",,,"90B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13424657
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201450,"1/21/1999","9008","GS: 9008",,,"36A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16325491
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Tpr2(CT14862)" 201451,"1/21/1999","9009","GS: 9009",,,"21B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 138232
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG11454(CT36245)" 201452,"1/21/1999","9011","GS: 9011",,,"92E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16343878
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG5206(CT16645)" 201453,"1/21/1999","9012","GS: 9012",,,"27D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6936045
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG11266(CT31405)" 201454,"1/21/1999","9013","GS: 9013",,,"23C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2890279
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"Rrp1(CT10659)" 201455,"1/21/1999","9015","GS: 9015",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15265868
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8929(CT25626)" 201456,"1/21/1999","9016","GS: 9016",,,"60E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19942294
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"zip(CT9199)" 201457,"1/21/1999","9017","GS: 9017",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7260184
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium binding
",,,"Cam(CT41655)" 201458,"1/21/1999","9018","GS: 9018",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12370303
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 201459,"1/21/1999","9019","GS: 9019",,,"92E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16078818
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG4360(CT14206)" 201460,"1/21/1999","9020","GS: 9020",,,"100F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27764821
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"mod(CT6639)" 201461,"1/21/1999","9021","GS: 9021",,,"61B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 227675
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201462,"1/21/1999","9022","GS: 9022",,,"100E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27522930
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11576(CT35382)" 201463,"1/21/1999","9024","GS: 9024",,,"63D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3435671
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG11513(CT36381)" 201464,"1/21/1999","9025","GS: 9025",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1915797
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9446(CT11617)" 201465,"1/21/1999","9026","GS: 9026",,,"21D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 808992
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"dock(CT12313)" 201466,"1/21/1999","9027","GS: 9027",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642583
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201467,"1/21/1999","9028","GS: 9028",,,"51F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10352396
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201468,"1/21/1999","9029","GS: 9029",,,"45A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4130408
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13741(CT33216)" 201469,"1/21/1999","9030","GS: 9030",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589345
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201470,"1/21/1999","9031","GS: 9031",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9837683
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG4588(CT14854)" 201471,"1/21/1999","9032","GS: 9032",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518850
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201472,"1/21/1999","9033","GS: 9033",,,"86E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7354684
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG6782(CT21037)" 201473,"1/21/1999","9035","GS: 9035",,,"70D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14088578
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"nuf(CT23449)" 201474,"1/21/1999","9036","GS: 9036",,,"85D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5135651
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8861(CT25458)" 201475,"1/21/1999","9037","GS: 9037",,,"87F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9445916
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9351(CT26561)" 201476,"1/21/1999","9039","GS: 9039",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8475879
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating)
",,,"CG10120(CT28469)" 201477,"1/21/1999","9041","GS: 9041",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7709002
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG7134(CT22031)" 201478,"1/21/1999","9042","GS: 9042",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2233643
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201479,"1/21/1999","9043","GS: 9043",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21661177
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CycH(CT22750)" 201480,"1/21/1999","9045","GS: 9045",,,"53C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11564961
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): dolichol kinase
",,,"CG8311(CT24505)" 201481,"1/21/1999","9046","GS: 9046",,,"47B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5689354
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201482,"1/21/1999","9047","GS: 9047",,,"36C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17305889
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG5094(CT16349)" 201483,"1/21/1999","9048","GS: 9048",,,"68D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11749380
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycA(CT18629)" 201484,"1/21/1999","9049","GS: 9049",,,"55C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13377013
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Dp1(CT16547)" 201485,"1/21/1999","9050","GS: 9050",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20554387
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH12663(CT18210)" 201486,"1/21/1999","9051","GS: 9051",,,"35F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16119703
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"crp(CT23425)" 201487,"1/21/1999","9052","GS: 9052",,,"35F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16185427
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"BcDNA.LD12474(CT14482)" 201488,"1/21/1999","9053","GS: 9053",,,"69C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12429912
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10522(CT38848)" 201489,"1/21/1999","9054","GS: 9054",,,"57A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15474254
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): aminopeptidase
",,,"CG13423(CT32780)" 201490,"1/21/1999","9056","GS: 9056",,,"55C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13333141
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201491,"1/21/1999","9057","GS: 9057",,,"76D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19645433
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201492,"1/21/1999","9058","GS: 9058",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18489430
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG3941(CT13117)" 201493,"1/21/1999","9059","GS: 9059",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6204846
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"shn(CT42591)" 201494,"1/21/1999","9060","GS: 9060",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8260539
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5834(CT18301)" 201495,"1/21/1999","9061","GS: 9061",,,"71A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14912108
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"CG5392(CT17104)" 201496,"1/21/1999","9063","GS: 9063",,,"88A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9807667
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201497,"1/21/1999","9064","GS: 9064",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224994
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201498,"1/21/1999","9065","GS: 9065",,,"21B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 109579
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201499,"1/21/1999","9066","GS: 9066",,,"26B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6097299
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201500,"1/21/1999","9067","GS: 9067",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23685327
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5520(CT17486)" 201501,"1/21/1999","9068","GS: 9068",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14306750
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG3919(CT13005)" 201502,"1/21/1999","9069","GS: 9069",,,"94E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19035751
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"pnt(CT37466)" 201503,"1/21/1999","9070","GS: 9070",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1546249
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"1.28(CT9093)" 201504,"1/21/1999","9072","GS: 9072",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900001
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 201505,"1/21/1999","9074","GS: 9074",,,"67B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9346154
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Shc(CT12443)" 201506,"1/21/1999","9075","GS: 9075",,,"99A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24938813
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201507,"1/21/1999","9076","GS: 9076",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12427383
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201508,"1/21/1999","9078","GS: 9078",,,"67C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9683165
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201509,"1/21/1999","9079","GS: 9079",,,"65D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6878118
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201510,"1/21/1999","9081","GS: 9081",,,"99E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25953406
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201511,"1/21/1999","9082","GS: 9082",,,"57E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16412984
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Sdc(CT27296)" 201512,"1/21/1999","9083","GS: 9083",,,"44B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3191071
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11546(CT36453)" 201513,"1/21/1999","9084","GS: 9084",,,"84F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3925974
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"puc(CT23760)" 201514,"2/4/1999","9085","GS: 9085",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562763
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201515,"2/4/1999","9086","GS: 9086",,,"100F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27698095
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201516,"2/4/1999","9088","GS: 9088",,,"84E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3901759
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201517,"2/4/1999","9089","GS: 9089",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1427066
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 201518,"2/4/1999","9091","GS: 9091",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5358108
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201519,"2/17/1999","9092","GS: 9092",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642668
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201520,"4/29/1999","9093","GS: 9093",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8259917
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201521,"2/4/1999","9094","GS: 9094",,,"44E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3819398
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201522,"2/4/1999","9096","GS: 9096",,,"34A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13063418
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Sir2(CT16687)" 201523,"2/4/1999","9097","GS: 9097",,,"18B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18892976
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7502(CT23013)" 201524,"2/4/1999","9099","GS: 9099",,,"62E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2528196
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201525,"2/4/1999","9101","GS: 9101",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557293
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 201526,"2/4/1999","9102","GS: 9102",,,"63F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3876763
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"Ubi-p63E(CT36603)" 201527,"2/4/1999","9103","GS: 9103",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14388751
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG18152(CT40924)" 201528,"2/4/1999","9104","GS: 9104",,,"83A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1195007
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201529,"2/4/1999","9105","GS: 9105",,,"7D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7854152
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"fs(1)h(CT7506)" 201530,"2/4/1999","9106","GS: 9106",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16650482
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201531,"2/4/1999","9107","GS: 9107",,,"26F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6584050
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Nhe3(CT31621)" 201532,"2/4/1999","9108","GS: 9108",,,"78A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20798270
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"fng(CT29672)" 201533,"2/4/1999","9109","GS: 9109",,,"54B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12240646
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"mm(CT30649)" 201534,"2/4/1999","9110","GS: 9110",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783760
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 201535,"2/4/1999","9111","GS: 9111",,,"43F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2998784
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"BcDNA:GH11110(CT9910)" 201536,"2/4/1999","9112","GS: 9112",,,"33E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12380591
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bun(CT17162)" 201537,"2/4/1999","9113","GS: 9113",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7262311
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium binding
",,,"Cam(CT41655)" 201538,"2/4/1999","9115","GS: 9115",,,"11D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12698351
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201539,"2/4/1999","9116","GS: 9116",,,"17D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18521804
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18259(CT41379)" 201540,"2/4/1999","9117","GS: 9117",,,"60A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18789081
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18426(CT41935)" 201541,"2/4/1999","9123","GS: 9123",,,"12F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14570927
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201542,"2/4/1999","9124","GS: 9124",,,"79D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21969738
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201543,"2/4/1999","9128","GS: 9128",,,"7E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8205920
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201544,"2/4/1999","9129","GS: 9129",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947947
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 201545,"2/4/1999","9130","GS: 9130",,,"37B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18655244
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG17323(CT35071)" 201546,"2/4/1999","9131","GS: 9131",,,"7C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7721734
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201547,"2/4/1999","9133","GS: 9133",,,"19A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19623373
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG11940(CT35757)" 201548,"2/4/1999","9134","GS: 9134",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5044400
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 201549,"2/4/1999","9135","GS: 9135",,,"88D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10496946
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
",,,"eff(CT22777)" 201550,"2/4/1999","9136","GS: 9136",,,"61F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1078129
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bab(CT8899)" 201551,"2/4/1999","9137","GS: 9137",,,"61C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 328131
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201552,"2/4/1999","9138","GS: 9138",,,"60A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18808292
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ken(CT17620)" 201553,"2/4/1999","9139","GS: 9139",,,"60A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18933086
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG3860(CT12843)" 201554,"2/4/1999","9141","GS: 9141",,,"65B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6485933
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8352(CT24625)" 201555,"2/4/1999","9142","GS: 9142",,,"60D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19608021
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG3691(CT12381)" 201556,"2/4/1999","9144","GS: 9144",,,"36A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16620245
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Mhc(CT39920)" 201557,"2/4/1999","9145","GS: 9145",,,"39D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21208718
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201558,"2/4/1999","9146","GS: 9146",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5564162
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 201559,"2/4/1999","9148","GS: 9148",,,"89B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12000929
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201560,"2/4/1999","9150","GS: 9150",,,"49C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7758440
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Dgkepsilon(CT25080)" 201561,"2/4/1999","9151","GS: 9151",,,"60B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18972205
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3167(CT10639)" 201562,"2/4/1999","9154","GS: 9154",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13475737
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"osa(CT22943)" 201563,"2/4/1999","9155","GS: 9155",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19096172
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ATPsyn-Cf6(CT14376)" 201564,"2/4/1999","9156","GS: 9156",,,"50C19","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8937835
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201565,"2/4/1999","9157","GS: 9157",,,"67B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9382076
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3628(CT12069)" 201566,"2/4/1999","9158","GS: 9158",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783828
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201567,"2/4/1999","9159","GS: 9159",,,"47A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5580369
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201568,"2/4/1999","9160","GS: 9160",,,"45D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4460222
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG13955(CT33505)" 201569,"2/4/1999","9161","GS: 9161",,,"91A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14156398
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BcDNA:LD21735(CT22945)" 201570,"2/4/1999","9163","GS: 9163",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7709731
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"LanB1(CT22015)" 201571,"2/4/1999","9164","GS: 9164",,,"71A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14912082
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"CG5392(CT17104)" 201572,"2/4/1999","9165","GS: 9165",,,"96A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20284121
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201573,"2/4/1999","9166","GS: 9166",,,"30F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9939407
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH02976(CT15349)" 201574,"2/4/1999","9167","GS: 9167",,,"79E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22106648
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Csp(CT19114)" 201575,"2/4/1999","9168","GS: 9168",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22887374
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201576,"2/4/1999","9169","GS: 9169",,,"92E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16300548
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201577,"2/4/1999","9170","GS: 9170",,,"46B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4865129
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201578,"2/4/1999","9171","GS: 9171",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19361305
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10355(CT29092)" 201579,"2/4/1999","9172","GS: 9172",,,"85E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5583999
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG8484(CT24823)" 201580,"2/4/1999","9173","GS: 9173",,,"85F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5888921
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201581,"2/4/1999","9174","GS: 9174",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 216959
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"kis(CT12335)" 201582,"2/4/1999","9176","GS: 9176",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14388785
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG18152(CT40924)" 201583,"2/4/1999","9178","GS: 9178",,,"61F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1297971
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201584,"2/4/1999","9179","GS: 9179",,,"96C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20999544
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11857(CT33078)" 201585,"2/4/1999","9180","GS: 9180",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11833051
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 201586,"2/4/1999","9181","GS: 9181",,,"61A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 204969
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16971(CT37659)" 201587,"2/4/1999","9184","GS: 9184",,,"61B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 227682
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201588,"2/4/1999","9185","GS: 9185",,,"88D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10657734
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG7014(CT21704)" 201589,"2/4/1999","9186","GS: 9186",,,"50B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8591460
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH06193(CT19424)" 201590,"2/4/1999","9187","GS: 9187",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14683130
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17836(CT39616)" 201591,"2/4/1999","9188","GS: 9188",,,"46A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4719823
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Uba1(CT5340)" 201592,"2/4/1999","9191","GS: 9191",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396665
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 201593,"2/4/1999","9192","GS: 9192",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2672222
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 201594,"2/4/1999","9193","GS: 9193",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4581128
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201595,"2/4/1999","9194","GS: 9194",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1546242
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"1.28(CT9093)" 201596,"2/4/1999","9195","GS: 9195",,,"45A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4152504
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): nucleic acid binding
",,,"zimp(CT8101)" 201597,"4/29/1999","9197","GS: 9197",,,"90D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13799412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201598,"2/4/1999","9198","GS: 9198",,,"93F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17597194
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Gliolectin(CT20464)" 201599,"2/4/1999","9199","GS: 9199",,,"78D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21222180
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201600,"2/4/1999","9200","GS: 9200",,,"69F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12930400
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11259(CT31431)" 201601,"2/4/1999","9201","GS: 9201",,,"49B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7634720
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): mevalonate kinase
",,,"SPT4(CT25023)" 201602,"2/4/1999","9202","GS: 9202",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26100763
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fer1HCH(CT6417)" 201603,"2/4/1999","9203","GS: 9203",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518814
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201604,"2/4/1999","9204","GS: 9204",,,"52B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10592935
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201605,"2/4/1999","9209","GS: 9209",,,"63D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3348613
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG12010(CT1595)" 201606,"2/4/1999","9210","GS: 9210",,,"61C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 620690
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201607,"2/4/1999","9211","GS: 9211",,,"95D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19726996
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13603(CT32988)" 201608,"2/4/1999","9213","GS: 9213",,,"100F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27698098
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201609,"2/4/1999","9214","GS: 9214",,,"27F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7322129
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201610,"2/4/1999","9216","GS: 9216",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13821581
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG15102(CT34977)" 201611,"2/4/1999","9217","GS: 9217",,,"97D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22602948
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"His2Av(CT17432)" 201612,"2/4/1999","9218","GS: 9218",,,"51D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9921086
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201613,"2/4/1999","9219","GS: 9219",,,"44A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3119682
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"sut1(CT9527)" 201614,"2/4/1999","9220","GS: 9220",,,"85B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4482112
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transketolase
",,,"CG8036(CT24118)" 201615,"2/4/1999","9222","GS: 9222",,,"34C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13606683
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201616,"2/4/1999","9223","GS: 9223",,,"82C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 392039
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201617,"2/4/1999","9225","GS: 9225",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6200427
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201618,"2/4/1999","9227","GS: 9227",,,"33B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11943922
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6770(CT21019)" 201619,"2/4/1999","9230","GS: 9230",,,"78B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20966428
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201620,"2/17/1999","9232","GS: 9232",,,"99C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25480338
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201621,"2/17/1999","9233","GS: 9233",,,"91F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14853480
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"cdi(CT18533)" 201622,"2/17/1999","9234","GS: 9234",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1557847
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201623,"2/17/1999","9235","GS: 9235",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16650970
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201624,"2/17/1999","9236","GS: 9236",,,"61F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1314123
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9165(CT8969)" 201625,"2/17/1999","9237","GS: 9237",,,"83C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1649641
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201626,"2/17/1999","9239","GS: 9239",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1707352
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Adf1(CT37731)" 201627,"2/17/1999","9240","GS: 9240",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719301
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 201628,"2/17/1999","9242","GS: 9242",,,"92C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15772923
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4433(CT14422)" 201629,"2/17/1999","9245","GS: 9245",,,"55B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13116799
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pAbp(CT16411)" 201630,"2/17/1999","9246","GS: 9246",,,"82D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 486308
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201631,"2/11/1999","9247","GS: 9247",,,"69B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12329940
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG18022(CT40340)" 201632,"2/11/1999","9248","GS: 9248",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16552494
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201633,"2/11/1999","9251","GS: 9251",,,"93E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17346653
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201634,"2/11/1999","9252","GS: 9252",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16707721
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201635,"2/11/1999","9253","GS: 9253",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557284
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 201636,"2/11/1999","9254","GS: 9254",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8252733
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA-directed RNA polymerase III
",,,"CG12267(CT16992)" 201637,"2/11/1999","9255","GS: 9255",,,"57E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16411906
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Sdc(CT27296)" 201638,"2/11/1999","9256","GS: 9256",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563463
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201639,"2/11/1999","9257","GS: 9257",,,"89F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12877457
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"cher(CT12961)" 201640,"2/11/1999","9258","GS: 9258",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8261560
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201641,"2/11/1999","9259","GS: 9259",,,"38E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20631451
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201642,"2/11/1999","9261","GS: 9261",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783310
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 201643,"2/11/1999","9263","GS: 9263",,,"83B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1511530
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201644,"2/24/1999","9264","GS: 9264",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20727571
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9342(CT3751)" 201645,"2/24/1999","9265","GS: 9265",,,"30A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9114047
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201646,"2/24/1999","9266","GS: 9266",,,"84A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2483842
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS00004.12(CT2823)" 201647,"2/24/1999","9267","GS: 9267",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22246963
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 201648,"2/24/1999","9269","GS: 9269",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589964
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycE(CT13013)" 201649,"2/24/1999","9270","GS: 9270",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7262501
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium binding
",,,"Cam(CT41655)" 201650,"2/24/1999","9271","GS: 9271",,,"26D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6379843
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG9539(CT26986)" 201651,"2/24/1999","9272","GS: 9272",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16650964
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201652,"2/24/1999","9273","GS: 9273",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27460125
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-EST:fe1A3(CT5892)" 201653,"2/24/1999","9274","GS: 9274",,,"75B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17856716
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip75B(CT24290)" 201654,"2/24/1999","9275","GS: 9275",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247393
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 201655,"2/24/1999","9277","GS: 9277",,,"58F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17584192
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG2852(CT9017)" 201656,"2/24/1999","9278","GS: 9278",,,"57B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15771934
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201657,"2/24/1999","9279","GS: 9279",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14923308
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"l(3)02102(CT17352)" 201658,"2/24/1999","9280","GS: 9280",,,"42A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1312839
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14592(CT34337)" 201659,"2/24/1999","9281","GS: 9281",,,"73D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16854004
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201660,"2/24/1999","9282","GS: 9282",,,"21B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 156786
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201661,"2/24/1999","9283","GS: 9283",,,"55C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13264349
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5580(CT17646)" 201662,"2/24/1999","9284","GS: 9284",,,"96C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21069318
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10618(CT29440)" 201663,"2/24/1999","9285","GS: 9285",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557293
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 201664,"2/24/1999","9287","GS: 9287",,,"27D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6982926
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201665,"2/24/1999","9288","GS: 9288",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19399694
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"spi(CT29014)" 201666,"2/24/1999","9289","GS: 9289",,,"47A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5506437
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CPTI(CT41842)" 201667,"2/24/1999","9291","GS: 9291",,,"21B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 156786
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201668,"2/24/1999","9292","GS: 9292",,,"85F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5928369
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"tws(CT19500)" 201669,"2/24/1999","9293","GS: 9293",,,"88D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10660237
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7007(CT21672)" 201670,"2/24/1999","9294","GS: 9294",,,"49B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7592790
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 201671,"2/24/1999","9296","GS: 9296",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160642
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 201672,"2/24/1999","9297","GS: 9297",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17047214
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201673,"2/24/1999","9298","GS: 9298",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160658
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 201674,"2/24/1999","9299","GS: 9299",,,"89B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11731967
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201675,"2/24/1999","9300","GS: 9300",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562783
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201676,"2/24/1999","9301","GS: 9301",,,"99F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26174176
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1471(CT3635)" 201677,"2/24/1999","9302","GS: 9302",,,"60B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19036481
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"gek(CT13314)" 201678,"2/24/1999","9303","GS: 9303",,,"37E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19272948
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Hs2st(CT28767)" 201679,"2/24/1999","9305","GS: 9305",,,"38E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20568516
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"dia(CT4728)" 201680,"2/24/1999","9306","GS: 9306",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13429732
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7523(CT23057)" 201681,"2/24/1999","9307","GS: 9307",,,"21D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 726076
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): neurotransmitter transporter
",,,"Eaat2(CT10234)" 201682,"2/24/1999","9308","GS: 9308",,,"99B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25313466
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG1906(CT2831)" 201683,"2/24/1999","9309","GS: 9309",,,"63A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2743169
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201684,"2/24/1999","9311","GS: 9311",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22201216
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201685,"2/24/1999","9312","GS: 9312",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1546287
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"1.28(CT9093)" 201686,"2/24/1999","9313","GS: 9313",,,"73A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16503201
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18217(CT41224)" 201687,"2/24/1999","9314","GS: 9314",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9691130
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4026(CT13370)" 201688,"2/24/1999","9316","GS: 9316",,,"52F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11106958
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8428(CT18931)" 201689,"2/24/1999","9318","GS: 9318",,,"88C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10331155
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG7987(CT23938)" 201690,"2/24/1999","9319","GS: 9319",,,"21C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 552498
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG2789(CT9517)" 201691,"2/24/1999","9320","GS: 9320",,,"92A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15360105
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG17751(CT34883)" 201692,"2/24/1999","9322","GS: 9322",,,"83C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1628402
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201693,"2/24/1999","9324","GS: 9324",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5366525
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"methyl-CpG-binding-domain-like-protein(CT24429)" 201694,"2/24/1999","9325","GS: 9325",,,"98A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23318434
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201695,"2/24/1999","9326","GS: 9326",,,"56C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14142406
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG7097(CT21217)" 201696,"2/24/1999","9327","GS: 9327",,,"97F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22990682
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"TfIIA-L(CT18631)" 201697,"2/24/1999","9328","GS: 9328",,,"85E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5669463
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201698,"2/24/1999","9329","GS: 9329",,,"72D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16030158
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"SsRbeta(CT17318)" 201699,"2/24/1999","9330","GS: 9330",,,"49A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7475175
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201700,"2/24/1999","9331","GS: 9331",,,"78C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20982707
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG10565(CT29638)" 201701,"2/24/1999","9332","GS: 9332",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 264134
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG14650(CT34422)" 201702,"2/24/1999","9333","GS: 9333",,,"26D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6366094
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201703,"2/24/1999","9335","GS: 9335",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781168
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 201704,"2/24/1999","9336","GS: 9336",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19921757
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"neb(CT30035)" 201705,"2/24/1999","9337","GS: 9337",,,"26B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6000914
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201706,"2/24/1999","9341","GS: 9341",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224445
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201707,"2/24/1999","9344","GS: 9344",,,"75D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18514512
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201708,"2/24/1999","9345","GS: 9345",,,"96B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20678702
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Osbp(CT19296)" 201709,"2/24/1999","9346","GS: 9346",,,"74E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17543300
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Pep(CT19128)" 201710,"2/24/1999","9348","GS: 9348",,,"51F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10301337
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8155(CT21971)" 201711,"2/24/1999","9349","GS: 9349",,,"88E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10888608
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6934(CT21448)" 201712,"2/24/1999","9350","GS: 9350",,,"55B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13159670
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5721(CT18001)" 201713,"2/24/1999","9353","GS: 9353",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20725572
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9342(CT3751)" 201714,"2/24/1999","9354","GS: 9354",,,"62F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2606649
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1244(CT2428)" 201715,"2/24/1999","9355","GS: 9355",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589357
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201716,"2/24/1999","9356","GS: 9356",,,"52E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10968959
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG8315(CT18249)" 201717,"2/24/1999","9357","GS: 9357",,,"33B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11953976
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG12317(CT21742)" 201718,"2/24/1999","9358","GS: 9358",,,"60D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19545795
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3579(CT12027)" 201719,"2/24/1999","9359","GS: 9359",,,"44B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3273799
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"pnut(CT9309)" 201720,"2/24/1999","9360","GS: 9360",,,"70C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13799723
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201721,"2/24/1999","9361","GS: 9361",,,"100D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27292751
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11518(CT35373)" 201722,"2/24/1999","9362","GS: 9362",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16560136
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"VhaSFD(CT32561)" 201723,"2/24/1999","9363","GS: 9363",,,"62D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2233772
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-i1(CT6534)" 201724,"2/24/1999","9364","GS: 9364",,,"58D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17208587
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"dve(CT18152)" 201725,"2/24/1999","9365","GS: 9365",,,"42C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1801982
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): aldehyde reductase
",,,"CG9436(CT11519)" 201726,"2/24/1999","9366","GS: 9366",,,"92A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15206485
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7237(CT22311)" 201727,"2/24/1999","9367","GS: 9367",,,"68F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12061176
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5642(CT17828)" 201728,"2/24/1999","9368","GS: 9368",,,"52D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10911225
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): neurotransmitter transporter
",,,"CG8291(CT21678)" 201729,"2/24/1999","9369","GS: 9369",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14412995
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"BETA-Tub56D(CT26408)" 201730,"2/24/1999","9370","GS: 9370",,,"67D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10282489
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201731,"2/24/1999","9371","GS: 9371",,,"34D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13669527
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"p38b(CT22735)" 201732,"2/24/1999","9372","GS: 9372",,,"52F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11106939
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8428(CT18931)" 201733,"2/24/1999","9373","GS: 9373",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563473
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201734,"2/24/1999","9374","GS: 9374",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15604557
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Gli(CT12983)" 201735,"2/24/1999","9376","GS: 9376",,,"54A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12119597
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201736,"2/24/1999","9377","GS: 9377",,,"66C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8282515
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7176(CT22167)" 201737,"2/24/1999","9378","GS: 9378",,,"57B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15635839
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201738,"2/24/1999","9379","GS: 9379",,,"29B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8272792
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201739,"2/24/1999","9380","GS: 9380",,,"66B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8032028
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH11023(CT23934)" 201740,"2/24/1999","9381","GS: 9381",,,"78C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21021783
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201741,"2/24/1999","9382","GS: 9382",,,"50D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9025095
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"mam(CT24232)" 201742,"2/24/1999","9383","GS: 9383",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749279
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201743,"2/24/1999","9384","GS: 9384",,,"64C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4643283
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"axo(CT41507)" 201744,"2/24/1999","9385","GS: 9385",,,"90B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13340945
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201745,"2/24/1999","9386","GS: 9386",,,"34D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13669527
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"p38b(CT22735)" 201746,"2/24/1999","9388","GS: 9388",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12394778
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"cnk(CT20428)" 201747,"2/24/1999","9389","GS: 9389",,,"70A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13365805
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10133(CT28505)" 201748,"2/24/1999","9390","GS: 9390",,,"28E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7931233
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7380(CT22713)" 201749,"2/24/1999","9391","GS: 9391",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8475773
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating)
",,,"CG10120(CT28469)" 201750,"2/24/1999","9392","GS: 9392",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1497682
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201751,"2/24/1999","9395","GS: 9395",,,"99A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24976384
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein tyrosine phosphatase
",,,"stg(CT3224)" 201752,"2/24/1999","9396","GS: 9396",,,"55B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13147104
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Dgp-1(CT18019)" 201753,"2/24/1999","9397","GS: 9397",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 113046
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1201(CT1275)" 201754,"2/24/1999","9398","GS: 9398",,,"62A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1442904
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"rho(CT1008)" 201755,"2/24/1999","9399","GS: 9399",,,"56B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14106268
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"enb(CT34990)" 201756,"2/24/1999","9400","GS: 9400",,,"88D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10453360
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201757,"2/24/1999","9401","GS: 9401",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15586752
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycE(CT13013)" 201758,"2/24/1999","9402","GS: 9402",,,"94D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18639257
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201759,"2/24/1999","9403","GS: 9403",,,"42C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1758301
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201760,"2/24/1999","9404","GS: 9404",,,"84C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2913183
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1091(CT1553)" 201761,"2/24/1999","9405","GS: 9405",,,"67C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9776069
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201762,"2/24/1999","9406","GS: 9406",,,"42D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2027763
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17002(CT35183)" 201763,"2/24/1999","9407","GS: 9407",,,"73D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16791041
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11914(CT37086)" 201764,"2/24/1999","9409","GS: 9409",,,"70C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13934462
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsc70Cb(CT20438)" 201765,"2/24/1999","9410","GS: 9410",,,"49B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7594727
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"amphiphysin(CT25009)" 201766,"2/24/1999","9413","GS: 9413",,,"52D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10840642
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG8256(CT21773)" 201767,"2/24/1999","9414","GS: 9414",,,"44A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3181854
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA replication factor
",,,"CG8709(CT9407)" 201768,"2/24/1999","9415","GS: 9415",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27438423
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 201769,"2/24/1999","9416","GS: 9416",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518850
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201770,"2/24/1999","9418","GS: 9418",,,"69A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12197472
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201771,"2/24/1999","9419","GS: 9419",,,"51A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9421196
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"phyl(CT28451)" 201772,"2/24/1999","9420","GS: 9420",,,"66A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7790294
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201773,"2/24/1999","9421","GS: 9421",,,"100B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26767521
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-l(CT4906)" 201774,"2/24/1999","9422","GS: 9422",,,"60E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20052516
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201775,"2/24/1999","9423","GS: 9423",,,"67F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10817888
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6391(CT19950)" 201776,"2/24/1999","9424","GS: 9424",,,"83A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1195000
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201777,"2/24/1999","9425","GS: 9425",,,"62C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2083777
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Titin(CT5932)" 201778,"2/24/1999","9426","GS: 9426",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362001
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201779,"2/24/1999","9428","GS: 9428",,,"72D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16013758
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Taf110(CT37423)" 201780,"2/24/1999","9429","GS: 9429",,,"30F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9860951
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13126(CT32364)" 201781,"2/24/1999","9431","GS: 9431",,,"52F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11106951
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8428(CT18931)" 201782,"2/24/1999","9432","GS: 9432",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583091
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201783,"2/24/1999","9433","GS: 9433",,,"89B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12039190
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG6963(CT21414)" 201784,"2/24/1999","9434","GS: 9434",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16549066
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"Cyt-c1(CT32547)" 201785,"2/24/1999","9435","GS: 9435",,,"34D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13717303
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Sop2(CT25802)" 201786,"2/24/1999","9436","GS: 9436",,,"35B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14478645
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201787,"2/24/1999","9439","GS: 9439",,,"50E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9130663
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201788,"2/24/1999","9441","GS: 9441",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4815034
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 201789,"2/24/1999","9442","GS: 9442",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165270
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 201790,"2/24/1999","9443","GS: 9443",,,"63B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3021193
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1893(CT5862)" 201791,"2/24/1999","9444","GS: 9444",,,"88A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9854324
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9920(CT27932)" 201792,"2/24/1999","9445","GS: 9445",,,"34A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13142691
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201793,"2/24/1999","9446","GS: 9446",,,"80A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22829407
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nrm(CT16082)" 201794,"2/24/1999","9448","GS: 9448",,,"77B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20243668
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5571(CT17606)" 201795,"2/24/1999","9450","GS: 9450",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6899958
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 201796,"2/24/1999","9451","GS: 9451",,,"64B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4490366
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Tie(CT1912)" 201797,"2/24/1999","9452","GS: 9452",,,"62A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1526097
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1049(CT1092)" 201798,"2/24/1999","9457","GS: 9457",,,"63B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3167773
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Hsp83(CT2354)" 201799,"2/24/1999","9458","GS: 9458",,,"38B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19902327
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG10728(CT30071)" 201800,"2/24/1999","9460","GS: 9460",,,"63B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3167772
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Hsp83(CT2354)" 201801,"2/24/1999","9461","GS: 9461",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683675
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 201802,"2/24/1999","9462","GS: 9462",,,"91F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15002664
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5237(CT16709)" 201803,"2/24/1999","9463","GS: 9463",,,"43A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2325262
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201804,"2/24/1999","9464","GS: 9464",,,"99A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24935584
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201805,"2/24/1999","9465","GS: 9465",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16562201
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 201806,"2/24/1999","9467","GS: 9467",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23674443
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG4976(CT15944)" 201807,"2/24/1999","9469","GS: 9469",,,"94C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18413396
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201808,"2/24/1999","9470","GS: 9470",,,"69A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12192398
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10426(CT29270)" 201809,"2/24/1999","9471","GS: 9471",,,"57B20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16011964
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201810,"2/24/1999","9472","GS: 9472",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16650477
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201811,"2/24/1999","9473","GS: 9473",,,"49E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8028258
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201812,"2/24/1999","9474","GS: 9474",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396690
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 201813,"4/29/1999","9475","GS: 9475",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10413479
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 201814,"2/24/1999","9478","GS: 9478",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683671
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 201815,"2/4/1999","9480","GS: 9480",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426514
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 201816,"2/4/1999","9481","GS: 9481",,,"87F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9534836
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201817,"2/4/1999","9482","GS: 9482",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17358000
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201818,"2/4/1999","9483","GS: 9483",,,"60D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19473980
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4622(CT14926)" 201819,"2/4/1999","9484","GS: 9484",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8162122
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4016(CT13338)" 201820,"2/4/1999","9485","GS: 9485",,,"62A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1525296
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1049(CT1092)" 201821,"2/4/1999","9487","GS: 9487",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16562201
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 201822,"2/4/1999","9488","GS: 9488",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939876
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 201823,"2/4/1999","9489","GS: 9489",,,"70C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13835446
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201824,"2/4/1999","9490","GS: 9490",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219750
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 201825,"2/4/1999","9491","GS: 9491",,,"76D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19645436
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201826,"2/4/1999","9492","GS: 9492",,,"96E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21213009
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201827,"2/4/1999","9493","GS: 9493",,,"85D17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5226507
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16765(CT37285)" 201828,"2/4/1999","9494","GS: 9494",,,"48B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6712849
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201829,"2/4/1999","9495","GS: 9495",,,"62A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1497101
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidase
",,,"CG1009(CT1016)" 201830,"2/4/1999","9496","GS: 9496",,,"67B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9346192
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Shc(CT12443)" 201831,"2/4/1999","9497","GS: 9497",,,"69D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12647304
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201832,"2/4/1999","9498","GS: 9498",,,"45A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4104908
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ana(CT4622)" 201833,"2/4/1999","9499","GS: 9499",,,"49D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7863980
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Btf(CT12178)" 201834,"2/4/1999","9502","GS: 9502",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396690
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 201835,"2/4/1999","9504","GS: 9504",,,"46C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4910384
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201836,"4/29/1999","9507","GS: 9507",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1684953
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201837,"2/4/1999","9508","GS: 9508",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13702533
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201838,"2/4/1999","9509","GS: 9509",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5358200
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201839,"2/4/1999","9511","GS: 9511",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570685
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 201840,"2/4/1999","9512","GS: 9512",,,"26F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6548818
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11098(CT30987)" 201841,"2/4/1999","9513","GS: 9513",,,"83C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1628481
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201842,"2/4/1999","9514","GS: 9514",,,"1B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 186306
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201843,"2/4/1999","9515","GS: 9515",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9318699
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4080(CT13540)" 201844,"2/4/1999","9516","GS: 9516",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6649368
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201845,"2/4/1999","9518","GS: 9518",,,"85D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5159803
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201846,"2/4/1999","9520","GS: 9520",,,"99E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25916721
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9743(CT27539)" 201847,"2/4/1999","9521","GS: 9521",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1480816
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG1245(CT2432)" 201848,"2/4/1999","9523","GS: 9523",,,"53A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11310449
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Vha44(CT24078)" 201849,"2/4/1999","9524","GS: 9524",,,"82A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 109162
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201850,"2/4/1999","9525","GS: 9525",,,"28D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7890134
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG7228(CT22295)" 201851,"2/4/1999","9526","GS: 9526",,,"26F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6584055
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Nhe3(CT31621)" 201852,"2/4/1999","9527","GS: 9527",,,"87F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9470549
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201853,"2/4/1999","9528","GS: 9528",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3319017
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201854,"2/4/1999","9529","GS: 9529",,,"63C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3278226
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG17723(CT1559)" 201855,"2/4/1999","9530","GS: 9530",,,"34D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13793187
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-34Ea(CT25724)" 201856,"2/4/1999","9532","GS: 9532",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14387207
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 201857,"2/4/1999","9533","GS: 9533",,,"96B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20812053
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG11836(CT36965)" 201858,"4/29/1999","9535","GS: 9535",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16559992
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"VhaSFD(CT32561)" 201859,"2/4/1999","9536","GS: 9536",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719012
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 201860,"2/4/1999","9537","GS: 9537",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570124
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 201861,"2/4/1999","9538","GS: 9538",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316440
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201862,"2/4/1999","9539","GS: 9539",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 260672
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1074(CT1375)" 201863,"2/4/1999","9540","GS: 9540",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316449
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201864,"2/4/1999","9541","GS: 9541",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11471792
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 201865,"2/4/1999","9542","GS: 9542",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16346426
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 201866,"2/4/1999","9543","GS: 9543",,,"51D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9921078
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201867,"2/4/1999","9544","GS: 9544",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22566978
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 201868,"2/4/1999","9545","GS: 9545",,,"97F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23008125
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"l(3)mbt(CT18705)" 201869,"2/4/1999","9546","GS: 9546",,,"64A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4128399
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG15000(CT34853)" 201870,"2/4/1999","9547","GS: 9547",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5444285
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Scm(CT26890)" 201871,"2/4/1999","9548","GS: 9548",,,"98A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23318382
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201872,"2/4/1999","9549","GS: 9549",,,"85F15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5984773
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201873,"2/4/1999","9550","GS: 9550",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14419810
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA topoisomerase
",,,"mei-W68(CT23580)" 201874,"2/4/1999","9552","GS: 9552",,,"73B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16600531
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201875,"2/4/1999","9554","GS: 9554",,,"39E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21263795
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201876,"2/4/1999","9555","GS: 9555",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1480787
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG1245(CT2432)" 201877,"2/4/1999","9557","GS: 9557",,,"41F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 978008
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8390(CT3100)" 201878,"2/4/1999","9558","GS: 9558",,,"88A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9864853
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201879,"2/4/1999","9560","GS: 9560",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20451484
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG2608(CT8863)" 201880,"2/4/1999","9561","GS: 9561",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1497675
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201881,"2/4/1999","9562","GS: 9562",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890905
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201882,"2/4/1999","9563","GS: 9563",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16523049
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 201883,"2/4/1999","9564","GS: 9564",,,"48F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7179613
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8862(CT25462)" 201884,"2/4/1999","9566","GS: 9566",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15947413
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201885,"2/4/1999","9567","GS: 9567",,,"64D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5221278
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201886,"2/4/1999","9569","GS: 9569",,,"97D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22602854
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"His2Av(CT17432)" 201887,"2/4/1999","9570","GS: 9570",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4841607
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201888,"2/4/1999","9571","GS: 9571",,,"45D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4492798
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201889,"2/4/1999","9572","GS: 9572",,,"38E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20606324
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201890,"2/4/1999","9573","GS: 9573",,,"35C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15140794
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS07295.3(CT13219)" 201891,"2/4/1999","9576","GS: 9576",,,"39B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20976386
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9243(CT8315)" 201892,"2/4/1999","9577","GS: 9577",,,"83A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1195000
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201893,"2/4/1999","9579","GS: 9579",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15258437
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 201894,"2/4/1999","9581","GS: 9581",,,"61E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 862099
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201895,"2/4/1999","9582","GS: 9582",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3550626
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 201896,"2/4/1999","9583","GS: 9583",,,"37A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18448824
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201897,"2/4/1999","9584","GS: 9584",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965654
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 201898,"2/4/1999","9586","GS: 9586",,,"68D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11738121
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201899,"2/4/1999","9587","GS: 9587",,,"86A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6058987
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201900,"2/4/1999","9589","GS: 9589",,,"89E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12801433
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3995(CT13279)" 201901,"2/4/1999","9590","GS: 9590",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7590825
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 201902,"2/4/1999","9591","GS: 9591",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16708760
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Atpalpha(CT17822)" 201903,"2/4/1999","9592","GS: 9592",,,"85A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4472935
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG9748(CT27543)" 201904,"2/4/1999","9593","GS: 9593",,,"85F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5939913
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201905,"2/4/1999","9594","GS: 9594",,,"64A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4128287
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG15000(CT34853)" 201906,"2/4/1999","9595","GS: 9595",,,"62A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1497101
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidase
",,,"CG1009(CT1016)" 201907,"2/4/1999","9597","GS: 9597",,,"50B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8556372
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG13334(CT32653)" 201908,"2/4/1999","9598","GS: 9598",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9699562
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13122(CT32359)" 201909,"2/4/1999","9599","GS: 9599",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16707828
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201910,"2/4/1999","9601","GS: 9601",,,"85D20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5286722
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201911,"2/4/1999","9602","GS: 9602",,,"27E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7147931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201912,"2/4/1999","9603","GS: 9603",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165278
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 201913,"2/4/1999","9604","GS: 9604",,,"49E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7953476
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201914,"2/4/1999","9605","GS: 9605",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 635104
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201915,"2/4/1999","9606","GS: 9606",,,"70D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14101567
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"nuf(CT23449)" 201916,"2/4/1999","9607","GS: 9607",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8940052
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201917,"2/4/1999","9609","GS: 9609",,,"27D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6955421
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201918,"2/4/1999","9610","GS: 9610",,,"95D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19845870
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG10716(CT30033)" 201919,"2/4/1999","9611","GS: 9611",,,"34C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13447709
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9260(CT26204)" 201920,"2/4/1999","9613","GS: 9613",,,"46C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4978369
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201921,"2/4/1999","9614","GS: 9614",,,"75A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17804349
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201922,"2/4/1999","9615","GS: 9615",,,"52F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11106923
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8428(CT18931)" 201923,"2/4/1999","9616","GS: 9616",,,"66D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8596367
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"h(CT20229)" 201924,"2/4/1999","9618","GS: 9618",,,"64B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4598437
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Src64B(CT40878)" 201925,"2/4/1999","9619","GS: 9619",,,"96A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20312961
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201926,"2/4/1999","9620","GS: 9620",,,"95D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19698824
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Aats-glupro(CT17114)" 201927,"2/4/1999","9621","GS: 9621",,,"99A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24849285
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11880(CT34242)" 201928,"2/4/1999","9622","GS: 9622",,,"66A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7729493
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201929,"2/4/1999","9624","GS: 9624",,,"95D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19698824
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Aats-glupro(CT17114)" 201930,"2/4/1999","9625","GS: 9625",,,"47F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6367700
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG13204(CT32448)" 201931,"2/4/1999","9626","GS: 9626",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16650432
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201932,"2/4/1999","9627","GS: 9627",,,"97F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23009050
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"l(3)mbt(CT18705)" 201933,"2/4/1999","9628","GS: 9628",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251807
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 201934,"2/4/1999","9630","GS: 9630",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518717
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201935,"2/4/1999","9631","GS: 9631",,,"23D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3042387
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"toc(CT27308)" 201936,"2/4/1999","9632","GS: 9632",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20727579
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9342(CT3751)" 201937,"4/17/1999","9633","GS: 9633",,,"63D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3445701
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14971(CT34817)" 201938,"4/17/1999","9635","GS: 9635",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749202
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201939,"4/17/1999","9636","GS: 9636",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224973
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201940,"4/17/1999","9637","GS: 9637",,,"61F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1227251
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG9128(CT8117)" 201941,"4/17/1999","9640","GS: 9640",,,"85C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4859866
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 201942,"4/17/1999","9642","GS: 9642",,,"34B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13411192
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"B4(CT26270)" 201943,"4/17/1999","9643","GS: 9643",,,"22D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2094349
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201944,"4/17/1999","9644","GS: 9644",,,"79B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21770929
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201945,"4/17/1999","9645","GS: 9645",,,"94D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18639391
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201946,"4/17/1999","9646","GS: 9646",,,"66C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8343552
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7027(CT21724)" 201947,"4/17/1999","9647","GS: 9647",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17374992
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201948,"4/17/1999","9648","GS: 9648",,,"43F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3026343
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG8722(CT9658)" 201949,"4/17/1999","9649","GS: 9649",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1676399
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase
",,,"Vha16(CT10607)" 201950,"4/17/1999","9650","GS: 9650",,,"24A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3564504
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201951,"4/17/1999","9651","GS: 9651",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3225146
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201952,"4/17/1999","9653","GS: 9653",,,"85B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4708276
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201953,"4/17/1999","9654","GS: 9654",,,"83B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1450094
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG1475(CT2504)" 201954,"4/17/1999","9655","GS: 9655",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5898725
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"chic(CT36595)" 201955,"4/17/1999","9656","GS: 9656",,,"84C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3077067
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10050(CT28283)" 201956,"4/17/1999","9657","GS: 9657",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19399956
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"spi(CT29014)" 201957,"4/17/1999","9658","GS: 9658",,,"70E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14528519
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17703(CT39222)" 201958,"4/17/1999","9659","GS: 9659",,,"89D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12398593
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"nonA-l(CT28998)" 201959,"4/17/1999","9660","GS: 9660",,,"98A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23437201
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12876(CT32020)" 201960,"4/17/1999","9661","GS: 9661",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16434601
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 201961,"4/17/1999","9662","GS: 9662",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563472
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201962,"4/29/1999","9663","GS: 9663",,,"58E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17508209
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201963,"4/17/1999","9664","GS: 9664",,,"79B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21770931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201964,"4/17/1999","9665","GS: 9665",,,"86A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6181812
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201965,"2/4/1999","9666","GS: 9666",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219917
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 201966,"2/4/1999","9667","GS: 9667",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19087172
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201967,"2/4/1999","9668","GS: 9668",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562875
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 201968,"2/4/1999","9669","GS: 9669",,,"64A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3916344
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"BcDNA:GH10614(CT30407)" 201969,"2/4/1999","9671","GS: 9671",,,"48F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7180657
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8860(CT25456)" 201970,"2/4/1999","9672","GS: 9672",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27458604
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"awd(CT7286)" 201971,"2/4/1999","9673","GS: 9673",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10413478
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 201972,"2/4/1999","9674","GS: 9674",,,"64A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4128280
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG15000(CT34853)" 201973,"2/4/1999","9675","GS: 9675",,,"35F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16157870
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"cact(CT18347)" 201974,"2/4/1999","9676","GS: 9676",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890985
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201975,"2/4/1999","9678","GS: 9678",,,"25C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4976796
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14036(CT33595)" 201976,"2/4/1999","9679","GS: 9679",,,"22A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1552205
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201977,"2/4/1999","9681","GS: 9681",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11471792
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 201978,"2/4/1999","9683","GS: 9683",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091564
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 201979,"2/4/1999","9684","GS: 9684",,,"98A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23319337
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201980,"2/4/1999","9685","GS: 9685",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 241675
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201981,"2/4/1999","9686","GS: 9686",,,"35F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16157870
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"cact(CT18347)" 201982,"2/4/1999","9687","GS: 9687",,,"92E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16301712
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201983,"2/4/1999","9688","GS: 9688",,,"62B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1718133
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7995(CT1673)" 201984,"2/4/1999","9689","GS: 9689",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16651182
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201985,"2/4/1999","9690","GS: 9690",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19921806
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"neb(CT30035)" 201986,"2/4/1999","9691","GS: 9691",,,"67E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10578632
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6487(CT20205)" 201987,"2/4/1999","9692","GS: 9692",,,"64E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5694597
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201988,"2/4/1999","9693","GS: 9693",,,"23B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2792709
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG3098(CT10372)" 201989,"2/4/1999","9694","GS: 9694",,,"100D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27322496
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG11525(CT35376)" 201990,"2/4/1999","9695","GS: 9695",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583266
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201991,"2/4/1999","9696","GS: 9696",,,"27D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6937502
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201992,"2/4/1999","9697","GS: 9697",,,"26C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6257583
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Cpr(CT26884)" 201993,"2/4/1999","9698","GS: 9698",,,"79E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22106655
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Csp(CT19114)" 201994,"2/4/1999","9699","GS: 9699",,,"78C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21088853
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip78C(CT40336)" 201995,"2/4/1999","9700","GS: 9700",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7972984
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"poe(CT34171)" 201996,"2/4/1999","9701","GS: 9701",,,"89A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11568841
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"alpha-Man-IIb(CT14868)" 201997,"2/4/1999","9703","GS: 9703",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26098476
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 201998,"2/4/1999","9704","GS: 9704",,,"34A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13063468
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Sir2(CT16687)" 201999,"2/4/1999","9705","GS: 9705",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563544
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202000,"2/4/1999","9706","GS: 9706",,,"58C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17123798
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5625(CT16940)" 202001,"2/4/1999","9707","GS: 9707",,,"64A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4096347
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202002,"2/4/1999","9708","GS: 9708",,,"75A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17804342
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202003,"2/24/1999","9710","GS: 9710",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19086511
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"pnt(CT37466)" 202004,"2/24/1999","9711","GS: 9711",,,"29C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8348058
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG13399(CT32745)" 202005,"2/24/1999","9712","GS: 9712",,,"75A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17758830
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202006,"2/24/1999","9713","GS: 9713",,,"57C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16132315
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG15658(CT35842)" 202007,"2/24/1999","9714","GS: 9714",,,"70F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14652923
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Trl(CT26539)" 202008,"2/24/1999","9715","GS: 9715",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16517879
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 202009,"2/24/1999","9716","GS: 9716",,,"61F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1227251
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG9128(CT8117)" 202010,"2/24/1999","9717","GS: 9717",,,"58C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17074672
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202011,"2/24/1999","9718","GS: 9718",,,"24E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4200758
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG15426(CT35488)" 202012,"4/29/1999","9719","GS: 9719",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3200225
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202013,"2/24/1999","9721","GS: 9721",,,"50C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8621201
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202014,"2/24/1999","9722","GS: 9722",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1569624
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202015,"2/24/1999","9723","GS: 9723",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12721408
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202016,"2/24/1999","9724","GS: 9724",,,"91C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14481914
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Cha(CT23399)" 202017,"2/24/1999","9725","GS: 9725",,,"31B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10127601
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202018,"2/24/1999","9727","GS: 9727",,,"61F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1227251
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG9128(CT8117)" 202019,"2/24/1999","9728","GS: 9728",,,"93B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16848045
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG3421(CT11517)" 202020,"2/24/1999","9729","GS: 9729",,,"96E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21213120
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG5127(CT16445)" 202021,"2/24/1999","9730","GS: 9730",,,"52D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10848427
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202022,"2/24/1999","9731","GS: 9731",,,"78D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21331859
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7202(CT22229)" 202023,"2/24/1999","9732","GS: 9732",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247392
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 202024,"2/24/1999","9733","GS: 9733",,,"96B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20790499
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11791(CT33050)" 202025,"2/24/1999","9734","GS: 9734",,,"79D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21940102
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202026,"2/24/1999","9735","GS: 9735",,,"26D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6329513
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202027,"2/24/1999","9736","GS: 9736",,,"32D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11005422
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4713(CT15187)" 202028,"2/24/1999","9737","GS: 9737",,,"48B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6691652
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"wal(CT25860)" 202029,"2/24/1999","9740","GS: 9740",,,"64B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4228776
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1265(CT2591)" 202030,"2/24/1999","9741","GS: 9741",,,"86E16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7383137
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG6791(CT21077)" 202031,"2/24/1999","9742","GS: 9742",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24065355
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202032,"2/24/1999","9743","GS: 9743",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6161363
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202033,"2/24/1999","9744","GS: 9744",,,"92E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16301711
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202034,"2/24/1999","9745","GS: 9745",,,"64E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5694595
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202035,"2/24/1999","9746","GS: 9746",,,"87B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8194362
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG17227(CT38191)" 202036,"2/24/1999","9747","GS: 9747",,,"52E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10996185
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8399(CT18617)" 202037,"2/24/1999","9748","GS: 9748",,,"49C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7761823
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Nacalpha(CT25274)" 202038,"2/24/1999","9750","GS: 9750",,,"60C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19207496
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202039,"2/24/1999","9751","GS: 9751",,,"100D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27293522
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11518(CT35373)" 202040,"2/24/1999","9752","GS: 9752",,,"82D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 541460
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG9769(CT27609)" 202041,"2/24/1999","9753","GS: 9753",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518815
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202042,"2/24/1999","9754","GS: 9754",,,"88D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10650206
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7265(CT22421)" 202043,"2/24/1999","9755","GS: 9755",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783772
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 202044,"2/24/1999","9756","GS: 9756",,,"60C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19207063
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13577(CT32959)" 202045,"2/24/1999","9757","GS: 9757",,,"45D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4450482
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202046,"2/24/1999","9758","GS: 9758",,,"31E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10381085
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202047,"2/24/1999","9759","GS: 9759",,,"91F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14987344
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"vib(CT16783)" 202048,"2/24/1999","9760","GS: 9760",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939874
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 202049,"2/24/1999","9761","GS: 9761",,,"21B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 141588
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4648(CT15017)" 202050,"2/24/1999","9762","GS: 9762",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362064
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202051,"2/24/1999","9763","GS: 9763",,,"29C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8373611
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202052,"2/24/1999","9764","GS: 9764",,,"57B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15524802
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"bl(CT40495)" 202053,"2/24/1999","9765","GS: 9765",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5305364
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202054,"2/24/1999","9766","GS: 9766",,,"83C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1785845
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202055,"2/24/1999","9767","GS: 9767",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719301
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 202056,"2/24/1999","9768","GS: 9768",,,"86F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7571228
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202057,"2/24/1999","9769","GS: 9769",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12394741
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"cnk(CT20428)" 202058,"4/29/1999","9771","GS: 9771",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678453
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202059,"2/24/1999","9772","GS: 9772",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16707721
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202060,"2/24/1999","9773","GS: 9773",,,"75A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17739650
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5577(CT17632)" 202061,"2/24/1999","9774","GS: 9774",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19930851
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG10722(CT30053)" 202062,"2/24/1999","9775","GS: 9775",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642447
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202063,"2/24/1999","9776","GS: 9776",,,"100F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27780614
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"Map205(CT3677)" 202064,"2/24/1999","9777","GS: 9777",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6206747
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"shn(CT23537)" 202065,"2/24/1999","9778","GS: 9778",,,"62B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1840882
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"R(CT6117)" 202066,"2/24/1999","9779","GS: 9779",,,"85F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5904511
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Fragile-X-related(CT17036)" 202067,"2/24/1999","9780","GS: 9780",,,"85B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4482121
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transketolase
",,,"CG8036(CT24118)" 202068,"2/24/1999","9781","GS: 9781",,,"25C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4922570
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8895(CT25554)" 202069,"2/24/1999","9782","GS: 9782",,,"57B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15526082
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"bl(CT40495)" 202070,"2/24/1999","9783","GS: 9783",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19822942
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidase
",,,"CG10142(CT9828)" 202071,"2/24/1999","9784","GS: 9784",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11423545
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202072,"2/24/1999","9785","GS: 9785",,,"68C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11410822
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"charybde(CT23077)" 202073,"2/24/1999","9786","GS: 9786",,,"70A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13126728
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202074,"2/24/1999","9787","GS: 9787",,,"60B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18984739
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"tsr(CT13858)" 202075,"2/24/1999","9788","GS: 9788",,,"30C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9543005
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202076,"2/24/1999","9789","GS: 9789",,,"84E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3901298
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202077,"2/24/1999","9790","GS: 9790",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12721827
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202078,"2/24/1999","9791","GS: 9791",,,"32D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11049717
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202079,"2/24/1999","9793","GS: 9793",,,"95F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20030587
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): uridine kinase
",,,"CG6364(CT19884)" 202080,"2/24/1999","9795","GS: 9795",,,"23B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2801089
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"NTPase(CT10292)" 202081,"2/24/1999","9796","GS: 9796",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9691190
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4026(CT13370)" 202082,"2/24/1999","9797","GS: 9797",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7305758
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8580(CT15373)" 202083,"2/24/1999","9799","GS: 9799",,,"50C23","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8998951
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202084,"2/24/1999","9800","GS: 9800",,,"84D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3657232
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG9851(CT27810)" 202085,"2/24/1999","9802","GS: 9802",,,"9A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9705283
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG1986(CT6292)" 202086,"2/24/1999","9803","GS: 9803",,,"83A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1334383
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202087,"2/24/1999","9804","GS: 9804",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5149543
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202088,"2/24/1999","9805","GS: 9805",,,"61D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 810444
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG13900(CT33435)" 202089,"2/24/1999","9806","GS: 9806",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589344
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202090,"2/24/1999","9807","GS: 9807",,,"60A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18808255
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ken(CT17620)" 202091,"2/24/1999","9808","GS: 9808",,,"99F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25991638
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202092,"2/24/1999","9809","GS: 9809",,,"96B20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20865046
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11844(CT33063)" 202093,"2/24/1999","9810","GS: 9810",,,"89A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11562567
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"alpha-Man-IIb(CT14868)" 202094,"2/24/1999","9811","GS: 9811",,,"51B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9555912
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ttv(CT28467)" 202095,"2/24/1999","9812","GS: 9812",,,"83C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1688026
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2017(CT6385)" 202096,"2/24/1999","9814","GS: 9814",,,"52A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10548222
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Flo(CT21913)" 202097,"2/24/1999","9815","GS: 9815",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21648034
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"eg(CT22725)" 202098,"5/19/1999","9816","GS: 9816",,,"78A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20873902
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202099,"2/24/1999","9817","GS: 9817",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11831907
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 202100,"2/24/1999","9818","GS: 9818",,,"75D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18508756
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"not(CT13750)" 202101,"2/24/1999","9819","GS: 9819",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362898
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202102,"2/24/1999","9821","GS: 9821",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19797854
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsp68(CT17248)" 202103,"2/24/1999","9822","GS: 9822",,,"38C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20243702
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202104,"2/24/1999","9824","GS: 9824",,,"94C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18406587
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202105,"2/24/1999","9825","GS: 9825",,,"87F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9491617
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202106,"2/24/1999","9826","GS: 9826",,,"26B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5966246
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG12393(CT26168)" 202107,"2/24/1999","9827","GS: 9827",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18482053
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5365(CT17048)" 202108,"2/24/1999","9828","GS: 9828",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251928
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 202109,"2/24/1999","9830","GS: 9830",,,"46E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5106800
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202110,"2/24/1999","9832","GS: 9832",,,"71B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15196869
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202111,"2/24/1999","9834","GS: 9834",,,"26C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6171314
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202112,"2/24/1999","9835","GS: 9835",,,"96B20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20865046
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11844(CT33063)" 202113,"2/24/1999","9836","GS: 9836",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11831901
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 202114,"2/24/1999","9837","GS: 9837",,,"41F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 978008
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8390(CT3100)" 202115,"2/24/1999","9838","GS: 9838",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7698407
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7138(CT22061)" 202116,"2/24/1999","9839","GS: 9839",,,"93B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16862202
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rab11(CT18112)" 202117,"2/24/1999","9840","GS: 9840",,,"55E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13500318
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Pepck(CT30577)" 202118,"2/24/1999","9841","GS: 9841",,,"65A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6204018
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202119,"2/24/1999","9842","GS: 9842",,,"39F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21499457
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202120,"2/24/1999","9843","GS: 9843",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10413485
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 202121,"2/24/1999","9844","GS: 9844",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13821581
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG15102(CT34977)" 202122,"2/24/1999","9845","GS: 9845",,,"23D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2977387
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH07626(CT11871)" 202123,"2/24/1999","9846","GS: 9846",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642682
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202124,"2/24/1999","9847","GS: 9847",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316445
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202125,"2/24/1999","9848","GS: 9848",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814777
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 202126,"2/24/1999","9850","GS: 9850",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165440
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 202127,"2/24/1999","9851","GS: 9851",,,"27D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6909505
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202128,"2/24/1999","9853","GS: 9853",,,"88E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10963141
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18525(CT42292)" 202129,"2/24/1999","9854","GS: 9854",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091660
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 202130,"2/24/1999","9855","GS: 9855",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783767
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 202131,"2/24/1999","9856","GS: 9856",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251725
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 202132,"2/24/1999","9857","GS: 9857",,,"52A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10547760
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Flo(CT21913)" 202133,"2/24/1999","9858","GS: 9858",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170447
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 202134,"2/24/1999","9859","GS: 9859",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21664219
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7414(CT22817)" 202135,"2/24/1999","9860","GS: 9860",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12394664
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"cnk(CT20428)" 202136,"2/24/1999","9862","GS: 9862",,,"51F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10352362
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202137,"2/24/1999","9863","GS: 9863",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900001
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 202138,"2/24/1999","9864","GS: 9864",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783783
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 202139,"2/24/1999","9866","GS: 9866",,,"75D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18721054
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3979(CT41700)" 202140,"2/24/1999","9867","GS: 9867",,,"34D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13767600
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16867(CT35254)" 202141,"2/24/1999","9868","GS: 9868",,,"29B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8239644
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202142,"2/24/1999","9870","GS: 9870",,,"68F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11919573
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202143,"2/24/1999","9871","GS: 9871",,,"54A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12121584
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202144,"2/24/1999","9872","GS: 9872",,,"95D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19843953
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"syx1A(CT17276)" 202145,"2/24/1999","9873","GS: 9873",,,"49B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7671276
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202146,"2/24/1999","9874","GS: 9874",,,"55B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13147089
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Dgp-1(CT18019)" 202147,"2/24/1999","9875","GS: 9875",,,"64B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4601052
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Rpd3(CT1177)" 202148,"2/24/1999","9876","GS: 9876",,,"54C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12510520
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202149,"2/24/1999","9877","GS: 9877",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27436820
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202150,"2/24/1999","9878","GS: 9878",,,"47A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5472682
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"G-oalpha47A(CT7252)" 202151,"2/24/1999","9880","GS: 9880",,,"55C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13404422
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16859(CT37450)" 202152,"2/24/1999","9881","GS: 9881",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7589456
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 202153,"2/24/1999","9883","GS: 9883",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947955
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 202154,"2/24/1999","9884","GS: 9884",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369739
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 202155,"2/24/1999","9885","GS: 9885",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362898
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202156,"2/24/1999","9886","GS: 9886",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642674
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202157,"2/24/1999","9887","GS: 9887",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1090893
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202158,"2/24/1999","9888","GS: 9888",,,"47C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5823637
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"BcDNA:LD26050(CT23297)" 202159,"2/24/1999","9889","GS: 9889",,,"61F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1297635
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202160,"2/24/1999","9890","GS: 9890",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17360529
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202161,"2/24/1999","9891","GS: 9891",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 730540
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"emc(CT1010)" 202162,"2/24/1999","9892","GS: 9892",,,"56E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14593456
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"sm(CT26312)" 202163,"2/24/1999","9893","GS: 9893",,,"78E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21480216
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12562(CT34305)" 202164,"2/24/1999","9894","GS: 9894",,,"63E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3747855
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202165,"2/24/1999","9895","GS: 9895",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642726
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202166,"2/24/1999","9896","GS: 9896",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14409404
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA-directed RNA polymerase III
",,,"Elongin-C(CT26431)" 202167,"2/24/1999","9897","GS: 9897",,,"52C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10726912
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202168,"2/24/1999","9898","GS: 9898",,,"31A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9959874
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG4791(CT15383)" 202169,"2/24/1999","9899","GS: 9899",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5314052
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG4769(CT15355)" 202170,"2/24/1999","9900","GS: 9900",,,"57C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16090287
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202171,"2/24/1999","9901","GS: 9901",,,"67B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9634231
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16707(CT37179)" 202172,"2/24/1999","9902","GS: 9902",,,"90B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13298356
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5824(CT18277)" 202173,"2/24/1999","9904","GS: 9904",,,"52B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10590276
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202174,"2/24/1999","9905","GS: 9905",,,"92A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15082742
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"Dl(CT12133)" 202175,"2/24/1999","9906","GS: 9906",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202176,"2/24/1999","9907","GS: 9907",,,"47C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5978217
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202177,"2/24/1999","9908","GS: 9908",,,"86D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7036869
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17734(CT34491)" 202178,"2/24/1999","9909","GS: 9909",,,"90D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13791500
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202179,"2/24/1999","9910","GS: 9910",,,"72D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15988003
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5241(CT16735)" 202180,"2/24/1999","9911","GS: 9911",,,"89B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11987795
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202181,"2/24/1999","9912","GS: 9912",,,"27A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6641803
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG11221(CT31292)" 202182,"2/24/1999","9913","GS: 9913",,,"67D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10282597
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202183,"2/24/1999","9914","GS: 9914",,,"88A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9813114
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3143(CT10510)" 202184,"2/24/1999","9915","GS: 9915",,,"73D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16765288
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11914(CT37086)" 202185,"2/24/1999","9916","GS: 9916",,,"77A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20082548
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202186,"2/24/1999","9918","GS: 9918",,,"67B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9466457
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202187,"4/29/1999","9919","GS: 9919",,,"96F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21479973
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4834(CT15529)" 202188,"2/24/1999","9920","GS: 9920",,,"88E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10888614
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6934(CT21448)" 202189,"2/24/1999","9921","GS: 9921",,,"30A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9146655
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202190,"2/24/1999","9923","GS: 9923",,,"63F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3877336
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10849(CT30379)" 202191,"2/24/1999","9924","GS: 9924",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27489688
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"faf(CT6055)" 202192,"2/24/1999","9925","GS: 9925",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16708801
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Atpalpha(CT17822)" 202193,"2/24/1999","9926","GS: 9926",,,"41F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1058737
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG11163(CT31188)" 202194,"2/24/1999","9927","GS: 9927",,,"71B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14941876
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ind(CT36460)" 202195,"2/24/1999","9928","GS: 9928",,,"88A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9813528
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3143(CT10510)" 202196,"2/24/1999","9929","GS: 9929",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 244374
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202197,"2/24/1999","9930","GS: 9930",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781458
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 202198,"2/24/1999","9931","GS: 9931",,,"59A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17737007
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"blw(CT12071)" 202199,"2/24/1999","9932","GS: 9932",,,"85C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4859866
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 202200,"2/24/1999","9933","GS: 9933",,,"24F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4370863
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG15439(CT35503)" 202201,"2/24/1999","9934","GS: 9934",,,"38F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20698304
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202202,"2/24/1999","9935","GS: 9935",,,"61D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 851847
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202203,"2/24/1999","9936","GS: 9936",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16347025
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 202204,"2/24/1999","9937","GS: 9937",,,"31E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10381085
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202205,"2/4/1999","9938","GS: 9938",,,"62B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1773581
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"alpha-Spec(CT6173)" 202206,"2/4/1999","9939","GS: 9939",,,"39C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21059826
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Hr39(CT5296)" 202207,"2/4/1999","9940","GS: 9940",,,"90E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13910246
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202208,"2/4/1999","9941","GS: 9941",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1496763
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202209,"2/4/1999","9942","GS: 9942",,,"45B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4222555
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202210,"2/4/1999","9943","GS: 9943",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7360130
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG6783(CT21061)" 202211,"2/4/1999","9944","GS: 9944",,,"25C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4990543
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG14039(CT33598)" 202212,"2/4/1999","9946","GS: 9946",,,"56C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14253775
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"FK506-bp2(CT30803)" 202213,"2/4/1999","9950","GS: 9950",,,"25C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4964763
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5822(CT18273)" 202214,"2/4/1999","9951","GS: 9951",,,"95E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19970907
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202215,"2/4/1999","9952","GS: 9952",,,"90D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13791507
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202216,"2/4/1999","9953","GS: 9953",,,"34B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13411799
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"B4(CT26270)" 202217,"2/4/1999","9954","GS: 9954",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642625
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202218,"2/4/1999","9955","GS: 9955",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20554389
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH12663(CT18210)" 202219,"2/4/1999","9956","GS: 9956",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2233643
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202220,"2/4/1999","9957","GS: 9957",,,"24F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4359120
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202221,"2/4/1999","9958","GS: 9958",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6649588
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202222,"2/4/1999","9959","GS: 9959",,,"39B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20910476
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12050(CT3661)" 202223,"2/4/1999","9960","GS: 9960",,,"82C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 302807
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202224,"2/4/1999","9961","GS: 9961",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570125
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 202225,"2/4/1999","9962","GS: 9962",,,"51B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9584193
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"tra2(CT28507)" 202226,"2/4/1999","9963","GS: 9963",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7262497
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium binding
",,,"Cam(CT41655)" 202227,"2/4/1999","9964","GS: 9964",,,"74E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17517740
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202228,"2/4/1999","9965","GS: 9965",,,"45F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4635047
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12930(CT32078)" 202229,"2/4/1999","9966","GS: 9966",,,"11F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13226595
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202230,"2/4/1999","9967","GS: 9967",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12721819
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202231,"2/4/1999","9968","GS: 9968",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 242084
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202232,"2/4/1999","9970","GS: 9970",,,"68C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11505839
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"rt(CT19163)" 202233,"4/29/1999","9971","GS: 9971",,,"60D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19668207
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202234,"2/4/1999","9972","GS: 9972",,,"52D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10911235
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): neurotransmitter transporter
",,,"CG8291(CT21678)" 202235,"2/4/1999","9973","GS: 9973",,,"63C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3278401
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG17723(CT1559)" 202236,"2/4/1999","9974","GS: 9974",,,"72D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15991200
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"CG5284(CT16841)" 202237,"2/4/1999","9975","GS: 9975",,,"35F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16084652
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202238,"2/4/1999","9977","GS: 9977",,,"67E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10601576
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202239,"2/4/1999","9978","GS: 9978",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12420091
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"BcDNA:LD23181(CT20377)" 202240,"2/4/1999","9979","GS: 9979",,,"83B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1414353
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG2926(CT7824)" 202241,"2/4/1999","9981","GS: 9981",,,"46C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4983775
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202242,"2/4/1999","9985","GS: 9985",,,"77A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20037457
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202243,"2/4/1999","9987","GS: 9987",,,"52D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10911243
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): neurotransmitter transporter
",,,"CG8291(CT21678)" 202244,"2/4/1999","9989","GS: 9989",,,"60A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18910400
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG3060(CT10276)" 202245,"2/4/1999","9990","GS: 9990",,,"83B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1413800
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG2926(CT7824)" 202246,"2/4/1999","9991","GS: 9991",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20461732
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2614(CT8881)" 202247,"2/4/1999","9994","GS: 9994",,,"60A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18789082
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18426(CT41935)" 202248,"2/4/1999","9995","GS: 9995",,,"85C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4861803
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 202249,"2/4/1999","9996","GS: 9996",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202250,"2/4/1999","9997","GS: 9997",,,"99E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25888278
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"Mlc2(CT5965)" 202251,"2/4/1999","9998","GS: 9998",,,"76D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19749289
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG8037(CT24122)" 202252,"4/17/1999","10000","GS: 10000",,,"94D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18639246
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202253,"2/4/1999","10001","GS: 10001",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202254,"2/4/1999","10005","GS: 10005",,,"44A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3181881
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA replication factor
",,,"CG8709(CT9407)" 202255,"2/4/1999","10009","GS: 10009",,,"45D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4445832
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"wun(CT4876)" 202256,"2/4/1999","10010","GS: 10010",,,"28A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7452947
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202257,"2/4/1999","10011","GS: 10011",,,"42A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1294996
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7865(CT6485)" 202258,"2/4/1999","10012","GS: 10012",,,"34C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13447709
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9260(CT26204)" 202259,"2/4/1999","10015","GS: 10015",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1675438
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase
",,,"Vha16(CT10607)" 202260,"2/4/1999","10016","GS: 10016",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5322785
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8165(CT24376)" 202261,"2/4/1999","10017","GS: 10017",,,"78A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20883148
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10581(CT29674)" 202262,"2/4/1999","10018","GS: 10018",,,"42C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1739819
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rab2(CT9197)" 202263,"2/4/1999","10019","GS: 10019",,,"98A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23393936
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12881(CT32025)" 202264,"2/4/1999","10020","GS: 10020",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781375
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 202265,"2/4/1999","10021","GS: 10021",,,"64D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5232250
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202266,"2/4/1999","10022","GS: 10022",,,"61B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 247880
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202267,"2/4/1999","10023","GS: 10023",,,"85C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4865080
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 202268,"2/4/1999","10024","GS: 10024",,,"64A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3916351
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"BcDNA:GH10614(CT30407)" 202269,"2/4/1999","10025","GS: 10025",,,"46F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5248071
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): steroid hormone receptor
",,,"Hr46(CT11367)" 202270,"2/4/1999","10026","GS: 10026",,,"89B21","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12100289
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG10309(CT28957)" 202271,"2/4/1999","10029","GS: 10029",,,"96B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20611265
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycB3(CT18226)" 202272,"2/4/1999","10031","GS: 10031",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160775
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 202273,"2/4/1999","10032","GS: 10032",,,"99C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25480241
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202274,"4/29/1999","10033","GS: 10033",,,"56D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14466691
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG11007(CT30825)" 202275,"2/4/1999","10035","GS: 10035",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814825
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 202276,"2/4/1999","10036","GS: 10036",,,"55D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13467195
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5224(CT16701)" 202277,"4/29/1999","10037","GS: 10037",,,"55E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13591592
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Eip55E(CT17004)" 202278,"2/4/1999","10039","GS: 10039",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14687909
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14290(CT33919)" 202279,"2/4/1999","10040","GS: 10040",,,"30E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9819255
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5899(CT18505)" 202280,"2/4/1999","10043","GS: 10043",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900019
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 202281,"2/4/1999","10044","GS: 10044",,,"36E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17784844
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202282,"2/4/1999","10045","GS: 10045",,,"87B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8073642
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202283,"2/4/1999","10046","GS: 10046",,,"90D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13799422
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202284,"2/4/1999","10049","GS: 10049",,,"63F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3761548
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202285,"2/4/1999","10050","GS: 10050",,,"85E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5615664
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202286,"2/4/1999","10052","GS: 10052",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562783
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202287,"2/4/1999","10053","GS: 10053",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965484
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 202288,"2/4/1999","10056","GS: 10056",,,"94D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18639228
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202289,"2/4/1999","10057","GS: 10057",,,"65F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7280542
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8596(CT14492)" 202290,"2/4/1999","10058","GS: 10058",,,"46F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5307515
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18408(CT41864)" 202291,"2/4/1999","10061","GS: 10061",,,"88D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10599566
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202292,"2/4/1999","10062","GS: 10062",,,"58D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17208695
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"dve(CT18152)" 202293,"2/4/1999","10063","GS: 10063",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14378113
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 202294,"2/4/1999","10064","GS: 10064",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290078
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202295,"2/4/1999","10065","GS: 10065",,,"55B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13159729
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5721(CT18001)" 202296,"2/4/1999","10067","GS: 10067",,,"22F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2411411
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Slh(CT11906)" 202297,"2/4/1999","10068","GS: 10068",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290078
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202298,"2/4/1999","10069","GS: 10069",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518850
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202299,"2/4/1999","10070","GS: 10070",,,"78A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20883171
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10581(CT29674)" 202300,"2/4/1999","10071","GS: 10071",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170484
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 202301,"2/4/1999","10072","GS: 10072",,,"82E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 914312
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"corto(CT8475)" 202302,"2/4/1999","10073","GS: 10073",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9304606
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 202303,"2/4/1999","10074","GS: 10074",,,"27F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7286594
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5149(CT16493)" 202304,"2/4/1999","10076","GS: 10076",,,"89B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12039158
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG6963(CT21414)" 202305,"2/4/1999","10077","GS: 10077",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965424
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 202306,"2/4/1999","10078","GS: 10078",,,"94A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18109456
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202307,"2/4/1999","10081","GS: 10081",,,"46C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4983918
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202308,"2/4/1999","10082","GS: 10082",,,"62B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1840946
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"R(CT6117)" 202309,"2/4/1999","10083","GS: 10083",,,"61F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1277887
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"scf(CT1311)" 202310,"2/4/1999","10085","GS: 10085",,,"21C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 482917
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202311,"2/4/1999","10086","GS: 10086",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1565691
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202312,"2/4/1999","10087","GS: 10087",,,"70C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13934633
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsc70Cb(CT20438)" 202313,"2/4/1999","10089","GS: 10089",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8162621
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4016(CT13338)" 202314,"2/4/1999","10090","GS: 10090",,,"34B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13183875
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG6116(CT19112)" 202315,"2/4/1999","10091","GS: 10091",,,"66C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8160367
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202316,"2/4/1999","10093","GS: 10093",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309188
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202317,"2/4/1999","10094","GS: 10094",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781375
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 202318,"2/17/1999","10096","GS: 10096",,,"60E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19874195
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG2803(CT9529)" 202319,"2/17/1999","10097","GS: 10097",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749288
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202320,"2/17/1999","10098","GS: 10098",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783868
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202321,"2/17/1999","10099","GS: 10099",,,"88F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11165068
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202322,"2/17/1999","10100","GS: 10100",,,"94E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18989136
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202323,"2/17/1999","10101","GS: 10101",,,"99B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25200590
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Ptp99A(CT6383)" 202324,"2/17/1999","10104","GS: 10104",,,"50F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9321166
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202325,"2/17/1999","10105","GS: 10105",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247013
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 202326,"2/17/1999","10106","GS: 10106",,,"29C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8373618
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202327,"2/17/1999","10109","GS: 10109",,,"39E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21386192
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Ef2b(CT7410)" 202328,"2/17/1999","10111","GS: 10111",,,"87A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7739350
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202329,"2/17/1999","10112","GS: 10112",,,"92B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15642634
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202330,"2/17/1999","10113","GS: 10113",,,"83A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1349393
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate receptor
",,,"Itp-r83A(CT1329)" 202331,"2/17/1999","10115","GS: 10115",,,"26F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6586436
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11327(CT31615)" 202332,"2/17/1999","10116","GS: 10116",,,"99B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25313272
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG1906(CT2831)" 202333,"2/17/1999","10118","GS: 10118",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783763
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 202334,"2/17/1999","10119","GS: 10119",,,"42B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1645890
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202335,"2/17/1999","10120","GS: 10120",,,"23B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2726299
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG16987(CT37697)" 202336,"2/17/1999","10123","GS: 10123",,,"61D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 743888
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202337,"2/17/1999","10125","GS: 10125",,,"49B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7671269
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202338,"2/17/1999","10126","GS: 10126",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518710
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202339,"2/17/1999","10128","GS: 10128",,,"39E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21285259
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12548(CT34155)" 202340,"2/17/1999","10129","GS: 10129",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557285
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 202341,"2/17/1999","10131","GS: 10131",,,"56E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14593095
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"sm(CT26312)" 202342,"2/17/1999","10132","GS: 10132",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22559886
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202343,"2/17/1999","10133","GS: 10133",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112542
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 202344,"2/17/1999","10134","GS: 10134",,,"85B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4612588
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202345,"2/17/1999","10160","GS: 10160",,,"37C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19012191
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): apoptosis inhibitor
",,,"CG17568(CT35085)" 202346,"2/17/1999","10161","GS: 10161",,,"94B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18210311
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG7050(CT21808)" 202347,"2/17/1999","10162","GS: 10162",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251808
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 202348,"2/17/1999","10164","GS: 10164",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8235681
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Fad(CT17592)" 202349,"2/17/1999","10165","GS: 10165",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16562208
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 202350,"2/17/1999","10166","GS: 10166",,,"82B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 280067
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9798(CT27682)" 202351,"2/17/1999","10168","GS: 10168",,,"51F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10350760
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"Pms2(CT21953)" 202352,"2/24/1999","10169","GS: 10169",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202353,"2/24/1999","10173","GS: 10173",,,"86A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6058984
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202354,"2/24/1999","10175","GS: 10175",,,"96F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21633001
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5913(CT18557)" 202355,"2/24/1999","10176","GS: 10176",,,"84D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3177643
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202356,"2/24/1999","10177","GS: 10177",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965473
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 202357,"2/24/1999","10179","GS: 10179",,,"67B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9346174
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Shc(CT12443)" 202358,"2/24/1999","10180","GS: 10180",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362124
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202359,"2/24/1999","10181","GS: 10181",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21661257
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CycH(CT22750)" 202360,"2/24/1999","10182","GS: 10182",,,"87E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9137608
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG8863(CT25440)" 202361,"2/24/1999","10184","GS: 10184",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19921783
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"neb(CT30035)" 202362,"2/24/1999","10185","GS: 10185",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165286
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 202363,"2/24/1999","10186","GS: 10186",,,"100F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27698076
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202364,"2/24/1999","10187","GS: 10187",,,"82A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 173074
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"hkb(CT27603)" 202365,"2/24/1999","10188","GS: 10188",,,"98E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24532765
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"wdn(CT3535)" 202366,"2/24/1999","10189","GS: 10189",,,"55E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13575526
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202367,"2/24/1999","10190","GS: 10190",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12437567
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14478(CT34189)" 202368,"2/24/1999","10191","GS: 10191",,,"44D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3650519
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202369,"2/24/1999","10192","GS: 10192",,,"46D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5077199
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18445(CT42020)" 202370,"2/24/1999","10193","GS: 10193",,,"75C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18350363
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4306(CT14001)" 202371,"2/24/1999","10194","GS: 10194",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224401
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202372,"2/24/1999","10196","GS: 10196",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19823037
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202373,"2/24/1999","10198","GS: 10198",,,"100B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26532733
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202374,"2/24/1999","10199","GS: 10199",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562733
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202375,"2/24/1999","10200","GS: 10200",,,"52F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11156957
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Lis1(CT19756)" 202376,"2/24/1999","10201","GS: 10201",,,"75D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18707714
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202377,"2/24/1999","10202","GS: 10202",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5317051
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG9373(CT26621)" 202378,"2/24/1999","10203","GS: 10203",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6161290
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202379,"2/24/1999","10204","GS: 10204",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749177
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202380,"3/10/1999","10206","GS: 10206",,,"68F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11996673
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202381,"3/10/1999","10207","GS: 10207",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947833
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 202382,"3/10/1999","10208","GS: 10208",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814820
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 202383,"3/10/1999","10209","GS: 10209",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642452
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202384,"3/10/1999","10210","GS: 10210",,,"26B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6097303
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202385,"3/10/1999","10211","GS: 10211",,,"56D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14320196
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202386,"3/10/1999","10212","GS: 10212",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2231826
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202387,"3/10/1999","10213","GS: 10213",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224980
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202388,"3/10/1999","10215","GS: 10215",,,"82B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 279454
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9798(CT27682)" 202389,"3/10/1999","10216","GS: 10216",,,"62B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1949281
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH11112(CT5961)" 202390,"3/10/1999","10217","GS: 10217",,,"88D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10659062
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7007(CT21672)" 202391,"3/10/1999","10218","GS: 10218",,,"76A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19181483
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9670(CT27346)" 202392,"3/10/1999","10219","GS: 10219",,,"46E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5129443
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"14-3-3zeta(CT39744)" 202393,"3/10/1999","10220","GS: 10220",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642498
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202394,"3/10/1999","10221","GS: 10221",,,"71E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15520445
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG7372(CT22691)" 202395,"3/10/1999","10222","GS: 10222",,,"34D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13767593
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16867(CT35254)" 202396,"3/10/1999","10223","GS: 10223",,,"57E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16412366
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Sdc(CT27296)" 202397,"3/10/1999","10224","GS: 10224",,,"70E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14373068
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202398,"3/10/1999","10225","GS: 10225",,,"63E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3568144
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip63E(CT1695)" 202399,"3/10/1999","10226","GS: 10226",,,"75D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18560045
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4144(CT13694)" 202400,"3/10/1999","10227","GS: 10227",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939873
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 202401,"3/10/1999","10228","GS: 10228",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8162129
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4016(CT13338)" 202402,"3/10/1999","10229","GS: 10229",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219929
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 202403,"3/10/1999","10230","GS: 10230",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202404,"3/10/1999","10232","GS: 10232",,,"31B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10127646
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Pros35(CT15762)" 202405,"3/10/1999","10233","GS: 10233",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589371
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202406,"3/10/1999","10234","GS: 10234",,,"93B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16816840
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"AnnIX(CT17989)" 202407,"3/10/1999","10235","GS: 10235",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5900811
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"eIF-4a(CT26044)" 202408,"3/10/1999","10236","GS: 10236",,,"33A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11426337
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"BcDNA:GH07269(CT20317)" 202409,"3/10/1999","10237","GS: 10237",,,"95F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20060324
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG6400(CT19962)" 202410,"3/10/1999","10238","GS: 10238",,,"55C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13404406
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16859(CT37450)" 202411,"3/10/1999","10239","GS: 10239",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1565717
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202412,"3/10/1999","10240","GS: 10240",,,"83B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1511861
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202413,"3/10/1999","10241","GS: 10241",,,"29E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8630552
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202414,"3/10/1999","10243","GS: 10243",,,"43E15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2817147
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1557(CT4040)" 202415,"3/10/1999","10244","GS: 10244",,,"63D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3436071
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG11513(CT36381)" 202416,"3/10/1999","10246","GS: 10246",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1565717
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202417,"3/10/1999","10247","GS: 10247",,,"68A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11032473
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Sod(CT36899)" 202418,"3/10/1999","10248","GS: 10248",,,"27E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7140053
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202419,"3/10/1999","10249","GS: 10249",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3319017
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202420,"3/10/1999","10250","GS: 10250",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6204573
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"shn(CT42591)" 202421,"3/10/1999","10251","GS: 10251",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396581
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 202422,"3/10/1999","10254","GS: 10254",,,"33B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11905016
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202423,"3/10/1999","10255","GS: 10255",,,"33B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11905016
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202424,"3/10/1999","10256","GS: 10256",,,"68E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11908368
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18593(CT42519)" 202425,"3/10/1999","10257","GS: 10257",,,"56B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14089579
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG15117(CT34995)" 202426,"3/10/1999","10259","GS: 10259",,,"57B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15525569
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"bl(CT40495)" 202427,"3/10/1999","10260","GS: 10260",,,"94E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18930749
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"cnc(CT14822)" 202428,"3/10/1999","10261","GS: 10261",,,"43B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2437529
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): lactoylglutathione lyase
",,,"CG1707(CT4878)" 202429,"3/10/1999","10263","GS: 10263",,,"39B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20976393
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9243(CT8315)" 202430,"3/10/1999","10264","GS: 10264",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20554381
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH12663(CT18210)" 202431,"3/10/1999","10265","GS: 10265",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5568981
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 202432,"3/10/1999","10267","GS: 10267",,,"50C18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8923485
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"shot(CT39520)" 202433,"3/10/1999","10268","GS: 10268",,,"85E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5578327
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12946(CT32096)" 202434,"3/10/1999","10269","GS: 10269",,,"67B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9549717
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8336(CT41048)" 202435,"3/10/1999","10270","GS: 10270",,,"54F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12822197
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202436,"3/10/1999","10271","GS: 10271",,,"39E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21323093
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG2201(CT7236)" 202437,"3/10/1999","10272","GS: 10272",,,"90F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14034274
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"eIF1A(CT24166)" 202438,"3/10/1999","10273","GS: 10273",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20554381
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH12663(CT18210)" 202439,"3/10/1999","10274","GS: 10274",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1915799
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9446(CT11617)" 202440,"3/10/1999","10275","GS: 10275",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1915792
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9446(CT11617)" 202441,"3/10/1999","10278","GS: 10278",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15258426
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 202442,"3/10/1999","10279","GS: 10279",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17357709
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202443,"3/10/1999","10280","GS: 10280",,,"52F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11156053
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Lis1(CT19756)" 202444,"3/10/1999","10281","GS: 10281",,,"38C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20165086
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"rtGEF(CT28235)" 202445,"3/10/1999","10284","GS: 10284",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20455482
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG2611(CT8871)" 202446,"3/10/1999","10286","GS: 10286",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20455482
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG2611(CT8871)" 202447,"3/10/1999","10287","GS: 10287",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7707984
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG7134(CT22031)" 202448,"3/10/1999","10288","GS: 10288",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15258491
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 202449,"3/10/1999","10289","GS: 10289",,,"85C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4865032
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 202450,"3/10/1999","10290","GS: 10290",,,"84F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4111534
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG7494(CT23015)" 202451,"3/10/1999","10291","GS: 10291",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22246993
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 202452,"3/10/1999","10293","GS: 10293",,,"69B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12323803
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4392(CT14260)" 202453,"3/10/1999","10295","GS: 10295",,,"94D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18639285
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202454,"3/10/1999","10296","GS: 10296",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11806206
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202455,"3/10/1999","10297","GS: 10297",,,"52F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11106930
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8428(CT18931)" 202456,"3/10/1999","10298","GS: 10298",,,"92F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16581674
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:LD32788(CT35906)" 202457,"3/10/1999","10299","GS: 10299",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316561
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202458,"3/10/1999","10300","GS: 10300",,,"39D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21136572
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202459,"3/10/1999","10301","GS: 10301",,,"99F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25986669
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202460,"3/10/1999","10302","GS: 10302",,,"54D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12609528
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18186(CT41088)" 202461,"3/10/1999","10303","GS: 10303",,,"26F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6548818
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11098(CT30987)" 202462,"3/10/1999","10305","GS: 10305",,,"73C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16680101
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9705(CT27440)" 202463,"3/10/1999","10307","GS: 10307",,,"73E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16922824
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG7729(CT23519)" 202464,"3/10/1999","10309","GS: 10309",,,"25E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5443765
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6907(CT21384)" 202465,"3/10/1999","10310","GS: 10310",,,"87A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7803315
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG3532(CT11878)" 202466,"3/10/1999","10311","GS: 10311",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16559920
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"VhaSFD(CT32561)" 202467,"3/10/1999","10312","GS: 10312",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19354771
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10137(CT28521)" 202468,"3/10/1999","10313","GS: 10313",,,"90D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13791500
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202469,"3/10/1999","10316","GS: 10316",,,"86E19","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7443577
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG10535(CT29565)" 202470,"3/10/1999","10317","GS: 10317",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583670
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202471,"3/10/1999","10320","GS: 10320",,,"33A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11426344
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"BcDNA:GH07269(CT20317)" 202472,"3/10/1999","10321","GS: 10321",,,"26B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5989432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9154(CT26202)" 202473,"3/10/1999","10323","GS: 10323",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1684960
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202474,"3/10/1999","10324","GS: 10324",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939866
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 202475,"3/10/1999","10325","GS: 10325",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251810
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 202476,"3/10/1999","10326","GS: 10326",,,"91D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14705769
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202477,"3/10/1999","10327","GS: 10327",,,"61C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 666807
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG3371(CT11327)" 202478,"3/10/1999","10329","GS: 10329",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2231829
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202479,"3/10/1999","10330","GS: 10330",,,"88B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10039665
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 202480,"3/10/1999","10332","GS: 10332",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202481,"3/10/1999","10333","GS: 10333",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6206758
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"shn(CT23537)" 202482,"3/10/1999","10334","GS: 10334",,,"94A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17784627
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"how(CT28865)" 202483,"3/10/1999","10335","GS: 10335",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1565839
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202484,"3/10/1999","10336","GS: 10336",,,"89B19","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12063939
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG6898(CT21352)" 202485,"3/10/1999","10337","GS: 10337",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219750
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 202486,"3/10/1999","10338","GS: 10338",,,"84F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3933257
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7878(CT23818)" 202487,"3/10/1999","10339","GS: 10339",,,"45B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4243762
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8029(CT4546)" 202488,"3/10/1999","10340","GS: 10340",,,"86A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6182052
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202489,"3/10/1999","10341","GS: 10341",,,"70A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13365805
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10133(CT28505)" 202490,"3/10/1999","10343","GS: 10343",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6638415
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202491,"3/10/1999","10344","GS: 10344",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5037638
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 202492,"3/10/1999","10345","GS: 10345",,,"43C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2516854
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG11140(CT31137)" 202493,"3/10/1999","10346","GS: 10346",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719165
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 202494,"3/10/1999","10347","GS: 10347",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11806212
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202495,"3/10/1999","10348","GS: 10348",,,"66D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8433411
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202496,"3/10/1999","10349","GS: 10349",,,"37A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18403866
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202497,"3/10/1999","10350","GS: 10350",,,"26B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6097288
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202498,"3/10/1999","10352","GS: 10352",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316499
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202499,"3/10/1999","10353","GS: 10353",,,"99C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25527849
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"ncd(CT7226)" 202500,"3/10/1999","10354","GS: 10354",,,"42A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1445645
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202501,"3/10/1999","10355","GS: 10355",,,"70A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13208818
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202502,"3/10/1999","10356","GS: 10356",,,"100F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27612110
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202503,"3/10/1999","10358","GS: 10358",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642667
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202504,"3/10/1999","10359","GS: 10359",,,"57B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15635832
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202505,"3/10/1999","10360","GS: 10360",,,"82F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1058940
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG10229(CT28759)" 202506,"3/10/1999","10361","GS: 10361",,,"50A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8435759
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202507,"3/10/1999","10363","GS: 10363",,,"58C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17132077
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202508,"3/10/1999","10364","GS: 10364",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112338
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 202509,"3/10/1999","10365","GS: 10365",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814825
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 202510,"3/10/1999","10366","GS: 10366",,,"96B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20591327
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7006(CT21694)" 202511,"3/10/1999","10367","GS: 10367",,,"83A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1290273
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"PEK(CT6726)" 202512,"3/10/1999","10368","GS: 10368",,,"86E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7202679
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"mus309(CT16761)" 202513,"3/10/1999","10369","GS: 10369",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683593
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 202514,"3/10/1999","10370","GS: 10370",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5149593
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202515,"3/10/1999","10376","GS: 10376",,,"30A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9034428
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9584(CT27056)" 202516,"3/10/1999","10378","GS: 10378",,,"86A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6200968
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6325(CT19786)" 202517,"3/10/1999","10379","GS: 10379",,,"51F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10352474
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202518,"3/10/1999","10380","GS: 10380",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563467
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202519,"3/10/1999","10381","GS: 10381",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316472
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202520,"3/10/1999","10382","GS: 10382",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890919
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202521,"3/10/1999","10383","GS: 10383",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3318932
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202522,"3/10/1999","10384","GS: 10384",,,"49E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7949703
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202523,"3/10/1999","10385","GS: 10385",,,"67C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9775517
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202524,"3/10/1999","10386","GS: 10386",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17374945
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202525,"3/10/1999","10387","GS: 10387",,,"96C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21069252
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10618(CT29440)" 202526,"3/10/1999","10389","GS: 10389",,,"57B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15581202
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG10438(CT29300)" 202527,"3/10/1999","10390","GS: 10390",,,"22B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1938512
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202528,"3/10/1999","10391","GS: 10391",,,"83F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2282373
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9727(CT27410)" 202529,"3/10/1999","10392","GS: 10392",,,"66B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8049817
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG7528(CT23053)" 202530,"3/10/1999","10393","GS: 10393",,,"61C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 666728
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG3371(CT11327)" 202531,"3/10/1999","10394","GS: 10394",,,"72D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16065241
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202532,"2/17/1999","10395","GS: 10395",,,"67B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9595135
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202533,"2/17/1999","10396","GS: 10396",,,"33E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12427156
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bun(CT17162)" 202534,"2/17/1999","10397","GS: 10397",,,"34B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13412619
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202535,"2/17/1999","10398","GS: 10398",,,"48F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7336115
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8490(CT24835)" 202536,"2/17/1999","10399","GS: 10399",,,"92D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16043959
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG5067(CT16255)" 202537,"2/17/1999","10400","GS: 10400",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3318928
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202538,"2/17/1999","10401","GS: 10401",,,"53B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11324948
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG15710(CT35935)" 202539,"2/17/1999","10406","GS: 10406",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19927781
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10747(CT30122)" 202540,"2/17/1999","10408","GS: 10408",,,"67C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9783662
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG6718(CT20861)" 202541,"2/17/1999","10409","GS: 10409",,,"68C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11504801
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"rt(CT19163)" 202542,"2/17/1999","10410","GS: 10410",,,"33E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12405577
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bun(CT17162)" 202543,"2/17/1999","10412","GS: 10412",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5037014
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 202544,"2/17/1999","10414","GS: 10414",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19096588
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ATPsyn-Cf6(CT14376)" 202545,"2/17/1999","10415","GS: 10415",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2672142
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 202546,"2/17/1999","10416","GS: 10416",,,"46E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5106780
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202547,"2/17/1999","10417","GS: 10417",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642774
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202548,"2/17/1999","10418","GS: 10418",,,"92C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15783492
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG4413(CT14370)" 202549,"2/17/1999","10419","GS: 10419",,,"42A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1435565
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202550,"2/17/1999","10420","GS: 10420",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1700217
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG3183(CT10671)" 202551,"2/17/1999","10421","GS: 10421",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 634685
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202552,"2/17/1999","10422","GS: 10422",,,"26D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6329590
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202553,"2/17/1999","10425","GS: 10425",,,"87D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8750601
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8063(CT24143)" 202554,"2/17/1999","10426","GS: 10426",,,"44D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3703539
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8732(CT25221)" 202555,"2/17/1999","10427","GS: 10427",,,"34A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13113658
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202556,"2/17/1999","10428","GS: 10428",,,"26A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5643516
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202557,"2/17/1999","10429","GS: 10429",,,"87E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9014137
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202558,"2/17/1999","10431","GS: 10431",,,"70C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13862896
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9028(CT25798)" 202559,"2/17/1999","10433","GS: 10433",,,"44F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3943444
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG2396(CT7986)" 202560,"2/17/1999","10434","GS: 10434",,,"25B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4903912
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202561,"2/17/1999","10435","GS: 10435",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160689
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 202562,"2/17/1999","10436","GS: 10436",,,"75D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18658350
Location (tagged genes): Downstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13378(CT32718)" 202563,"2/17/1999","10437","GS: 10437",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13821588
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG15102(CT34977)" 202564,"2/17/1999","10438","GS: 10438",,,"57B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15772350
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202565,"2/17/1999","10439","GS: 10439",,,"94D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18639317
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202566,"2/17/1999","10441","GS: 10441",,,"86D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7036869
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17734(CT34491)" 202567,"2/17/1999","10442","GS: 10442",,,"26A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5825722
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202568,"2/17/1999","10443","GS: 10443",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16345298
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 202569,"2/17/1999","10445","GS: 10445",,,"54F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12822941
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202570,"2/17/1999","10447","GS: 10447",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369741
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 202571,"2/17/1999","10448","GS: 10448",,,"94A16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18116670
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18596(CT42531)" 202572,"2/17/1999","10450","GS: 10450",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1425727
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 202573,"2/17/1999","10451","GS: 10451",,,"76C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19528105
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8786(CT25334)" 202574,"2/17/1999","10452","GS: 10452",,,"50C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8621203
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202575,"2/17/1999","10454","GS: 10454",,,"71B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15039329
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"Pdi(CT21638)" 202576,"2/17/1999","10455","GS: 10455",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 217286
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"kis(CT12335)" 202577,"2/17/1999","10457","GS: 10457",,,"92A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15396807
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Vha13(CT19480)" 202578,"2/17/1999","10459","GS: 10459",,,"67B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9302416
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Hsp23(CT14526)" 202579,"2/17/1999","10460","GS: 10460",,,"94E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18991648
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4449(CT14466)" 202580,"2/17/1999","10461","GS: 10461",,,"83C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1628392
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202581,"2/17/1999","10462","GS: 10462",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14677286
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17836(CT39616)" 202582,"2/17/1999","10463","GS: 10463",,,"45B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4222554
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202583,"2/17/1999","10464","GS: 10464",,,"45C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4283603
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"hig(CT6282)" 202584,"2/17/1999","10465","GS: 10465",,,"26F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6549160
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11098(CT30987)" 202585,"2/17/1999","10470","GS: 10470",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5917984
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9088(CT26078)" 202586,"2/17/1999","10471","GS: 10471",,,"37B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18655240
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG17323(CT35071)" 202587,"2/17/1999","10472","GS: 10472",,,"55E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13578623
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5323(CT16943)" 202588,"2/17/1999","10473","GS: 10473",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683579
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 202589,"2/17/1999","10475","GS: 10475",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1480796
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG1245(CT2432)" 202590,"2/17/1999","10476","GS: 10476",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781375
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 202591,"2/17/1999","10477","GS: 10477",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10413478
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 202592,"2/17/1999","10480","GS: 10480",,,"38C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20243647
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202593,"2/17/1999","10482","GS: 10482",,,"88E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10834012
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202594,"2/17/1999","10483","GS: 10483",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 109178
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202595,"2/17/1999","10485","GS: 10485",,,"53B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11323893
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7989(CT24010)" 202596,"2/17/1999","10486","GS: 10486",,,"62B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1718178
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7995(CT1673)" 202597,"2/17/1999","10487","GS: 10487",,,"85D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5160244
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202598,"2/17/1999","10488","GS: 10488",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557280
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 202599,"2/17/1999","10489","GS: 10489",,,"96B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20658629
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG11168(CT31192)" 202600,"2/17/1999","10490","GS: 10490",,,"50E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9247887
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH13356(CT24923)" 202601,"2/17/1999","10491","GS: 10491",,,"66D15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8688024
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202602,"2/17/1999","10492","GS: 10492",,,"70E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14433738
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Mpcp(CT15958)" 202603,"2/17/1999","10493","GS: 10493",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19788991
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5986(CT18763)" 202604,"2/17/1999","10494","GS: 10494",,,"51B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9581414
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"RpI1(CT28489)" 202605,"2/17/1999","10496","GS: 10496",,,"51A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9462101
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10109(CT28455)" 202606,"2/17/1999","10498","GS: 10498",,,"49D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7856355
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202607,"2/17/1999","10499","GS: 10499",,,"55E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13591541
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Eip55E(CT17004)" 202608,"2/17/1999","10501","GS: 10501",,,"85D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5160244
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202609,"2/17/1999","10502","GS: 10502",,,"93F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17461115
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6328(CT19790)" 202610,"2/17/1999","10503","GS: 10503",,,"64B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4251918
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1311(CT2888)" 202611,"2/17/1999","10504","GS: 10504",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16650702
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202612,"2/17/1999","10505","GS: 10505",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589352
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202613,"2/17/1999","10506","GS: 10506",,,"73E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16932029
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202614,"2/17/1999","10507","GS: 10507",,,"34D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13724888
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG16866(CT35257)" 202615,"2/17/1999","10508","GS: 10508",,,"57C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16037728
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202616,"2/17/1999","10510","GS: 10510",,,"95D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19853104
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG13605(CT32990)" 202617,"2/17/1999","10511","GS: 10511",,,"23D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2974080
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202618,"2/17/1999","10512","GS: 10512",,,"35F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16185704
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"BcDNA.LD12474(CT14482)" 202619,"2/17/1999","10513","GS: 10513",,,"50A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8435816
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202620,"2/17/1999","10514","GS: 10514",,,"55E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13725327
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202621,"2/17/1999","10515","GS: 10515",,,"64C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5094876
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10672(CT29892)" 202622,"2/17/1999","10516","GS: 10516",,,"23E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3273180
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202623,"2/17/1999","10517","GS: 10517",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22566978
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 202624,"2/17/1999","10518","GS: 10518",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1519103
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12110(CT6556)" 202625,"2/17/1999","10520","GS: 10520",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8152424
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13328(CT32645)" 202626,"2/17/1999","10521","GS: 10521",,,"28F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8106440
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8451(CT24727)" 202627,"2/17/1999","10522","GS: 10522",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947957
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 202628,"2/17/1999","10523","GS: 10523",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316438
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202629,"2/17/1999","10526","GS: 10526",,,"88E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11048318
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Tm1(CT15051)" 202630,"2/17/1999","10527","GS: 10527",,,"92C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15784043
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG4936(CT15615)" 202631,"2/17/1999","10528","GS: 10528",,,"96C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20985692
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bam(CT29276)" 202632,"2/17/1999","10529","GS: 10529",,,"49F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8029381
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202633,"2/17/1999","10532","GS: 10532",,,"70D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14142263
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202634,"2/17/1999","10534","GS: 10534",,,"43C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2532688
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1624(CT4340)" 202635,"2/17/1999","10535","GS: 10535",,,"29E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8609284
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"Hnf4(CT26497)" 202636,"2/17/1999","10536","GS: 10536",,,"87B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8165577
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4381(CT13790)" 202637,"2/17/1999","10537","GS: 10537",,,"53B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11375271
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202638,"2/17/1999","10539","GS: 10539",,,"69C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12439705
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14121(CT33719)" 202639,"2/17/1999","10541","GS: 10541",,,"94D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18639402
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202640,"2/17/1999","10543","GS: 10543",,,"85D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5159813
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202641,"2/17/1999","10544","GS: 10544",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202642,"2/17/1999","10546","GS: 10546",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589526
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202643,"2/17/1999","10548","GS: 10548",,,"50F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9259527
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"SelD(CT24951)" 202644,"2/17/1999","10549","GS: 10549",,,"42D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1966248
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3358(CT11289)" 202645,"2/17/1999","10552","GS: 10552",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170392
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 202646,"2/17/1999","10553","GS: 10553",,,"73E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16932503
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202647,"2/17/1999","10554","GS: 10554",,,"73C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16729114
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202648,"2/17/1999","10555","GS: 10555",,,"43F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2975735
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG8728(CT4980)" 202649,"2/17/1999","10557","GS: 10557",,,"21E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1056307
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ast(CT14398)" 202650,"2/17/1999","10558","GS: 10558",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11706900
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202651,"2/17/1999","10559","GS: 10559",,,"64E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5520310
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Msr-110(CT29706)" 202652,"2/17/1999","10560","GS: 10560",,,"31D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10183499
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG5640(CT17732)" 202653,"2/17/1999","10561","GS: 10561",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426760
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 202654,"2/17/1999","10562","GS: 10562",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 109206
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202655,"2/17/1999","10563","GS: 10563",,,"39B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20976386
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9243(CT8315)" 202656,"2/17/1999","10564","GS: 10564",,,"31D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10183499
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG5640(CT17732)" 202657,"2/17/1999","10565","GS: 10565",,,"86C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6554868
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG14685(CT34471)" 202658,"2/17/1999","10566","GS: 10566",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814823
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 202659,"2/17/1999","10567","GS: 10567",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5149550
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202660,"2/17/1999","10568","GS: 10568",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12437522
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14478(CT34189)" 202661,"2/17/1999","10569","GS: 10569",,,"88B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10034217
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 202662,"2/17/1999","10570","GS: 10570",,,"57B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15772357
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202663,"2/17/1999","10571","GS: 10571",,,"67B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9424711
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3424(CT11525)" 202664,"2/17/1999","10572","GS: 10572",,,"78C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21088960
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip78C(CT40336)" 202665,"2/17/1999","10574","GS: 10574",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20557379
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Rbp9(CT18218)" 202666,"2/17/1999","10575","GS: 10575",,,"23B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2805086
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202667,"2/17/1999","10576","GS: 10576",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9824895
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG5885(CT18469)" 202668,"2/17/1999","10577","GS: 10577",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8955999
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"AGO1(CT20708)" 202669,"2/17/1999","10578","GS: 10578",,,"77A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20037517
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202670,"2/17/1999","10579","GS: 10579",,,"27E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7101981
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4502(CT14641)" 202671,"2/17/1999","10580","GS: 10580",,,"64B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4598817
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Src64B(CT40878)" 202672,"2/17/1999","10581","GS: 10581",,,"41F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1036754
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG7791(CT5140)" 202673,"2/17/1999","10583","GS: 10583",,,"98F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24613305
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Doa(CT4592)" 202674,"2/17/1999","10584","GS: 10584",,,"87B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8071424
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202675,"2/17/1999","10585","GS: 10585",,,"21C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 413607
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11885(CT33132)" 202676,"2/17/1999","10586","GS: 10586",,,"87F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9237465
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202677,"2/17/1999","10587","GS: 10587",,,"71D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15480985
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG12301(CT20275)" 202678,"2/17/1999","10588","GS: 10588",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8962384
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Cp1(CT20780)" 202679,"2/17/1999","10590","GS: 10590",,,"26B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5972615
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202680,"2/17/1999","10591","GS: 10591",,,"86F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7564452
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202681,"4/29/1999","10594","GS: 10594",,,"63B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3021473
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1893(CT5862)" 202682,"2/17/1999","10595","GS: 10595",,,"41F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1030309
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12792(CT37536)" 202683,"2/17/1999","10597","GS: 10597",,,"24A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3573963
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202684,"2/17/1999","10598","GS: 10598",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8330838
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 202685,"2/17/1999","10600","GS: 10600",,,"91C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14502781
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG7717(CT20838)" 202686,"2/17/1999","10601","GS: 10601",,,"63D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3436107
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG11513(CT36381)" 202687,"2/17/1999","10602","GS: 10602",,,"47A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5496860
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG11777(CT36873)" 202688,"2/17/1999","10604","GS: 10604",,,"55E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13637233
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202689,"2/17/1999","10605","GS: 10605",,,"93B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16848986
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG3421(CT11517)" 202690,"2/17/1999","10606","GS: 10606",,,"46A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4720366
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Uba1(CT5340)" 202691,"2/17/1999","10607","GS: 10607",,,"73A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16510642
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Pros26(CT13566)" 202692,"2/17/1999","10608","GS: 10608",,,"46C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4903862
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12744(CT7810)" 202693,"2/17/1999","10609","GS: 10609",,,"29E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8649290
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202694,"2/17/1999","10610","GS: 10610",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7295468
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8588(CT14434)" 202695,"2/17/1999","10611","GS: 10611",,,"88B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10034538
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 202696,"2/17/1999","10612","GS: 10612",,,"93B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16811983
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Mvl(CT12249)" 202697,"2/17/1999","10613","GS: 10613",,,"75B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17899995
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip75B(CT24290)" 202698,"2/17/1999","10614","GS: 10614",,,"51D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9921033
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202699,"2/17/1999","10617","GS: 10617",,,"21B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 289554
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Hop(CT9251)" 202700,"2/17/1999","10618","GS: 10618",,,"45F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4606766
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202701,"2/17/1999","10619","GS: 10619",,,"63F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3792542
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202702,"2/17/1999","10621","GS: 10621",,,"59A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17740471
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202703,"2/17/1999","10622","GS: 10622",,,"65F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7370341
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rac2(CT14366)" 202704,"2/17/1999","10623","GS: 10623",,,"28E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7944932
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG7466(CT22933)" 202705,"2/17/1999","10625","GS: 10625",,,"50C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8621201
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202706,"2/17/1999","10626","GS: 10626",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1491359
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"BcDNA:LD21719(CT3457)" 202707,"3/10/1999","10628","GS: 10628",,,"66D15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8686691
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202708,"3/10/1999","10629","GS: 10629",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16352909
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 202709,"3/10/1999","10630","GS: 10630",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2229012
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202710,"3/10/1999","10631","GS: 10631",,,"64E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5696547
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202711,"3/10/1999","10632","GS: 10632",,,"90F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14003604
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): diacylglycerol-activated/phosholipid dependent protein kinase C inhibitor
",,,"14-3-3epsilon(CT24092)" 202712,"3/10/1999","10633","GS: 10633",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26101880
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fer1HCH(CT6417)" 202713,"3/10/1999","10635","GS: 10635",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15257122
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 202714,"3/10/1999","10637","GS: 10637",,,"94C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18426437
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG17625(CT33351)" 202715,"3/10/1999","10638","GS: 10638",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16352753
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 202716,"3/10/1999","10639","GS: 10639",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8235681
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Fad(CT17592)" 202717,"3/10/1999","10640","GS: 10640",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10413478
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 202718,"3/10/1999","10641","GS: 10641",,,"62D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2237636
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13807(CT33302)" 202719,"3/10/1999","10642","GS: 10642",,,"59F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18605055
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5411(CT17168)" 202720,"3/10/1999","10643","GS: 10643",,,"77C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20347914
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15869(CT32503)" 202721,"3/10/1999","10645","GS: 10645",,,"35E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15866627
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"beat-C(CT15531)" 202722,"3/10/1999","10646","GS: 10646",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14387195
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 202723,"3/10/1999","10647","GS: 10647",,,"66C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8282618
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7176(CT22167)" 202724,"3/10/1999","10649","GS: 10649",,,"84C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2894256
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1105(CT1653)" 202725,"3/10/1999","10651","GS: 10651",,,"97E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22849719
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH07346(CT18234)" 202726,"3/10/1999","10652","GS: 10652",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202727,"3/10/1999","10653","GS: 10653",,,"93B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16853341
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5745(CT18056)" 202728,"3/10/1999","10654","GS: 10654",,,"78C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21024712
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202729,"3/10/1999","10655","GS: 10655",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251824
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 202730,"3/10/1999","10656","GS: 10656",,,"77A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20038917
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202731,"3/10/1999","10657","GS: 10657",,,"90F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14057667
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG7129(CT22037)" 202732,"3/10/1999","10659","GS: 10659",,,"50B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8550633
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6152(CT19346)" 202733,"3/10/1999","10660","GS: 10660",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362059
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202734,"3/10/1999","10661","GS: 10661",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749266
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202735,"3/10/1999","10663","GS: 10663",,,"89E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12837705
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202736,"3/10/1999","10664","GS: 10664",,,"38C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20250281
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202737,"3/10/1999","10665","GS: 10665",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16650931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202738,"3/10/1999","10667","GS: 10667",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396690
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 202739,"3/10/1999","10668","GS: 10668",,,"57F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16572180
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10321(CT28986)" 202740,"3/10/1999","10669","GS: 10669",,,"76D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19753301
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202741,"3/10/1999","10670","GS: 10670",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14420797
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA topoisomerase
",,,"mei-W68(CT23580)" 202742,"3/10/1999","10671","GS: 10671",,,"55E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13575433
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202743,"3/10/1999","10673","GS: 10673",,,"31B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10133584
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG5708(CT17958)" 202744,"3/10/1999","10674","GS: 10674",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518863
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202745,"3/10/1999","10675","GS: 10675",,,"68D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11742107
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202746,"3/10/1999","10676","GS: 10676",,,"75C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18285584
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"rpr(CT14131)" 202747,"3/10/1999","10677","GS: 10677",,,"44F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3983190
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH02536(CT8599)" 202748,"3/10/1999","10678","GS: 10678",,,"33C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12072043
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202749,"3/10/1999","10680","GS: 10680",,,"87F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9535882
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9288(CT26469)" 202750,"3/10/1999","10681","GS: 10681",,,"67F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10775352
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202751,"3/10/1999","10682","GS: 10682",,,"79F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22702949
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Arf79F(CT24565)" 202752,"3/10/1999","10683","GS: 10683",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362886
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202753,"3/10/1999","10684","GS: 10684",,,"84F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4072210
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18228(CT41269)" 202754,"3/10/1999","10687","GS: 10687",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10989311
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7858(CT23802)" 202755,"3/10/1999","10688","GS: 10688",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2674667
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 202756,"3/10/1999","10689","GS: 10689",,,"90C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13675255
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202757,"3/10/1999","10690","GS: 10690",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13702533
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202758,"3/10/1999","10693","GS: 10693",,,"83A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1311539
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12167(CT8887)" 202759,"3/10/1999","10694","GS: 10694",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18489899
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG3941(CT13117)" 202760,"3/10/1999","10696","GS: 10696",,,"38E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20551036
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202761,"3/10/1999","10698","GS: 10698",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5037667
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 202762,"3/10/1999","10699","GS: 10699",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160689
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 202763,"3/10/1999","10700","GS: 10700",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783760
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 202764,"3/10/1999","10701","GS: 10701",,,"49A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7475014
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202765,"3/10/1999","10703","GS: 10703",,,"67B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9380508
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3434(CT11571)" 202766,"4/29/1999","10705","GS: 10705",,,"38E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20520078
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Hr38(CT5732)" 202767,"3/10/1999","10706","GS: 10706",,,"46C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4903649
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12744(CT7810)" 202768,"3/10/1999","10708","GS: 10708",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316445
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202769,"3/10/1999","10709","GS: 10709",,,"61F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1347045
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9178(CT26244)" 202770,"3/10/1999","10711","GS: 10711",,,"97F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23000737
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5965(CT18729)" 202771,"3/10/1999","10712","GS: 10712",,,"96B19","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20838363
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11935(CT33058)" 202772,"3/10/1999","10715","GS: 10715",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20727586
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9342(CT3751)" 202773,"3/10/1999","10716","GS: 10716",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24060537
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG14066(CT33635)" 202774,"3/10/1999","10717","GS: 10717",,,"94E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18931381
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"cnc(CT14822)" 202775,"3/10/1999","10719","GS: 10719",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589578
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202776,"3/10/1999","10721","GS: 10721",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11705333
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crol(CT34766)" 202777,"3/10/1999","10722","GS: 10722",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6669185
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Sodh-2(CT14906)" 202778,"3/10/1999","10725","GS: 10725",,,"45F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4614903
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12929(CT32077)" 202779,"3/10/1999","10726","GS: 10726",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557284
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 202780,"3/10/1999","10727","GS: 10727",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091612
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 202781,"3/10/1999","10729","GS: 10729",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202782,"3/10/1999","10730","GS: 10730",,,"37C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18985910
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202783,"3/10/1999","10731","GS: 10731",,,"44A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3158285
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14758(CT34561)" 202784,"3/10/1999","10732","GS: 10732",,,"42A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1292899
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Act42A(CT3675)" 202785,"3/10/1999","10733","GS: 10733",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563544
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202786,"3/10/1999","10740","GS: 10740",,,"83E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2193963
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG15187(CT35102)" 202787,"3/10/1999","10741","GS: 10741",,,"44E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3769252
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"cmp44E(CT2958)" 202788,"3/10/1999","10742","GS: 10742",,,"84C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2935205
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1070(CT1431)" 202789,"3/10/1999","10744","GS: 10744",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1676303
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase
",,,"Vha16(CT10607)" 202790,"3/10/1999","10745","GS: 10745",,,"70C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13861565
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9028(CT25798)" 202791,"3/10/1999","10746","GS: 10746",,,"95C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19663451
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202792,"3/10/1999","10747","GS: 10747",,,"57B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15540516
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"bl(CT40495)" 202793,"3/24/1999","10748","GS: 10748",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14916496
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG11779(CT17728)" 202794,"3/10/1999","10749","GS: 10749",,,"67F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10801665
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7949(CT23966)" 202795,"3/10/1999","10750","GS: 10750",,,"56D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14460526
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11228(CT31338)" 202796,"3/10/1999","10751","GS: 10751",,,"48B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6615351
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202797,"3/10/1999","10752","GS: 10752",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19792108
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5991(CT18825)" 202798,"3/10/1999","10755","GS: 10755",,,"26A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5862302
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gpdh(CT25964)" 202799,"3/10/1999","10756","GS: 10756",,,"45A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4104493
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202800,"3/24/1999","10757","GS: 10757",,,"65F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7370465
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rac2(CT14366)" 202801,"3/10/1999","10758","GS: 10758",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11706184
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crol(CT34766)" 202802,"3/10/1999","10759","GS: 10759",,,"90D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13791500
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202803,"3/10/1999","10760","GS: 10760",,,"78C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21128559
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"AcCoAS(CT23612)" 202804,"3/10/1999","10761","GS: 10761",,,"85D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5091209
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202805,"3/10/1999","10762","GS: 10762",,,"28D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7872132
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202806,"3/10/1999","10763","GS: 10763",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5917771
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9088(CT26078)" 202807,"3/10/1999","10764","GS: 10764",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112467
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 202808,"3/10/1999","10765","GS: 10765",,,"57A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15499736
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG13431(CT32788)" 202809,"3/10/1999","10766","GS: 10766",,,"57B20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15993737
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG10540(CT29561)" 202810,"3/10/1999","10769","GS: 10769",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426480
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 202811,"3/10/1999","10770","GS: 10770",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22888818
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5889(CT18483)" 202812,"3/10/1999","10771","GS: 10771",,,"57B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15931831
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Pros29(CT26525)" 202813,"3/10/1999","10772","GS: 10772",,,"60D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19452861
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"anon-60Da(CT14848)" 202814,"3/10/1999","10774","GS: 10774",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583194
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202815,"3/10/1999","10775","GS: 10775",,,"34C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13539597
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"BG:BACR48E02.4(CT25926)" 202816,"3/10/1999","10776","GS: 10776",,,"49B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7706259
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202817,"3/10/1999","10777","GS: 10777",,,"96A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20306197
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202818,"3/10/1999","10778","GS: 10778",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6679592
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202819,"3/10/1999","10779","GS: 10779",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11471858
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 202820,"3/10/1999","10780","GS: 10780",,,"33C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12031529
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202821,"3/10/1999","10781","GS: 10781",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6899468
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 202822,"3/10/1999","10782","GS: 10782",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202823,"3/10/1999","10783","GS: 10783",,,"34C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13606678
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202824,"3/10/1999","10784","GS: 10784",,,"70E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14527975
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"RecQ5(CT15495)" 202825,"3/10/1999","10785","GS: 10785",,,"64A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3934469
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12605(CT34835)" 202826,"3/10/1999","10786","GS: 10786",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16523059
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 202827,"3/10/1999","10788","GS: 10788",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11806032
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202828,"3/10/1999","10789","GS: 10789",,,"96B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20611235
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycB3(CT18226)" 202829,"3/10/1999","10790","GS: 10790",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947976
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 202830,"3/10/1999","10791","GS: 10791",,,"64A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4043368
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"wit(CT30208)" 202831,"3/10/1999","10792","GS: 10792",,,"33A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11426382
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"BcDNA:GH07269(CT20317)" 202832,"3/10/1999","10794","GS: 10794",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11422451
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202833,"3/10/1999","10795","GS: 10795",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6630992
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"CG9005(CT25874)" 202834,"3/10/1999","10796","GS: 10796",,,"64A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3916344
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"BcDNA:GH10614(CT30407)" 202835,"3/10/1999","10797","GS: 10797",,,"69E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12720239
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10967(CT30713)" 202836,"3/10/1999","10798","GS: 10798",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11015763
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202837,"3/10/1999","10799","GS: 10799",,,"34D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13667911
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS00797.2(CT25890)" 202838,"3/10/1999","10800","GS: 10800",,,"25C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5030126
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202839,"3/10/1999","10801","GS: 10801",,,"85F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5878379
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202840,"3/10/1999","10802","GS: 10802",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6199539
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202841,"3/10/1999","10805","GS: 10805",,,"38F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20709868
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG18092(CT40613)" 202842,"3/10/1999","10806","GS: 10806",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589869
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycE(CT13013)" 202843,"3/10/1999","10807","GS: 10807",,,"89E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12798444
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18213(CT41204)" 202844,"3/10/1999","10809","GS: 10809",,,"38C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20126618
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10076(CT28309)" 202845,"3/10/1999","10810","GS: 10810",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24060554
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG14066(CT33635)" 202846,"3/10/1999","10812","GS: 10812",,,"21C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 423142
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"ex(CT13612)" 202847,"3/10/1999","10815","GS: 10815",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2686907
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"TafII24(CT9780)" 202848,"3/10/1999","10816","GS: 10816",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 109418
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202849,"3/10/1999","10817","GS: 10817",,,"21C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 443764
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"crq(CT14035)" 202850,"3/10/1999","10819","GS: 10819",,,"88E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10953246
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202851,"3/10/1999","10822","GS: 10822",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7709730
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"LanB1(CT22015)" 202852,"3/10/1999","10823","GS: 10823",,,"73C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16742233
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG9712(CT27462)" 202853,"3/10/1999","10826","GS: 10826",,,"49D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7856168
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202854,"3/10/1999","10827","GS: 10827",,,"79B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21781246
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG7143(CT22075)" 202855,"3/10/1999","10828","GS: 10828",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7777933
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202856,"3/10/1999","10829","GS: 10829",,,"39E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21276281
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG3305(CT11115)" 202857,"3/10/1999","10831","GS: 10831",,,"67B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9430527
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"RpS9(CT11393)" 202858,"3/10/1999","10834","GS: 10834",,,"94E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18989102
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202859,"3/10/1999","10835","GS: 10835",,,"73E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16947944
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202860,"3/10/1999","10836","GS: 10836",,,"52F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11156336
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Lis1(CT19756)" 202861,"3/10/1999","10837","GS: 10837",,,"95E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19909936
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG5510(CT17462)" 202862,"3/10/1999","10838","GS: 10838",,,"60B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18962205
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): adenylate kinase
",,,"anon-Dak2(CT10496)" 202863,"3/10/1999","10839","GS: 10839",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13143458
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202864,"3/10/1999","10841","GS: 10841",,,"61F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1188599
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202865,"3/10/1999","10843","GS: 10843",,,"66A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7732640
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202866,"3/10/1999","10845","GS: 10845",,,"35F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16158761
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"cact(CT18347)" 202867,"3/10/1999","10847","GS: 10847",,,"88E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11085352
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): defense/immunity protein
",,,"ea(CT15808)" 202868,"3/10/1999","10848","GS: 10848",,,"57D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16260264
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15670(CT35854)" 202869,"3/10/1999","10850","GS: 10850",,,"44B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3258597
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG8706(CT9297)" 202870,"3/10/1999","10851","GS: 10851",,,"85F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5939917
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202871,"3/10/1999","10853","GS: 10853",,,"78C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21130075
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ppl(CT23598)" 202872,"3/10/1999","10854","GS: 10854",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396690
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 202873,"3/10/1999","10855","GS: 10855",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5559151
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202874,"2/17/1999","10858","GS: 10858",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23648643
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG5017(CT16116)" 202875,"2/17/1999","10860","GS: 10860",,,"94A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17784565
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"how(CT28865)" 202876,"2/17/1999","10862","GS: 10862",,,"85A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4472944
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG9748(CT27543)" 202877,"2/17/1999","10863","GS: 10863",,,"74D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17431752
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG7555(CT23113)" 202878,"2/17/1999","10864","GS: 10864",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570125
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 202879,"2/17/1999","10866","GS: 10866",,,"57F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16516836
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202880,"2/17/1999","10867","GS: 10867",,,"38A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19702782
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202881,"2/17/1999","10869","GS: 10869",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16352746
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 202882,"2/17/1999","10871","GS: 10871",,,"23B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2726279
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG16987(CT37697)" 202883,"2/17/1999","10872","GS: 10872",,,"82A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 133253
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202884,"2/17/1999","10873","GS: 10873",,,"71F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15630018
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202885,"2/17/1999","10874","GS: 10874",,,"88C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10419323
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG3509(CT11827)" 202886,"2/17/1999","10875","GS: 10875",,,"41F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1058584
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG11163(CT31188)" 202887,"2/17/1999","10876","GS: 10876",,,"66A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7791773
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8294(CT24537)" 202888,"2/17/1999","10877","GS: 10877",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1480823
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG1245(CT2432)" 202889,"2/17/1999","10878","GS: 10878",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1491358
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"BcDNA:LD21719(CT3457)" 202890,"2/17/1999","10879","GS: 10879",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19921438
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"neb(CT30035)" 202891,"2/17/1999","10880","GS: 10880",,,"90F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14058777
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Dlc90F(CT24202)" 202892,"2/17/1999","10881","GS: 10881",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20634741
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11399(CT31823)" 202893,"2/17/1999","10882","GS: 10882",,,"30B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9402714
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Gdi(CT14400)" 202894,"2/17/1999","10883","GS: 10883",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160717
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 202895,"2/17/1999","10885","GS: 10885",,,"69F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13029051
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"trn(CT31487)" 202896,"2/17/1999","10887","GS: 10887",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16599372
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15678(CT35863)" 202897,"2/17/1999","10888","GS: 10888",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20550684
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH12663(CT18210)" 202898,"2/17/1999","10889","GS: 10889",,,"93C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16939778
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"SNF4A&ggr(CT38280)" 202899,"2/17/1999","10890","GS: 10890",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362059
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202900,"2/17/1999","10892","GS: 10892",,,"78C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21058845
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10508(CT29484)" 202901,"2/17/1999","10893","GS: 10893",,,"48F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7326865
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8841(CT25414)" 202902,"2/17/1999","10894","GS: 10894",,,"55C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13264424
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5580(CT17646)" 202903,"2/17/1999","10895","GS: 10895",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9304976
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 202904,"2/17/1999","10896","GS: 10896",,,"72E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16215339
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13062(CT32281)" 202905,"2/17/1999","10897","GS: 10897",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8962438
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Cp1(CT20780)" 202906,"2/17/1999","10898","GS: 10898",,,"61F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1297642
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202907,"2/17/1999","10899","GS: 10899",,,"48D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6931209
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202908,"2/17/1999","10902","GS: 10902",,,"47F17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6476621
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"inv(CT39612)" 202909,"2/17/1999","10903","GS: 10903",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563349
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202910,"2/17/1999","10904","GS: 10904",,,"88E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11048321
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Tm1(CT15051)" 202911,"2/17/1999","10906","GS: 10906",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224851
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202912,"2/17/1999","10908","GS: 10908",,,"88B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10042804
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 202913,"2/17/1999","10909","GS: 10909",,,"58D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17339953
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202914,"2/17/1999","10910","GS: 10910",,,"36C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17213922
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG6860(CT21229)" 202915,"2/17/1999","10911","GS: 10911",,,"91A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14158591
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BcDNA:LD21735(CT22945)" 202916,"2/17/1999","10912","GS: 10912",,,"66E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8747910
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"dally(CT15952)" 202917,"2/17/1999","10913","GS: 10913",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12397328
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): uridine kinase
",,,"CG4798(CT15417)" 202918,"2/17/1999","10915","GS: 10915",,,"73E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16932061
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202919,"2/17/1999","10916","GS: 10916",,,"89C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12227986
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CH5(CT34706)" 202920,"2/17/1999","10917","GS: 10917",,,"43D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2576314
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG2140(CT6982)" 202921,"2/17/1999","10918","GS: 10918",,,"79C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21873924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202922,"2/17/1999","10919","GS: 10919",,,"26A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5864131
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gpdh(CT25964)" 202923,"2/17/1999","10920","GS: 10920",,,"94A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17784531
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"how(CT28865)" 202924,"2/17/1999","10921","GS: 10921",,,"43F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2936760
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202925,"2/17/1999","10923","GS: 10923",,,"27E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7092767
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4497(CT14637)" 202926,"2/17/1999","10924","GS: 10924",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563596
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202927,"2/17/1999","10925","GS: 10925",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362940
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202928,"2/17/1999","10926","GS: 10926",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165199
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 202929,"2/17/1999","10927","GS: 10927",,,"62A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1404208
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9178(CT26244)" 202930,"2/17/1999","10928","GS: 10928",,,"50C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8621187
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202931,"2/17/1999","10929","GS: 10929",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14387760
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 202932,"2/17/1999","10930","GS: 10930",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396561
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 202933,"2/17/1999","10931","GS: 10931",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26100783
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fer1HCH(CT6417)" 202934,"2/17/1999","10932","GS: 10932",,,"97F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23010181
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202935,"2/17/1999","10934","GS: 10934",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783825
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202936,"2/17/1999","10935","GS: 10935",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1546294
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"1.28(CT9093)" 202937,"2/17/1999","10936","GS: 10936",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5037223
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 202938,"2/17/1999","10938","GS: 10938",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14924219
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"l(3)02102(CT17352)" 202939,"3/3/1999","10939","GS: 10939",,,"60A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18800583
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"TBPH(CT29000)" 202940,"2/17/1999","10940","GS: 10940",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749185
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202941,"2/17/1999","10942","GS: 10942",,,"99A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24935470
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202942,"2/17/1999","10943","GS: 10943",,,"54A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12119034
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202943,"2/17/1999","10944","GS: 10944",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13816607
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18190(CT41112)" 202944,"2/17/1999","10945","GS: 10945",,,"65E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7092430
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202945,"2/17/1999","10946","GS: 10946",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19922058
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"neb(CT30035)" 202946,"2/17/1999","10947","GS: 10947",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202947,"2/17/1999","10948","GS: 10948",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7973088
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"poe(CT34171)" 202948,"2/17/1999","10949","GS: 10949",,,"85E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5577857
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9471(CT26826)" 202949,"2/17/1999","10950","GS: 10950",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12753747
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202950,"2/17/1999","10951","GS: 10951",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1915071
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9446(CT11617)" 202951,"2/17/1999","10952","GS: 10952",,,"21B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 101426
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Nhe1(CT9263)" 202952,"2/17/1999","10953","GS: 10953",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749281
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202953,"2/17/1999","10954","GS: 10954",,,"49E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7999013
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Su(z)2(CT12997)" 202954,"2/17/1999","10955","GS: 10955",,,"53C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11561999
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"RpP1(CT15790)" 202955,"2/17/1999","10956","GS: 10956",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290084
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202956,"2/17/1999","10957","GS: 10957",,,"38C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19954954
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202957,"2/17/1999","10958","GS: 10958",,,"66D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8521409
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"anon-66Da(CT18833)" 202958,"2/17/1999","10959","GS: 10959",,,"70C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13835505
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202959,"2/17/1999","10960","GS: 10960",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165360
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 202960,"2/17/1999","10961","GS: 10961",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1565920
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202961,"2/17/1999","10962","GS: 10962",,,"34C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13606683
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202962,"2/17/1999","10965","GS: 10965",,,"44F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3936120
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13751(CT33228)" 202963,"2/17/1999","10966","GS: 10966",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16708806
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Atpalpha(CT17822)" 202964,"2/17/1999","10967","GS: 10967",,,"60E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19809276
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3749(CT12421)" 202965,"2/17/1999","10968","GS: 10968",,,"38C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20243131
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202966,"2/17/1999","10969","GS: 10969",,,"50C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8821434
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"fl(2)d(CT19764)" 202967,"2/17/1999","10970","GS: 10970",,,"41F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 775104
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202968,"2/17/1999","10971","GS: 10971",,,"83C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1617710
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Rpn5(CT1623)" 202969,"2/17/1999","10973","GS: 10973",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19930812
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG10722(CT30053)" 202970,"2/17/1999","10974","GS: 10974",,,"88E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11046358
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Tm1(CT15051)" 202971,"2/17/1999","10975","GS: 10975",,,"77C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20340497
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202972,"2/17/1999","10976","GS: 10976",,,"22B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1716223
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202973,"2/17/1999","10977","GS: 10977",,,"21B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 166642
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202974,"2/17/1999","10978","GS: 10978",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3301397
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA-directed DNA polymerase, group II intron encoded
",,,"CG1142(CT1929)" 202975,"2/17/1999","10980","GS: 10980",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219878
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 202976,"2/17/1999","10981","GS: 10981",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562686
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 202977,"2/17/1999","10982","GS: 10982",,,"50C16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8895637
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"shot(CT39520)" 202978,"2/17/1999","10983","GS: 10983",,,"38C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20242268
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202979,"2/17/1999","10984","GS: 10984",,,"85D17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5226508
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16765(CT37285)" 202980,"2/17/1999","10985","GS: 10985",,,"24C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3724627
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3920(CT9724)" 202981,"2/17/1999","10986","GS: 10986",,,"87A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7791801
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3132(CT10342)" 202982,"2/17/1999","10987","GS: 10987",,,"99A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24976721
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein tyrosine phosphatase
",,,"stg(CT3224)" 202983,"2/17/1999","10988","GS: 10988",,,"48F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7326865
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8841(CT25414)" 202984,"2/17/1999","10989","GS: 10989",,,"97F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23018989
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG3361(CT11263)" 202985,"2/17/1999","10990","GS: 10990",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16434196
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 202986,"2/17/1999","10991","GS: 10991",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170528
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 202987,"2/17/1999","10993","GS: 10993",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6206785
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"shn(CT23537)" 202988,"2/17/1999","10994","GS: 10994",,,"51F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10359984
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8171(CT21945)" 202989,"2/17/1999","10995","GS: 10995",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518815
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202990,"2/17/1999","10996","GS: 10996",,,"31B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10107714
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18145(CT40900)" 202991,"2/17/1999","10997","GS: 10997",,,"96C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20924282
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202992,"2/17/1999","10998","GS: 10998",,,"76D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19750301
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG8037(CT24122)" 202993,"2/17/1999","10999","GS: 10999",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13475697
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"osa(CT22943)" 202994,"2/17/1999","11000","GS: 11000",,,"72D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16030114
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"SsRbeta(CT17318)" 202995,"2/17/1999","11002","GS: 11002",,,"62A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1496443
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202996,"2/17/1999","11003","GS: 11003",,,"34C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13559686
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS01368.1(CT42208)" 202997,"2/17/1999","11004","GS: 11004",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6899974
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 202998,"2/17/1999","11005","GS: 11005",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 202999,"2/17/1999","11006","GS: 11006",,,"87F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9432846
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein serine/threonine kinase
",,,"CG9374(CT26569)" 203000,"2/17/1999","11007","GS: 11007",,,"71B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15146257
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203001,"2/17/1999","11008","GS: 11008",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5898683
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"chic(CT36595)" 203002,"2/17/1999","11009","GS: 11009",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9672372
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidase
",,,"und(CT13300)" 203003,"2/17/1999","11010","GS: 11010",,,"100F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27698094
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203004,"2/17/1999","11012","GS: 11012",,,"60C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19180571
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3372(CT11329)" 203005,"2/17/1999","11016","GS: 11016",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16365391
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203006,"2/17/1999","11017","GS: 11017",,,"70C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13927854
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG6513(CT20269)" 203007,"2/17/1999","11018","GS: 11018",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583140
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203008,"2/17/1999","11019","GS: 11019",,,"45A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4104423
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203009,"2/17/1999","11020","GS: 11020",,,"92A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15086874
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"Dl(CT12133)" 203010,"2/17/1999","11021","GS: 11021",,,"61C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 309862
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203011,"2/17/1999","11023","GS: 11023",,,"42A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1258465
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Src42A(CT2448)" 203012,"2/17/1999","11024","GS: 11024",,,"96F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21792290
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14542(CT34272)" 203013,"2/17/1999","11025","GS: 11025",,,"32E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11105240
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203014,"2/17/1999","11026","GS: 11026",,,"88D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10657714
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG7014(CT21704)" 203015,"2/17/1999","11027","GS: 11027",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426422
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 203016,"2/17/1999","11028","GS: 11028",,,"61E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 862059
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203017,"2/17/1999","11029","GS: 11029",,,"34C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13447662
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9260(CT26204)" 203018,"2/17/1999","11031","GS: 11031",,,"38E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20633143
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9331(CT5224)" 203019,"2/17/1999","11032","GS: 11032",,,"67B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9344082
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3967(CT13090)" 203020,"2/17/1999","11033","GS: 11033",,,"66B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7900684
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nmo(CT23293)" 203021,"2/17/1999","11034","GS: 11034",,,"93E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17348212
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203022,"2/17/1999","11035","GS: 11035",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1545509
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203023,"2/17/1999","11036","GS: 11036",,,"62A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1525278
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1049(CT1092)" 203024,"2/17/1999","11037","GS: 11037",,,"82B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 211594
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1084(CT1481)" 203025,"2/17/1999","11038","GS: 11038",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224973
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203026,"2/17/1999","11039","GS: 11039",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5564132
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 203027,"2/17/1999","11040","GS: 11040",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678453
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203028,"2/17/1999","11041","GS: 11041",,,"54F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12798423
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"grh(CT16237)" 203029,"2/17/1999","11042","GS: 11042",,,"93A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16665387
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203030,"2/17/1999","11043","GS: 11043",,,"70F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14699848
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5272(CT16839)" 203031,"2/17/1999","11044","GS: 11044",,,"68C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11412063
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"charybde(CT23077)" 203032,"2/17/1999","11045","GS: 11045",,,"84F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3930432
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"puc(CT23760)" 203033,"2/17/1999","11046","GS: 11046",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 110043
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 203034,"2/17/1999","11048","GS: 11048",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7590229
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 203035,"2/17/1999","11049","GS: 11049",,,"42A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1258544
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Src42A(CT2448)" 203036,"2/17/1999","11050","GS: 11050",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9304619
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 203037,"2/17/1999","11051","GS: 11051",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749202
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203038,"2/17/1999","11052","GS: 11052",,,"60B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19125482
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203039,"2/17/1999","11053","GS: 11053",,,"30B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9346479
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203040,"2/17/1999","11054","GS: 11054",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939890
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 203041,"2/17/1999","11055","GS: 11055",,,"22B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1938512
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203042,"2/17/1999","11057","GS: 11057",,,"91F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14852872
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"cdi(CT18533)" 203043,"2/17/1999","11058","GS: 11058",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16434189
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 203044,"2/17/1999","11059","GS: 11059",,,"66D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8596233
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"h(CT20229)" 203045,"2/17/1999","11060","GS: 11060",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783910
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203046,"2/17/1999","11062","GS: 11062",,,"64B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4419877
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203047,"2/17/1999","11063","GS: 11063",,,"26C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6257051
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Cpr(CT26884)" 203048,"2/17/1999","11064","GS: 11064",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783767
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 203049,"2/17/1999","11066","GS: 11066",,,"38A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19572977
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG10447(CT29328)" 203050,"2/17/1999","11067","GS: 11067",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8952113
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"AGO1(CT20708)" 203051,"2/17/1999","11068","GS: 11068",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5900621
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"eIF-4a(CT26044)" 203052,"2/17/1999","11069","GS: 11069",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13475701
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"osa(CT22943)" 203053,"2/17/1999","11070","GS: 11070",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20395579
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG6695(CT20801)" 203054,"3/3/1999","11077","GS: 11077",,,"90D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13799412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203055,"3/3/1999","11079","GS: 11079",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316453
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203056,"3/3/1999","11081","GS: 11081",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15604557
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"Gli(CT12983)" 203057,"3/3/1999","11083","GS: 11083",,,"61B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 243470
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7008(CT21688)" 203058,"3/10/1999","11084","GS: 11084",,,"82F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1078374
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG12163(CT8855)" 203059,"3/10/1999","11087","GS: 11087",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316438
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203060,"3/10/1999","11090","GS: 11090",,,"63B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3170448
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Hsp83(CT2354)" 203061,"3/10/1999","11091","GS: 11091",,,"57B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15525797
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"bl(CT40495)" 203062,"3/10/1999","11092","GS: 11092",,,"96F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21620407
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD19727(CT19213)" 203063,"3/10/1999","11093","GS: 11093",,,"49A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474995
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203064,"3/10/1999","11094","GS: 11094",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362124
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203065,"3/10/1999","11095","GS: 11095",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369939
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 203066,"3/10/1999","11096","GS: 11096",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13143337
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203067,"3/10/1999","11097","GS: 11097",,,"99F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26061374
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"hdc(CT35647)" 203068,"3/10/1999","11100","GS: 11100",,,"83B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1450087
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG1475(CT2504)" 203069,"3/10/1999","11101","GS: 11101",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091557
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 203070,"3/10/1999","11103","GS: 11103",,,"90F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14034052
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7146(CT22081)" 203071,"3/10/1999","11104","GS: 11104",,,"99F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25991645
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203072,"3/10/1999","11105","GS: 11105",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13814226
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15084(CT34959)" 203073,"3/10/1999","11106","GS: 11106",,,"53B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11323864
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7989(CT24010)" 203074,"3/10/1999","11108","GS: 11108",,,"28F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8106565
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8451(CT24727)" 203075,"3/10/1999","11109","GS: 11109",,,"59A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17736220
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203076,"3/10/1999","11111","GS: 11111",,,"67B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9424292
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3424(CT11525)" 203077,"3/10/1999","11112","GS: 11112",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814818
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 203078,"3/10/1999","11113","GS: 11113",,,"82B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 280150
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9798(CT27682)" 203079,"3/10/1999","11114","GS: 11114",,,"91A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14162118
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12333(CT22871)" 203080,"3/10/1999","11115","GS: 11115",,,"78C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21021789
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203081,"3/10/1999","11116","GS: 11116",,,"31D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10241841
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG5034(CT16090)" 203082,"3/10/1999","11117","GS: 11117",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8475918
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating)
",,,"CG10120(CT28469)" 203083,"3/10/1999","11118","GS: 11118",,,"37A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18448811
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203084,"3/10/1999","11119","GS: 11119",,,"52F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11187390
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG8448(CT18220)" 203085,"3/10/1999","11120","GS: 11120",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309231
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203086,"3/10/1999","11121","GS: 11121",,,"50E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9165761
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG8367(CT24629)" 203087,"3/10/1999","11122","GS: 11122",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642667
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203088,"3/10/1999","11123","GS: 11123",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8453788
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): tumor suppressor
",,,"Past1(CT19156)" 203089,"3/10/1999","11125","GS: 11125",,,"35B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14737427
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203090,"3/10/1999","11127","GS: 11127",,,"22B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1716230
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203091,"3/10/1999","11128","GS: 11128",,,"85F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5904725
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Fragile-X-related(CT17036)" 203092,"3/10/1999","11129","GS: 11129",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8249124
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5333(CT16964)" 203093,"3/10/1999","11130","GS: 11130",,,"43D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2555444
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"az2(CT4261)" 203094,"3/10/1999","11131","GS: 11131",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1700144
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG3183(CT10671)" 203095,"3/10/1999","11132","GS: 11132",,,"53D15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11845116
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203096,"3/10/1999","11133","GS: 11133",,,"60F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20234059
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203097,"3/10/1999","11134","GS: 11134",,,"83E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2250149
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203098,"3/10/1999","11135","GS: 11135",,,"97D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22602761
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"His2Av(CT17432)" 203099,"3/10/1999","11136","GS: 11136",,,"78C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21130079
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ppl(CT23598)" 203100,"3/10/1999","11137","GS: 11137",,,"56F16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15212416
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG10444(CT29322)" 203101,"3/10/1999","11138","GS: 11138",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563201
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 203102,"3/10/1999","11139","GS: 11139",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1565810
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203103,"3/10/1999","11140","GS: 11140",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783732
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 203104,"3/10/1999","11141","GS: 11141",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16517865
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 203105,"3/10/1999","11142","GS: 11142",,,"31A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9963814
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Pen(CT15419)" 203106,"3/10/1999","11144","GS: 11144",,,"76D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19763938
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG7757(CT23596)" 203107,"3/10/1999","11145","GS: 11145",,,"94A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17784531
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"how(CT28865)" 203108,"3/10/1999","11147","GS: 11147",,,"24C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3790444
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203109,"3/10/1999","11148","GS: 11148",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783786
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 203110,"4/29/1999","11149","GS: 11149",,,"44D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3636354
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14751(CT34552)" 203111,"3/10/1999","11150","GS: 11150",,,"94A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17876212
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203112,"3/10/1999","11151","GS: 11151",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5357689
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203113,"3/10/1999","11152","GS: 11152",,,"23C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2964822
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG3524(CT11835)" 203114,"3/10/1999","11154","GS: 11154",,,"24F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4377808
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): nucleic acid binding
",,,"CG15435(CT35499)" 203115,"3/10/1999","11155","GS: 11155",,,"33C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12031631
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203116,"3/10/1999","11156","GS: 11156",,,"66D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8468652
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203117,"3/10/1999","11157","GS: 11157",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1654217
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203118,"3/10/1999","11159","GS: 11159",,,"91C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14481948
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Cha(CT23399)" 203119,"3/10/1999","11160","GS: 11160",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13702533
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203120,"3/10/1999","11161","GS: 11161",,,"75E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18727528
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3979(CT41700)" 203121,"3/10/1999","11162","GS: 11162",,,"47F15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6453554
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"E(Pc)(CT23622)" 203122,"3/10/1999","11163","GS: 11163",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426633
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 203123,"3/10/1999","11164","GS: 11164",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 260635
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1074(CT1375)" 203124,"3/10/1999","11165","GS: 11165",,,"61A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 165253
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Mtch(CT21221)" 203125,"3/10/1999","11166","GS: 11166",,,"82A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 59768
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"abs(CT34409)" 203126,"3/10/1999","11168","GS: 11168",,,"34A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13063095
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Sir2(CT16687)" 203127,"3/10/1999","11169","GS: 11169",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5047628
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"D1(CT27541)" 203128,"3/10/1999","11170","GS: 11170",,,"94C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18413892
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG6954(CT21543)" 203129,"3/10/1999","11173","GS: 11173",,,"98A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23318428
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203130,"3/10/1999","11175","GS: 11175",,,"26C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6171285
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203131,"3/10/1999","11176","GS: 11176",,,"52B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10593035
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203132,"3/10/1999","11177","GS: 11177",,,"64A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4112900
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Ras64B(CT1405)" 203133,"3/10/1999","11178","GS: 11178",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1792324
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:LD08743(CT10989)" 203134,"3/10/1999","11179","GS: 11179",,,"96A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20258685
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"Pp1alpha-96A(CT20458)" 203135,"4/29/1999","11180","GS: 11180",,,"37C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18988869
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203136,"3/24/1999","11181","GS: 11181",,,"43A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2288823
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203137,"3/24/1999","11182","GS: 11182",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7972991
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"poe(CT34171)" 203139,"3/24/1999","11184","GS: 11184",,,"29C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8373178
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203140,"3/24/1999","11185","GS: 11185",,,"27C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6844989
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG10158(CT28557)" 203141,"3/24/1999","11186","GS: 11186",,,"38A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19572975
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG10447(CT29328)" 203142,"3/10/1999","11187","GS: 11187",,,"24B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3689191
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"bowl(CT9648)" 203143,"3/10/1999","11189","GS: 11189",,,"56F16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15212396
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG10444(CT29322)" 203144,"3/10/1999","11191","GS: 11191",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570125
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 203145,"3/10/1999","11193","GS: 11193",,,"95C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19674023
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG5338(CT16966)" 203146,"3/10/1999","11194","GS: 11194",,,"22C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2066077
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11723(CT36769)" 203147,"3/10/1999","11196","GS: 11196",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939884
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 203148,"3/24/1999","11198","GS: 11198",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369739
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 203149,"3/24/1999","11199","GS: 11199",,,"32D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11004730
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4713(CT15187)" 203151,"3/24/1999","11202","GS: 11202",,,"67F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10817761
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6391(CT19950)" 203152,"3/24/1999","11204","GS: 11204",,,"89C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12126937
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203153,"3/24/1999","11205","GS: 11205",,,"62F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2561070
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG16973(CT37669)" 203154,"3/24/1999","11207","GS: 11207",,,"79A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21667425
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203155,"3/24/1999","11209","GS: 11209",,,"88C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10408563
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7832(CT23772)" 203156,"3/24/1999","11210","GS: 11210",,,"23D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2974005
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203157,"3/24/1999","11211","GS: 11211",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 244278
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203158,"3/24/1999","11214","GS: 11214",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 635089
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203159,"3/24/1999","11215","GS: 11215",,,"22B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1703308
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203160,"3/24/1999","11216","GS: 11216",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11471786
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 203161,"3/24/1999","11217","GS: 11217",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 260631
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1074(CT1375)" 203162,"3/24/1999","11219","GS: 11219",,,"85C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4865341
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 203163,"3/24/1999","11220","GS: 11220",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160682
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 203164,"3/24/1999","11221","GS: 11221",,,"35E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15866718
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"beat-C(CT15531)" 203165,"3/24/1999","11222","GS: 11222",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7708995
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG7134(CT22031)" 203166,"3/24/1999","11223","GS: 11223",,,"60B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18984746
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"tsr(CT13858)" 203167,"3/24/1999","11227","GS: 11227",,,"72D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16065205
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203168,"3/24/1999","11229","GS: 11229",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11471785
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 203169,"3/24/1999","11230","GS: 11230",,,"25F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5485370
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203170,"3/24/1999","11231","GS: 11231",,,"88D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10480197
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7552(CT23083)" 203171,"3/24/1999","11232","GS: 11232",,,"35B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14484667
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203172,"3/24/1999","11233","GS: 11233",,,"98A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23319268
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203173,"3/24/1999","11234","GS: 11234",,,"98F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24613214
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Doa(CT4592)" 203174,"3/24/1999","11235","GS: 11235",,,"30B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9355650
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203175,"3/24/1999","11237","GS: 11237",,,"44F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3983196
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH02536(CT8599)" 203176,"3/24/1999","11238","GS: 11238",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14907097
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH03502(CT17754)" 203177,"3/24/1999","11239","GS: 11239",,,"61E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 862204
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203178,"3/24/1999","11240","GS: 11240",,,"51D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9944168
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12424(CT31991)" 203179,"3/24/1999","11243","GS: 11243",,,"76C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19504158
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8793(CT25346)" 203180,"3/24/1999","11244","GS: 11244",,,"64B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4261020
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"TfIIEbeta(CT2638)" 203181,"3/24/1999","11245","GS: 11245",,,"39E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21333527
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"l(2)k0581(CT7302)" 203182,"3/24/1999","11246","GS: 11246",,,"38E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20521491
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203183,"3/24/1999","11247","GS: 11247",,,"62A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1376899
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9178(CT26244)" 203184,"3/24/1999","11249","GS: 11249",,,"92F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16541906
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203185,"3/24/1999","11250","GS: 11250",,,"89B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12038801
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG6963(CT21414)" 203186,"3/24/1999","11251","GS: 11251",,,"96A23","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20494262
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"asp(CT21290)" 203187,"3/24/1999","11252","GS: 11252",,,"73E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16954066
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7724(CT23501)" 203188,"3/24/1999","11253","GS: 11253",,,"30A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9085697
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203189,"3/24/1999","11254","GS: 11254",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1109771
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"l(3)82Fd(CT9007)" 203190,"3/24/1999","11255","GS: 11255",,,"43F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3008635
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG8726(CT9826)" 203191,"3/24/1999","11256","GS: 11256",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642767
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203192,"3/24/1999","11257","GS: 11257",,,"45C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4344450
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2078(CT6744)" 203193,"3/24/1999","11258","GS: 11258",,,"86A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6206584
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4043(CT13404)" 203194,"3/24/1999","11259","GS: 11259",,,"73E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16931928
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203195,"3/24/1999","11261","GS: 11261",,,"44F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3943413
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG2396(CT7986)" 203196,"3/24/1999","11262","GS: 11262",,,"28E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7989699
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203197,"3/24/1999","11263","GS: 11263",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203198,"3/24/1999","11264","GS: 11264",,,"1B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 185623
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203199,"3/24/1999","11265","GS: 11265",,,"83C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1620062
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2046(CT6566)" 203200,"3/24/1999","11266","GS: 11266",,,"43B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2430195
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG11107(CT31081)" 203201,"3/24/1999","11267","GS: 11267",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247000
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 203202,"3/24/1999","11269","GS: 11269",,,"95C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19522685
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"mbc(CT29150)" 203203,"3/24/1999","11270","GS: 11270",,,"79E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22127192
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Hem(CT16561)" 203204,"3/24/1999","11271","GS: 11271",,,"88C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10408557
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7832(CT23772)" 203205,"3/24/1999","11272","GS: 11272",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4581793
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203206,"3/24/1999","11274","GS: 11274",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518820
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203207,"3/24/1999","11275","GS: 11275",,,"46A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4686190
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): metalloendopeptidase
",,,"CG1794(CT5360)" 203208,"3/24/1999","11276","GS: 11276",,,"96C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21069258
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10618(CT29440)" 203209,"3/24/1999","11277","GS: 11277",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7551844
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Lk6(CT21464)" 203210,"3/24/1999","11278","GS: 11278",,,"92F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16581668
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:LD32788(CT35906)" 203211,"3/24/1999","11279","GS: 11279",,,"49F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8032797
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203212,"3/24/1999","11281","GS: 11281",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251795
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 203213,"3/24/1999","11282","GS: 11282",,,"91A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14158555
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BcDNA:LD21735(CT22945)" 203214,"3/24/1999","11283","GS: 11283",,,"96A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20370825
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6668(CT20689)" 203215,"3/24/1999","11284","GS: 11284",,,"98A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23345295
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203216,"4/29/1999","11285","GS: 11285",,,"92F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16581647
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:LD32788(CT35906)" 203217,"3/24/1999","11286","GS: 11286",,,"52F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11106923
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8428(CT18931)" 203218,"3/24/1999","11287","GS: 11287",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19771835
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203219,"3/24/1999","11288","GS: 11288",,,"57C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16120215
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"tud(CT26776)" 203220,"3/24/1999","11289","GS: 11289",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17047154
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203221,"3/24/1999","11291","GS: 11291",,,"52E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10976650
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ATPCL(CT18257)" 203222,"3/24/1999","11292","GS: 11292",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14387765
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 203223,"3/24/1999","11293","GS: 11293",,,"34B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13296994
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7110(CT21979)" 203224,"3/24/1999","11295","GS: 11295",,,"71E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15510816
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG7650(CT23357)" 203225,"3/24/1999","11298","GS: 11298",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369746
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 203226,"3/24/1999","11300","GS: 11300",,,"90E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13942763
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG7212(CT22245)" 203227,"3/24/1999","11301","GS: 11301",,,"90D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13799419
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203228,"3/24/1999","11302","GS: 11302",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 217052
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"kis(CT12335)" 203229,"3/24/1999","11303","GS: 11303",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16533660
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203230,"3/24/1999","11304","GS: 11304",,,"90E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13942763
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG7212(CT22245)" 203231,"3/24/1999","11306","GS: 11306",,,"64B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4164438
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"tipE(CT2316)" 203232,"3/24/1999","11307","GS: 11307",,,"37E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19301566
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203233,"3/24/1999","11308","GS: 11308",,,"54A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12121901
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203234,"3/24/1999","11309","GS: 11309",,,"64A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3958360
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203235,"3/24/1999","11310","GS: 11310",,,"56E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14689686
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203236,"3/3/1999","11312","GS: 11312",,,"47A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5450425
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203237,"3/3/1999","11314","GS: 11314",,,"39C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21022371
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8678(CT2954)" 203238,"3/3/1999","11315","GS: 11315",,,"39D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21187907
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8663(CT5314)" 203239,"3/3/1999","11317","GS: 11317",,,"78C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21024712
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203240,"3/3/1999","11318","GS: 11318",,,"21D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 834099
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): defense/immunity protein
",,,"drongo(CT11203)" 203241,"3/3/1999","11319","GS: 11319",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160689
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 203242,"3/3/1999","11321","GS: 11321",,,"45A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4104909
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ana(CT4622)" 203243,"3/3/1999","11322","GS: 11322",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12394734
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"cnk(CT20428)" 203244,"3/3/1999","11323","GS: 11323",,,"50C22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8977214
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6701(CT20818)" 203245,"3/3/1999","11325","GS: 11325",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7359969
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG6783(CT21061)" 203246,"3/3/1999","11326","GS: 11326",,,"56C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14142383
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG7097(CT21217)" 203247,"3/3/1999","11327","GS: 11327",,,"91C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14502763
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG7717(CT20838)" 203248,"3/3/1999","11329","GS: 11329",,,"37A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18536460
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10373(CT29136)" 203249,"3/3/1999","11330","GS: 11330",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8249119
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5333(CT16964)" 203250,"3/3/1999","11331","GS: 11331",,,"100F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27699109
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203251,"3/3/1999","11332","GS: 11332",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369740
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 203252,"3/3/1999","11334","GS: 11334",,,"64F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5786820
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"vn(CT29452)" 203253,"3/3/1999","11335","GS: 11335",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6200434
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203254,"3/3/1999","11336","GS: 11336",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6651920
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203255,"3/3/1999","11337","GS: 11337",,,"82F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1078386
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG12163(CT8855)" 203256,"3/3/1999","11338","GS: 11338",,,"88E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11048500
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Tm1(CT15051)" 203257,"3/3/1999","11340","GS: 11340",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965380
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 203258,"3/3/1999","11341","GS: 11341",,,"49C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7761746
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Nacalpha(CT25274)" 203259,"3/3/1999","11342","GS: 11342",,,"26D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6380572
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG9539(CT26986)" 203260,"3/3/1999","11344","GS: 11344",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570828
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 203261,"3/3/1999","11345","GS: 11345",,,"26D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6377392
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9536(CT26978)" 203262,"3/3/1999","11346","GS: 11346",,,"37E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19326367
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10123(CT28407)" 203263,"3/3/1999","11347","GS: 11347",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22566976
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 203264,"3/3/1999","11348","GS: 11348",,,"87E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9120468
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BcDNA:GH02431(CT25340)" 203265,"3/3/1999","11350","GS: 11350",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12073662
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 203266,"3/3/1999","11351","GS: 11351",,,"78D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21338715
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203267,"3/3/1999","11353","GS: 11353",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19097042
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"BcDNA:LD03471(CT21025)" 203268,"3/3/1999","11355","GS: 11355",,,"52F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11087325
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8421(CT18775)" 203269,"3/3/1999","11357","GS: 11357",,,"85B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4482121
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transketolase
",,,"CG8036(CT24118)" 203270,"3/3/1999","11359","GS: 11359",,,"63B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3152981
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG12734(CT2162)" 203271,"3/3/1999","11360","GS: 11360",,,"36C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17329993
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"qua(CT20054)" 203272,"3/3/1999","11361","GS: 11361",,,"61C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 525395
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203273,"3/3/1999","11362","GS: 11362",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24065296
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203274,"3/3/1999","11363","GS: 11363",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19772255
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5933(CT18635)" 203275,"3/3/1999","11364","GS: 11364",,,"85F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5879652
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203276,"3/3/1999","11365","GS: 11365",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7985174
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203277,"3/3/1999","11366","GS: 11366",,,"99C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25486807
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203278,"3/3/1999","11367","GS: 11367",,,"30F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9891394
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13130(CT32368)" 203279,"3/3/1999","11369","GS: 11369",,,"31A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9963814
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Pen(CT15419)" 203280,"3/3/1999","11371","GS: 11371",,,"50D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9029185
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"mam(CT24232)" 203281,"3/3/1999","11372","GS: 11372",,,"99E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25915579
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9743(CT27539)" 203282,"3/3/1999","11374","GS: 11374",,,"39D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21187900
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8663(CT5314)" 203283,"3/3/1999","11375","GS: 11375",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362059
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203284,"3/3/1999","11376","GS: 11376",,,"32C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10875059
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4636(CT14962)" 203285,"3/3/1999","11377","GS: 11377",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20481084
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17465(CT29138)" 203286,"3/3/1999","11378","GS: 11378",,,"31F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10451551
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203287,"3/3/1999","11379","GS: 11379",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4815100
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 203288,"3/3/1999","11380","GS: 11380",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20635409
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11399(CT31823)" 203289,"3/3/1999","11382","GS: 11382",,,"89D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12384165
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Fas1(CT20502)" 203290,"3/3/1999","11383","GS: 11383",,,"86F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7564383
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203291,"3/3/1999","11384","GS: 11384",,,"28A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7463707
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203292,"3/3/1999","11385","GS: 11385",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203293,"3/3/1999","11386","GS: 11386",,,"64A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3916344
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"BcDNA:GH10614(CT30407)" 203294,"3/3/1999","11387","GS: 11387",,,"36E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17844887
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203295,"3/3/1999","11388","GS: 11388",,,"75E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18796392
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"CG14076(CT33663)" 203296,"3/3/1999","11389","GS: 11389",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10989318
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7858(CT23802)" 203297,"3/3/1999","11390","GS: 11390",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26100770
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fer1HCH(CT6417)" 203298,"3/17/1999","11391","GS: 11391",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247000
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 203299,"3/3/1999","11392","GS: 11392",,,"95C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19522605
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"mbc(CT29150)" 203300,"3/3/1999","11393","GS: 11393",,,"87F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9401676
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"sqd(CT39414)" 203301,"3/3/1999","11395","GS: 11395",,,"65B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6486709
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8352(CT24625)" 203302,"3/3/1999","11397","GS: 11397",,,"84C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3014775
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"lap(CT8341)" 203303,"3/3/1999","11398","GS: 11398",,,"62A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1404214
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9178(CT26244)" 203304,"3/3/1999","11399","GS: 11399",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900085
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 203305,"3/3/1999","11400","GS: 11400",,,"35D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15347751
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203306,"3/3/1999","11401","GS: 11401",,,"57F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16571730
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG10321(CT28986)" 203307,"3/3/1999","11402","GS: 11402",,,"99D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25728945
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7920(CT6599)" 203308,"3/3/1999","11403","GS: 11403",,,"85F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5723452
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203309,"3/3/1999","11404","GS: 11404",,,"70C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13924901
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG6532(CT20315)" 203310,"3/3/1999","11405","GS: 11405",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2674481
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 203311,"3/3/1999","11406","GS: 11406",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091593
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 203312,"3/3/1999","11407","GS: 11407",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170564
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 203313,"3/3/1999","11408","GS: 11408",,,"72D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16064723
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203314,"3/3/1999","11409","GS: 11409",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12721819
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203315,"3/3/1999","11410","GS: 11410",,,"34C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13448836
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"kuz(CT22079)" 203316,"3/3/1999","11411","GS: 11411",,,"98B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23690752
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4951(CT15715)" 203317,"3/3/1999","11413","GS: 11413",,,"60C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19272296
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"slbo(CT14224)" 203318,"3/3/1999","11414","GS: 11414",,,"96A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20284321
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203319,"3/3/1999","11415","GS: 11415",,,"72C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15883639
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18438(CT41996)" 203320,"3/3/1999","11416","GS: 11416",,,"27F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7321994
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203321,"3/3/1999","11417","GS: 11417",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814776
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 203322,"3/3/1999","11419","GS: 11419",,,"67C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9682962
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203323,"3/3/1999","11422","GS: 11422",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290144
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203324,"3/3/1999","11423","GS: 11423",,,"51B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9556009
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ttv(CT28467)" 203325,"3/3/1999","11424","GS: 11424",,,"85B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4623640
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203326,"3/3/1999","11425","GS: 11425",,,"64A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4082221
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"BcDNA:GH10777(CT34843)" 203327,"3/3/1999","11426","GS: 11426",,,"51A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9461552
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10109(CT28455)" 203328,"3/3/1999","11427","GS: 11427",,,"60B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19125530
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203329,"3/3/1999","11428","GS: 11428",,,"51B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9598202
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG12864(CT32004)" 203330,"3/3/1999","11429","GS: 11429",,,"47B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5689357
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203331,"3/3/1999","11430","GS: 11430",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 631475
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203332,"3/3/1999","11435","GS: 11435",,,"75D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18687455
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203333,"3/3/1999","11436","GS: 11436",,,"45D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4445684
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"wun(CT4876)" 203334,"3/3/1999","11437","GS: 11437",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160761
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 203335,"3/3/1999","11438","GS: 11438",,,"21E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1015535
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11344(CT31644)" 203336,"3/3/1999","11440","GS: 11440",,,"60E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19896628
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2765(CT9411)" 203337,"3/3/1999","11441","GS: 11441",,,"49A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7508214
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203338,"3/3/1999","11442","GS: 11442",,,"98F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24785284
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203339,"3/3/1999","11443","GS: 11443",,,"43B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2404598
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG17800(CT39257)" 203340,"3/3/1999","11444","GS: 11444",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2689258
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme inhibitor
",,,"CG2862(CT9802)" 203341,"3/3/1999","11445","GS: 11445",,,"43E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2736910
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1952(CT6120)" 203342,"3/3/1999","11446","GS: 11446",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890893
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203343,"3/3/1999","11447","GS: 11447",,,"98F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24784408
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1401(CT3252)" 203344,"3/3/1999","11449","GS: 11449",,,"31E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10315064
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Ip259(CT16819)" 203345,"3/3/1999","11451","GS: 11451",,,"61C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 471345
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"kls(CT37817)" 203346,"3/3/1999","11452","GS: 11452",,,"29B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8272899
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203347,"3/3/1999","11453","GS: 11453",,,"78D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21221218
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203348,"3/3/1999","11454","GS: 11454",,,"62F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2561047
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG16973(CT37669)" 203349,"3/3/1999","11455","GS: 11455",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15521993
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203350,"3/3/1999","11456","GS: 11456",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781382
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 203351,"3/3/1999","11458","GS: 11458",,,"57A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15499764
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG13431(CT32788)" 203352,"3/3/1999","11460","GS: 11460",,,"60F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20130973
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203353,"3/3/1999","11461","GS: 11461",,,"26A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5771096
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): defense/immunity protein
",,,"CG14003(CT33559)" 203354,"3/3/1999","11462","GS: 11462",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20402211
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"protoporphyrinogen-oxidase(CT18194)" 203355,"3/3/1999","11466","GS: 11466",,,"54E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12691570
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH05095(CT20042)" 203356,"3/3/1999","11467","GS: 11467",,,"29B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8272922
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203357,"3/3/1999","11469","GS: 11469",,,"27F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7175525
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Wnt4(CT15125)" 203358,"3/3/1999","11470","GS: 11470",,,"95E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19892970
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6178(CT19388)" 203359,"3/3/1999","11472","GS: 11472",,,"66D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8446061
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6662(CT20692)" 203360,"3/3/1999","11473","GS: 11473",,,"59A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17736220
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203361,"3/3/1999","11474","GS: 11474",,,"18A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18802908
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203362,"3/3/1999","11475","GS: 11475",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683586
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 203363,"3/3/1999","11477","GS: 11477",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20402210
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"protoporphyrinogen-oxidase(CT18194)" 203364,"3/3/1999","11481","GS: 11481",,,"41F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 978008
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8390(CT3100)" 203365,"3/3/1999","11482","GS: 11482",,,"35F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16094552
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"BG:DS02740.2(CT15852)" 203366,"3/3/1999","11484","GS: 11484",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783720
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 203367,"3/3/1999","11486","GS: 11486",,,"51D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9877209
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203368,"3/3/1999","11487","GS: 11487",,,"61C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 521710
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17180(CT33418)" 203369,"3/3/1999","11488","GS: 11488",,,"34A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13101386
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203370,"3/3/1999","11490","GS: 11490",,,"84E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3844869
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG2708(CT9235)" 203371,"3/3/1999","11493","GS: 11493",,,"84F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4111541
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG7494(CT23015)" 203372,"3/3/1999","11499","GS: 11499",,,"58E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17499919
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11362(CT31698)" 203373,"3/3/1999","11500","GS: 11500",,,"70C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13890582
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"26/29-kDa-proteinase(CT25694)" 203374,"3/3/1999","11501","GS: 11501",,,"42A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1292904
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Act42A(CT3675)" 203375,"3/3/1999","11502","GS: 11502",,,"67B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9407214
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3428(CT11555)" 203376,"3/3/1999","11503","GS: 11503",,,"59D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18325076
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG10315(CT27680)" 203377,"3/3/1999","11504","GS: 11504",,,"50B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8505221
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6061(CT19013)" 203378,"3/3/1999","11507","GS: 11507",,,"65F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7316893
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"smid(CT15413)" 203379,"3/3/1999","11508","GS: 11508",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11471530
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 203380,"3/3/1999","11509","GS: 11509",,,"24F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4370848
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG15439(CT35503)" 203381,"3/3/1999","11510","GS: 11510",,,"66C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8282618
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7176(CT22167)" 203382,"3/3/1999","11513","GS: 11513",,,"68A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11022288
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6261(CT19602)" 203383,"3/3/1999","11514","GS: 11514",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16518117
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 203384,"3/3/1999","11515","GS: 11515",,,"78B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20907442
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203385,"3/3/1999","11516","GS: 11516",,,"67D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10282472
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203386,"3/3/1999","11517","GS: 11517",,,"52E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11075290
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18250(CT41273)" 203387,"3/3/1999","11522","GS: 11522",,,"46C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4903831
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12744(CT7810)" 203388,"3/3/1999","11523","GS: 11523",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5322880
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8165(CT24376)" 203389,"3/3/1999","11524","GS: 11524",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719294
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 203390,"3/3/1999","11525","GS: 11525",,,"96A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20402210
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"protoporphyrinogen-oxidase(CT18194)" 203391,"3/3/1999","11526","GS: 11526",,,"42A12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1497681
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203392,"3/3/1999","11527","GS: 11527",,,"26C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6257505
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Cpr(CT26884)" 203393,"3/3/1999","11528","GS: 11528",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1707446
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Adf1(CT37731)" 203394,"3/3/1999","11529","GS: 11529",,,"47B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5646743
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203395,"3/3/1999","11530","GS: 11530",,,"57C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16064397
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"anon-DM192(CT13446)" 203396,"3/3/1999","11531","GS: 11531",,,"78F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21548186
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203397,"3/3/1999","11532","GS: 11532",,,"35B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14578880
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203398,"3/3/1999","11533","GS: 11533",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 689537
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203399,"3/3/1999","11535","GS: 11535",,,"42C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1801986
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): aldehyde reductase
",,,"CG9436(CT11519)" 203400,"3/3/1999","11536","GS: 11536",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6161289
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203401,"3/24/1999","11538","GS: 11538",,,"93F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17596039
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Gliolectin(CT20464)" 203402,"3/24/1999","11542","GS: 11542",,,"96A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20284315
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203403,"3/24/1999","11543","GS: 11543",,,"34F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14222369
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS01068.1(CT35235)" 203404,"3/24/1999","11544","GS: 11544",,,"98D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24369341
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203405,"3/24/1999","11545","GS: 11545",,,"60D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19500214
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11414(CT31867)" 203406,"3/24/1999","11547","GS: 11547",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14677456
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17836(CT39616)" 203407,"3/24/1999","11551","GS: 11551",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583201
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203408,"3/24/1999","11552","GS: 11552",,,"56B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14127780
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203409,"3/24/1999","11553","GS: 11553",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22566999
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 203410,"3/24/1999","11555","GS: 11555",,,"33B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11936533
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG6756(CT20965)" 203411,"3/24/1999","11556","GS: 11556",,,"84F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4060986
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203412,"3/24/1999","11557","GS: 11557",,,"68A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10927714
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203413,"3/24/1999","11558","GS: 11558",,,"49A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7495764
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203414,"3/24/1999","11560","GS: 11560",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1546248
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"1.28(CT9093)" 203415,"3/24/1999","11562","GS: 11562",,,"46E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5129513
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"14-3-3zeta(CT39744)" 203416,"3/24/1999","11563","GS: 11563",,,"84C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2935720
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203417,"3/24/1999","11568","GS: 11568",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112467
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 203418,"3/24/1999","11569","GS: 11569",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563642
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 203419,"3/24/1999","11570","GS: 11570",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27437382
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 203420,"3/24/1999","11571","GS: 11571",,,"64B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4266197
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG1319(CT2896)" 203421,"3/24/1999","11572","GS: 11572",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22246904
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 203422,"3/24/1999","11573","GS: 11573",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8326940
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 203423,"3/24/1999","11574","GS: 11574",,,"96A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20258710
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"Pp1alpha-96A(CT20458)" 203424,"3/24/1999","11576","GS: 11576",,,"64E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5597558
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203425,"3/24/1999","11577","GS: 11577",,,"57B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15604771
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9025(CT25880)" 203426,"3/24/1999","11578","GS: 11578",,,"61A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 204086
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203427,"3/24/1999","11579","GS: 11579",,,"57B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15934069
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203428,"3/24/1999","11580","GS: 11580",,,"56F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15049324
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"18w(CT25100)" 203429,"3/24/1999","11581","GS: 11581",,,"100B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26762493
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Aph-4(CT3570)" 203430,"3/24/1999","11582","GS: 11582",,,"25C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4976799
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14036(CT33595)" 203431,"3/24/1999","11583","GS: 11583",,,"67B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9294253
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Hsp67Bb(CT14494)" 203432,"3/24/1999","11584","GS: 11584",,,"86E19","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7449061
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203433,"3/24/1999","11585","GS: 11585",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5357530
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203434,"3/24/1999","11587","GS: 11587",,,"68F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12040427
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"yps(CT17850)" 203435,"3/24/1999","11588","GS: 11588",,,"48B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6651924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203436,"3/24/1999","11591","GS: 11591",,,"52F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11087862
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8421(CT18775)" 203437,"3/24/1999","11592","GS: 11592",,,"77A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20037514
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203438,"3/24/1999","11593","GS: 11593",,,"32B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10756651
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"porin(CT20634)" 203439,"3/24/1999","11594","GS: 11594",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219910
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 203440,"3/24/1999","11595","GS: 11595",,,"34D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13766814
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203441,"3/24/1999","11596","GS: 11596",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14387753
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 203442,"3/24/1999","11597","GS: 11597",,,"77C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20370771
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5047(CT16177)" 203443,"3/24/1999","11598","GS: 11598",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814924
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 203444,"3/24/1999","11600","GS: 11600",,,"64E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5546878
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10590(CT29694)" 203445,"3/24/1999","11601","GS: 11601",,,"30B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9431879
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203446,"3/24/1999","11602","GS: 11602",,,"100B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26767527
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-l(CT4906)" 203447,"3/24/1999","11603","GS: 11603",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16559919
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"VhaSFD(CT32561)" 203448,"3/24/1999","11604","GS: 11604",,,"84F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4060983
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203449,"3/24/1999","11606","GS: 11606",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13143367
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203450,"3/24/1999","11607","GS: 11607",,,"44B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3188135
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11546(CT36453)" 203451,"3/24/1999","11608","GS: 11608",,,"49A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7475101
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203452,"3/24/1999","11609","GS: 11609",,,"86E16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7395167
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17238(CT38211)" 203453,"3/24/1999","11610","GS: 11610",,,"70F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14682811
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13472(CT32837)" 203454,"3/24/1999","11611","GS: 11611",,,"83B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1538150
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"plx(CT1567)" 203455,"3/24/1999","11612","GS: 11612",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6887943
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG10077(CT28357)" 203456,"3/24/1999","11613","GS: 11613",,,"98F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24613268
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Doa(CT4592)" 203457,"3/24/1999","11614","GS: 11614",,,"100B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26767520
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-l(CT4906)" 203458,"3/24/1999","11615","GS: 11615",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474796
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203459,"3/24/1999","11616","GS: 11616",,,"23B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2792025
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG3098(CT10372)" 203460,"3/24/1999","11617","GS: 11617",,,"21D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 836001
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"kraken(CT12995)" 203461,"4/29/1999","11618","GS: 11618",,,"57B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15526075
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"bl(CT40495)" 203462,"3/24/1999","11619","GS: 11619",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290202
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203463,"3/24/1999","11620","GS: 11620",,,"51B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9557101
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ttv(CT28467)" 203464,"3/24/1999","11621","GS: 11621",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16548188
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"Cyt-c1(CT32547)" 203465,"3/24/1999","11622","GS: 11622",,,"24A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3564484
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203466,"3/24/1999","11623","GS: 11623",,,"37F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19378092
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme inhibitor
",,,"CG10363(CT29102)" 203467,"3/24/1999","11624","GS: 11624",,,"96E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21334507
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"msi(CT16323)" 203468,"3/24/1999","11625","GS: 11625",,,"74C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17331477
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3874(CT12909)" 203469,"3/24/1999","11626","GS: 11626",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362150
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG14709(CT34500)" 203470,"3/24/1999","11628","GS: 11628",,,"83B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1459624
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): storage protein
",,,"CG12171(CT8927)" 203471,"3/24/1999","11629","GS: 11629",,,"62A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1496803
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidase
",,,"CG1009(CT1016)" 203472,"3/24/1999","11630","GS: 11630",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13821667
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG15102(CT34977)" 203473,"3/24/1999","11631","GS: 11631",,,"70B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13428970
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10711(CT30019)" 203474,"3/24/1999","11632","GS: 11632",,,"79F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22620520
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG7651(CT22775)" 203475,"3/24/1999","11635","GS: 11635",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8326998
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 203476,"3/24/1999","11636","GS: 11636",,,"95D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19845869
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG10716(CT30033)" 203477,"3/24/1999","11637","GS: 11637",,,"35B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14579108
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203478,"3/24/1999","11638","GS: 11638",,,"31C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10144683
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203479,"3/24/1999","11639","GS: 11639",,,"63F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3877336
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10849(CT30379)" 203480,"3/24/1999","11640","GS: 11640",,,"37E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19254898
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG16771(CT37299)" 203481,"3/24/1999","11641","GS: 11641",,,"51E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10144829
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"igl(CT14258)" 203482,"3/24/1999","11642","GS: 11642",,,"25D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5212820
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203483,"3/24/1999","11643","GS: 11643",,,"54E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12694536
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203484,"3/24/1999","11644","GS: 11644",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8475791
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating)
",,,"CG10120(CT28469)" 203485,"3/24/1999","11645","GS: 11645",,,"85F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5888911
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203486,"3/24/1999","11646","GS: 11646",,,"77A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20082466
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203487,"3/24/1999","11647","GS: 11647",,,"88A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9807231
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203488,"3/24/1999","11648","GS: 11648",,,"57C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16037709
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203489,"3/24/1999","11649","GS: 11649",,,"66C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8326993
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG13667(CT33102)" 203490,"3/24/1999","11651","GS: 11651",,,"95F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20047846
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crb(CT19912)" 203491,"3/24/1999","11653","GS: 11653",,,"88A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9853105
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203492,"3/24/1999","11654","GS: 11654",,,"85C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4739278
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203493,"3/24/1999","11655","GS: 11655",,,"27D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6908920
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203494,"3/24/1999","11656","GS: 11656",,,"90C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13552980
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203495,"3/24/1999","11657","GS: 11657",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13143458
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203496,"3/24/1999","11659","GS: 11659",,,"71E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15538224
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203497,"3/24/1999","11660","GS: 11660",,,"56F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15049049
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"18w(CT25100)" 203498,"3/24/1999","11661","GS: 11661",,,"69E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12716389
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10967(CT30713)" 203499,"3/24/1999","11662","GS: 11662",,,"83E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2171794
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1249(CT2462)" 203500,"3/24/1999","11663","GS: 11663",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1518971
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12110(CT6556)" 203501,"3/24/1999","11665","GS: 11665",,,"57B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15772334
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203502,"3/24/1999","11666","GS: 11666",,,"85B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4658787
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"pyd(CT27506)" 203503,"3/24/1999","11667","GS: 11667",,,"90A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13144323
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5319(CT16930)" 203504,"3/24/1999","11668","GS: 11668",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4841827
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203505,"3/24/1999","11671","GS: 11671",,,"36A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16719088
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203506,"3/24/1999","11673","GS: 11673",,,"21C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 482919
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203507,"3/24/1999","11675","GS: 11675",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091560
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 203508,"3/24/1999","11676","GS: 11676",,,"75C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18285681
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"rpr(CT14131)" 203509,"3/24/1999","11677","GS: 11677",,,"60D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19349214
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203510,"3/24/1999","11679","GS: 11679",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13702455
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203511,"3/24/1999","11680","GS: 11680",,,"89E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12778486
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): adenylosuccinate lyase
",,,"CG3590(CT12041)" 203512,"3/24/1999","11681","GS: 11681",,,"36C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17283203
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"dl(CT20676)" 203513,"3/24/1999","11683","GS: 11683",,,"77B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20162231
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"polo(CT20542)" 203514,"3/24/1999","11684","GS: 11684",,,"60A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18828239
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11183(CT31248)" 203515,"3/24/1999","11685","GS: 11685",,,"22A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1532648
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203516,"3/24/1999","11686","GS: 11686",,,"22A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1478019
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18131(CT40834)" 203517,"3/24/1999","11688","GS: 11688",,,"83E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2199359
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1041(CT1094)" 203518,"4/29/1999","11689","GS: 11689",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678446
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203519,"3/24/1999","11692","GS: 11692",,,"68A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11134537
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203520,"3/24/1999","11693","GS: 11693",,,"95F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20089140
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5746(CT18054)" 203521,"3/24/1999","11695","GS: 11695",,,"76D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19782966
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG7823(CT23753)" 203522,"3/24/1999","11696","GS: 11696",,,"27C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6818444
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"xl6(CT28629)" 203523,"3/24/1999","11697","GS: 11697",,,"66B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7985565
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203524,"3/24/1999","11698","GS: 11698",,,"48F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7163813
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8877(CT25492)" 203525,"3/24/1999","11700","GS: 11700",,,"70A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13365540
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10133(CT28505)" 203526,"3/24/1999","11701","GS: 11701",,,"78D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21186759
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12972(CT32164)" 203527,"3/24/1999","11702","GS: 11702",,,"52E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10976683
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ATPCL(CT18257)" 203528,"3/24/1999","11704","GS: 11704",,,"100E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27525333
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ferrochelatase(CT6830)" 203529,"3/24/1999","11705","GS: 11705",,,"89A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11568827
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"alpha-Man-IIb(CT14868)" 203530,"3/24/1999","11706","GS: 11706",,,"42D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2027700
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17002(CT35183)" 203531,"3/24/1999","11710","GS: 11710",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2231750
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203532,"3/24/1999","11711","GS: 11711",,,"47C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5874283
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203533,"3/24/1999","11712","GS: 11712",,,"68C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11406291
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7543(CT23091)" 203534,"3/24/1999","11715","GS: 11715",,,"98A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23347881
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203535,"3/24/1999","11716","GS: 11716",,,"59B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17874925
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11716(CT36757)" 203536,"3/24/1999","11717","GS: 11717",,,"77A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20037418
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203537,"3/24/1999","11718","GS: 11718",,,"57C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16120336
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"tud(CT26776)" 203538,"3/24/1999","11719","GS: 11719",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1656995
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203539,"3/24/1999","11720","GS: 11720",,,"66E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8873302
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG5735(CT17928)" 203540,"3/24/1999","11721","GS: 11721",,,"62A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1404214
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9178(CT26244)" 203541,"3/24/1999","11722","GS: 11722",,,"27C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6867348
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ubiquitin
",,,"smt3(CT14617)" 203542,"3/24/1999","11724","GS: 11724",,,"65A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6116912
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG7376(CT22559)" 203543,"3/24/1999","11725","GS: 11725",,,"29F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8860820
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9520(CT26934)" 203544,"3/24/1999","11726","GS: 11726",,,"30E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9806351
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"sop(CT18571)" 203545,"3/24/1999","11727","GS: 11727",,,"73E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16954103
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7724(CT23501)" 203546,"3/24/1999","11728","GS: 11728",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15953049
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5891(CT18415)" 203547,"3/24/1999","11729","GS: 11729",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749201
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203548,"3/24/1999","11732","GS: 11732",,,"39A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20904601
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12050(CT3661)" 203549,"3/24/1999","11733","GS: 11733",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305960
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 203550,"3/24/1999","11734","GS: 11734",,,"82C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 305365
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203551,"3/24/1999","11735","GS: 11735",,,"77A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20045859
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203552,"3/24/1999","11736","GS: 11736",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11423591
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203553,"3/24/1999","11737","GS: 11737",,,"88F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11165474
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203554,"3/24/1999","11738","GS: 11738",,,"59F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18684786
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"egl(CT13442)" 203555,"3/24/1999","11739","GS: 11739",,,"68A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11083789
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG7624(CT23263)" 203556,"3/24/1999","11740","GS: 11740",,,"41F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 765122
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203557,"3/24/1999","11741","GS: 11741",,,"54D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12568122
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203558,"3/24/1999","11742","GS: 11742",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11008780
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"JIL-1(CT19712)" 203559,"3/24/1999","11743","GS: 11743",,,"51B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9555900
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ttv(CT28467)" 203560,"4/29/1999","11744","GS: 11744",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1539208
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203561,"3/24/1999","11747","GS: 11747",,,"100F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27667495
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203562,"3/24/1999","11748","GS: 11748",,,"47F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6372107
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GM12291(CT25954)" 203563,"3/24/1999","11749","GS: 11749",,,"33B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11700687
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"crol(CT34766)" 203564,"3/24/1999","11751","GS: 11751",,,"46C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4983918
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203565,"3/24/1999","11752","GS: 11752",,,"47E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6309711
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Fpps(CT26006)" 203566,"3/24/1999","11753","GS: 11753",,,"30F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9837683
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG4588(CT14854)" 203567,"3/24/1999","11754","GS: 11754",,,"54B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12240699
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"mm(CT30649)" 203568,"3/24/1999","11756","GS: 11756",,,"60A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18789092
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18426(CT41935)" 203569,"3/24/1999","11757","GS: 11757",,,"99A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24944551
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG14514(CT34237)" 203570,"3/24/1999","11758","GS: 11758",,,"33E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12437512
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bun(CT17162)" 203571,"3/24/1999","11759","GS: 11759",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 260453
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1074(CT1375)" 203572,"3/24/1999","11760","GS: 11760",,,"96A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20284321
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203573,"4/29/1999","11761","GS: 11761",,,"90D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13799419
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203574,"3/24/1999","11762","GS: 11762",,,"57D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16260401
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9696(CT27330)" 203575,"3/24/1999","11763","GS: 11763",,,"29B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8272881
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203576,"3/24/1999","11764","GS: 11764",,,"75B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17885428
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip75B(CT24290)" 203577,"3/24/1999","11765","GS: 11765",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219917
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 203578,"3/17/1999","11766","GS: 11766",,,"64B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4257789
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11582(CT36524)" 203579,"3/17/1999","11767","GS: 11767",,,"62B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1773694
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"alpha-Spec(CT6173)" 203580,"3/17/1999","11768","GS: 11768",,,"79C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21873924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203581,"3/17/1999","11770","GS: 11770",,,"35B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14579127
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203582,"3/17/1999","11773","GS: 11773",,,"90F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14002555
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): diacylglycerol-activated/phosholipid dependent protein kinase C inhibitor
",,,"14-3-3epsilon(CT24092)" 203583,"3/17/1999","11774","GS: 11774",,,"70D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14141906
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203584,"3/17/1999","11777","GS: 11777",,,"98A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23389329
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203585,"3/17/1999","11778","GS: 11778",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12427338
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203586,"3/3/1999","11781","GS: 11781",,,"76D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19657695
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203587,"3/3/1999","11782","GS: 11782",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783759
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 203588,"3/3/1999","11783","GS: 11783",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5311049
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203589,"3/3/1999","11784","GS: 11784",,,"62F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2573800
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH02340(CT9375)" 203590,"3/3/1999","11785","GS: 11785",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 731943
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"emc(CT1010)" 203591,"3/3/1999","11786","GS: 11786",,,"43C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2531467
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1624(CT4340)" 203592,"3/3/1999","11788","GS: 11788",,,"25E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5443729
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6907(CT21384)" 203593,"3/3/1999","11789","GS: 11789",,,"95D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19846225
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG10716(CT30033)" 203594,"3/3/1999","11792","GS: 11792",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13702533
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203596,"3/3/1999","11796","GS: 11796",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1928541
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203597,"3/3/1999","11797","GS: 11797",,,"96C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20924390
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203598,"4/29/1999","11798","GS: 11798",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678453
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203599,"3/3/1999","11800","GS: 11800",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27437467
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 203600,"3/3/1999","11801","GS: 11801",,,"35D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15573624
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycE(CT13013)" 203601,"3/3/1999","11805","GS: 11805",,,"64A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3916327
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"BcDNA:GH10614(CT30407)" 203602,"3/3/1999","11806","GS: 11806",,,"76D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19688313
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Ndr(CT25011)" 203603,"3/3/1999","11807","GS: 11807",,,"82A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 164215
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1103(CT1639)" 203604,"3/3/1999","11810","GS: 11810",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27437821
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11558(CT36470)" 203605,"3/3/1999","11812","GS: 11812",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7748968
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203606,"3/3/1999","11813","GS: 11813",,,"39E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21332812
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"l(2)k0581(CT7302)" 203607,"4/29/1999","11814","GS: 11814",,,"29C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8373583
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203608,"3/3/1999","11816","GS: 11816",,,"83B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1372933
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2519(CT8351)" 203609,"3/3/1999","11817","GS: 11817",,,"60E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19943588
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203610,"3/3/1999","11819","GS: 11819",,,"45D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4450296
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203611,"3/3/1999","11820","GS: 11820",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1706658
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Adf1(CT37731)" 203612,"3/3/1999","11822","GS: 11822",,,"84F15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4160371
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7331(CT22607)" 203613,"3/3/1999","11823","GS: 11823",,,"85B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4560217
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8223(CT24433)" 203614,"3/3/1999","11824","GS: 11824",,,"82A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26937
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203615,"3/3/1999","11825","GS: 11825",,,"70B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13366352
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10133(CT28505)" 203616,"3/3/1999","11826","GS: 11826",,,"80A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22829444
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nrm(CT16082)" 203617,"3/3/1999","11827","GS: 11827",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7588566
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 203618,"3/3/1999","11828","GS: 11828",,,"96B20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20863335
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): tubulinyl--tyrosine ligase
",,,"CG10057(CT28287)" 203619,"3/3/1999","11829","GS: 11829",,,"60D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19473926
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4622(CT14926)" 203620,"3/3/1999","11831","GS: 11831",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5561949
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 203621,"3/3/1999","11832","GS: 11832",,,"67C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9813972
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14164(CT33768)" 203622,"3/3/1999","11834","GS: 11834",,,"60D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19341153
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Mov34(CT11503)" 203623,"3/3/1999","11836","GS: 11836",,,"56D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305397
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9975(CT28093)" 203624,"3/3/1999","11838","GS: 11838",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20731463
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9342(CT3751)" 203625,"3/3/1999","11839","GS: 11839",,,"95E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19974124
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203626,"3/3/1999","11840","GS: 11840",,,"22B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1716230
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203627,"3/3/1999","11841","GS: 11841",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369746
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 203628,"3/3/1999","11842","GS: 11842",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1785614
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"phtf(CT9209)" 203629,"3/3/1999","11844","GS: 11844",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642555
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17812(CT39470)" 203630,"3/3/1999","11846","GS: 11846",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14388001
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 203631,"3/3/1999","11848","GS: 11848",,,"95C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19568311
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203632,"3/3/1999","11852","GS: 11852",,,"47C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5822342
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"BcDNA:LD26050(CT23297)" 203633,"3/3/1999","11853","GS: 11853",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947887
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 203634,"3/3/1999","11854","GS: 11854",,,"34A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13113659
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203635,"3/3/1999","11855","GS: 11855",,,"92D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16060016
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203636,"3/3/1999","11857","GS: 11857",,,"92F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16572976
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"RpS20(CT35894)" 203637,"3/3/1999","11859","GS: 11859",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7985167
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203638,"3/3/1999","11860","GS: 11860",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15522007
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203639,"3/3/1999","11862","GS: 11862",,,"50B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8505763
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG6050(CT18977)" 203640,"3/3/1999","11863","GS: 11863",,,"75E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18727528
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3979(CT41700)" 203641,"3/3/1999","11864","GS: 11864",,,"87D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8737652
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12358(CT23865)" 203642,"3/3/1999","11865","GS: 11865",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9304695
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 203643,"3/3/1999","11867","GS: 11867",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305953
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 203644,"3/3/1999","11869","GS: 11869",,,"85B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4614122
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG8351(CT24531)" 203645,"3/3/1999","11870","GS: 11870",,,"95B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19500632
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): succinate dehydrogenase
",,,"CG10219(CT28735)" 203646,"3/3/1999","11871","GS: 11871",,,"57E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16472909
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): defense/immunity protein
",,,"CG10450(CT29326)" 203647,"3/3/1999","11872","GS: 11872",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27489706
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"faf(CT6055)" 203648,"3/3/1999","11873","GS: 11873",,,"50E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9244910
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG8531(CT24915)" 203649,"3/3/1999","11874","GS: 11874",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563571
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 203650,"3/3/1999","11875","GS: 11875",,,"87E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9119882
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9829(CT27760)" 203651,"3/3/1999","11877","GS: 11877",,,"73E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16914259
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG6664(CT20702)" 203652,"3/3/1999","11878","GS: 11878",,,"60C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19272287
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"slbo(CT14224)" 203653,"3/3/1999","11879","GS: 11879",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396665
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 203654,"3/3/1999","11880","GS: 11880",,,"30C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9543005
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203655,"3/3/1999","11881","GS: 11881",,,"23D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3069834
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Mad(CT27272)" 203656,"3/3/1999","11882","GS: 11882",,,"30B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9402714
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Gdi(CT14400)" 203657,"3/3/1999","11884","GS: 11884",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 113095
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1201(CT1275)" 203658,"3/3/1999","11885","GS: 11885",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247116
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 203659,"3/3/1999","11886","GS: 11886",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1707164
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Adf1(CT37731)" 203660,"3/3/1999","11887","GS: 11887",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309181
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203661,"3/3/1999","11889","GS: 11889",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7306057
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8580(CT15373)" 203662,"3/3/1999","11890","GS: 11890",,,"78D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21338155
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7195(CT22213)" 203663,"3/3/1999","11892","GS: 11892",,,"30F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9891425
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13130(CT32368)" 203664,"3/3/1999","11896","GS: 11896",,,"62F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2560775
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG16973(CT37669)" 203665,"3/3/1999","11897","GS: 11897",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15519669
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13432(CT32789)" 203666,"3/3/1999","11898","GS: 11898",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12073096
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 203667,"3/3/1999","11899","GS: 11899",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219930
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 203668,"3/3/1999","11901","GS: 11901",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6679918
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203669,"3/3/1999","11903","GS: 11903",,,"75E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18855802
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203670,"3/3/1999","11904","GS: 11904",,,"23B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2726291
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG16987(CT37697)" 203671,"3/3/1999","11905","GS: 11905",,,"58E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17451992
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"px(CT14446)" 203672,"3/3/1999","11906","GS: 11906",,,"51B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9555947
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ttv(CT28467)" 203673,"3/3/1999","11907","GS: 11907",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22246922
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 203674,"3/3/1999","11908","GS: 11908",,,"21C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 424290
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"ex(CT13612)" 203675,"4/29/1999","11909","GS: 11909",,,"11F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13226513
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203676,"3/3/1999","11910","GS: 11910",,,"75B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17856736
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip75B(CT24290)" 203677,"3/3/1999","11911","GS: 11911",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15218980
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203678,"3/3/1999","11912","GS: 11912",,,"59D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18142566
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203679,"3/3/1999","11913","GS: 11913",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7551418
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Lk6(CT21464)" 203680,"4/29/1999","11914","GS: 11914",,,"90D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13799412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203681,"3/3/1999","11915","GS: 11915",,,"66D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8540363
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidase
",,,"CG6372(CT19736)" 203682,"3/3/1999","11917","GS: 11917",,,"95F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20011611
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203683,"3/3/1999","11918","GS: 11918",,,"57B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15635839
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203684,"3/3/1999","11919","GS: 11919",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19096944
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"BcDNA:LD03471(CT21025)" 203685,"3/3/1999","11921","GS: 11921",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 113138
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1201(CT1275)" 203686,"3/3/1999","11924","GS: 11924",,,"64B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4354443
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203687,"3/3/1999","11925","GS: 11925",,,"58D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17341678
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6044(CT18864)" 203688,"3/3/1999","11927","GS: 11927",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1684977
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203689,"3/3/1999","11928","GS: 11928",,,"99F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25989592
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203690,"3/3/1999","11929","GS: 11929",,,"51D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9877949
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203691,"3/3/1999","11930","GS: 11930",,,"100B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26767521
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-l(CT4906)" 203692,"3/3/1999","11931","GS: 11931",,,"38E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20551026
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203693,"3/3/1999","11936","GS: 11936",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19792111
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5991(CT18825)" 203694,"3/3/1999","11937","GS: 11937",,,"61E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 987410
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG9208(CT8909)" 203695,"3/3/1999","11939","GS: 11939",,,"79E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22115195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203696,"3/3/1999","11940","GS: 11940",,,"73D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16854011
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203697,"3/3/1999","11941","GS: 11941",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8236572
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Fad(CT17592)" 203698,"3/3/1999","11942","GS: 11942",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316480
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203699,"3/3/1999","11943","GS: 11943",,,"71D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15454750
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13452(CT32815)" 203700,"3/3/1999","11944","GS: 11944",,,"47F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6367753
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG13204(CT32448)" 203701,"3/3/1999","11945","GS: 11945",,,"96A20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20460432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"tok(CT21251)" 203702,"3/3/1999","11947","GS: 11947",,,"85F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5904741
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Fragile-X-related(CT17036)" 203703,"3/3/1999","11948","GS: 11948",,,"99D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25718410
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG7911(CT6609)" 203704,"3/3/1999","11950","GS: 11950",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170564
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 203705,"3/3/1999","11952","GS: 11952",,,"68C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11505793
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"rt(CT19163)" 203706,"3/3/1999","11953","GS: 11953",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091653
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 203707,"3/3/1999","11954","GS: 11954",,,"95F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20011589
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203708,"3/3/1999","11955","GS: 11955",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5148452
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203709,"3/3/1999","11956","GS: 11956",,,"43C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2532582
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1624(CT4340)" 203710,"3/3/1999","11958","GS: 11958",,,"45B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4179865
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8054(CT8096)" 203711,"3/3/1999","11960","GS: 11960",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11423548
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203712,"3/3/1999","11961","GS: 11961",,,"75D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18676736
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"ftz-F1(CT13432)" 203713,"3/3/1999","11962","GS: 11962",,,"26D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6348303
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9527(CT26956)" 203714,"3/3/1999","11964","GS: 11964",,,"66D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8377522
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203715,"3/3/1999","11965","GS: 11965",,,"50C14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8852232
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18645(CT42442)" 203716,"3/3/1999","11966","GS: 11966",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362848
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203717,"3/3/1999","11967","GS: 11967",,,"52F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11227368
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203718,"3/3/1999","11969","GS: 11969",,,"29D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8453759
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203719,"3/3/1999","11970","GS: 11970",,,"29D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8427028
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG13090(CT32315)" 203720,"3/3/1999","11971","GS: 11971",,,"38E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20551027
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203721,"3/3/1999","11972","GS: 11972",,,"95C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19631142
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"TfIIA-S(CT16537)" 203722,"3/3/1999","11973","GS: 11973",,,"43D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2584191
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203723,"3/3/1999","11974","GS: 11974",,,"95E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19974122
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203724,"3/3/1999","11975","GS: 11975",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 649548
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203725,"3/3/1999","11976","GS: 11976",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16517894
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 203726,"3/3/1999","11977","GS: 11977",,,"44D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3701932
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8732(CT25221)" 203727,"3/3/1999","11978","GS: 11978",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165424
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 203728,"3/3/1999","11979","GS: 11979",,,"67A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9270117
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): defense/immunity protein
",,,"CG4437(CT14428)" 203729,"3/3/1999","11980","GS: 11980",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683587
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 203730,"3/3/1999","11981","GS: 11981",,,"88A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9782228
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203731,"3/3/1999","11982","GS: 11982",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965514
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 203732,"3/3/1999","11983","GS: 11983",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247000
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 203733,"3/3/1999","11985","GS: 11985",,,"79C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21873925
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203734,"3/3/1999","11986","GS: 11986",,,"69A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12181228
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203735,"3/3/1999","11987","GS: 11987",,,"42C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1850627
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"SdhB(CT11029)" 203736,"3/3/1999","11988","GS: 11988",,,"100D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27451125
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203737,"3/3/1999","11989","GS: 11989",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12072998
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 203738,"3/3/1999","11991","GS: 11991",,,"55F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13766253
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG15095(CT34970)" 203739,"3/3/1999","11993","GS: 11993",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5900105
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"eIF-4a(CT26044)" 203740,"3/24/1999","11994","GS: 11994",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518783
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203741,"3/24/1999","11995","GS: 11995",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21739263
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHmgamma(CT24601)" 203742,"3/24/1999","11996","GS: 11996",,,"89B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11731541
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"mor(CT14005)" 203743,"3/24/1999","11997","GS: 11997",,,"69C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12429945
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10522(CT38848)" 203744,"3/24/1999","11998","GS: 11998",,,"36A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16324060
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Tpr2(CT14862)" 203745,"3/24/1999","11999","GS: 11999",,,"26B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6000914
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203746,"3/24/1999","12000","GS: 12000",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965380
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 203747,"3/24/1999","12001","GS: 12001",,,"87E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9136218
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG8870(CT25472)" 203748,"3/24/1999","12002","GS: 12002",,,"31E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10413485
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6094(CT18896)" 203749,"3/24/1999","12003","GS: 12003",,,"67F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10797780
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14149(CT33751)" 203750,"3/24/1999","12004","GS: 12004",,,"69A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12180818
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203751,"3/24/1999","12005","GS: 12005",,,"64B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4200174
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"ImpL2(CT34862)" 203752,"3/24/1999","12006","GS: 12006",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562783
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 203753,"3/24/1999","12007","GS: 12007",,,"93C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16939807
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"SNF4A&ggr(CT38280)" 203754,"3/24/1999","12008","GS: 12008",,,"34A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13101522
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203755,"3/24/1999","12009","GS: 12009",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3318835
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203756,"3/24/1999","12010","GS: 12010",,,"62A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1565717
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203757,"3/24/1999","12012","GS: 12012",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396592
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 203758,"3/24/1999","12013","GS: 12013",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12073333
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 203759,"3/24/1999","12014","GS: 12014",,,"65B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6431199
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203760,"3/24/1999","12015","GS: 12015",,,"87E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9138206
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG8863(CT25440)" 203761,"3/24/1999","12017","GS: 12017",,,"87B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8073683
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): steroid hormone receptor
",,,"svp(CT12919)" 203762,"3/24/1999","12018","GS: 12018",,,"39E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21360322
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203763,"3/24/1999","12019","GS: 12019",,,"68C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11504808
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"rt(CT19163)" 203764,"3/24/1999","12021","GS: 12021",,,"44D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3706580
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8732(CT25221)" 203765,"3/24/1999","12022","GS: 12022",,,"32C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10887615
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16833(CT15001)" 203766,"3/24/1999","12023","GS: 12023",,,"63A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2755903
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2101(CT2358)" 203767,"4/29/1999","12024","GS: 12024",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642674
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203768,"3/24/1999","12025","GS: 12025",,,"35C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14925728
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Su(H)(CT11789)" 203769,"3/24/1999","12028","GS: 12028",,,"77C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20347563
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15869(CT32503)" 203770,"3/24/1999","12030","GS: 12030",,,"95D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19857359
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203771,"3/24/1999","12031","GS: 12031",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947887
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 203772,"3/24/1999","12032","GS: 12032",,,"24B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3689618
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"bowl(CT9648)" 203773,"3/24/1999","12033","GS: 12033",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557284
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 203774,"4/29/1999","12034","GS: 12034",,,"82C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 365773
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203775,"3/24/1999","12035","GS: 12035",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9317381
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4080(CT13540)" 203776,"3/24/1999","12037","GS: 12037",,,"100C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27118688
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203777,"3/24/1999","12038","GS: 12038",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12395553
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): uridine kinase
",,,"CG4798(CT15417)" 203778,"3/24/1999","12039","GS: 12039",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14420572
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA topoisomerase
",,,"mei-W68(CT23580)" 203779,"3/24/1999","12040","GS: 12040",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426635
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 203780,"3/24/1999","12042","GS: 12042",,,"50B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8500346
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"drk(CT18920)" 203781,"3/24/1999","12043","GS: 12043",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15521936
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203782,"3/24/1999","12044","GS: 12044",,,"64F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5786700
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"vn(CT29452)" 203783,"3/24/1999","12046","GS: 12046",,,"30C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9522149
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG3864(CT12877)" 203784,"3/24/1999","12048","GS: 12048",,,"49B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7593926
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 203785,"3/24/1999","12049","GS: 12049",,,"57D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16260397
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9696(CT27330)" 203786,"3/24/1999","12051","GS: 12051",,,"64E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5594262
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203787,"3/24/1999","12052","GS: 12052",,,"86A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6181889
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203788,"3/24/1999","12054","GS: 12054",,,"99F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26061019
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"hdc(CT35647)" 203789,"3/24/1999","12055","GS: 12055",,,"49D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7856233
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203790,"3/24/1999","12057","GS: 12057",,,"83E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2206109
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21969(CT1080)" 203791,"3/24/1999","12059","GS: 12059",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5437069
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 203792,"3/24/1999","12061","GS: 12061",,,"57D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16260397
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9696(CT27330)" 203793,"3/24/1999","12062","GS: 12062",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17374945
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203794,"3/24/1999","12063","GS: 12063",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15218825
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203795,"3/24/1999","12064","GS: 12064",,,"64C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4949459
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203796,"3/24/1999","12065","GS: 12065",,,"62A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1525277
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1049(CT1092)" 203797,"3/24/1999","12066","GS: 12066",,,"68A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11134532
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203798,"3/24/1999","12067","GS: 12067",,,"25C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4976025
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203799,"3/24/1999","12069","GS: 12069",,,"57B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15953315
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3295(CT11055)" 203800,"3/24/1999","12070","GS: 12070",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5147805
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203801,"3/24/1999","12071","GS: 12071",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 689016
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG13895(CT33430)" 203802,"3/24/1999","12072","GS: 12072",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783760
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 203803,"3/24/1999","12073","GS: 12073",,,"50F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9349256
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12505(CT33488)" 203804,"3/24/1999","12074","GS: 12074",,,"31D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10236535
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG5375(CT17072)" 203805,"3/24/1999","12075","GS: 12075",,,"46C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4903780
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG12744(CT7810)" 203806,"3/24/1999","12076","GS: 12076",,,"69F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13049183
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203807,"3/24/1999","12080","GS: 12080",,,"66D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8596111
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"h(CT20229)" 203808,"3/24/1999","12082","GS: 12082",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5899306
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"chic(CT36595)" 203809,"3/24/1999","12083","GS: 12083",,,"75E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18727529
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3979(CT41700)" 203810,"3/24/1999","12085","GS: 12085",,,"94C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18426437
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG17625(CT33351)" 203811,"3/31/1999","12086","GS: 12086",,,"58E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17452026
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"px(CT14446)" 203812,"3/31/1999","12087","GS: 12087",,,"63B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3044975
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14954(CT34799)" 203813,"3/31/1999","12088","GS: 12088",,,"38A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19748625
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203814,"4/29/1999","12089","GS: 12089",,,"102B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 420247
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203815,"3/31/1999","12090","GS: 12090",,,"92D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16003546
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203816,"3/31/1999","12091","GS: 12091",,,"94A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18109485
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203817,"3/31/1999","12092","GS: 12092",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11832315
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 203818,"3/31/1999","12093","GS: 12093",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15258086
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 203819,"3/31/1999","12094","GS: 12094",,,"86E18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7416280
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG14711(CT34502)" 203820,"3/31/1999","12096","GS: 12096",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16552487
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203821,"3/31/1999","12097","GS: 12097",,,"45D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4412883
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203822,"3/31/1999","12098","GS: 12098",,,"68C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11613774
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11652(CT36663)" 203823,"3/31/1999","12100","GS: 12100",,,"30F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9939416
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH02976(CT15349)" 203824,"3/31/1999","12104","GS: 12104",,,"67B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9633881
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16707(CT37179)" 203825,"3/31/1999","12106","GS: 12106",,,"96A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20312124
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203826,"3/31/1999","12107","GS: 12107",,,"74E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17542896
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Pep(CT19128)" 203827,"3/31/1999","12108","GS: 12108",,,"102B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 428855
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bip2(CT6427)" 203828,"3/31/1999","12109","GS: 12109",,,"92B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15613793
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11447(CT15091)" 203829,"3/31/1999","12110","GS: 12110",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4854954
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rel(CT32117)" 203830,"3/31/1999","12112","GS: 12112",,,"46E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5106786
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203831,"3/31/1999","12113","GS: 12113",,,"68F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12033489
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17153(CT38094)" 203832,"3/31/1999","12115","GS: 12115",,,"61C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 620882
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203833,"3/31/1999","12116","GS: 12116",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781370
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 203834,"3/31/1999","12117","GS: 12117",,,"95D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19845418
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG10716(CT30033)" 203835,"3/31/1999","12118","GS: 12118",,,"88C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10415638
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3508(CT11819)" 203836,"3/31/1999","12119","GS: 12119",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583228
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203837,"3/31/1999","12122","GS: 12122",,,"87F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9401287
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"sqd(CT39414)" 203838,"3/31/1999","12124","GS: 12124",,,"44F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3896210
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203839,"3/31/1999","12125","GS: 12125",,,"89F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12877607
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"cher(CT12961)" 203840,"3/31/1999","12126","GS: 12126",,,"85F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5939830
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203841,"3/31/1999","12127","GS: 12127",,,"60A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18789099
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18426(CT41935)" 203842,"3/31/1999","12128","GS: 12128",,,"53F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12073315
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gst2(CT25660)" 203843,"3/31/1999","12129","GS: 12129",,,"65F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7370441
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rac2(CT14366)" 203844,"3/31/1999","12130","GS: 12130",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814802
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 203845,"3/31/1999","12131","GS: 12131",,,"64A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4108144
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14998(CT34851)" 203846,"3/31/1999","12134","GS: 12134",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570118
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 203847,"3/31/1999","12136","GS: 12136",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13702541
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203848,"3/31/1999","12138","GS: 12138",,,"88D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10495597
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
",,,"eff(CT22777)" 203849,"3/31/1999","12140","GS: 12140",,,"86A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6125983
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12818(CT31948)" 203850,"3/31/1999","12142","GS: 12142",,,"60E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19942277
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"zip(CT9199)" 203851,"3/31/1999","12143","GS: 12143",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17358309
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203852,"3/31/1999","12145","GS: 12145",,,"54D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12534110
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Klp54D(CT40108)" 203853,"3/31/1999","12146","GS: 12146",,,"96F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21781178
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"gro(CT24657)" 203854,"3/31/1999","12147","GS: 12147",,,"54A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12117116
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203855,"4/29/1999","12149","GS: 12149",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678446
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203856,"3/31/1999","12150","GS: 12150",,,"66B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7900995
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nmo(CT23293)" 203857,"3/31/1999","12151","GS: 12151",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5904699
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ifc(CT26064)" 203858,"3/31/1999","12154","GS: 12154",,,"96E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21222863
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG4548(CT14736)" 203859,"3/31/1999","12155","GS: 12155",,,"22B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1814654
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203860,"3/31/1999","12156","GS: 12156",,,"76D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19782904
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG7823(CT23753)" 203861,"3/31/1999","12157","GS: 12157",,,"86A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6126029
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12818(CT31948)" 203862,"3/31/1999","12158","GS: 12158",,,"72D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16065203
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203863,"3/31/1999","12159","GS: 12159",,,"56D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14409475
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA-directed RNA polymerase III
",,,"Elongin-C(CT26431)" 203864,"3/31/1999","12160","GS: 12160",,,"69A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12119158
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG17146(CT38082)" 203865,"3/31/1999","12161","GS: 12161",,,"84D14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3679993
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17816(CT39486)" 203866,"3/24/1999","12163","GS: 12163",,,"37B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18818991
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10641(CT29802)" 203867,"3/24/1999","12165","GS: 12165",,,"23C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2917501
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203868,"3/24/1999","12166","GS: 12166",,,"102D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 622720
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG11484(CT31835)" 203869,"3/24/1999","12167","GS: 12167",,,"79C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21910845
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:LD21293(CT22059)" 203870,"3/24/1999","12168","GS: 12168",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939875
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 203871,"3/24/1999","12169","GS: 12169",,,"49E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7984846
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203872,"3/24/1999","12170","GS: 12170",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6899510
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 203873,"3/24/1999","12171","GS: 12171",,,"95F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20062597
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG6400(CT19962)" 203874,"3/24/1999","12172","GS: 12172",,,"52A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10491028
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8182(CT20281)" 203875,"3/24/1999","12173","GS: 12173",,,"68F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12039671
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"yps(CT17850)" 203876,"3/24/1999","12174","GS: 12174",,,"44A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3168040
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Rox2(CT7068)" 203877,"3/24/1999","12175","GS: 12175",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814777
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 203878,"3/24/1999","12177","GS: 12177",,,"44B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3209993
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203879,"3/24/1999","12179","GS: 12179",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1792324
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:LD08743(CT10989)" 203880,"3/24/1999","12180","GS: 12180",,,"56F15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15195627
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11055(CT30913)" 203881,"3/24/1999","12181","GS: 12181",,,"84F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4060986
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203882,"3/24/1999","12182","GS: 12182",,,"51D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9921086
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203883,"3/24/1999","12183","GS: 12183",,,"91A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14162666
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG7683(CT23189)" 203884,"3/24/1999","12184","GS: 12184",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781315
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 203885,"3/24/1999","12186","GS: 12186",,,"44B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3277977
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203886,"3/24/1999","12187","GS: 12187",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474742
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203887,"3/24/1999","12188","GS: 12188",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 727774
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203888,"3/24/1999","12189","GS: 12189",,,"99E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25953604
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203889,"3/24/1999","12190","GS: 12190",,,"47F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6398400
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203890,"3/24/1999","12191","GS: 12191",,,"78A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20874418
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203891,"3/24/1999","12192","GS: 12192",,,"35D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15438872
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS04862.2(CT35200)" 203892,"3/24/1999","12194","GS: 12194",,,"88B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10035258
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 203893,"3/24/1999","12195","GS: 12195",,,"21B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 177987
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"spen(CT42170)" 203894,"3/24/1999","12196","GS: 12196",,,"67E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10435584
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203895,"3/24/1999","12198","GS: 12198",,,"49F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8165282
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme
",,,"CG4023(CT13354)" 203896,"3/24/1999","12200","GS: 12200",,,"73E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16915060
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7728(CT23517)" 203897,"3/24/1999","12201","GS: 12201",,,"88A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9739536
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12537(CT33996)" 203898,"3/24/1999","12202","GS: 12202",,,"32C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10899711
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"aub(CT19260)" 203899,"3/24/1999","12203","GS: 12203",,,"93B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16812674
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203900,"3/24/1999","12204","GS: 12204",,,"76D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19750665
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203901,"3/24/1999","12206","GS: 12206",,,"23D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2974073
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203902,"3/24/1999","12207","GS: 12207",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26102985
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fer2LCH(CT3604)" 203903,"3/24/1999","12208","GS: 12208",,,"91F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14987345
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"vib(CT16783)" 203904,"3/24/1999","12209","GS: 12209",,,"95E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19961744
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG17741(CT33003)" 203905,"3/24/1999","12212","GS: 12212",,,"62A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1496431
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203906,"3/24/1999","12213","GS: 12213",,,"89C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12228432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CH5(CT34706)" 203907,"3/24/1999","12214","GS: 12214",,,"73B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16611658
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203908,"3/24/1999","12215","GS: 12215",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362857
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203909,"3/24/1999","12216","GS: 12216",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900019
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 203910,"3/24/1999","12217","GS: 12217",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13821666
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG15102(CT34977)" 203911,"3/3/1999","12219","GS: 12219",,,"91F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14853487
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"cdi(CT18533)" 203912,"3/3/1999","12220","GS: 12220",,,"56F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15049248
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"18w(CT25100)" 203913,"3/3/1999","12221","GS: 12221",,,"77A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20050508
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203914,"3/3/1999","12222","GS: 12222",,,"86E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7165279
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"pros(CT38193)" 203915,"3/3/1999","12223","GS: 12223",,,"44B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3210029
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203916,"3/3/1999","12224","GS: 12224",,,"72D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15988003
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5241(CT16735)" 203917,"3/3/1999","12227","GS: 12227",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203918,"3/3/1999","12228","GS: 12228",,,"70C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13952288
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203919,"3/3/1999","12229","GS: 12229",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900001
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 203920,"3/3/1999","12230","GS: 12230",,,"11F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13226457
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203921,"3/3/1999","12231","GS: 12231",,,"71B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15002420
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6854(CT37944)" 203922,"3/3/1999","12232","GS: 12232",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642615
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17812(CT39470)" 203923,"3/3/1999","12233","GS: 12233",,,"78E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21379063
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7181(CT22179)" 203924,"3/3/1999","12234","GS: 12234",,,"29C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8374120
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG9233(CT26378)" 203925,"3/3/1999","12235","GS: 12235",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12420084
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"BcDNA:LD23181(CT20377)" 203926,"3/3/1999","12236","GS: 12236",,,"30B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9430149
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203927,"3/3/1999","12238","GS: 12238",,,"99E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25953565
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203928,"3/3/1999","12239","GS: 12239",,,"30E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9806369
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"sop(CT18571)" 203929,"3/3/1999","12240","GS: 12240",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9699471
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13122(CT32359)" 203930,"3/3/1999","12241","GS: 12241",,,"66F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9045982
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4727(CT15261)" 203931,"3/3/1999","12242","GS: 12242",,,"84F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4060989
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203932,"3/3/1999","12243","GS: 12243",,,"62F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2611099
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG1244(CT2428)" 203933,"3/3/1999","12244","GS: 12244",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170493
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 203934,"3/3/1999","12245","GS: 12245",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8962391
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"Cp1(CT20780)" 203935,"3/3/1999","12246","GS: 12246",,,"62A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1496444
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203936,"3/3/1999","12247","GS: 12247",,,"26D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6368055
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9531(CT26970)" 203937,"3/3/1999","12248","GS: 12248",,,"92D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16060064
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203938,"3/3/1999","12249","GS: 12249",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369758
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 203939,"3/3/1999","12250","GS: 12250",,,"50F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9269375
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203940,"3/3/1999","12251","GS: 12251",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8236494
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Fad(CT17592)" 203941,"3/3/1999","12252","GS: 12252",,,"35F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16064264
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203942,"3/3/1999","12253","GS: 12253",,,"78A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20883286
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12981(CT32173)" 203943,"3/3/1999","12255","GS: 12255",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5573852
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203944,"3/3/1999","12257","GS: 12257",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 217096
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"kis(CT12335)" 203945,"3/3/1999","12258","GS: 12258",,,"83D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1833660
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Rm62(CT28879)" 203946,"3/3/1999","12259","GS: 12259",,,"36A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16324061
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Tpr2(CT14862)" 203947,"3/3/1999","12260","GS: 12260",,,"55E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13575457
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203948,"3/3/1999","12261","GS: 12261",,,"94A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17785163
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"how(CT28865)" 203949,"3/3/1999","12262","GS: 12262",,,"72D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16013756
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Taf110(CT37423)" 203950,"3/3/1999","12263","GS: 12263",,,"55C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13264041
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5580(CT17646)" 203951,"3/3/1999","12265","GS: 12265",,,"92E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16301561
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203952,"3/3/1999","12266","GS: 12266",,,"65D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6877482
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203953,"3/3/1999","12268","GS: 12268",,,"36C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17569113
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CadN(CT21941)" 203954,"3/3/1999","12270","GS: 12270",,,"46C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4987214
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203955,"3/3/1999","12271","GS: 12271",,,"28E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7989708
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203956,"3/3/1999","12272","GS: 12272",,,"45B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4243777
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8029(CT4546)" 203957,"3/3/1999","12273","GS: 12273",,,"88A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9720479
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9925(CT27942)" 203958,"3/3/1999","12274","GS: 12274",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16434533
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 203959,"3/3/1999","12275","GS: 12275",,,"78A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20883151
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10581(CT29674)" 203960,"3/3/1999","12276","GS: 12276",,,"65F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7370394
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rac2(CT14366)" 203961,"3/3/1999","12277","GS: 12277",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290199
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203962,"3/3/1999","12279","GS: 12279",,,"26C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6171191
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203963,"3/3/1999","12282","GS: 12282",,,"21C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 413635
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11885(CT33132)" 203964,"3/3/1999","12283","GS: 12283",,,"55E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13725299
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203965,"3/3/1999","12284","GS: 12284",,,"22A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1635028
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203966,"3/3/1999","12285","GS: 12285",,,"98F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24613221
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Doa(CT4592)" 203967,"3/3/1999","12286","GS: 12286",,,"99D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25766448
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7946(CT5663)" 203968,"3/3/1999","12288","GS: 12288",,,"69C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12430225
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10522(CT38848)" 203969,"3/3/1999","12289","GS: 12289",,,"33D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12267965
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"aret(CT19690)" 203970,"3/3/1999","12290","GS: 12290",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642465
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203971,"3/3/1999","12291","GS: 12291",,,"92A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15396506
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Vha13(CT19480)" 203972,"3/3/1999","12292","GS: 12292",,,"49B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7671266
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203973,"3/3/1999","12295","GS: 12295",,,"62A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1525277
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1049(CT1092)" 203974,"3/3/1999","12296","GS: 12296",,,"72D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16046534
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5151(CT16487)" 203975,"3/3/1999","12297","GS: 12297",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20635402
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11399(CT31823)" 203976,"3/3/1999","12298","GS: 12298",,,"89F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12877421
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"cher(CT12961)" 203977,"3/3/1999","12299","GS: 12299",,,"58D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17353693
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"qrk58E-1(CT12115)" 203978,"3/3/1999","12300","GS: 12300",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309342
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"RhoL(CT26615)" 203979,"3/3/1999","12302","GS: 12302",,,"47F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6372122
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GM12291(CT25954)" 203980,"3/3/1999","12303","GS: 12303",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112452
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 203981,"3/3/1999","12304","GS: 12304",,,"99A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24975495
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein tyrosine phosphatase
",,,"stg(CT3224)" 203982,"3/3/1999","12305","GS: 12305",,,"86A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6145639
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Dom(CT13376)" 203983,"3/3/1999","12307","GS: 12307",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305994
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 203984,"3/3/1999","12308","GS: 12308",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13143583
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203985,"3/3/1999","12309","GS: 12309",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290028
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203986,"3/3/1999","12310","GS: 12310",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369746
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 203987,"3/3/1999","12312","GS: 12312",,,"95F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20011681
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203988,"3/3/1999","12313","GS: 12313",,,"99C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25527959
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18134(CT40840)" 203989,"3/3/1999","12314","GS: 12314",,,"49F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8223079
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Dp(CT15039)" 203990,"3/3/1999","12315","GS: 12315",,,"35C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15086754
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203991,"3/17/1999","12316","GS: 12316",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6647236
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG4511(CT14656)" 203992,"3/17/1999","12318","GS: 12318",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19823044
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203993,"3/17/1999","12319","GS: 12319",,,"94A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18109087
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203994,"3/17/1999","12320","GS: 12320",,,"88E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11014570
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203995,"3/17/1999","12321","GS: 12321",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900015
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 203996,"3/17/1999","12322","GS: 12322",,,"47A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5506284
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CPTI(CT41842)" 203997,"3/17/1999","12323","GS: 12323",,,"64B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4394522
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203998,"3/17/1999","12325","GS: 12325",,,"41F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 813569
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 203999,"3/17/1999","12326","GS: 12326",,,"49A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7424437
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8520(CT24899)" 204000,"3/17/1999","12327","GS: 12327",,,"63F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3877333
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10849(CT30379)" 204001,"3/17/1999","12328","GS: 12328",,,"55B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13070222
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5098(CT16359)" 204002,"3/17/1999","12329","GS: 12329",,,"58E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17452011
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"px(CT14446)" 204003,"3/17/1999","12330","GS: 12330",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557280
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 204004,"3/17/1999","12331","GS: 12331",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19085789
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"pnt(CT37466)" 204005,"3/17/1999","12332","GS: 12332",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14915980
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG11779(CT17728)" 204006,"3/17/1999","12334","GS: 12334",,,"46D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5077114
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18445(CT42020)" 204007,"3/17/1999","12335","GS: 12335",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16707721
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204008,"3/17/1999","12336","GS: 12336",,,"23B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2807120
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204009,"4/29/1999","12337","GS: 12337",,,"89B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11947887
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"nla(CT19005)" 204010,"3/17/1999","12338","GS: 12338",,,"44A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3167760
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Rox2(CT7068)" 204011,"3/17/1999","12339","GS: 12339",,,"36A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16325661
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Tpr2(CT14862)" 204012,"3/17/1999","12340","GS: 12340",,,"56D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305433
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9975(CT28093)" 204013,"3/17/1999","12342","GS: 12342",,,"46F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5253644
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204014,"3/17/1999","12343","GS: 12343",,,"28F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8098611
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8460(CT24767)" 204015,"3/17/1999","12346","GS: 12346",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939895
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 204016,"3/17/1999","12347","GS: 12347",,,"57C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16079496
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG9415(CT26690)" 204017,"3/17/1999","12349","GS: 12349",,,"35F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16158724
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"cact(CT18347)" 204018,"3/31/1999","12350","GS: 12350",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5437701
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 204019,"3/17/1999","12351","GS: 12351",,,"42A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1315620
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14591(CT34336)" 204020,"3/17/1999","12352","GS: 12352",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783790
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 204021,"3/17/1999","12353","GS: 12353",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27489623
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"faf(CT6055)" 204022,"3/17/1999","12354","GS: 12354",,,"64A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3957710
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204023,"3/31/1999","12356","GS: 12356",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939871
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 204024,"3/31/1999","12357","GS: 12357",,,"99F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25991929
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204025,"3/17/1999","12358","GS: 12358",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23661731
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH07066(CT17454)" 204026,"3/31/1999","12362","GS: 12362",,,"94C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18426432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG17625(CT33351)" 204027,"3/31/1999","12363","GS: 12363",,,"87E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9119781
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9829(CT27760)" 204028,"3/17/1999","12364","GS: 12364",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362903
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204029,"3/31/1999","12365","GS: 12365",,,"75A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17755583
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204030,"3/17/1999","12366","GS: 12366",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362901
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204031,"3/17/1999","12368","GS: 12368",,,"66B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7900666
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nmo(CT23293)" 204032,"3/17/1999","12369","GS: 12369",,,"93B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16853401
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5745(CT18056)" 204033,"3/17/1999","12370","GS: 12370",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 730469
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"emc(CT1010)" 204034,"3/17/1999","12371","GS: 12371",,,"86D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7036899
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17734(CT34491)" 204035,"3/17/1999","12373","GS: 12373",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1515994
Location (tagged genes): 3'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bin3(CT24495)" 204036,"3/17/1999","12374","GS: 12374",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309311
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"RhoL(CT26615)" 204037,"3/31/1999","12375","GS: 12375",,,"85B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4560202
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8223(CT24433)" 204038,"3/31/1999","12376","GS: 12376",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642660
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204039,"3/31/1999","12377","GS: 12377",,,"100E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27525183
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ferrochelatase(CT6830)" 204040,"3/17/1999","12379","GS: 12379",,,"31B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10137357
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204041,"3/17/1999","12380","GS: 12380",,,"30B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9295357
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204042,"3/17/1999","12381","GS: 12381",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642583
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204043,"3/17/1999","12382","GS: 12382",,,"87F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9439431
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9591(CT27084)" 204044,"3/17/1999","12383","GS: 12383",,,"86A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6206581
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4043(CT13404)" 204045,"3/31/1999","12384","GS: 12384",,,"62B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1949237
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH11112(CT5961)" 204046,"3/17/1999","12385","GS: 12385",,,"51B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9555967
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ttv(CT28467)" 204047,"3/31/1999","12386","GS: 12386",,,"82A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 160432
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"BcDNA:LD19168(CT27625)" 204048,"3/17/1999","12387","GS: 12387",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6649745
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4570(CT14802)" 204049,"3/17/1999","12388","GS: 12388",,,"98A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23345315
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204050,"3/17/1999","12389","GS: 12389",,,"89A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11568827
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"alpha-Man-IIb(CT14868)" 204051,"3/17/1999","12390","GS: 12390",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204052,"3/17/1999","12391","GS: 12391",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316527
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204053,"3/17/1999","12392","GS: 12392",,,"94E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18962057
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG4566(CT14750)" 204054,"3/17/1999","12393","GS: 12393",,,"73E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16910670
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204055,"3/31/1999","12394","GS: 12394",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 110052
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 204056,"3/17/1999","12396","GS: 12396",,,"66C12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8348037
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): apoptosis inhibitor
",,,"Cbl(CT21779)" 204057,"3/17/1999","12397","GS: 12397",,,"97F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23010437
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5934(CT18645)" 204058,"3/31/1999","12398","GS: 12398",,,"66C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8282625
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7176(CT22167)" 204059,"3/17/1999","12399","GS: 12399",,,"59D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18204179
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG12782(CT36813)" 204060,"4/29/1999","12400","GS: 12400",,,"50D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9009773
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"mam(CT24232)" 204061,"3/17/1999","12401","GS: 12401",,,"92F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16581010
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:LD32788(CT35906)" 204062,"3/17/1999","12402","GS: 12402",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309238
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204063,"3/17/1999","12404","GS: 12404",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965542
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 204064,"3/17/1999","12405","GS: 12405",,,"43F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3025784
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG8722(CT9658)" 204065,"3/17/1999","12406","GS: 12406",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204066,"3/17/1999","12407","GS: 12407",,,"49F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8192997
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): valine--tRNA ligase
",,,"CG4062(CT13504)" 204067,"3/17/1999","12408","GS: 12408",,,"96C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20985737
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bam(CT29276)" 204068,"3/17/1999","12410","GS: 12410",,,"21E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1056430
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ast(CT14398)" 204069,"3/17/1999","12412","GS: 12412",,,"33B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11994066
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Mt2(CT29974)" 204070,"3/17/1999","12413","GS: 12413",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18492002
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG3941(CT13117)" 204071,"3/17/1999","12414","GS: 12414",,,"34D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13766807
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204072,"3/17/1999","12415","GS: 12415",,,"44B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3210512
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204073,"3/17/1999","12417","GS: 12417",,,"60D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19464669
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13583(CT32965)" 204074,"3/31/1999","12418","GS: 12418",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22566908
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 204075,"3/17/1999","12419","GS: 12419",,,"42A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1473428
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204076,"3/17/1999","12420","GS: 12420",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16707721
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204077,"3/17/1999","12421","GS: 12421",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570124
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 204078,"3/17/1999","12422","GS: 12422",,,"75A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17804349
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204079,"3/17/1999","12423","GS: 12423",,,"75D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18560060
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4144(CT13694)" 204080,"3/17/1999","12424","GS: 12424",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570125
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 204081,"3/17/1999","12426","GS: 12426",,,"49E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7974775
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Psc(CT12953)" 204082,"3/17/1999","12427","GS: 12427",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369745
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 204083,"3/17/1999","12429","GS: 12429",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224917
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204084,"3/17/1999","12431","GS: 12431",,,"44F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3943381
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG2396(CT7986)" 204085,"3/17/1999","12432","GS: 12432",,,"93D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17090266
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204086,"3/17/1999","12433","GS: 12433",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5322792
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8165(CT24376)" 204087,"3/17/1999","12435","GS: 12435",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20628081
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG4289(CT14054)" 204088,"3/17/1999","12436","GS: 12436",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16352747
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 204089,"3/17/1999","12438","GS: 12438",,,"61E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 862091
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204090,"3/17/1999","12440","GS: 12440",,,"35C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15086791
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204091,"3/17/1999","12441","GS: 12441",,,"51B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9555918
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ttv(CT28467)" 204093,"3/17/1999","12443","GS: 12443",,,"49B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7671250
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204094,"3/17/1999","12444","GS: 12444",,,"82C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 366690
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204095,"3/17/1999","12446","GS: 12446",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316520
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204096,"3/31/1999","12449","GS: 12449",,,"47A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5588193
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"psq(CT7902)" 204097,"3/31/1999","12450","GS: 12450",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783819
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 204098,"3/31/1999","12453","GS: 12453",,,"62A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1632249
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7967(CT6235)" 204099,"3/31/1999","12455","GS: 12455",,,"66D15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8686692
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204100,"3/31/1999","12456","GS: 12456",,,"96E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21256277
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204101,"3/31/1999","12458","GS: 12458",,,"99A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24879570
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204102,"3/31/1999","12459","GS: 12459",,,"75E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18727522
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3979(CT41700)" 204103,"3/31/1999","12460","GS: 12460",,,"84D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3182274
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204104,"3/31/1999","12461","GS: 12461",,,"54B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12240639
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"mm(CT30649)" 204105,"3/31/1999","12462","GS: 12462",,,"50F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9321178
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204106,"3/31/1999","12463","GS: 12463",,,"25C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4932714
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14037(CT33596)" 204107,"3/31/1999","12464","GS: 12464",,,"78C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21155232
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204108,"3/31/1999","12465","GS: 12465",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14387214
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 204109,"3/31/1999","12466","GS: 12466",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15265703
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8929(CT25626)" 204110,"3/31/1999","12467","GS: 12467",,,"92B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15629965
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG17186(CT35865)" 204111,"3/31/1999","12468","GS: 12468",,,"26B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6001692
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204112,"3/31/1999","12469","GS: 12469",,,"36C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17217387
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CLIP-190(CT15940)" 204113,"3/31/1999","12470","GS: 12470",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642734
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204114,"3/31/1999","12471","GS: 12471",,,"50C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8621200
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204115,"3/31/1999","12472","GS: 12472",,,"92A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15216452
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204116,"3/31/1999","12473","GS: 12473",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11009186
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"JIL-1(CT19712)" 204117,"3/31/1999","12474","GS: 12474",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1425729
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 204118,"3/31/1999","12475","GS: 12475",,,"70C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13927852
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG6513(CT20269)" 204119,"3/31/1999","12476","GS: 12476",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7590772
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 204120,"3/31/1999","12477","GS: 12477",,,"96B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20611185
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycB3(CT18226)" 204121,"3/31/1999","12478","GS: 12478",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20726175
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9342(CT3751)" 204122,"3/31/1999","12479","GS: 12479",,,"28D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7892657
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204123,"3/31/1999","12481","GS: 12481",,,"64B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4517930
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204124,"3/31/1999","12482","GS: 12482",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16562067
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 204125,"3/31/1999","12483","GS: 12483",,,"52F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11087862
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8421(CT18775)" 204126,"3/31/1999","12484","GS: 12484",,,"78E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21408486
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7172(CT22153)" 204127,"3/31/1999","12485","GS: 12485",,,"61E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1014302
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9205(CT26302)" 204128,"3/31/1999","12486","GS: 12486",,,"96B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20611185
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycB3(CT18226)" 204129,"3/31/1999","12487","GS: 12487",,,"64A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4108145
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14998(CT34851)" 204130,"3/31/1999","12488","GS: 12488",,,"22B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1938581
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204131,"3/31/1999","12490","GS: 12490",,,"21B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 153618
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204132,"4/29/1999","12492","GS: 12492",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290199
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204133,"3/31/1999","12493","GS: 12493",,,"85B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4632399
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9821(CT27750)" 204134,"3/31/1999","12494","GS: 12494",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562784
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 204135,"3/31/1999","12495","GS: 12495",,,"94B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18268063
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5346(CT17000)" 204136,"3/31/1999","12497","GS: 12497",,,"30B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9296396
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG3752(CT12541)" 204137,"3/31/1999","12498","GS: 12498",,,"28D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7890104
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG7228(CT22295)" 204138,"3/31/1999","12603","GS: 12603",,,"64B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4518986
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204139,"3/31/1999","12604","GS: 12604",,,"96A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20283962
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204140,"3/31/1999","12606","GS: 12606",,,"37C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18988839
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204141,"3/31/1999","12607","GS: 12607",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204142,"3/31/1999","12608","GS: 12608",,,"44A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3181849
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA replication factor
",,,"CG8709(CT9407)" 204143,"3/31/1999","12609","GS: 12609",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518832
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204144,"3/31/1999","12610","GS: 12610",,,"93F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17374392
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204145,"4/7/1999","12611","GS: 12611",,,"70E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14447092
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG9238(CT26380)" 204146,"3/31/1999","12612","GS: 12612",,,"54B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12369739
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10939(CT30645)" 204147,"3/31/1999","12620","GS: 12620",,,"70B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13428678
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10711(CT30019)" 204148,"3/31/1999","12621","GS: 12621",,,"89B16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12008591
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204149,"3/31/1999","12623","GS: 12623",,,"44B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3363000
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204150,"3/31/1999","12625","GS: 12625",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16358962
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 204151,"3/31/1999","12626","GS: 12626",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14307267
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG3919(CT13005)" 204152,"3/31/1999","12627","GS: 12627",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17047200
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204153,"3/31/1999","12628","GS: 12628",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23661738
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH07066(CT17454)" 204154,"3/31/1999","12629","GS: 12629",,,"72D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15988003
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5241(CT16735)" 204155,"3/31/1999","12631","GS: 12631",,,"72D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15988003
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5241(CT16735)" 204156,"3/31/1999","12633","GS: 12633",,,"35F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16119045
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"crp(CT23425)" 204157,"3/31/1999","12634","GS: 12634",,,"67B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9614199
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6767(CT21001)" 204158,"3/31/1999","12635","GS: 12635",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112970
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1201(CT1275)" 204159,"3/31/1999","12637","GS: 12637",,,"54E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12691651
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH05095(CT20042)" 204160,"3/31/1999","12639","GS: 12639",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19771802
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204161,"3/31/1999","12640","GS: 12640",,,"21E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1121709
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4726(CT15243)" 204162,"3/31/1999","12641","GS: 12641",,,"27D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6923467
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ade3(CT25266)" 204163,"3/31/1999","12642","GS: 12642",,,"49A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7345774
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13162(CT32403)" 204164,"3/31/1999","12643","GS: 12643",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5930474
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG9098(CT26112)" 204165,"3/31/1999","12644","GS: 12644",,,"34A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13102871
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204166,"3/31/1999","12645","GS: 12645",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5572172
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 204167,"3/31/1999","12646","GS: 12646",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1684971
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204168,"3/31/1999","12648","GS: 12648",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 634862
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204169,"3/31/1999","12649","GS: 12649",,,"54E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12765631
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"EG:52C10.1(CT16163)" 204170,"3/31/1999","12650","GS: 12650",,,"90D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13791503
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204171,"3/31/1999","12654","GS: 12654",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305953
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 204172,"3/31/1999","12655","GS: 12655",,,"50E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9244878
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG8531(CT24915)" 204173,"3/31/1999","12656","GS: 12656",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749201
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204174,"3/31/1999","12657","GS: 12657",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6161222
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204175,"3/31/1999","12658","GS: 12658",,,"92B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15613821
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11447(CT15091)" 204176,"3/31/1999","12659","GS: 12659",,,"35E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15841700
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204177,"3/31/1999","12660","GS: 12660",,,"45F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4618642
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"Map60(CT5550)" 204178,"3/31/1999","12661","GS: 12661",,,"27F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7322219
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204179,"3/31/1999","12663","GS: 12663",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204180,"3/31/1999","12665","GS: 12665",,,"48D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6971436
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG8290(CT24533)" 204181,"3/31/1999","12666","GS: 12666",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3409341
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204182,"4/29/1999","12668","GS: 12668",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642607
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17812(CT39470)" 204183,"3/31/1999","12669","GS: 12669",,,"46E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5106779
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204184,"3/31/1999","12670","GS: 12670",,,"93F14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17767868
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6028(CT18926)" 204185,"3/31/1999","12672","GS: 12672",,,"42E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2095519
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204186,"3/31/1999","12673","GS: 12673",,,"65F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7358830
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204187,"3/31/1999","12674","GS: 12674",,,"65D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6878786
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204188,"3/31/1999","12675","GS: 12675",,,"94F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19087734
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204189,"3/17/1999","12676","GS: 12676",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965380
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 204190,"3/17/1999","12677","GS: 12677",,,"95D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19771897
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204191,"3/17/1999","12678","GS: 12678",,,"84C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2949426
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1070(CT1279)" 204192,"3/17/1999","12679","GS: 12679",,,"34F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14189137
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"wb(CT35236)" 204193,"3/17/1999","12680","GS: 12680",,,"44F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3897061
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204194,"3/17/1999","12681","GS: 12681",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3319616
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204195,"3/17/1999","12683","GS: 12683",,,"48F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7262588
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): calcium binding
",,,"Cam(CT41655)" 204196,"3/31/1999","12684","GS: 12684",,,"92F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16581649
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:LD32788(CT35906)" 204197,"3/17/1999","12685","GS: 12685",,,"37B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18655205
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG17323(CT35071)" 204198,"3/17/1999","12687","GS: 12687",,,"42F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2230704
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204199,"3/17/1999","12689","GS: 12689",,,"85D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5160298
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204200,"3/31/1999","12690","GS: 12690",,,"61C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 524524
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204201,"3/17/1999","12691","GS: 12691",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749251
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204202,"3/31/1999","12692","GS: 12692",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3318919
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204203,"3/17/1999","12694","GS: 12694",,,"28E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8064467
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204204,"3/17/1999","12696","GS: 12696",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563465
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 204205,"3/17/1999","12697","GS: 12697",,,"30B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9346310
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204206,"3/31/1999","12698","GS: 12698",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21776388
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHm7(CT24635)" 204207,"3/31/1999","12699","GS: 12699",,,"72F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16311999
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"fax(CT14836)" 204208,"3/17/1999","12700","GS: 12700",,,"31D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10210622
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG5395(CT17122)" 204209,"3/17/1999","12701","GS: 12701",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2672262
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9894(CT9918)" 204210,"3/17/1999","12702","GS: 12702",,,"90F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14034489
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"eIF1A(CT24166)" 204211,"3/17/1999","12703","GS: 12703",,,"61B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 227675
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204212,"3/17/1999","12704","GS: 12704",,,"68B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11170946
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7590(CT23193)" 204213,"3/17/1999","12705","GS: 12705",,,"57E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16434582
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fkbp13(CT27794)" 204214,"3/17/1999","12706","GS: 12706",,,"22B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1815001
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204215,"3/17/1999","12707","GS: 12707",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1519086
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12110(CT6556)" 204216,"3/17/1999","12708","GS: 12708",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518815
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204218,"3/17/1999","12710","GS: 12710",,,"61C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 609266
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204219,"3/17/1999","12711","GS: 12711",,,"94A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18109489
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204220,"3/17/1999","12712","GS: 12712",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890893
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204221,"3/17/1999","12713","GS: 12713",,,"26A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5862703
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gpdh(CT25964)" 204222,"3/17/1999","12715","GS: 12715",,,"75D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18652531
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"ftz-F1(CT13432)" 204223,"3/31/1999","12717","GS: 12717",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22566980
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11367(CT26094)" 204224,"3/17/1999","12719","GS: 12719",,,"34E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13902370
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"BG:DS01514.2(CT14645)" 204225,"3/17/1999","12721","GS: 12721",,,"39E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21276301
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG3305(CT11115)" 204226,"3/17/1999","12722","GS: 12722",,,"53D15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11845187
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204227,"3/17/1999","12723","GS: 12723",,,"71A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14932278
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204228,"3/31/1999","12724","GS: 12724",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20634429
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11399(CT31823)" 204229,"3/17/1999","12725","GS: 12725",,,"60A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18789092
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18426(CT41935)" 204230,"3/17/1999","12726","GS: 12726",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3550521
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 204231,"3/17/1999","12727","GS: 12727",,,"96B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20765715
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11781(CT33060)" 204232,"3/31/1999","12728","GS: 12728",,,"89C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12212181
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204233,"3/31/1999","12729","GS: 12729",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22246865
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 204234,"3/17/1999","12730","GS: 12730",,,"19D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20003113
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204235,"3/17/1999","12731","GS: 12731",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563391
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 204236,"3/17/1999","12732","GS: 12732",,,"30F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9870477
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5850(CT18353)" 204237,"3/17/1999","12733","GS: 12733",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642611
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17812(CT39470)" 204238,"3/31/1999","12734","GS: 12734",,,"85B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4539685
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG8159(CT24360)" 204239,"3/17/1999","12735","GS: 12735",,,"51C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9693860
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"mspo(CT28539)" 204240,"3/31/1999","12736","GS: 12736",,,"89F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12877428
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"cher(CT12961)" 204241,"3/31/1999","12738","GS: 12738",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23674373
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG4976(CT15944)" 204242,"3/17/1999","12739","GS: 12739",,,"84E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3842140
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10903(CT10979)" 204243,"3/17/1999","12740","GS: 12740",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15947412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204244,"3/17/1999","12742","GS: 12742",,,"33B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11902354
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204245,"3/17/1999","12743","GS: 12743",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683682
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 204246,"3/17/1999","12744","GS: 12744",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16523156
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 204247,"3/17/1999","12745","GS: 12745",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5437408
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 204248,"3/31/1999","12746","GS: 12746",,,"79F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22612293
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG7651(CT22775)" 204249,"3/17/1999","12747","GS: 12747",,,"30F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9870473
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5850(CT18353)" 204250,"3/17/1999","12749","GS: 12749",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3319017
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204251,"3/17/1999","12750","GS: 12750",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6679918
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204252,"3/17/1999","12751","GS: 12751",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719337
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 204253,"3/17/1999","12752","GS: 12752",,,"92E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16344360
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG5206(CT16645)" 204254,"3/17/1999","12754","GS: 12754",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396568
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 204255,"3/17/1999","12755","GS: 12755",,,"28D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7890042
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG7228(CT22295)" 204256,"3/17/1999","12758","GS: 12758",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15947726
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204257,"3/17/1999","12761","GS: 12761",,,"98F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24809603
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204258,"3/17/1999","12764","GS: 12764",,,"61C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 573176
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204259,"3/17/1999","12765","GS: 12765",,,"85C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4861797
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 204260,"3/17/1999","12767","GS: 12767",,,"100C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26993791
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204261,"3/17/1999","12768","GS: 12768",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1675613
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase
",,,"Vha16(CT10607)" 204262,"3/17/1999","12769","GS: 12769",,,"67F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10775584
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204263,"3/17/1999","12770","GS: 12770",,,"61D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 851910
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204264,"3/17/1999","12771","GS: 12771",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4841503
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"neur(CT32118)" 204265,"3/17/1999","12773","GS: 12773",,,"48D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6892916
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Ef1alpha48D(CT24517)" 204266,"3/17/1999","12774","GS: 12774",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1664949
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204267,"3/17/1999","12775","GS: 12775",,,"84D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3319017
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204268,"3/17/1999","12776","GS: 12776",,,"47F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6398443
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204269,"3/17/1999","12777","GS: 12777",,,"49F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8032608
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204270,"3/31/1999","12778","GS: 12778",,,"66C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8119908
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7375(CT22705)" 204271,"3/17/1999","12779","GS: 12779",,,"100B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26935733
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12054(CT4004)" 204272,"3/31/1999","12781","GS: 12781",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 634578
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204273,"3/31/1999","12783","GS: 12783",,,"91A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14233694
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204274,"3/17/1999","12784","GS: 12784",,,"33B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11944148
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6770(CT21019)" 204275,"3/17/1999","12785","GS: 12785",,,"36A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16624032
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG17928(CT39948)" 204276,"3/17/1999","12786","GS: 12786",,,"50A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8435759
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204277,"3/17/1999","12787","GS: 12787",,,"85F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5939846
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204278,"4/29/1999","12789","GS: 12789",,,"99C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25480372
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204279,"3/17/1999","12791","GS: 12791",,,"72D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15991012
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5235(CT16721)" 204280,"3/31/1999","12792","GS: 12792",,,"98A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23407389
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18437(CT41992)" 204281,"3/31/1999","12793","GS: 12793",,,"67F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10775484
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204282,"3/17/1999","12794","GS: 12794",,,"42B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1676931
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase
",,,"Vha16(CT10607)" 204283,"3/17/1999","12795","GS: 12795",,,"98D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24334142
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Hrb98DE(CT28145)" 204284,"3/31/1999","12796","GS: 12796",,,"63F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3785069
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10854(CT30389)" 204285,"3/31/1999","12797","GS: 12797",,,"68F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11997008
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204286,"4/29/1999","12798","GS: 12798",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642667
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204287,"3/31/1999","12800","GS: 12800",,,"75D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18707700
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204288,"3/17/1999","12801","GS: 12801",,,"70C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13890575
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"26/29-kDa-proteinase(CT25694)" 204289,"3/31/1999","12802","GS: 12802",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14683204
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17836(CT39616)" 204290,"3/17/1999","12806","GS: 12806",,,"33B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11902354
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204291,"3/17/1999","12807","GS: 12807",,,"66D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8455821
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG6822(CT21141)" 204292,"3/31/1999","12808","GS: 12808",,,"78A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20880000
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Sin(CT29678)" 204293,"3/17/1999","12809","GS: 12809",,,"30C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9618118
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG4364(CT14246)" 204294,"3/17/1999","12810","GS: 12810",,,"38C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20197310
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16798(CT35022)" 204295,"3/31/1999","12811","GS: 12811",,,"75A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17704633
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5584(CT17656)" 204296,"3/17/1999","12813","GS: 12813",,,"76D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19751289
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204297,"3/31/1999","12815","GS: 12815",,,"96B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20611236
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycB3(CT18226)" 204298,"3/17/1999","12816","GS: 12816",,,"33C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12031632
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204299,"3/17/1999","12817","GS: 12817",,,"68A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11124818
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG6199(CT19434)" 204300,"3/17/1999","12818","GS: 12818",,,"94C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18466296
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4813(CT15477)" 204301,"3/17/1999","12819","GS: 12819",,,"36A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16324067
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Tpr2(CT14862)" 204302,"3/17/1999","12820","GS: 12820",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1519171
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12110(CT6556)" 204303,"3/31/1999","12823","GS: 12823",,,"89A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11382865
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204304,"3/17/1999","12824","GS: 12824",,,"74E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17563673
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204305,"3/17/1999","12825","GS: 12825",,,"45A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4131121
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204306,"3/31/1999","12826","GS: 12826",,,"85F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5939680
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6241(CT19568)" 204307,"3/17/1999","12828","GS: 12828",,,"31F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10451562
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204308,"3/17/1999","12830","GS: 12830",,,"55C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13404525
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16859(CT37450)" 204309,"3/17/1999","12831","GS: 12831",,,"59D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18244680
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204310,"3/17/1999","12832","GS: 12832",,,"86A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6181838
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204311,"3/31/1999","12833","GS: 12833",,,"99C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25458142
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7598(CT3979)" 204312,"4/29/1999","12836","GS: 12836",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14306670
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 204313,"4/29/1999","12837","GS: 12837",,,"62B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1774013
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"alpha-Spec(CT6173)" 204314,"3/17/1999","12839","GS: 12839",,,"67C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9887692
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6685(CT20764)" 204315,"3/17/1999","12840","GS: 12840",,,"97F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23019203
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG3361(CT11263)" 204316,"3/31/1999","12841","GS: 12841",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15947412
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204317,"3/17/1999","12842","GS: 12842",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11808969
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204318,"3/31/1999","12843","GS: 12843",,,"83C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1628480
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204319,"3/17/1999","12844","GS: 12844",,,"85B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4552840
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9801(CT27700)" 204320,"3/17/1999","12845","GS: 12845",,,"87B11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8148805
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG10042(CT28263)" 204321,"3/17/1999","12846","GS: 12846",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16523005
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 204322,"3/31/1999","12847","GS: 12847",,,"82F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1091564
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG1114(CT1249)" 204323,"3/17/1999","12848","GS: 12848",,,"84C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2917682
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204324,"3/17/1999","12850","GS: 12850",,,"38E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20631227
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204325,"3/31/1999","12851","GS: 12851",,,"78A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20896244
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204326,"3/31/1999","12853","GS: 12853",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14924852
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"l(3)02102(CT17352)" 204327,"3/17/1999","12857","GS: 12857",,,"52C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10659479
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Vha14(CT21847)" 204328,"3/31/1999","12858","GS: 12858",,,"88D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10453603
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204329,"3/17/1999","12859","GS: 12859",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16725697
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204330,"3/17/1999","12861","GS: 12861",,,"37E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19222184
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG17544(CT38761)" 204331,"3/17/1999","12862","GS: 12862",,,"25E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5455598
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14016(CT33573)" 204332,"3/17/1999","12863","GS: 12863",,,"66F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9048421
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204333,"3/17/1999","12865","GS: 12865",,,"68B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11170928
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7590(CT23193)" 204334,"3/17/1999","12866","GS: 12866",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6899514
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 204335,"3/17/1999","12868","GS: 12868",,,"87F12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9491674
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204336,"3/17/1999","12869","GS: 12869",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9667638
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"zf30C(CT13243)" 204337,"3/17/1999","12870","GS: 12870",,,"85B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4708325
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204338,"3/17/1999","12871","GS: 12871",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890883
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204339,"3/17/1999","12872","GS: 12872",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3550528
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 204340,"3/17/1999","12873","GS: 12873",,,"64D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309181
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204341,"3/17/1999","12875","GS: 12875",,,"75C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18072754
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"W(CT16413)" 204342,"3/17/1999","12876","GS: 12876",,,"27D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6948257
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13777(CT33265)" 204343,"3/17/1999","12878","GS: 12878",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563391
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 204344,"3/17/1999","12879","GS: 12879",,,"28D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7907977
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12560(CT34261)" 204345,"3/31/1999","12880","GS: 12880",,,"93B13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16867469
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ppan(CT18136)" 204346,"3/31/1999","12881","GS: 12881",,,"65A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6203690
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204347,"3/17/1999","12885","GS: 12885",,,"30C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9609752
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"pelo(CT13150)" 204348,"3/17/1999","12886","GS: 12886",,,"85E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5577858
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9471(CT26826)" 204349,"3/17/1999","12887","GS: 12887",,,"49B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7706237
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204350,"3/17/1999","12888","GS: 12888",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8330333
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 204351,"3/31/1999","12889","GS: 12889",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642445
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204352,"3/17/1999","12890","GS: 12890",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781346
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 204353,"3/17/1999","12892","GS: 12892",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518820
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204354,"3/17/1999","12894","GS: 12894",,,"85E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5437696
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Crc(CT26738)" 204355,"3/31/1999","12895","GS: 12895",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642667
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204356,"3/31/1999","12898","GS: 12898",,,"100B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26533997
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204357,"3/31/1999","12899","GS: 12899",,,"97F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22982445
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5995(CT18827)" 204358,"3/17/1999","12900","GS: 12900",,,"56D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14321182
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG11961(CT28247)" 204359,"3/31/1999","12903","GS: 12903",,,"96A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20370736
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6668(CT20689)" 204360,"3/31/1999","12904","GS: 12904",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557291
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 204361,"3/17/1999","12905","GS: 12905",,,"50C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8621220
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204362,"3/31/1999","12907","GS: 12907",,,"88E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11046341
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Tm1(CT15051)" 204363,"3/31/1999","12908","GS: 12908",,,"96A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20370736
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6668(CT20689)" 204364,"3/31/1999","12910","GS: 12910",,,"57F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16651178
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204365,"3/31/1999","12912","GS: 12912",,,"52A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10507867
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Khc-73(CT21931)" 204366,"3/31/1999","12913","GS: 12913",,,"87F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9439386
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9591(CT27084)" 204367,"3/31/1999","12914","GS: 12914",,,"49F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8224680
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Dp(CT15039)" 204368,"3/31/1999","12915","GS: 12915",,,"34F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14122329
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204369,"3/31/1999","12916","GS: 12916",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9329593
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4022(CT13259)" 204370,"3/31/1999","12917","GS: 12917",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965430
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 204371,"3/31/1999","12918","GS: 12918",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570124
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 204372,"3/31/1999","12919","GS: 12919",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6679592
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204373,"3/31/1999","12920","GS: 12920",,,"47E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6286125
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG13220(CT32464)" 204374,"3/31/1999","12921","GS: 12921",,,"24A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3564590
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204375,"3/31/1999","12922","GS: 12922",,,"62A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1454508
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12083(CT5484)" 204376,"3/31/1999","12923","GS: 12923",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16583906
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204377,"3/31/1999","12924","GS: 12924",,,"90C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13552721
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204378,"3/31/1999","12925","GS: 12925",,,"57A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15522005
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204379,"3/31/1999","12926","GS: 12926",,,"95C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19683573
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gdh(CT16932)" 204380,"3/31/1999","12927","GS: 12927",,,"66E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8874065
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG5735(CT17928)" 204381,"3/31/1999","12928","GS: 12928",,,"86F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7534924
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG14722(CT34514)" 204382,"3/31/1999","12929","GS: 12929",,,"35F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16132590
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"heix(CT18433)" 204383,"3/31/1999","12930","GS: 12930",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8954811
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"AGO1(CT20708)" 204384,"3/31/1999","12932","GS: 12932",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 244278
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204385,"3/31/1999","12933","GS: 12933",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4841129
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"neur(CT32118)" 204386,"3/31/1999","12936","GS: 12936",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939897
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 204387,"3/31/1999","12938","GS: 12938",,,"98F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24613205
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Doa(CT4592)" 204388,"3/31/1999","12939","GS: 12939",,,"31E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10381078
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204389,"3/31/1999","12940","GS: 12940",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17047112
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204390,"3/31/1999","12941","GS: 12941",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6668931
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Sodh-2(CT14906)" 204391,"3/31/1999","12944","GS: 12944",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474924
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204392,"3/31/1999","12945","GS: 12945",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5563496
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 204393,"3/31/1999","12946","GS: 12946",,,"53E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11931311
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG15610(CT35746)" 204394,"3/31/1999","12947","GS: 12947",,,"49F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8219584
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17059(CT37898)" 204395,"3/31/1999","12948","GS: 12948",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8475762
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating)
",,,"CG10120(CT28469)" 204396,"3/31/1999","12949","GS: 12949",,,"45C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4285556
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204397,"3/31/1999","12950","GS: 12950",,,"34C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13606676
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204398,"3/31/1999","12951","GS: 12951",,,"59F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18645115
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"l(2)not(CT13514)" 204399,"3/31/1999","12953","GS: 12953",,,"96B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20557380
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Rbp9(CT18218)" 204400,"3/31/1999","12954","GS: 12954",,,"53C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11587527
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5065(CT16179)" 204401,"3/31/1999","12955","GS: 12955",,,"72D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16013752
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Taf110(CT37423)" 204402,"3/31/1999","12956","GS: 12956",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16517894
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 204403,"3/31/1999","12958","GS: 12958",,,"22B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1702920
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18317(CT41569)" 204404,"3/31/1999","12960","GS: 12960",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396602
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 204405,"3/31/1999","12961","GS: 12961",,,"36E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17969346
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"kel(CT22235)" 204406,"3/31/1999","12962","GS: 12962",,,"75E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18788453
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3893(CT12973)" 204407,"3/31/1999","12963","GS: 12963",,,"60A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18845258
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Nap1(CT16956)" 204408,"3/31/1999","12964","GS: 12964",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7551844
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Lk6(CT21464)" 204409,"3/31/1999","12965","GS: 12965",,,"42C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1855539
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG3287(CT11057)" 204410,"3/31/1999","12967","GS: 12967",,,"46D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5076703
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18445(CT42020)" 204411,"3/31/1999","12969","GS: 12969",,,"36C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17330971
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15142(CT35039)" 204412,"3/31/1999","12970","GS: 12970",,,"92D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16043988
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"CG5067(CT16255)" 204413,"3/31/1999","12971","GS: 12971",,,"84E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3838974
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204414,"3/31/1999","12972","GS: 12972",,,"94C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18466296
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4813(CT15477)" 204415,"3/31/1999","12973","GS: 12973",,,"65E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7030069
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204416,"3/31/1999","12974","GS: 12974",,,"99F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25991645
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204417,"3/31/1999","12975","GS: 12975",,,"61D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 730434
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"emc(CT1010)" 204418,"3/31/1999","12976","GS: 12976",,,"100B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26772165
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"dco(CT6302)" 204419,"3/31/1999","12977","GS: 12977",,,"39A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20859861
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204420,"3/31/1999","12979","GS: 12979",,,"102B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 393975
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204421,"3/31/1999","12980","GS: 12980",,,"73C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16707728
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204422,"3/31/1999","12981","GS: 12981",,,"95C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19631252
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"TfIIA-S(CT16537)" 204423,"3/31/1999","12982","GS: 12982",,,"57A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15258035
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD21403(CT25614)" 204424,"3/31/1999","12983","GS: 12983",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965430
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 204425,"3/31/1999","12985","GS: 12985",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719294
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 204426,"3/31/1999","12986","GS: 12986",,,"96A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20284321
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204427,"3/31/1999","12988","GS: 12988",,,"42C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1824709
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"CG3427(CT11533)" 204428,"3/31/1999","12989","GS: 12989",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814795
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 204429,"3/31/1999","12990","GS: 12990",,,"55C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13333294
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204430,"3/31/1999","12991","GS: 12991",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204431,"3/31/1999","12993","GS: 12993",,,"42A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1397681
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): steroid hormone receptor
",,,"EcR(CT5200)" 204432,"4/7/1999","12995","GS: 12995",,,"88A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9854322
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9920(CT27932)" 204433,"4/7/1999","12996","GS: 12996",,,"34A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13100714
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG16972(CT35579)" 204434,"4/7/1999","12997","GS: 12997",,,"38E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20520054
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Hr38(CT5732)" 204435,"4/7/1999","12998","GS: 12998",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14683208
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17836(CT39616)" 204436,"4/7/1999","12999","GS: 12999",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316506
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204437,"4/7/1999","13001","GS: 13001",,,"96F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21620834
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD19727(CT19213)" 204438,"4/7/1999","13002","GS: 13002",,,"71B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15056495
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7003(CT21676)" 204439,"4/7/1999","13003","GS: 13003",,,"65E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7184265
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Cdc27(CT14558)" 204440,"4/7/1999","13004","GS: 13004",,,"55C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13264497
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5580(CT17646)" 204441,"4/7/1999","13005","GS: 13005",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316445
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204442,"4/7/1999","13006","GS: 13006",,,"60A14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18916711
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204443,"4/7/1999","13007","GS: 13007",,,"21A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 66615
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204444,"4/7/1999","13010","GS: 13010",,,"97B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22272578
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204445,"4/7/1999","13011","GS: 13011",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16708832
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Atpalpha(CT17822)" 204446,"4/7/1999","13012","GS: 13012",,,"86D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7036876
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG17734(CT34491)" 204447,"4/7/1999","13013","GS: 13013",,,"28D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7882579
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7231(CT22297)" 204448,"4/7/1999","13014","GS: 13014",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219917
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 204449,"4/7/1999","13015","GS: 13015",,,"95C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19567938
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204451,"4/7/1999","13017","GS: 13017",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13143737
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204452,"4/7/1999","13018","GS: 13018",,,"44B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3188141
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11546(CT36453)" 204453,"4/7/1999","13020","GS: 13020",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11422355
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204454,"4/7/1999","13022","GS: 13022",,,"85D24","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5353671
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9382(CT26649)" 204455,"4/7/1999","13024","GS: 13024",,,"47F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6372115
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GM12291(CT25954)" 204456,"4/7/1999","13025","GS: 13025",,,"53D8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11759534
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG5522(CT17378)" 204457,"4/7/1999","13026","GS: 13026",,,"23F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3396690
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Phas1(CT9265)" 204458,"4/7/1999","13027","GS: 13027",,,"82D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 486338
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204459,"4/7/1999","13028","GS: 13028",,,"88C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10139330
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204460,"4/7/1999","13029","GS: 13029",,,"85F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5888767
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204461,"4/7/1999","13030","GS: 13030",,,"88E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11006628
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG6499(CT20235)" 204462,"4/7/1999","13032","GS: 13032",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16567661
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Galpha73B(CT13140)" 204463,"4/7/1999","13033","GS: 13033",,,"42A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1546248
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"1.28(CT9093)" 204464,"4/7/1999","13034","GS: 13034",,,"48F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7175609
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Cct5(CT24731)" 204465,"4/7/1999","13035","GS: 13035",,,"47A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5487569
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18377(CT41775)" 204466,"4/7/1999","13037","GS: 13037",,,"68D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11738121
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204467,"4/29/1999","13038","GS: 13038",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678446
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204468,"4/7/1999","13039","GS: 13039",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9304626
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 204469,"4/7/1999","13041","GS: 13041",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1522642
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12110(CT6556)" 204470,"4/7/1999","13042","GS: 13042",,,"88B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10084292
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"spn-B(CT11179)" 204471,"4/7/1999","13043","GS: 13043",,,"35C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15086745
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204472,"4/7/1999","13044","GS: 13044",,,"51E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10090727
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204473,"4/7/1999","13045","GS: 13045",,,"25B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4898615
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3792(CT12669)" 204474,"4/7/1999","13047","GS: 13047",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224973
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204475,"4/7/1999","13048","GS: 13048",,,"37A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18526954
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10383(CT29152)" 204476,"4/7/1999","13049","GS: 13049",,,"37C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18989047
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204477,"4/7/1999","13051","GS: 13051",,,"66A20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7834640
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"pbl(CT24258)" 204478,"4/7/1999","13053","GS: 13053",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16708325
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204479,"4/7/1999","13054","GS: 13054",,,"39E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21276280
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG3305(CT11115)" 204480,"4/17/1999","13056","GS: 13056",,,"33E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12361905
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bun(CT17162)" 204481,"4/7/1999","13057","GS: 13057",,,"64E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5568429
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204482,"4/7/1999","13058","GS: 13058",,,"35F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16185084
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"BcDNA.LD12474(CT14482)" 204483,"4/7/1999","13059","GS: 13059",,,"82B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 221222
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14649(CT34421)" 204484,"4/7/1999","13060","GS: 13060",,,"42B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1707363
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Adf1(CT37731)" 204485,"4/7/1999","13061","GS: 13061",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251844
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 204486,"4/7/1999","13063","GS: 13063",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22580228
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11238(CT31373)" 204487,"4/7/1999","13065","GS: 13065",,,"57C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16096215
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10518(CT29516)" 204488,"4/7/1999","13068","GS: 13068",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3550521
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 204489,"4/7/1999","13069","GS: 13069",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6135764
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG13298(CT32586)" 204490,"4/7/1999","13074","GS: 13074",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27456130
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG1890(CT5860)" 204491,"4/7/1999","13075","GS: 13075",,,"73E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16954107
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7724(CT23501)" 204492,"4/7/1999","13076","GS: 13076",,,"89E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12801426
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3995(CT13279)" 204493,"4/7/1999","13077","GS: 13077",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781382
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 204494,"4/7/1999","13078","GS: 13078",,,"27F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7322208
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204495,"4/7/1999","13079","GS: 13079",,,"96A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20284321
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204496,"4/7/1999","13081","GS: 13081",,,"55B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13149258
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10916(CT30563)" 204497,"4/7/1999","13082","GS: 13082",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678453
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204498,"4/7/1999","13083","GS: 13083",,,"33B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11991221
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5325(CT16938)" 204499,"4/7/1999","13084","GS: 13084",,,"90C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13429733
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7523(CT23057)" 204500,"4/7/1999","13086","GS: 13086",,,"29C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8326129
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"Akap200(CT32734)" 204501,"4/7/1999","13087","GS: 13087",,,"67A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9270170
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): defense/immunity protein
",,,"CG4437(CT14428)" 204502,"4/7/1999","13088","GS: 13088",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3550614
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 204503,"4/7/1999","13089","GS: 13089",,,"34A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13109349
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15482(CT35576)" 204504,"4/7/1999","13090","GS: 13090",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557285
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 204505,"4/7/1999","13091","GS: 13091",,,"45F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4581135
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204506,"4/7/1999","13093","GS: 13093",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783755
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 204507,"4/7/1999","13094","GS: 13094",,,"47C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5836001
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG12323(CT22275)" 204508,"4/7/1999","13095","GS: 13095",,,"67D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10282604
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204509,"4/7/1999","13096","GS: 13096",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23672707
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG4976(CT15944)" 204511,"4/7/1999","13099","GS: 13099",,,"88C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10411344
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7832(CT23772)" 204512,"4/7/1999","13100","GS: 13100",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7589377
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 204513,"4/7/1999","13101","GS: 13101",,,"48C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6840248
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG8991(CT25850)" 204514,"4/7/1999","13102","GS: 13102",,,"88A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9774775
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204515,"4/7/1999","13103","GS: 13103",,,"66D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8596159
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"h(CT20229)" 204516,"4/7/1999","13104","GS: 13104",,,"71C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15401499
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7272(CT22435)" 204517,"4/7/1999","13105","GS: 13105",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20725994
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9342(CT3751)" 204518,"4/7/1999","13108","GS: 13108",,,"89C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12190837
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG17565(CT29218)" 204519,"4/7/1999","13110","GS: 13110",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518816
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204520,"4/7/1999","13111","GS: 13111",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7551869
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Lk6(CT21464)" 204521,"4/7/1999","13112","GS: 13112",,,"35B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14543751
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204522,"4/7/1999","13113","GS: 13113",,,"73E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16910764
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204523,"4/7/1999","13114","GS: 13114",,,"87F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9440607
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9351(CT26561)" 204524,"4/7/1999","13115","GS: 13115",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362817
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204525,"4/7/1999","13117","GS: 13117",,,"97B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22271949
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204526,"4/7/1999","13118","GS: 13118",,,"89B18","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12039452
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG6963(CT21414)" 204527,"4/7/1999","13119","GS: 13119",,,"75C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18068573
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"W(CT16413)" 204528,"4/7/1999","13120","GS: 13120",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316460
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204529,"4/7/1999","13123","GS: 13123",,,"70C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13835511
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204530,"4/7/1999","13124","GS: 13124",,,"69A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12181989
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204531,"4/7/1999","13128","GS: 13128",,,"28E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7933253
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"WD-40-family-member(CT22739)" 204532,"4/7/1999","13129","GS: 13129",,,"63A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2748590
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12093(CT5902)" 204533,"4/7/1999","13131","GS: 13131",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9304614
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 204534,"4/7/1999","13132","GS: 13132",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6135771
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG13298(CT32586)" 204535,"4/7/1999","13133","GS: 13133",,,"71B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15196874
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204536,"3/31/1999","13134","GS: 13134",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21776378
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHm7(CT24635)" 204537,"3/17/1999","13135","GS: 13135",,,"55B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13133774
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10914(CT30559)" 204538,"3/17/1999","13136","GS: 13136",,,"87C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8475632
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating)
",,,"CG10120(CT28469)" 204539,"3/17/1999","13137","GS: 13137",,,"55C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13208217
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"fj(CT30565)" 204540,"3/31/1999","13138","GS: 13138",,,"65F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7316500
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"smid(CT15413)" 204541,"3/17/1999","13139","GS: 13139",,,"96B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20790857
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11791(CT33050)" 204542,"3/17/1999","13142","GS: 13142",,,"85A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4290084
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204543,"3/17/1999","13143","GS: 13143",,,"3C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2540091
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"w(CT9359)" 204544,"3/17/1999","13144","GS: 13144",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11833022
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 204545,"3/17/1999","13145","GS: 13145",,,"56C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14142407
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG7097(CT21217)" 204546,"3/17/1999","13146","GS: 13146",,,"60E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19942336
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"zip(CT9199)" 204547,"3/17/1999","13147","GS: 13147",,,"93B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16708753
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Atpalpha(CT17822)" 204548,"3/17/1999","13148","GS: 13148",,,"50B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8500284
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"drk(CT18920)" 204549,"3/17/1999","13149","GS: 13149",,,"28E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7932521
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"WD-40-family-member(CT22739)" 204550,"3/17/1999","13150","GS: 13150",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2231837
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204551,"3/17/1999","13152","GS: 13152",,,"49D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7856306
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204552,"3/17/1999","13154","GS: 13154",,,"38E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20616752
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204553,"3/17/1999","13155","GS: 13155",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204554,"3/17/1999","13156","GS: 13156",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17047159
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204555,"3/17/1999","13161","GS: 13161",,,"68D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11749624
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycA(CT18629)" 204556,"3/17/1999","13162","GS: 13162",,,"48B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6666399
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204557,"3/17/1999","13163","GS: 13163",,,"30F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9916179
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Trp1(CT15325)" 204558,"3/17/1999","13164","GS: 13164",,,"65D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6914726
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"G-o&agr;65A(CT28317)" 204559,"3/17/1999","13165","GS: 13165",,,"86A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6206592
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG4043(CT13404)" 204560,"3/31/1999","13167","GS: 13167",,,"86F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7557293
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Lk6(CT21460)" 204561,"3/17/1999","13170","GS: 13170",,,"89B15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11995025
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204562,"3/17/1999","13171","GS: 13171",,,"60A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18747361
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Ssrp(CT15471)" 204563,"3/17/1999","13172","GS: 13172",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14194576
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 204564,"3/17/1999","13173","GS: 13173",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15947837
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204565,"3/17/1999","13174","GS: 13174",,,"84F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4061034
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204566,"3/31/1999","13175","GS: 13175",,,"84C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2951219
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204567,"3/17/1999","13176","GS: 13176",,,"90B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13304856
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): peroxidase
",,,"CG5826(CT18283)" 204568,"3/17/1999","13178","GS: 13178",,,"74D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17428124
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6311(CT19742)" 204569,"3/17/1999","13179","GS: 13179",,,"82C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 436815
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204570,"3/17/1999","13180","GS: 13180",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518808
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204571,"3/17/1999","13181","GS: 13181",,,"86C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6668752
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"Sodh-2(CT14906)" 204572,"3/31/1999","13182","GS: 13182",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7295764
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG8583(CT15359)" 204573,"4/29/1999","13185","GS: 13185",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23666386
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:GH07066(CT17454)" 204574,"3/17/1999","13187","GS: 13187",,,"55E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13651638
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204575,"3/17/1999","13188","GS: 13188",,,"22E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2283189
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204576,"3/17/1999","13193","GS: 13193",,,"27C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6820895
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Hrb27C(CT29146)" 204577,"3/17/1999","13194","GS: 13194",,,"102B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 429166
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bip2(CT6427)" 204578,"3/17/1999","13196","GS: 13196",,,"57B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15635761
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204579,"3/17/1999","13197","GS: 13197",,,"54E2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12666879
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG14485(CT34196)" 204580,"3/17/1999","13198","GS: 13198",,,"99A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24976372
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein tyrosine phosphatase
",,,"stg(CT3224)" 204581,"3/17/1999","13200","GS: 13200",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890893
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204582,"3/17/1999","13201","GS: 13201",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27460132
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-EST:fe1A3(CT5892)" 204583,"3/17/1999","13202","GS: 13202",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11833058
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 204584,"3/17/1999","13203","GS: 13203",,,"52B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10593035
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204585,"3/31/1999","13204","GS: 13204",,,"95F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20058698
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"BcDNA:LD27873(CT17995)" 204586,"3/17/1999","13205","GS: 13205",,,"88E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10851318
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204587,"3/17/1999","13206","GS: 13206",,,"73E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16922817
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG7729(CT23519)" 204588,"3/17/1999","13207","GS: 13207",,,"102B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 410579
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CaMKI(CT3727)" 204589,"3/17/1999","13208","GS: 13208",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112461
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 204590,"3/17/1999","13211","GS: 13211",,,"82D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 567585
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"tacc(CT27593)" 204591,"3/31/1999","13212","GS: 13212",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642674
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204592,"3/17/1999","13213","GS: 13213",,,"99C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25487082
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204593,"3/17/1999","13215","GS: 13215",,,"88D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10610131
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204594,"3/17/1999","13216","GS: 13216",,,"50D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9029663
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"mam(CT24232)" 204595,"3/17/1999","13217","GS: 13217",,,"26F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6584056
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"Nhe3(CT31621)" 204596,"3/17/1999","13218","GS: 13218",,,"60E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19869878
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-EST:fe2C9(CT12563)" 204597,"3/17/1999","13219","GS: 13219",,,"98D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24334078
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"Hrb98DE(CT28145)" 204598,"3/17/1999","13220","GS: 13220",,,"100D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27293352
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11518(CT35373)" 204599,"3/17/1999","13221","GS: 13221",,,"23B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2726298
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG16987(CT37697)" 204600,"3/17/1999","13223","GS: 13223",,,"92A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15086963
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"Dl(CT12133)" 204601,"3/17/1999","13227","GS: 13227",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7590837
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Sin3A(CT25374)" 204602,"3/17/1999","13229","GS: 13229",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5571810
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 204603,"3/17/1999","13230","GS: 13230",,,"35D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15587348
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CycE(CT13013)" 204604,"3/17/1999","13231","GS: 13231",,,"77B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20251795
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG5408(CT16889)" 204605,"3/17/1999","13234","GS: 13234",,,"72D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15953049
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5891(CT18415)" 204606,"3/17/1999","13235","GS: 13235",,,"93F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17597132
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Gliolectin(CT20464)" 204607,"3/17/1999","13237","GS: 13237",,,"65F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7306011
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8580(CT15373)" 204608,"3/17/1999","13238","GS: 13238",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2686845
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"TafII24(CT9780)" 204609,"3/17/1999","13239","GS: 13239",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19835452
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"NaCP60E(CT24831)" 204610,"3/17/1999","13240","GS: 13240",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5146615
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204611,"3/17/1999","13242","GS: 13242",,,"74D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17412676
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7564(CT23137)" 204612,"3/17/1999","13243","GS: 13243",,,"60B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19124556
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204613,"3/17/1999","13244","GS: 13244",,,"42C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1915709
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9446(CT11617)" 204614,"3/17/1999","13246","GS: 13246",,,"102F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1041197
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204616,"3/17/1999","13248","GS: 13248",,,"60B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18971533
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"Chi(CT13033)" 204617,"3/17/1999","13250","GS: 13250",,,"91A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14162074
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12333(CT22871)" 204618,"3/31/1999","13251","GS: 13251",,,"98F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24809606
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204619,"3/17/1999","13254","GS: 13254",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18519102
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204620,"3/17/1999","13255","GS: 13255",,,"53D13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11833015
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"EG:EG0003.6(CT18411)" 204621,"3/17/1999","13256","GS: 13256",,,"85D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5159168
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204622,"3/31/1999","13257","GS: 13257",,,"73D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16791115
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11914(CT37086)" 204623,"3/17/1999","13258","GS: 13258",,,"33E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12381167
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"bun(CT17162)" 204624,"3/17/1999","13260","GS: 13260",,,"54C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12397080
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): uridine kinase
",,,"CG4798(CT15417)" 204625,"3/17/1999","13261","GS: 13261",,,"34C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13448836
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"kuz(CT22079)" 204626,"3/17/1999","13263","GS: 13263",,,"52F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11155648
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Lis1(CT19756)" 204627,"3/31/1999","13264","GS: 13264",,,"96C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20924323
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204628,"3/31/1999","13265","GS: 13265",,,"77B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20260801
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG13248(CT32501)" 204629,"3/17/1999","13266","GS: 13266",,,"43E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2633072
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"scra(CT6816)" 204630,"3/17/1999","13268","GS: 13268",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5358173
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204631,"3/17/1999","13270","GS: 13270",,,"55B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13111013
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Pcl(CT16391)" 204632,"3/17/1999","13272","GS: 13272",,,"99C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25493289
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204633,"4/29/1999","13273","GS: 13273",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305952
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 204634,"3/17/1999","13274","GS: 13274",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17047214
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204635,"3/17/1999","13275","GS: 13275",,,"36A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16352754
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5953(CT18707)" 204636,"3/17/1999","13276","GS: 13276",,,"63B10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3108606
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG11537(CT36431)" 204637,"3/17/1999","13277","GS: 13277",,,"30E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9806344
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"sop(CT18571)" 204638,"3/31/1999","13278","GS: 13278",,,"64D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5231596
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204639,"3/17/1999","13280","GS: 13280",,,"85C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4841526
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"neur(CT32118)" 204640,"3/17/1999","13281","GS: 13281",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 639898
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"Hus1-like(CT8431)" 204641,"3/17/1999","13284","GS: 13284",,,"56D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14450465
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG11242(CT31367)" 204642,"3/17/1999","13285","GS: 13285",,,"47D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6206765
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"shn(CT23537)" 204643,"3/17/1999","13286","GS: 13286",,,"56F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15049047
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"18w(CT25100)" 204644,"3/17/1999","13287","GS: 13287",,,"58C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17150701
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"ari2(CT17832)" 204645,"3/17/1999","13288","GS: 13288",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8952071
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"AGO1(CT20708)" 204646,"3/17/1999","13289","GS: 13289",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16523040
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 204647,"3/17/1999","13293","GS: 13293",,,"42C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1783357
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG9435(CT26754)" 204648,"3/17/1999","13294","GS: 13294",,,"61A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 193353
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16940(CT21258)" 204649,"3/17/1999","13297","GS: 13297",,,"75F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19057751
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204650,"3/17/1999","13298","GS: 13298",,,"83C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1562751
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG1236(CT2304)" 204651,"3/31/1999","13300","GS: 13300",,,"72E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16215481
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204652,"3/31/1999","13302","GS: 13302",,,"30D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9691261
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG4026(CT13370)" 204653,"3/17/1999","13304","GS: 13304",,,"100C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27118232
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG11337(CT5396)" 204654,"3/31/1999","13306","GS: 13306",,,"68C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11452262
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 204655,"3/17/1999","13310","GS: 13310",,,"52E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10977061
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ATPCL(CT18257)" 204656,"3/17/1999","13311","GS: 13311",,,"91B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14344081
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Ste20-like(CT23267)" 204657,"3/17/1999","13312","GS: 13312",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426599
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 204658,"3/17/1999","13313","GS: 13313",,,"46C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4920512
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG12138(CT7814)" 204659,"3/17/1999","13319","GS: 13319",,,"76D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19645437
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204660,"3/17/1999","13320","GS: 13320",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13816688
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18190(CT41112)" 204661,"3/31/1999","13322","GS: 13322",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939894
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 204662,"4/29/1999","13326","GS: 13326",,,"85A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4472245
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG9748(CT27543)" 204663,"3/17/1999","13329","GS: 13329",,,"35C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15150872
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS07851.11(CT35207)" 204664,"3/17/1999","13331","GS: 13331",,,"35D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15219885
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"esg(CT12561)" 204665,"3/17/1999","13333","GS: 13333",,,"47F13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6436671
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG7777(CT23658)" 204666,"4/29/1999","13336","GS: 13336",,,"35F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16185059
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"BcDNA.LD12474(CT14482)" 204667,"3/17/1999","13337","GS: 13337",,,"84F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3933252
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG7878(CT23818)" 204668,"3/31/1999","13338","GS: 13338",,,"96F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21776387
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"HLHm7(CT24635)" 204669,"3/17/1999","13340","GS: 13340",,,"94C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18406669
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204670,"3/17/1999","13342","GS: 13342",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5570124
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 204671,"3/17/1999","13345","GS: 13345",,,"34D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13724142
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204672,"3/17/1999","13347","GS: 13347",,,"53A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11310448
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Vha44(CT24078)" 204673,"3/17/1999","13350","GS: 13350",,,"23B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2726298
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG16987(CT37697)" 204674,"3/17/1999","13351","GS: 13351",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719301
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 204675,"3/31/1999","13353","GS: 13353",,,"82C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 351141
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204676,"3/31/1999","13357","GS: 13357",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5043211
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 204677,"3/31/1999","13359","GS: 13359",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14306839
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG3919(CT13005)" 204678,"3/17/1999","13360","GS: 13360",,,"70C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13933288
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Hsc70Cb(CT20438)" 204679,"3/17/1999","13361","GS: 13361",,,"37A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18540569
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"CG10346(CT29062)" 204680,"3/17/1999","13362","GS: 13362",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5571969
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT40978)" 204681,"3/17/1999","13364","GS: 13364",,,"42C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1739837
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rab2(CT9197)" 204682,"3/31/1999","13365","GS: 13365",,,"65C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6678409
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204683,"3/17/1999","13366","GS: 13366",,,"88C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10332065
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"CG7987(CT23938)" 204684,"3/17/1999","13367","GS: 13367",,,"53D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11806631
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204685,"4/7/1999","13368","GS: 13368",,,"85D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5032869
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 204686,"4/7/1999","13374","GS: 13374",,,"35C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14947845
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"vas(CT11799)" 204687,"4/7/1999","13376","GS: 13376",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14388259
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 204689,"4/7/1999","13381","GS: 13381",,,"45D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4445826
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"wun(CT4876)" 204691,"4/7/1999","13383","GS: 13383",,,"26D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6329441
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204692,"4/7/1999","13384","GS: 13384",,,"39C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21022582
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG8678(CT2954)" 204693,"4/7/1999","13386","GS: 13386",,,"50C20","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8939993
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204694,"4/7/1999","13389","GS: 13389",,,"26B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6097276
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204695,"4/7/1999","13391","GS: 13391",,,"83C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1649586
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204696,"4/7/1999","13392","GS: 13392",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224973
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204697,"4/7/1999","13393","GS: 13393",,,"85D10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5148401
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204698,"4/7/1999","13394","GS: 13394",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5891866
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor binding
",,,"Taf80(CT20933)" 204699,"4/7/1999","13396","GS: 13396",,,"67E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10593097
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204700,"4/7/1999","13398","GS: 13398",,,"85A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4375811
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG11745(CT32630)" 204701,"4/7/1999","13399","GS: 13399",,,"21C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 413636
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11885(CT33132)" 204702,"4/7/1999","13400","GS: 13400",,,"29B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8272930
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204703,"4/7/1999","13401","GS: 13401",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247434
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204704,"4/7/1999","13402","GS: 13402",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518792
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204705,"4/7/1999","13405","GS: 13405",,,"98B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 23642527
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204706,"4/7/1999","13406","GS: 13406",,,"84F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4127474
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204707,"4/7/1999","13407","GS: 13407",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14917178
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"CG11779(CT17728)" 204708,"4/7/1999","13408","GS: 13408",,,"23A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2499104
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"CG3214(CT10813)" 204709,"4/7/1999","13409","GS: 13409",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362894
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204710,"4/7/1999","13410","GS: 13410",,,"82F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1021533
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"cno(CT8491)" 204711,"4/7/1999","13411","GS: 13411",,,"70D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14170447
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): G protein linked receptor
",,,"fz(CT12089)" 204712,"4/7/1999","13412","GS: 13412",,,"30A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9146758
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204713,"4/7/1999","13414","GS: 13414",,,"93D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16970012
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3353(CT11241)" 204714,"4/7/1999","13415","GS: 13415",,,"61C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 620690
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204715,"4/7/1999","13452","GS: 13452",,,"63C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3224393
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204716,"4/7/1999","13474","GS: 13474",,,"78B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20980195
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): defense/immunity protein
",,,"CG10566(CT29640)" 204717,"4/7/1999","13476","GS: 13476",,,"67B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9614199
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6767(CT21001)" 204718,"4/7/1999","13478","GS: 13478",,,"52F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11156555
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"Lis1(CT19756)" 204719,"4/7/1999","13479","GS: 13479",,,"66A17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7791759
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8294(CT24537)" 204720,"4/7/1999","13480","GS: 13480",,,"70D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14305921
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"stwl(CT12739)" 204721,"4/7/1999","13481","GS: 13481",,,"43F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3026394
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG8722(CT9658)" 204722,"4/7/1999","13482","GS: 13482",,,"60E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19963795
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3441(CT11589)" 204723,"4/7/1999","13485","GS: 13485",,,"94B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18188751
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG13851(CT33365)" 204724,"4/7/1999","13486","GS: 13486",,,"82B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 256082
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9809(CT27730)" 204725,"4/7/1999","13487","GS: 13487",,,"90B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13304856
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): peroxidase
",,,"CG5826(CT18283)" 204726,"4/7/1999","13488","GS: 13488",,,"78A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20875622
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204727,"4/7/1999","13489","GS: 13489",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474931
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204728,"4/7/1999","13490","GS: 13490",,,"91F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14921534
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5558(CT17524)" 204729,"4/7/1999","13491","GS: 13491",,,"95C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19630218
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Pli(CT16667)" 204730,"4/7/1999","13492","GS: 13492",,,"25B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4814819
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3036(CT10168)" 204731,"4/7/1999","13493","GS: 13493",,,"83E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2194900
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10286(CT28897)" 204732,"4/7/1999","13494","GS: 13494",,,"49F9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8183477
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204733,"4/7/1999","13496","GS: 13496",,,"85D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5068046
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ATP dependent DNA helicase
",,,"CG8444(CT24735)" 204734,"4/7/1999","13497","GS: 13497",,,"55D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13467188
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5224(CT16701)" 204735,"4/7/1999","13498","GS: 13498",,,"94C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18406580
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204736,"4/7/1999","13499","GS: 13499",,,"52E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10976686
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ATPCL(CT18257)" 204737,"4/7/1999","13500","GS: 13500",,,"30A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9034303
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9584(CT27056)" 204738,"4/7/1999","13501","GS: 13501",,,"85C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4739267
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204739,"4/7/1999","13502","GS: 13502",,,"86E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7224396
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5276(CT16849)" 204740,"4/7/1999","13503","GS: 13503",,,"73B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16561847
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3971(CT13185)" 204741,"4/7/1999","13504","GS: 13504",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5718841
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 204742,"4/7/1999","13505","GS: 13505",,,"45A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4066896
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204743,"4/7/1999","13506","GS: 13506",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11002612
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"JIL-1(CT19712)" 204744,"4/7/1999","13507","GS: 13507",,,"97B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22272032
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204745,"4/7/1999","13510","GS: 13510",,,"23B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2689307
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme inhibitor
",,,"CG2862(CT9802)" 204746,"4/7/1999","13512","GS: 13512",,,"44D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3701823
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG8732(CT25221)" 204747,"4/7/1999","13513","GS: 13513",,,"38E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20455482
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG2611(CT8871)" 204748,"4/7/1999","13514","GS: 13514",,,"61D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 746735
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204749,"4/7/1999","13515","GS: 13515",,,"49C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7781341
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"sca(CT33383)" 204750,"4/7/1999","13516","GS: 13516",,,"24A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3550528
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"for(CT42452)" 204751,"4/7/1999","13517","GS: 13517",,,"85B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4560212
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8223(CT24433)" 204752,"4/7/1999","13518","GS: 13518",,,"45C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4283398
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"hig(CT6282)" 204753,"4/7/1999","13519","GS: 13519",,,"35F10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16185109
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"BcDNA.LD12474(CT14482)" 204754,"4/7/1999","13521","GS: 13521",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939877
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 204755,"4/29/1999","13523","GS: 13523",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678453
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204756,"4/7/1999","13525","GS: 13525",,,"88E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11006518
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG6499(CT20235)" 204757,"4/7/1999","13526","GS: 13526",,,"75A10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17847386
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip75B(CT24290)" 204758,"4/7/1999","13529","GS: 13529",,,"91D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14687810
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14290(CT33919)" 204759,"4/7/1999","13530","GS: 13530",,,"85C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4800671
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"anon-EST:fe1E9(CT32126)" 204760,"4/7/1999","13531","GS: 13531",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13814233
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15084(CT34959)" 204761,"4/7/1999","13532","GS: 13532",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7984877
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204762,"4/7/1999","13533","GS: 13533",,,"43E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2673273
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204763,"4/7/1999","13534","GS: 13534",,,"85F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5904591
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"Fragile-X-related(CT17036)" 204764,"4/7/1999","13535","GS: 13535",,,"2B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1678453
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204765,"4/7/1999","13536","GS: 13536",,,"75D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18699485
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204766,"4/7/1999","13537","GS: 13537",,,"92B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15589474
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204767,"4/7/1999","13539","GS: 13539",,,"66D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8439275
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6776(CT21027)" 204768,"4/7/1999","13543","GS: 13543",,,"53E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11926517
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"CG15610(CT35746)" 204769,"4/7/1999","13544","GS: 13544",,,"34A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12721807
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204770,"4/7/1999","13546","GS: 13546",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7361496
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204771,"4/7/1999","13547","GS: 13547",,,"85D22","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5309332
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"RhoL(CT26615)" 204772,"4/7/1999","13548","GS: 13548",,,"56A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13934810
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18608(CT42563)" 204773,"4/7/1999","13549","GS: 13549",,,"65E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7091678
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204774,"4/7/1999","13550","GS: 13550",,,"46D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5077131
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG18445(CT42020)" 204775,"4/7/1999","13551","GS: 13551",,,"24C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3722551
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3920(CT9724)" 204776,"4/7/1999","13552","GS: 13552",,,"84D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3182064
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204777,"4/7/1999","13553","GS: 13553",,,"55F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13814234
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG15084(CT34959)" 204778,"4/7/1999","13554","GS: 13554",,,"48F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7175615
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Cct5(CT24731)" 204779,"4/7/1999","13555","GS: 13555",,,"83E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2233643
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204780,"4/7/1999","13557","GS: 13557",,,"71C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15408778
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7841(CT23788)" 204781,"4/7/1999","13558","GS: 13558",,,"85F8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5840661
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11722(CT31938)" 204782,"4/7/1999","13559","GS: 13559",,,"96E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21213133
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG5127(CT16445)" 204783,"4/7/1999","13560","GS: 13560",,,"55B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13147097
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"Dgp-1(CT18019)" 204784,"4/7/1999","13561","GS: 13561",,,"56F16","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15212403
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG10444(CT29322)" 204785,"4/7/1999","13562","GS: 13562",,,"49D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7862705
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204786,"4/7/1999","13563","GS: 13563",,,"21C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 407236
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ebi(CT13462)" 204787,"4/7/1999","13564","GS: 13564",,,"23D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2974815
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"BcDNA:GH07626(CT11871)" 204788,"4/7/1999","13565","GS: 13565",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22559386
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204789,"4/7/1999","13566","GS: 13566",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518888
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204790,"4/7/1999","13567","GS: 13567",,,"73B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16614057
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Dab(CT27400)" 204791,"4/7/1999","13568","GS: 13568",,,"35C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14946922
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"TfIIS(CT12441)" 204792,"4/7/1999","13570","GS: 13570",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 244285
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204793,"4/7/1999","13571","GS: 13571",,,"67D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10282603
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204794,"4/7/1999","13572","GS: 13572",,,"30C2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9542990
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204795,"4/7/1999","13573","GS: 13573",,,"99D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25728952
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7920(CT6599)" 204796,"4/7/1999","13574","GS: 13574",,,"95D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19846200
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG10716(CT30033)" 204797,"4/7/1999","13575","GS: 13575",,,"46C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4997559
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): translation factor
",,,"CG12131(CT7734)" 204798,"4/7/1999","13577","GS: 13577",,,"48D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6913726
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204799,"4/7/1999","13578","GS: 13578",,,"68D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11738099
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204800,"4/7/1999","13579","GS: 13579",,,"62A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1526332
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG1049(CT1092)" 204801,"4/7/1999","13581","GS: 13581",,,"95B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19409811
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204802,"4/7/1999","13582","GS: 13582",,,"26A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5719301
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9171(CT26212)" 204803,"4/7/1999","13583","GS: 13583",,,"99D4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25728890
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7920(CT6599)" 204804,"4/7/1999","13585","GS: 13585",,,"84E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3901874
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204805,"4/7/1999","13586","GS: 13586",,,"87E12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9205850
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204806,"4/7/1999","13587","GS: 13587",,,"65E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7069723
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204807,"4/7/1999","13588","GS: 13588",,,"26A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5862308
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Gpdh(CT25964)" 204808,"4/7/1999","13589","GS: 13589",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12432874
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14478(CT34189)" 204809,"4/7/1999","13590","GS: 13590",,,"43F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2865899
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG12822(CT31953)" 204810,"4/7/1999","13591","GS: 13591",,,"95B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19492872
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): structural protein
",,,"CG10225(CT28739)" 204811,"4/7/1999","13594","GS: 13594",,,"70E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14527981
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"RecQ5(CT15495)" 204812,"4/7/1999","13596","GS: 13596",,,"61C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 308885
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204813,"4/7/1999","13597","GS: 13597",,,"46E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5152718
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204814,"4/7/1999","13598","GS: 13598",,,"25D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5157604
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"tkv(CT33585)" 204815,"4/7/1999","13599","GS: 13599",,,"76D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19760825
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204816,"3/17/1999","13600","GS: 13600",,,"79E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22247000
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11452(CT36241)" 204817,"3/17/1999","13601","GS: 13601",,,"94E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18992722
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG6755(CT20983)" 204818,"3/17/1999","13602","GS: 13602",,,"87B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8200927
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG5196(CT16559)" 204819,"3/17/1999","13603","GS: 13603",,,"28A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7474930
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204820,"3/17/1999","13605","GS: 13605",,,"66E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8873643
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG5735(CT17928)" 204821,"4/7/1999","13606","GS: 13606",,,"37B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18834975
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG10441(CT29304)" 204822,"3/17/1999","13607","GS: 13607",,,"82B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 230755
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG14648(CT34420)" 204823,"4/7/1999","13608","GS: 13608",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22888852
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5889(CT18483)" 204824,"3/17/1999","13610","GS: 13610",,,"79F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22642683
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204825,"3/17/1999","13611","GS: 13611",,,"57F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16599562
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204826,"3/17/1999","13612","GS: 13612",,,"57D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16316498
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204827,"3/17/1999","13613","GS: 13613",,,"55E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13602988
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG5477(CT17370)" 204828,"3/17/1999","13614","GS: 13614",,,"95C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19566527
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204829,"3/17/1999","13617","GS: 13617",,,"88E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10998765
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"CG6535(CT20331)" 204830,"3/31/1999","13618","GS: 13618",,,"83A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1328349
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10544(CT29162)" 204831,"3/17/1999","13619","GS: 13619",,,"61C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 308803
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG6994(CT21636)" 204832,"3/17/1999","13620","GS: 13620",,,"87C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8253013
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA-directed RNA polymerase III
",,,"CG12267(CT16992)" 204833,"3/31/1999","13622","GS: 13622",,,"68A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11009231
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"JIL-1(CT19712)" 204834,"3/17/1999","13623","GS: 13623",,,"100E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 27458604
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"awd(CT7286)" 204835,"3/17/1999","13624","GS: 13624",,,"58D7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17339962
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204836,"3/17/1999","13628","GS: 13628",,,"70A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13143457
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204837,"3/17/1999","13629","GS: 13629",,,"43F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2862810
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA repair protein
",,,"Phr(CT31302)" 204838,"3/17/1999","13631","GS: 13631",,,"26B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5964367
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"ade2(CT26156)" 204839,"3/17/1999","13632","GS: 13632",,,"59E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18485974
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG17280(CT38245)" 204840,"3/17/1999","13636","GS: 13636",,,"85F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5781246
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG11676(CT36697)" 204841,"3/17/1999","13637","GS: 13637",,,"102F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 945251
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204842,"3/31/1999","13638","GS: 13638",,,"85C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4965428
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pum(CT27559)" 204843,"3/31/1999","13639","GS: 13639",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 113120
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1201(CT1275)" 204844,"3/17/1999","13640","GS: 13640",,,"36A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16516278
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14722)" 204845,"3/17/1999","13641","GS: 13641",,,"92B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15642634
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204846,"3/17/1999","13642","GS: 13642",,,"27C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6807831
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10354(CT28994)" 204847,"3/17/1999","13643","GS: 13643",,,"59F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18518842
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204848,"3/17/1999","13644","GS: 13644",,,"55F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13842002
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204849,"3/17/1999","13645","GS: 13645",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16519459
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"grp(CT14720)" 204850,"3/17/1999","13646","GS: 13646",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22888883
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5889(CT18483)" 204851,"3/17/1999","13647","GS: 13647",,,"26D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6329513
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204852,"3/17/1999","13648","GS: 13648",,,"89A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11423538
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204853,"3/31/1999","13649","GS: 13649",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20634754
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11399(CT31823)" 204854,"3/17/1999","13650","GS: 13650",,,"87A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7749214
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204855,"3/17/1999","13651","GS: 13651",,,"25C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4946466
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"vkg(CT25584)" 204856,"3/31/1999","13655","GS: 13655",,,"64F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5713485
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG5505(CT17448)" 204857,"3/17/1999","13656","GS: 13656",,,"28D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7709779
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell adhesion
",,,"LanB1(CT22015)" 204858,"3/31/1999","13657","GS: 13657",,,"83E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2152031
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204859,"3/17/1999","13659","GS: 13659",,,"88E13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11084828
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG6236(CT19548)" 204860,"3/17/1999","13660","GS: 13660",,,"38F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20732105
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG18078(CT40551)" 204861,"3/31/1999","13662","GS: 13662",,,"93D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17047207
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204862,"3/17/1999","13663","GS: 13663",,,"47A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5583740
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204863,"3/17/1999","13664","GS: 13664",,,"100B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26767521
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"anon-l(CT4906)" 204864,"3/17/1999","13665","GS: 13665",,,"28E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8002290
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204865,"3/17/1999","13668","GS: 13668",,,"64F1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5713368
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): endopeptidase
",,,"CG5505(CT17448)" 204866,"4/29/1999","13670","GS: 13670",,,"99D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 25646795
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG7866(CT23826)" 204867,"3/17/1999","13671","GS: 13671",,,"50F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9321164
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204868,"3/17/1999","13672","GS: 13672",,,"66E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8888966
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG5026(CT16145)" 204869,"3/17/1999","13673","GS: 13673",,,"79F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22559886
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204870,"3/17/1999","13674","GS: 13674",,,"46A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4720385
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Uba1(CT5340)" 204871,"3/17/1999","13675","GS: 13675",,,"37B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18818939
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10641(CT29802)" 204872,"3/17/1999","13676","GS: 13676",,,"89A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11562561
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"alpha-Man-IIb(CT14868)" 204873,"3/31/1999","13677","GS: 13677",,,"78A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20874873
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204874,"3/31/1999","13678","GS: 13678",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7360046
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG6783(CT21061)" 204875,"3/31/1999","13679","GS: 13679",,,"36A9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16626641
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG13270(CT32554)" 204876,"3/31/1999","13680","GS: 13680",,,"77E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20634748
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11399(CT31823)" 204877,"3/31/1999","13681","GS: 13681",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7362051
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204878,"3/31/1999","13683","GS: 13683",,,"91F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14939833
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cytoskeletal structural protein
",,,"CG5555(CT17494)" 204879,"3/31/1999","13685","GS: 13685",,,"39E7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21413183
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204880,"3/31/1999","13687","GS: 13687",,,"57C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16037756
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204881,"3/31/1999","13688","GS: 13688",,,"95C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19630322
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Pli(CT16667)" 204882,"3/31/1999","13689","GS: 13689",,,"61C9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 666458
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG3371(CT11327)" 204883,"3/31/1999","13690","GS: 13690",,,"75B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17886510
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip75B(CT24290)" 204884,"3/31/1999","13693","GS: 13693",,,"55C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13404941
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG5186(CT16607)" 204885,"3/31/1999","13694","GS: 13694",,,"94C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18406580
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204886,"3/31/1999","13695","GS: 13695",,,"64B17","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4600538
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Rpd3(CT1177)" 204887,"3/31/1999","13697","GS: 13697",,,"96F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21620846
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:LD19727(CT19213)" 204888,"3/31/1999","13699","GS: 13699",,,"97E11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22888847
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG5889(CT18483)" 204889,"3/31/1999","13700","GS: 13700",,,"21B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 150147
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11455(CT36251)" 204890,"3/31/1999","13701","GS: 13701",,,"94C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18366860
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"loco(CT15814)" 204891,"3/31/1999","13703","GS: 13703",,,"77C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20369088
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG5059(CT16233)" 204892,"3/31/1999","13704","GS: 13704",,,"42A13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1518978
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG12110(CT6556)" 204893,"3/31/1999","13705","GS: 13705",,,"67B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9381743
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG3628(CT12069)" 204894,"3/31/1999","13706","GS: 13706",,,"43D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2587887
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204895,"3/31/1999","13707","GS: 13707",,,"43C4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2501237
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"myo-inositol-1-phosphate-synthase(CT31151)" 204896,"3/31/1999","13708","GS: 13708",,,"91A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14162604
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG7683(CT23189)" 204897,"3/31/1999","13709","GS: 13709",,,"60A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18788269
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"bgcn(CT38864)" 204898,"3/31/1999","13710","GS: 13710",,,"52B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10593042
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204899,"3/31/1999","13712","GS: 13712",,,"49B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7594734
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"amphiphysin(CT25009)" 204900,"4/29/1999","13714","GS: 13714",,,"69B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12323815
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG4392(CT14260)" 204901,"3/31/1999","13715","GS: 13715",,,"37C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19020863
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"drl(CT30136)" 204902,"3/31/1999","13716","GS: 13716",,,"75D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18673564
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): receptor
",,,"ftz-F1(CT13432)" 204903,"3/31/1999","13717","GS: 13717",,,"66D11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8596084
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"h(CT20229)" 204904,"3/31/1999","13718","GS: 13718",,,"44F11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3975668
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): function unknown
",,,"CG13745(CT33221)" 204905,"3/31/1999","13719","GS: 13719",,,"55C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13314785
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204906,"3/31/1999","13720","GS: 13720",,,"36F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18159118
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204907,"3/31/1999","13722","GS: 13722",,,"85D25","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5357682
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204908,"3/31/1999","13723","GS: 13723",,,"90C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13702199
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204909,"3/31/1999","13724","GS: 13724",,,"71E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15494034
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204910,"3/31/1999","13727","GS: 13727",,,"62A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1496438
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204911,"3/31/1999","13729","GS: 13729",,,"65D5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6900066
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"sgl(CT28337)" 204912,"3/31/1999","13730","GS: 13730",,,"62B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1773522
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"alpha-Spec(CT6173)" 204913,"3/31/1999","13732","GS: 13732",,,"60E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19822844
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): peptidase
",,,"CG10142(CT9828)" 204914,"3/31/1999","13733","GS: 13733",,,"28E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7932521
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"WD-40-family-member(CT22739)" 204915,"3/31/1999","13735","GS: 13735",,,"36A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16548400
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): electron transfer
",,,"Cyt-c1(CT32547)" 204917,"3/31/1999","13738","GS: 13738",,,"62B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1864121
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"Aprt(CT41563)" 204918,"3/31/1999","13739","GS: 13739",,,"60A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18808255
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"ken(CT17620)" 204919,"3/31/1999","13740","GS: 13740",,,"96E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21213126
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG5127(CT16445)" 204920,"3/31/1999","13741","GS: 13741",,,"57C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16037675
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204921,"3/31/1999","13742","GS: 13742",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7366465
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"CG14709(CT34500)" 204922,"3/31/1999","13743","GS: 13743",,,"68A7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11083594
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): signal transduction
",,,"CG7624(CT23263)" 204923,"3/31/1999","13744","GS: 13744",,,"83B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1495679
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): motor protein
",,,"CG1347(CT3066)" 204924,"3/31/1999","13745","GS: 13745",,,"99A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24879532
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204925,"3/31/1999","13746","GS: 13746",,,"85E5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5511346
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"CG9489(CT42338)" 204926,"3/31/1999","13747","GS: 13747",,,"60B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19024538
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"BcDNA:LD21643(CT10841)" 204927,"3/31/1999","13748","GS: 13748",,,"27C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6807740
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG10354(CT28994)" 204928,"3/31/1999","13749","GS: 13749",,,"29C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8347997
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG13399(CT32745)" 204929,"3/31/1999","13750","GS: 13750",,,"98C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24065135
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204930,"3/31/1999","13751","GS: 13751",,,"67B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9304619
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): chaperone
",,,"Hsp27(CT14530)" 204931,"3/31/1999","13752","GS: 13752",,,"42A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1258465
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein kinase
",,,"Src42A(CT2448)" 204932,"3/31/1999","13753","GS: 13753",,,"68C7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11471869
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11711(CT36749)" 204933,"3/31/1999","13754","GS: 13754",,,"82D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 649294
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ribosomal protein
",,,"CG14657(CT34435)" 204934,"3/31/1999","13756","GS: 13756",,,"53A5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11310405
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"Vha44(CT24078)" 204935,"3/31/1999","13757","GS: 13757",,,"57B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15555675
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG10439(CT29314)" 204936,"3/31/1999","13758","GS: 13758",,,"97E8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22849718
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BcDNA:GH07346(CT18234)" 204937,"3/31/1999","13759","GS: 13759",,,"39B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20976385
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG9243(CT8315)" 204938,"3/31/1999","13762","GS: 13762",,,"63D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3435901
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG11513(CT36381)" 204939,"3/31/1999","13763","GS: 13763",,,"85C6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4859866
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11033(CT30887)" 204940,"3/31/1999","13764","GS: 13764",,,"26D1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6329506
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204941,"3/31/1999","13765","GS: 13765",,,"83E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 2034775
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204942,"3/31/1999","13766","GS: 13766",,,"76D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19660912
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG14104(CT33697)" 204943,"3/31/1999","13768","GS: 13768",,,"28E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7984356
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme inhibitor
",,,"Mcr(CT23155)" 204944,"4/7/1999","13769","GS: 13769",,,"58F2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 17575496
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"CG3875(CT12835)" 204945,"3/31/1999","13771","GS: 13771",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5898728
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"chic(CT36595)" 204946,"3/31/1999","13772","GS: 13772",,,"60A15","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18932989
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG3860(CT12843)" 204947,"3/31/1999","13773","GS: 13773",,,"24A3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3564495
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204948,"4/7/1999","13774","GS: 13774",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6161338
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204949,"4/7/1999","13775","GS: 13775",,,"80A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22829562
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"nrm(CT16082)" 204950,"4/7/1999","13777","GS: 13777",,,"61F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1281393
Location (tagged genes): Exon
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Rac1(CT7458)" 204951,"3/31/1999","13778","GS: 13778",,,"30F5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9909513
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204952,"4/7/1999","13779","GS: 13779",,,"68D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11738128
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204953,"3/31/1999","13780","GS: 13780",,,"57B3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15635930
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204954,"4/7/1999","13781","GS: 13781",,,"88B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10035244
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): DNA binding
",,,"trx(CT25007)" 204955,"3/31/1999","13783","GS: 13783",,,"50C11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8803506
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204956,"4/7/1999","13784","GS: 13784",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 113120
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG1201(CT1275)" 204957,"3/31/1999","13787","GS: 13787",,,"22B9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1938517
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204958,"3/31/1999","13788","GS: 13788",,,"34B12","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13412517
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204959,"3/31/1999","13792","GS: 13792",,,"54C3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12419332
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"BcDNA:LD23181(CT20377)" 204960,"3/31/1999","13794","GS: 13794",,,"49A8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7475141
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204961,"3/31/1999","13795","GS: 13795",,,"44D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3650526
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204962,"4/7/1999","13796","GS: 13796",,,"99A1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 24844835
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG11880(CT34242)" 204963,"3/31/1999","13798","GS: 13798",,,"79E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 22106264
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transmembrane receptor
",,,"Csp(CT19114)" 204964,"3/31/1999","13799","GS: 13799",,,"60B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 18984739
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"tsr(CT13858)" 204965,"3/31/1999","13800","GS: 13800",,,"55C13","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13404368
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG16859(CT37450)" 204966,"3/31/1999","13801","GS: 13801",,,"47C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5890884
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204967,"3/31/1999","13802","GS: 13802",,,"45A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4066892
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204968,"3/31/1999","13803","GS: 13803",,,"61A4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 112461
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"Pk61C(CT2222)" 204969,"3/31/1999","13804","GS: 13804",,,"21B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 109587
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204970,"3/31/1999","13805","GS: 13805",,,"100B8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26935034
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG12054(CT4004)" 204971,"3/31/1999","13806","GS: 13806",,,"60E6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19899252
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204972,"3/31/1999","13809","GS: 13809",,,"50A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8436228
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204973,"3/31/1999","13811","GS: 13811",,,"53B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11362947
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204974,"3/31/1999","13813","GS: 13813",,,"49B2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7573132
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"CG8594(CT24999)" 204975,"3/31/1999","13814","GS: 13814",,,"46C10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4984195
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204976,"3/31/1999","13816","GS: 13816",,,"83B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1426635
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2922(CT7116)" 204977,"4/7/1999","13817","GS: 13817",,,"84F6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4060981
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204978,"3/31/1999","13818","GS: 13818",,,"45A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4021746
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204979,"3/31/1999","13819","GS: 13819",,,"87E10","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9156875
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG9796(CT27692)" 204980,"3/31/1999","13821","GS: 13821",,,"26B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5899354
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"chic(CT36595)" 204981,"4/7/1999","13826","GS: 13826",,,"100A2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26315433
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG2246(CT7046)" 204982,"4/7/1999","13829","GS: 13829",,,"70B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13402357
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204983,"4/7/1999","13830","GS: 13830",,,"87B14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8200927
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"CG5196(CT16559)" 204984,"4/7/1999","13831","GS: 13831",,,"21B4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 244143
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204985,"4/7/1999","13832","GS: 13832",,,"99F4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 26100765
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"Fer1HCH(CT6417)" 204986,"4/7/1999","13835","GS: 13835",,,"61F7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 1314111
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG2211(CT7280)" 204987,"4/7/1999","13836","GS: 13836",,,"38E9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 20639904
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG9332(CT5232)" 204988,"4/7/1999","13837","GS: 13837",,,"52F3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 11119954
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"BcDNA:LD21177(CT18980)" 204989,"4/7/1999","13838","GS: 13838",,,"71E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15494014
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204990,"4/7/1999","13839","GS: 13839",,,"51E3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 10108109
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204991,"4/7/1999","13841","GS: 13841",,,"55B7","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 13116916
Location (tagged genes): 5'UTR
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"pAbp(CT16411)" 204992,"4/7/1999","13843","GS: 13843",,,"24E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4200856
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): protein phosphatase
",,,"CG15426(CT35488)" 204993,"4/7/1999","13844","GS: 13844",,,"65A6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 6160791
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"LanA(CT28769)" 204994,"4/7/1999","13848","GS: 13848",,,"72D9","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16065242
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204995,"4/7/1999","13851","GS: 13851",,,"66C8","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 8282672
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): enzyme
",,,"CG7176(CT22167)" 204996,"4/7/1999","13855","GS: 13855",,,"44D2","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 3650533
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 204997,"4/7/1999","13857","GS: 13857",,,"67B5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 9424812
Location (tagged genes): Upstream
Function / Process (tagged genes): transporter
",,,"CG3424(CT11525)" 204998,"4/7/1999","13858","GS: 13858",,,"56D6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 14388008
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): actin binding
",,,"hts(CT41929)" 204999,"4/7/1999","13859","GS: 13859",,,"25C1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 4922509
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"CG8895(CT25554)" 205000,"4/7/1999","13861","GS: 13861",,,"69E1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 12706259
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): cell cycle regulator
",,,"CG10967(CT30713)" 205001,"4/7/1999","13862","GS: 13862",,,"35D3","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 15438896
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ?
",,,"BG:DS04862.2(CT35200)" 205002,"4/7/1999","13863","GS: 13863",,,"47A11","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 5562692
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"lola(CT3755)" 205003,"4/7/1999","13864","GS: 13864",,,"78C5","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 21088992
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): transcription factor
",,,"Eip78C(CT40336)" 205004,"4/7/1999","13865","GS: 13865",,,"73E4","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 16930767
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205005,"4/7/1999","13867","GS: 13867",,,"38B6","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 19921776
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): RNA binding
",,,"neb(CT30035)" 205006,"4/7/1999","13868","GS: 13868",,,"86E14","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 7359705
Location (tagged genes): Intron
Function / Process (tagged genes): ligand binding or carrier
",,,"CG6783(CT21061)" 205007,"4/7/1999","13869","GS: 13869",,,"82B1","GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector: GSV6
Nucleotide map: 228092
Location (tagged genes): Undefined(UTR or exon)
Function / Process (tagged genes): ion channel
",,,"CG14647(CT34419)" 205008,"2/24/1999","9456","GS: 9456",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205009,"2/24/1999","9738","GS: 9738",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205010,"2/17/1999","10117","GS: 10117",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205011,"3/10/1999","10825","GS: 10825",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205012,"3/3/1999","11512","GS: 11512",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205013,"3/24/1999","11699","GS: 11699",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205014,"3/31/1999","12111","GS: 12111",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205015,"3/31/1999","12162","GS: 12162",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205016,"3/17/1999","12348","GS: 12348",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205017,"3/17/1999","12395","GS: 12395",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205018,"3/17/1999","12428","GS: 12428",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205019,"4/7/1999","13021","GS: 13021",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205020,"4/7/1999","13085","GS: 13085",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205021,"3/17/1999","13153","GS: 13153",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205022,"3/17/1999","13184","GS: 13184",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205023,"3/31/1999","13301","GS: 13301",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205024,"3/17/1999","13321","GS: 13321",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205025,"3/17/1999","13325","GS: 13325",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205026,"3/31/1999","13334","GS: 13334",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205027,"3/17/1999","13635","GS: 13635",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 205028,"3/31/1999","13691","GS: 13691",,,,"GS lines. Received from Tokyo Metropolitan University.",,,,,"Vector:
Nucleotide map:
Location (tagged genes):
Function / Process (tagged genes):
",,, 900001,,"S130","Drosophila simulans",,,,,,,,,"Lankenan Yale",,, 900002,,"S134","Drosophila simulans",,,,,,,,,"Kenya, Kericho-5 1995",,, 900003,,"S139","Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +",,,,,,,,,"Kenya, Molo-6 1995",,, 900004,,"S140","Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +",,,,,,,,,"Kenya, Molo-8 1995",,, 900005,,"S141","Drosophila simulans",,,,,,,,,"Kenya, Molo-9 1995",,, 900006,,"S144","Drosophila simulans",,,,,,,,,"Kenya, Nairobi area-6 1995",,, 900007,,"S145","Drosophila simulans",,,,,,,,,"Kenya, Nairobi area-4 1995",,, 900009,,"S148","Drosophila simulans",,,,,,,,,"C167.4",,,