Drosophila Meetings
FlyBase will maintain listings of meetings and conferences of interest to the Drosophila
community. Please submit any such announcements as plain text files to:
Insect Immunity: The Post Genomic Era,
Roscoff, France, June 10 -- 14, 2006
15th EMBO Workshop on Mol. and Dev. Biol. of Drosophila,
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, June 18 -- 24, 2006
Drosophila Genetics and Genomics Course,
Hinxton, Cambridge, UK, June 21 -- July 5, 2006
Developmental Biology Conference,
Santa Cruz, CA, August 3 -- 7, 2006
European Drosophila Neurobiology Meeting,
Leuven, Belgium, September 2 -- 6, 2006
3rd London Fly Meeting,
London, UK, September 8, 2006
ICREA & IRB Joint Conference on Drosophila as a Model for Human Diseases,
Barcelona, Spain, October 5 -- 7, 2006
Drosophila Species Workshop VI,
Tucson, AZ, October 26 -- 29, 2006
48th Annual Drosophila Conference,
Philadelphia, PA, March 7 -- 11, 2007
20th European Drosophila Conference,
Vienna, Austria, September 12 -- 14, 2007
49th Annual Drosophila Conference,
San Diego, CA, April 2 -- 6, 2008