Searching Stock Lists on FlyBase

All stock lists contain stock numbers, genotypes, and stock center name. Some lists contain additional searchable information such as aberration breakpoints, transposon insertion sites, stock donors, and assorted comments (see the Stocks section of the FlyBase Reference Manual for information on individual stock lists). General search rules and genotype formatting conventions are provided below, followed by a set of examples that illustrate generally useful query strategies. Search strings are italicized in the examples.

Keep in mind that a query may not be the best way to find the information you need. The Bloomington and Szeged homepages contain an assortment of files organized for browsing.

General Search Rules

The full stock record will be displayed only when a single stock is found that meets your search criteria. Otherwise, a list of record titles including stock number, stock center, and genotype, which may be truncated, is returned if matches were found. Click on a stock number to see the complete record for that stock, or use the Batch options at the bottom of the page to retrieve multiple records at a time. The Refine query option at the bottom of the page allows you to do a secondary search on the search results if needed.


When using 'or' and 'not', keep in mind that the string you use to include or eliminate records can appear in any field of the record, not just the genotype field.